"Лапша быстрого приготовления: польза или вред?"
Оценка 4.9

"Лапша быстрого приготовления: польза или вред?"

Оценка 4.9
Исследовательские работы
6 кл—11 кл +1
"Лапша быстрого приготовления: польза или вред?"
Исследовательская работа ученицы 6 класса по теме "Лапша быстрого приготовления: польза или вред?"
Научная работа_Scribing_Астанина Леонсия.docx

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

гимназия № 1 г. Туймазы

муниципального района Туймазинский район

Республики Башкортостан
















Астанина Леонсия,

                                                                                 ученица 6 класса

                                                                       Научный руководитель:

                                                          Галлямов А.Ш.,

                                                                              учитель английского языка





г. Туймазы

2022 год     




1.1 What is scribing?...........................................................................................6

1.2 Types of scribing……………………………………………..……………..9

1.3 How to create scribing?...................................……………………………11

Conclusion …….………………………………………………………………12

Bibliographic list………………………………………………………………13

Internet resources……………………………………………………………..13

























            More recently, new foreign words have appeared in the field of education: “scribing”, “scriber”, “scribe presentation”. What's this? We became interested and, of course, we immediately had questions: what is scribing, how to create a scribing presentation, and how can it be used in the classroom?

         As practice shows, learning new material is not always easy and simple. A monotonous, routine lesson does not arouse interest and sometimes does not contribute to the quick memorization of educational material. Students take a formal approach to writing a report or essay, they just make a copy from the Internet, and at the same time they even forget to read it, not to mention formatting the text and removing links.

         This attitude to classes can be easily changed, and in order for a report or presentation to be bright and unusual, they can be performed using the “scribing” technique. To do this, a modern student has everything you need: a tablet, phone, camera, camera. Sometimes you really want students to not only be able to find and copy the necessary information, but also be able to analyze it and, based on this analysis, create their own unique performance.

         The 21st century is called the century of high computer technologies. Information and information processes have become the most important component of human life. New time dictates new requirements. What does a modern student need to successfully acquire knowledge? Minimum cost, maximum result. And scribing will help us with this. It is he who allows you to assimilate information more efficiently than many other types of presentations and successfully replaces boring and wordy explanations. And scribing will help students acquire qualities that will become their support in the future - this is logical, imaginative, creative thinking, the ability to work effectively in a team, make quick, practical decisions.

         The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the use of scribing in the classroom helps students visualize abstract concepts, capture, and then reproduce what they see. Thus, there is a qualitative assimilation of the key points of the studied material. Visualization allows you to link the information received into a complete picture of a particular phenomenon or object. In addition, when creating scribing, students develop critical and imaginative thinking.

         In order to fully answer all our questions and learn how to create scribing, we have defined for ourselves the purpose and objectives of the work.

         The aim of the work is to study the modern technique of "scribing" as a new direction in the presentation of the material.


1. Study the available literature on this issue and find out the basic rules for creating scribing.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the positive and negative features of the "scribe presentation" technique.

         The object of the study is the modern presentation technique "scribing".

         The subject of the research is the creation of hand-drawn and applique types of scribing.

            Practical orientation: this material can be used in classroom and extracurricular activities as a teaching aid for creating scribe presentations.

         Research methods: observation, comparative analysis.

         Explaining complex things is not easy, but if you add visuals to verbal information, then the percentage of understanding will increase dramatically. That's what scribing is for. The very name of the technique comes from the English "to scribe", which means "describe", "draw", "mark". The point is to facilitate the process of understanding with the help of special notes and sketches that accompany the material in real time.

         This technique is most often used in the field of education or business, but these are not the only areas of application. In my work, I will try to talk about the specifics of scribing and the opportunities that the introduction of this toolkit into a particular content provides.

It has long been known that more than 80% of the information perceived by the brain is visual signals. Scientists have found that the effectiveness of training also depends on the type of presentation of the material. So, students three days after the lecture are able to remember only 10% of what they heard and 35% of what they saw. The most complete (about 65%) is assimilated the material, which is presented in the form of an oral presentation, saturated with visual notes.

