Лабораторное занятие № 20. Стрессовые ситуации в нашей жизни. Стресс и его симптомы. Способы борьбы со стрессом.
Оценка 4.8

Лабораторное занятие № 20. Стрессовые ситуации в нашей жизни. Стресс и его симптомы. Способы борьбы со стрессом.

Оценка 4.8
Лабораторное занятие № 20. Стрессовые ситуации в нашей жизни. Стресс и его симптомы. Способы борьбы со стрессом.
Лабораторное занятие №20.pdf

Лабораторное занятие № 20. Стрессовые ситуации в нашей жизни. Стресс и его симптомы. Способы борьбы со стрессом.

Цель занятия: Способствовать формированию лексических навыков по теме «Стресс»

Задачи занятия:

1.обеспечить в ходе занятия усвоение лексических единиц по теме Стресс; 2.продолжить формирование следующих специальных умений по предмету: чтение, говорение, аудирование;

3.содействовать   формированию     самостоятельной          познавательной деятельности и умению пользоваться справочной литературой;

4.содействовать воспитанию потребности в самовоспитании и умению преодолевать/ профилактировать стрессовые ситуации;


Планируемые результаты:

1)  владение лексикой по теме Стресс;

2)  более высокий уровень общеучебных навыков (умение пользоваться справочной литературой)

3)  владение информацией, как справиться со стрессом

Техническое обеспечение занятия:  пк, колонки

Дополнительное методическое обеспечение:стр. 28 упр.1 CD Spotlight 11(приложение 1), стр. 28 упр.2 CD Spotlight 11(приложение 2), рабочая тетрадь Work Book Spotlight 11 или карточки (приложение 5).

Тип занятия: урок формирования речевых навыков Ход занятия.


        I.       Организационный момент.

T: Morning everybody. Nice to see all of you in a good spirit and mood at our lesson today.No doubt, you’re ready to start improving your English language together with me just now, aren’t you? S1: Of course, we are ready to start.

T: You know quite well what we spoke about at our previous lessons. I’d like you to remind some main topics of our discussion.

S2: As far as I remember we have spoken about our plans for studying Module 2 .

S3: We got to know the main aspects of the theme.

S4: Besides, we got acquainted with the most important points of it. 

S5: We`ve got the idea what grammar we`re going to master, as well. S6: And we have also discussed personal preferences and intentions.

T: Absolutely. I am sure that you’re really experts in a lot of things dealing with planning ahead, aren’t you?...But, I am of the opinion, that deals speak better than words, we`d better start practicing.

II. Сообщение цели и задач занятия. T: So, the basic topic of our lesson today is… S: ”Stress.” (см. Учебник стр.28 ).

T: According to our theme and the material which is given at the page today we’ll try to do our best to enlarge your vocabulary in the field of stress and coping with it..That’s why we shall

(Students in turn)

-   look at section 2a list of words if needed to get translation of new or forgotten lexical items;

-   make the best use of new or appropriate words;

-   practice the words in exercises or tasks;

-   remember as many new words on topic Stress and how to handle it as we can.

III.   Фонетическая зарядка. (контроль домашнего задания) T: We start with your home task. First listen. 

(приложение 1,стр. 28 упр.1 CD Spotlight 11)

T: Now you`re welcome to read it with good intonation and sounds.

(Students line by line in turn, then 1-2 students the whole poem)

IV.   Речевая зарядка. (контроль домашнего задания)

T: In pairs discuss whether you agree with whatthe poem says. You can use phrases on the board.

Фразы на доске.

I agree with the poem that stress is a …….and that it is a…….part of our lives. I agree that change is …..on stress, but I do think that it is …that some people …..

it better then others.

 Stress is the way our bodies cope with the…….. I guess there is also……. stress as well as stress.

T: While you`re getting ready, I`ll be listening students with their extra task.

(Контроль домашнего задание для учащихся, готовящихся к ЕГЭ, далее высказываются остальные)

(Students in turn)

V. Основное содержание.


T: Read the text and complete the multiple choice task in pairs, then compare answers with your partner. As the task is RNE one, students, who are going to take RN exam will make it by themselves.Mind the study skills before the task and WL4 WL5 2a section at the end of your books.

