Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Вечер сказок

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  • 05.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Вечер сказок.docx

Вечер сказок

Цели: совершенствование навыков устной речи; тренировка навыков аудирования; поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: декорации и костюмы для инсценировки английских сказок.

Ход мероприятия

2. организационный момент

- Good evening, our dear guests! Today we shall have a party. Do you like to read fairy-tales? All children like to read fairytales or to listen to them. I am sure it is interesting to meet your favourite fairy-tale characters.

Учитель приветствует детей и сообщает им о проведении вечера сказок. Проведение данного мероприятия требует большой предварительной работы. Учитель разучивает с детьми слова и организует репетиции, помогает подготовить костюмы и декорации. На мероприятие «Вечер сказок» приглашаются родители ученики параллельных классов.

II. Инсценировка сказки "Little Red Hen"

Characters: Little Red Hen, three chickens - a son and two daughters, Cat, Dog, Duck.

Hen. Hello! I am a little Red Hen. My name is Jen, or Jen the

Hen. I have got three little chickens: one son and two daughters.

Son. Hello! My name is Cock. I am smalt.

Daughter 1. Hello! I am Polly. I am yellow.

Daughter 2. Hello! My name is Sally. I am very, very nice.

H e n. I have got three friends. They are a cat, a dog and a duck.

Cat. Hello! I am a cat. My name is Pam, or Pam the Cat. I am a big grey cat.

Dog. Hello! I am a dog. My name is Tug, or Tug the Dog. I am black and white. I am very big.

Duck. Hello! i am glad to see you. I am a Duck. My name is

Chuck, or Chuck the Duck. I am brown. I am big, too.

H e n . I have got five seeds. I want to plant the seeds. Help me to plant the seeds, my dear friends.

С a t. I don't want to help you. I want to play with a ball.

Dog. I don't want to help you. I want to run and jump.

Duck. I don't want to help you. I want to swim in the river.

Hen. Can you help me to plant the seeds, my dear children?

Chickens. Yes, we can. We can help you. We Love you very much. Let's plant the seeds.

Hen. Well done. Thank you very much.

(Цыплята и курица «сажают» семена. Кошка, пес и утка играют и веселятся.)

Н е n . I have many seeds now. I want to make bread. Help mе to make bread, my dear friends.

Cat. 1 don't want to help you to make bread. I want you to sing songs.

Dog. I don't want to help you. 1 want to dance with my friends.

Duck. I don't want to make bread. 1 want to play and have fun.

Hen. Can you help me to make bread, my little chickens?

C h i c k e n s . Of course, we can! We can do it with great


{Цыплята и курица «пекут» хлеб. Кошка, пес и утка играют и веселятся.)

Hen. I have same tasty bread now. Do you want to eat bread, my friends?

Cat. Yes, I do. I am hungry.

Dog. Of course, I do. I am very, very hungry.

Duck. Yes, I do. I am hungry, too.

Hen. But now I don't want you to give me the bread. I want to give the bread to my little chickens. They are very, very nice. They always help me.

III. Инсценировка сказки "The Turnip"

Characters: The storyteller, the Turnip, grandpa, grandma, granddaughter, the dog, the cat, the mouse, the sun, the rain.

S t o r y t e l l e r . Once upon a time there lived an old man. One

spring he sowed a turnip seed.

Grandpa. Grow, little turnip, grow big and sweet.

The s u n . Grow up, little turnip, grow up! It's warm!

The r a i n . Drink, little turnip, drink and grow!

S t o r y t e l l e r . Look, there are green leaves on the turnip. Soon the turnip will grow.

Grandpa. Oh, how big my turnip is, how big! I must pull it

out! (Тянет дед репку, а вытянуть не может, зовет на помощь

бабку.) Oh, dear! It's so big! So big! I can't pull it out! Grandmother,

come here and help me!

Grandma. What is that, my dear?

Grandpa. Help me to pull the turnip out!

Grandma. O'key. (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут.)

Granddaughter! Come here!

Granddaughter. Yes, Grandmother!

Grandma. Help me to pull the turnip out!

Granddaughter. O'key. (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть немогут.) Dog! Dog! Come here!

Dog. Bow-wow! What's up?! What's up?

A l l . Help us to pull the turnip out!

Dog. All right! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут.)

Cat. Can I help you? Can 1 help you?

A l l . Yes, dear cat! Help us, please! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут.) Little mouse, help us!

Mouse. I am small, but I am strong! 1 am small, but I am

strong! I will help you! One, two, three, pull!