         An important difference between scribing and other ways of explaining complex information is that, in addition to auditory and visual perception, the listener's imagination is included in the work. Memorizing material that is accompanied by simple and recognizable images becomes much easier and more convenient.

         The essence of scribing is not to suppress the visual component of perception with text. Let's remember school. Everyone has their least favorite lessons when you are just waiting for the call. To pass the time, many begin to draw on the margins of notebooks. The teachers don't like it, and the draughtsmen get comments in their diaries.

         For some students, the desire to visualize information does not disappear over time. Others refuse this practice, considering drawing a frivolous matter. The school system instills a certain pattern of thinking: adults should express their thoughts in text, not pictures. What are the results? Most of us believe that only professional artists can draw. Although a simple sketch can be created by anyone. Our thoughts are also not textual, but visual. When we think about the forest, it is the trees that appear before our inner eye, and not the printed word “forest”. The imagination draws, does not writes.





























Part I. 1.1 What is scribing?

            The modern educational process is saturated with powerful and intense information flows that have formed new ways of perceiving information, operating it, and thinking. For students, the basis of the “image of the world” is not so much concepts as semantic images created with the help of visual thinking. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of students predetermines the appeal to such information visualization technologies that provide compactness, expressiveness, dynamism of the presentation of the content of educational material, conveying its main meaning, and also provide a platform for attracting students to collective creative work, in the process of which they find practical application of the knowledge they have acquired [one]. Today, more than ever, the issue of creating graphic presentations that allow listeners to perceive and assimilate information more effectively is relevant. This applies to both training and business projects. A new trend in this area is scribing, or the use of sketches for lectures and meetings. Translated from English, "scribing" means "to sketch." The emergence of this presentation style is associated with the British artist Andrew Park. American teacher Paul Bogush was one of the first people to introduce scribing in schools. Bogush was the first to guess that scribing provided an excellent opportunity to get away from the outdated motto: "Read the paragraph - answer the question." The use of scribing technology is most effective in the process of presenting educational material, since it allows you to visually show the key elements of theoretical material and helps to establish relationships between basic concepts. Scribe presentations are actively used at the beginning of the study of the topic to attract attention and increase the motivation of students, as well as at the stage of reflection to check and control the assimilation of the studied material. Scribing is a great start for acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities, the technology will interest students in the brightness of graphic images directly related to the new educational material, and will contribute to a better memorization of basic terms and concepts. Scribing is the latest presentation technique, it is a graphical way to capture the attention of the audience and provide them with additional information. Scribing transforms presentation points into words and images, delineates connections, and emphasizes key points. Moreover, this process occurs in real time, almost parallel to the spoken speech. It is customary to display the key moments of the story and the relationship between them.        A high percentage of information assimilation is ensured when creating vivid images that evoke visual associations with the spoken speech in the listener. Scribing came to education from business applications, where scribing is understood as an illustrated accompaniment of a speaker's speech. The generally accepted definition reveals scribing as the latest presentation technology, the essence of which is the synchronous accompaniment of an oral message (reports, speeches, presentation of educational material, etc.) with felt-tip pen drawings on a white board (or on a sheet of paper). Scribing provides for a specific type of such accompaniment - illustration "on the fly", gives it a special emotionality and the ability to concentrate the listener's attention on the main semantic objects. Since at present there is only a general definition of this concept, it is necessary to give an understanding of scribing from the perspective of its application in the educational process. Scribing should be considered as a visualization technology that provides a display of the key points of the content of the educational material (the properties of the learning object, its internal and external relations) by using simple graphic elements (drawings, pictograms, symbols, words, diagrams, diagrams) sequentially created on the screen in according to her oral presentation or audio sequence. Today, indeed, the rating of professions that require creative and emotional intelligence, design-thinking, visual thinking, the ability to inspire people are gaining momentum [2]. One of these is the profession of scriber, which is actively developing at the present time. A specialist who knows how to express meaning and ideas, making sketches and drawing scribes on the go, is called a scriber, and the presentation that he creates is a scribe or a scribe-presentation. A professional scriber does not have to have the skills of an artist and be able to draw (drawings can be schematic and even primitive), the main requirement is the ability to highlight the main thing in information, correctly and successfully replace words and ideas with accurate and simple images.       