Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6
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Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

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английский язык
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Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6
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The Author, Background, the Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 The Characters .6

1   The White Rabbit .8 2 The. P. 10

3 The Pool of Tears .. . P. 12 4 A Strange Race .14 5 Alice Grows Again. . p. 16

6 The Duchess and the Pig .. . P. 18 7 The Mad Tea Party .. . P. 20 8 The Queen of Hearts. p. 22 9 The Mock Turtle. . P. 24 10 The Trial .. . P. 26

Activities. p. 29

Irregular Verbs & Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....                                                    37

Songs. . P. 38



Lewis Carroll's real name was• Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was born in Daresbury in Cheshire, England on 27th January 1832. He had* three younger brothers and seven sisters. When he was eleven, the family moved to a small, lonely village in Yorkshire. Charles enjoyed doing magic tricks, putting on  and writing poems and stories to entertain his brothers and sisters,

Charles Dodgson went to famous Rugby School from 1846 to 1850. After that, he went to Oxford University's Christ Church college to study Classics and Mathematics. In 1855 he became* a teacher of Mathematics at Christ Church, where he spent' most of the rest of his life. He never married.

Charles was a very good photographer, and he loved to photograph children. One girt he often photographed was Alice Liddell, a daughter of the dean of Christ Church. He spent a lot of time with

Alice and two of her sisters, Corina and Edith. HiS most famous books, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through The Looking Glass (1871 began' as stories he told* the Liddell girls.

The Alice books were very popular, and Charles Dodgson wrote' several other stories and various funny •nonsense' poems. However, people remember him best for the strange and amazing stories about a little girt called Alice.

Charles Dodgson died in Guildford in Surrey, England on 14th January


                                                                      • see Irregular verbs, p. 37               underlined "Qrds• see Glossary, p. 37


Charles Dodgson loved entertaining children. At the age of 30, he spent a lot of time girls — Lorina, Edith and his favourite, Alice. He often photographed them, played with them, and told them long stories.

afternoon in July 1862, Charles Dodgson and a friend took* the Liddell girls rowing on the near Oxford. The children asked Dodgson to tell them a fairy tale, and 10-year-old Alice hoped the story would have "nonsense" in it. So Dodgson told them an amazing tale, about a little girl called Alice and her adventures in a magical underground world. Alice so much that she said, "I wish you would write out Alice's adventures for me!" down the story, drew* pictures for it, put* a photograph of Alice Liddell on the last the 'book' to her. Later Dodgson made* some changes to the story and published the Adventures in Wonderland in 1865. The book was soon a success, and Dodgson wrote Looking-Glass in 1871 , based on more stories he told the Liddell girls. When Dodgson died was already the most popular children's book in England. Translated into dozens of became — and still is today — one of the most popular and most famous in the world.

older sister are sitting by the river on a hot afternoon when Alice sees a White Rabbit. He because he is late. Alice the White Rabbit into a rabbit hole. She falls and falls time. When she gets to the bottom, she is in a strange new world where very funny She meets talking animals and birds, and some very strange people. She eats magic magic drinks. Some of these make her smaller, and some of them make her bigger. She March Hare and a mad Hatter, and plays croquet with the King and Queen of Hearts. Life


All his life, with the Liddell

'nonsense' games

On a sunny

River Thames

Liddell said* she full of nonsense, liked the story

Dodgson wrote page and gave book as Alice's Through the in 1898, Alice languages, it


Alice and her is very worried for a very long things happen. cakes and drinks has tea with a in Wonderland is magical, but very, very strange. How can Alice get home again?



... is a clever little girl who loves adventure. She likes to learn new things, and she the Duchess and he enjoys meeting doesn't want to get new people. into trouble. He

Alice loves works for the animals, and King and Queen of she loves her Hearts, He is quite cat, Dinah, bossy to people who most of all. She are smaller than him, but hates rude people and she doesn't like he is afraid of people who people who shout. She is very kind and are bigger than him! car-es-ÄÞout other people.



. is and very silly. ... is a very He loves drinking tea bossy woman  and he likes to tell who shouts           jokes. He talks a lot, a lot. Shebut the things he says are always tells       not very sensible! His people what      best friend is the to do. SheHatter, and they can bespend all day friendly,drinking tea and but she can also get very angry. She is arguing about silly things. not very nice to her cook, but she tikes Alice and wants to be her friend,


        THE HATTER                                    THE QUEEN OF HEARTS

, is just as mad as the         is very bossy and shouts all the time. March Hare. He setts She gets very angry with people and wants hats, but he doesn't  to cut off their heads, but she never really have a hat of his hurts anyone. She changes het mind a lot, own, so heand can be happy one wears       hats     minute and angry from histhe next, so she shop. He ismakes people feel lazy, so he doesn't work very hard. He very nervous. sits and drinks tea with the March HareShe likes to all day, and he can be very rude to         win, and she people.doesn't like rude people.


       is a gentle man. He never shouts, and he doesn't get angry very often. He knows that the Queen gets angry a tot,

THE CHESHIRE CAT and he tries to calm her down .. is friendly and and stop her cheerful. He is from shouting at always smiling, people. He because he is a doesn't happy cat. He likes talk very Alice and tries to help much, but her when she he is quite lost. He wants to be her

                                                                      kind.        friend. He always stays calm, even when the

Duchess or the Queen shouts at him.


