“My future speciality”
Community Physical Education
I study at the Tyumen College of production and social technologies. It was established on 30th September, 2019.
Tyumen College of production and social technologies is headed by the Director. Education at our College is full-time. The College has a highly qualified teaching staff. Tyumen College of production and social technologies trains students in several specializations and professions. Here they can learn skills, which fit them for a better career in future. An educated person contributes more to the society and education gives a person the prospect for professional advance.
The academic year lasts for ten months. At the College, the students study two terms a year. At the end of each term, they take tests and exams. While studying the students have general subjects and special disciplines, which are important and necessary for their future profession. Our students have a chance to become highly qualified specialists.
Our College is situated in three buildings in different parts of Tyumen. The main building is in Lunacharskiy Street, 19 and it includes some lecture halls, director’s office, the library, special Electricity, Forestry, Woodworking laboratories, the Conference Hall and others. There are two hostels and a stadium in the Tyumen College of production and social technologies.
I am a second-year student of the Tyumen College of production and social technologies. I study full-time. My speciality is Community Physical Education. I am a future Community Physical Education Teachers (CPE teacher). We study many subjects, which are interesting and necessary for our future speciality. Community physical education teachers may work in after-school programs, recreation centers, or other community-based organizations, providing opportunities for people of all ages to stay active and healthy.
Community physical education teachers will need to stay up-to-date on these developments to keep their skills relevant and maintain a competitive advantage in the workplace.
As the world becomes increasingly more health-conscious, community physical education teachers are being called upon to play a larger role in promoting wellness among children and adolescents. Community physical education teachers are increasingly being asked to focus on teamwork as an important skill for students to learn.
Teamwork is an essential part of life, and by teaching students how to work together effectively, community physical education teachers can help them succeed in many different areas. By emphasizing teamwork in physical education classes, teachers can help students develop skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.
Community physical education teachers educate children and adolescents on the many aspects of leading healthy lifestyles, from physical activity to nutrition. A community physical education teacher should enjoy an active lifestyle and be able to communicate health concepts to students in various age groups.
Actually, CPE teachers teach a wide range of activities, such as team sports like basketball or soccer, individual sports like tennis or gymnastics, and recreational activities like dance or yoga.
While studying the students of our college have their practical work at different enterprises and establishments of our region.
The work of a CPE teacher is difficult but at the same time is important and useful. I think I like my future speciality and find it to be very interesting and necessary.
1. Memorize the following words and expressions:
1) to be established – быть основанным (быть созданным)
2) highly qualified – высококвалифицированный
3) adolescents – подростки
4) community physical education – педагогика дополнительного образования (в области физкультурно - оздоровительной деятельности)
5) enterprise – предприятие
6) establishment – учреждение
7) community physical education teacher – педагог дополнительного образования (в области физкультурно - оздоровительной деятельности)
8) wellness – оздоровление, здоровый образ жизни
9) important – важный
10) necessary – необходимый
11) relevant – соответствующий
2. Answer the following questions:
1) Where do you study?
2) When was your College founded?
3) What year-student are you?
4) Where is the main building of your College?
5) What does the main building include?
6) What does a community physical education teacher do?
7) What is teamwork?
8) What do CPE teachers may teach?
9) Where may community physical education teachers work?
10) Where do the students of our College have practical work?
11) How do you find your future speciality?
12) Do you like your future speciality? Why?
3. Give Russian equivalents to the phrases:
1) an educated person
2) a larger role in promoting wellness among students
3) a future community physical education teacher
4) general subjects and special disciplines
5) to keep their skills relevant
6) may work in after-school programs
7) a wide range of activities
8) should enjoy an active lifestyle
4. Put in the missing words according to the text:
1) While studying the students have … and special … , which are important and necessary for their future profession.
2) The academic year lasts for … months.
3) I study at the Tyumen College of … and … technologies.
4) Community physical education teachers educate children and … on the many aspects of leading healthy lifestyles, from physical activity to … .
5) The work of … is difficult but at the same time is … and useful.
6) Here they can … , which fit them for a better career in future.
7) Our College … in three buildings in different parts of Tyumen.
5. Complete the following sentences:
1) The College has a … .
2) By emphasizing teamwork in physical education classes, … .
3) I study at the Tyumen College of … .
4) An educated person contributes more to the society and … .
5) We study many subjects, … .
6) Actually, CPE teachers teach … .
7) Education at our College is … .
6. A delegation of students and teachers from Oxford are on a visit at the Tyumen College of production and social technologies. You are asked to tell the guests about your College and your future speciality. Present information on:
1) the name of your College, your future speciality;
2) the subjects you study;
3) the process of education;
4) the main task of CPE teachers;
5) what you like and what you don’t like in your College;
6) what you think about your future profession and how you find it.
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