Экзаменационная работа для студентов 2 курса Машиностроительных колледжей.
Оценка 5

Экзаменационная работа для студентов 2 курса Машиностроительных колледжей.

Оценка 5
Экзаменационная работа для студентов 2 курса Машиностроительных колледжей.
экзамен раб.docx

Вариант 1

Тестовые задания


I usually  _____  tea in the morning.

A) drink

B) drinks

C )drinkes


My younger sister  _________  on Monday.

 A) don’t work

 B) doesn’t work

 C) doesn’t works


They often  ________ in the street in summer.

A) plays

B) play

C) playes


We  _________ to the country in winter.

A) don’t go

B) doesn’t go

C) don’t goes


Nick  _______  his dad very hard.

A) help

B) helps

C) is help


My dear mum and dad _____ professional doctors.

A) are

B) is

C) am


Our best friends' names _____ John and Richard.

A) is

B) am

C) are


My younger brother ______ a student of Moscow University.

A )aren’t

B) isn’t

C) is’not


Excuse me. _____ this your red pencil John?

A) Are

B) Is

C) Am


 Our lessons ____ interesting and exciting.

A) are

B) am

C) is


The weather _____ rainy and stormy in Sochi three days ago.  

A) were

B) was

C) wasnt






We ____ in the Vicky Park in London last week.  

A) was

B) were

C) wernt


 ____ the film Harry Potter interesting?  

A) Were

B )Was

C )Wasnt


My dear grandparents ____ at the Bolshoi Theatre.  

 A) was

 B )were

 C) was not


Where ____ you after repetition yesterday?  

A) were

B )was

C )wern’t


Anna and Maria …... the whole day yesterday.

A) was talking

B) were saying

C) were talking



They couldn't  join us on Monday, they …... a very interesting movie.

A )were watching

B )was watching

C )were looking


What …. you …. yesterday evening? - I ….  in the club.

A )was … doing? was dancing

B )were … doing? was dancing

C )were … making? was dancing


At 9 o'clock Ann …. a breakfast.

A )was having

B )were having

C )weren't having


Aleksandr broke his leg a week ago. He ….. football with his team yesterday.

A )wasn't playing

B )was'nt playing

C )wasnt plaing


Что ты делал прошлой ночью, когда полиция приехала?  

A )What did you do last  night, when the police came?

B )What were you doing last night, when the police came?


Александр весь день вчера простоял в очереди в банке.  

 A )Alexandr was queuing in the bank the whole day yesterday

 B )Alexandr queued in the bank the whole day yesterday.


Вся семья  спала, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.  

A )The whole family was sleeping , when somebody was knocking on the door.

B) The whole family was sleeping, when somebody knocked on the door.


Поезд прибыл вовремя, поэтому мы опоздали.  

A) The train was coming in time so we were late.

B )The train came in time so we were late.


Сколько книг ты прочитала прошлым летом?  

A) How many books did you read last summer?

B) How many books were you reading last summer?


Я пойду в современную библиотеку завтра.

A) I will go to the modern library tomorrow.

B )I shan’t go to the modern library tomorrow.

C) I won’t go to the modern library tomorrow.


Через несколько дней мы полетим в Новую Зеландию.

A) We'll fly to New Zealand in a few days.

B) We won’t fly to New Zealand in a few days.

C) We want fly to New Zealand in a few days.



Что ты наденешь на карнавал?

A) What shall you wear for the carnival?

B) What won’t you wear for the carnival?

C) What will you wear for the carnival?


Он снова увидит ее на следующей неделе.

A ) He shall see her again next week.

B ) He will see her again next week.

C ) He well see her again next week.


 Она не поможет мне решить проблему.

A) She shant’ help me to solve the problem.

B) She want’ help me to solve the problem.

C) She won’t help me to solve the problem.


 Я не куплю новые джинсы послезавтра.

A) I won’t buy new jeans the day after tomorrow.

B) I willn't buy new jeans the day after tomorrow.

C) I shalln’t buy new jeans the day after tomorrow.


Мой лучший друг будет в Шотландии в следующее Рождество.

A) My best friend shall be in Scotland next Christmas.

B) My best friend will be in Scotland next Christmas.

C) My best friend will in Scotland next Christmas.


Что твой старший брат будет делать в Великобритании?

A) What shall your older brother do in Great Britain?

