Итоговый диагностический тест для обучающихся 10 класса по УМК Английский в фокусе
Оценка 4.8

Итоговый диагностический тест для обучающихся 10 класса по УМК Английский в фокусе

Оценка 4.8
Итоговый диагностический тест для обучающихся 10 класса по УМК Английский в фокусе
10 класс итоговый диагностический тест.docx

Final test 10 Variant 1

1.       When Mary got to the station, the train … . (A just left, B had just left, C has just left)

2.       You …see a dentist about that toothache of yours. (A better, B should, C ought)

3.       You’re really late! I… for you for over an hour! (A have waited, B was waiting, C have been waiting)

4.       Helen said she … away the following week. (A was going to be, B had been, C will be)

5.       How long … about this? (A are you  knowing, B do you know, C have you  known)

6.       Peter told his sister … his laptop without asking him first. (A don’t use, B not to use, C to not use)

7.       Fruit and vegetables are rich … vitamins and minerals. (A on,  B of , C in)

8.       John was jogging in the park when he … someone calling for help. (A heard, B was hearing, C had heard)

9.       Lucy was making a salad… her sister was laying the table. (A until, B while, C after)

10.   If I had known you were coming, I … something for dinner. ( A would have cooked, B would cook, C had cooked)

11.   Ian’s classmates often pick … him because he’s quite short. (A on, B at С to)

12.   The parcel … to you as we speak. ( A is being delivered, B is delivering, C has been delivering)

13.   Drinks that contain … additives are not good for your health. (A fake, B creative, C artificial)

14.   … Alex will like the present? (A Do you think, B Are you thinking, C can you think)

15.   Matthew works … hours than Patrick.(A longer, B longest, C more long)

16.   Do you get … well with your new neighbours ? (A by, B on, C in)

17.   This time next week, we … on a tropical beach. (A are lying, B will be lying, C will lie)

18.   Why are you … at me? Have I done something wrong? (A glaring, B glimpsing, C glancing)

19.   Today is a public holiday, so Kate … go to school. (A mustn’t, B may not, C doesn’t have to)

20.   Mr. Green works in the … forces as a naval officer. (A armed, И emergency, C skilled)

21.   Hurry up! The match … by the time we get to the football pitch. (A is starting, B is going to start, C will have started)

22.   If Jake doesn’t  come soon, he … the start of the film. (A would miss, B misses, C will miss)

23.   Can you , please, look … my plants while I’m away? (A after, B out, C up)

24.   Jane and Ron enjoy … long walks in the afternoon. (A taking, B they take, C to take)

25.   Ron was … at a man across the street, trying to remember where he knew him from. (A staring,  B inspecting, C seeing)












Final test 10 Variant 2

1.       This time next week, we … on a tropical beach. (A are lying, B will be lying, C will lie)

2.       Fruit and vegetables are rich … vitamins and minerals. (A on,  B of , C in)

3.       When Mary got to the station, the train … . (A just left, B had just left, C has just left)

4.       Ron and Jane  enjoy … long walks in the afternoon. (A taking, B they take, C to take)

5.       If I had known you were coming, I … something for dinner. ( A would have cooked, B would cook, C had cooked)

6.       You’re really late! I… for you for over an hour! (A have waited, B was waiting, C have been waiting)

7.       Mr. Joyce works in the … forces as a naval officer. (A armed, B emergency, C skilled)

8.       Hurry up! The match … by the time we get to the football pitch. (A is starting, B is going to start, C will have started)

9.       Drinks that contain … additives are not good for your health. (A fake, B creative, C artificial)

10.   How long … about this? (A are you  knowing, B do you know, C have you  known)

11.   Can you , please, look … my plants while I’m away? (A after, B out, C up)

12.   Why are you … at me? Have I done something wrong? (A glaring, B glimpsing, C glancing)

13.   The parcel … to you as we speak. ( A is being delivered, B is delivering, C has been delivering)

14.   Do you get … well with your new neighbours ? (A by, B on, C in)

15.   Today is a public holiday, so Kate … go to school. (A mustn’t, B may not, C doesn’t have to)

16.   Patrick works … hours than Matthew .(A longer, B longest, C more long)

17.   You …see a dentist about that toothache of yours. (A better, B should, C ought)

18.   John was jogging in the park when he … someone calling for help. (A heard, B was hearing, C had heard)

19.   Ian’s classmates often pick … him because he’s quite short. (A on, B at С to)

20.   Helen said she … away the following week. (A was going to be, B had been, C will be)

21.   … Alex will like the present? (A Do you think, B Are you thinking, C can you think)

22.   Peter told his sister … his laptop without asking him first. (A don’t use, B not to use, C to not use)

23.   Lucy was making a salad… her sister was laying the table. (A until, B while, C after)

24.   If Jake doesn’t  come soon, he … the start of the film. (A would miss, B misses, C will miss)

25.   Poly was … at awo man across the street, trying to remember where she knew her from. (A staring,  B inspecting, C seeing)




















Variant 1


1.       B

2.       B

3.       С

4.       A

5.       C

6.       B

7.       C

8.       A

9.       B

10.   A

11.   A

12.   A

13.   C

14.   A

15.   A

16.   B

17.   B

18.   A

19.   C

20.   A

21.   C

22.   C

23.   A

24.   A

25.   A

Variant 2


1.       B

2.       C

3.       B

4.       A

5.       A

6.       C

7.       A

8.       C

9.       C

10.   C

11.   A

12.   A

13.   A

14.   B

15.   C

16.   A

17.   B

18.   A

19.   A

20.   A

21.   A

22.   B

23.   B

24.   C

25.   A



Final test 10 Variant 1 1.

Final test 10 Variant 1 1.

Final test 10 Variant 2 1.

Final test 10 Variant 2 1.

Keys Variant 1 1.

Keys Variant 1 1.
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