Английский язык. Урок "В мире профессий"
Оценка 4.6

Английский язык. Урок "В мире профессий"

Оценка 4.6
Английский язык. Урок "В мире профессий"
Урок по теме Мир профессий.docx


лого СПК_1

Автономное учреждение профессионального образования Ханты – Мансийского автономного округа - Югры




Зам.директора по УМР




Методическая разработка открытого урока


Дисциплина: иностранный язык

Специальность: «Информационные системы и программирование»

Группа №815

Тема урока: «В мире профессий»

Дата проведения: 20.12.2018







 Фамилия/ подпись




Ахмедова О.А.



Руководитель МО/ПМО

Донских И.В.



Методист колледжа


Урок по теме «Мир профессий»

Цель: Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков, учащихся в рамках разговорной темы «Мир профессий».


Обучающая: активизировать в устной и письменной речи лексические единицы по теме урока, тренировать употребление вопросительных предложений в настоящем простом времени, практиковать навык монологической речи, развивать навык аудирования.

Развивающая: развивать умения работать с полученной информацией, совершенствовать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения и диалогической речи.

Воспитательная:   Формирование речевых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся. Развитие социокультурной компетенции и языковой догадки. Развивать познавательный интерес к различным профессиям.  Воспитание чувства сотрудничества и поддержки при работе в группах.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Используемые педагогические технологии: индивидуальный подход, работа в группах, проблемное обучение, игровой метод.

Оборудование: мультимедийный экран, компьютер, учебники, словари, рабочие тетради, карточки, листы ватмана.

Ход урока

1.      Организационный момент: (3 мин.)

Warm up activities (разминка)

T.:  Good morning, students!

Cl.:  Good morning, teacher!

T.:  How are you?

Cl.: Fine, thanks.  And you?

T.:  Fine too, thank you. I am glad to see you.

Cl.: We are glad to see you too.

T.:  Thank you. Sit down.

T.:  Who is on duty today?

S.: I am on duty today.

T.:  What date is it today?

S.: Today is the 20th of December.

T.:  What day is it today?

S.: Today is Thursday.

T.:  Who is away today?

S.: … is away today (All are present)

2. Проверка домашнего задания: (парная работа) (15 мин.)

T.: Let’s check up your homework for today.  What was your home task?

S.: We should read the text and retail it.

T.: What is the title of the text?

S.: «Russian teenagers talk about their carrier plans. » (“Spotlight”, student’s book)

T.: Listen to each other attentively and try to make your resume – have the teenager made any serious plans?


You can receive 5 points for your answer. Don’t forget to put your points into the student’s check form.


3. Организация деятельности по выходу на тему урока: (целеполагание) (7 мин.)

T.:  What do you think what is one of the main component to be a happy man?

 I ask you to watch some video and decide what our theme is going to be today.

(Обучающиеся смотрят видеоролик и делают предположения о теме урока)

S1:  Our theme will be « Our future jobs».

S2:  We are going to discuss about professions.

S3:  We`ll speak about different jobs.

S4:  Our theme is « The world of profession», etc.

T.:   You are right. We`ll speak about different professions. What do you think is the best suggestion? (появляется тема урока на презентации)


4.Фонетическая зарядка, подготовка к составлению речевых фраз: (10 мин.)

auto mechanic


joiner carpenter






administrator of system complexes



ship mechanic



pastry chef

(Обучающиеся произносят слова вслух, переводят, записывают)

Some information for you: In English you can make the name of a person who does a job by adding one of the following suffixes.


5. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания обучающихся:

Task 1. (Фронтальный опрос) (3 мин.)

There are a lot of different professions and jobs in the world and you should choose one of them and match the parts to complete a sentence.

(Обучающиеся составляют предложения, используя предложенные темы и свои)

Task 2. (Групповая работа) (3 мин.)

T.: Let’s work in groups. You have some cards with the phrases. You should to choose a profession and one of the factors to help you to make your choice.

