Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
СОГЛАСОВАНО Начальник лабораторной службы – врач клинической диагностики БУЗ ВО «Вологодская областная клиническая больница № 2» _______________Е.А. Пукова «______»________________20____г. |
УТВЕРЖДАЮ Директор БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова» _______________ А.М. Александрова «______»________________20____г. |
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) основная профессиональная образовательная программа среднего профессионального образования по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена |
Квалификация: Медицинский лабораторный техник Форма обучения: очная Нормативный срок обучения – 2 года 10 месяцев на базе среднего общего образования |
СОГЛАСОВАНО Заместитель директора по научно-методической работе _______________М.А. Жаров «______»________________20____г. |
СОГЛАСОВАНО Заместитель директора по учебной работе _______________ Е.А. Дмитриева «______»________________20____г. |
г. Череповец
2018 год
Фонд оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика.
БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова».
Карпова Лилия Анатольевна, преподаватель БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»,
Рассмотрено на заседании ЦМК «ОГСЭ» Протокол №___от «____»____20___г. Председатель ________Е.Ц. Поталовская |
Стр. |
1. Паспорт фонда оценочных средств |
4 |
2. Перечень оценочных средств по разделам и темам |
7 |
3. Контрольно-измерительные материалы для текущего контроля по дисциплине |
9 |
4. Контрольно-измерительные материалы для промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине |
10 |
1.1 Область применения оценочных средств
Фонд оценочных средств (ФОС) предназначен для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык (английский).
ФОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачета.
ФОС разработан на основании положений: основной профессиональной образовательной программы по специальности 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика и программы учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ. 03. Иностранный язык.
1.2 Требования к результатам освоения учебной дисциплины
Обучающийся должен уметь:
- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;
- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;
- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.
Обучающийся должен знать:
- лексический (1200 - 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
1.3 Перечень компетенций, формируемых дисциплиной
Код компетенции |
Формулировка компетенции |
ОК |
Медицинский лабораторный техник должен обладать общими компетенциями, включающими в себя способность: |
ОК 4 |
Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения возложенных на него профессиональных задач, а также для своего профессионального и личностного развития. |
ОК 5 |
Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности. |
ОК 6 |
Работать в коллективе и команде,
эффективно общаться |
ОК 8 |
Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать и осуществлять повышение своей квалификации. |
1 курс
№ п/п |
Контролируемые разделы дисциплины (разделы, модули) |
Код контролируемой компетенции |
Наименование оценочного средства |
1. |
Части тела. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Контрольная работа. |
2. |
Сердце и кровь. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Контрольная работа. |
3. |
Диета. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Контрольная работа, |
4. |
Работа медсестры. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Контрольная работа. |
5. |
Первая помощь. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Контрольная работа. |
6. |
Инфекционные болезни. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Сравнительная таблица на основе текстов. |
7. |
Лекарственные средства. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Перевод лексики по теме. |
2 курс
№ п/п |
Контролируемые разделы дисциплины (разделы, модули) |
Код контролируемой компетенции |
Наименование оценочного средства |
1. |
Анатомия и физиология. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №1 |
2. |
Сердце и кровь. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №2. |
3. |
Дыхание. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №3. |
4. |
Пищеварение. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №3. |
5. |
Микроорганизмы и инфекции. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №3. |
6. |
Патология. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №4. |
7. |
Секреция. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №4. |
8. |
Иммунитет |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №4. |
9. |
Лекарства |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тестовое задание №4. Итоговое тестовое задание. |
3 курс
№ п/п |
Контролируемые разделы дисциплины (разделы, модули) |
Код контролируемой компетенции |
Наименование оценочного средства |
1. |
Повторение. Кровь. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Тест №2. |
2. |
Микробиология. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем. |
3. |
Бактерии. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем. |
4. |
Вирусы. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем. |
5. |
Лабораторные исследования. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Перевод лексики по теме. |
6. |
Лабораторные исследования крови. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Контрольная работа. |
7. |
Лабораторные исследования мочи, кала. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Перевод лексики по теме. |
8. |
Лабораторные исследования (другие). |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Перевод лексики по теме. |
9. |
Достижения и открытия в области лабораторных исследований. |
ОК 4-6,8 |
Итоговая контрольная работа. |
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 1. Части тела
Итоговая работа по теме: Parts of Human Body. Heart. Blood.
I. Поставьте местоимения вместо точек (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, возвратные):
1. Nick is a student. ....... is my best friend.
2. The doctor took ...... blood pressure.
3. A patient can’t make an injection ........................ .
4. My friends visited ...... last weekend. I was glad to see ...... .
5. Pete came into the shop. ...... bought a new book there.
6. ...... color is ...... pen? ...... pen is red.
7. ...... book is mine, and ...... is Tom’s.
8. There is a garden in front of ...... hospital.
9. Usually ...... go to the college together.
10. The patient can’t dress ...................... .
II. Поставьте правильную форму глагола to be, учитывая время, указанное в скобках:
1. We ...... the students of Medical College. ( Present Indefinite )
2. How ...... you? I ......fine! ( Present Indefinite )
3. He ...... a doctor. ( Past Indefinite )
4. I ........... an oculist after finishing the University. ( Future Indefinite )
5. Her hair ...... long and blonde. ( Present Indefinite )
6. Ann and Pete ...... in the laboratory. ( Past Indefinite )
III. Составьте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов:
1. Eyes, oculist, our, examines, the.
2. Blood, the, carry, from, arteries, heart.
3. Are, nearsighted, some, and, people, farsighted.
4. Organ, a, is, wonderful, heart.
5. Meal, my, I, every, teeth, day, after, brush.
IV. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. You must have a habit to brush your teeth after meal every day.
2. If your hair is dry, protect it from the sun.
3. Veins carry blood to the heart.
4. Rinse your hands carefully with soap and running water.
5. The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute.
6. Blood has red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma.
7. Our heart works as a pump.
8. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze.
9. About 5 litres of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries.
10. The doctor, who treats the eye-diseases, is called an oculist.
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 2. Сердце. Кровь
Итоговая работа по теме: Parts of Human Body. Heart. Blood.
V. Поставьте местоимения вместо точек (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, возвратные):
11. Nick is a student. ....... is my best friend.
12. The doctor took ...... blood pressure.
13. A patient can’t make an injection ........................ .
14. My friends visited ...... last weekend. I was glad to see ...... .
15. Pete came into the shop. ...... bought a new book there.
16. ...... color is ...... pen? ...... pen is red.
17. ...... book is mine, and ...... is Tom’s.
18. There is a garden in front of ...... hospital.
19. Usually ...... go to the college together.
20. The patient can’t dress ...................... .
VI. Поставьте правильную форму глагола to be, учитывая время, указанное в скобках:
7. We ...... the students of Medical College. ( Present Indefinite )
8. How ...... you? I ......fine! ( Present Indefinite )
9. He ...... a doctor. ( Past Indefinite )
10. I ........... an oculist after finishing the University. ( Future Indefinite )
11. Her hair ...... long and blonde. ( Present Indefinite )
12. Ann and Pete ...... in the laboratory. ( Past Indefinite )
VII. Составьте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов:
6. Eyes, oculist, our, examines, the.
7. Blood, the, carry, from, arteries, heart.
8. Are, nearsighted, some, and, people, farsighted.
9. Organ, a, is, wonderful, heart.
10. Meal, my, I, every, teeth, day, after, brush.
VIII. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
11. You must have a habit to brush your teeth after meal every day.
12. If your hair is dry, protect it from the sun.
13. Veins carry blood to the heart.
14. Rinse your hands carefully with soap and running water.
15. The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute.
16. Blood has red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma.
17. Our heart works as a pump.
18. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze.
19. About 5 litres of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries.
20. The doctor, who treats the eye-diseases, is called an oculist.
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Тема: ДИЕТА.
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 3. Диета
Контрольная работа
1. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык:
1. physical work –
2. need more food –
3. consist of proteins –
4. mixed diet –
5. high temperature –
6. poor appetite –
7. pay attention –
8. high caloric food –
9. strengthen nervous system –
10. take it daily –
11. 5 pints of water –
12. without replacement –
13. serious signs of illness –
14. prescribe the diet –
15. become healthy –
16. winter vitamins –
17. formation of bones –
18. recover after illness –
19. treatment of thrombosis –
20. use a spoon instead of fork –
2. Вставьте пропущенные слова. Переведите предложения:
1. If a person wants to be in good … he must be … about his diet.
a) condition, nervous
b) health, careful
c) disease, mixed
2. Try to make … noise when you … .
a) large, sleep
b) healthy, eat
c) little, eat.
3. Any patient with high … has a very … appetite and so a … must be very careful.
a) temperature, big, doctor
b) calories, high, nurse
c) temperature, poor, nurse
4. You can … many diseases by … .
a) have, next week
b) treat, diet
c) feel, heart
5. You must take vitamin … to increase resistance to … and to recover after … .
a) A, eyesight, illness
b) E, body formation, pain
c) C, infection, illness
6. The human … gives off about 5 … of water every day through the … , sweat glands and … .
a) heart, grams, eyes, nose
b) body, litres, heart, arms.
c) body, pints, lungs, kidneys
7. In the living body … carries … from one part of the … to another.
a) water, foodstuffs, body
b) artery, blood, heart
c) sweat, food, head
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 4. Работа медсестры
Контрольная работа
Test “Nursing” группа_________________Ф.И.___________________________
1. Вставьте подходящую форму to be. Переведите предложения:
1. There …………….six patients in the ward.
2. There …………….only one nurse in the operating-room.
3. There ……………..some more new prescriptions from the doctor for you tomorrow.
4. There ……………..several wheel-chairs in the hall yesterday.
5. There …………….the only one talented doctor in our hospital.
6. There……………..some more prescriptions for that patient last week.
7. There……………..a new medicine and some injections in the prescription.
8. There……………..a temperature chart, where the nurse writes down the temperature.
9. There……………..three nurses and a doctor on the surgery yesterday.
10. There……………..two weeks of practice for the student nurse.
2. Поставьте общий и специальный вопросы к предложениям:
1. The nurse must write down the temperature in temperature chart.
2. The doctors examine the patients at 9 o’clock every morning.
3. Patient with high temperature stayed in bed all day long.
4. 4. The chief-doctor usually controls the work of ward-nurses.
5. 5. The doctor prescribed some new medicines for this patient.
6. 6. Mustard plasters will help in fever.
3. Поставьте неопределённые местоимения somebody/something, anybody/anything, nobody/nothing, everybody/everything. Переведите предложения:
1. Is there…………………………………………, who knows how to make an injection?
2. The patient was so hard, that…………………………………..could make a diagnosis.
3. …………………………………phoned the doctor to ask about a patient’s condition.
4. ………………………………..must know how to give the first aid.
5. Has…………………………………….here got an ice-bag?
6. The doctor can tell……………………………………….about this disease.
7. …………………………………………got wrong with this patient.
8. Doctor, can you prescribe…………………………………………….else to relieve the pain?
9. …………………………………………….can confirm the cause of this compound fracture.
10. ……………………………………seems to awful in depression.
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 5. Первая помощь
Контрольная работа
Итоговая контрольная работа. Первая помощь. Времена глагола.