B) What shell your older brother do in Great Britain?

C) What will your older brother do in Great Britain?


Я думаю, моя мама полетит на самолете завтра.

 A) I think my mum well fly by plane tomorrow.

 B) I think my mum will fly by plane tomorrow.

 C) I think my mum won’t fly by plane tomorrow.


Будем ли мы путешествовать по Европе следующим летом?

A) Shell we travel around Europe next summer?

B) Well we travel around Europe next summer?

C) Will we travel around Europe next summer?


 I have got three different ____.

A) dogs

B) dog

C) doges


____ are very sly.

A) Foxs

B) Foxes

C) Fox



 I use toothbrush to clean my ____.

A) tooth

B) teeth

C )toothes


In the garden of our granny live many ____.

A) goose

B )gooses

C )geese


Do you usually see these ____?

A) children

B )child

C )childrens


I … drive.  

A) can

B) ought


 … I use your phone please?  

A) need

B )may


- I don’t feel well.  - You … see the doctor.  

 A) could

 B) ought to


If you are interested in buying this house, you … speak to our manager.  

A) could

B) had to


You … come too early. We won’t leave until 9 o’clock.  

A) needn’t

B) must




Anita saved $975 for community college tuition and other expenses, but now she is confused. Her older sister is going to Hawaii next month, and she wants Anita to go with her. They can get a discount on a hotel room and share the costs of renting a car. Anita knows college is important, but she wants to visit Hawaii. The problem is she can’t

afford both. If she goes Hawaii, she won’t have enough money for college. It will take her a year to save enough money for tuition. Anita wants to be a nurse someday and work in a hospital. She doesn’t know what to do. She has to make a difficult decision.

True or False


Anita saved money for college.


Her sister is going to Hawaii next year.


Anita works in a hospital


Colleges charge tuition.


Anita and her sister can get a discount on a hotel room.


















Вариант 2

Тестовые задания


The swimming pool  ________ at 10 o’clock on Sunday.

A) opens

B )open

C )opening


______  you go to the cinema every weekend?

A )Does

B )Do

C )Dose



My cousin always  _______  at the Park Hotel in Greece.

A )stay

B )stays

C )stayse


_______  she speak four languages very well?  

A )Do

B )Does

C )Is


What  ______  you know about this strange boy?

A )does

B )do

C )are


My favorite hobbies _____ going in for sport and dancing.

A )am

B )are

C )is


What nationality ____ your relatives?

A) is

B) are

C) am


What ____ your phone number in New York?

A) are

B) is

C) am


Mary ____ from Scotland.

A) is not

B) are not

C) aren’t


English ____ the second language in our school.  

A) are

B) is

C) am


____ it difficult to buy tickets at the railway station?  

A) Were

B) Was

C) Weren’t


My older sister ____ at the exhibition in St.Petersburg last year.

A) wasn’t

B) weren’t

C) was’nt


Where ____ Mary’s parents last weekend?

A) was

B) were

C) wasn’t


It ___ rather difficult to translate a text from Arabian into English.

A) was

B) were

C) wasnt


 When ____ you here last time?  

A) was’nt

B) were

C) was


When the teacher came, the students ….. a lot of noise.

A) were making

B) was making

C)wasn't making


Anna ….. a shower, so she didn't hear the phone ringing.

A) was having

B) were having

C) was have


While my mom …. the dinner, I was doing some homework.

A) were cooking

B) was cooking

C) was cookking


. … she … the whole evening yesterday after such a sad movie?

A) Was … crying?

B) were … crying?

C) Was … cryeing?


The children  …..., when the dog started barking.

A) were sleeping

B) was sleeping

C) was not sleeping


Девочка плакала, так как потеряла свою собаку.  

A) The girl was crying, because she had lost her dog.

B) The girl cried, because she was losing her dog.


 Родители Анны поженились в 1980 году.  

A )Anna's parents got married in 1980.

B )Anna's parents were getting married in 1980.


Когда гости приехали, моя мама еще пекла торт.  

A) When the guests came, my mom was still baking the cake.

B) When the guests came, my mom baked the cake.


Анна встретила Макса, когда совершала покупки.  

A) Anna was shopping when she was meeting Max.

B) Anna was shopping when she met Max.



В магазине Анна увидела то красивое красное платье, о котором мечтала целый год.  