Go to the board and fix your card. Read and translate your phrase.

(You have 1 point for each answer; don’t forget to put your points into the student check form) (5 points max)

(Обучающиеся выходят к доске и прикрепляют выражения к профессиям, переводят его, вносят баллы в оценочный лист)

Task 3. (Групповая работа)(10 мин.)

 Lett play!

 Here you can see the wordsquare:

 Please find 13 professions there!

 Go to board and mark the word!

 (You have 1 point for each answer; don’t forget to put your points into the student check    form)


6. Развитие навыков чтения и письма, оформление буклетов (групповая работа) (20 мин.)

          Now you will read the text and make posters:


A programmer, or a computer programmer, is a person who writes programs to work on a computer. Computer programs are detailed instructions that computers must follow to do their functions. A programmer can be a specialist in one area of computer programming or a generalist who writes codes for many kinds of programs. Programmers also make, design, and test logical structures for solving problems by a computer. Many technical innovations in programming – modern computing technologies and new languages and programming tools - have changed the role of a programmer and enriched much of the programming work today.

British mathematician Ada Lovelace (who was the famous British poet Lord Byron’s daughter) was the first to write a program for a computing machine.  The machine was Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, and Ada wrote and published an algorithm to make the calculations of Bernoulli numbers in October 1842. Unfortunately, her work never ran because Babbage's machine was never finished in her time.

The first person to successfully run a program on a computer was a computer scientist Konrad Zuse, who succeeded in it in 1941.

The American ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) programming team, consisting of Kay McNulty, Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas and Ruth Lichterman were the first regularly working programmers.

International Programmers' Day is celebrated annually on the 7th of January.  In Russia starting from the year of 2009, a professional annual holiday known as Programmers' Day is celebrated on the 13th of September (the 12th of September in leap years).


The 1st group: IT sphere

The 2nd group: The famous computer scientists:

 (Обучающиеся изготавливают плакаты и защищают их в группах, вносят баллы в оценочный лист)

Don’t forget to put your points into the student check form (5 points max)

And now, let’s make a crossword!

Don’t forget to put your points into the student check form. 1 point for one word.

7. Итог урока, домашнее задание. (4 мин.)

Today we have spoken about the world of professions. Of course, it is very important to make the right choice. But I think it is more important what kind of person you will become. I wish you to find yourselves in this world, be kind, be honest, be noble everywhere and in everything.

Remember the words.  Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love” – (David Mc Cullogh) Если вы удачно выберете труд и вложите в него всю душу, то счастье само отыщет вас.

(Обучающие записывают домашнее задание)

8. Рефлексия (2-3 мин.)

Let’s count your score and put marks!

            Score your results:    
             1. Were you active at the lesson? (always, seldom, sometimes)

             2. Did you get any new information at the lesson?

             3. Were you satisfied with your job at the lesson    yourself?

             4. Did you like the lesson?

            (Обучающиеся выражают своё мнение по поводу урока)

The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.



3. Guess the crossword and write a short composition about your future profession:

















































































































































1. To make a printed book with your works.

2. To work, to organize.

3. Month.

4. Universal worker.

5. Final point of any work.

6. Something that happens every year.

7. New, up-to-date.

8. Person who does math as work.

9. To make somebody wealthier.

10. To get information from a book.

11. Your future profession. 










Cards. Task 2




This job is well paid


It is rather prestigious now

It helps people to solve their problems

It is rewarding and interesting

It is intellectual


It is physical


It has good promotion prospects

It has good promotion prospects









Автономное учреждение профессионального образования

Автономное учреждение профессионального образования

Урок по теме «Мир профессий»

Урок по теме «Мир профессий»

You can receive 5 points for your answer

You can receive 5 points for your answer

Go to the board and fix your card

Go to the board and fix your card

The 1 st group: IT sphere The 2 nd group:

The 1 st group: IT sphere The 2 nd group:

Universal worker. 5. Final point of any work

Universal worker. 5. Final point of any work
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