The use of scribing in education is due to the didactic potential of this technology, which is to create new opportunities for the implementation at a higher level of such principles of education as visibility, accessibility, awareness, emotionality of learning. Scribing, as a visualization technology, is also characterized by the possibility of a compact presentation of educational material, promoting its productive assimilation and memorization. The leading effect of scribing is capturing the attention of the audience with specific graphic images created here and now, clearly focusing on predetermined key points of the material - ideas, features, distinctive features, that is, just in the main thing that needs to be perceived, understood, remembered. Scribing is a convenient tool not only for presenting educational material. The novelty and attractiveness of this technology makes it possible to organize independent work of students on its basis, aimed at processing the studied material, reproducing their own attitude to the object of study [3]. The use of scribing makes it possible to make such work attractive to students, ensure its creative nature, and promote interest in acquiring new subject knowledge and technological skills. In the learning process, visualization helps students to properly analyze and organize information. Clear drawings, diagrams or diagrams contribute to the rapid assimilation of large amounts of information, memorization without effort, and it is also possible to trace the relationship between blocks of information [4]. Scribing helps learners integrate new knowledge. According to numerous studies, information presented visually and verbally is better remembered by students. In addition, visualization provides an opportunity to combine the information received into a complete picture of any object or phenomenon. Visualization develops critical thinking. The interconnection of verbal and visual information helps to freely recall listened reports, lectures, since, as a rule, diverse dry information is converted by a scriber into simple symbols and objects found in everyday life. Visualization versatility. The language of drawings is accessible to everyone: to listeners of different ages, to those who speak different languages, and to people with disabilities. Therefore, scribing is to some extent a universal language of communication. An important advantage is the possibility of continuous communication with the audience throughout the performance and the further use of scribe (the overall picture that is obtained by the end of the event) in subsequent work as an overview of all the information received. The qualitative assimilation of the material is facilitated by the effect of parallel following, that is, the almost simultaneous illustration of the sound series by the corresponding images. Due to the organization of the preparation of the scribe, the students develop critical thinking, in which the analysis, evaluation, selection and formation of information takes place. It should be noted that the use of scribing helps students to establish interdisciplinary connections necessary for the formation of a scientific worldview, ideas about the unity of the material world, about the relationship of phenomena in nature and society. Visual, figurative means not only create the effect of situational expression, an atmosphere of ease, general interest, but also contribute to the harmonious development of the student's personality: they enrich him with new meanings through the identification of new "threads" from the inner world to the outer world. The latest technology can be applied in any subject area at the university, both in classroom and extracurricular activities of students, as well as for organizing project interdisciplinary activities.










1.2 Varieties of scribing

            Scribing is a powerful tool for advertisers, professional presenters and infrequent presenters. Even keeping a personal diary using this technique, many find it more fun. Scribing is a modern technique, simple and effective at the same time, it is suitable for solving everyday and complex problems. Anyone can learn and use this tool.

         There are two types of scribing: facilitation and video scribing.

         Scribing facilitation involves accompanying an oral monologue with understandable visual images.

         The teacher during the presentation explains the basic theses and main ideas with the help of drawings. Using scribing, it is easy to explain even complex concepts. Thus, using facilitation, the speaker switches the attention of the audience to pictures and graphics that reflect the main ideas of the presentation. Every teacher in the school is also a scriber facilitator when they actively reinforce their explanations with graphic cues on the board. At the same time, the attention of the audience is maximally focused on the lecturer. It is easier for listeners to analyze the material and formulate their attitude to the topic of the speech.

         Video scribing is creativity. To improve in this direction, you need to connect your imagination and master some techniques. The depth of immersion is determined only by the desire and imagination of the author.