A) In the store Anna saw the beautiful red dress she was dreaming about the whole year.

B) In the store Anna was seeing the beautiful red dress she dreamed about the whole year.


Моя сестра будет играть на гитаре завтра.

A )My sister will play the guitar tomorrow.

B) My sister shall play the guitar tomorrow.

C )My sister will’ play the guitar tomorrow.


Ты пойдешь в театр в субботу?

A) Shall you go to the theatre on Saturday?

B )Will you go to the theatre on Saturday?

C) Want you go to the theatre on Saturday?


Что он будет читать нового в следующем году?

A) What new shall he read next year?

B) What new will he read next year?

C )What new wall he read next year?


Завтра будет мой день рождения!

A) It will be my birthday tomorrow!

B) It shall be my birthday tomorrow!

C) It won’t be my birthday tomorrow!


В следующем месяце мы посетим Исландию.

A )We’ll visit Iceland next month.

B )We want visit Iceland next month.

C )We shell visit Iceland next month


We have three _____ at school.

A) pianoes

B) pianos

C) pianes


My sister sang five beautiful ____ in our concert.

A) song

B) songs

C) songes


Have you really bought two new ____?

A) skirts

B )skirt

C )skirtes


There are a lot of ____ in the basement.

A )mouses

B) mice

C) mices


How many ____ are there in a week?

A )day

B) days

C) dayes


Children under 18 years old… be accompanied by parents for their visa interview.  

A) can

B) must


I … do it because I was just a beginner.  

A) couldn’t

B) shouldn’t


You … do your homework right after school.  

A) could

B) ought to


… I begin the presentation, please?  

A) need

B) may


The legend of Hercules … be true.  

A) need

B) can’t




Anita saved $975 for community college tuition and other expenses, but now she is confused. Her older sister is going to Hawaii next month, and she wants Anita to go with her. They can get a discount on a hotel room and share the costs of renting a car. Anita knows college is important, but she wants to visit Hawaii. The problem is she can’t afford both. If she goes Hawaii, she won’t have enough money for college. It will take her a year to save enough money for tuition. Anita wants to be a nurse someday and work in a hospital. She doesn’t know what to do. She has to make a difficult decision.

True or False


Anita saved money for college.


Her sister is going to Hawaii next year.


Anita works in a hospital.


Colleges charge tuition.


Anita and her sister can get a discount on a hotel room.



































Вариант 3

Тестовые задания


_____  Tom live near here?

A) Does

B) Do

C) Dose



How often  ______  you go abroad?

A) does

B) do

C) are



It  ____________  very much in spring.

A) don’t rain

B) doesn’t rain

C) isn't rains



I  ________  to bed before midnight.

A) go

B) goes

C) am go



Where do your parents  _____  in Great Britain?

A) live

B) lives

C) living



What _____ your favorite subjects in college?

A) is

B) are

C) isn’t



Her family ____ big and friendly.

A) are

B) is

C) am not



How old _____ your small nephews?

A) is

B) am

C) are



My younger sister ____ very kind and shy.

A) are

B) is

C) isnt



I ___ from Great Britain.

A) am not

B) isn’t

C) amn’t


It ____ a fantastic holiday! Thanks for the invitation!  

A) were

B) was

C) weren’t


Pete and Nick ____ in physics class yesterday.  

A) were

B) was

C) werent


Her teacher of chemistry _____ kind and polite on Monday.  

A) was

B) were

C) were not


 His uncle Stefan ___ in Wales ten years ago.  

A) wasn’t

B) weren’t

C) were not


Our best friends ____ in the West Crimea last month.

A) was

B) were

C) wasn’t


What …. the students..... at the lesson of literature?

A) was … discussing?

B) were … discussing?

C) were … discuss?


I … attention to it while I ….. the documents, so I made several mistakes.

A) wasn't paying, was typing.

B) was paying, was typing.

C) was pay, was typing


Why didn’t Maria come to school last week? - She …. …. at home with her newborn brother.

A) wasn't staying

B) was stay

C) was staying


We …. …. classes during that annoying performance next door.

A) were having

B) was having

C) were being have


People …. …. towards the exit, when I saw him there among the crowd.

A) was running

B) were running

C) were runing


Младший брат Марии расстроился, т.к. она не захотела с ним поиграть.  

A) Maria's little brother got upset because she didn't want to play with him.

