Best-known British Schools
Оценка 4.7

Best-known British Schools

Оценка 4.7
Работа в классе +2
английский язык
8 кл
Best-known British Schools
Best-known British Schools.docx

Best-Known British Schools


1. Match the words with their translations.


1.     all-boy school

2.     advantages

3.     single-sex education

4.     bright

5.     average

6.     to achieve

7.     examination results

8.     similar

9.     wide range of activities

10. sports competitions.

11. equipment

12. soccer pitch

13. to develop qualities

14. leadership and teamwork

A достоинства

B похожий

C широкий выбор деятельности

D спортивные соревнования

E обычный, среднестатистический

F экзаменационные результаты

G оснащение

H развивать качества

I достигать

J раздельное обучение

K смышленый, сообразительный

L лидерство и командная работа

M школа для мальчиков

N футбольное поле


2. Say True or False


1)                Eton has educated girls for nearly six centuries.

2)                Almost all boys from Eton school go on to university.

3)                The main sports at Eton are basketball and tennis.

4)                There is a number of school clubs and societies for each student.

5)                Students from Eton don’t have any opportunities to travel to foreign countries.

6)                Boys create a culture whose aim is to develop excellence and independence on their own.


3. Answer the questions.


1)                Is Badminton School a boarding school for girls?

2)                Where is it situated?

3)                What does the school offer?

4)                What students can do in that’s library?

5)                What is Badminton school focused on?

6)                Are the students of the school sure that by the time they leave school they will be ready to be a part of the society?


Best-Known British Schools 1

Best-Known British Schools 1
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