. is a very sad animal. He cries all day and he thinks that his life is very bad. He likes to tell people his story and sing songs about his life, but he is very boring and nobody likes to listen to him because he is always crying.

g. FJ1tc cPooQ




Alice cried and cried, and her tears made a deep pool around her.

After a few minutes, she heard footsteps, and saw the white rabbit. He had a fan and a pair of white glQY-e-s. He looked worried, and he did not see Alice.

"Oh, the Duchess is going to be angry! I'm so late!" said the rabbit. "Excuse me said Alice.

The rabbit turned round and saw Alice. He screamed,  the fan and the gloves, and ran up the fan and the gloves, and said, "Oh dear! Everything is so strange today!"


Suddenly, she saw that she was quite small again. "The fan is making me small!" she said and dropped it on the floor. "Now I can go through the door!"

She ran to the door, but it was shut, and the key was on the table again. Alice tried to climb up the table, but she felt and landed in a pool of water. "What's this?" said Alice. "Am I in the sea?" But it wasn't the sea.

"It's the tears I cried when was big!" said Alice. "Oh, why did I cry so much?"

Just then, Alice saw that she was not alone in the pool. There was a mouse, a duck, a dodo, a young eagle, and many other strange creatures. Alice and the animals started to swim, and they

soon got* to the shore of the pool of tears,


Alice, the animals and the birds stood on the shore. They were very wet.

"How are we going to get dry?" asked Alice.

"The best way to get dry, " said the Dodo, "is to "

It made a           on the ground and the animals all started to run around the circle. They ran for half an hour, and when they stopped, they were dry.

"But who is the winner?" asked Alice.

The Dodo thought for a long time, and then it said, "EVERYONE is the winner! EVERYONE must have a prize!"

"But who is going to give the prizes?" asked the mouse.

"SHE is!" said the Dodo, and he pointed to Alice.

"Prizes! Prizes!" shouted the animals.

Alice looked in her pockets and found• a box of sweets. There was one sweet each, so they sat down and ate them.

Alice looked around at all the animals.

"l miss my cat," she said.

"You've got a CAT?" said the mouse.

"Oh yes, " said Alice. "Her name is Dinah. She's very clever. She catches birds and mice, and —

Oh! What did I say?"

The animals were very upset. The mouse ran away, and some of the birds flew' into the air.

"It's time to go!" the others said. "Goodbye!" Alice was alone again. She fett• very sad.

"Nobody here likes me, " she said, and started crying again.


0 5. Atco Oltowg Again •

Suddenly, Alice heard footsteps. She looked up and saw the rabbit again, He was very worried. "Oh dear! Where are they?" he said. "The Duchess is going to be very angry! Where did I drop them?" "He's looking for his fan and gloves," thought Alice.

She looked for them, too, but they were back in the room with the glass table, and she didn't know where that was any more.

Just then, the rabbit saw Alice. "Mary Ann!" he shouted. "Why are you here? Go home right now and find me a pair of gloves and a fan!"

                        "He thinks I'm his             thought Alice, but she was too scared to say anything.

She ran away and soon saw a little house, with the name "W. RABBIT" on the door.

She went inside and ran upstairs. In the tiny bedroom, she saw a table with a fan and some white gloves on it. There was also a little bottle. Alice picked it up.

"I'm tired of being so small," she thought, "l wonder what this drink does. " Alice drank the drink.

"Oh! I'm growing again!" said Alice, as her head hit the ceiling. But this time, she grew even bigger. She sat on the floor, with one arm out of the window and one foot up the chimney. She was very unhappy.

"How can I get out of here now?" she thought.

Just then, Alice heard the rabbit.

"Mary Ann!" he shouted. "Where are my gloves and fan?"

The rabbit ran up the stairs and tried to open the bedroom door.

"Hmm!" said the rabbit. "There's something inside. Never mind. I can go through the window. " The rabbit ran again and looked up at the bedroom window.

"Pat! Bill!" he shouted. "What is that in the bedroom window?" "It's an arm, sir!" said another voice,

"Well, take it out of my window!" shouted the rabbit.

Pat the tried to get through the window, but Alice moved her arm and he fell down again. Then Bill the tried to get down the chimney, but Alice moved her leg and he flew out again.

Next, Pat and Bill threw' stones at Alice through the window. When the stones landed on the ftoor, they changed into little cakes. Alice ate one of the cakes, and started to get smatter.