A l l . One, two, three, pull!

T u r n i p . I am so big! I am so sweet!

Cat. Our turnip is so big!

Dog. Our turnip is so sweet!

Grandma. Let's take it home!

IV. Инсценировка сказки "The House in the Wood"

C h i l d 1

Here is a house in the wood.

A Mouse is running through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Mouse. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?

Frog. I do. Mouse. Who are you? Frog. I'm a

frog. Sorry, and who are you? Mouse. I'm a

mouse. Hello, Frog! Frog. Hello, Mouse! Mouse.

May I come in? Frog. Do, please. Come in.

Mouse. Thank you. (Входят в дом.)

C h i l d 2

Here is a house in the wood.

A Hare is running through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

H a r e . Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Frog.

Mouse: We do. Hare. Who are you?

Frog. I'm a frog.

Mouse. I'm a mouse. Sony, and who are you?

Hare. I'm a hare. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! May I come in?

Frog, Mouse. Do, please. Come in.

Hare. Thank you. {Входят в дом.)

C h i l d 3

Here is a house in the wood.

A Fox is running through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Fox. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Fro g, Mo us e,

Hare. We d o. Fox. Who are you? Frog. I'm a frog. Mouse.

I'm a mouse. Hare. I'm a hare. Sorry, and who are you? Fox.

I'm a fox. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! May I live with

you? •

A l l . Do, please. Come in.

Fox. Thank you. {Входят в дом.)

C h i l d 4

Here is a house in the wood.

A Wolf is running through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Wolf. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?

Frog, Mouse, Hare, Fox. We do.

Wolf. Who are you? Frog. I'm a frog.

Mouse. I'm a mouse. Hare. I'm a hare.

Fox. I'm a fox. Sorry, and who are you? Wolf. I'm a wolf.

Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Fox! May I live

with you? A l l . Do, please. Come in. Fox. Thank you. {Входят в


C h i l d 3

Here is a house in the wood.

A Bear is running through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

B e a r . Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Who are you?

Frog. I'm a frog.

Mouse. I'm a mouse.

Hare. I'm a hare.

Fox. I'm a fox.

Wolf. I'm a wolf. And who are you?

B e a r . I'm a bear. May I live with you?

A l l . No, you are too big! Run away! Run away! {Медведьубе-


C h i l d 6. Here is a house in the wood. A frog, a mouse, a

hare, a fox, a wolf live here! They are happy!

V. Инсценировка сказки "Who Lives in This House?"

C h i l d r e n . Who lives in this house? Isn't it a little mouse? Cat.

No, no. The little mouse doesn't live in this house.

C h i l d r e n . Who lives in this house?

Cat. Try to guess, try to guess. I shall sing you a song, it is not very long: "Mew-mew".

C h i l d r e n

A little cat lives in the house.

Not a pretty little mouse.

Cat, cat, come along,

We shall sing you this song: "Mew-mew".

C at

I'm a little kitty,

I like to tiptoe toe.

Won't you do it with me?

Ready now, let's go.

C h i l d r e n . Who lives in this house? Isn't it a little frog?

Rabbit. No, no. The little frog doesn't live in this house.

C h i l d r e n . Who lives in this house?

Rabbit. Try to guess, try to guess. 1 shall sing you a song, it

is not very long:

I am little and grey,

I like to hop, hop, hop.

Come on and do it with me.

It's fun, we'll never stop.

C h i l d r e n

A little rabbit lives in this house. We

shall hop, hop, hop. It's fun, we'll

never stop.

Who lives in this house?

Isn't it a big bear?

Elephant. No, no. The big bear doesn't live in this house.

C h i l d r e n . Who lives in this house?

E l e p h a n t

Try to guess, try to guess.

I'm grey and big, I take big

steps so slow. I'd like you

to join me, Ready now?

Let's go.

Children. A big elephant lives in this house. We shall join you,

elephant. Who lives in this house? Isn't it a little parrot? Dog. No,

no. The little parrot doesn't live in this house.

C h i l d r e n

I'm a little dog, I like to

run, and run. If you would

do it with me, We could

have such a fun.

VI. Инсценировка сказки "The Wolf and Seven Kids"

Characters: The storyteller, seven kids, mother goat, the wolf.

S t o r y t e l l e r . You know an old story about a wolf and seven  kids. Now the play begins! Mother Goat has a jug or a milk can in her hand. She wants to go to the market. All her kids are around her.

Mother Goat. Now, my dear children, I must go to the market and get some milk for you. You must sit still. You must not let anybody in. Lock the door and — good-bye! {Kisses them and goes away.)

