Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences |
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No |
Paper Title |
Author Name |
Page No |
1 |
Dilfuza Muratjanovna Abidova |
1-3 |
2 |
Naima Ziautdinovna Rasuleva |
4-6 |
3 |
Dildora Sulaymanova |
7-10 |
4 |
Davronova Sh.R |
11-12 |
5 |
Salome Chelidze |
13-15 |
6 |
Маиа Аладашвили, Нанули Хизанишвили |
16-19 |
7 |
Nilufar Abdurashidovna Abdurashidova |
20-22 |
8 |
Shukurjon Farkhodovna Matyokubova |
23-25 |
9 |
Saodat Akmal-qizi Rahmonova |
26-28 |
10 |
M.O. Khudoyberdiev, Gafurov Asilbek Gulom oglu Asilbek Gulom o'g'li |
29-34 |
11 |
Guzal Kurbonova |
35-37 |
12 |
Incessancy and Continuity Training Informatics and Information Tech |
Zulaykho A. Marasulova |
38-41 |
13 |
Kasimova N. F. |
42-44 |
14 |
Ostonova Gulshod Razzokovna, Gulomov Shukhrat Shavkatovich |
45-47 |
15 |
Bobokalonov Odilshokh Ostonovich |
48-50 |
16 |
Sayfulloev Oybek Olimovich |
51-53 |
17 |
FBobokalonov Odilshokh Ostonovich |
54-56 |
18 |
Мусаева Гузаль |
57-59 |
19 |
UIrgasheva Umida Asqarjon Qizi |
60-61 |
20 |
АМуллажонова Нигина Жамоловна |
62-64 |
21 |
М. Ў. Худойбердиев, Ғофуров Асилбек Ғулом |
65-70 |
22 |
Abdumalik Nabiyevich Rizayev, Sardor Abdirasulovich Rejabov |
71-73 |
23 |
Тураева Г. Ш. |
74-78 |
24 |
Natela Tamoevi, Daduna Gogilashvili |
79-80 |
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences |
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25 |
Natela Tamoevi, Tamar Goshadze |
81-82 |
26 |
Head Madonna Kebadze, Irakli Sabanadze, Oto Sabanadze |
83-90 |
27 |
Kholbekov Ilhomjon Ganievich, Jo`rayeva Shahlo Ilhomjon qizi |
91-93 |
28 |
Keti Elizbarashvili, Madona Kebadze |
94-97 |
29 |
Landa Chokhelishvili, Iakob Gogebashvili |
98-100 |
30 |
Lapasov Nizomiddin Shakarboyevich |
101-104 |
31 |
Razikov Otabek Rustamovich |
105-108 |
32 |
Genoa Conference and Ambrose Khelaia |
Irakli Sabanadze, Oto Sabanadze |
109-116 |
33 |
Leaders of Post-Soviet Georgian Nationalism: The National Movemen |
Keti Elizbarashvili, Madona Kebadze |
117-120 |
34 |
Captive Trade in Georgia |
Landa Chokhelishvili, Madona Kebadze |
121-123 |
35 |
Definitions and Different Aspects of Public Private Partnership |
Karimov Akramjon Ikromjon ugli , Turayev Anvar Shokirovich |
124-126 |
36 |
Разработка Технологического Процесса Для Производства Листа |
Muxamedaminov Aziz Odiljon o’g’li , Daminova Guzal Dilshodjon qiz |
127-131 |
37 |
The "Mass of People" in the Postmodern Perspective According to Jo |
Eka Chaghalidze |
132-134 |
38 |
ТЛатипова Нигора Исаковна, Журабоева Мадина Дилшодовна |
135-140 |
39 |
Increasing the Role and Role of Export Services Infrastructure in Expo |
Musayeva Shoira Azimovna |
141-142 |
40 |
Athletics in the System of Physical Education of Student Youth |
Kozlova Galina Gennadevna |
143-145 |
41 |
The Concept of Justice in the Teachings of Nosiriddin Tusi and its Phil |
Kushshaeva Nafisa Mansurovna |
146-148 |
42 |
Wellness Swimming as a Part of the Physical Education of Students |
Ruziyeva Mahliyo Kayumovna |
149-152 |
43 |
Optimization of Condition for Increasing the Quality of Papaya Seeds |
Adilov Hikmatilla Abudkhalilovich, Ochildiev Utkir Ollanazarovich |
153-155 |
44 |
Юридическая Терминология - Письменный Носитель Юридическ |
Ахмедова Хулкар Олимжоновна |
156-157 |
45 |
ОС. Яхшиликов, Э. Надиров, С. Музаффаров, У. Пардабоев, Ахмедов Али Усмонович |
