Исследовательская работа "Зачем мы изучаем английский язык?"
Оценка 4.6

Исследовательская работа "Зачем мы изучаем английский язык?"

Оценка 4.6
Исследовательская работа "Зачем мы изучаем английский язык?"
экзаменационный проект (2).docx

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

“Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1”

г. Ртищево Саратовской обл.






“Why do people learn English and how is it useful in the modern world?”









                                         Выполнила: Архипова А.

                                              Куратор: Марочкина Н.А.


9 «А» класс


Why do people learn English and how is it useful in the modern world?


I. Introduction.

1.1. Why is it necessary to learn English?

1.2. Learning English in my school.

II Main part.

       2.1 The greatest polyglots and linguists.

       2.2 English as a world language. 

        2.3 10 most important reason for learning English.

        2.4 Ways of learning English.

III. Conclusion.

IV. List of Literature

VI. Appendixes.














I. Introduction

The great German poet Goethe once said: «He who knows no foreign language does not know his own one»


Knowing English can give you a lot of opportunities and advantages.

But I have noticed that a majority of our students don’t have any wish to learn English.

Why? What reasons can be there? Why do people learn English? What is the best way to learn it? What can be done to improve one’s knowledge of English?

To find the answers to these questions it was necessary to do this research.


The aims of my project:

to find out the relation of the students in my school to learning English. Find the answer to the questions:

      -Why do people study English?

      -Where can they use English?

      -What ways of learning languages exist?



Ø to collect the necessary material about importance of the English language for the world community and about its value as an international language

Ø to observe students’ opinions about studying English

Ø to conclude and work out some recommendations for an effective way of learning English for students.



Problem for research.

Students in our schools begin to learn a foreign language since the second grade, because knowledge of a foreign language - is the key that opens up great opportunities in life. Some students after finishing school can speak fluently, other students can’t say even a word. Why do they have different results? Of course, we know that people have different abilities, but we all have equal possibility in doing all our best in studying English when we are at school. What does it depend on? It is a very interesting question. That is why I decided to investigate this problem.


·       Learning foreign languages is especially important nowadays. Some people learn foreign languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby.


·       Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work. They cannot go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker cannot work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to do it. Ordinary people need language to translation the instruction or the manual to the washing-machine or a vacuum-cleaner, medicine or even food-products.


·       Foreign languages are necessary as the main and most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet. Foreign language develops attention, memory and observation.






 1.1. Why is it necessary to learn English?

English is a language of trade, tourism, politics, the Internet and not only. It is the first and the main language of the world communication. More than one milliard people speak English. You can travel easy not having problems with understanding speech in other countries. Knowing English helps to find a well-paid job. It is your helper to be successful.

·       Mass media

   English is a language of traveling and transport.  The biggest five TV companies CBC, NBC, ABC, BBC and CBC include the audience nearly 500 million people with translation in English. It is also a language of satellite TV.

·       The century of information

   English is also a language of information. Computers are speaking with each other in it. More 80 percent all of information is kept in English. We can’t imagine the Internet without it. It is the language of medicine, electronics.

·       International business

   The English language is used in an international business too. When the Japanese businessman signs documents in Europe, the meeting is spent in English.

·       Diplomacy

   The English language has been replacing the main languages for many centuries. It has replaced the French language in diplomacy. English is one of the official languages of the United Nation Organizations. Among them are: UNESCO, NATO and UNO (United Nations Organization)

·       Art

   If you speak a foreign language you can read newspapers, magazines and books written by outstanding writers. It also lets you watch English and American films in original.


               1.2. Learning English in my school: what for?


A survey took place among the pupils of 6-9 forms in Secondary school № 1 about their attitude towards the learning the English language. There were the following questions in the survey:

1. Do you need to learn English?

    A) Yes-95%

    B) No-5%

2. What is English for you?

    A) lesson at school-30%

    B) the need for life-70%

3.How often do you come across English words in your life?

    A) often-55%

    B) rarely-45%

    C) never-5%

4. Do you always do your homework in English?

    A) always-80%

    B) sometimes I don't do it-20%

5.Do you read English books in the original?

A) yes-10%

B) no-90%

6.Have you any dufficulties in studying foreign language?

A) yes-50%

B) no-50%


People learn English in order to:

Ø Study at schools, universities or colleges

Ø Communicate with people from different countries

Ø Write a letter to the English pen-friend

Ø Understand English films, TV programs and songs

Ø Live in an English-speaking country

Ø Use English while travelling,

Ø communicating with foreign friends in social nets

Ø pass exams in the secondary schools.















