1 Текст для чтения. 9-11 классы

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  • 23.11.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала 1 Текст для чтения. 9-11 классы.docx


Reading and Writing

1.     Scan the text "English Today" to get the full idea of it. Find the paragraphs about:

   the popularity of the English language;

   the French borrowings;

   the necessity and difficulties of learning English.

2.     Find in the text the English equivalents to:

   знать иностранные языки становится всё важнее;

   быть весьма популярным в настоящее время;

   привозиться торговцами и путешественниками;

   изучать английский язык не просто;

   являться необходимым для каждого образованного человека;

   медленный процесс, занимающий много времени;

   являться одним из основных требований к выпускникам военных училищ.

3.     Read and translate the text for getting the detailed content.


The modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason it's becoming more and more important to know foreign languages, especially English.

English is very popular nowadays. It's the language of computers, science, business, politics, sports, arts and music. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United States of America, and Australia. It is one of the official languages of Canada, the Irish Republic, and the Republic of South Africa.

Many English words were borrowed from the language of Angles and Saxons. Hundreds of French words came into English. These French words didn't crowd out corresponding Anglo-Saxon words. There exist "act" and "deed", "beautiful" and "pretty", "form" and "shape".

Some new words were brought by traders and travellers. These words came from all parts of the world: "umbrella" – from Italian, "tea" – from Chi- nese, "cigar" from Spanish.

Many of the new English words – especially new scientific ones – have been made from Latin and Greek words instead of English ones. "Telephone" for instance, was made from Greek words "far" and "talk".

To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. But learning the language is not easy. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it is worth doing.

English is taught throughout the world and a lot of people speak it quite well. In Russia English is very popular, it is studied at schools, colleges and universities. Knowing English well is one of the main requirements to gra- duates of Russian high military schools which want to become professional military officers and successful specialists in their field.


Australia [os`treiliə] Австралия

English (language) [`læŋgwid3] английский язык

Canada [`kænədə] Канада Greek [gri:k] – греческий Latin [`lætin] латинский

New Zealand [`nju: `zi:lənd] Новая Зеландия

Russia [`r Λ∫ə] Россия

the United Kingdom [ði ju`naitəd `kiŋdəm] Соединённое Королевство

(Великобритании и Северной Ирландии)

the United States of America [ði ju`naitəd `steits əv a`merikə]

Соединённые Штаты Америки

the Irish Republic [ði `airi∫ ri`pΛblik] Ирландская Республика

the Republic of South Africa [ðə ri`pΛblik əv sauθ `æfrikə] Южно- Африканская Республика


act [æct] (syn. deed [di:d]) дело, поступок, действие

a lot of `lot əv] – много

beautiful [`bju:tiful] (syn. pretty [`priti]) красивый, прелестный, привлекательный

billion ['biljən] миллиард

business [`biznəs] зд.: бизнес, коммерческая деятельность

cigar [si`ga:] сигара

corresponding [,kori`spondiŋ] соответствующий

distance ['distəns] – расстояние diplomacy [di'pləuməsi] дипломатия easy [`i:zi] – легко, просто

educated ['edjukeitid] образованный, культурный

especially [is'pe∫iali] в особенности

far [fa:] прил.: дальний, отдалённый

field [fi:ld] зд.: область, сфера деятельности

foreign [`forin] иностранный

form [fo:m] (syn. shape [∫eip]) форма, очертание

for instance [`instəns] например

graduate [`grædjueit] выпускник (учебного заведения) government [`gΛv(ə)nment] – правительство

instead [in`sted] of smth. вместо чего-л.

official language [ə`fi∫iəl `læŋgwid3] официальный, государственный язык

patience ['pei∫əns] – терпение population [,popju'lei∫n] население politics ['politiks] – политика

professional [pro`fe∫ənl] – профессиональный requirement [ri`kwaiəmənt] – требование science ['saiəns] наука

scientific [`saiən'tifik] – научный successful [sək`sesful] – успешный specialist [`spe ∫əlist] – специалист talk [to:k] разговор

trade [treid] торговля

trader [`treidə] торговец

to be borrowed [`borəud] быть заимствованным

to bring (brought) зд.: приносить, привозить, доставлять

to crowd out [`kraud `aut] зд.: вытеснять, заменять to be worth [wə:θ] doing – заслуживать усилий throughout [θru:'aut] the world – no всему миру umbrella [əm`brelə] зонт

For self-examination

Answer the questions:

1.  Why is it necessary to know English today?

2.  Why learning English is important for the Russian military officers?

3.   In what countries is English the official language (one of the official languages)?

4.  What were the origins of English borrowings?

5.  Is learning languages an easy thing? Why?

6.  What other languages would you like to know? Why?

Fill in the blanks:

1.  English is very                  nowadays.

2.  It is the official language of the United Kingdom, New Zealand,

                ,                 .

3.  Many English words were borrowed from the language of                  and


4.  Some new words were brought by                  and                .

5.   "Telephone" for instance, was made from Greek words                   and


6.  To know English today is absolutely                   for every educated person.

Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence:

1)  it's, the world, spoken, all over;

2)  the, world, modern, is becoming, all the time, smaller;

3)  the, language, is not easy, learning;

4)  in, English, is, Russia, very, popular;

5)  it, a lot of, takes, time, and, patience;

6)  know, to, English, is, for, necessary, a good, specialist.

4.   Make up a plan (logical scheme) and then summarize the content of the text "English Today" in writing.