158-160 |
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences |
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46 |
Холмурзаева Раъно Муҳаммаджон қизи, Донабеков Умид Тўйчи ўғли, Ахмедов Али Усмонович |
161-163 |
47 |
Aliyeva Maxsuda |
164-167 |
48 |
Bobodo’stov U. K., Saidov A. A. |
168-170 |
49 |
Фарходов Суннатжон Умар ўғли, Долиев Шохаббос Қулмурот ўғли |
171-172 |
50 |
ОН.С. Тўйчибоев |
173-175 |
51 |
Nizomiddinov Jahonmirzo Zukhriddin oglu, Burkhanov Aktam Usmanovich |
176-178 |
52 |
АТурдибоев Илхомжон Хаётжон угли, Ахмаджонов Лазизбек Хасанбой угли |
179-183 |
53 |
HOblokulova Ugiloy Abduraimovna |
184-186 |
54 |
Safarova Khurshida Salimovna, Mirzoyeva Munisa |
187-190 |
55 |
Do‘Sjonova Nilufar Rustam Qizi, Baxtiyorova Munira Mansur Qizi |
191-193 |
56 |
ОСадикова Машхура Идиллоевна, Эшмирзаева Малика |
194-198 |
57 |
ОА. Даукеева |
199-200 |
58 |
NAlisherov Shoxruxbek Mirzohidjon og'li |
201-204 |
59 |
Dilshodjon Shodiev, Qurbonov Hojiali |
205-208 |
60 |
Khatamova Zumradkhon Nazirjonovna, Qurbonov Hojiali |
209-211 |
61 |
HOltmisheva Nasibaxon G'ulomjonovna |
212-216 |
62 |
Турсунова Оқила Жумабоевна |
217-220 |
63 |
Садикова М. А |
221-226 |
64 |
NOltmisheva Nasibaxon G'ulomjonovna, Toshmatov Ulugʻbek Qodirjon oʻgʻli |
227-231 |
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences |
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Author Name |
Page No |
65 |
Алимова Шоҳиста Муҳаммадовна |
232-235 |
66 |
Sharipov Ixtiyor Baxtiyorovich |
236-238 |
67 |
Kodirov M. D. |
239-240 |
68 |
Хошимов С. М. |
241-242 |
69 |
Toyirkhon Saidxonov, Bobur Raxmatov |
243-244 |
70 |
Ilkhom Begimkulov, Elnara Devletshayeva, Mirzabek Nizomov, Islom Xujaniyozov, Fakhriddin Khatamov, Nurali Ergashev |
245-248 |
71 |
QAkad. M. Mirzaev, Ibadulla o’g’li |
249-252 |
72 |
Ashurova Oygul Anvarjonovna, Yusupjonova Muslima Bahtiyorjon qizi |
253-255 |
73 |
Djumaeva Sanobar Absaatovna, Umarova Gulzoda Bahodirkizi |
256-259 |
74 |
Salimov Esanjon Xusen Og’li, Behruz Usmonov |
260-261 |
75 |
Шукуров И. Б., Яхшиева М. Ф., Бахшиллоева Р. Э. |
262-263 |
76 |
Khudoynazarov Khaydarqul Sohibnazar ugli |
264-266 |
77 |
AOxunjanova Madina Zafarovna |
267-269 |
78 |
NJumaboyeva Nilufar Soyibjon qizi, Nurmamatov Farhod Mamaniyozovich |
270-271 |
79 |
Б. Ш. Сирожов, М. С. Самадов, Ж. Ҳ. Ҳамраев, Ш. Қ. Долиев |
272-274 |
80 |
D. R. Safayeva, J. O. Xudaybergenov |
275-278 |
81 |
Safoyeva Sadoqat Nasilloyevna |
279-280 |
82 |
Adilova Xalida Shamshetdin qızı |
281-283 |
83 |
Jovlieva Mavluda Baxtiyorovna |
284-286 |
84 |
ВАтамухамедова Масъуда, Саидова Азиза |
287-292 |
85 |
BBarnokhon Sattarova, Alimov Xurshid |
293-296 |
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences |
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86 |
Усманов Ботиржон Сотиволдиевич |
297-300 |
87 |
ЛБабаджанова Г. С., Уринбаева Н. А., Махкамова Ш. Х. |
301 |
88 |
Ergashev Ilhomjon Ikromovich |
302-307 |
89 |
Ibratova Feruza Babakulovna |
308-315 |
90 |
DKhudaiberganova Fazilat Yakubovna |
316-321 |
91 |
Tilavov Shaxobiddin Abduraximovich |
322-325 |
92 |
ЛМ. Т. Ахмедова, З. У. Мусратова |
326-329 |
93 |
Farizakhon Alieva |
330-333 |
94 |
Najmitdinova Guljakhon |
334-338 |
95 |
Ю. К. Нарметова, М. Ш. Ахмадова |
339-342 |
96 |
Низамова Н. Н. |
343-345 |
97 |
Turdiqulova Nilufar To‘lqin qizi |
346-350 |
98 |
Karimova Saida |