II Main part.

2.1 The greatest polyglots and linguists. 

People began to speak many centuries ago, and since then they have been speaking different languages. Every language reflects its soul  behaviour and the temperament of each nationality. Some people becomes as a rule polyglots. There are many polyglots in the world. 

According to the academic dictionary of foreign words, Polyglot (from the Greek polyglottos "multilingual") - a man who speaks many languages.

Knowledge of foreign languages has long been considered an essential feature of high culture. Many historical figures, diplomats and military leaders spoke fluently several languages. There were many polyglots among scientists and writers. I searched the internet to get to know about the Russian and English people, who are polyglots.

Famous Russian polyglots:

·       Empress of Russia Catherine II except for the native German and Russian was a master with three more languages. 

·       Аlexander Griboyedov –the famous Russian writer began to speak: French, German, English and Italian when he was very young. He also studied Latin and Greek. Later Griboyedov mastered Persian, Arabic and Turkish.

·       Leo Tolstoy spoke fluently English, French and German.  He read in Italian, Polish, Czech and Serbian languages​​ fluently and free. He knew Greek, Latin, Ukrainian, Tatar, Church Slavic, studied Hebrew, Turkish, Dutch, Bulgarian and other languages.

·       By 16 years Nikolai Chernyshevsky had rather thoroughly studied nine languages:​​ Latin, Greek, Persian, Arab, Tartar, Hebrew, French, German and English.




Famous Russian polyglots of our time:

Vyacheslav Ivanov, a philologist, an anthropologist - about 100 languages.

Sergei Khalipov, an assistant of professor of Scandinavian philology St. Petersburg State University - 44 languages.

Dmitry Petrov, a translator, a teacher of the Moscow Linguistic University - 30 languages

Willi Melnikov, a Russian polyglot, a researcher at the Institute of Virology He speaks more than 100 languages, the Nominee for the Guinness Book of Records. He enjoys photography, painting. architecture, history, singing, writing poems.

Polyglots consider that in addition to the native it is necessary to know perfectly at least four languages: it is advisable to speak without an accent.















2.2 English as a world language

At the moment English is internationally recognized by the world community as one of the languages more often spoken in various parts of the world. People speak English in the United States of America, Canada, Bahamas, Jamaica, Guyana, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand. It is known that English is spoken as a first language in Great Britain, USA, Canada and New Zealand.  Doctors and scientists try to answer the same questions all over the world. They find it easy to exchange their ideas in English. Approximately 375 million people speak English as their first language. English today is probably the third largest language by number of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. English is the language which is most often studied as a foreign language in the European Union (by 89% of schoolchildren), followed by French (32%), German (18%), and Spanish (8%). A large fraction of the population reports being able to converse, to some extent, in English in the European Union. Among non-English speaking countries, a large percentage of the population claimed to be able to converse in English in the Netherlands (87%), Sweden (85%), Denmark (83%), Luxembourg (66%), Finland (60%), Slovenia (56%), Austria (53%), Belgium (52%), and Germany (51%). Norway and Iceland also have a large majority of competent English-speakers.


·         the first language of about 450 million people

·       the native language of 12 nations

·       the official or semiofficial language of 33 more nations.

·       Most vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English.

English is the language of rock and pop music.

·       Most of world known singers sing their songs in English.

·       It is the standard language for communication.

(80% of all information in the computers’ world is English.

·       More than half of the world’s periodicals are printed in English

2.3 10 most important reasons for learning English

Why is it important to learn English?                                                                

To summaries all mentioned above the most important reasons for learning English are:                                                                      

·       Culture

 Languages develop and enrich the individuality.  In every home, from Santiago to Bangkok today there are cartoons, educational computer programs or computer games with an English interface.English is the language of the global youth culture. Several generations remember songs of the famous English pop group "The Beatles"  that had a great influence on the musical culture of the XX century. Young people sing  the songs of   "The Beatles", "W-2" (U2), Michael Jackson and Madonna without  full understanding of their words.

·       Economics

 In every area of our activity - industry, commerce, diplomacy and culture, international tourism, science and computer technology, Internet and e-mail - knowledge of English is required every day in every working situation. Knowledge of English is necessary for effective training, future job and improvement the quality of our lives.It is important fact that English is used to indicate  the country of production on industrial goods: "Made in Germany", and not "Fabriziert in Deutschland"!