Seven kids. Good-buy, good-buy! Come back soon!

S t o r y t e l l e r . Look! There is the big bad Wolf! {The Wolf comes up to the Goat's house.) He is at the door. He wants to eat the kids!

Wolf {in a loud, rough voice). Open the door! It's me, your mother! I have some milk for you!

Seven k i d s . No, no, you are not our mother!

1sl Kid. Our mother's voice is soft!

2 nd Kid. Our mother's voice is sweet!

3rd Kid. We must not open the door to anybody!

Wolf. You silly kids! {Goes away.)

Storyteller. And the Wolf goes and drinks some hot milk with a lot of butter in it. (The Wolf is in the background with a jug of milk in his hand.)

Mow his voice is soft, and he will go up to the Goat's house

Wolf (in a soft voice). Open the door, my dear children! It's me your mother! I have some sweets for you!

Seven Kids. No, no, you are not our mother!

5 th Kid. Your voice is soft, but it is not Mother's!

Wolf. But don't you want these nice sweets!

2nd Kid. We don't want any sweets from you!

Wolf. And I have some ice-cream for you!

3 rd Kid. We don't want any ice-cream from you!

Wolf. I have a lot of toys for you!

4lh Kid. We don't want any toys!

Wolf. Open the door or I shall break it!

5'h Kid. We are not afraid of you, you big bad Wolf! The Wolf goes away.

S t o r y t e l l e r . The Wolf isn't here now. He wants to find a very big stick. He wants to break the door.

1s t Kid. We are not afraid of the big bad Wolf! But we must fight him, if he comes back. (To the 2nd, 3rt, 4Ih and 5th Kids). You, and you, and you two, go and get a big stick. (To the 6th and 7ih Kids.)

And you two, take the pans and big spoons and... {Whispers somethingto them. They nod.) ... and stand behind the armchair. {They go to the armchair in the background.)

S t o r y t e l l e r . Do you hear? That is the Wolf again!

{The Wolf comes up to the door.)

Wolf. Do you give up?

Seven Kids. No, no!

Wolf. Then 1 will break the door!

Seven Kids. We are not afraid of you, big bad Wolf!

Wolf. Do you give up? One!

Seven Kids. No, no!

Wolf. Do you give up? Two!

Seven Kids. No, no!

Wolf. Do you give up? Three!

Seven Kids. No, no!

S t o r y t e l l e r . Band! The Wolf breaks the door! The Wolf goes into the room. The fight begins. The 4th and the 5lh Kids fall down. The Is1 Kid takes a trumpet and blows it. The 6th and the 7lh Kids jump up from behind the armchair and make an awful noise with their pans and spoons. The Wolf is frightened.

Wolf. Oh, what is that? What is that? I must run, I must run, quick, quick!

 (Не runs away. The Kids run up to the 4h and 5lh Kids, lift up and bandage. Mother Goat comes in.)

Mother Goat. Oh, what's the matter? What does all this mean?

1 s t Kid. Everything's all right, mother.

2 n d Kid. The Wolf wanted to eat us up!

3rd Kid. But it is not so easy to eat us up!

4th Kid. Mother, 1 am hurt!

5 t h Kid. And so am I!

(They all come closer to their mother, she kisses them.)

Mother Goat. Oh, my dear brave children! It's very good that you are not afraid of the Wolf. There are many wolves in the world, but if we fight all together, we shall win!

VII. Инсценировка сказки "Puff-the-Ball"

Characters: The storyteller, Puff-the-Ball, the hare, the wolf, the bear, the fox.

S t o r y t e l l e r . Once upon a time there lived Puff-the-Ball. He had a grandmother and a grandfather. He loved them, but one day he ran away.

P u f f - t h e - B a l l . I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

S t o r y t e l l e r . Then he met a Hare.

P u f f - t h e - B a l l . Hello! Who are you?

Hare. Hello! I'm a Hare. And who are you?

Puff-the-Ball. I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

Hare. Good! I will eat you!

Puff-the-Ball. Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you. (Играет музыка, Колобок танцует.)

S t o r y t e l l e r . And he runs away. Then he sees a wolf. Puff-the-Ball. Hello! Who are you?

Wolf. Hello! I'm a Wolf. I'm grey and I'm hungry. And who are you?

Puff-the-Ball. I' m Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

Wolf. I will eat you!

Puff-the-Ball. Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you.(Играет музыка, Колобок танцует.)

S t o r y t e l l e r . And Puff-the-Ball again runs away and sees a Bear.

