Интегрированный урок английского языка и литературы по теме Н,М. Рубцов-поэт русского Севера

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  • 09.01.2023
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Интегрированный урок Н.М. Рубцов..docx

Интегрированный урок  английского языка и литературы по теме "Н.М. Рубцов – поэт русского Севера" как средство духовно-нравственного развития     Учитель английского языка Москаль С.А. 2022г.


1.    Познавательные УУД: ознакомление учащихся с жизнью и творчеством Н.М.Рубцова, его вкладом в литературное наследие Русского Севера и всей страны.

2.    Регулятивные УУД: формирование у учащихся умения осмысливать и интерпретировать произведения Рубцова с учётом уровня владения языком.

3.    Личностные УУД: пробуждение интереса к личности Рубцова и его поэзии, воспитание уважительного отношения к выдающимся людям России, духовно-нравственное воспитание

Оснащение урока:  иллюстративная наглядность, обычная магнитная доска, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска

Ход урока

1.Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке:

Учитель (звучит музыка): Hello, my dear friends! I know that you are great lovers of poetry.  Welcome to our party dedicated to one of the most famous poets of the Russian North, one of the most mysterious figures of the Russian literature. I mean N.M. Rubtsov. We`ll answer the main questions: What kind of a person was N.M. Rubtsov? What gifts were given to him by the God! 

Ученик: The world of Rubtsov`s poetry is expansive and bright. It is the world where we live, but very often we just don`t think of it. The popularity among readers is really impressive, but we don`t speak about fashion in poetry, we speak about people`s recognition.

– Снятие фонетических трудностей ( учащиеся повторяют за учителем вынесенные на зрительную опору (магнитную доску) слова, обращая внимание на произнесение разных звуков):


– Фонетическая отработка производных слов и перевод с учётом соответствующих частей речи (за учителем / индивидуально): 

Attract – attractive – attraction
Recognize – recognition
Popular – popularity
Sorrow – sorrowful
Sad – sadness

– Снятие лексических трудностей, первичная автоматизация ключевой лексики (перевод необходимых лексических единиц):

To remain stable, to start a family, children`s home, poor experience, brilliant literary works, a peculiar feature, to keep household, to make a great impression on, to attract one`s attention by

2. Отработка тематического материала в разных видах речевой деятельности:

– аудирование (аудиозапись прослушивается дважды: первичное прослушивание ставит целью узнать новые сведения о Рубцове, вторичное – уточнить детали информации и подготовиться к дискуссии)

Учащимся разрешается делать записи в тетради (даты и отдельные события из жизни и творчества поэта).

Task: “True / False”

1.    Rubtsov was born in Leningrad in 1936.

2.    Rubtsov lived in Vologda all his life and died there.

3.    He tried different jobs during his working life.

4.    Rubtsov lost his parents early.

5.    He liked to write about village life.

6.    He wasn`t recognized in our country.

– Чтение

Task: Расставить отрывки из биографии Рубцова в хронологическом порядке.

A When the Great Patriotic War began, the boy lost his parents and was sent to the children`s home, where he spent eight years. The children and the grown-ups had to work much and to keep household: horses, pigs, cows, bees and kitchen garden with different vegetables. Rubtsov liked animals and fishing very much and studied well.

B Nikolai could not continue his studies and, when he was sixteen, he went to Arkhangelsk. There he tried different jobs. Rubtsov spent two years on the sea and then he decided to go to a large city.

C Rubtsov`s native place is the settlement of Emetsk on the Northern Dvina. He was the fourth child of Mikhail Andriyanovich and Alexandra Mikhailovna. The family lived in the wooden house, where now you can see the memorial table. Kolya`s childhood was hard.

D He finished seven classes and went to Riga, but his hopes about the sea did not come true and he returned to Nikolskoye. He entered the technical secondary school in Totma.

E He met a lot of poets and read his poems. At the seminar of the young poets Rubtsov saw the woman, whom he wanted to call his wife. But that woman strangled him in the cold winter morning.

So he came to Leningrad. Later he served in the Northern Fleet. After that he entered the Literary Institute. Nikolai Mikhailovich started his own family, but after some problems he had to abandon it.













– письмо

Task: Преобразуйте слова по смыслу.

1.    N.M .Rubtsov is the ___ poet of the Russian North. (fame)

2.    His books contained ___ poems. (differ)

3.    Moving to the cities and towns of Russia, he ___ do any work to make his living. (can)

4.    This poet was ___ clever and talented. (certain)

5.    When Nikolai was young, he ___ very well. (study)

– говорение

Учитель: You can see several dates. Tell us the facts from the poet`s life. 



– N.M.Rubtsov was born on the 3rd of January. 

– He was born in the settlement of Emetsk. 

– He was the fourth child in the family that lived in the wooden house. 



– Nikolai lost his parents very early.

– He was sent to the children`s home in the Vologda region. 

– The children had to work much and to keep household.

– The boy liked animals and fishing and studied very well. 



– Rubtsov finished seven classes of school. 

– He entered the technical secondary school in Totma.

– When he was sixteen, he went to Arkhangelsk.



– Nikolai went to Leningrad and began to work at the plant.

– He served in the Northern Fleet. 



– He met many poets and decided to change his life.

– He entered the Literary Institute.



– Rubtsov returned to Nikolskoye.

– His first books were published.



– The poet was strangled by his beloved woman in the cold winter morning.

Учитель: Of course, his life was not easy and Rubtsov had to overcome different difficulties.  But he wrote a great number of literary works and now we read them with pleasure.  Let`s listen to the report about Rubtsov`s poetry. (отрывок из исследовательской работы по творчеству Рубцова)

Ученик: Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov was a real patriot of his country. So he dedicated his poems to Motherland, nature and also we can read his reflections about life and fortune.  They are full of sincerity, simplicity and open-hearted naivety. Many of his books were published, even after the poet`s death. 

Учитель: And what can you, my dear friends, say about this poet?

Ученик 1: I like Rubtsov`s poetry very much, but most of all I like such poems as “Childhood”, “Native Village”, “My Quiet Homeland”, “Birches”.

Ученик 2: His poetry reflects the sense of love and admiration of our country and its treasures.

Ученик 3: I am proud that N.M.Rubtsov is my countryman and we have a chance to learn more about him at the literature lessons.

Ученик 4: His poems are so lyrical and sensitive that musicians use them to compose songs. And I am very pleased to hear some of them. 

Ученик 5: I know that there are several monuments to Rubtsov and besides, people can visit Rubtsov museum in his native settlement. 

Учитель: I see that you know much information. I am glad that you, younger generation, remember those people who made the history and traditions of Russia richer. Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov made the significant contribution to our literature and to the Russian North.  Please, remember always his last words « I will be living in my folk!” Thank you. Good-bye!