"Wonderful!" she said. "I'm just the right size!" She put some cakes in her pocket and went downstairs. She ran out of the house, across the garden and into a wood.


through the wood and soon she came to another little house. lives here," Alice thought.

sort of uniform ran out of the wood and knocked at the door. He looked like a fish and his hand.

opened the door. He had another sort of uniform. The fish-man gave' the frog-man the huge letter.

"This is for the Duchess," he said. "It's an invitation from the Queen to play croquet." Then the fish-man walked away, and the frog-man sat on the front steps.

Alice went up to the door and knocked.

"Why are you knocking?" asked the frog-man. "I can't let you in, because I'm outside. Anyway, noone can hear you knocking. "

He was right. There was a terrible noise coming from inside the house. Alice heard screams, sneezes, and loud crashes.

"Well, how can I get in?' asked Alice.

"Why don't you open the door?" asked the frog-man.

Alice opened the door and went into the house. She was in a large kitchen. In the middle of the kitchen was the Duchess, with a noisy baby. There was a cook near the fire with a huge pot of soup.

The air was full of           Alice sneezed.

There was a large cat near the fire. It smiled at Alice.

"Why is your cat smiling?" Alice asked the Duchess.

The Duchess sneezed. "It's a Cheshire Cat," she said. Then she shouted "Pig!" "Excuse me?" said Alice.

"I'm talking to the baby," said the Duchess.

"Well, that's not a nice thing to say!" said Alice.

"Mind your own business!" shouted the Duchess. "Cook! Cut off her head!" Alice was scared, but the cook didn't listen to the Duchess.

"Here! Take the baby!" said the Duchess, and she gave the baby to Alice. "l must get ready for croquet with the Queen!"

The Duchess went to get ready for croquet, and Alice took the baby outside.

"That's not a good place for a baby to live, " she said. She looked at the baby. It looked tike a little pig. It made a noise like a pig, too.

"You ARE a pig! " said Alice to the baby. She put it on the ground and it walked away into the wood. "Where am I now?" thought Alice.

Alice looked around and saw the Cheshire Cat in a tree, with a big smile on its face. "Excuse me," she said, "can you tell me which way to go?" "Where do you want to get to?" asked the cat.

"i don't know," said Alice. "Where can I go?"

"A Hatter lives over there," said the cat. He pointed one way. "And a March Hare lives over there. " He pointed the other way. "You can visit either of them. They're both mad." "I don't want to visit mad people, " said Alice.

"Well, I'm sorry," said the cat, "but we're all mad here! I'm mad. You're mad. Goodbye!" The cat slowly  starting with its tail, until Alice could only see its smile.

"I'm going to visit the March Hare," Alice said, and she walked through the wood until she came to the March Hare's house.

When she saw the house, Alice knew' she was in the right place. There was fur on the roof, and the chimneys looked like long ears.

There was a long table under a tree in the March Hare's garden. The Hatter and the March Hare were at the table, There was a Dormouse between them. It was fast asleep.

Alice sat in one of the chairs- "Hello!" said the March Hare. "Have some lemonade!" Alice looked at the table. There wasn't any lemonade. There was only tea. can't see any lemonade," she said.

"There isn't any," said the March Hare.

"Then it was rude to offer it to met" said Alice.

"It was rude to sit down at my table," said the March Hare. "l didn't invite you. " "There are chairs. " said Alice.

Nobody spoke* for a few minutes. Then the Hatter asked, "What day of the month is it?" "It's the fourth," said Alice.

The Hatter looked at his watch. "Two days wrong," he said to the March Hare. "I told you not to put butter in the watch. "

"It was very good butter, " said the March Hare.

Alice looked at the watch, "How funny!" she said. "It tells the day of the month, but it doesn't tell the time. "

"Of course not!" said the HatteL "Does your watch tell you what year it is?"

"No," said Alice, "because the year stays the same for a long time."

"Exactly!" said the Hatter. "Now, I want a clean cup! Let's all move round the table!" They all moved to the next seat. Now Alice had a dirty cup in front of her. don't think —" she said.

"Then don't talk!" said the Hatter.

     Alice was so angry that she walked away from the table. "What a           tea party!" she said.

Queen (Db FJ4eafttg

Alice walked through the wood, away from the March Hare's house. Suddenly, she saw a tree

"How strange!" she said. "But then, everything is strange today. "

She went through the door. She was in the long room with the glass table again. This time, she took the key and unlocked the tiny door first. Then she ate one of the cakes from the rabbit's house.

"Now I'm small enough to go into the garden at last!" she said, and she went through the door.

There were a lot of people in the garden. First, Alice saw three gardeners. They looked like playing cards with black spades on them. Then ten soldiers walked across the grass. They had black clubs on them. Then the children ran across the garden. They were playing cards, too, and they had red hearts on them. The knave of Hearts came• next, and then Alice saw the White Rabbit, and the King and Queen of Hearts.

