Конспект урока английского языка в 6Г классе
(по УМК Spotlight 6)
Module 9
Extensive reading. Across the curriculum: Food technology
Учитель: Елесина А.И.
Тема: Eat well, feel great, look great!
Цель: |
формирование понятия о здоровом питании и развитие умений делать правильный и осознанный выбор в пользу здорового образа жизни;
Задачи: |
Образовательная: aктивизировать лексико-грамматические структуры в речи учащихся, развивать речевые умения в диалогической и монологической форме (лексические навыки чтения и говорения); развивать умения детально воспринимать информацию на слух. Развивающая: развитие умений поискового чтения, развитие умений монологической речи на основании прочитанного. Воспитательная: развивать умение работать в парах, слушать и понимать партнера, добиваться выполнения поставленной задачи совместными усилиями, стимулировать учащихся общаться, высказывать свои мысли на английском языке. Воспитывать культуру питания, как составляющую здорового образа жизни. Оборудование: компьютер, видеопроектор, раздаточный материал, ватман, фотографии учеников (их домашнее задание), видеоклип, созданный учащимися, наглядный материал.
Ход урока
Teacher |
Students |
Notes |
I. Организационный момент. Постановка цели урока. |
- Good afternoon, dear children and guests! I’m glad to see you and I wonder how are you feeling today? Tell me, please, your real feelings.
- Look at the screen. What can you see? - Yes, you are right. - And now read the proverb: You are what you eat. - How do you understand it?
-Ok, I see.
- Is everything we eat good for us?
- So, what is the topic of our lesson? - I would say so: Eat well, feel great, look great!
- I’m fine, because it’s sunny today)
- a family dinner
-If you eat too much hamburgers, you will be as fat as hamburger; if you eat a carrot, you will be slim as a carrot.
- Food, healthy and unhealthy
II. Проверка домашнего задания. Составление правил здорового питания и обсуждение пирамиды здорового питания. |
- Let’s remember some words of the topic “Food” and play such game: I name a letter of the English alphabet and you should name some words that begin with that letter: e.g. a – apple, b – bread, etc.
- Good! That’s enough.
- We eat when we are hungry, we cook special food for celebrations, we like to hang out with friends and have snacks together. Watch the video.
- And what do you like to eat and drink? Let’s check your homework.
- Are these products healthy? - Is it important to have a good food? - We can sort all groups of food (milk and dairy products, meat and fish,…) in special pyramid. Look at the blackboard. - What should be in the bottom level of pyramid? - Why do you think so? - They contain gluten, that we need. You should have 6 servings every day.
- What is next? For what? - Fruits and vegetables of different colors give your body a variety of elements and vitamins. - On the next level we have the dairy products (like milk, cheese, yorghurt) and meat, fish and beans. - Why these products are good for us?
- At the top of pyramid are fats and oils, and also sweets. - You must only have 1 of those things every day.
- Look at the Food Pyramid carefully and answer the questions: - What do the color bands in the Pyramid represent? a. A rainbow b. Vitamins and minerals c. Different food groups - Some color bands are bigger than others. Why? a. To show that you eat oranges more than any other food. b. To show that should eat more of some food groups and less of others. c. The person who drew the Pyramid thought it looked pretty that way. - Who can follow the pyramid? a. Only people older than 18 b. Only vegetarians c. Most people older than 2
- Well, what should we eat and why? |
C – carrot A – apricot G – grapes D – donut E – eggs T – tuna, turkey H – honey, ham I – ice-cream M – milk, meat, mushrooms O – orange, onion P – pepper, pasta S – sausage, sandwich
- Some of them. - Yes.
- Bread and grains
- Fruit and vegetables - To get different vitamins
- Have a lot of nutrients
- For brains and good mood
- We should eat all kinds of food, because they contain important elements
(c фото)
Работа с пирамидой у доски
Ход урока
- Food contains some very important things and we can’t live without them. Look at the screen. I’m sure you know the words in Russian. - Now we are going to learn them in English. Listen and repeat.
- Well done! - Work in pairs. Say what each food group gives us. There are envelopes on your desks, open them. Match the texts with headings. - So, it’s time to check. Read, please. - Listen and check if you are right.
Работа в парах над текстом
Аудиров-е |
IV. Диалогическая речь |
- There is the basket in front of you. You have to choose some food. Explain your choice. Make the dialogues, using these expressions: · -I choose … It’s good for me because I get … from it. It makes me … . · -Yes, that’s fine! · -No way! · -If we want to be healthy we should eat (more) … because … contain(s) · -Sure/ of course.
Корзина с продуктами |
V. Проект |
- Let’s talk about the role of healthy food in our everyday life. You’ll tell me about it. I suggest you to make a project. You have got a few pictures, give them a title. You may start working.
2 ватмана А3, клей, фото, надписи. |
VI. Песня |
- Now it’s time to have a rest. Let’s sing! |
(p.SS3 “I love cooking) |
Подведение итогов, выставление оценок |
- What was interesting for you at the lesson? - What marks would you like to get? But before doing it answer the questions: Were you active? Did you understand everything? Could you answer all the questions? - Show me blue circle if your mark is 3, a green card if your mark is 4 and red card if your mark is 5.
· |
Объяснение домашнего задания |
- That’s fine. You have two worksheets for your home task: 1. First read the names of different foods and put them in the right column. If you don’t’ know some words look them up in the dictionary. 2. Then you have to “put” the right food on the right place on your own plate. You can draw or write the words. Get ready to present it to the class. 3. Finally, remember it’s not only the English task, it is what you should do every day! |
- Thank you for the lesson. I hope it was interesting and useful and you will continue taking care of your health in everyday life in future. If you eat well, you will feel great and look great! - Good bye!
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