Контрольно-измерительные материалы. КР № 3. 7 класс. Тер-Минасова С.Г., Узунова Л.М., Кононова Е.В., Робустова В.В., Свиридова Т.Б.; издательство «Академкнига/Учебник», 2017
Оценка 4.9

Контрольно-измерительные материалы. КР № 3. 7 класс. Тер-Минасова С.Г., Узунова Л.М., Кононова Е.В., Робустова В.В., Свиридова Т.Б.; издательство «Академкнига/Учебник», 2017

Оценка 4.9
Контрольно-измерительные материалы. КР № 3. 7 класс. Тер-Минасова С.Г., Узунова Л.М., Кононова Е.В., Робустова В.В., Свиридова Т.Б.; издательство «Академкнига/Учебник», 2017
КИМ, 7 кл КР 3.docx


Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Вселенная и человек»

Класс – 7____

Урок  _______

Дата проведения - ______     

Цели: учебный аспект - определение уровня достижений  планируемых результатов освоения образовательной программы, уровня сформированности УУД; выявление индивидуальной динамики усвоения материала обучающимися  по теме «Вселенная и человек»;

развивающий аспектразвитие способности к самоконтролю и самооценке.


Task 1. Listen to the texts about some famous English monarchs and say who:


1 ruled the country being most time abroad;

2 ruled the country the longest;

3 was born in a foreign country;

4 died childless;

5 made religious changes in the country.


There is one extra point.


Speaker A

Speaker B

Speaker C

Speaker D






Task 2. Read the story and choose the correct answers after the text.


     “ There’s a woodchuck over on the slide hill that is eating our grass,” said Twinkle’s father, who was a farmer.

     “Why don’t you catch it?” asked Twinkle’s mother.

     “ I believe I will,” answered the man.

     So, when the midday dinner was over, the farmer went to the field on the hillside to catch the woodchuck.

     Twinkle wanted very much to go with him, but she had to help mamma wash the dishes and put them away, and then clean up the dining-room and put it in order. But when the work was done, and she had all the rest of the afternoon to herself, she decided to go over to the woodchuck’s hole and see how papa would catch the woodchuck.

     So the little girl climbed over the garden fence and ran to the hill.

     She knew perfectly well where the woodchuck’s hole was, for she had looked at it curiously many times; so she came to it carefully and found the trap put just in front of the hole. If the woodchuck stopped on it, when it came out, the trap would hold it fast; and so when the woodchuck was caught, it couldn’t run away.

     But although the day was bright and sunshiny, and just the kind of day woodchucks like, the clover-eater had not yet walked out of its hole.

     So Twinkle lay down in the clover-field, half hidden by long green grass in front of the woodchuck’s hole, and began to watch for the little animal to come out. Her eyes could see right into the hole; but of course she couldn’t see very far in, because the hole wasn’t straight.

     It was rather tiring to wait and watch for so long, and the warm sun was shining so pleasantly that it all made Twinkle’s eyes close. She wasn’t going to sleep, because then she might miss the woodchuck; but there was no harm in closing her eyes just one little minute; so she fell asleep.


1.      The father was going to catch the woodchuck because

a)      he didn’t like animals;

b)      the woodchuck spoilt the crops;

c)      their neighbours asked the father about it.


2.      The girl couldn’t go to the field together with her father because

a)      her father didn’t want it;

b)      Twinkle didn’t want to;

c)      she had a lot of work about the house.


3.      The weather on that day was

a)      perfectly good for woodchucks to go out;

b)      terribly wet;

c)      chilly and drizzly.


4.      The girl easily found the woodchuck’s hole because

a)      she had looked at it many times;

b)      her father explained her the way perfectly;

c)      it was close to their house.


5.      Coming to the hole, the girl

a)      walked around it several times;

b)      hid herself in the grass;

c)      saw the woodchuck in the trap.


6.      After waiting for a while, Twinkle

a)      put the trap away from the hole;

b)      saw the woodchuck in the hole;

c)      didn’t notice the time she fell asleep.


Task 3. Read the text about the early life of King Henry VIII and change the words in CAPITALS to complete it.


     Henry VIII was born in Greenwich. His father and mother, Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, saw little of their children. Henry was their__________(TWO) son. He had his own servants. He even had a whipping boy (мальчик для порки) who__________(PUNISH) for Henry when he did something wrong. Prince Henry enjoyed music and __________(BE) very good at it. At the age of 10 he could play many instruments, ___________(INCLUDE) the fife, viola and drums. He could speak Latin, French and Spanish_________(GOOD) than many of his relatives. He was educated by the ___________(GOOD) teachers of his time and he also had to learn archery, hunting and other military arts.

    After the death of his__________(OLD) brother, young Henry VIII was heir ([eƏ] – наследник) to the throne. Henry VIII was18 when he _________(CROWN) King of England.


Task 4. Change the words in CAPITALS to complete the text.

