· What is a medical case report?
· What parts does it include?
· What is an abstract?
Read the abstract of the medical case report:
Fetus in fetu: a case report
Fetus in fetu is a rare abnormality secondary to the abnormal embryogenesis in a diamniotic, monochorionic pregnancy. It is a rare pathological condition and fewer than 100 cases have been reported in the literature.
Case presentation
A 2 month old girl with an abdominal mass since birth, was referred to the Cancer Institute with a suspected diagnosis of a Wilms' tumor. Conventional radiograph of the abdomen revealed a mass containing numerous calcifications. CT scan showed a heterogeneous retroperitoneal mass containing well-defined calcified structures. The decision was made to recommend surgical exploration and the mass was successfully excised. Physical examination of the mass with review of literature confirmed the diagnosis of fetus in fetu.
Although it is a rare condition imaging may play an important role in the correct prospective diagnosis of fetus in fetu. Surgical excision is the recommended treatment.
Find in the abstract:
· Background
· Why is it important
· Needs to be reported
Answer the questions:
1. Is this the first report of this kind in the literature?
2. What are brief details of what the patient(s) presented with?
3. What the reader should learn from the case report?
4. What the clinical impact will be?
5. Is it an original case report of interest to a particular clinical specialty of medicine?
6. Will it have a broader clinical impact across medicine?
7. Are any teaching points identified?
· Why abstract is the most important part for case published in electronic databases?
· What are basics of abstract writing?
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