I. Поставьте глаголы в форму Present, Past, Future Indefinite и переведите:
1. The first aid ………..essential part of teaching at the medical college.(to be )
2. The boy fell on his knee and …………… a bruise. (to get )
3. He …………… a compound fracture yesterday. (to get )
4. Tom …………… a severe bleeding. He ……………… to the hospital. (to have, to go)
5. If movement of arm or leg ……………… , there may be fracture. (to hurt )
II. Поставьте глаголы в форму Present, Past, Future Continuous и переведите:
1. The doctor ………………………………… a splint now. ( to bind )
2. We ……………………………….. anatomy from 2 to 4 yesterday. ( to study )
3. Ann ………………………………………… for Latin all day long last weekend. ( to prepare )
4. Tomorrow our group …………………………………… part in the conference all day long. ( to take )
5. Pete and Kate …………………………. English words all the evening yesterday. ( to learn)
III. Зачеркните неправильный вариант и переведите слово:
first help / first aid –
fracture /fraecturum –
splintd / splint –
wound / waund –
braise / bruise –
pain / paine –
blaad / blood –
X-rais / X-rays –
gauze / gouse –
bon / bone –
limb / libm –
to consult / to consalt –
arthery / artery –
to save / to safe –
scarlet / skarlet –
bleeding / blooding –
to stop bliding / to stop bleeding –
injury / inghury –
red / rad –
achcident / accident –
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 6. Инфекционные болезни
1. Составить сравнительную таблицу на основе предложенных текстов по указанным критериям: symptoms, cause, incubation period, susceptible patients, treatment and prophylaxis.
The main symptoms of the disease are: slight fever, general discomfort, headache, stiff neck, stiff back. It may result in paralysis of any part of the body. The cause of poliomyelitis is a virus. The incubation period of the disease is 7-21 days. The most susceptible patients are the children from 9 months to 5 years. The child should be isolated from onset of the disease till fever subsides. We can prevent poliomyelitis with oral polio vaccine.
Лексика по теме:
slight – лёгкий susceptible - восприимчивый
general discomfort – общее недомогание onset - начало
stiff – окостеневший to subside - спадать
paralysis – паралич oral – пероральный
The main symptoms of the disease are fever, headache, malaise. The cause of typhoid is a bacillus. The incubation period is 7-21 days. The most susceptible patients are children and young adults. To treat the disease you should follow proper disposal of stools and urine and to give chloramphenicol or substitute for 3-4 weeks. We can prevent typhoid with typhoid vaccine.
Лексика по теме:
malaise – недомогание, дискомфорт proper - надлежащий
young – молодой disposal - устранение
adult – взрослый substitute - заменитель
to follow – следовать to prevent – предотвратить
The main symptoms of tonsillitis are fever, cough, sore throat. The cause of the disease is streptococcus. The incubation period is 2-5 days. The patients of all ages are susceptible to the disease. To treat the patient with tonsillitis we should give penicillin or substitute injections for 10 days. There are no any ways of prevention of tonsillitis.
The main symptoms of tetanus are stiffness of jaw, spasms and convulsions, difficulty in swallowing. The cause of the disease is a bacillus. The incubation period is from 5 days to 2 weeks. The disease is not communicable from person to person. The patients of all ages are susceptible to the disease. The patient with tetanus should be hospitalized and the wound should be cleaned immediately. A doctor must use tetanus toxoid separate or in DPT to treat the patient.
Лексика по теме:
tetanus – бешенство swallowing - глотание
stiffness – окостенелость communicable - передаваемый
jaw – челюсть toxoid - анатоксин
convulsion – конвульсия DPT – diphtheria pertussis tetanus (vaccine)
1. What is the difference between the symptoms of poliomyelitis and typhoid?
2. Are there any similar symptoms between poliomyelitis and tetanus?
3. What are the causes of all these diseases?
4. What can you say about the treatment of poliomyelitis, typhoid, tonsillitis and tetanus?
5. Are there any ways of prevention of the diseases?
2. На основании следующей клинической картины определите, чем болел пациент?
The boy complained of a bad headache, vomiting and a sore throat. His pulse was rapid. The inflammation of the throat was associated with the enlargement of the glands of neck. The patient was noted to have loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disturbances and small amount of urine of dark colour. His hands, legs and body were covered with a fine red rash, it being most clearly marked on his abdomen.
1. What infectious disease is represented in the text?
2. What is the period of invasion in the disease characterized by?
3. What are the typical symptoms of the disease?
4. What is the most characteristic complication after the disease?
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 7. Лекарственные средства.
Переведите выражения:
1. Powder:
· to take a powder for
· a sweet (bitter) powder
2. Tablet:
· to take a tablet three times a day
· a half tablet
· these tablets have no side effects
3. Pill:
· to take a pill after (during, before) meal
· to take some milk after the pill
4. Ointment:
· to put an ointment on…
5. Suppository:
· to keep the suppositories in cool place
6. Globule:
· to wash the hands before the use of the globules
7. Ampule:
· to keep the ampules in a dark place
· to give injections
8. Solution:
· to read the doctor’s instruction before giving the solution
9. Mixture:
· to shake the bottle with the mixture before use
10. Infusion:
· to take an infusion
11. Decoction:
· to give a decoction four times a day before meal
12. Drops:
· to keep drops in a dark place
· to wash the pipette before (after) use
· to drop five drops
13. Tincture:
· to take twenty drops of the tincture
14. Tablespoonful
· to take a tablespoonful of…
15. Teaspoonful
· to take a teaspoonful on an empty stomach
16. Prescription
· to give a prescription
· to prescribe medicine (treatment)
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
в форме дифференцированного зачета
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И.___________________________________________
Вариант 1.
1. Nearsighted and farsighted people need proper kind of …
a) eyes
b) glasses
c) food
d) blood
2. … heart diseases are caused by structural defects.
a) Many
b) Acquired
c) Congenital
d) All
3. You … crack nuts with teeth.
a) mustn’t
b) will
c) can
d) are allowed to
4. Do not rub or press the eyeballs, they are very delicate
a) лечить
b) закрывать
c) ломать
d) тереть
5. Don’t put your … in your mouth.
a) fork
b) spoon
c) knife
d) food
6. Daily we lose some …
a) water
b) blood
c) weight
d) consciousness
7. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals you … find in fish, meat, fruits, milk, etc.
a) must
b) can
c) should
d) need
8. Vitamin E improves poor blood circulation.
a) увеличивает
b) предотвращает
c) улучшает
d) защищает
9. The best way to stop … is by direct pressure with a clean cloth.
a) bleeding
b) talking
c) eating
d) sleeping
10. Loss of … can cause shock.
a) water
b) blood
c) money
d) appetite
11. When you give the first aid you … be very calm.
a) needn’t
b) can
c) must
d) have to
12. If the bruise is very bad you must consult the doctor.
a) ушиб
b) перелом
c) вывих
d) обморок
13. Work at the hospital begins at … o’clock in the morning.
a) 7
b) 6
c) 9
d) 12
14. The nurses write down the temperature in …
a) case-history
b) table
c) prescription
d) temperature charts
15. The hospital … very large.
a) is
b) were
c) can
d) need
16. Never say the word “incurable”.
a) болезненный
b) неизлечимый
c) смертельный
d) здоровый
17. What is the first symptom of many infectious diseases?
a) rash
b) ache
c) fever
d) nausea
18. Mumps attacks both … glands.
a) parotid
b) sweat
c) thyroid
d) sebaceous
19. The cause of typhoid is a …
a) virus
b) streptococcus
c) bacillus
d) wound
20. The period of convalescence after diphtheria is a few more weeks at home.
a) болезнь
b) выздоровление
c) лекарство
d) лечение
21. Erythromycin is used in … solutions for ear and nose infections.
a) water
b) hot
c) powder
d) allergic
22. The application of different … during tabletting plays a very important role.
a) position
b) pressure
c) way
d) solution
23. To support the leaves and to connect them with the roots are the main functions of the …
a) root
b) flower
c) seed
d) stem
24. Sometimes sulfonamides produce toxic side-effects.
a) побочный эффект
b) тошнота
c) отравление
d) лихорадка
25. The Oath of Hippocrates contains many of his … and principles.
a) prescriptions
b) ideas
c) thoughts
d) drugs
26. The main attention of health service in Russia is paid to …
a) plague
b) prophylaxis
c) cancer
d) drugs
27. What does form the basis of the medical code of honor?
a) label
b) Theory of Germs
c) The Hippocrates Oath
d) Case History
28. Cocaine was very effective as a local anaesthetic.
a) местный
b) сильный
c) запрещённый
d) общий
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 2.
1. Doctor who treats … is called an oculist.
a) thrombosis
b) fever
c) plague
d) eye diseases
2. Human heart usually makes from 60 to 72 … per minute.
a) beats
b) contractions
c) phases
d) strikes
3. See the dentist twice … year.
a) the
b) a
c) –
d) every
4. In children the rate of the heart beat is much higher.
a) способ
b) интервал
c) частота
d) интенсивность
5. The human body gives off about 5 … of water every 24 years.
a) pints
b) litres
c) kilogrammes
d) times
6. People of physical work need more … than people of mental work.
a) money
b) food
c) time
d) water
7. Daily we … some water.
a) lost
b) will be losing
c) loost
d) lose
8. Overdosage of some vitamins may be harmful.
a) вредный
b) опасный
c) полезный
d) лечебный
9. A … fracture is the most serious.
a) closed
b) compound
c) open
d) swollen
10. The first aid for poisoning is to empty the …
a) temperature
b) heart
c) stomach
d) intestine
11. The bruised place … red and swollen at first.
a) looks
b) lookings
c) had look
d) will look
12. In severe cases of bleeding doctors make blood transfusion.
a) кровопотеря
b) переливание
c) кровосмешение
d) кровообращение
13. Many doctors and nurses work at the …
a) plant
b) laboratory
c) nursery
d) hospital
14. Nurse helps people to walk and takes them in a …
a) toilet
b) wheel-chair
c) stretcher
d) air-ring
15. The nurse … know how to give a cleansing enema.
a) must
b) will
c) may
d) can
16. It is unnecessary to assemble a syringe.
a) стерилизовать
b) собирать
c) разбирать
d) кипятить
17. What diet must a child with scarlet fever have?
a) high-caloric
b) nourishing
c) fluid
d) light
18. Antihistamine syrup helps to relieve …
a) itching
b) pain
c) temperature
d) fever
19. The way of preventing tonsillitis:
a) vaccine
b) toxoid
c) no way
d) antibiotics
20. The child should stay ay home till jaundice has disappeared.
a) желтуха
b) симптом
c) сыпь
d) тошнота
21. … are added to the tablets to improve their flow properties.
a) Auxiliary substances
b) Glidants
c) Lubricants
d) Liquids
22. Alcohol has a very negative influence on the effect of …
a) medicines
b) injections
c) ointment
d) food
23. The reproductive part of the plant is made of …
a) roots
b) flowers and seeds
c) stem
d) soil
24. Antibiotics kill some of the simple organisms.
a) улучшать
b) скрывать
c) убивать
d) размножать
25. Hippocrates established the first medical school in …
a) Athens
b) Ceylon
c) Italy
d) Europe
26. … sciences were taught in the first Universities during the 13th and 14th centuries.
a) Chemical
b) Archeological
c) Artificial
d) Biological
27. During the Middle Ages … killed many millions of people in Europe.
a) leprosy
b) plague
c) influenza
d) scarlet fever
28. Some infectious diseases can be a cause of death and disability.
a) потеря трудоспособности
b) потеря сознания
c) депрессия
d) суеверие
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 3.