351-352 |
99 |
Mukhtorjonova Khusnigul Nodirbekovna, Tukhtabayeva Kamila Abrorovna |
353-354 |
100 |
Babayeva Barno Kholmuratovna |
355-357 |
101 |
Bakiyeva Saodat Sharofovna |
358-360 |
102 |
Kamilov Davron Zafarovich |
361-362 |
103 |
Olimdjon Elov Komilovich, Nodirabonu Kurbanova Fazliddin qizi |
363-366 |
104 |
Sharopov Ilhom Ismoilovich |
367-370 |
105 |
GUmarova Nargiza Xudaynazarovna |
371-374 |
Already, in developed countries, they are discussing the emergence of a new era, respectively - new people for living in a new society - in a smart society. Of course, there are questions about these people - smart citizens who govern and live in a smart world.
Keywords: smart citizens, smart-skills, smart-education, smart-teaching methods.
The Human Development Index is considered the most important aspect. The next most important parameter is the enrollment rate. The third most important attribute is skill level. Smart people must have a passion for lifelong learning and there must be social and ethnic diversity. Openness is another quality of smart people, as is flexibility to adapt to changes in the environment, and creativity to foster education. Smart people have a democratic character and participate in public life [10].
Learnability, creativity, flexibility, community participation and good decision making are some of the important qualities that make people smart (Giffinger et al., 2007) and increase their productivity [1, 2, 3, 4, 6].
parameter of extraversion reflects the level of comfort of people in
relationships and social life. Extroverts tend to be outgoing and assertive,
enjoy the company of others, live happier lives, experience more positive
emotions, do all kinds of work better, are willing to change, and actively
participate in decision-making processes. People in a smart city need to be
extroverts, not introverts, who are usually reserved, timid, and quiet [5, 8,
The pleasantness dimension refers to very pleasant people who are cooperative, friendly, happy, romantic, part of an organizational team, and more satisfied with their work. This personality trait is required for interpersonal-oriented work, such as working with clients. Superior organizational skills improve the performance of an employee, artist, student, business owner, or celebrity [7]. People with this attribute can help improve the living environment of a smart city by involving residents in various city events [11].
And for this it is necessary to organize appropriate education, namely, smart education. Also, all types of smart technologies should be used in smart education, including smart teaching methods [9, 10, 7].
Smart education offers a paradigm shift in the way students access education. This is not just a change in the provision of education, it is much more. With radical changes in technology, it can be difficult for today's teachers to understand what the future will be like 20 years from now [11].
Intelligent Education solves this conundrum with the latest technology to help both students and teachers prepare for tomorrow [12].
Conference of Young Scholars
Smart education can be
delivered in a virtual or physical environment [13, 14]. It could also be a
mixed version of them. Smart education can also be characterized as the use of
smart devices to improve the learning outcomes of traditional education.