Alice stood still and waited. The King and Queen stopped in front of her. The gardeners quickly lay' down on their faces.

"Who is this?" asked the Queen of Hearts. "What's your name, child?"

"My name is Alice, your Majesty," Alice said. "I mustn't be afraid," she thought. "They're only a

to make hoops.

It was very difficult to play croquet with a flamingo. The pink birds didn't want to stay still. People shouted at each other and ran around the garden. The Queen got very angry and shouted

"Cut off his head! " or "Cut off her head!" every few minutes.

Alice wanted to get away, but she didn't know where to go.

                    "Hello, Cheshire Cat, " she said. and the           cat appeared on the garden wall.

"How are you?" asked the cat. "Are you enjoying yourself?" "It's not a very good game," said Alice. "Everyone " Alice looked around and saw the Queen behind her.

"What is this?" asked the Queen.

"it's the Cheshire Cat, " said Alice.

"I don't want it here!" shouted the Queen.

"It's the Duchess's cat. Ask her to take it away," said Alice.

One of the soldiers went to get the Duchess, but the cat started to disappear again. When the Duchess arrived, it was gone.

"I'm so happy to see you again!" said the Duchess. She took Alice's arm and they walked around the garden. The Duchess was very ugly, and she held' Alice very tight. Alice was glad when the Queen called her.

"You must meet the Mock Turtle!" shouted the Queen. They walked to another part of the garden, where a Gryphon was asleep in the sun,

"Get up, you lazy thing!" shouted the Queen. "Take Alice to see the Mock Turtle!" The Queen went back to the croquet game and the Gryphon sat up slowly. "Come on, " it said to Alice.

The Mock Turtle talked and talked. Alice didn't understand much of his story, but she listened politely. Then the Mock Turtle started to sing a song. Alice and the Gryphon danced. Suddenly, they heard a shout from far away. "The trial is starting! " "Come on! " said the Gryphon. He took Alice's hand and they ran.

"What triat is it?" asked Alice. But the Gryphon didn't answer. They ran faster and faster, and Alice could still hear the Mock Turtle's song behind them.

The Gryphon took Alice to a large courtroom. The King and Queen were there, with a crowd of people around them. The White Rabbit was next to the King. He had a trumpet in one hand, and some paper in the other.

There was a table in the middle of the courtroom, with a large plate of tarts on it.

"They look delicious," thought Alice.

The King was the judge, and the jury were animals and birds. Alice saw Bill and Pat, the Mouse, the Duck and the Dodo in the jury box.

Suddenly the White Rabbit shouted, "Silence in court!" He blew* on his trumpet and read* from his paper.

"The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer day.

The Knave of Hearts, he stole* the tarts,

And took them far away!"

Then he shouted, "1 call the first witness!"

The first witness was the Hatter. He had a cup in one hand and a piece of bread and butter in the other. "I'm sorry, " he said, "but I'm still having my tea."

"Still?" asked the King. "When did you start?" "On the fourteenth of March," said the Hatter.

"Cut off his head!" shouted the Queen.

"Can I finish my tea first?" asked the Mad Hatter.

"Oh, just go away," said the King. "Call the next witness!"

Just then, Alice looked down. "Oh no!" she said. "I'm growing again!" Alice wanted to leave the courtroom, but she couldn't move.

"The next witness is Alice!" shouted the White Rabbit.

Alice stood up.

"Now, " said the King, "what do you know about these tarts?" Nothing!" said Alice.

"There is a rule, " said the King. "All people more than a mile high must leave the courtroom. " "I'm not a mite high!" said Alice.

"Yes, you are, ' said the King.

"Nearly two miles, " said the Queen.

"Well, I don't want to go," said Alice.

"Cut off her head!" shouted the Queen,

"l don't care!" said Alice. "You're just a pack of cards!"

The whole pack of cards flew up into the air and flew at Alice's face, She gave a little scream and tried to push them away. Suddenly she was by the river, next to her sister. There were dead leaves on her face.

"Oh, are you awake now, Alice?" asked her sister. "What a long sleep!"

"Oh!" said Alice. "l had such a strange dream!"

She told her sister about all the funny things she saw and all the unusual people she met' in her dream.

"That WAS a strange and wonderful dream!" said her sister. "But now it's time for tea

Before you start

The author

The Plot

Who wrote Alice's Adventures in

        Look at        words. How are they


related to the story?

2 What was his real name?

• Alice • river • White Rabbit

3 When and where was he born?

• rabbit hole • strange new world

4 How many children were there in his

• talking animals and birds


• strange people • Mad Hatter

5 What did young Charles enjoy doing?

• magic cakes and drinks • Wonderland

6 Which school did he go to?

• smaller and bigger • March Hare

7          What was Charles' hobby?

8          Who was Alice Liddell?

9          How did the Alice books begin?

10     When and where did Charles Dodgson die?

• King and Queen of Hearts

The Characters



Who's ...


