Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс
Оценка 4.6

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс

Оценка 4.6
Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс
Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс _Starlight_.docx

УМК Starlight 7 класс

Входной мониторинг индивидуальных учебных достижений




Фамилия, имя


1.    Choose the correct item.


1.  A bite from a ______ snake can be dangerous.

    a) fatal                 c) poisonous

    b) Innocent          d) strange

2.  You should always cross the road at the ______ .

a) level crossing        c) cycle lane

     b) Zebra crossing       d) pavement

3.  Policemen must always ____ the law.

     a) obey              c) volunteer

     b) follow            d) help

4.  I like _____ eggs for breakfast.

a)    baked         c) scrambled

b) thick            d) creamy

5.  The chicken comes with a _____ order of rice.

a)    fast         c) side

b) cold        d) top

6.  This café _______ Spanish food.

a)    shows               c) serves

b) orders              d) gives

7.  Americans celebrate Thaksgiving with a big _______ .

a)    harvest          c) hunt

b) crop               d) feast

8.  Alexander the Great _____many countries in battle.


a)     explored    c) won

       a)invented    d) conquered

9.        The pilgrims _____ In America.

    a) discovered     c) explored

    b) settled             d) conquered

10.      We went on holiday and had the ___ of our lives.

a) experience     c) tour

b) journey           d) time

11.   The best part of the trip was the ______ scenery.

a) fun                        c) stunning

b) dangerous           d) tradinional

12. The Kremlin _______ many tourists every year.

a) enjoys          c) shares

b) attracts     d) encourages

13. We’ll ___________ the night at he camping site.

a) make            c)sleep

b) spend           d) stay

14. The beach was very ___________ with people.

a) full             c) liitle

b) awful         d) crowded

15. Don’t forget to get a________ of ice cream.

a) tub             c) carton

b) a tin            d) packet



________ (15)

 II.  Fill in the correct word from the table.


run          footage         view       designed          sweet  

make           accurate         pay       fresh    centre

1.      You can find ___________________ products at the market.

2.      The hotel had a great __________________ of the sea.

3.      Please______________ your bed before you go to school.

4.      The community _______________ offers many great activities.

5.      The pupil let his imagination _____________ wild while writing the essay.

6.      The coffee is too _______________. I can’t drink it!

7.      Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches are very ____________________________ .

8.      The architect ____________________ the buildings.

9.      Can I ___________ the bill now, please?

10. Some programmes use video __________________ from handheld cameras.


__________ (10)


III. Fill in than,  as or in and the correct comparative or superlative form.


Martin Hamble is a member of ___________________ ( famous) basketball team ___________ the world. He is ____________________ (tall) and ____________________ (young) player of the team. Martin is a very good player, but his friend Jim, is ____________________ (good) ____________ he is. Matthew Bodin is ___________________ (old) _____________ Jim and Martin and he is also __________     _________________ (fast) as they are. And Jeff is even ____________________ (fast) __________________ both of them He is _______________________ (exciting) player to watch and also _______________________________ (popular) member of the team.

______ (14)




IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (infinitive or gerund)

I’ve  always wanted _________________ (go) to China and last year my dream came true. I love _______________________ (travel). The travel agent suggested ___________________________ (visit) the Great Wall first. After _____________________ (see) Bejjing, we flew to Canton because it’s too far _______________________ (go) by train. I enjoyed ______________________ (fly)  over the rice fields and villages.

I have a penfriend in Canada. I really like ______________________ (meet) new people so I started __________________________ (write) letters four years ago. At the moment, I’m busy __________________________ (arrange) a trip to Canada. I want _____________________ (meet) my penfriend, Alan. I hope __________________ (go) sightseeing and I’m looking forward to ______________________ (stay) with Alan and his family.

______ (12)



V. Complete the sentences with the necessary modal verb.

shall     won’t     could     needn’t     will      can      must      couldn’t     mustn’t     can’t


1. Children _________________ be attentive while crossing the road.

2. When she was sixteen she _________________ run fast, but she can’t now.

3. Tigers ____________ fly.

4. ______________ we go for a walk?

5. _____________ you carry this bag for me?

6. You ______________________ put on a hat, it’s rather warm.

7. We _______________ talk during the exam.

8. _____________ I take your pen?

9. She _______________ go sing at the party because she was ill.

10. If you don’t study, you __________________ do well in the test.



__________ (10)

Задания и ответы с 1 варианта

1. Вставьте прилагательные в нужной форме.

1. Mary is (good) student in the class. a) gooder b)better c)the best 2. The elephant is (big) than the tiger. a) the biggest b)bigger c)more bigger 3. Tom is (lazy) pupil in the class. a) the laziest b)lazier c)lazy 4. Winter is (cold) season of the year. a) colder b) the coldest c)cold

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple.

Mary (to drink) coffee .

3. Выполните следующие задания.