1. Don’t use … to clean your teeth after meals
a) brush
b) enema
c) metal things
d) soap
2. The rate heart beat increases depending on different …
a) emotions
b) people
c) ages
d) light
3. After heavy exercises the heart work …
a) fast
b) slowly
c) faster
d) the best
4. Soap your hands well.
a) вытирать
b) намыливать
c) сжимать
d) чистить
5. Vitamin D helps the body in formation of …
a) blood
b) food
c) nerves
d) bones
6. It is very important to give … food to a patient with high temperature.
a) high-caloric
b) fat
c) fluid
d) many
7. The person … go without water 7-10 days.
a) shall
b) can
c) must
d) need
8. Don’t use a spoon instead of a fork.
a) вместе
b) из-за
c) вместо
d) потому что
9. When you fall on your knee you get … on it.
a) bruise
b) fracture
c) cut
d) wound
10. … may be a cause of fainting.
a) brain
b) ammonia water
c) food
d) pain
11. In shock put a person … his back.
a) under
b) on
c) near
d) through
12. In fainting blood doesn’t get to the brain.
a) желудок
b) кишечник
c) мозг
d) спина
13. Each … tells the doctor about her patients.
a) ward nurse
b) doctor
c) patient
d) disease
14. Doctors begin … the patients at 9 o’clock.
a) to treat
b) to examine
c) to prescribe
d) to cover
15. Don’t gossip … the patients!
a) to
b) over
c) by
d) about
16. The doctor does surgery on a patient.
a) операция
b) инъекция
c) осмотр
d) капельница
17. How does measles pass?
a) from sneezing
b) from bleeding
c) from rash
d) from injection
18. Diphtheria mainly effects the …
a) head
b) throat
c) stomach
d) ears
19. The same symptoms of poliomyelitis and tetanus are:
a) fever
b) headache
c) spasms
d) stiffness
20. A patient in delirium is very restless.
a) слабый
b) беспокойный
c) вялый
d) здоровый
21. The tablet is the most common form for the administration of a drug in … state.
a) dry
b) liquid
c) solid
d) powder
22. We can buy or order medicines at the …
a) shop
b) library
c) chemist’s
d) hospital
23. … are often used in place of antibiotics.
a) Tablets
b) Sulfonamides
c) Liquids
d) Injections
24. Glidants are added to the tablets to improve their flow properties.
a) смазывающие вещества
b) скользящие вещества
c) жидкости
d) вспомогательные вещества
25. In the Middle Ages everybody agreed that plague was…
a) god’s punishment
b) infectious disease
c) incubation period of leprosy
d) high temperature
26. In 1901 Karl LandSteiner discovered the … groups.
a) parotid
b) children
c) germs
d) blood
27. Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very …
a) fast
b) careful
c) attentively
d) long
28. Great progress in the 20th century was made in the prevention and treatment of kidney disorder.
a) почечная колика
b) печёночная недостаточность
c) пиелонефрит
d) почечная недостаточность
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 4.
1. Arteries carry blood … the heart.
a) from
b) to
c) through
d) under
2. When you get up … the room.
a) close
b) air
c) leave
d) open
3. Symptoms … on the type of heart disease.
a) was depending
b) depends
c) depend
d) have been depending
4. Don’t do out without a hat in cold weather.
a) ветер
b) диета
c) болезнь
d) погода
5. Water carries … from one part of the body to another.
a) foodstuff
b) blood
c) cells
d) plasma
6. Overdosage of some … may be harmful.
a) water
b) vitamins
c) fats
d) fruit
7. Any patient with high temperature usually … a very poor appetite.
a) has
b) had
c) will have
d) has had
8. Don’t put your elbows on the table.
a) руки
b) ноги
c) пальцы
d) локти
9. Blood which flows from an artery is …
a) blue
b) scarlet
c) dark red
d) weak
10. The … of a person in shock is usually pale.
a) heart
b) mouth
c) face
d) hair
11. Want of food … cause fainting.
a) can
b) must
c) need
d) was
12. In a compound fracture broken bone pierces the skin.
a) открытый
b) сложный
c) сильный
d) закрытый
13. A student nurse is proud of her …
a) uniform
b) knowledge
c) patient
d) doctor
14. The doctor asks the nurse about the … of her patients.
a) blood
b) pressure
c) diet
d) condition
15. The nurse reads or plays … small children in the nursery.
a) to
b) on
c) with
d) by
16. The nurse must know how to cut a bandage with scissors.
a) игла
b) ножницы
c) шприц
d) шина
17. The same symptom of pneumonia and influenza is:
a) high temperature
b) cough
c) headache
d) vomiting
18. What is good for recovery of the liver after hepatitis?
a) meat
b) salt
c) sugar
d) sun
19. What is the treatment for chickenpox for children?
a) injections
b) soda-bathing
c) isolation
d) hospitalization
20. Chickenpox begins with fever and listlessness.
a) беспомощность
b) жар
c) зуд
d) вялость
21. Sulfa drugs … many infectious diseases.
a) prevent
b) increase
c) develop
d) change
22. Any chemically and physically homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is said to be a …
a) powder
b) solution
c) tablet
d) mixture
23. The overdosage of some drugs may cause …
a) temperature
b) death
c) fever
d) nausea
24. Neomycin is used instead of ointment in some cases.
a) мазь
b) клизма
c) повязка
d) компресс
25. Who called Hippocrates “the Great”?
a) people
b) Aristotle
c) Heracle
d) L.Pasteur
26. Another development of the Middle Ages was the foundation of …
a) universities
b) cocaine
c) theatres
d) drugs
27. What drug was used during World War II to reduce infections in wounds?
a) aspirin
b) cocaine
c) penicillin
d) sulfonamides
28. Rudolf Virchov became known for his work in cellular pathology
a) невропатология
b) психиатрия
c) клиническая патология
d) клеточная патология
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 5.
1. …are the main pump of the human heart.
a) Veins
b) Eyes
c) Ventricles
d) Kidneys
2. Use food which you must … .
a) chew
b) buy
c) boil
d) collect
3. You … have the habit to brush your teeth.
a) will
b) must
c) might
d) need
4. Congenital defects may result in cyanosis.
a) сердечные
b) приобретённые
c) сложные
d) врождённые
5. Try to make little … when you eat.
a) noise
b) food
c) harm
d) teeth
6. … in health and disease is very important.
a) Doctor
b) Diet
c) Fish
d) Protein
7. The human body … off about 5 pints of water.
a) given
b) is given
c) gives
d) was giving
8. People must take normal doses of vitamins.
a) правильные
b) нормальные
c) небольшие
d) частые
9. Wet the cloth in … water and put it on the bruise.
a) salt
b) cold
c) hot
d) running
10. If a person has a … give him a warm drink and keep him quite.
a) rash
b) bleeding
c) shock
d) bruise
11. Some knowledge of the first aid … be an essential part of teaching in medical college.
a) must
b) need
c) can
d) should
12. In fainting person loses consciousness.
a) сознание
b) замещение
c) уход
d) сопротивляемость
13. The nurse shouldn’t be … with patients.
a) weak
b) rude
c) healthy
d) incurable
14. Nursery is a place for … .
a) babies
b) infectious patients
c) food
d) operations
15. The nurse is proud … her uniform.
a) with
b) in
c) of
d) through
16. The nurse shakes the thermometer before putting it.
a) записывает
b) читает
c) стерилизует
d) встряхивает
17. What is the best position for the patient with pneumonia?
a) flat in bed
b) half-sitting
c) standing
d) walking
18. What appears on the second day in scarlet fever?
a) blisters
b) fever
c) rash
d) headache
19. What age are the patients susceptible to tonsillitis of?
a) children
b) of all ages
c) grown-ups
d) only women
20. Disinfect bed-clothes after use.
a) постельное бельё
b) перчатки
c) халат
d) пижама
21. At the … department we can buy medicines immediately.
a) prescription
b) chemist’s
c) drug’s
d) big
22. Labels on the medicines prevent … different remedies.
a) mixturing
b) ordering
c) buying
d) confusing
23. … kill some of the simple organisms.
a) Neomycin
b) Sulfa drugs
c) Antibiotics
d) Tablets
24. Flowers are collected before the time of pollination.
a) опыление
b) цветение
c) плодонесение
d) опадение
25. Hippocrates created medicine on the basis of … .
a) drugs
b) experience
c) cocaine
d) superstition
26. What was the first of the “miracle” drugs which gave immediate results in the treatment of many infections?
a) cocaine
b) aspirin
c) antibiotic
d) sulfonamide
27. Germs can be killed in the liquids by … and it’s called “pasteurization”.
a) ice
b) heat
c) antibiotics
d) poisons
28. Hippocrates wrote several books and many case histories.
a) истории болезни
b) истории о болезнях
c) истории из жизни больных
d) случайные истории
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 6.
1. The first phase of short contraction is called … .
a) atrial systole
b) diastole
c) cancer
d) pump
2. Examine your eyes … .
a) always
b) every year
c) soon
d) twice a week
3. Go … bed in time and rise early.
a) over
b) from
c) to
d) out of
4. Keep your brush clean and don’t give it to anybody.
a) щётка
b) расчёска
c) заколка
d) брошюра
5. Any patient with high … has a poor appetite.
a) pressure
b) pulse
c) height
d) temperature
6. … destroys vitamin B.
a) Cooking
b) Boiling
c) Mother
d) Doctor
7. Daily we … some water.
a) lost
b) lose
c) loses
d) will have lost
8. After stirring remove the spoon on the saucer.
a) скатерть
b) тарелка
c) блюдце
d) стол
9. … placed on the nose can stop bleeding.
a) Splint
b) Food
c) Hot-water bottle
d) Ice
10. The splint should be … than the limb being splinted.
a) wider
b) longer
c) colder
d) bigger
11. When you give … first aid you must be very calm.
a) a
b) the
c) an
d) –
12. Some poisons cause shock, other – asphyxia.
a) лекарства
b) настои
c) яды
d) продукты
13. The nurse should learn to control her … .
a) feelings
b) pressure
c) temperature
d) diet
14. During her practice, the nurse gives patients … .
a) food
b) medicine
c) injections
d) mustard plasters
15. The nurse … be strong enough to carry a stretcher.
a) needn’t
b) will
c) would
d) must
16. Each ward-nurse tells the doctor about her patients.
a) акушерка
b) санитрка
c) постовая медсестра
d) палатная медсестра
17. What is not an infectious disease?
a) fever
b) chickenpox
c) mumps
d) tetanus
18. What does the diphtheria effect?
a) heart
b) throat
c) stomach
d) limbs
19. What should the person cut down on his diet in hepatitis?
a) sugar
b) milk
c) fried food
d) fish
20. Chickenpox is usually a mild disease.
a) вялотекущая
b) заразная
c) тяжёлая
d) болезнь средней тяжести
21. The effect of antibiotics was discovered by … in 1929.
a) Hippocrates
b) Fleming
c) Botkin
d) L. Pasteur
22. Tablets, which should dissolve in the …, must be more strongly compressed.
a) stomach
b) hands
c) mouth
d) intestine
23. Drug plants, which have glicosides, must be dried at a … temperature.
a) high
b) small
c) cool
d) low
24. Alcohol increases the toxicity of barbiturates by more than 50%.
a) увеличивает
b) улучшает
c) уменьшает
d) добавляет
25. During the … plague killed many millions of people.
a) 20th century
b) Middle Ages
c) last year
d) 19th century
26. Hippocrates freed medicine from … .
a) drugs
b) antibiotics
c) cocaine
d) superstition
27. The discovery of … in 1912 was very important to provide people with a properly balanced diet.
a) vitamins
b) milk
c) antibiotics
d) sulfonamides
28. The Hippocratic Oath is a collection of promises.
a) клятв
b) обещаний
c) мыслей
d) приказов
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 7.
