Today we are going to talk about flowers and floral traditions in the United
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The love of flowers and gardens in general is deeprooted in the British people. Listen
to men’s conversation in the 8.18 on Monday morning and, later, to the chatter at the office
and the factory. It will be about gardens. It will be of jobs done despite the difficult week
end weather; of seeds sown; of progress made.
The British like making things grow whether it is in a windowbox outside the kitchen,
or in the dream garden of many acres.
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The history of gardens seems to go back to the earliest of human societies. Gardens
represent many things, but perhaps most of all they represent peace and happiness. In many
mythologies human kind was at its happiest living in a garden.
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Speaking about UK flowers I’d like to start with an old song about The Shamrock,
Thistle and Rose.
Oh, where is the Scotsmen that don't love the thistle,
And Englishmen that don't love the rose?
Show me the truehearted sons of old Erin,
That don't love the land where the shamrock still grows.
The English they boast of their glorious Nelson,
And well they may boast of such men;
For they met and defeated the fleet at Trafalgar,
And fought on, those brave Englishmen.
Oh, where is the Scotsmen that don't love the thistle,
And Englishmen that don't love the rose?
Show me the truehearted sons of old Erin,
That don't love the land where the shamrock still grows.
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It is no accident that I’ve chosen this song, because it says about national floral
emblems of Great Britain. As you’ve guessed, each country in Britain has its own emblem.
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The red rose is the symbol of England. It comes from the history of the country.
This symbol goes back to the War of the Roses, which was the war within the country.
In the 15th century two Houses were struggling for the English throne.
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On one side was the House of Lancaster, its emblem was a red rose. Fighting them
was the House of York, their symbol was the white rose.
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The head of the House of York was the king, Richard III. On the 22th August 1485, a
battle was fought on Bosworth Field. Richard III was killed; he was the last English king to
die in battle.
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Richard III's crown was found on the battlefield, and Henry Tudor was then crowned
king with it. Henry VII founded the Tudor dynasty and reigned for 23 years, 7 months and
28 days.
In 1486, the year after becoming king, Henry VII married Elizabeth of York. This
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unified the two warring houses of York and Lancaster. After the marriage Henry adopted the
Tudor Rose as his emblem. This incorporated the White Rose of York and the Red Rose of
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The war of the Roses is a very important period for the British culture and history. It
has been a turning point in the history of the United Kingdom: a very large part of
aristocracy was killed (some noble families even disappeared) and the royal dynasty
changed. It has also been a vast source of inspiration for English authors, such as William
Shakespeare. He described this event in his play “Henry IV”:
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For many centuries the purple thistle has been Scotland's national emblem.
There is a legend that explains why it became the Scottish emblem. According to that
legend, ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder the land of Scotland and settle there. So,
they landed on the east coast of Scotland.
The Scots gathered their army to defend the land. They assembled behind the river
Tay and made a camp to have rest after a long march. The Scots were sleeping and did not
expect the enemies.
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When the Norsemen decided to attack the Scots, they took their shoes off not to make
noise. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle. That sudden and sharp pain made him
scream. So the Scots heard this "alarm" and put the Norsemen to fight.
That is how the thistle became the emblem of Scotland.
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Flower of Scotland is a Scottish song, used frequently at special occasions and
sporting events. Although there is no official national anthem of Scotland, Flower of
Scotland is one of a number of songs which unofficially fulfill this role. The thistle emblem
cropping up all over Scotland.
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The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock, a threeleaved plant similar
to clover. It is a symbol of trinity
Saint Patrick is most famous for bringing Christianity to Ireland.
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23 slideThe national flower of Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally worn on St. David’s
An attentive person can notice enumerated flowers even in British architecture. For
example, rose, shamrock and thistle are sculpted on pillars of railings around Buckingham
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You can find floral emblems even at buildings. Rose, shamrock and thistle sculpted
on pillars of railings around Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace gate.
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In UK a lot of models and many famous women have floral names. For example:
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British model Daisy Lowe. The girl is named after the common garden and wild
flower "daisy or daisy." Last year, the top 100 popular female names "Daisy" was on the
20th place in the UK. "Daisy" is often used as nicknames of those who are called Margaret.
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Supermodel Yasmin Le Bon is named in honor of the fragrant jasmine, commonly
known as a "gift from God."
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Lily is perhaps one of the most popular 'flower' names. It, at least, are two British stars
actress and fashion designer Lily Allen and actress and model Lily Cole.
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And finally, the British Rose Rosie Huntington beauty and sophistication quite lives
up to its name, for the rose a real queen of flowers.
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Flower Show in Chelsea (Chelsea Flower Show) Held In 1922 and Is Undoubtedly the
Most Prestigious In the Field Of Garden Design and Floriculture in the World. Here Are the
Latest News Selection, Original Decorations for the Garden and, Of Course, the Most
Incredible Fantasy Garden Designers
The Queen, accompanied by one or another member of the family must visit the
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allotted time. Chelsea traditionally gathers representatives of high society and a lot of the
"stars" of show business.
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At this point I’ll finish my story about UK flowers. It was very interesting for me to
know more about the culture of my beloved country. I’ve known a lot of new things; I
discovered how many secrets this wonderful country still keeps. Yes, you can talk and talk,
but today it’s all.