Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "In search of Nessie…and other mysterious monsters"

  • pptx
  • 25.11.2023
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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала 370449 класс Мистические существа.pptx

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting
for our wits to grow sharper.”
Eden Philpotts

Mysterious Monsters

Module 3a
Reading and Vocabulary

Our objectives for today are:

- to learn new vocabulary and use it in our speech
- to develop our reading skills

Listen Ex1 p. 42 and fill in the table

Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness Monster


The first sighting




the 6th century

a snake-like
head, a humped back and a long tail 

a dinosaur called
a plesiosaur 

The Kraken


The first sighting





huge eyes and giant
tentacles with sharp hooks 

a giant squid,
a horrifying deep-sea monster

The Kraken




The first sighting



the USA

the 1800s

two-legged with long arms,
a short
neck and a hairy body.

a species of extinct ape

Which creature(s) (A-C) …

- live in water? 1.____ 2. ___
- could be creatures that people thought had died out? 3. ____ 4. ____
- have people been seeing for longer than you might think? 5. ____
often used to destroy something? 6. ____
have people found the bodies of? 7. ____

New vocabulary

Ancient mythical creatures – древние мифические существа
Unicorn – единорог
Giant – гигант, гигантский
Report- сообщать, докладывать
Sightings – наблюдения

Roll – катиться
Dive – нырять
Horrifying – ужасный, страшный
Across – в ширину
Approach – приближаться
Wrap – обертывать
Violent whirlpool – сильный водоворот

New vocabulary

Pull down – тянуть вниз
Bottom – дно
Squid – кальмар
Off the coast – недалеко от берега
Remain – оставаться
Exist - существовать

Witness – очевидец
Investigators – исследователи
Footprints – отпечатки ног
Ape – человекоподобная обезьяна (примат)
Fossil – ископаемое
Skeleton - скелет


1. _____________ creatures
2. _____________ back
3. _____________ - like head
4. _____________ sightings
5. _____________ squid
6. _____________ whirlpool
7. _____________ hooks
8. _____________ prints
9. _____________ ape
10. ____________ sea monster

Ways to look

Stare - look at someone or something very directly for a long time

Glare - look angrily

Spot - to notice someone or something

Glance - look somewhere quickly and then look away

Catch a glimpse of - to see someone or something for a moment or not completely

Stare at – уставиться, пристально смотреть
Glare at – пристально смотреть (со злостью)
Spot – замечать

Glance at – бросить быстрый взгляд

Catch a glimpse of – увидеть мельком

Use the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences. Stare / catch a glimpse of / spot / glance / glare

1. When I saw the strange creature, I couldn’t stop ___________ (looking for a long time) at it.
2. Kelly ___________ (looked for a short time) quickly at her watch and then back at the water.
3. I think I just ____________________ (saw briefly but not well) a small hairy creature. Did you see anything?
4. The creature seemed to __________ (look angrily) at me from the page of the book.
5. Did you _________ (notice) anything strange in the lake?



caught a glimpse of




A: What things impressed you most?

B: I was impressed by… . I didn’t know that…. And you?

A: As for me, I knew that …

Make up your story about the monster you met