· What is a medical case report?
· What parts does it include?
· What is an abstract?
Read the abstract of the medical case report:
Conservative management of a grade V injury to an ectopic pelvic kidney following blunt trauma to the lower abdomen: a case report
Ectopic pelvic kidneys represent an anatomic variant that remains clinically asymptomatic in most patients. While there is some literature to suggest that ectopic kidneys may be more predisposed to blunt trauma injuries, there are few examples to guide the management of these injuries. To our knowledge, we present the first case of a grade V renal injury to an ectopic pelvic kidney managed successfully with conservative measures.
Case Presentation
We present a case of grade V renal injury to an ectopic pelvic kidney in a 21 year-old African-American male. The clinical and radiographic findings are presented, along with the patient's conservative hospital course.
We suggest that management of grade V renal injuries to ectopic pelvic kidneys can be treated similarly to that of kidneys in normal anatomic position. Conservative measures may be considered in properly selected patients.
Find in the abstract:
· Background
· Why is it important
· Needs to be reported
Answer the questions:
1. Is this the first report of this kind in the literature?
2. What are brief details of what the patient(s) presented with?
3. What the reader should learn from the case report?
4. What the clinical impact will be?
5. Is it an original case report of interest to a particular clinical specialty of medicine?
6. Will it have a broader clinical impact across medicine?
7. Are any teaching points identified?
· Why abstract is the most important part for case published in electronic databases?
· What are basics of abstract writing?
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