By using advanced teaching methods such as virtual online classrooms, virtual learning environments, cloud servers, smartphones, and more, the Teacher can help students get more out of their learning.
Smart Learning aims to provide a holistic learning experience for students using modern technology to fully prepare them for a rapidly changing world in which adaptability is critical.
He hones their skills for a digital future with new ways of living and working [15]. Teachers also need to adapt to modern skills such as analysis and assessment techniques and learn to apply them in their traditional classrooms using information technology.
1. Angelidou, M. 2015. Smart cities: A conjuncture of four forces. Cities, 47: 95–106.
2. Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society. Vol. 1 of the Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Oxford: Blackwell.
3. Cattell, R. B. 1957. Personality and Motivation Structure and Measurement . Yonkers, NY: World Book Company.
4. Costa, P. T., McCrae, R. R., and Dye, D. A. 1991. Facet scales for agreeableness and conscientious-ness: A revision of the NEO Personality Inventory. Personality and individual Differences , 12, 9: 887 –898.
5. Rustamova NR. (2021). Issues of Development of Students' Media Competence Based on Vitagenic (Life) Experience. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES),Vol 21 Issue 6, pp 2599-2616.
6. Rustamova NR. (2021). Vitagenic education and the holographic approach in the educational process. Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар (2021 йил №1), 23-29.
7. Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Dissertation of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences.
8. Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Author’s abstract of PhD dissertation.
9. Ruzieva D. I., Rustamova N.R., (2021). Analysis of theoretical studies of the concepts of vitagen and vitagenic education. Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар (2021 йил №4), 42-46.
10. Shristi Gupta, Syed Ziaul Mustafa, and Harish Kumar, (2017). 3: Smart People for Smart Cities: A Behavioral Framework for Personality and Roles: Smarter People, Governance, and Solutions. In book: Advances In Smart Cities. DOI: 10.1201/9781315156040-4
11. Zhu, ZT., Yu, MH. & Riezebos, P. A research framework of smart education. Smart Learn. Environ. 3, 4 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-016-0026-2.
Conference of Young Scholars
12. Bekturova Z.K., Vagapova N.N., Branch of JSC "NTSPK" Orleu "IPK PR for Astana, Astana 3 (2015)
N.A. Smart education. Access mode: http: //www.myshared. ru / slide / 72152 /
14. Dneprovskaya, N.V., E.A. Yankovskaya, I. V. Shevtsov. Conceptual foundations of the concept of smart education. Open Education, 6 (2015)
15. Tikhomirov V.P., Dneprovskaya N.V. Smart education as the main paradigm for the development of the information society.
Pedagogy, Tashkent State Dental Institute,
Uzbekistan, email: naima.rasuleva1@gmail.com
The problem of domestic violence is a "closed" topic for the Uzbek society. Many see this problem as an “everyday problem” and believe that no one should interfere in family affairs. Recently, we have been witnessing various high-profile cases of domestic violence covered in social networks and the media. In response, the government created a special working group to prevent domestic violence and provide practical assistance to victims of domestic violence. Keywords: domestic violence, victim, family affairs, Uzbek society.
marked the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
worldwide. The Convention is the most widely ratified international human
rights treaty that has significantly changed attitudes and attitudes towards
children around the world. According to the Convention, children are considered
not only as objects of passive care, but also as persons with special rights.
Since 1994, as a party to the Convention, Uzbekistan has undertaken to ensure
the rights of all children, including the right to survival, education, dignity
and protection from all forms of violence and discrimination.
The Uzbek government has launched comprehensive socio-economic reforms and plans to take comprehensive measures to advance children's rights. There is growing recognition that all such efforts must be based on a comprehensive review and analysis of the situation of children and women in the country. In this regard, a comprehensive analysis of the situation of children in Uzbekistan was carried out in order to identify the most important priorities, as well as new challenges in the further advancement of children's rights in Uzbekistan. It is known that domestic violence is divided into several types: physical, psychological, sexual and economic [1].
