Mass Midea
Оценка 4.6

Mass Midea

Оценка 4.6
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английский язык
9 кл—11 кл
Mass Midea
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Урок 10 класс английский Mass media.doc


Topic: Mass Media

Subtopic: Mass Media. Revision

Objectives: the students to focus on talking about kinds of Mass Media; to discuss the situations    in groups and pairs;

Equipment: computer presentation, a tape script, books, handouts, flash cards (speech patterns, grammar (Reported Speech))

The Procedure

I. Greeting

II. Announcing of the subtopic and the objectives of the lesson

T. Today we are going to sum up what you have learned about Mass Media. So, the topic of our lesson is “Mass Media. Revision”

- What things do you associate with the words “Mass Media”?

Mass Media




The Internet


You are right. People use different sources of information: the press, radio, television and the Internet. With the help of this information we can compare our life and living standards with the level of life in Great Britain or the USA and draw conclusion on how to change our life for better.

III. Review of the home task

Your home task for today was unusual. You had to prepare a group presentation about a certain kind of Mass Media, explaining its significance in the lives of modern society.

Group I The Press

Group II The Internet

Group III Television

IV. Main Part

1. Reading

T. I completely agree that television has become the part of our life. Now you are going to read the text Children’s Television Viewing Habits in the UK in pairs. Student A gets a copy of Worksheet A, student B gets a copy of Worksheet B. Student A should start reading the text aloud allowing time for the student B to write the missing words. Then student A listens carefully while student B reads.

Tip: By taking turns complete the text. When you finish, compare the two texts. Are they exactly the same?

Completed version of the text (Teacher’s copy)

Children’s Television Viewing Habits in the UK

Parents and teachers throughout the country often express concern about the amount of hours that children spend in front of the television. According to recent statistics, teenagers watch between 2.5 and 3.2 hours of television every day. Many children watch television in the mornings over breakfast but most viewing takes place after school in the evenings.

Peak viewing times for teenagers are between seven and nine o’clock. They watch soap operas, music programmes and quiz shows. Between the hours of four and six, when the programmes are specifically aimed at children, the viewing figures are much lower. Girls watch more drama series, documentaries and news programmes. Boys watch more science fiction and sport.

Television plays an important part in the lives of children. They are affected by the images they see and they find role models in their favourite programmes. What parents and their children have to consider is how much time should be spent watching television and which programmes are suitable or unsuitable.

(Text A)

Children’s Television Viewing Habits in the UK

Parents and teachers throughout the country often express concern about



According to recent statistics, teenagers watch between 2.5 and 3.2 hours of television every day.




Peak viewing times for teenagers are between seven and nine o’clock.

_____________________________________________________________________, when the

programmes are specifically aimed at children, the viewing figures are much lower.

_____________________________________________________________________________. Boys watch more science fiction and sport.

____________________________________________________. They are affected by the images they see and they find role models in their favourite programmes.


________________________________________ which programmes are suitable or unsuitable.

Worksheet 1 B

Student B

Start by listening carefully to your partner and writing the words that are missing. Then change roles and you read the next part of the text allowing time for your partner to complete the missing words.

(Text B)

Children’s Television Viewing Habits in the UK


the amount of hours that children spend in front of the television.


_______________________. Many children watch television in the mornings over breakfast but

most viewing takes place after school in the evenings.

They watch soap operas, music programmes and quiz shows. Between the hours of four and six,



Girls watch more drama series, documentaries and news programmes.



Television plays an important part in the lives of children.


What parents and their children have to consider is how much time should be spent watching television and _________________________________________________________________.


2. Interactive discussion (S1-S2, S1-S3 …)

T. Today we are lucky to meet a British journalist. He is going to ask you some questions.

How many hours a day does the teenager in Russia spend watching television?

What time of day most viewing take place?

Do teenagers watch the news?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Mass Media?

Student 1. As for me I can’t imagine my life without TV. My TV set has already become the member of our family. Television serves as a platform on which individuals can voice their views in various issues and share information with their friends. TV fascinates teenagers with the mixture of technology, creativity and possibilities.

Student 2. Many adolescents want to have a job in the media-branch because they dream to be on TV and many of them have the desire of being the next Alla Mazur or Savic Shuster.

Student 3. As far as I’m concerned, television trains teenagers to embrace complexity, forcing us to follow many threads and ideas, also views are forces to think and engage, and this develops our analytical skills because they have to acts as constructive personalities in the contemporary society.

Student 4. Taking into consideration all positives, I dare say that spending several hours in front of the TV screen without parents’ control may bring negative sides into teenagers’ lives. I mean it promotes glamorising crime, violence, drug abuse and alcoholism. We are the future parents have to think how to protect our children from going out on shooting rampages, murdering innocent toddlers after watching the cartoons where a character is killed.

