Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку
Оценка 4.6

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку

Оценка 4.6
Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку
Lesson Plan Weddings Rocheva Galina - копия.docx

Lesson Plan

Galina Rocheva, ELT of secondary school, Muji, YANAO

Lesson Focus: Teaching speaking

Topic “Weddings” (theme “Celebrations”)

Target Language: to provide systematic development of reading skills


Age 15 - 16

Level Intermediate

Grade 9th

Assumed knowledge: To give a students a chance to speak about weddings using English as much as they can. This lesson plan is designed to minimise Teacher Talking Time (TTT) and maximise Student Talking Time (STT). This leads to a student – centred class. They also have experience of working in groups to practice speaking skills.

Materials: Pre-prepared text of a conversation about weddings in Russia, talking about

customs regarding wedding clothes, party and place

Anticipated Problems & Solutions:

Timing. Use clock to indicate timing and ask groups to be strict about timing.



Stage, Aims



5 min







5 min







10 min










10 min







8 min


2 min

1.Warm – up

To get students taking and introduce the topic





2. Pre-teach new vocabulary






3. Practice










4. Freer practice







5. Reflection


6. Homework

T asks SS general questions for the topic:

 -What do you think is the best age to get married?

- What do you think about arranged marriage?


T divides SS in small groups

and scan the pre-prepared text of the conversation and write the words  on the board SS might not know

SS discuss the words in their groups

T monitors and then check with SS


SS stand up in two lines facing each other. They role-play the conversation

T changes the SS’s positions

Control: SS read the conversation from cards

Semi-control: SS in one of the lines close their books

Free: they close their books, asking and answering freely


T asks SS these questions:

Tell your partners about the last wedding you went to

Tell your partners about the wedding customs you like and those you don’t like


Small talk about wedding traditions


Prepare information about weddings traditions in other countries










T – SS

In small groups





S – S









T – S

S – S





S – S


T – S




Lesson Plan Galina Rocheva, ELT of secondary school,

Lesson Plan Galina Rocheva, ELT of secondary school,
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