Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
Оценка 5

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

Оценка 5
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку


                                 Snow White & 7 dwarfs

                                                     Scene 1

The Narrator:  Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They lived in peace and love with each other. It was spring. The birds were singing happily outside. But the Queen felt sad and unhappy, because they had no children.

Queen: Oh! How I would love to have a daughter with skin as white as the snow, cheeks as red as this flower and hair as black as this marble pillar.

The Narrator: A few months later a little girl was born. The girl was exactly the child the Queen had wished.

                                                       Scene 2

The Narrator: Snow White began to grow up & spent her time playing in the garden by the lake. However, one day the Queen fell ill.

King: My dear, you don’t look well, I am very worried about you & your health.

Queen ( in a weak voice): Yes, my dear King, but I’m very happy that we have such a lovely daughter!

King: Snow White is both good and beautiful! If only you were well, our lives would be complete!

Queen: Don’t be upset, my King, I leave you our lovely daughter Snow… (Unable to finish the sentence)

                                                     Scene 3

The Narrator: Some time later the King married another woman. She was very beautiful but very wicked. She had a magic mirror.

The New Queen: (holding up the magic mirror):Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of all?

The magic mirror: You are very beautiful but Snow White is more beautiful.

The Queen (angrily): Snow White? Well, we shall see! (She rings a bell. The hunter comes in)

The hunter: Yes, your Majesty?

The Queen: Take the Princess away into the woods & kill her!


The hunter: Dear Princess, your stepmother, the New Queen, has ordered me to kill you, but I can’t do it!

Snow White ( frightened ): Dear friend! Save my life & leave me to live here with the animals in the woods. They are not so cruel as my wicked stepmother. I swear never to return to the castle. I will find a place to hide myself.

The hunter: That will be the best! Your wicked stepmother will do anything to get rid of you because she is terribly jealous of your beauty!

Snow White: Thank you, my friend! Goodbye!

The hunter: Goodbye & good luck!

                                                              Scene 5

The Narrator: Snow White is alone in the woods and feels very scared but soon woodland animals come closer to keep her company. She goes along with them & soon finds herself in front of a little cottage. She pushes the door & stops in surprise .On the table there are 7 spoons, 7 knives & 7 glasses.

Snow White: Oh, everything is so small! And the table is laid for 7 persons! I’m so hungry! I’ll just eat & drink a little from each plate.(Eats & drinks) That’s enough! I’m so tired! I think I’ll have a rest. ( She lies down & falls asleep)

The Narrator:The 7 dwarfs return from work & gaze in astonishment around the room.

Dwarf 1: Who has been sitting on my chair?

Dwarf 2: Who has been eating my bread?

Dwarf 3: Who has been eating from my plate/

Dwarf 4: Who has been drinking from my glass?

Dwarf 5: Who has been cutting with my Knife?

Dwarf 6: Who has been using my fork?

Dwarf 7: Who is lying in my bed?

Dwarf 1: Someone is here! (The dwarfs run towards the sleeping Princess)


Dwarfs (all together): Oh, how beautiful she is!                        

                                      семь гномов

                                                Scene 6

( Snow White wakes up. She is quite frightened when she sees the dwarfs)

Snow White: Oh, seven dwarfs! I’m so glad to see you!

Dwarf 1: Who are you?

Snow White: My name is Snow White.

Dwarfs ( all together): What are you doing here?

Snow White: I ran away from the castle. My stepmother, the Queen wanted to kill me.

Dwarfs: (all together) Oh, poor child!

Snow White: I want to work for you.

Dwarf: Do you want to be a housekeeper?

Snow White: Yes, I can do a lot of things. I can cook food, make bread, clean the house,  make dresses and dance.

Dwarfs (all together): You are a good girl! You may stay with us!

                                             Scene 7

The Queen:( holding up the magic mirror): Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of all?

The mirror: Sorry, but the fairest in the land is Snow White!

The Queen: Snow White? Again? Well, I know what I will do!

                                           Scene 8

The Narrator: Early in the morning the dwarfs are getting ready to go off to the mountain to dig for gold.

Dwarf: Be careful, Snow White! Let nobody enter the cottage!

Dwarf: Don’t open the door to anybody!

Snow White: I promise you, my good friends!

Dwarfs: Good-bye, Snow White!

Snow White: Good-bye & good luck!

                                       Scene 9

The Narrator: One day an old woman comes up to the cottage. She has a basket full of apples. It is Snow White’s stepmother, she wants to poison the princess.

The old woman: ( She knocks at the door) Fine apples for sale! Sweet apples for sale!

Snow White: Good morning, a good woman!  What have you got for sale?

The  old woman: Fine apples, sweet apples!

Snow White: Well, give me an apple! ( She begins to eat. The apple is poisoned. Snow White falls down dead)

The old woman: Ha, ha, ha, Snow White! Now I’m the most beautiful of all!

                                      Scene 10

The Narrator: The seven dwarfs come back home. They are very frightened at seeing Snow White lying on the ground.

Dwarfs: Our dear Snow White is dead. ( The  dwarfs begin to cry)

Dwarf: That old woman must have been her stepmother.

Dwarf: Yes, her wicked stepmother.

Dwarf: Snow White is the king’s daughter.

Dwarf: We cannot bury her here.

Dwarfs: What shall we do?

                                       Scene 11

The Narrator: A handsome Prince comes to the cottage.

Prince: Good afternoon, my good men! Why are you crying?

Dwarfs: Our  dear Snow White is dead

Prince: Let me see! (He kneels beside Snow White & takes her hand into his hand. Snow White awakens)

Snow White: Where am I?

Prince: Don’t worry, my dear Snow White! You are safe with me! I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I love you. Will you be my wife?

Snow White: Oh, my dear Prince! I love you too. I’m so happy! Yes, I will be your wife.

Dwarf: Three cheers for Snow White & her Prince! Hurrah!

Dwarfs: Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

The Narrator: And they lived happily ever after!


                                    THE END



Snow White & 7 dwarfs

Snow White & 7 dwarfs

Scene 5 The Narrator: Snow White is alone in the woods and feels very scared but soon woodland animals come closer to keep her company

Scene 5 The Narrator: Snow White is alone in the woods and feels very scared but soon woodland animals come closer to keep her company

Dwarf: Be careful, Snow White!

Dwarf: Be careful, Snow White!
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