Protecting children from violence, exploitation, abuse and discrimination is becoming one of the most important and significant challenges around the world as there is a growing awareness of the serious social and economic harm caused by violence against children. The components of the child protection system in Uzbekistan are at the institutional level, and child protection is governed by a comprehensive regulatory framework. National priorities for reforming the family and child protection system, as well as the judicial system are set out in the National Development Strategy
Conference of Young Scholars
2017-2021 and are part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development noted 16.2. stop all forms of violence
against children [2].
Physical abuse includes severe trauma ranging from clapping hands, psychological abuse includes constant pathological fear in the family, humiliation of a spouse, complete control over another person, complete restraint from social life, and much more. Sexual violence involves forcing a person to have sexual intercourse against their will. The economic type of violence includes the fact that the spouse is not allowed to use family funds, he does not allocate funds for any of his needs, does not have equal rights to the house in which he or she lives, and so on [3, 4, 5, 6].
There is also a category of victims by types of violence: minors, women, elderly people.
It occurs in different parts of Uzbekistan as well as in other parts of the world, but their prevalence remains unknown. An assessment of the situation of children in closed educational institutions revealed the prevalence of domestic violence: a difficult family environment and lack of care, poor relationships between family members and lack of financial resources are factors that shape family life experiences in girls with special “antisocial attitudes behavior” [7].
In Uzbekistan, as in other countries, children face the justice system as victims or witnesses of crime. In 2018, the Prosecutor General's Office reported a decrease in the number of cases involving children - from 1101 cases in 2014 to 772 in 2018. Children who are victims or witnesses of crime are more likely to experience psychological pressure, as participation in criminal proceedings can be stressful and lead to psychological oppression and re-victimization. Thus, the successful investigation of a crime against a child often depends on how well the conduct of the criminal case meets the needs of the child. Legislation and practice in Uzbekistan provide for special protection of the rights and interests of children in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings. In 2014, a study of court cases in four regions of Uzbekistan identified 111 cases involving child victims of crime. In most cases, convictions were issued: in 88.3% of cases brought to court, the accused were found guilty. The majority of child victims of crime (67%) were girls aged 13-16 [2].
Parents' inability to communicate positively with their children, their ignorance of how to deal with hypersensitivity and difficult behavior in children, and changes in their behavior during adolescence also increase the risk of child abuse and violence and lead to the complete destruction of family relationships. Possible reasons. family conflicts. In addition, alcohol and drug abuse also increases the risk of direct harm to children [9, 10].
Although the problem of domestic and gender-based violence is not widely discussed in society, similar incidents occur in Uzbekistan. In the first half of 2019, 8,822 women applied for help to the Centers for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Victims of Violence and Prevention of Suicide. Most of these appeals were registered in the Namangan region (24%), followed by Surkhandarya (19%) and Kashkadarya (11%), Andijan, Tashkent and Fergana regions (out of 8%), as well as Khorezm, Samarkand and Tashkent regions. (4%). Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara, Jizzakh and Navoi regions (2%).
The political, legal and institutional framework needs to be strengthened, despite recent reforms in child protection legislation and the legal framework for child protection significantly expanded. The concept of “the best interests of the child”, the type of violence, the legal basis for
Conference of Young Scholars
provision of services to children who are victims of violence should be
additionally defined in the legislation. In addition, the complexity of child
protection cases requires a multisectoral approach based on sufficient capacity
and the need to ensure coherence between sectors such as social services, law
enforcement, justice, health and education [2, 8].
Various child protection organizations in Uzbekistan often perform overlapping functions, which requires greater coherence and integration between them, and the child protection system is fragmented. The capacity to plan, monitor and regularly evaluate child protection programs and results should be further strengthened at the national level in the relevant ministries.
1. Alieva K. Domestic violence “digested” by society, https://www.uzanalytics.com/jamiyat/9588/.
2. ANALYSIS OF CHILDREN'S SITUATION IN UZBEKISTAN. United Nations Children's Fund, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2020.
3. How to help families where domestic violence occurs. https://deti.timchenkofoundation.org/2020/09/28/kak-pomoch-semjam-gde-proishoditdomashnee-nasilie/.