Summing up

T. Taking into consideration what has been said, write the advantages and disadvantages of television

3. Listening

T. You are going to listen to a TV debate and complete the sentences with the correct option (a, b or c) and read the correct variant.

T. Which guest interrupts the other rudely – the man or the woman?

Do you remember how he/she interrupts?

What word or phrases does he/she use?

Study the function file. Which of these expressions are rude and which - polite?

                        FUNCTION FILE





Excuse me. Can I say something

I’m sorry. I’d like to say something.

You are wrong.

I’d just like to say …


Can I interrupt a moment?


4. Group  Discussion

T. You are split up into three groups. Your task is to show the ways how Mass media influence your lives. Use polite expressions in your discussion and write your for and against ideas

Group1. The representatives of Mass Media

-Television plays a substantial role in the attitudes, behavior and physical aspects of youth today nowadays. It is often called as the mirror of society.

- I just like to say that newspapers can cover more news and in much detail than TV and radio can do. They shape public opinion and inform people of current events.

-I’m sorry. I’d like to say something. Radio is one of the most important means of communication. People wake up to clock radios and listen to radio driving the cars.

- I just like to say that the Internet offers many advantages. It’s available to you at any hour of the day and night. People are informed in every sphere of their lives. The Internet is the future of Mass Media.

Group2. The representatives of Youth organizations.

-I just like to say that Mass media are rich in human interest and that makes few intellectual demands on the consumer is published or broadcast because it is entertaining to the audience, and entertainment is one of the purpose of Mass Media.

-Excuse me. Can I say something? Consider for example, popular interest in a story about a child who falls into the well, a sports hero crippled by an accident, a gangland murder, a student who breaks out of jail. Everybody knows that all these stories are “good” news although they are often selected by Mass Media despite their informative value.

-Can I interrupt a moment? Nowadays the youth needs more useful information which can help us in our education, to broaden our world outlook and to get rid of emphasis on crime disaster and sex.

5. Writing

T. Sometimes Mass Media give us only facts but not the truth. You have to report the sentences into the reported speech and write the truth.

1. The president said in his last TV interview “I have got only one house and 2 cars.”

2. Madonna informed her fans “I’m getting married this weekend.”

3. The announcer said “The unemployment becomes lower in Russia.”

4. The Russians scientists declared “We found a large resource of oil in Kyiv 2 days ago.”

6. Crossword

I hope you remember the lexics on the topic Mass Media, and then it’s time to complete our crossword. Well to make sure you are really right, you should try to read the secret word which is hidden in the crossword. (Radio)

1. The institution or practice on censoring.

2. Transmitted by radio or television.

3. Newspapers or magazines published at regular intervals

4. A talk about people behind their backs.

5. Someone who announces especially on radio or television.




















































T. What can you say about the radio as the kind of Mass Media?

Student 1. Radio is one of the most important means of communication. People wake up to clock radios and listen to radios driving their cars.

Student 2. The radio is turned on most of the time, creating a permanent background noise. In fact, it doesn’t interfere with my activities. I can easily listen to the radio while doing Maths, peeling potatoes or doing the washing up.

Summing up

T. Thanks for your ideas, now write the advantages and disadvantages of the radio.



Song “Radio, Video”

7. Group project

T. Now you are going to watch the video and write the message to future generations saying what Mass Media are .

8. Conclusion

T. Well our lesson is coming up to end, and it’s time to make the conclusion.

9. Home task

T. And that’s what your home work is going to be about. Here you can see a famous statement made by Nathan Rothschild and then repeated by Winston Churchill: “He, who owns the information, owns the world.” Do you agree? Tomorrow I want to read your opinion essays in which you agree or disagree with these words.

10. Evaluation

T. As for your today’s achievements, they are not bad. You worked well and you’ll get the proper marks. The best student’s today were: … and they get excellent marks. All others get good ones. We’ll discuss your marks in details later, and now it’s time to say good-bye.

Скачано с

Topic: Mass Media Subtopic: Mass

Topic: Mass Media Subtopic: Mass

Completed version of the text (Teacher’s copy)

Completed version of the text (Teacher’s copy)

Start by listening carefully to your partner and writing the words that are missing

Start by listening carefully to your partner and writing the words that are missing

Student 4. Taking into consideration all positives,

Student 4. Taking into consideration all positives,

Group1 . The representatives of

Group1 . The representatives of

A talk about people behind their backs

A talk about people behind their backs

T. As for your today’s achievements, they are not bad

T. As for your today’s achievements, they are not bad
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