1. If your hair is … protect it from the sun.
a) blonde
b) dry
c) long
d) wet
2. Veins carry … to the heart.
a) water
b) plasma
c) blood
d) foodstuff
3. … people are nearsighted and farsighted.
a) Some
b) Many
c) Any
d) Every
4. Sometimes there is an opening between the aorta and pulmonary artery.
a) сонная
b) бедренная
c) сложная
d) лёгочная
5. You can treat many … by diet.
a) teeth
b) diseases
c) children
d) animals
6. Sit facing the table, don’t sit … .
a) sideways
b) down
c) near
d) up
7. Man gets one half of his water … food he eats.
a) between
b) over
c) in
d) to
8. Vitamin B strengthens nervous system.
a) разрушает
b) лечит
c) восстанавливает
d) укрепляет
9. The most important thing in an … is not to lose one’s head.
a) hospital
b) emergency
c) bruise
d) fracture
10. In poisoning give much … to drink – 4-8 glasses.
a) water
b) poison
c) milk
d) juice
11. The injured limb … be immobilized with a splint.
a) shall
b) can
c) will
d) able to
12. The best way to stop bleeding is by direct pressure with a clean cloth.
a) холод
b) рентген
c) нажатие
d) компресс
13. Sometimes the nurse works in the … helping in a surgery.
a) operating room
b) ward
c) kitchen
d) nyrsery
14. Much of the nurse’s work can be learnt by … .
a) books
b) teachers
c) doctors
d) practice
15. Men … be nurses, too.
a) must
b) can
c) will
d) should
16. The nurse can wash a patient with a sponge.
a) губка
b) салфетка
c) грелка
d) мыло
17. What is the color of the urine in hepatitis?
a) dark yellow
b) whitish
c) bloody
d) green
18. Where do the spots appear in chickenpox?
a) all over the body
b) chest and back
c) mouth
d) feet
19. What disease is not communicable from person to person?
a) chickenpox
b) influenza
c) tetanus
d) mumps
20. The patients of all age are susceptible to tonsillitis.
a) заражены
b) подвержены
c) восприимчивы
d) склонны
21. Depending upon the … of the dispersed particles we recognize different kinds of solutions.
a) size
b) dimension
c) mixture
d) value
22. These tablets have no … effects.
a) harmful
b) side
c) small
d) useful
23. Each medicine at the chemist’s has a … on it.
a) notification
b) cabinet
c) label
d) bottle
24. Some medicines taken after meal can lose their effect.
a) после
b) до
c) во время
d) вместо
25. A very important development of the Middle Ages was the …
a) University
b) medicine
c) hospital
d) drugs
26. Hippocrates was a son of a … .
a) teacher
b) doctor
c) carpenter
d) sportsman
27. Louis Pasteur produced the theory that disease and infection were caused by … .
a) germs
b) virus
c) bacillus
d) people
28. In 1348 the “Black Death” struck Britain.
a) scarlet fever
b) plague
c) leprosy
d) diphtheria
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 8.
1. Remember that … is harmful to the eyes.
a) smoke
b) light
c) books
d) lashes
2. The period of rest is called … .
a) ventricular systole
b) diastole
c) pump
d) blood
3. Examine … eyes every year.
a) myself
b) them
c) your
d) my
4. Blood doesn’t pass through the lungs.
a) через
b) между
c) над
d) от
5. In winter your … is especially low.
a) height
b) pressure
c) eyesight
d) resistance
6. You can find vitamin D in … .
a) cherry
b) milk
c) soya
d) water
7. If 20 per cent of the body water is lost a person … die.
a) may
b) is
c) mustn’t
d) need
8. A patient with high temperature becomes very weak.
a) злой
b) слабый
c) умный
d) здоровый
9. It is very … to fall asleep in the open air.
a) amazing
b) pretty
c) dangerous
d) useful
10. Doctors use … to confirm whether there is a fracture or not.
a) X-rays
b) glasses
c) splint
d) water
11. In fainting a sweat … on the forehead.
a) falls
b) rises
c) looks
d) appears
12. Breathing is rapid and shallow.
a) поверхностное
b) частое
c) слабое
d) медленное
13. The nurses begin to take the … at 6 o’clock in the morning.
a) patients
b) temperature
c) injections
d) medicines
14. The nurse can see any … of the patients’ condition.
a) degree
b) chart
c) changes
d) temperature
15. The nurse needn’t to boil … syringe.
a) the
b) a
c) –
d) an
16. The nurse must keep her uniform spotless.
a) белый
b) влажный
c) тёплый
d) чистый
17. What infectious disease has such symptom as rash?
a) influenza
b) tonsillitis
c) scarlet fever
d) poliomyelitis
18. What symptom does antihistamine syrup relieve?
a) itching
b) fever
c) sneezing
d) rash
19. What disease needs an emergency operation sometimes?
a) typhoid
b) diphtheria
c) pneumonia
d) scarlet fever
20. The main symptom of tetanus is stiffness of jaw.
a) окостенелость
b) неподвижность
c) болезненность
d) спазм
21. Sulfonamides are often used in place of … .
a) food
b) antibiotics
c) mixtures
d) ointments
22. Tablets can be made from certain drugs without the addition of … .
a) food
b) lubricants
c) auxiliary substances
d) glidants
23. What solutions are of the greatest importance from the pharmaceutical point of view?
a) solids in liquids
b) liquids in liquids
c) gases in liquids
d) solids in solids
24. The main function of the stem is to support the leaves and connect them with the roots.
a) лист
b) стебель
c) корень
d) плод
25. Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic … .
a) Collection
b) Name
c) Oath
d) Medicine
26. A very important development during the … was the hospital.
a) 20th century
b) Middle Ages
c) 19th century
d) nowadays
27. The main attention of health service in Russia is paid to … .
a) prophylaxis
b) cancer
c) plague
d) diet
28. The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge.
a) операционная
b) скорая помощь
c) участковая служба
d) стационар
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 9.
1. When you rinse your hands with … count to 60.
a) soap
b) running water
c) food
d) ammonia water
2. Acquired heart diseases are mainly due to … .
a) influenza
b) smoking
c) rheumatic fever
d) chickenpox
3. Don’t give your brush to … .
a) me
b) doctor
c) patient
d) anybody
4. The end of the fingers and toes are rounded.
a) пальцы рук
b) пальцы ног
c) ногти
d) зубы
5. Vitamin C helps to … after illness.
a) treat
b) recover
c) die
d) improve
6. Don’t talk with your mouth … .
a) open
b) moist
c) full
d) smile
7. Every person … be careful about his diet.
a) must
b) can’t
c) needn’t
d) would
8. In the living body water carries foodstuff from one part of the body to another.
a) клетки
b) витамины
c) бактерии
d) питательные вещества
9. The injured limb can be immobilized with a … .
a) food
b) splint
c) stick
d) cloth
10. When the blood flows from a vein it is .. . .
a) yellow
b) scarlet
c) dark red
d) sweet
11. Loss of blood … cause shock.
a) can
b) have
c) to be allowed
d) must
12. If movement of arm or leg hurts, there may be fracture.
a) боль
b) движение
c) перелом
d) ушиб
13. When the nurse takes a … she must note the rhythm.
a) blood pressure
b) test
c) injection
d) pulse
14. The nurse is very … to any changes in a patient’s condition.
a) attentive
b) proud
c) spotless
d) sick
15. The nurse carries … all the prescriptions of the doctor.
a) to
b) on
c) out
d) over
16. This patient needs a dropping-bottle.
a) инъекция
b) капельница
c) рентген
d) анализ
17. What infectious disease has a very resistant virus?
a) hepatitis
b) pneumonia
c) chickenpox
d) scarlet fever
18. What is the same symptom for many infectious diseases?
a) rash
b) headache
c) high temperature
d) vomiting
19. What is a characteristic symptom of chickenpox?
a) fever
b) headache
c) listlessness
d) blisters
20. The virus of hepatitis is so resistant that even boiling doesn’t destroy it.
a) заморозка
b) кипячение
c) пастеризация
d) заражение
21. At the … department drugs have to be ordered.
a) prescription
b) chemist’s
c) drug’s
d) big
22. … was the first of antibiotics.
a) Vaccine
b) Neomycin
c) Penicillin
d) Streptomycin
23. Fruits are collected when they are fully grown but … .
a) unripe
b) green
c) small
d) yellow
24. The extent of solubility of different substances varies.
a) прочность
b) растворимость
c) мягкость
d) концентрация
25. During the Middle Ages … killed many millions of people in Europe.
a) cancer
b) leprosy
c) plague
d) fever
26. The X-rays w discovered in the … .
a) 19th century
b) Middle Ages
c) 20th century
d) last year
27. In 1901 Karl LandSteiner discovered the blood … .
a) cells
b) pressure
c) transfusion
d) groups
28. Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath.
a) устав
b) клятва
c) сборник
d) послание
Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________
Вариант 10.
1. About 5 … of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries.
a) pints
b) kilometers
c) liters
d) times
2. Wash your … after the use of the toilet.
a) hands
b) teeth
c) heart
d) hair
3. Our pulse … about 70 beats per minute.
a) can
b) is
c) will
d) some
4. If your hair is dry protect it from the sun.
a) длинный
b) тёмный
c) сырой
d) сухой
5. More than 70 per cent of body is composed of … .
a) water
b) bones
c) diseases
d) blood
6. Doctor usually prescribes a … for every patient.
a) ward
b) nurse
c) diet
d) temperature
7. You can treat many … diseases by diet.
a) a
b) –
c) the
d) an
8. Vitamin A protects eyesight.
a) иммунитет
b) слух
c) давление
d) зрение
9. When a nasal bleeding, the person must breathe through his … .
a) ears
b) nose
c) mouth
d) lungs
10. Some cloth, wet in cold water, will … the pain in bruise.
a) improve
b) relieve
c) forget
d) destroy
11. There … two kinds of fractures : closed and open.
a) are
b) is
c) –
d) can
12. The first aid for poisoning is to empty the stomach.
a) вылечить
b) опорожнить
c) улучшить
d) намочить
13. The nurse usually opens the … and airs the wards.
a) medicines
b) doors
c) windows
d) doctors
14. The nurses carry out the … of the doctors.
a) stretchers
b) wheel-chairs
c) injections
d) prescriptions
15. The nurse … use good personal hygiene.
a) must
b) is
c) can
d) may
16. The nurse changes water in the hot0water bag.
a) наливает
b) меняет
c) сливает
d) греет
17. What is the complication of pneumonia in severe cases?
a) rash
b) headache
c) delirium
d) nausea
18. What does mumps affect in girls?
a) ovaries
b) testicles
c) parotid glands
d) stomach
19. What is a characteristic symptom of diphtheria?
a) vomiting
b) whitish patch
c) yellow urine
d) fever
20. Both sides of face may swell in mumps.
a) заражать
b) выздоравливать
c) болеть
d) отекать
21. The … is the most common form for the administration of a drug in dry state.
a) tablet
b) solution
c) tincture
d) powder
22. At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug … .
a) boxes
b) cabinets
c) shelves
d) bags
23. Alcohol has a very … influence on the effect of medicines.
a) improving
b) positive
c) negative
d) different
24. Shake the bottle with liquids before useю
a) откройте
b) закройте
c) нагрейте
d) встряхните
25. Hippocrates drove out the … from Athens by lightening fires.
a) meningitis
b) plague
c) pneumonia
d) typhoid
26. A very important development during the Middle Ages was … .
a) tablets
b) hospital
c) injections
d) X-rays
27. Surgeons could inject … into a certain part of the body to dead the pain in the 19th century.
a) cocaine
b) sulfonamides
c) gas
d) neomycin
28. In the 20th century great progress was made in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
a) краснуха
b) рак
d) гемофилия
Эталон к тесту
В1 |
В2 |
1b |
1d |
2c |
2a |
3a |
3b |
4d |
4c |
5c |
5a |
6a |
6b |
7b |
7d |
8c |
8a |
9a |
9b |
10b |
10c |
11c |
11a |
12a |
12b |
13b |
13d |
14d |
14b |
15a |
15a |
16b |
16b |
17c |
17c |
18a |
18a |
19c |
19c |
20b |
20a |
21a |
21b |
22b |
22a |
23d |
23b |
24a |
24c |
25c |
25a |
26b |
26d |
27c |
27b |
28a |
28a |
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 1. Анатомия и физиология
Тест №1
Anatomy and Physiology. Systems of the body.