4. Karimova V. Psychology of family life: a guide. T., 2006.
5. Khojageldieva, N.M., & Rasuleva, N.Z. (2014). Scientific background for the study of psychology and pedagogy. The edition is included into Russian Science Citation Index., 148.
6. Mamirova M, "We consider domestic violence as a family issue" - Interview with an independent researcher at Tashkent State University. https://kun.uz/35378543?q=%2Fuz%2F35378543
7. Rasuleva Naima Ziautdinovna Social and ethnopsychological characteristics of the motivation for remarriage // International scientific review. 2019. №LXIII. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/social-and-ethnopsychological-characteristics-of-themotivation-for-remarriage.
Applied Science, (10), 214-217.
9. Rasuleva, N.Z.б Worldview of the child and its further development / NZ Rasuleva // Economy and society. - 2018. - No. 4 (47). - S. 542-545.
Conference of Young Scholars
Dildora Sulaymanova
Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after
Islam Karimov, senior lecturer of the Department of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences email: dildora-sulaymanova@mail.ru
The developed countries of the world are already focusing on smart trends and are achieving significant results in research on the creation of smart cities, ecosystems, and smart citizens. But it is absolutely impossible to talk about the transition to smart education without the formation of ICT literacy, media literacy and information culture, media culture. Thу article analyzes exactly this problem.
Keywords: IT, competence, media technologies, blended learning, teaching forms.
A USA Department of Education report states that “passive content consumption is a digital divide between learners who use active creative methods to support technology reading, and who use technology primarily to encourage reading. Despite its day-to-day use, there are shortcomings in the adoption of technology in schools: 40% of teachers lag behind in the adoption and implementation of technology in their schools [19].
The question arises: why, during the transition from an informed society to an intelligent society, are we working on organizing lessons based on the use of media technologies, and not on the need for "smart technologies"? The reason for this is very simple: any intelligent technology is based on ICT - media technologies. Of course, the developed countries of the world are already focused on smart trends and are achieving significant results in research on creating smart cities, ecosystems, smart citizens [5]. However, it is absolutely impossible to talk about the transition to smart education without the formation of ICT literacy, media literacy and information culture, media culture. Because in this context, the objects of our research are students who have just entered the middle grades of general secondary school, who, in turn, began to indiscriminately use media technologies in everyday life, but almost do not know the basics of their lives. use. Therefore, the topic of our research was the improvement of the methodological system of teaching the subject "Informatics and Information Technologies" on the basis of media technologies (for example, grade 5).
We all know that classes organized in general education secondary schools are divided into several types according to their form.
Conference of Young Scholars
in acquiring new knowledge. This type of lesson was aimed at developing
theoretical and practical knowledge in the basics of media, media education and
media culture, media technologies, ICT, informatics and information
technologies among student respondents included in the experimental group.
Typically, this type of lesson is organized in the form of minilectures,
conversations, presentations, webinars, online mini-lectures, webinars,
mini-conferences. Since the experimental process was carried out mainly in a
pandemic, the sessions were organized in the form of mini-lectures, webinars
and online mini-lectures [6].
II. Lessons on the consolidation of knowledge and the formation of knowledge, skills, abilities. This type of lesson is organized with the aim of developing students' ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice after theoretical knowledge on a specific topic. These classes usually take the form of discussion, training, laboratory work, project, report preparation, case study, assessment, gamification. In the process of experimental work with the participation of respondents-students of the experimental group, on the basis of discussion, training, assessment, classes were organized aimed at developing the foundations of media education and the skills of their use in practice [1, 2, 3, 4].
III. The lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge serves to analyze the information received by students, to make the necessary decisions about their theoretical and practical significance on the basis of systematization, in order to draw certain conclusions. The most popular methods of this type of lesson are blitz questionnaires, clusters, group and group cases, problem learning. During the experimental work, blitz-questionnaires and case studies were purposefully used.
IV. The lesson in testing knowledge, skills, skills and knowledge correction is focused on the basics of computer science and information technology, knowledge of the components of digital education, the ability to apply them in practice, control of skills and correction of knowledge. Case study, written work, essay, test, quiz, hybrid exams are the most popular forms of this type of course. The use of cases in the educational process contributes to the integration of theoretical knowledge into practice, as well as the formation of basic competencies required in the SES, that is, the skills of searching, analyzing and evaluating information, effectively develops information literacy - media literacy and media culture [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13].
