Examination test
Оценка 4.7

Examination test

Оценка 4.7
Examination test
A1+ UNIT 2 Test standard.docx


1   Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1    This is mine bicycle.


2    I think that’s Jana bag.


3    A: Is this folder your?                
B: Yes it is. Thanks.


4    My uncle’s got three childs.


5    A: Is this your classroom?       
B: No. It’s their.



        / 5


2   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the questions.

1    A:  Where/What is my bag?         

      B: It’s over there.

2    A: What/Who is that?                    

      B: It’s my father.

3    A: How old/How much are you? 

      B: I’m 13.

4    A: Which/Where is my sandwich?     

      B: Yours is the big one.

5    A: How much/How is a bus ticket?    

      B: It’s two euros.


        / 5


3   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1    This/These are my new trainers.

2    Children in Brazil love the/– football. They play it all
the time.

3    That/This is my sister. She’s over there in the park.

4    Have you got a/an ruler?

5    A/The film is called Spaceman. It’s great!


        / 5



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4   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1    My favourite subject is maths/PE. I love sports!

2    In science/geography we study different countries.

3    I’ve got a calculator for maths/history lessons.

4    I learn the piano in my French/music class.

5    I like languages and English/ICT is my favourite class.


        / 5


5   Complete the sentences with everyday objects.

1    This is my ………………………. It’s for my pens and pencils.

2    I’ve got a ……………………… for difficult maths problems.

3    A: Have you got a ………………………?    
B: Yes. I’ve got an apple and a banana.

4    I’ve got a ……………………… for school. My phone and my books are in it.

5    I’ve got new ………………………. They are really good for running.


        / 5


6   Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with these words. There are two extra options.

big   •   curly   •   ears   •   long   •   nose   •   short   •   tall

Alison is (1)  ………………………. She’s 1 metre 80.

Her hair is (2) ………………………, dark and (3) ……………………….

She’s got (4) ……………………… teeth and a small


        / 5



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Use of English

7   Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the conversations.

1    What have you got in your bag?

      A    My trainers and my folder.

      B    I’ve got two sisters.            

      C    Yes, I have.

2    Where’s my phone?

      A    It’s small and black.       

      B    Is that it over there?       

      C    I haven’t got one.

3    Has he got short dark hair?

      A    No. He’s tall.                   

      B    No. He’s got fair hair.    

      C    Yes. He is.

4    What time is your karate class?

      A    At six o’clock.                 

      B    On Monday.                        

      C    Tomorrow.


5    Is that your house?

      A    Yes, they are.                 

      B    Yes. Those are mine.   

      C    Yes. That’s it.                  

6   Have we got PE this morning?

      A    Yes. It’s after German.      

      B    PE is my favourite subject.

      C    It means ‘physical education’.

7   Have you got a tablet for school?

      A    No. I’ve got a tablet.      

      B    No. I’ve got a laptop.     

      C    No. I don’t like that.

8   She’s got three children.

      A    How old is he?

      B    What’s her name?         

      C    What are their names?


        / 8


8   Read the article about a school. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

1    Iris likes maths lessons.                                           T/F

2    Iris’s teacher hasn’t got a computer.                     T/F

3    Rebecca likes sports.                                               T/F

4    Rebecca is in the swimming team.                        T/F

5    André’s brother loves the library.                           T/F

6    André thinks the library is very big.                        T/F



Kids’ School

Children love learning at Kids’ School. Read these comments from our students …


A  Iris

I love it! My classroom is brilliant. It’s got big windows and lots of plants and we’ve only got ten children in our classroom. My favourite subject is maths. We haven’t got books or calculators. Our teacher’s got a computer and we’ve all got tablets. Our classroom has got an interactive board.


B  Rebecca

I think it’s great. The children and their families are really nice. We’re all friends. I’m also happy because our school isn’t in the city. We’ve got outside space for sports and a big swimming pool. My favourite subject is PE. We play lots of different sports and we’ve got good teams. I’m in the gymnastics team!


C  André

My brother is at Kid’s School with me and we love it! He’s a sporty person so he loves the sports facilities but I like reading so I love the library. It’s really big with hundreds of books. My favourite lesson is English. The lessons aren’t in a classroom, we have them in the library. We haven’t got computers but we’ve got lots of books!


        / 6

9   Read the article again. Match the sentences (1­–6) with the people (A–C). You can choose the people
more than once.

1    We have English lessons in the library.                  ………………………

2    We’ve got a small class.                                            ………………………

3    I like sports.                                                                  ………………………

4    We’ve got books in this lesson.                                ………………………

5    I’ve got a tablet for these lessons.                           ………………………

6    I like the other children.                                             ………………………


        / 6



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10 button.jpg Listen to the interviews. Choose the best answers, A, B or C.

1    Where is the woman?

      A    in an office

      B    at home

      C    at a school

2    What is in Fred’s bag?

      A    a sandwich

      B    a phone

      C    school books

3    Where’s Berta’s bag?

      A    at home

      B    at her friend’s house

      C    at school

4    Whose bag has Berta got?

      A    Monica's bag

      B    Fred's bag

      C    the woman's bag

5    What things are in Monica’s bag?

      A    a phone and a sandwich

      B    a sandwich and some trainers

      C    a bottle of water


        / 5


11 button.jpg Listen again and complete the notes with these words. There are two extra words.

bag      friend’s      lunchtime      pencil      phone   radio      video

Fred has got a pencil case, books and a (1) ……………………… game in his bag. He uses the game at (2) ……………………….

Berta hasn’t got her (3) ……………………… today. She has got her (4) ……………………… bag. Monica has got her


        / 5



      / 10



12 Read part of an email from a new e-pal. Write an email and answer your e-pal. Use the notes to help you.


Tell me about yourself and your school. What after-school activities have you got?

•	name/where from/physical description
•	school: classes, timetable, favourite subjects
•	after school activities






Write 30–35 words.




   / 10


13 Describe three of the people in the picture.

Talk about:     
•   their faces    
•   their hair     
•   how tall/short they are     
•   their objects
Remember to use:     
•   be    
•   have got







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Grammar 1 Correct the mistakes in the sentences

Grammar 1 Correct the mistakes in the sentences

Use of English 7 Choose the best answer (A,

Use of English 7 Choose the best answer (A,

Reading 8 Read the article about a school

Reading 8 Read the article about a school

Listening 10 Listen to the interviews

Listening 10 Listen to the interviews

Writing 12 Read part of an email from a new e-pal

Writing 12 Read part of an email from a new e-pal
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