Correct the sentences.

1 clever?


1    Charles Dodgson hated children.

2 very bossy?


2 Lorina, Edith and Alice were friends.



3 Charles and a friend went rowing on the

3 silly?


River Seine with the Liddell girls.

4 nervous?


4 Alice wanted a story with adventure in

5 kind and caring?



6 gentle and kind?


5 Alice asked Charles to draw the story of

7 mad and rude?


Alice's adventures for her.

8 sometimes happy,


6 Charles Dodgson published Alice's

then suddenly angry?


Adventures in Wonderland in 1871.

9 friendly and cheerful?

7 The story is popular in England only.

10 always unhappy?

Which of these things can you see in the pictures?

   a rabbit • a tree with a door

   a dog • a river • flowers • a hote

   some cakes • a clock • a watch

   some candles • a pink dress

   a hat • playing cards

   a tunnel • a waistcoat

Look at the title and the pictures. Where is the rabbit going? Why is Alice following him? Listen and read to find out.

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

     Alice and her sister are by the river.

2        Alice doesn't tike the book.

3        The rabbit is in a hurry.

4        The rabbit asks Alice to follow him.

5        The rabbit goes down the river. 6 The rabbit disappears.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why do you think Alice follows the rabbit?

   Where is Alice at the end of the episode?

• How do you think Alice is going to get out of the room?

   What do you think is going to happen in the next episode?

Look at the pictures and the title. Where is Alice? What is she holding in each picture? What is she going to do with these things?

Look at the pictures and the words below. What do you think is going to happen in this episode? Listen, read and check.

   glass table • gold key • tiny door

   bottle • drink • become small

   glass box • cake • grow

   hit ceiling • too tall

While Reading

Answer the questions.

I What does Alice find behind the curtain?

2       Why can't Alice go into the beautiful garden?

3       What happens when Alice drinks from the bottle on the table? 4 What happens when Alice eats the cake? 5 Why does Alice cry?

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Do you think it is a good idea to eat and drink strange things? Why (not)?

   How do you think Alice feels when she is very small?

   What is good/bad about being very small/tall?

   Can you think of a different title for this episode?

   What do you think is going to happen in the next episode?

pictures and the title. How are they related?

Look at these subheadings for the episode. What do you think the episode is about? Listen, read and check.

   Alice Cries and Cries

   The Rabbit sees Alice

   Alice Becomes Small Again • Swimming in the Pool of Tears

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and put the events in the correct order.

Alice falts into some water.

Alice picks up the fan and gloves.

Nice sees the White Rabbit. Alice sees a mouse, a dodo, a duck and a baby eagle.

[21 Alice tries to get the key. Alice and the animals swim to the shore. Alice becomes small again. The White Rabbit drops a fan and a pair of gloves.

12] Alice drops the fan on the floor.

Alice tries to open the tiny door.

After Reading

In pairs, discuss which word below best describes the way Alice is feeling. Why does she feel this way?

   scared • lonely • happy

   confused • excited • angry

What do you think is going to happen to Alice and the creatures in the pool?







3 4 5


Look at           pictures and answer the questions.

What are the animals doing, in the first Picture? How do you think Alice feels in the first picture? What are the animals doing in the second picture?

How do you think Alice feels in the second picture?

Look at the title of this episode. Why do you think the animals run a race? Why do you think the race is strange?

White Reading

Read or listen to the episode and replace the words in bold with the correct names: Alice, the Dodo, Dinah or the Mouse.

She can catch birds.

He wants to run a race.

She gives the animals sweets.

He ran away.

She misses her cat. He says that everyone is the winner.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why do the animals and birds go away from Alice?

   How does Alice feel at the end, and why?

   What do you think js going to happen next?

first picture. Where is Alice now? Who lives in the little house? What can Alice do there?

Look at the pictures and the title. What do you think is going to happen in this episode? Listen and read to find out.

While Reading

Read and fill in the correct words. I The White Rabbit is looking for his fan

and .

2       The White Rabbit thinks that Alice is his

3       Alice finds the fan and gloves in the

White Rabbit's

4       Alice drinks a drink and becomes . again. 5 Pat tries to get through the

6         Bill tries to get down the .

7         Bill and Pat throw  at Alice.

8 Alice leaves the house and runs into a

After Reading

Answer the questions.

 Who do Pat, Bill and Mary Ann work for? How does he speak to them?

2        Do you think the White Rabbit is a good boss? Why (not)?

3        Why do you think Alice puts some of the cakes in her pocket?


What do you think Alice is going to find in the wood?

Read the sentences below. Tick (V) the things you think are going to happen in this episode. Listen, read and check,

Alice sees another little house.

A man in uniform opens the door.

Alice goes into the house.

[21 The cat smiles at Alice. The Duchess gives the baby to Alice. Alice takes the baby outside.