·       Business

  In today's business world it is impossible to succeed without the knowledge of the English language, which is now a means of international English communication is spoken by Interpol officers, air traffic controllers and members of rescue operations in disaster zones, where the accuracy of the information transfer is of paramount importance. English is used in such fields as aviation and science. Jobs in these fields, unless highly localized, will be closed off to you if you don't speak English. Some businesses that deal with international clients and suppliers rely on English-speaking employees to help with day-to-day operations to interpret, translate and communicate directly with English-speaking customers and clients. Being fluent in English can improve employment opportunities.

English language is internationally recognized language of business. It is spoken by politicians, businessmen and professionals all over the world.

·       Diplomacy

Diplomats and politicians from different countries use English to cooperate with each other. English is the main language of organizations like the United Nations, NATO, the European Free Trade Association, the International Olympic Committee and many others.

·       Tourism

Major tourist destinations such as the United States, Great Britain and Australia all use English as a primary language. In addition, even non-speaking English countries often offer tourist services in English. English language is the language of travel and communication in internationalairlines. All international airports, pilots and dispatchers speak English. If you know or speak English as a second language, you have a chance to communicate almost anywhere you travel.

·       Education

Four-fifths of the information contained in data banks of computers around the world is written in English. Almost all the important books and articles are either printed   in English or translated into English.

Parents raising children in an English-speaking country may have a problem helping their children through school if they do not understand English. For example, if they send their children to school and the teacher does not speak their native language, parents are likely to have a problem communicating with the teacher. In addition, if the children have homework they do not understand, parents who don't understand English cannot help them.

·       Media and Internet

Much of the world's movies, music and books are in English. You can experience this media first-hand without an imperfect translation getting in the way.

Five major broadcasters - C-PBS, CNN, BBC, ABC, BBC, BBC and the BBC C-BBC (Canadian broadcaster) - cover the potential audience approximately 500 million people with translations in English.

English is also the language satellite television.

Knowing the language facilitates your use of the World Wide Web because most of the world's stored information and web pages are in English. Instructions to the computer programs and the programs themselves are often only available in English language. It’s an amazing thing that learning just one language gives you access to all knowledge on the Internet.

·       Internet

 Internet is unthinkable without the English language!

·       Science

English is the key to the world of science. More than half of the world's technical and scientific periodicals published in English language, which is also is the language of medicine, electronics and space technology.

·       Availability

 Is it hard to learn English? We can say that it is very easy. Two important factors contributing to the ease of learning English: first, everywhere in advertising and on satellite television, we see and hear the news and advertisements in English, and secondly, the methods of teaching English to foreigners are the well-developed.

·       Opportunities

In addition to job opportunities, there are other opportunities available for those who learn English. Learning English can improve the chances of being accepted into advanced training programs or colleges in English-speaking countries.




2.4 Ways of learning English

There are different ways of studying English:

·       Traditional

Traditionally all children study foreign languages at school.  They are taught the ABC, “simple words”, how to read first. Gradually they begin to read texts, write dictations, compositions and projects, study rules, act out dialogues, write tests. By the end of English course they are supposed to be experienced in speaking, reading, listening and writing. Unfortunately, very few students have excellent result. The process of studying English is very difficult. Moreover, students study English in groups of ten or fifteen people. So, everything depends on the students will, ability, persistence and patience.

Sometimes it is very difficult for student to learn English by himself without any outside assistance. That is why a lot of school children in our country have their personal English coach.

·       Learning English with a teacher

As I have already mentioned all people have their own peculiarities. Some students have better results if they are taught individually, not in group. It gives them an opportunity to understand better the most difficult cases, rules, to practice more in reading, speaking, listening and writing. And there is always someone who can explain, correct and direct them. Of course, having extra English lessons with individual teacher takes a lot of time and is expensive from the other side.

·       Picking up the language.

To pick up means to learn a new skill or start a habit without intending to some people prefer such way of learning English. They go to any English – speaking country and learn English by picking up from the native speakers. It also gives a chance to know better the culture, habits and traditions of the country. Watching news and different TV programmes, video in English is also a kind of picking up. But this way of learning English has its own advantages and disadvantages.


·       Reading literature in the original.

One more of ways to study English is reading original literature, newspapers and magazines published in English – speaking countries. You can do it in any suitable time for you. It can even be your hobby. But it takes a lot of time: you have to consult the dictionaries and the reference grammar books.  This way of learning English suffers from grace shortcoming – you don’t have opportunity to communicate with other people. You can read, understand, maybe write, but not speak and understand English-speaking people.