(стр. 28 упр.2)

T: Listen and read to confirm the correct answers.(самоконтроль) 

(приложение 2, стр. 28 упр.2 CD Spotlight 11)

T: Identify the purpose of the text. Why was the text written? Who was it written for? Can you name the purpose of the text?

S: The purpose of the text is to give advice toteenagers about how to handle stress.

Семантизация новых слов (через контекст/использование справочной литературы)

T: Now let`s match words/phrases and their meanings. (стр. 28 упр. 3)

Pay  attention to the words/phrases in the text that are underlined and read through thelist of meanings. If you are not sure about the meaning of this or that word, use the context or, if it`s very difficult, consult your WL4WL5 2a section.

(Students make the task in writing)

T: Compare your answers with your partner. (взаимоконтроль). Let`s сheck answers around the class, correct if needed.

(Students in turn) mounts― increases  run-up― time just before  lowdown― important information  in a nutshell― basically  keep you on your toes― cause you to remain alert/ready  in the long term― over a long period of time  out of hand― uncontrollable  lighten the load― make a difficult situation better  grin and bear it― accept it without complaining  overwhelmed― unable to manage  keep things in perspective― judge how important something really is  pulling your hair out― going crazy

T: Write a sentence for items of vocabulary. (2-3 for a student) Отработка лексических единиц.

T: It`s time to start work of understanding vocabulary.Задание для учащихся, готовящихся к ЕГЭ: Pay attention to the words in bold in thetext.Name what part of speech they are. Try to explain the meaning in your own words.After we`ll ask your classmates to translate them. 

(Students in turn)


T: Prepare a talk about stress. Find the exercise number 4 at page 28. Before you start let`s review how to prepare a talk. Prepare short notes using the categories given,refer back to the text for ideas but not write every worddown. 

(приложение 3)

T: Let`s deliver your talks to the class.

(2-3 students)

T: Now choose the correct word to know how well can you understand the vocabulary. (контроль индивидуального усвоения лексики) (стр. 28 упр. 5) (students in writing form individually)

Динамическая пауза.

Look at the task 9 page 29, elicit the answer to each and mime the body movements.

Углубление знаний лексики по теме.

T: You`ve got some time to read through the items, filling in the gaps, in order to   expanding your vocabulary. (стр. 28 упр. 6)

Now you`re welcome to do the task from the cards. (приложение 4)  Give your answers.

(Students in turn)

T: Choose the correct verb. (стр. 28-29 упр. 7). Сonsult your WL4WL5 2a section and mind your grammar forms. (RNE students in turn)

Подведение итогов.

T: It`s high time to control your vocabulary. (приложение 5, wb. стр. 12 упр. 2-3)

(Написать на доске. 1shrugged 2stamped  3trembled 4blushed 5tapped 6clenched 7shook 8folded ; 1in a nutshell 2is under a lot of stress 3lost her temper 4pulling my hair out 5keep you on your toes 6Take it easy 7off my chest 8getting me down) Look at the correct answers, check yours and give me the results.

Analyze your work and think what you are successful in and what is still needed to be improved.  

Домашнее задание.

wb. стр. 12 упр. 1, для учащихся, готовящихся к ЕГЭ дополнительное задание стр. 29 words of wisdom  (письменно)

T: The lesson is over. I look forward to our next meeting as it is very interesting to read your ideas. Thank you for the work and try to do your best.


Лабораторное занятие № 20. Стрессовые ситуации в нашей жизни

Лабораторное занятие № 20. Стрессовые ситуации в нашей жизни

T: Absolutely. I am sure that you’re really experts in a lot of things dealing with planning ahead, aren’t you?

T: Absolutely. I am sure that you’re really experts in a lot of things dealing with planning ahead, aren’t you?

V. Основное содержание. Чтение

V. Основное содержание. Чтение

T: It`s time to start work of understanding vocabulary

T: It`s time to start work of understanding vocabulary

ЕГЭ дополнительное задание стр

ЕГЭ дополнительное задание стр
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