16 Текст для чтения. 9-11 классы

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  • 23.11.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала 16 Текст для чтения. 9-11 классы.docx

Reading and Writing

1.   Scan the text "Sport in Great Britain" to get the full idea of it. Find the paragraphs about:

   Britons attitude (отношение) to sport;

   British national kind of sport;

   the other popular kinds of sport in the UK.

2.   Find in the text the English equivalents to:

   известно, что британцы большие любители спорта;

   одна из наиболее популярных спортивных игр;

   являться как игрой, так и стандартом поведения;

   профессиональные и любительские футбольные клубы;

   самый зрелищный вид спорта;

   привлекать большие массы зрителей.

3.   Read and translate the text for getting the detailed content. Before reading study some kinds of sport and sports games: athletics θ`letiks] – атлетика, лёгкая атлетика

artistic gymnastics [a:`tistic gim`næstiks] спортивная гимнастика

baseball [`beisbəl] – бейсбол badminton [`bædmintən] – бадминтон boxing [`boksiŋ] бокс

broad jumping [`bro:d `jΛmpiŋ] прыжки в длину

cricket rugby [`krikit `rΛgbi] – регби (разновидность футбола) discus throwing [`diskəs ,θrəuiŋ] – метание диска

golf гольф

high jumping [`hai `d3Λmpiŋ] прыжки в высоту

hockey, grass-hockey [`gra:s `hoki] хоккей, хоккей на траве

horse-racing [`ho:s `reisiŋ] (motor-car [`motəu ,ka:] racing, dog-racing, boat-racing [`bəut ,reisiŋ]) лошадиные скачки (гонки на спортивных машинах, собачьи бега, соревнования по спортивной гребле)

pole vault [`pəul ,vo:lt] прыжок с шестом

running, jumping, swimming and boxing – виды лёгкой атлетики: бег, конкур (преодоление препятствий на лошади), плавание, бокс

skating (figure [`figə] skating, speed skating) катание на коньках

(фигурное катание, конькобежный спорт)

skiing (ski jumping, snowboard [`snəubo:d], cross-country skiing, biath- lon) – катание на лыжах (прыжки с трамплина, сноуборд, лыжные гонки, биатлон)

soccer ['sokə] – футбол (по правилам Национальной ассоциации фут- болистов Великобритании)

tennis (table tennis) теннис (настольный теннис) tobogganing [tə`bo:gəniŋ] – санный спорт weightlifting [`weitliftiŋ] – тяжёлая атлетика

wrestling [`restliŋ] (free-style [`fri:stail] wrestling, Greco-Roman style [`grikəu `rəumən]) – борьба (вольная борьба, греко-римская борьба)


The British people are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. One of the most popular sports games in the UK is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. To many En- glishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they con- sider something unfair, they say: "that's not cricket", that means "that's not fair"; the idiom "to play the game" has the opposite meaning "to be fair".

But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is football, or soccer. It should be noted that the game of football was first played in Britain1. Today there are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over the country. International football matches and the Cup Finals take place traditionally at Wembley.

Rugby (rugby football), the other kind of football, is also very popular in the UK. There are two forms of rugby football: the amateur game and the pro- fessional game. The two games have different rules.

Next to football, the most spectacular sport in Britain is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in races and risk money on the horse which they think will win.

Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat-race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of spectators.

A great number of Britons play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. Such games as golf, baseball, hockey,

and grass-hockey are also popular in the UK, as well as various forms of athlet- ics, such as running, jumping, swimming, and boxing.

As for winter sports, they are not very popular in England because of the weather that is not cold enough.

1 football was first played in Britain в футбол впервые стали играть в Великобритании


Cup Final [`kΛp `fainl] финал розыгрыша кубка

Wembley [`wembli] стадион Уэмбли в Лондоне

Wimbledon ['wimbldən] Уимблдон (предместье Лондона)


a great number [`nΛmbə] of smth. большое количество чего-л. amateur [`æmətə] прил.: любительский

crowd [kraud] толпа

it should [∫u:d] be noted следует отметить

neither, nor [`naiðə `no:] ни ни

next to football на следующем месте после футбола

plenty of smth. множество чего-л. rule [ru:l] – правило

spectator [spik`teitə] зритель

standart of behaviour [bi'heivja] модель поведения

to consider [kən`si:də] считать, рассматривать

to be fair [feə] / unfair [ən`feə] быть справедливым, честным / не- справедливым, нечестным

to play tennis (football, etc.) – играть в теннис (футбол и т.д.) to risk money [`mΛni] on a horse – ставить деньги на лошадь to be interested [`intərəstid] in smth. – интересоваться чем-л. to attract attention [ə`ten ∫n] – привлекать внимание

to be known [nəun] all over the world быть известным по всему миру

to take place случаться, происходить, иметь место

tournament [`tuənəmənt] турнир, соревнование

For self-examination

Answer the questions:

1.    What kinds оf sport are popular in the UK?

2.    What kind of sport is especially associated with Britain?

3.    What is cricket for an Englishman?

4.    Where do the Cup Finals take place?

5.    What kinds of racing are popular in Britain?

6.    What other sports games do the British play?

Fill in the blanks:

1.   The British people are known to be great sports-              .

2.   One of the most popular sports games in the UK is              .

3.   To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a              of              .

4.   The game of                was first played in Britain.

5.   International football matches and the Cup Finals take place traditional- ly at    .

6.   Next to football, the most spectacular sport in Britain is               .

7.                 tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world.

Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence:

1)  the, game, attracts, the, football, greatest, which, attention, is;

2)    there are, professional, amateur, and, plenty of, the country, soccer clubs, all over;

3)  there are, of, rugby football, the, amateur game, two forms, the profes- sional game, and;

4)  are interested, a lot of, people, in races, risk money, and, on the horse;

5)  Britons, a great number of, and, play, watch, tennis.

4. Make up a plan (logical scheme) and then summarize the content of the text "Sports in Great Britain" in writing.