      Ivan IV Vasilyevich, known in English as Ivan the Terrible, was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and Tsar of all the Russias from 1547 until his_________(DIE). His long reign saw the conquest of Kazan, Astrakhan, and Siberia, transforming Russia into a __________(POWER) state. Ivan made_______(COUNT) changes in the country. He became the first ruler to be crowned as Tsar of all the Russias.

     In historic documents Ivan was described as an intelligent but very cruel __________(RULE) of the country. Ivan was a ___________(WONDER) diplomat, a patron of arts and trade, the founder of Russia’s first Print Yard, but he is also remembered for his paranoia and mental________(ILL).


Task 5. Write a letter to your Australian pen-friend and invite him/her to visit Russia. Explain what unusual things he/she will see in our country (80-100 words).


Критерии оценивания




Предметный результат

Метапредметный результат


30 – 25






повышенный уровень



24 - 20









14 <





(Try again!/

Выполни еще раз!)



Бланк ответа

Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Вселенная и человек»

Фамилия, имя учащегося ____________________________________________

Класс – 7____               Дата проведения - __________   


Task 1. Listen to the texts about some famous English monarchs and say who:


1 ruled the country being most time abroad;

2 ruled the country the longest;

3 was born in a foreign country;

4 died childless;

5 made religious changes in the country.


There is one extra point.


Speaker A

Speaker B

Speaker C

Speaker D






Task 2. Read the story and choose the correct answers after the text.















Task 3. Read the text about the early life of King Henry VIII and change the words in CAPITALS to complete it.



















Task 4. Change the words in CAPITALS to complete the text.















Task 5. Write a letter to your Australian pen-friend and invite him/her to visit Russia. Explain what unusual things he/she will see in our country (80-100 words).


5 баллов

КЛЮЧИ (контрольная работа №3):


Task 1. -  4, 1, 5, 2


Task 2. – 1 – b, 2 - c, 3 – a, 4 – a, 5 – b, 6 – c


Task 3. – second, was punished, was, including, better, best, elder, was crowned


Task 4. – death, powerful, countless, ruler, wonderful, illness


Книга для учителя. 7 класс

                                                      Звуковое пособие

Test 3


No 74   Listen to the texts about some Famous English monarchs and fill in the chart in your workbook. Use each statement only once. There is an extra statement.


Speaker 1

William I of England also known as William the Conqueror, was the first King of England from 1066 until 1087. He was born in Normandy, which is in France. William became the King of England after he invaded England and won the Battle of Hastings in 1066 against King Harold. The Normans became the Anglo-Saxon’s kings and lords. William crowned himself in the Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day in 1066. He stayed in England after his coronation and asked his servants to write the Domesday Book which listed all the land in his new kingdom. William ordered many to build many castles and fortresses throughout England – among them the central keep of the Tower of London, the White Tower. William was known for his love of hunting, and he introduced the forest law into areas of the country, saying who could hunt and what could be hunted.

Speaker 2

Richard I of England was the king of England at the end of the 12th century. He is sometimes called Richard the Lionheart. He was one of the leaders of the third crusade. During his journey, he conquered Sicily and Cyprus. As, in the end, the crusade was not successful, he decided to return back home to England. On his way back from the Crusade, Richard was captured by the Germans and the English people had to pay a huge ransom to set him free. He was considered a very brave and noble king, but he did not spend a lot of time in England — only sixth months of his eleven year reign were spent in his country.

Speaker 3

Henry VIII was the King of England for almost 40 years. He is best known for having problems with the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. Henry was born in Greenwich Palace in 1491 and was the second son of Henry VII of England.

The most important event that happened in England when Henry was the king was the country’s change in religion. As his frst wife, Catherine of Aragon, had only had one daughter, Henry asked the Pope to give them a divorce. The Pope refused to do this. In 1534, Henry declared that the king, not the pope, was the head of the church in England. He then forced all priests and bishops to agree that he was the new leader. Anyone who refused was punished.

Speaker 4

Queen Victoria was the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 until 1901. She was born in 1819 and became queen at the age of 18. Victoria married her cousin, Prince Albert in 1840. They had nine children, and they believed that a good family life was very important.

They both paid great attention to the development of science, trade and art. In 1851, the Great Exhibition at Crystal Palace was opened. The exhibition showed scientifc and technological progress of British people.

In 1897, she had her Diamond Jubilee to celebrate 60 years of being on the throne. Many of Victoria’s children became monarchs, princes and princesses of other countries. Queen Victoria was always very interested in India, although she never went there.


Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Вселенная и человек»

Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Вселенная и человек»

Twinkle didn’t want to; c) she had a lot of work about the house

Twinkle didn’t want to; c) she had a lot of work about the house

Try again !/ Выполни еще раз!)

Try again !/ Выполни еще раз!)

Task 5. Write a letter to your

Task 5. Write a letter to your

КЛЮЧИ (контрольная работа №3):

КЛЮЧИ (контрольная работа №3):
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