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false).

I Alice sees a big house in the wood.

2        The fish-man gives the frog-man

a letter

3        There is a terrible smell coming from the house.

4 There is a large cat near the fire.

5        The Duchess gives the cat

to Alice.

6       The baby turns into a pig.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   How do you think Alice feels when she meets the Duchess? Why?

   Do you think the Duchess is scary or funny? Why?

   How do you think Alice feels when the baby turns into a pig? Why?

   What do you think Alice is going to do now?

   Do you think the Duchess is a good mother? Why (not)? What makes a good mother?

pictures. Can you find:

   the March Hare? • the Dormouse?

   the Hatter? • the Cheshire Cat?

What do you think each of these characters is tike? How are they related to the title? Listen and read to find out.

While Reading

Read and answer the questions.

I The Cheshire Cat tells Alice about two characters she can visit. Which ones?

What does he say about both of them?

2        Who does Alice decide to visit first?

3        What does the March Hare's house took like?

4        Where is the March Hare, and what is he doing?

5        Why does Alice think that the March Hare is rude?

6        Why does Alice leave the table?

After Reading

In pairs, answer the questions.

I Do you think the March Hare and the Hatter are rude or funny? Why?

2        How do you feel when people are rude to you?

3        Do you think it is 'important to be polite?

4        Would you like to have tea with the March Hare and the Hatter? Why (not)?

5        Where do you think Alice is going to go now?

Look at title and the pictures. What do you think is happening in each picture?

Look at the pictures and these subheadings for the episode. What do you think is going to happen in this episode?. Listen, read and check.

  The Door in the Tree

  Small Again

  The Beautiful Garden

  The King and Queen of Hearts

  A Game of Croquet

While Reading

Who does what? Read and complete the sentences.

..... ..... ..... sees a tree with a door in it. 2- lie down on their faces.

3        . tells the Queen to calm down.

4        . stand on their hands and feet to make hoops.

5        . gets very angry.

6        . wanted to get away.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why are people scared of the Queen?

   Do you think the Queen is good or bad? Why?

   Why do you think the Queen shouts alt the time?

Alice plays a very strange game of croquet. Can you think of a strange way to play your favourite sport or game? Tell the class about it.

titte and the pictures. Who is the Mock Turtle? Who are the other characters in the pictures?

Tick       the events that you think are going to happen in this episode. Listen, read and check.

C) Alice meets the Cheshire Cat again, The Duchess is angry with Alice.

Alice meets a Gryphon and a Mock Turtle.

[2 The Mock Turtle tells Alice a story.

Alice is scared of the Gryphon.

Alice dances with the Gryphon.

While Reading

Read and correct the words in bold.

I The Duchess is sad to see Alice.

2       The Duchess is very beautiful.

3       The King wants Alice to meet the Mock Turtle.

4       The Mock Turtle is very cheerful.

5       The Mock Turtle tells Alice a joke.

After Reading

Answer the questions.

I Do you think the Mock Turtle tikes being sad? Why (not)?


Why do you think Alice listens to the Mock Turtle's story?

3       What do you think will happen at the trial? 4 Why do people have trials?

Look at the title and the pictures. What do you think the trial is about? What do you think is going to happen in this episode? Listen, read to find out.

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and put the events in the correct order.

The King tells Alice that she is too tall.

The White Rabbit calls the first witness.

Alice sees a plate of tarts.

The playing cards fly into the air.

The King tells the Hatter to go away. Alice and the Gryphon go into the courtroom. Alice wakes up.

Alice tells Edith about her strange dream.

The White Rabbit calls Alice. Alice starts to grow again.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   How do you think Alice feels when she wakes up? Why?

   Do you think Alice wants to go back to Wonderland? Why (not)?

   Do you think Alice is brave? Why (not)?

Alice in Wonderland

Final Comprehension Quiz

I Who wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

       A Lewis Carroll                       B Enid Blyton

C Jonathan Swift

2        What animal did Alice follow into a different world?

A    a white mouse with blue eyes

B    a white rabbit with pink eyes

C    a big elephant with white eyes

3        What did the Duchess's baby turn into?

        A a mouse         B a pig             C a cat

4        What did the Cheshire Cat do all the time?

A   It cried. B it smiled. C It sneezed.

5        Whose house was the mad tea party at?

A   the Hatter's B the March Hare's C the Dormouse's

6        Who told Alice not to talk?

A   the Hatter       B the Mock Turtle

C the Queen

7        What did the soldiers do during the game of croquet?

A   They sang a song.

B    They lay down on their faces.

C    They made croquet hoops with their bodies. 8 Who shouted "Off with his head!"?

        A the Queen                            B the White Rabbit

C the Cheshire Cat

9           What happened when the whole pack of cards flew into Alice's face?

A    She woke up. B She ran away, C The rabbit rescued her.


Who did Alice tell about her curious dream?

