1. Песня “Jobs” http
/ flash
2. Презентация “What Do You Want to Be?”
:// eflclassroom
. com
/ song
/ jobs
. swf
3. Песнязарядка
4. Раздаточный материал – текст (для выполнения задания: Read the text, find all the
forms of the verb “to be” and underline them.)
Hi, my name is Kitty. I am from Great Britain. I live in London. I am ten.
I’ve got a father. His name is Ted. He is a businessman and works in an office.
I‘ve got a mother. Her name is Helen. She is a teacher. She works at school. She
loves her work very much.
I have got brothers. Their names are Dan and Ben. They are six and four.
We are a friendly family.
5. Оценочные карточки: листок, цветок, яблоко