Здоровьесберегающие технологии, применяемые для обучения детей с ЗПР в начальной школе".

  • pptx
  • 24.11.2021
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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Application of online quest technology in speech therapy classes

Prepared By:Abdullayeva A.E
Anarbayeva Zh
Group :1504-19A
Accepted: Akhmetova G.K

Technology online Quest

Quest translated from English, it is a long, purposeful search that can be associated with an adventure or a game; it also serves to indicate one of the varieties of computer games.

Quest – this is a type of game that requires the player to solve mental problems to advance through the story. A quest in pedagogy is the completion of a problem task with elements of the game . (Bykhovsky Ya. S.)

Online quest (webquest) in pedagogy, it is a problem task, a project using Internet resources. Online quest-a scenario for organizing students ' project activities on any topic.(N. V. Bimkina)

Web quest (literally translated from English as "Internet search") is an activity-oriented project-based didactic model that provides for independent search work of students on the Internet(Bernie Dodge and Tom March).

Web quest in speech therapy – this is a task based on a problem with elements of a role-playing game. Information from the Internet is used to complete the web quest. (Zhestkova E. A.)

Online Quest Technology (webquest) — this is a modern educational technology that involves purposeful search activity of students using information resources of the Internet to complete a specific educational task.

The use of the technology is considered:

when learning a foreign language (Pavlova L. P., Klimova A. B.);
at literature lessons (Zhestkova E. A., Kazakova V. V.)
at music lessons (Dzyuba E. N.), history
in library work
for teaching Russian to foreign students, etc.

Classification of online quest technology.

By application level

subject area

According to the scientific concept of learning from experience

educational program

In relation to the child


By targeting personal structures

depending on the type, goals and objectives of the quest (informational, operational, emotional-artistic and emotional-moral, self-development technology, heuristic, applied)

By type of organization and management of cognitive activity

game technology


Development of readership

Training and
developing information security skills

Formation method


creative content
capacity building

communication skills

Methodological potential
quest technologies

Structure of the online quest.



Materials used

Comments for the teacher



Operating procedure and required resources

brief description of the online quest topic;
it has a motivating and cognitive value.


formulation of the problem problem and description of the form of presentation of the final result.


description of criteria and parameters for evaluating the completion of an online quest. The evaluation criteria depend on the type of educational tasks that are solved in the online quest. The adequacy of the presented evaluation criteria for the task type and clarity of the criteria description must be present.


a brief description of what students can learn by completing this online quest. There should be a relationship with the introduction, an accurate description of the skills that students will acquire.


guidelines for teachers who will use the online quest.

Comments for the teacher

Online quest based on the work of Alexander Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan "for 3rd grade students"


Group composition "Ship's crew "

4 students


Nаgator Boatswain

Working procedure

Preliminary task: Re-read the work of Alexander Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"
Pages of the Internet search site with the text of the work are open
Working in groups – 10-12 minutes.
Project protection – 10-12 minutes.

Route 1. "Know-it-all Island" - quiz type questions with a choice of answers. https://learningapps.org/display?v=pyuw06rhj18

Route 2. "Land of Memories" - search for pairs of words by the meaning of modern and obsolete from the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin.

. Route 3. "Lands of Crossword lovers" - crossword puzzle https://learningapps.org/display?v=pohk86ehk18  

Route 4. "Words drowned in the sea" - a grid with words, ttps://learningapps.org/display?v=p79e1pdzc18

to achieve effectiveness in the process of developing the reading competence of younger schoolchildren and at the same time diversify their activities with game techniques
master other metasubject results: communication skills , the ability to use ICT in training, the ability to work in a group and independently.
expand your horizons, develop cognitive activity, creativity, engage and interest children.

Using an online quest allows you to

A quest class in speech therapy can be used as an innovative technology aimed at developing certain educational competencies in students with disabilities, in particular, meaningful reading.

Thanks for your attention!

"Instilling a child's taste for reading is the best gift we can give them"
Cecile Lupan