Choose the right statement
a) In Russia the war veterans have ordinary invalidity pensions.
b) In Germany the war veterans have ordinary invalidity pensions.
2. a) The Russian war veterans have the right to 50% reduced payment for housing.
b) The war veterans have the right to 50% reduced payment for housing in both countries.
3. a) In Russia the war veterans have the right to free medical care and free accommodation in a health resort.
b) In Germany the war veterans have the right only to free medical care.
4. a) In Russia people with disabilities have the right to transport tickets at a reduced price.
b) In Germany people with disabilities have the right to transport tickets at a reduced price.
5. a) In Russia all people with disabilities have the right to free of charge assistance about the house.
b) In Germany all people with disabilities have the right to free of charge assistance about the house if they live below poverty level
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