         There are several types of presentation of material on video:

1. Scribing in the drawing technique

         In the frame we see a hand that draws graphs, sketches, diagrams. She also writes down and draws up the terms that sounded during the video. In order for the drawing process and the voice-over text to be logically connected, the video during editing is accelerated by 2-4 times, thereby achieving synchronous playback. This is a classic scribing technique.

         To make a video like this you need:

• paper (other surface) for drawing with markers or chalk, convenient format - A4 or A3;

• accessories for writing and drawing: colorful felt-tip pens, chalk, pencils;

• what you will shoot the video with (camcorder, smartphone or camera);

• a microphone to voice the text;

• programs for recording and editing video.

2. Appliqué scribing

         It uses a laconic background and cut out images and figures that are laid out in the frame and support the sounding text.

         To implement this technique, you need:

• plain background (paper, cloth, etc.);

• prepared pictures and figures;

• what you will shoot the video with;

• a microphone to voice the text;

• programs for audio recording and video editing.

3. Scribing with magnets

         This technique is similar to applique scribing, but there is a difference: the pictures are attached to a special board using magnets.

To shoot a video in this style, you need:

• magnetic whiteboard for presentations;

• pictures and magnets for fixing them;

• what you will shoot video with (camera, smartphone, etc.);

• microphone for sound recording;

• programs for working with audio track and video editing.

4. Flannel scribing

         Another way to attach pictures that accompany speech is to flannel fabric. This technique is great for filming a story or a fairy tale. Scribing in this style is a bit like a homemade theater or cartoon.

         Here's what's required:

• board covered with flannel;

• pre-prepared pictures and figures;

• what you will shoot video with (smartphone, camera, camera);

• a microphone to record an audio track;

• programs for video editing.

5. Scribing with computer programs

         There are a number of programs and services where anyone can create online scribing. There are paid and free applications for this purpose.

         The most popular PowerPoint presentation editor has all the tools to create simple scribing videos. This program allows you to prepare slides with the necessary visual information and set the time interval for their appearance. This will achieve the effect of parallel following, which is fundamental in scribing.







1.3 How to create video scribing?

            To create a scribing in video format, follow these steps:

1. Concept development

         At this stage, the purpose and tasks of the material are determined. You will need experience in marketing analysis and business analytics, since it is important at this step to clearly define the characteristics of the target audience. Those factors that for the prospective client influence the decisions made should be reflected in the presentation.

2. Writing a script

         The voice-over text should be simple and meaningful. Avoid clutter of grammatical structures. When creating a visual series, follow the principles of logic: its content should correspond to the theme of the video. It is important to get a simple and aesthetic picture.

         For a video presentation, the involvement of the audience is significant, each person must identify himself with the hero of the story. Ideally, the drawn character and his problems are associated with the audience with their own real experiences. To maximize the identification effect, the story should be simple, concise, and logical. So a larger percentage of viewers will feel the similarity of their thoughts with what is shown on the screen.

To effectively implement this step, the author must have developed imaginative thinking. Copywriting and storytelling skills will also come in handy. Basic knowledge of dramaturgy would be a plus.

3. Development of sketches

         It is the sketches that will form the basis of the scribing presentation. They must be in the same style. It will be easier for you to cope with this task if you have the skill of creating concise images. Remember that the visual part must correspond to the stated theme.

4. Video voice-over

         When recording an audio track, pay attention to the intonation and quality of speech, the melodiousness of the voice. All of these factors are important for high-quality voice acting and the effectiveness of the finished role.

5. Mounting material

         At this stage, knowledge of presentation layout programs, as well as the ability to work with special editing applications, will come in handy. The main task of the current step is to achieve perfect synchronization of the audio track and visual content. Also try to clearly place logical accents during editing.

6. Add effects to video

         Although this step is optional, additional effects make the video more interesting and exciting. Use special software to carry out this stage of work on the video.

7. Publication of the video

         When posting videos, consider the following factors: the time of publication, the characteristics of the target audience, and the general state of the market in your niche.






