1. Millions of microscopic individual units are called …
a) moleculas
b) bricks
c) cells
d) tissues
2. The respiratory system consists of …
a) stomach & intestines
b) blood
c) air passages & lungs
d) brain
3. What is nucleus responsible for?
a) breathing
b) growth
c) oxygen
d) reproduction
4. What system of the body has a transporting function?
a) circulatory
b) muscular
c) urinary
d) nervous
5. The … system consists of bones, ligaments and cartilages.
a) muscular
b) nervous
c) digestive
d) skeletal
6. What do glands produce?
a) oxygen
b) hormones
c) cells
d) blood
7. Joints are the places, where … come together.
a) bones
b) muscles
c) lungs
d) nerves
8. The same name of the circulatory system is .. .
a) the blood system
b) the nervous system
c) the cardiovascular system
d) the respiratory system
9. What do the two ureters do?
a) produce hormones
b) convey the urine away from the kidneys
c) move us about
d) remove carbon dioxide
10. What way is the urine discharged?
a) through the lungs
b) through the blood
c) through the kidneys
d) through the urethra
11. What is carried away by the blood vessels?
a) cellular wastes
b) oxygen
c) urine
d) genes
12. The chief function of the skeletal system is … .
a) communicating
b) structural
c) transporting
d) regulating
13. Mouth, pharynx, stomach, liver, pancreas – compose … system.
a) respiratory
b) reproductive
c) digestive
d) nervous
14. Respiration is the mechanical process of … .
a) breathing
b) swallowing
c) eating
d) bleeding
15. The … system is composed of glands.
a) digestive
b) respiratory
c) endocrine
d) nervous
Эталоны ответов
Тест 1 |
Вопрос |
Ответ |
1 |
c |
2 |
c |
3 |
b |
4 |
a |
5 |
d |
6 |
b |
7 |
a |
8 |
c |
9 |
b |
10 |
d |
11 |
a |
12 |
b |
13 |
c |
14 |
a |
15 |
c |
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 2. Сердце и кровь
Тест №2
Blood. Heart. Circulation.
1. … are red blood cells of which 4,5-5 million in each cubic mm.
a) Agranulocytes
b) Platelets
c) Erythrocytes
d) Plasma
2. Thrombocytes are formed in the … .
a) bone marrow
b) spleen
c) heart
d) ulcer
3. What do erythrocytes carry away?
a) oxygen
b) carbon dioxide
c) water
d) NaCl
4. What is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred?
a) plasma
b) serum
c) water
d) coagulation
5. One of the types of granulocytes is … .
a) monocytes
b) cytoplasm
c) carbon dioxide
d) neutrophils
6. Platelets are necessary for … .
a) gaseous exchange
b) blood clotting
c) coagulation
d) genes
7. People with lack of haemoglobin suffer with … .
a) anaemia
b) anaesthesia
c) cleft palate
d) heart failure
8. What is a constant temperature of blood?
a) 38’C
b) 37’C
c) 36,6’C
d) 36’C
9. Vessels, carrying blood away from the heart, are known as … .
a) veins
b) vessels
c) arteries
d) capillaries
10. Is there any communication between left and right sides of the heart?
a) no
b) yes
c) sometimes
d) artificial
11. What two chambers of the heart are separated by?
a) membrane
b) wall
c) diaphragm
d) ventricle
12. How is the upper compartment of the heart called?
a) spleen
b) ventricle
c) atrium
d) chamber
13. Tubes called … carry blood from the heart.
a) vessels
b) nodes
c) cartilages
d) marrows
14. How is the case of the heart has stopped beating called?
a) coagulation
b) cardiac arrest
c) anaemia
d) thrombosis
15. Blood is pumped from the left atrium to the left ventricle through the … .
a) semilunar valve
b) tricuspid valve
c) mitral valve
d) aorta
16. The distension of the veins is called … .
a) rheumatic fever
b) thrombosis
c) varicose veins
d) endocarditis
17. Where does the pain in heart attack radiate?
a) head
b) shoulder and left arm
c) eyes
d) stomach
18. The round trip of blood is called … .
a) transfusion
b) coagulation
c) expiration
d) circulation
19. What carries only oxygenated blood?
a) arteries
b) veins
c) platelets
d) erythrocytes
20. … return the blood direct to the right atrium.
a) Superia vena cava
b) Mitral valve
c) Coronary veins
d) Vessels
21. Partial obstruction causes a condition called … .
a) heart failure
b) angina pectoris
c) deoxygenation
d) collapse
22. Complete obstruction is known as … .
a) coronary thrombosis
b) heart failure
c) varicose veins
d) collapse
23. What is the function of the valves?
a) to oxygenate the blood
b) to expel waste products
c) to prevent blood flowing the wrong way
d) to make heartbeats
24. Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is called … .
a) respiration
b) transfusion
c) external cardiac compression
d) heart attack
25. What is combined with the haemoglobin?
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) NaCl
d) water
Тест 2 |
Вопрос |
Ответ |
1 |
c |
2 |
a |
3 |
b |
4 |
a |
5 |
d |
6 |
b |
7 |
a |
8 |
b |
9 |
c |
10 |
a |
11 |
b |
12 |
c |
13 |
a |
14 |
b |
15 |
c |
16 |
c |
17 |
b |
18 |
d |
19 |
a |
20 |
c |
21 |
b |
22 |
a |
23 |
c |
24 |
c |
25 |
b |
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Respiration. Digestion. Abdomen.
1. What enteres the blood during respiration?
a) oxygen
b) NaCl
c) carbon dioxide
d) water
2. The spaces between the ribs are filled by the … .
a) diaphragm
b) capillaries
c) rib muscles
d) tissues
3. In what two branches does the trachea divide?
a) aortas
b) bronchi
c) larynx
d) lungs
4. What forms the floor of the cage for lungs?
a) rib muscles
b) bronchi
c) air sac
d) diaphragm
5. Carbon dioxide is carried by the … .
a) plasma
b) water
c) leucocytes
d) haemoglobin
6. What does the air reach after passing through the nasal cavity?
a) lungs
b) alveolus
c) pharynx
d) larynx
7. How many lobes does the right lung have?
a) one
b) two
c) two and a half
d) three
8. What is the function of mucus?
a) to collect dirt
b) to transform oxygen
c) to prevent inflammation
d) to expel carbon dioxide
9. The length of … is about 15 sm.
a) intestines
b) lungs
c) trachea
d) spleen
10. What process rids the lungs of carbon dioxide?
a) expiration
b) inspiration
c) respiration
d) breathing
11. The sheet of muscle, separating the chest from the abdomen, is called … .
a) rib muscle
b) diaphragm
c) stomach
d) bellow
12. Certain substances, made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the alimentary canal, are called … .
a) enzymes
b) vitamins
c) mucus
d) glucose
13. What is not a constituent of food?
a) protein
b) fat
c) water
d) carbon dioxide
14. … are necessary for cell growth and repair.
a) Fats
b) Proteins
c) Milk
d) Carbohydrates
15. For the production of blood, urine, sweat and digestive juice the body requires… .
a) NaCl
b) air
c) water
d) sun
16. What mineral is necessary for the production of haemoglobin?
a) protein
b) iron
c) water
d) glucose
17. The function of fat is … .
a) to repair injuries
b) to produce digestive juice
c) a reserve source of energy
d) a production of blood
18. Where does the partially digested food enter after stomach?
a) rectum
b) small intestine
c) large intestine
d) oesophagus
19. The first stage where digestion begins is … .
a) stomach
b) oesophagus
c) mouth
d) intestine
20. Where do the indigestible residues pass?
a) stomach
b) small intestine
c) rectum
d) large intestine
21. What does the liver produce?
a) bile
b) enzymes
c) urine
d) blood
22. Where is bile stored?
a) in the ventricle
b) in the gall-bladder
c) in the urinary-bladder
d) in the duodenum
23. What does the acid of the gastric juice neutralize?
a) pancreatic juice
b) blood
c) water
d) bile
24. What does digestion of carbohydrates initiate?
a) salivary enzyme
b) bile
c) gastric juice
d) water
25. How many hours mustn’t the patient eat before general anaesthesia?
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) twelve
26. The muscular action along the entire alimentary canal is called … .
a) digestion
b) peristalsis
c) oesophagus
d) contraction
27. Where does gall-bladder lie?
a) underneath the stomach
b) above the diaphragm
c) underneath the liver
d) in the loop of an intestine
28. What is paralysed during general anaesthesia?
a) breathing
b) bleeding
c) moving
d) mechanism of swallowing
29. The system of tubes through which the food passes on its way from mouth to anus is called … .
a) digestive
b) alimentary canal
c) food passage
d) food way
30. What does human body require for producing blood?
a) water
b) haemoglobin
c) bile
d) iron
31. What is not the sign of inflammation?
a) pain
b) swelling
c) bruise
d) redness
32. I. Mechnikov discovered the process of … .
a) blood clotting
b) coagulation
c) X-rays
d) Phagocytosis
33. … is not a disease but a nonspecific response of the organism.
a) Anaemia
b) Influenza
c) Inflammation
d) Cancer
34. What is a constant temperature of a healthy body?
a) 37,3’C
b) 37’C
c) 36,6’C
d) 36,8’C
35. The first source of description of the signs of inflammation is … .
a) Egyptian papyrus
b) Celsus
c) Virchow
d) Mechnikov
Тест 3 |
Вопрос |
Ответ |
1 |
a |
2 |
c |
3 |
b |
4 |
d |
5 |
a |
6 |
c |
7 |
d |
8 |
a |
9 |
c |
10 |
a |
11 |
b |
12 |
a |
13 |
d |
14 |
b |
15 |
c |
16 |
b |
17 |
c |
18 |
b |
19 |
c |
20 |
d |
21 |
a |
22 |
b |
23 |
d |
24 |
a |
25 |
c |
26 |
b |
27 |
c |
28 |
d |
29 |
b |
30 |
a |
31 |
c |
32 |
d |
33 |
c |
34 |
b |
35 |
a |
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Разделы: 6,7,8,9: Патология, Секреция, Иммунитет, Лекарства.
Pathology. Allergy. Secretion. Immunity.
1. Pathology is the study of … .
a) blood groups
b) disease
c) drugs
d) circulation
2. Any shallow breach of the skin or mucous membrane is called … .
a) ulcer
b) abnormal sac
c) cyst
d) scratch
3. Where can cysts occur?
a) in nodes
b) in tissues
c) in cells
d) in blood
4. A surgical removal of some diseased tissue for examination under a microscope is called … .
a) theraphy
b) surgery
c) test
d) biopsy
5. A swelling, caused by an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of body cells, is called … .
a) tumour
b) cyst
c) cancer
d) ulcer
6. What is a congenital defect?
a) scarlet fever
b) hay fever
c) cleft palate
d) allergy
7. What is a product for a bacteriological examination?
a) swab
b) waste product
c) cough
d) trachea
8. A violent reaction to certain types of pollen, food, drugs, latex products is called … .
a) anaemia
b) allergy
c) obstruction
d) collapse
9. What is the most allergic drug?
a) lignocaine
b) halothane
c) penicillin
d) hydrogen peroxide
10. A severe state of a collapse is called … .
a) anaphylactic shock
b) anaemia
c) surgery
d) pus
11. What organ realizes secretion?
a) liver
b) gland
c) pancreas
d) blood
12. What is taken out of the cell in the first instance of secretion?
a) H2O
b) FeSO4
c) NaCl
d) Oxygen
13. If the materials, produced by the gland are poured onto the free surface, this type of secretion is called…
a) external secretion
b) internal secretion
c) response
d) duct
14. What the activity of the gland is accompanied by?
a) bleeding
b) dilation of blood vessels
c) temperature
d) pressure
15. The walls of a gland are composed of … cells.
a) blood
b) white
c) dead
d) epithelial
16. Immunity is proved by certain … blood cells.
a) red
b) white
c) dead
d) resistant
17. How is a life-long protection called?
a) congenital immunity
b) acquired immunity
c) natural immunity
d) resistance
18. What can stimulate the production of antibodies and antitoxins?
a) vaccination
b) inflammation
c) foreign bodies
d) fever
19. The artificially reproduced immunity is called … .
a) vaccination
b) resistance
c) transfusion
d) infection
20. When is passive immunity used against?
a) diphtheria
c) tetanus
d) chickenpox
21. The creamy liquid mixture of dead white cells and bacteria is called … .
a) serum
b) residue
c) boils
d) pus
22. Abscesses of the skin are called … .
a) boils
b) platelets
c) thrombosis
d) antigens
23. The temporary repair tissue is called … tissue.
a) epithelial
b) granulation
c) muscle
d) cellulitic
24. Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from … .
a) plants
b) blood cells
c) sulfonamides
d) microorganisms
25. Where must caustics be kept?
a) on the lowest shelf of the cabinet
b) in the coo lplace
c) in the transparent bollte
d) on the highest shelf of the cabinet.