A    her cat B her sister

C her mother

Discuss in groups.

   Which is your favourite character in

Wonderland? Why?

   Which character didn't you like? Why?

   Would you like to go to Wonderland? Why (not)?

   What do you think is the strangest thing in Wonderland?

   Do you ever have strange dreams? Tell the class about one of your dreams.

   Can you think of a different title for the story?


   Imagine that the story takes place today. Write a modern story about Alice. Think about: - what Alice wears.

   where Alice lives.

   where Alice goes.

   how she gets there.

   whoAIice meets. - what adventures Alice has.

   how Alice feels. - how Alice gets home again.

   Tell the class your story about Alice.


puppet show t papilJau/ xyxonbHb'h •rearp entertain / enta'tsžrn/ (v) pa3BnexaTb

PI 5

upset / Apsgt/ (adj) paccTpoeHHblV1,


dean ! di:n/ (11) aexaH


maid / mggd( (n) cnyxaHKa


rowing j            (rt) rpe6ng


I'm tired of q ycran, MHe Hagweno


be worried i hi WAridi 6b'Tb PaCCTPOeHHbIM


chimney / tftmni/ (n) TPY6a


follow           (v) cneAOBaTb, v1ATv.1 3a


inside f InsuldÍ (adv) BHYTPM


bottom / b2tam/ (n) AHO


outside                  (adv) Hapyxy


rude / ru:d/ (adj) rpyt3btv•i


guinea pig Iqmipig,' Mopcxaqc.gv1HKa


care about ga60TMTbC9 0 KOM-nø60


lizard / Iyzadt (n) quepuu.a


be scared of 60BTbCq Koro-nM60i sero-fM60


I wonder                     / X0Tenocb 6b' 3HaTb


get into trouble nonacTb B 6eny


let in anycxaTb


duchess I dAtfts/ (n) repuorv•tHB


sneeze I sni;tj (n)  


shout / J:gutf (v)      


crash ,'kržgJ/ (n) rpoxox


mad                     (adj) 6e3YMHb1ñ,             


pepper t pgp.nt f (n) nepeu


sensible / sensah31,' (adjþ pa3YMHb1ýt


mind your own business 3aHvtr.aav3cg c;govtM


argue 1'                 (v) cnopMTb




Queen of Hearts naraa qeptaeù


disappear / (v) øcqe3iìTb


change one's           nepeaymvsaTb,             


fast asleep KPengo cnalb


calm smb down ycn0K01BaTb goro-TIM60


offer I           (v) npennaratb


be lost


plenty of MHOXeCTBO


bored / bxd,/ (adj) cKyga'otuv•1ü


stupid I stiUcpid/' (adj) rnynbtý'

boring / bxrio! (adj)    


spade i SPCJd/ (n) nazoaaq MÉiCTb


waistcoat I we_lskaut / (n)            


club / klÑ'/ (n) TpetÞoaaq MaCTb


well / well (n) xonoaeu


royal I            (adj) xoponegcxgvi

Past — Infinitive

Past —


Past —


Past —


Past — Infinitive

Past — Infinitive

ate      eat became become began begin blew   blow came   come could  can cried           cry

drank drew fell felt flew found gave

drink draw

fall feel fly find give

got grew had heard held hit


get grow have hear hold hit



made met put ran read said


make meet put run read say

sat      sit saw           see spent  spend spoke  speak stole   steal stood  stand taught teach

thought threw told took tried was wrote

think throw tell take try be write

whiskers I v,uskarz/ (n) ycb,l (y XVIBOTHSJX) knave of Hearts / / yepBOHHblü garter be going to c06ypaTbC9 caenaTb HT0-nn60 p23 hedgehog I (n) ex

PIO tiny I t@Lni / (adj) KPOtneMHbiV1


mallet i m;elit/ (n) Monorox (B KPOKeTe)

tock 112k/ (n) aaMOK


hoop             aopora (a Kpoxere)

PI I reach / rttJ/ (v) AOCTagaTb. aorqrøaart,cq


whole / haul/ (adj) aeCb,   

ceiling / 'si:lin/ (n) noronok


fight i faltÍ (v) apan,cq

PI 2 fan / fign/ (n) Beep


ugly t 5qIi/ (adj) yponnvtablñ

gloves / glN.rzÎ (n) nepqarxvt


tight / tali / (adv) Kper1K0, nnoTH0

        scream t skri;m/ (V)             Bon"Tb, BVt3>KaTb


with a deep sigh rny60K0 B3AOXHYB

        drop            (v) 6pocaTb, POH9Tb


tortoise               (n) qepenaxa

PI 3 creature / krttía/ (n) c03aaHne, XVIBOTHOe


trial / tratal/ (n) cya

        shore          (n) 6eper


judge            I (n) cynb9

p14 wet /wgt/ (adj) MOKPHÀ


jury             / (n) npucfiXHbge

dry / dr;u/ (adj, v) cyxoi, COXHYTb


witness ! wytnis/ (n) CBuaeTens

run a race 6eraTb HaneperoHKVt


I don 't care MHe 6e3pa3nvt¼H0/ece paaH0

circle /sa:k$l/ (n) Kpyr



A V/'crld

Full of M:agt

We can show you magic things

We can make you smile

Join us in a wonderland Stay here for a while


A world full of magic So wonderful and new

A world full of magic

Is waiting here for you

We can travel far away

Let us show you how

Come with us to Wonderland

Let's all go there now

(Repeat Chorus)



2          late!


