Контрольный тест по модулю 7 для 10 класса по УМК "Английский в фокусе"
Оценка 4.7

Контрольный тест по модулю 7 для 10 класса по УМК "Английский в фокусе"

Оценка 4.7
Контрольный тест по модулю 7 для 10 класса по УМК "Английский в фокусе"
10th form_ TEST 7 on Module 7.docx

10th form                   TEST 7 on Module 7


A  Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B to form collocations



1  watch

2 go

3 sing

4 record

5 turn into

6 book tickets


A clubbing

B the album

C in advance

D soap operas

E along to music

F a coach-potato



B     Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

A   entertainment    B boring   C laugh  D legend   E addict    F daylight     G cast    H orchestra                                                        

7   We watched a brilliant comedy last night; we had such a good ……. .

8  The cinema is a very popular form of …… .                                                                                                       

9   He spends hours in front of the computer; he's a computer-game ……… .   

10     There will be live music played by a symphony …… .     

11     The tickets were so expensive. It was a real … robbery.                                                                 

12     The performance was …. and we left it before the ending.

C   Choose the correct item.

13     I’ve seen Jessica Lange in lots of films but I've never seen her live on screen/stage.

14     Who wrote the music/tune for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly?

15     The audience/spectators cheered when their favourite footballer came into the pitch.

16     Titanic was a box seller/office hit when it came out.

17     Some people find it really tiring having to read headings/subtitles when they watch films.


Grammar    D Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets

18     Our garden ………….. (take) care of by the gardener once every two weeks.

19     The agreement …….. (sign) by the manager as we speak.

20     There are no more tickets for the play; they …….(sell) out last week.

21     A prize of £1,000 ……. (award) to the writer of the best short story next week.

22     Come to the table. The food ……. (serve).

23     The country house ……. (already/sell) to a famous actor.

24     The dance programme ……… (show) on TV at 9:30 pm tonight.

25     Romeo and Juliet ……… (write) by Shakespeare in 1594.

26     The Maths problem ………… (not/solve) by all the students yet.

27     The music for Sleeping Beauty ……….. (compose) by Tchaikovsky.



English in use              

 E Match the words to make compound adjectives


            28 dark                                        A - legged   creature

            29  well                                        B – meter body

            30 good                                        C – hared buty  

            31 ten                                           D –built man

            32 long                                          E –looking  boy


  F Choose  the right variant


33    Fashion models are quite popular ................ young girls.

A with                В around          С     for

34 I love this song! Can you turn ................  the volume, please?

A on                   В over              С     up

35    Could you turn.......... the lights, please? It’s very dark in here.

A on                 В in                     С down

36 She impressed everybody ............  her acting skills.

A about            В with                     С for

Everyday English     

G Choose the correct response.

37    A: What did you think of the film?

    B: a That sounds good.   b Well, it wasn’t bad.

38    A: I was wondering if you’d like to go to the opera on the 5th September?

B:   a Actually, operas aren’t really my kind of thing.

b No, I didn’t like it at all.

39    A: Did you enjoy the concert?

B: a Yes, I’d love to!             b Yes, I loved it!

40    A:   If you’re free on Saturday, would you like to go to the theatre?

B: a OK, let’s risk it.        b That would be lovely!




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TEST 7 on Module 7 Vocabulary

TEST 7 on Module 7 Vocabulary

English in use

English in use
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