“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting
Mysterious Monsters
Module 3a
Reading and Vocabulary
Our objectives for today are:
- to learn new vocabulary and use it in our speech
- to develop our reading skills
Loch Ness Monster
Country | The first sighting | Appearance | Creature |
Country | The first sighting | Appearance | Creature |
The Kraken
Country | The first sighting | Appearance | Creature |
Which creature(s) (A-C) …
- live in water? 1.____ 2. ___
- could be creatures that people thought had died out? 3. ____ 4. ____
- have people been seeing for longer than you might think? 5. ____
often used to destroy something? 6. ____
have people found the bodies of? 7. ____
New vocabulary
Ancient mythical creatures – древние мифические существа
Unicorn – единорог
Giant – гигант, гигантский
Report- сообщать, докладывать
Sightings – наблюдения
Roll – катиться
Dive – нырять
Horrifying – ужасный, страшный
Across – в ширину
Approach – приближаться
Wrap – обертывать
Violent whirlpool – сильный водоворот
New vocabulary
Pull down – тянуть вниз
Bottom – дно
Squid – кальмар
Off the coast – недалеко от берега
Remain – оставаться
Exist - существовать
Witness – очевидец
Investigators – исследователи
Footprints – отпечатки ног
Ape – человекоподобная обезьяна (примат)
Fossil – ископаемое
Skeleton - скелет
1. _____________ creatures
2. _____________ back
3. _____________ - like head
4. _____________ sightings
5. _____________ squid
6. _____________ whirlpool
7. _____________ hooks
8. _____________ prints
9. _____________ ape
10. ____________ sea monster
Ways to look
Stare - look at someone or something very directly for a long time
Glare - look angrily
Spot - to notice someone or something
Glance - look somewhere quickly and then look away
Catch a glimpse of - to see someone or something for a moment or not completely
Stare at – уставиться, пристально смотреть
Glare at – пристально смотреть (со злостью)
Spot – замечать
Glance at – бросить быстрый взгляд
Catch a glimpse of – увидеть мельком
Use the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences. Stare / catch a glimpse of / spot / glance / glare
1. When I saw the strange creature, I couldn’t stop ___________ (looking for a long time) at it.
2. Kelly ___________ (looked for a short time) quickly at her watch and then back at the water.
3. I think I just ____________________ (saw briefly but not well) a small hairy creature. Did you see anything?
4. The creature seemed to __________ (look angrily) at me from the page of the book.
5. Did you _________ (notice) anything strange in the lake?
caught a glimpse of
A: What things impressed you most?
B: I was impressed by… . I didn’t know that…. And you?
A: As for me, I knew that …
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