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государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Миллеровский техникум агропромышленных технологий и управления (ДСХТ)»
Ростовской области
«What do I like about being an English teacher?»
ЭССЕ подготовила:
Тищенко Ольга Анатольевна
Место работы:
Преподаватель английского языка
ГБПОУ РО «МТАТиУ (ДСХТ)» 30 ноября 2016 г.
г.Миллерово Ростовская область
Российская Федерация
Today that students know how to communicate and collaborate with one
another in both facetoface and digital environments. is one of the most broad
spread languages in the world. It is on the third place (after Chinese and Spanish).
About 400 million people use English as the first language and nearly 1400 million
people use it as the second one. English language is spoken in 58 countries.
16 International organization use English language as international. They
are: UN (United Nations), IOC (International Olympic Committee), OPEC (The
(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), ITO (World Trade Organization)
and many others.
Now English language is one of the most wide spread languages in Russian
educational program. It is taught and studied in almost all schools, colleges and
higher educational institutions.
I was born in a small provincial town and studied German language with a
perfect teacher of German language, the author of a schoolbook for schoolchildren.
It was she who instilled me a great love for foreign languages. Since my school
years I had a dream to become a foreign language teacher. I lived in a little
different time. The profession of a teacher was a respected one. Many school
leavers choose it and then devoted all their lives to this very hard occupation.
I graduated from Taganrog Pedagogical Institute and started my life way on this so
difficult but so fascinating road of giving knowledge to these not always attentive
but usually creative little people, whom we call pupils. I liked to explain new
concepts, to open new world of foreign countries and to be tolerant to other
2 But everything changed. New conceptions came and I was to decide what to
do. New times brought new demands. I began to study English, now it was my
subject, my new world. I must confess honestly – it was а very difficult work and
even beyond my strength sometimes. But I tried hard and soon I saw the first
positive results.
Sometimes I thought: "Can I really do this?" But remember you've got to
keep positive, it's only a problem if you get more bad days than good days.
But as we Russian people say: «You never know what you can do till you
Since then I believed my classroom to be my Kinghdom. I was left to my
own choice to sink or swim. I prefer the latest.
As soon as I understood that only one or two students in my group really
love English and excited about it, I tried to do my best to interest them in my
beloved subject.
What will make you a good teacher? As for me, it’s the passion for my
subject (i.e. English language) and interest in the success of my students.
It’s very strange that many people believe that they can learn English
without any efforts, simply sitting before their computer and playing computer
games. They’ve forgotten that learning of English language is not an easy task. It is
a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts.
I think that teaching is one of those rare professions that keeps your brain
young, allowing you to continue your own journey as a student and a lifelong
learner. Now I share the enthusiasm and love for my subject with my students. I
like listening to their ideas and seeing the way their minds work.
Today’s challenge for teachers is to make their lessons relevant to students’
everyday lives. I try to involve my students into learning English in the best way.
The roles of a teacher are rather complicated from the controller to the facilitator.
As for me, I try to be the facilitator. I should and can help my students to obtain
3 and develop 21st century skills. I teach my students not only to love and know
English language but also how to communicate and collaborate with one another in
both facetoface communication and digital environments.
But sometimes I simply don't know if I can say that I am happy at my job.
Sometimes it's the best job in the world and sometimes it's the worst job in the
world! On the best days, I love it. I really love most of my students and hope I am
doing something positive for them. But it's still a job. And it's really, really, really
difficult, but I know that I would always miss it!
In conclusion I want to say that nevertheless teaching is the best job at all
times. And to say honestly I enjoy every bit of my job. It has its ups and downs but
on the whole it's fulfilling when I help my students to leave our technical school
with diplomas and know they have a future.
We simply mustn't forget how lucky we are to do this job even though it can
be difficult. I love my students and their continuing ability to amaze me.
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Классный час "Моя профессия-юрист"
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