·       Using new information technology and Internet

Development of information technology has provided new and unique opportunity to conduct classes - introduction of distance learning. Firstly, it allows the student to choose the   time and place for learning and secondly, makes it possible to get an education to persons deprived of a traditional education because of various reasons.   The Internet creates the conditions for obtaining any required information for students and teachers held anywhere in the world: regional studies material, news about the lives of youth, articles from newspapers and magazines, the necessary literature, etc.












III.  Conclusion.

If you want a good job in business, technology, medicine or science, it is necessary to know English!

If you know English you can:

1. Contact with people from all over the world. Talk about your ideas and join any Internet discussion groups. Send E-mails to interesting people. Learn more with a help of the Internet.

2. Travel more easily. Communicate with people wherever you go.

3. Ask directions, have a conversation and even ask for help. Who knows, English will save your life one day!             


Knowing English will let you:

1. Put “excellent knowledge of English” on your CV, get your dream job, have good salary.

2. Gain technical knowledge because English is the language of technology (computer, genetics, medicine and many others).

3. Learn computer science. Read technical articles without difficulty.

4. Be a world class businessman /businesswoman. International business is held in English.

5. Become a better scientist. Contact scientists from other countries, take part in conferences, and visit academic centers abroad.

6. Use your computer more effectively. Most computer applications are in English and you will understand them better and become a better employee.

But how can we solve this problem?

-          to have more hours of English at school

-          student’s books must be much more interesting and modern

-          not to teach English everyone (only volunteers)

-          to have real practice with native speakers

-          to use original literature and films

-          to divide class into different groups (not all students have equal abilities and interests)    

We hope the results of our investigation will be useful for those who are responsible for education.

In our project we have solved some problems.

-          We worked in a command and this experience will be necessary to us in the future

-          We have learnt how to analyze our knowledge and to use it in practice.

Thus, the study confirmed hypothesis named by us. Foreign languages are necessary as the main and most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet. Finally, we’ve come to a definite conclusion that English influences on our life. English is famous, popular and necessary. English opens us new opportunities. At last English - the  best hope for world language! The more languages you know the easier it is to learn other naturally!


























1.      Ощепкова В.В., Шустилова И.И. «О Британии вкратце»М.: «Лист», 1997

2. ТимановскаяИ.А. «Spotlight on English-speaking countries»Тула: «Автограф», 2000

3.      Химунина Т.Н. «В Великобритании принято так»

Л.: «Просвещение. Ленинградское отделение», 1975

4. Кузнецова В.С., Хохарина-Семерия Л.М., Когосова Р.А., Белоус М.П., Плахтирь И.Г., Двожецкая М.П. «England: history, geography, culture» Киев, 1970

5.      Интернет



http:// english.booksplanet.ru/index2.html#

http:// infoenglish.info/publ/1-1-0-193




Explains some basic principles and gives advice on learning foreign languages.



How to succeed in learning foreign languages?


Why Learning a Foreign Language is Important



Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение “Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1” г

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение “Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1” г

Why do people learn English and how is it useful in the modern world?

Why do people learn English and how is it useful in the modern world?

I. Introduction The great German poet

I. Introduction The great German poet

Problem for research . Students in our schools begin to learn a foreign language since the second grade, because knowledge of a foreign language -…

Problem for research . Students in our schools begin to learn a foreign language since the second grade, because knowledge of a foreign language -…

Why is it necessary to learn English?

Why is it necessary to learn English?

Learning English in my school: what for?

Learning English in my school: what for?

People learn English in order to: Ø

People learn English in order to: Ø

II Main part. 2.1 The greatest polyglots and linguists

II Main part. 2.1 The greatest polyglots and linguists

Famous Russian polyglots of our time:

Famous Russian polyglots of our time:

English as a world language

English as a world language

English Why is it important to learn

English Why is it important to learn

English-speaking customers and clients

English-speaking customers and clients

Five major broadcasters - C-PBS,

Five major broadcasters - C-PBS,

Ways of learning English There are different ways of studying

Ways of learning English There are different ways of studying

Reading literature in the original

Reading literature in the original

III. Conclusion . If you want a good job in business, technology, medicine or science, it is necessary to know

III. Conclusion . If you want a good job in business, technology, medicine or science, it is necessary to know

We hope the results of our investigation will be useful for those who are responsible for education

We hope the results of our investigation will be useful for those who are responsible for education

IV.Literature/Resources 1.

IV.Literature/Resources 1.

L8Ym http://EzineArticles.com/147211 http://www

L8Ym http://EzineArticles.com/147211 http://www
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