Тест 4 |
1 |
b |
2 |
a |
3 |
b |
4 |
d |
5 |
a |
6 |
c |
7 |
a |
8 |
b |
9 |
c |
10 |
a |
11 |
b |
12 |
c |
13 |
a |
14 |
b |
15 |
d |
16 |
b |
17 |
b |
18 |
c |
19 |
a |
20 |
c |
21 |
d |
22 |
a |
23 |
b |
24 |
d |
25 |
a |
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
в форме дифференцированного зачета
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.
Вариант 1
1. Millions of microscopic individual units are called …
a) moleculas
b) bricks
c) cells
d) tissues
2. The respiratory system consists of …
a) stomach & intestines
b) blood
c) air passages & lungs
d) brain
3. What is nucleus responsible for?
a) breathing
b) growth
c) oxygen
d) reproduction
4. What system of the body has a transporting function?
a) circulatory
b) muscular
c) urinary
d) nervous
5 … are red blood cells of which 4,5-5 million in each cubic mm.
a) Agranulocytes
b) Platelets
c) Erythrocytes
d) Plasma
6 Thrombocytes are formed in the … .
a) bone marrow
b) spleen
c) heart
d) ulcer
7 Is there any communication between left and right sides of the heart?
a) no
b) yes
c) sometimes
d) artificial
8 What two chambers of the heart are separated by?
a) membrane
b) wall
c) diaphragm
d) ventricle
9 The round trip of blood is called … .
a) transfusion
b) coagulation
c) expiration
d) circulation
10 What carries only oxygenated blood?
a) arteries
b) veins
c) platelets
d) erythrocytes
11 What enteres the blood during respiration?
a) oxygen
b) NaCl
c) carbon dioxide
d) water
12 The spaces between the ribs are filled by the … .
a) diaphragm
b) capillaries
c) rib muscles
d) tissues
13 In what two branches does the trachea divide?
a) aortas
b) bronchi
c) larynx
d) lungs
14 The sheet of muscle, separating the chest from the abdomen, is called … .
a) rib muscle
b) diaphragm
c) stomach
d) bellow
15 Certain substances, made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the alimentary canal, are called … .
a) enzymes
b) vitamins
c) mucus
d) glucose
16 What is not a constituent of food?
a) protein
b) fat
c) water
d) carbon dioxide
17 … are necessary for cell growth and repair.
a) Fats
b) Proteins
c) Milk
d) Carbohydrates
18 For the production of blood, urine, sweat and digestive juice the body requires…
a) NaCl
b) air
c) water
d) sun
19 What is not the sign of inflammation?
a) pain
b) swelling
c) bruise
d) redness
20 Pathology is the study of … .
a) blood groups
b) disease
c) drugs
d) circulation
21 Any shallow breach of the skin or mucous membrane is called … .
a) ulcer
b) abnormal sac
c) cyst
d) scratch
22 A violent reaction to certain types of pollen, food, drugs, latex products is called … .
a) anaemia
b) allergy
c) obstruction
d) collapse
23 What organ realizes secretion?
a) liver
b) gland
c) pancreas
d) blood
24 What is taken out of the cell in the first instance of secretion?
a) H2O
b) FeSO4
c) NaCl
d) Oxygen
25 Immunity is proved by certain … blood cells.
a) red
b) white
c) dead
d) resistant
26 How is a life-long protection called?
a) congenital immunity
b) acquired immunity
c) natural immunity
d) resistance
Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.
Вариант 2
1 The … system consists of bones, ligaments and cartilages.
a) muscular
b) nervous
c) digestive
d) skeletal
2 What do glands produce?
a) oxygen
b) hormones
c) cells
d) blood
3 Joints are the places, where … come together.
a) bones
b) muscles
c) lungs
d) nerves
4 The same name of the circulatory system is .. .
a) the blood system
b) the nervous system
c) the cardiovascular system
d) the respiratory system
5 What do erythrocytes carry away?
a) oxygen
b) carbon dioxide
c) water
d) NaCl
6 What is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred?
a) plasma
b) serum
c) water
d) coagulation
7 How is the upper compartment of the heart called?
a) spleen
b) ventricle
c) atrium
d) chamber
8 Tubes called … carry blood from the heart.
a) vessels
b) nodes
c) cartilages
d) marrows
9 … return the blood direct to the right atrium.
a) Superia vena cava
b) Mitral valve
c) Coronary veins
d) Vessels
10 Partial obstruction causes a condition called … .
a) heart failure
b) angina pectoris
c) deoxygenation
d) collapse
11 What forms the floor of the cage for lungs?
a) rib muscles
b) bronchi
c) air sac
d) diaphragm
12 Carbon dioxide is carried by the … .
a) plasma
b) water
c) leucocytes
d) haemoglobin
13 What mineral is necessary for the production of haemoglobin?
a) protein
b) iron
c) water
d) glucose
14 The function of fat is … .
a) to repair injuries
b) to produce digestive juice
c) a reserve source of energy
d) a production of blood
15 Where does the partially digested food enter after stomach?
a) rectum
b) small intestine
c) large intestine
d) oesophagus
16 The first stage where digestion begins is … .
a) stomach
b) oesophagus
c) mouth
d) intestine
17 Where do the indigestible residues pass?
a) stomach
b) small intestine
c) rectum
d) large intestine
18. I. Mechnikov discovered the process of … .
a) blood clotting
b) coagulation
c) X-rays
d) phagocytosis
19 Where can cysts occur?
a) in nodes
b) in tissues
c) in cells
d) in blood
20 A surgical removal of some diseased tissue for examination under a microscope is called … .
a) theraphy
b) surgery
c) test
d) biopsy
21 What is the most allergic drug?
a) lignocaine
b) halothane
c) penicillin
d) hydrogen peroxide
22 If the materials, produced by the gland are poured onto the free surface, this type of secretion is called
a) external secretion
b) internal secretion
c) response
d) duct
23 What can stimulate the production of antibodies and antitoxins?
a) vaccination
b) inflammation
c) foreign bodies
d) fever
24 The artificially reproduced immunity is called … .
a) vaccination
b) resistance
c) transfusion
d) infection
25 When is passive immunity used against?
a) diphtheria
c) tetanus
d) chickenpox
26 Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from … .
a) plants
b) blood cells
c) sulfonamides
d) microorganisms
Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.
Вариант 3
1 What do the two ureters do?
a) produce hormones
b) convey the urine away from the kidneys
c) move us about
d) remove carbon dioxide
2 What way is the urine discharged?
a) through the lungs
b) through the blood
c) through the kidneys
d) through the urethra
3 What is carried away by the blood vessels?
a) cellular wastes
b) oxygen
c) urine
d) genes
4 The chief function of the skeletal system is … .
a) communicating
b) structural
c) transporting
d) regulating
5 One of the types of granulocytes is … .
a) monocytes
b) cytoplasm
c) carbon dioxide
d) neutrophils
6 Platelets are necessary for … .
a) gaseous exchange
b) blood clotting
c) coagulation
d) genes
7 People with lack of haemoglobin suffer with … .
a) anaemia
b) anaesthesia
c) cleft palate
d) heart failure
8 How is the case of the heart has stopped beating called?
a) coagulation
b) cardiac arrest
c) anaemia
d) thrombosis
9 Blood is pumped from the left atrium to the left ventricle through the … .
a) semilunar valve
b) tricuspid valve
c) mitral valve
d) aorta
10 Complete obstruction is known as … .
a) coronary thrombosis
b) heart failure
c) varicose veins
d) collapse
11 What is the function of the valves?
a) to oxygenate the blood
b) to expel waste products
c) to prevent blood flowing the wrong way
d) to make heartbeats
12 What does the air reach after passing through the nasal cavity?
a) lungs
b) alveolus
c) pharynx
d) larynx
13 How many lobes does the right lung have?
a) one
b) two
c) two and a half
d) three
14 What does the liver produce?
a) bile
b) enzymes
c) urine
d) blood
15 Where is bile stored?
a) in the ventricle
b) in the gall-bladder
c) in the urinary-bladder
d) in the duodenum
16 What does the acid of the gastric juice neutralize?
a) pancreatic juice
b) blood
c) water
d) bile
17 What does digestion of carbohydrates initiate?
a) salivary enzyme
b) bile
c) gastric juice
d) water
18 How many hours mustn’t the patient eat before general anaesthesia?
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) twelve
19 … is not a disease but a nonspecific response of the organism.
a) Anaemia
b) Influenza
c) Inflammation
d) Cancer
20 A swelling, caused by an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of body cells, is called … .
a) tumour
b) cyst
c) cancer
d) ulcer
21 What is a congenital defect?
a) scarlet fever
b) hay fever
c) cleft palate
d) allergy
22 A severe state of a collapse is called … .
a) anaphylactic shock
b) anaemia
c) surgery
d) pus
23 What the activity of the gland is accompanied by?
a) bleeding
b) dilation of blood vessels
c) temperature
d) pressure
24 When is passive immunity used against?
a) diphtheria
c) tetanus
d) chickenpox
25 The creamy liquid mixture of dead white cells and bacteria is called … .
a) serum
b) residue
c) boils
d) pus
26 Where must caustics be kept?
a) on the lowest shelf of the cabinet
b) in the coo lplace
c) in the transparent bollte
d) on the highest shelf of the cabinet.
Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.