            It has long been known that more than 80% of the information perceived by the brain is visual signals. Scientists have found that the effectiveness of training also depends on the type of presentation of the material. So, students three days after the lecture are able to remember only 10% of what they heard and 35% of what they saw. The most complete (about 65%) is assimilated the material, which is presented in the form of an oral presentation, saturated with visual notes.

         An important difference between scribing and other ways of explaining complex information is that, in addition to auditory and visual perception, the listener's imagination is included in the work. Memorizing material that is accompanied by simple and recognizable images becomes much easier and more convenient.

         The essence of scribing is not to suppress the visual component of perception with text. Let's remember school. Everyone has their least favorite lessons when you are just waiting for the call. To pass the time, many begin to draw on the margins of notebooks. The teachers don't like it, and the draughtsmen get comments in their diaries.

         For some students, the desire to visualize information does not disappear over time. Others refuse this practice, considering drawing a frivolous matter. The school system instills a certain pattern of thinking: adults should express their thoughts in text, not pictures. What are the results? Most of us believe that only professional artists can draw. Although a simple sketch can be created by anyone. Our thoughts are also not textual, but visual. When we think about the forest, it is the trees that appear before our inner eye, and not the printed word “forest”. The imagination draws, does not writes.













Bibliographic list

1. Anokhina L.V. Creative tasks as a means of developing creative abilities in the educational process // Proceedings of the scientific and methodological conference of the North-Western Institute of Management. 2009. No. 1. p. 81-88.

2. Gradskaya S.S., Anokhina L.V. Organizational and methodological rationale for car loans with deferred repayment "Bayback" // In the collection: BULLETIN OF THE KALUGA BRANCH OF THE RANEPA Kaluga, 2015. p. 54-60.

 3. Lesina T.V., Anokhina L.V. Ensuring the economic security of the region: a course on financial literacy // Bulletin of the educational consortium Central Russian University. Series: Economics and Management. 2017. No. 9. p. 26-30.

4. Lyubetsky N.S., Petrovsky P.V. 2016 , Eksmo , Visual thinking. To explain simply, “Scribing. Easy to explain"

5. Hamer G.V., Smirnov V.Yu., Korneeva R.V. Formation, development and assessment of the competencies of future managers in the process of studying the cycle of mathematical and natural sciences // In the world of scientific discoveries. 2014. No. 5. p. 462.

6. Lyubetsky N. S., Petrovsky P.V. 2016 , Eksmo , Visual thinking. To explain simply, “Scribing. Easy to explain"

Internet resources










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Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия № 1 г

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия № 1 г

Content Introduction………………………………………………………

Content Introduction………………………………………………………

Introduction More recently, new foreign words have appeared in the field of education: “scribing”, “scriber”, “scribe presentation”

Introduction More recently, new foreign words have appeared in the field of education: “scribing”, “scriber”, “scribe presentation”

Study the available literature on this issue and find out the basic rules for creating scribing

Study the available literature on this issue and find out the basic rules for creating scribing

What are the results? Most of us believe that only professional artists can draw

What are the results? Most of us believe that only professional artists can draw

Part I. 1.1 What is scribing?

Part I. 1.1 What is scribing?

Scribing provides for a specific type of such accompaniment - illustration "on the fly", gives it a special emotionality and the ability to concentrate the…

Scribing provides for a specific type of such accompaniment - illustration "on the fly", gives it a special emotionality and the ability to concentrate the…

According to numerous studies, information presented visually and verbally is better remembered by students

According to numerous studies, information presented visually and verbally is better remembered by students

Varieties of scribing

Varieties of scribing

Scribing with magnets

Scribing with magnets

How to create video scribing?

How to create video scribing?

Publication of the video

Publication of the video

Conclusion It has long been known that more than 80% of the information perceived by the brain is visual signals

Conclusion It has long been known that more than 80% of the information perceived by the brain is visual signals

Bibliographic list 1. Anokhina

Bibliographic list 1. Anokhina
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