V. The purpose of the combined lesson is to provide students with both theoretical information and practical skills based on their consolidation, the formation of skills, as well as generalization, systematization, consolidation of knowledge, skills, control of knowledge, skills, skills, knowledge correction. The main forms of this type of study are round tables, talks, excursions, conferences, "master classes" [15, 16, 18, 14].
Of course, the form of the lesson alone cannot guarantee complete success. For effective teaching, the following lesson conditions are necessary [2, 3, 4]:
• a class with a moderate temperature;
• the Internet;
• the Zoom or Big Blue Button platform;
• the Telegram messenger;
• tutorials: whiteboard, markers, pointer for Smart Board or Simpodium;
• equipment: computer, Internet, interactive whiteboard or projector;
Conference of Young Scholars
such as "Why?" diagrams, handouts for Venn diagram and cluster, and
case studies printed on paper and in envelopes for the case study method
(assignments for students participating remotely and online are provided in
electronic form).
1. Makhmudova Dilfuza Melievna, Rustamova Nodira Rustamovna, Akbarova Nigora Alimdjanovna, Reymbaeva Sanabar Rejepbaevna, (2019). Formation of Creative Competence of Future Teachers in The Process of Teaching Mathematics based on Special Tasks, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2): 487-493.
2. Makhmudova, D. M. (2014). On the role of problem tasks in the development of independent analytical and creative thinking of students. American Journal of Scientific and Educational Research, (1), 4.
3. Makhmudova, D. M. (2018). Electronic educational resources as a new component of a traditional educational process. Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development, 1.
4. Melievna, M. D. (2020). Issues of optimal management in the development of creative competence in students. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 619-624.
5. Melievna, M. D. (2020). Using Information Technology Tools In Mathematics Lessons For Teaching Future Teachers. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) IJSTR, 9(3), 4168-4171.
6. Mukhamedov, G. I., & Makhmudova, D. M. (2020). On the Application of InformationCommunication Technologies in the Development of Independent Creative Thinking of Youth. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, ISSN, 1475-7192.
7. Rustamova NR. (2021). Issues of Development of Students' Media Competence Based on
Vitagenic (Life) Experience. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES),Vol 21 Issue 6, pp 2599-2616.
8. Rustamova NR. (2021). Vitagenic education and the holographic approach in the educational process. Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар (2021 йил №1), 23-29.
9. Ruzieva D. I., Rustamova N.R., (2021). Analysis of theoretical studies of the concepts of vitagen and vitagenic education. Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар (2021 йил №4), 4246.
10. Sulaymanova D.B. “Experience in the application of mediatechnologies in teaching informatics in 5thgrade of schools” //Middle European Scientific Bulletin, ISSN 2694-
997080, volume 12 May 2021, 80-83.
https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/517/464https://doi.org/10.474 94/mesb.2021.12
11. Sulaymanova D.B. “Use of media technologies in the teaching of computer science”// Electronic journal of actual problems of modern science, education and training. May, 2021-
IX. ISSN 2181-9750, UDC: 37.013.46.,64-68. http://khorezmscience.uz
12. Sulaymanova D.B. Using of media technologies in teaching informatics in practice //
Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар, 2021 iyul. №3, ISSN 2181-1717 (E), 191-197. DOI:
10.53885/edinres.2021.89.59.025. http://interscience.uz
Conference of Young Scholars
D.B. Formation of skills of using mediatechnologies in pupils// Таълим
ва инновацион тадқиқотлар. 2021 avgust.№4, ISSN 2181-1717 (E),
61-65. DOI:
https://doi.org/ 10.53885/edinres.2021.52.25.009. http://interscience.uz
14. Rustamova, N. R. Technology for the development of media culture of students of general secondary education (on the example of grades 7-9) (Doctoral dissertation, dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences. -Tashkent, 2019.-42 p).
15. Rustamova, N.R., Media culture as a developing factor of rational thinking of secondary school students, European Journal of Science and Research Reflection in Educational Sciences, 3 (2019).