Вариант 4
1 Mouth, pharynx, stomach, liver, pancreas – compose … system.
a) respiratory
b) reproductive
c) digestive
d) nervous
2 Respiration is the mechanical process of … .
a) breathing
b) swallowing
c) eating
d) bleeding
3 The … system is composed of glands.
a) digestive
b) respiratory
c) endocrine
d) nervous
4 What is a constant temperature of blood?
a) 38’C
b) 37’C
c) 36,6’C
d) 36’C
5 Vessels, carrying blood away from the heart, are known as … .
a) veins
b) vessels
c) arteries
d) capillaries
6 The distension of the veins is called … .
a) rheumatic fever
b) thrombosis
c) varicose veins
d) endocarditis
7 Where does the pain in heart attack radiate?
a) head
b) shoulder and left arm
c) eyes
d) stomach
8 Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is called … .
a) respiration
b) transfusion
c) external cardiac compression
d) heart attack
9 What is combined with the haemoglobin?
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) NaCl
d) water
10 What is the function of mucus?
a) to collect dirt
b) to transform oxygen
c) to prevent inflammation
d) to expel carbon dioxide
11 The length of … is about 15 sm.
a) intestines
b) lungs
c) trachea
d) spleen
12 What process rids the lungs of carbon dioxide?
a) expiration
b) inspiration
c) respiration
d) breathing
13 The muscular action along the entire alimentary canal is called … .
a) digestion
b) peristalsis
c) oesophagus
d) contraction
14 When does gall-bladder lie?
a) underneath the stomach
b) above the diaphragm
c) underneath the liver
d) in the loop of an intestine
15 What is paralysed during general anaesthesia?
a) breathing
b) bleeding
c) moving
d) mechanism of swallowing
16 The system of tubes through which the food passes on its way from mouth to anus is called … .
a) digestive
b) alimentary canal
c) food passage
d) food way
17 What does human body require for producing blood?
a) water
b) haemoglobin
c) bile
d) iron
18 What is a constant temperature of a healthy body?
a) 37,3’C
b) 37’C
c) 36,6’C
d) 36,8’C
19 The first source of description of the signs of inflammation is … .
a) Egyptian papyrus
b) Celsus
c) Virchow
d) Mechnikov
20 What is a congenital defect?
e) scarlet fever
f) hay fever
g) cleft palate
h) allergy
21 What is a product for a bacteriological examination?
a) swab
b) waste product
c) cough
d) trachea
22 A violent reaction to certain types of pollen, food, drugs, latex products is called … .
e) anaemia
f) allergy
g) obstruction
h) collapse
23 The walls of a gland are composed of … cells.
a) blood
b) white
c) dead
d) epithelial
24 Abscesses of the skin are called … .
a) boils
b) platelets
c) thrombosis
d) antigens
25 The temporary repair tissue is called … tissue.
a) epithelial
b) granulation
c) muscle
d) cellulitic
26 Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from … .
a) plants
b) blood cells
c) sulfonamides
d) microorganisms
Вариант 1 |
Вариант 2 |
Вариант 3 |
Вариант 4 |
1 c |
1 d |
1 b |
1 c |
2 c |
2 b |
2 d |
2 a |
3 b |
3 a |
3 a |
3 c |
4 a |
4 c |
4 b |
4 b |
5 c |
5 b |
5 d |
5 c |
6 a |
6 a |
6 b |
6 c |
7 a |
7 c |
7 a |
7 b |
8 b |
8 a |
8 b |
8 c |
9 d |
9 c |
9 c |
9 b |
10 a |
10 b |
10 a |
10 a |
11 a |
11 d |
11 c |
11 c |
12 c |
12 a |
12 c |
12 a |
13 b |
13 b |
13 d |
13 b |
14 b |
14 c |
14 a |
14 c |
15 a |
15 b |
15 b |
15 d |
16 d |
16 c |
16 d |
16 b |
17 b |
17 d |
17 a |
17 a |
18 c |
18 d |
18 c |
18 b |
19 c |
19 b |
19 c |
19 a |
20 b |
20 d |
20 a |
20 c |
21 a |
21 c |
21 c |
21 a |
22 b |
22 a |
22 a |
22 b |
23 b |
23 c |
23 b |
23 d |
24 c |
24 a |
24 c |
24 a |
25 b |
25 c |
25 d |
25 b |
26 b |
26 d |
26 a |
26 d |
Эталоны ответов
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Тест №2
Blood. Heart. Circulation.
26. … are red blood cells of which 4,5-5 million in each cubic mm.
e) Agranulocytes
f) Platelets
g) Erythrocytes
h) Plasma
27. Thrombocytes are formed in the … .
e) bone marrow
f) spleen
g) heart
h) ulcer
28. What do erythrocytes carry away?
e) oxygen
f) carbon dioxide
g) water
h) NaCl
29. What is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred?
e) plasma
f) serum
g) water
h) coagulation
30. One of the types of granulocytes is … .
e) monocytes
f) cytoplasm
g) carbon dioxide
h) neutrophils
31. Platelets are necessary for … .
e) gaseous exchange
f) blood clotting
g) coagulation
h) genes
32. People with lack of haemoglobin suffer with … .
e) anaemia
f) anaesthesia
g) cleft palate
h) heart failure
33. What is a constant temperature of blood?
e) 38’C
f) 37’C
g) 36,6’C
h) 36’C
34. Vessels, carrying blood away from the heart, are known as … .
e) veins
f) vessels
g) arteries
h) capillaries
35. Is there any communication between left and right sides of the heart?
e) no
f) yes
g) sometimes
h) artificial
36. What two chambers of the heart are separated by?
e) membrane
f) wall
g) diaphragm
h) ventricle
37. How is the upper compartment of the heart called?
e) spleen
f) ventricle
g) atrium
h) chamber
38. Tubes called … carry blood from the heart.
e) vessels
f) nodes
g) cartilages
h) marrows
39. How is the case of the heart has stopped beating called?
e) coagulation
f) cardiac arrest
g) anaemia
h) thrombosis
40. Blood is pumped from the left atrium to the left ventricle through the … .
e) semilunar valve
f) tricuspid valve
g) mitral valve
h) aorta
41. The distension of the veins is called … .
e) rheumatic fever
f) thrombosis
g) varicose veins
h) endocarditis
42. Where does the pain in heart attack radiate?
e) head
f) shoulder and left arm
g) eyes
h) stomach
43. The round trip of blood is called … .
e) transfusion
f) coagulation
g) expiration
h) circulation
44. What carries only oxygenated blood?
e) arteries
f) veins
g) platelets
h) erythrocytes
45. … return the blood direct to the right atrium.
e) Superia vena cava
f) Mitral valve
g) Coronary veins
h) Vessels
46. Partial obstruction causes a condition called … .
e) heart failure
f) angina pectoris
g) deoxygenation
h) collapse
47. Complete obstruction is known as … .
e) coronary thrombosis
f) heart failure
g) varicose veins
h) collapse
48. What is the function of the valves?
e) to oxygenate the blood
f) to expel waste products
g) to prevent blood flowing the wrong way
h) to make heartbeats
49. Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is called … .
e) respiration
f) transfusion
g) external cardiac compression
h) heart attack
50. What is combined with the haemoglobin?
e) carbon dioxide
f) oxygen
g) NaCl
h) water
Тест 2 |
Вопрос |
Ответ |
1 |
c |
2 |
a |
3 |
b |
4 |
a |
5 |
d |
6 |
b |
7 |
a |
8 |
b |
9 |
c |
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11 |
b |
12 |
c |
13 |
a |
14 |
b |
15 |
c |
16 |
c |
17 |
b |
18 |
d |
19 |
a |
20 |
c |
21 |
b |
22 |
a |
23 |
c |
24 |
c |
25 |
b |
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
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по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Перевести текст с использованием словаря.
Microbiology, study of microorganisms, or microbes, a diverse group of generally minute, simple life-forms that include bacteria, archaea, algae, fungi, protozoa, and viruses. The field is concerned with the structure, function, and classification of such organisms and with ways of both exploiting and controlling their activities.
The 17th-century discovery of living forms existing invisible to the naked eye was a significant milestone in the history of science, for from the 13th century onward it had been postulated that “invisible” entities were responsible for decay and disease. The word microbe was coined in the last quarter of the 19th century to describe these organisms, all of which were thought to be related. As microbiology eventually developed into a specialized science, it was found that microbes are a very large group of extremely diverse organisms.
Daily life is interwoven inextricably with microorganisms. In addition to populating both the inner and outer surfaces of the human body, microbes abound in the soil, in the seas, and in the air. Abundant, although usually unnoticed, microorganisms provide ample evidence of their presence—sometimes unfavourably, as when they cause decay of materials or spread diseases, and sometimes favourably, as when they ferment sugar to wine and beer, cause bread to rise, flavour cheeses, and produce valued products such as antibiotics and insulin. Microorganisms are of incalculable value to Earth’s ecology, disintegrating animal and plant remains and converting them to simpler substances that can be recycled in other organisms.
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
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по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 3. Бактерии
Перевести текст с использованием словаря.
Microbiology came into being largely through studies of bacteria. The experiments of Louis Pasteur in France, Robert Koch in Germany, and others in the late 1800s established the importance of microbes to humans. As stated in the Historical background section, the research of these scientists provided proof for the germ theory of disease and the germ theory of fermentation. It was in their laboratories that techniques were devised for the microscopic examination of specimens, culturing (growing) microbes in the laboratory, isolating pure culturesfrom mixed-culture populations, and many other laboratory manipulations. These techniques, originally used for studying bacteria, have been modified for the study of all microorganisms—hence the transition from bacteriology to microbiology.
The organisms that constitute the microbial world are characterized as either prokaryotes or eukaryotes; all bacteria are prokaryotic—that is, single-celled organisms without a membrane-bound nucleus. Their DNA (the genetic material of the cell), instead of being contained in the nucleus, exists as a long, folded thread with no specific location within the cell.
Until the late 1970s it was generally accepted that all bacteria are closely related in evolutionary development. This concept was challenged in 1977 by Carl R. Woeseand coinvestigators at the University of Illinois, whose research on ribosomal RNAfrom a broad spectrum of living organisms established that two groups of bacteria evolved by separate pathways from a common and ancient ancestral form. This discovery resulted in the establishment of a new terminology to identify the major distinct groups of microbes—namely, the eubacteria (the traditional or “true” bacteria), the archaea (bacteria that diverged from other bacteria at an early stage of evolution and are distinct from the eubacteria), and the eukarya (the eukaryotes). Today the eubacteria are known simply as the true bacteria (or the bacteria) and form the domain Bacteria. The evolutionary relationships between various members of these three groups, however, have become uncertain, as comparisons between the DNA sequences of various microbes have revealed many puzzling similarities. As a result, the precise ancestry of today’s microbes is very difficult to resolve. Even traits thought to be characteristic of distinct taxonomic groups have unexpectedly been observed in other microbes. For example, an anaerobic ammonia-oxidizer—the “missing link” in the global nitrogen cycle—was isolated for the first time in 1999. This bacterium (an aberrant member of the order Planctomycetales) was found to have internal structures similar to eukaryotes, a cell wall with archaean traits, and a form of reproduction (budding) similar to that of yeast cells.
Bacteria have a variety of shapes, including spheres, rods, and spirals. Individual cells generally range in width from 0.5 to 5 micrometres (μm; millionths of a metre). Although unicellular, bacteria often appear in pairs, chains, tetrads (groups of four), or clusters. Some have flagella, external whiplike structures that propel the organism through liquid media; some have capsule, an external coating of the cell; some produce spores—reproductive bodies that function much as seeds do among plants. One of the major characteristics of bacteria is their reaction to the Gram stain. Depending upon the chemical and structural composition of the cell wall, some bacteria are gram-positive, taking on the stain’s purple colour, whereas others are gram-negative.
Schematic drawing of the structure of a generalized bacterium.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Through a microscope the archaea look much like bacteria, but there are important differences in their chemical composition, biochemical activities, and environments. The cell walls of all true bacteria contain the chemical substance peptidoglycan, whereas the cell walls of archaeans lack this substance. Many archaeans are noted for their ability to survive unusually harsh surroundings, such as high levels of salt or acid or high temperatures. These microbes, called extremophiles, live in such places as salt flats, thermal pools, and deep-sea vents. Some are capable of a unique chemical activity—the production of methane gas from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Methane-producing archaea live only in environments with no oxygen, such as swamp mud or the intestines of ruminants such as cattle and sheep. Collectively, this group of microorganisms exhibits tremendous diversity in the chemical changes that it brings to its environments.
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
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по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Перевести текст с использованием словаря.
Viruses, agents considered on the borderline of living organisms, are also included in the science of microbiology, come in several shapes, and are widely distributed in nature, infecting animal cells, plant cells, and microorganisms. The field of study in which they are investigated is called virology. All viruses are obligate parasites; that is, they lack metabolic machinery of their own to generate energy or to synthesize proteins, so they depend on host cells to carry out these vital functions. Once inside a cell, viruses have genes for usurping the cell’s energy-generating and protein-synthesizing systems. In addition to their intracellular form, viruses have an extracellular form that carries the viral nucleic acid from one host cell to another. In this infectious form, viruses are simply a central core of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid. The capsid protects the genes outside the host cell; it also serves as a vehicle for entry into another host cell because it binds to receptors on cell surfaces. The structurally mature, infectious viral particle is called a virion.