I'm late, I rrn late, I'm late.

        Oh! It realty is a crime!                               Changes

I'm always in a hurry,

But I'm never quite on time! I don't know what is true here I'm going to be in trouble Everything js strange The Duchess hates to wait Close your eyes for a second She's going to be so angry And everything can change 'Cause I'm (ate, I'm late, I'm late! CHORUS:

               (Repeat Chorus)                               Everything changes,

I don't know why

What am I going to do now? What is the truth, I just can't miss this date and what is o lie?

But, oh. my ears and whiskers!                   Everything changes,

    I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!                      just look and see

(Repeat Chorus) Why are these strange things happening to me?

People often tell me

      Time doesn't wait for men                  t don't know who I am here

          But I am just a rabbit                        I'm not the girl I knew

,And I'm late, I'm late again!  I change with every second don't know what to do

(Repeat Chorus)

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Contents The Author, Background, the

Contents The Author, Background, the

THE AUTHOR Lewis Carroll's real name was•

THE AUTHOR Lewis Carroll's real name was•



Charles Dodgson loved entertaining children

Charles Dodgson loved entertaining children

BACKGROUND All his life, with the

BACKGROUND All his life, with the

THE CHARACTERS ALICE ... is a clever little girl who loves adventure

THE CHARACTERS ALICE ... is a clever little girl who loves adventure

THE CHARACTERS ALICE ... is a clever little girl who loves adventure

THE CHARACTERS ALICE ... is a clever little girl who loves adventure

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6



He cries all day and he thinks that his life is very bad

He cries all day and he thinks that his life is very bad

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

FJ1tc c PooQ

FJ1tc c PooQ

FJ1tc c PooQ

FJ1tc c PooQ

The rabbit turned round and saw

The rabbit turned round and saw

Suddenly, she saw that she was quite small again

Suddenly, she saw that she was quite small again

It's the tears I cried when was big!" said

It's the tears I cried when was big!" said

Alice, the animals and the birds stood on the shore

Alice, the animals and the birds stood on the shore

Alice looked in her pockets and found• a box of sweets

Alice looked in her pockets and found• a box of sweets

Oh! What did I say?" The animals were very upset

Oh! What did I say?" The animals were very upset

through the wood and soon she came to another little house. lives

through the wood and soon she came to another little house. lives

Alice thought. sort of uniform ran out of the wood and knocked at the door

Alice thought. sort of uniform ran out of the wood and knocked at the door

The Duchess sneezed. "It's a Cheshire

The Duchess sneezed. "It's a Cheshire

A Hatter lives over there," said the cat

A Hatter lives over there," said the cat

There isn't any," said the March

There isn't any," said the March

Queen (Db FJ4eafttg Alice walked through the wood, away from the

Queen (Db FJ4eafttg Alice walked through the wood, away from the

Who is this?" asked the Queen of

Who is this?" asked the Queen of

It was very difficult to play croquet with a flamingo

It was very difficult to play croquet with a flamingo

I'm so happy to see you again!" said the

I'm so happy to see you again!" said the

The Mock Turtle talked and talked

The Mock Turtle talked and talked

Mock Turtle started to sing a song

Mock Turtle started to sing a song

The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts,

The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts,

Well, I don't want to go," said

Well, I don't want to go," said

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 6

Before you start The author

Before you start The author

Before you start The author

Before you start The author

Look at the title and the pictures

Look at the title and the pictures

How are they related? Look at these subheadings for the episode

How are they related? Look at these subheadings for the episode

What are the animals doing, in the first

What are the animals doing, in the first

Where is Alice now? Who lives in the little house?

Where is Alice now? Who lives in the little house?

Can you find: • the March

Can you find: • the March

Who is the Mock Turtle? Who are the other characters in the pictures?

Who is the Mock Turtle? Who are the other characters in the pictures?

Alice in Wonderland Final Comprehension

Alice in Wonderland Final Comprehension

Jau/ xyxonbHb'h •rearp entertain / enta'tsžrn/ (v) pa3BnexaTb

Jau/ xyxonbHb'h •rearp entertain / enta'tsžrn/ (v) pa3BnexaTb

Past — Infinitive Past —

Past — Infinitive Past —

Songs A V/'crld Full of

Songs A V/'crld Full of
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