B) Maria's little brother was getting upset because she didn't want to play with him.


Собака лаяла всю ночь, и мы не смогли уснуть.  

A) The dog barked the whole night, so we couldn't fall asleep.

B) The dog was barking the whole night, so we couldn't fall asleep.



Учительница вошла в тот момент, когда ученики играли в карты.  

 A) The teacher came in at the moment when the students played cards.

B) The teacher came in at the moment when the students were playing cards.


Я не верил ни одному его слову.  

A) I didn't believe a word he said.

B) I wasn't believing a word he said.


Макс не узнал Анну, т.к она была в солнечных очках.    

A) Max didn't recognize Anna, because she was wearing sunglasses.

B) Max wasn't recognizing Anna, because she wore sunglasses.


On the farm Jack has a lot of ____.

A) sheep

B) sheeps

C) sheepes


 Does he speak any foreign ____?

A) languagge

B) languages

C) languags


There are four _____ in your flat.

A) rooms

B) roomes

C) room


Last year our family visited many _____.

A) country

B) countries

C) countrys


There are many different _____ in the world.

A) familyes

B) families

C) familes


В следующем месяце мы посетим Исландию.

A) We’ll visit Iceland next month.

B) We want visit Iceland next month.

C) We shell visit Iceland next month.


Я не куплю новые джинсы послезавтра.

A) I won’t buy new jeans the day after tomorrow.

B) I willn't buy new jeans the day after tomorrow.

C) I shalln’t buy new jeans the day after tomorrow.


Мой лучший друг будет в Шотландии в следующее Рождество.

A) My best friend shall be in Scotland next Christmas.

B) My best friend will be in Scotland next Christmas.

C) My best friend will in Scotland next Christmas.


Что твой старший брат будет делать в Великобритании?

A) What shall your older brother do in Great Britain?

B) What shell your older brother do in Great Britain?

C) What will your older brother do in Great Britain?


Я думаю, моя мама полетит на самолете завтра.

A) I think my mum well fly by plane tomorrow.

B) I think my mum will fly by plane tomorrow.

C) I think my mum won’t fly by plane tomorrow.


Будем ли мы путешествовать по Европе следующим летом?

A) Shell we travel around Europe next summer?

B) Well we travel around Europe next summer?

C) Will we travel around Europe next summer?


You … talk during exams. It’s forbidden!  

A) mustn’t

B) don’t have to


You … get eight hours of sleep every night.  

A) must

B) should


… I take some medicine?  

A) should

B) need


I want to … play the guitar.  

A) can

B) be able to





Raymond is at a polling place near his home. He is voting for his favorite political candidates. His city is electing a mayor and three city council members. When Raymond arrived at the polling place, there were ten people waiting in line. The line moved quickly and now it is his turn to vote. He has already decided which candidates to vote for. He got most of his election information from the local newspaper, but he also accessed his city’s Web site to learn more about the candidates. Raymond thinks it’s important for citizens to vote in elections. It is a civic duty.

True or False


The polling place is near Raymond’s home.


Raymond reads a local newspaper and accesses his city’s Web site.


Other people were already at the polling place when Raymond arrived.


A candidate is a person running in an election.


Raymond doesn’t know which candidates to vote for.



Вариант 1 № Тестовые задания 1

Вариант 1 № Тестовые задания 1

A) Were B )Was C )Wasnt 14

A) Were B )Was C )Wasnt 14

A) We'll fly to New Zealand in a few days

A) We'll fly to New Zealand in a few days

In the garden of our granny live many ____

In the garden of our granny live many ____

Вариант 2 № Тестовые задания 1

Вариант 2 № Тестовые задания 1

A) was B) were C) wasn’t 14

A) was B) were C) wasn’t 14

Ты пойдешь в театр в субботу?

Ты пойдешь в театр в субботу?

Reading DREAM VACATION Anita saved $975 for community college tuition and other expenses, but now she is confused

Reading DREAM VACATION Anita saved $975 for community college tuition and other expenses, but now she is confused

Вариант 3 № Тестовые задания 1

Вариант 3 № Тестовые задания 1

A) were B) was C) weren’t 12

A) were B) was C) weren’t 12

B) I wasn't believing a word he said

B) I wasn't believing a word he said

You … get eight hours of sleep every night

You … get eight hours of sleep every night
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