With the electron microscope it is possible to determine the morphological characteristics of viruses. Virions generally range in size from 20 to 300 nanometres (nm; billionths of a metre). Since most viruses measure less than 150 nm, they are beyond the limit of resolution of the light microscope and are visible only by electron microscopy. By using materials of known size for comparison, microscopists can determine the size and structure of individual virions.
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
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по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Bunsen Burner
Evaporating Dish
Filter Paper
Gauze Mat
Glass Rod
Graduated Cylinder
Objective Lens
Petri Dish
Rubber Tubing
Test Tube
Test Tube Rack
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
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по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 6. Лабораторные исследования крови
Контрольная работа
Прочитайте текст
During venipuncture, the phlebotomist, a technician who takes blood, inserts a needle into a vein and withdraws blood into a specimen tube, which is sent to haematology laboratory for analysis. Usually the phlebotomist can find a vein in the inner part of the elbow. The antecubital fossa, that is easily accessible. She may apply a tourniquet – a tight band – above the site, or the patient may be asked to clench their hand to make a fist, in order to make the vein prominent. Afterwards, the patient may be asked to press lightly on a dressing, usually a piece of gauze, to help the blood to clot and to prevent swelling and a haematoma (a black and blue mark, or a bruise) where the vein was punctured.
№ 1 Скажите по-английски:
1. анализ –
2. кровь –
3. моча –
4. проверять
5. жгут –
6. синяк –
7. вена –
8. артерия –
9. клетка –
10.лаборатория –
11.определять –
12. уровень –
13.образец –
14. функция –
15. игла –
№ 2 Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is blood? Что такое кровь?
2. What blood cells do you know? Какие клетки крови вы знаете?
3. What can we know from the blood test? Что мы можем узнать из анализа крови?
4. How much time does it take to get the result of the blood test? Сколько времени занимает обработка анализа крови?
5. What other laboratory tests do you know? Какие лабораторные исследования вы знаете?
№ 3. Дополните текст, используя слова приведенные ниже.
Slide, drop, vein, test tube, microscope, syringe, pipette.
Use a ___1____ to take some blood from a ____2_____ in the patient’s arm. Put the blood into a __3__. Then, use a ___4____ to put a ___5____ of the blood onto a __6_____. Examine it under a __7____. What do you see?
№ 4. Дополните текст, используя слова приведенные ниже
Infection, haemoglobin, clot, white blood cell, platelets, oxygen, red blood cells.
A CBC measures the number of different cells that make up the blood:
· ____1_____ - these take ____2___ from the lungs to the body’s tissues, and take carbon dioxide away at the same time. The CBC also measures the amount of _____3_____(a protein in the cells that carries the oxygen), and looks the size and the shape of the cells.
· _____4_____ - these protect the body against _____5______.
· _____6_____ - these make the blood ____7_______.
№ 5 Дополните текст, используя текст «TAKING BLOOD»
___1____ are specially trained in taking blood. The are skilled at_____2______ - puncturing the vein to take the blood sample. The wrist, hand and foot can be used but more often a vein in the inner part of the elbow is used. If it is difficult to locate a suitable vein, the patient may be asked to make a ____3_____, or a ____4___ may be applied on the upper arm to make the vein more apparent. Afterwards, a ____5_____ is applied and the patient is asked to press gently. This helps to stop the bleeding and prevent ____6___ at the site. It is important that ____7______ are labeled correctly before they are sent to the haemotology ______8_____, where a full blood count or other investigations will be carried out.
Эталоны ответов:
№ 1 Скажите по-английски:
1. анализ –test
2. кровь – blood
3. моча – urine
4. проверять- to check
5. жгут –a tourniquet
6. синяк – briuse
7. вена – a vein
8. артерия – an artery
9. клетка – a cell
10. лаборатория – a laboratory
11. определять – to detect
12. уровень - the level
13. образец - a sample
14. функция – function
15. игла – a needle
№ 2 Ответьте на вопросы
1. What is blood? It is one of the body’s fluids.
2. What blood cells do you know? Red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leucocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes)
3. What can we know from the blood test? Blood test gives information about such things as blood chemistry, kidney and liver function, hormone, cholesterol and glucose levels, and numbers of antibodies.
4. How much time does it take to get the result of the blood test? Different kinds of blood test can take different periods of time.
5. What other laboratory tests do you know? For example, urinalysis .
№ 3 Дополните текст, используя слова приведенные ниже.
Use a ___1 syringe ____ to take some blood from a ____2 vein _____ in the patient’s arm. Put the blood into a __3 test tube __. Then, use a ___4 pipett.____ to put a ___5 drop ____ of the blood onto a __6 Slide _____. xamine it under a __7 microscope ____. What do you see?
№ 4 Дополните текст, используя слова приведенные ниже
A CBC measures the number of different cells that make up the blood:
· ____1 red blood cells _____ - these take ____ 2 oxygen ___ from the lungs to the body’s tissues, and take carbon dioxide away at the same time. The CBC also measures the amount of _____ 3 haemoglobin _____(a protein in the cells that carries the oxygen), and looks the size and the shape of the cells.
· _____4 white blood cells _____ - these protect the body against _____5 Infection ______.
· _____ 6 platelets _____ - these make the blood ____7 clot _______.
№ 5 Дополните текст, используя текст «TAKING BLOOD»
___1 Phlebotomist____ are specially trained in taking blood. The are skilled at_____2 venipunctrure______ - puncturing the vein to take the blood sample. The wrist, hand and foot can be used but more often a vein in the inner part of the elbow is used. If it is difficult to locate a suitable vein, the patient may be asked to make a ____3 fist_____, or a ____4 tourniquet___ may be applied on the upper arm to make the vein more apparent. Afterwards, a ____5 dressing_____ is applied and the patient is asked to press gently. This helps to stop the bleeding and prevent ____6 bruising___ at the site. It is important that ____7 specimen tubes______ are labeled correctly before they are sent to the haemotology ______8 laboratory_____, where a full blood count or other investigations will be carried out.
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
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по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Разделы: 7,8: Лабораторные исследования мочи, кала.
Лабораторные исследования (другие)
Перевести лексику по теме.
Examination of Feces, Urine, Gastric Juice Contents. Investigation of Duodenal Contents. Smear, Culture, Test, Reaction. X-ray examination
1. to take urine by way of catheter
2. to collect urine
3. amount of excreted urine
4. acid (alkaline) urine
5. specific gravity of urine
6. albuminuria, proteinuria
7. ketonuria
8. glucosuria
9. 24 hour urine collection, daily urine
10.to measure diuresis
11.fluid balance sheet
12. acetone-odour urine
13. beer-coloured urine
14. urinary sediment
15. urinary sediment examination according to Kakovsky – Addis
16.salts of uric acid, urates
17.salts of oxalic acid, oxalates
18. clump of pus cells in urine
19.waxy (hyaline, granular, leukocytic) casts
20. urine for culture (flora) and sensitivity to antibiotics
21. dwindling urine output
22. chronic retention of urine
23.indwelling urethral catheter
24.suprapubic catheter
25. bladder drill
26.multifractional duodenal intubation
27. duodenal bile. A-bile
28. hepatic bile, C-bile
29. cystic bile, B-bile
30. gastric juice examination by a fractional method
31. gastric juice examination after having test meal
32.free (combined / fixed) hydrochloric acid
33. gastric juice total acidity
34. gastric juice hyperacidity (hypoacidity)
35.intestinal parasites in feces
36. undigested muscular fibers
37.remnants of undigested food
38. pathological admixtures in feces
39. eggs of worms
40.liquid feces
41.semi-liquid feces
42.solid feces
43. occult blood in feces
44. bolus-like feces
45.tape-like feces
46.(non-)formed stool
47.tarry feces / stool, melena
48. newly taken smear / swab
49. vaginal smear
50.throat swab
51. cervical smear
52. buccal smear for sex chromatin
53.to take a swab
54.to make / prepare a smear
55.fecal culture
«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»
(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (базовая подготовка) |
Раздел 9. Итоговая контрольная работа
Вариант 1
Перевести слова:
1. approximately
2. attack
3. evidently
4. nauseate
5. vomit
6. violent
7. stomach
8. gastric lavage
9. heating pans
10. to be applied
11. ambulance
12. prostration
13. to be discharged
14. diarrhea
Прочитайте текст и сделайте упражнения после текста.
A doctor was invited to see a family of three persons.
Approximately, half an hour before the attack of illness all of them had eaten
some food which was evidently not quite fresh.
All the members of the family became nauseated, they vomited and had violent
pains in the stomach. At the examination food~ poisoning was diagnosed. Gastric
lavage with large amounts of boiled water was instituted immediately. Two
patients were put to bed and given some medicine.
Heating pans were applied to their feet. They obtained almost immediate relief
and were allowed to get up.
The third patient was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He retained there
because of persistent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and marked prostration. A
strict diet, bed regime and a proper lirnpy helped the patient and in a week he
was discharged from the. in a good condition.
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What happened to the family of three persons?
2. Had they eaten some food which was not fresh?
3. What did they complain of?
4. What kind of medicine did they take?
5. Why did they obtain immediate relief?
6. What did they use to become healthy again?
7. When was the third patient discharged?
Скажите по-английски:
1. Что с вами случилось?
2. Вы плохо выглядите.
3. Что вы ели за обедом?
4. Была ли пища свежей?
5. Какая у вас температура?
6. Вам необходимо оставаться в постели.
7. Примите лекарство.
8. Вас необходимо госпитализировать.
9. У вас понос?
10. Вы должны соблюдать строгую диету, постельный режим и правильное лечение.
11. Через неделю вас выпишут.
III. Вставьте вместо точек, подходящие по смыслу слова:
1. A doctor was... to see a family.
2. 2The family became....
3. Two patients were................. and given some medicine.
4. The third patient was... in an ambulance.
5. In a week he was... from the hospital in a good condition
Вариант 2
1. to slip
2. to injure
3. to call
4. orderly
5. receiving - ward
6. stretcher
7. couch
8. surgeon
9. to examine
10. to suffer
11. ankle
12. foot
13. to swell
14. X - ray
15. fracture
16. medial malleolus
17. a plaster of Paris bandage
18. to recover
19. out- patient department
Прочитайте текст и сделайте упражнения после текста.
A man slipped and injured his leg. The man's .friend
called an ambulance and when it arrived, transported him to the hospital, which
was quite near. Two orderlies carried the man to the receiving-ward on a
stretcher and placed him on a couch. The man complained of a bad pain in his
leg and suffered very much. The surgeon examined the patient carefully. His
ankle and foot were swollen, but the skin was normal in colour.
After the X-ray examination the surgeon diagnosed a fracture, of the medial
malleolus. The surgeon anaesthetized injured area, placed the fragments in a
correct position and applied a plaster of Paris bandage. In two days the X-ray
examination showed that the bones were in a correct position.
In five weeks the man recovered and the surgeon removed the plaster of Paris
bandage. The third roentgenogram revealed that the fracture had completely
healed. He was discharged from the hospital and received a leave for two weeks.
The surgeon advised him to come to the out-patient department for further
treatment with massage and warm baths.
I. Вставьте вместо точек слова, подходящие по смыслу:
1. A man slipped and injured his... .
2. The man' s... called an...'.
3. His... and...'were swollen.
4. The... anaesthetized the injured area.
5. He was discharged from the.... ( ankle, hospital, leg, friend, ambulance, foot, surgeon)
II. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What was wrong with the man?
2. Who helped him?
3. What did he complain of?
4. Was it a fracture of medial malleoulus?
5. What was applied to him?
6. What was advised to him?
III. Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания:
during the practice, to slip and injure one's leg, to call an ambulance, to
transport smb. to a hospital, quite near, to place smb. on a couch, to suffer,
the skin was normal baths.
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