P u f f - t h e - B a l l . Hello! Who are you?

Bear. Hello! I'm a Bear. I'm brown and very strong. And who аre you?

3 Puff-t h e - B a l l . I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

Bear. Good! I will eat you!

puff-the-Ball. Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you. (Играет музыка, Колобок танцует.)

S t o r y t e l l e r . And Puff-the-Ball again runs away and sees a Fox

Puff-the-Ball. Hello! Who are you?

Fox. Hello! I'm a Fox. I have a long tail. Who are you?

Puff-the-Ball. I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

Fox. Oh, very good! I will eat you!

Puff-the-Ball. Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you.

(Играет музыка, Колобок танцует.) Fox. Come to me, Puffthe-

ball. I can't see you. (Колобок подходит к лисе поближе и

танцует рядом с ней.) S t o r y t e l l e r . Then Fox eats Puff-the-Ball and runs away.

VIII. Инсценировка сказки "The Silly Chicken"

Characters:The Cock the Frog, the Hen, the Cat, Chicken Little, their son, the Rat.

(Chicken Little stands between the Cock and the Hen. The Hen has a wing on his head.)

Hen. Look, Father, how nice our little son is! (Chicken Little raises his head proudly.) Sonny, my dear sonny, say: "How do you do" to your father!

Chicken L i t t l e . How do you do, daddy!

Cock. How clever our son is!

Hen. Now, my darling, make a pretty bow! {Chicken Little makes a bow.)

Cock. Oh, my dear sonny, you are strong, you can do everything! (Chicken Little raises his head higher and sticks out his chest.)

Hen. Now I must go and get some crumbs and seeds for you, my dear little sonny-boy!

Cock. And I must go and cry "cock-a-doodle-doo".

Hen. My dear son, you may play here, in the yard!

Chicken L i t t l e . Yes, mummy! Good-bye, daddy!  (The Cock and the Hen go away.)

Chicken L i t t l e {walks up and down). I am clever, I am  strong. I can do everything! I am clever, 1 am strong, I can everything!

(The Frog jumps up to him!)

Frog. Croak, croak! Hello, Chicken Little!

Chicken L i t t l e . Hello, Frog! Look at me! I am clever, I am strong, I can do everything. Mammy says so, daddy says so.

Frog, Can you jump? Look! (He jumps across the stage.)

Chicken L i t t l e . Of course, I can! I can do everything i

Mummy and daddy say so! (He begins to jump, falls down and cries) I mummy, mummy! Oh, my leg!

Hen. I am here! Oh, my poor little chicken! (She bandages hisleg.) Now, now, here are some crumbs for you! (Chicken Little eatsthem up.) my poor little darling! (She goes away.)

(The Cat comes on the stage. Chicken Little crosses the stage. He cannot walk well.)

Cat. Miaow! Hello, Chicken Little! Are you ill?

Chicken L i t t l e . Hello, Cat. I am not ill. I am strong. I am

clever, I can do everything. Mummy and daddy say so.

Cat. And can you say "miaow"?

Chicken L i t t l e . I can do everything! Listen: peep, peep, peep!

Cat. But that is not "miaow", it is "peep, peep"! And can you catch rats?

C h i c k e n L i t t l e . Oh, yes. Yes, I can! 1 can do everything! (The Rat appears.)

Rat. Hello, hello, Chicken Little, can you catch me? Chicken Little, catch me, catch me! (The Rat runs, Chicken Little runs after it, then the Rat looks round, turns and runs after Chicken Little. It bites him on the head.)

Chicken L i t t l e (cries). Mummy, mummy, come here! My head, my head! Oh, oh, mummy!

(The Hen runs up to him.)

Wtn. Oh, my dear, oh, my poor little sonny-boy! Don't cry! (She bandages his head.) Here are some seeds for you! (Chicken Littte eats them up.) My poor little child! Are you well now? Yes, you are, I see you are. You can eat seeds.

(She goes away. The Frog, the cat and the Rat come up to Chicken Little.)

Frog. I don't think he is clever.

Rat. I don't think he is strong.

Cat. What can he do? He can do nothing.

Chicken L i t t l e (stamps his foot). But I am clever, I am strong, I can everything! Mummy and daddy say so!

Frog- But it is not true! Cat. No, it is not true! Rat. You must learn and learn.

Frog. Then you will be clever. Cat. Then you will be strong. Rat.

Then you will be able to do everything.

Frog, C a t , Rat (together). But now you are only a silly little chicken! Good-bye.