1. He can`t talk to you now. He _________________ his homework. a) is doing b) does c) did

2. Yesterday they _________________ a good film. a) see b) are seeing c) saw

3. She ____________ a new dress yesterday. a) buys b) bought c) is buying

4. He left an hour _______. a) now b) ago c) at present

5. Would you like _____________ banana? a) a b) an c) some

6. This is Mark`s car. It`s ___________car. a) his b) he c) him

7. Her name is Anne. __________________is very tall. a) hers b) she c) her

8. I am ________home. a) at b)to c) in

9. She _________________ TV now. a) is watching b) watched c) watches

10. There are _____________ plates on the table. a) some b) any c) nothing

11. Mother is in the kitchen now. She _________________. a) cooked b) cooks c) is cooking

12. Dave ___________ a lovely day at the beach yesterday. a) has b) had c) is having

13. We_____already_____homework. a) did b) have done c) do

14. There are two ______________ in the kitchen. a) mouse b) mice c) mouses

15. This is ________________pencil. a) mine b) my c) me

16. Kate is __________ sister. a) John b) John`s c) Johns

17. ___________sea is blue. a) the b) a c) these

18. This cat is____________ a) your b) yours c) you

19. That car is _____________________. a) my b) mine c) me

20. _______Browns are a friendly family. a) — b) the c)a

4. Read the text and do the tasks below.

Hello I am Mary! I lead a busy life. I usually wake up at 7.30 am. I never have late nights. I always go to bed before 10 pm. When I go to school, I have a strict daily routine. My dad drives me to school. Lessons start at 8.30 am and finish at 2.30 pm. My brother picks me up from school and takes me home. Every Monday and Thursday, I have Spanish classes after school. On Wednesday and Saturday I play basketball. So I get home at 5 pm three times a week. In the afternoons, I do my homework and I read books or watch TV for half an hour before I go to bed. At the weekends, I go to the cinema with my friends or go on short trips to the countryside with my parents.

Put true or false:

Mary usually gets up at half past seven. Mary’s dad brings her at school. She has Italian classes every Monday and Thursday. She plays basketball on Wednesday only. She stays at home at the weekends.

Answer the questions.

1. Does she lead a busy life? 2. When do her lessons start? 3. When does she do her homework? 4. Does she go to bed late? 5. What does she do at the weekends? 5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. always/London/to/go/we/spring/in. 2. usually/stay/we/a/hotel/in. 3. never/our/with/grandparents/come/us. 4. we/restaurant/go/a/often/we/to/the/evenings/in.

Задания и ответы с 2 варианта

A. Underline the correct item

1. Kim and I are twins. She is my/her sister.
2. Jan is Poland/Polish.
3. They have music lessons at/in Monday.
4. Are there any/some shops in your neighbourhood?
5. Bob and Mary can ride/drive a bike.
6. My surname/team is Harris.
7. We wear a costume/uniform at school.
8. She has a shower and then/when she gets dressed.
9. I’m baking/doing a cake.
10. We dislike/exchange playing chess.
11. Kathy likes to have/take fun.
12. Tom gave/saw a ghost in the hall.
13. We heard/listened a strange noise.
14. George and Bill work close/together.
15. I’ll get a loaf/packet of biscuits at the shop.
16. Bake/fry the cake in the oven for 30 minutes.
17. Stella travels/is going to travel abroad next year.
18. I’m going to buy/hire a car to go sightseeing.
19. My brother is flying/visiting to Milan this weekend.
20. He’s got a broken leg so/because he can’t play football.

B. Choose the correct item

1. Look out! He …………… fall! A is B is going to

2. Do you …………… sugar in your coffee? A taking B take

3. Please keep the house …………… A clean B tall

4. That is the …………… tree in the forest. A taller B tallest

5. You ……………pay your rent every month. That’s the rule. A can’t B must

6. She …………… not feel; happy. A does B is

7. He …………… us new words A teach B teachers

8. She …………… the box and took out her present. A opens B opened

9. The festival …………… five days. A is B lasts

10. Can you put these flowers …………… a vase, please? A opposite B in

C. Choose the correct response

1. How do you like the fireworks?
A Yes, they are.
B They are brilliant.
2. May I have the menu, please?
A Here you are, Sir.
B Thanks for inviting.
3. What does it look like?
A Some money and camera
B It’s black with a silver handle.
4. Would you like to come to the concert with us tomorrow?
A Great! I’ll take it.
B Sounds great! What time?
5. Thank you very much.
A Don’t mention it.
B Not really.

D. Put the verb into Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. We (listen) to music at the moment.
2. How many languages you (to speak)? — Three.
3. Look! Sam (to draw) a picture.
4. I am sorry. I (not/ understand).
5. Sarah usually (walk) to school.

E. Read the text and answer the questions. My friend Karen is a very busy person. When she’s not doing her homework or studying, she is out having fun. On Tuesdays, she goes swimming after school. She practices a lot because she’s in the school team. Then, on Wednesdays, she goes to music club. On Thursdays, she meets her friends for a coffee in town. Then, on Fridays, she goes to the cinema or plays scrabble with her sister. At the weekend, Karen always spends time with her family. She usually helps her mum around the house and sometimes her dad takes her windsurfing. 1. What school team does Karen belong to? 2. What does she do on Wednesdays? 3. When does she meet her friends? 4. Which board game does Karen like to play? 5. Who does she spend her weekends with? 6. What activity does Karen do with her dad?


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УМК Starlight 7 класс Входной мониторинг индивидуальных учебных достижений

УМК Starlight 7 класс Входной мониторинг индивидуальных учебных достижений

II. Fill in the correct word from the table

II. Fill in the correct word from the table

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (infinitive or gerund)

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (infinitive or gerund)

Winter is (cold) season of the year

Winter is (cold) season of the year

This is ________________pencil

This is ________________pencil

Kim and I are twins. She is my/her sister

Kim and I are twins. She is my/her sister

C. Choose the correct response 1

C. Choose the correct response 1
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