Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Спорт" 3 класс

  • docx
  • 02.06.2020
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала конспект урока по теме Спорт 3 класс.docx

Конспект урока по английскому языку

3 класс

Тема урока: Sport

Цель урока: Закрепление лексики по теме.

Ход урока:

- Good morning students.

- Good morning.

- Nice to see you!

- Nice to see you too!

- Sit down.

- How are today?

(ответы детей)

- Look at the pictures on the screen. (на экране слайд с изображениями разных видов спорта) Tell me what we are going to speak about today.

(ответы детей)

- Right. We are going to speak about sports.

- What sports and sport games do you know?

(ответы детей)

- Good! I've got some tasks for you. Let's divide into 2 groups of 4 pupils.

Each group will get a star for a right answer. At the end of the lesson we will count them and choose the winner.

Let's start.

Each group has cards with the task. Look at them. Match pictures with names of sports. Work in groups. You have 3 minutes. Start.

1. riding a bike          2. _______________     3. _______________     4. _______________                                               

5. _______________      6. _______________       7. _______________      8. _______________



running     hockey     badminton     swimming     riding a bike     football     skiing     basketball

- Stop! Time is over. Give me your papers.

Look at the screen and check yourselves. Now let's count your right answers. Team №1 has no mistake and gets 7 stars, Team №2 has one mistake and gets 6 stars.

Good! Let's continue.

Look at the screen. There are 2 columns of parts of words. Make words, matching two parts.
























OK, team №1, what is your word? (ответ детей) - Good. You get 1 star. Team№2, your word is... (ответ детей) -Excellent! You get a star too. (etc.)

- Good! Now let's play. I think about a sport, describe it, you guess what it is. Listen to me. You can skate well. You have a helmet, a stick, a puck. You can watch it at the ice-rink. What is it? - Hockey.

- Let's start. You have cards with words for help. Choose one of them. The first team read your card. Other teams guess what sport it is. Who knows rise your hands. (Первая поднявшая руку и давшая правильно ответ команда получает звездочку)

- Good! Now let's have a rest and play. Stand up, please. Repeat for me.

1. Gymnastics (наклоны влево - вправо)

2 . Skiing (ходьба на лыжах)

3. Running (бег на месте)

4. Playing basketball (ведение мяча и бросок в кольцо)

5. Athletics (приседания со штангой)

6. Sport walking (ходьба на месте)

- Sit down.

Now let's compete. Tell me words about sport as many as you can. (за каждый правильный ответ дается звездочка, команды отвечают по очереди по одному слову)

- Good! Now let's write. Take your cards. Fill the gaps and write stories about yourselves. You have 5 minutes.

1) I __________________________ play football.

2) I like ________________________.

3) I don't like __________________________.

4) I play_________________________________ well.

5) I can _____________________________  well.

6) I can't ________________________ .

7) I'm good at ______________________________.

- Stop. Give me your papers. You'll get marks for your works.

- Now open your journals and write down your home task: St.b. p.26 ex. 8 - learn by heart)

- Now it's time for counting your stars and name the winner.

So team № 1 has .... stars, team№ 2 has .... stars. So the winner is ....

They get medals! The rest of you get small presents for your work today. Thank you.

- OK! Remember us about what we have spoken today.

(ответы детей)

- Yes about sport. Now let me know do you like our lesson and are you pleased with your work today. Rise the card with the smile.

- Thank you!

- Our lesson is over. Good - bye!

- Good - bye!


Раздаточный материал

1. riding a bike          2. _______________     3. _______________     4. _______________A description...   A description...   A description...    A description...                                      

5. _______________      6. _______________       7. _______________      8. _______________

  A description...    A description...  A description...   A description...


running     hockey     badminton     swimming     riding a bike     football     skiing     basketball


1. riding a bike          2. _______________     3. _______________     4. _______________A description...   A description...   A description...    A description...                                      

5. _______________      6. _______________       7. _______________      8. _______________

  A description...    A description...  A description...   A description...


running     hockey     badminton     swimming     riding a bike     football     skiing     basketball




A description...    a ball, a goal, a stadium, grass






A description...     a racket, a net, small yellow balls







 A description...     a ball, a basket, a team



 A description...      a swimming pool, water, a swimming suit





     A description...    a stick, small balls, grass, a hole





        A description...      snow, skis, sticks




Complete the sentences.

1) I __________________________ play football.

2) I like ________________________.

3) I don't like __________________________.

4) I play_________________________________ well.

5) I can _____________________________  well.

6) I can't ________________________ .

7) I'm good at ______________________________.