Зачетное задание по дисциплине: «Деловой иностранный язык»
Оценка 5

Зачетное задание по дисциплине: «Деловой иностранный язык»

Оценка 5
Зачетное задание по дисциплине:  «Деловой иностранный язык»

Министерство образования и науки РФ

федеральное государственное бюджетное  образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Уральский государственный педагогический университет»

Институт педагогики и психологии детства

Кафедра педагогики и психологии детства

Зачетное задание по дисциплине:

«Деловой иностранный язык»

Выполнила: Брянцева С.А. Группа:



The theme of my master s thesis is «Development  a safe and psychologically comfortable educational  setting in federal standard conditions”

(«Создание безопасной и психологически комфортной образовательной среды в условиях ФГОС ДО»)

My scintific work in publications

Kindergarten has changed radically in the last two decades. I d like to talk about article: “Crisis in the Kindergarten". A report from the Alliance for Childhood by Edward Miller and Joan Almon.  The article is of great help to teachers and parents in effective education. The argument of this report, that child-initiated play must be restored to kindergarte.  The need is stressed to employ metod – play defferent games.  Data are given about long-term research in  Germany,  New York City and so on.  Research shows that children who engage in complex forms of socio-dramatic play have greater language skills than nonplayers, better social skills, more empathy, more imagination, and more of the subtle capacity to know what others mean. They are less aggressive and show more self-control and higher levels of thinking.    As one kindergarten teacher put it, “If I give the children time to play, they don’t know what to do. They have no ideas of their own.”

Recommendations are given  for Creating Effective and Healthy Kindergartens To create effective and healthy kindergartens we call on policymakers, educators, health professionals, researchers, and parents to take action as follows:

−       Provide time and space for play to kindergartners every day;

− Engage parents and educators in discussion of the role of play and experiential learning in healthy and effective kindergartens

− Use alternatives to standardized assessments in kindergarten, such as teacher observations and assessment of children’s work.

− Make course work in child development and the use of play in the classroom mandatory in early childhood education programs

−   Give teachers professional development, mentoring, and other support in learning how to encourage and support play, especially with children who have had limited opportunity to engage in creative play or who have poor self-regulation skills Conclusions are drawn:

- given the high rates of psychiatric disturbances among children today, it is critically important that early education practices promote physical and emotional health and not exacerbate illness.

− creating the Playful Kindergarten When children are given a chance to initiate play and exploratory learning, they become highly skilled in the art of self-education and self-regulation.

As for me, just at the beginning I would go as far as to say that  these practices help teachers and parents in development of the child. To go right to the heart of the problem I’d like to say that teacher use new state standards, also they  may not deviate. Let me give you an example: In state standarts we see, that teachers must from 1 January 2015  :

− they must to take part in the creation of psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, to take care of children in the kindergarden and so on.

Teachers must remember about it. In my kindergaden many teacher think standard. All lessons is boring. I ask children: Why we sad? They reply: we want play games, we little play.

This means just what it says. It  is a kind of a perfect example of  defferent teachers   don t use “playtime” in the lessons. In my opinion, “playtime» is  very interesting for children in the kindergarden. In my practics, I use next metods, such as:

     −       IT-technology (computer, multimedia and so on)

     −       develop technology (test, games, music, observation method and so on)

     −       be careful with children

To draw to the conclusion I’d like to say that historical moments in the report show us problems in educational. Foreign experience show us as we should not work in our practice. It only remains for me to say, that the report is usefull for my scientific work and my job. That’s where I’d like to end.

Министерство образования и науки

Министерство образования и науки

The theme of my master s thesis is «Development a safe and psychologically comfortable educational setting in federal standard conditions” ( «Создание безопасной и психологически…

The theme of my master s thesis is «Development a safe and psychologically comfortable educational setting in federal standard conditions” ( «Создание безопасной и психологически…

Give teachers professional development, mentoring, and other support in learning how to encourage and support play, especially with children who have had limited opportunity to…

Give teachers professional development, mentoring, and other support in learning how to encourage and support play, especially with children who have had limited opportunity to…

To draw to the conclusion I’d like to say that historical moments in the report show us problems in educational

To draw to the conclusion I’d like to say that historical moments in the report show us problems in educational
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