16. Akramova, L. Yu. (2015). How to teach the NET generation. Harmoniously developed generation is a condition for stable development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UzSPRI named after Kary-Niyazi, Collection of articles. scientific and methodological articles, (3), 38-42.
17. Nurmukhamedova, D., Akramova, L., Buriev, I., Abdullaev, A., Khonimkulova, F., (2021). SMART- Tehnologies in the process of Teaching the Russian Language. Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48(8): https://johuns.net/index.php/abstract/70.html.
18. Akramova, L., Akhmedova, K. O., & Khashimova, F. (2020). The Problems of Distance Education in The Conditions of The Pandemic. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), 8577-8583.
19. Sean Arnold. 8 Tools for Visual Learners (and Others Too). https://braveintheattempt.com/2018/02/07/8-tools-for-visual-learners-and-others-too/.
This paper makes analyses of thymus morphology of white rats under the influence of the temperature factor. On this case, both theoretical and methodological points. In this case, final research proposals are provided to make further research points as the whole. Keywords
thymus morphology, white rats, the influence, temperature factor
Иммунный ответ организма на экзо-эндогенное воздействия сложный многоэтапный процесс, который контролируется разнообразными реакциями, развивающимися на различных уровнях организма. ( Д.К. Новиков 2002)
Исследования показали, что структурно-функциональные перестройки тимуса при
действии сухого жаркого климата Бухарского региона имеют определенную динамику,
которую можно разделить на три периода:
1) ранний период (3-24 ч опытов)
2) период выраженных иммуноморфологических перестроек ( 7-14 сутки )
3) период отдаленных результатов (21- сутки )
Полученные данные о структурно - функциональных особенностях реакции тимуса дополняют и углубляют имеющиеся представления о гистофизиологии тимуса. Данные о клеточных механизмах адаптивных изменений тимуса позволяют уточнить ряд вопросов патогенеза нарушенного иммунного гомеостаза при действии сухого жаркого могут быть использованы при разработке патогенетических методов профилактики и лечения.
Одним из характерных признаков раннего периода экспериментов являются расстройства микроциркуляторного русла тимуса. Нередко обнаруживаются деструктивные изменения клеток тимуса в виде набухания и лизиса компонентов субклеточных органелл, разширения перинуклеарных пространств и т.д.
Наиболее выраженные структурно - функциональные перестройки компонентов тимуса наблюдаются во 2-м периоде (7-сутки опытов). Одним из особенностей данного периода
Conference of Young Scholars
повышение числа и функциональной активности макрофагов и ретикулоэпителиальных
клеток (РЭК) кортикальной зоны. Макрофаги содержат многочисленные первичные
лизосомы и гетерофагосомы, контактируют с многочисленними тимоцитами различной
стадии дифференцировки. РЭК имеют многочисленные инвагинации ядерной оболочки,
цитоплазма их содержит многочисленные везикулы с мелкодисперсным матриксом. Они
зачастую контактируют с макрофагами и тимоцитами кортикальной зоны. В
периоде отдаленных результатов (21-сутки опытов) хотя площадь медуллярной зоны
несколько выше показателей контрольных (интактных) крыс, однако плотность
лимфоцитов низкая.
Наиболее частым местом поражения тимуса при физических воздействиях является кортикальная зона тимических долек (Григоренко Д. Е. 1997; Обухова Л. А. 1998.) При этом отмечается уменьщение числа малодифференцированных клеток (бласты, большие лимфоциты) и фигур митоза, что свидетельствует о снижении Т-лимфоцитопоэза. Кроме того, наблюдается деструкция клеток субкапсулярной зоны (Васендин Д. В. 2009) Следовательно, морфологические изменения тимуса при действии сухого жаркого климата характеризуются определенной периодичностью и носят адаптивный характер.
1. Д.К. Новиков. Медицинская иммунология / Д.К. Новиков // Учебное пособие.
Витебск. 2002.55-58 с.
2. Григоренко Д. Е. Цитологический профиль тимуса и селезенки мышей после гамма-облучения. / Д. Е. Григоренко, Ерофеева Л. М., Сапин М.Р. // Морфология.
1997. Т. 112. № 6. С. 53–57.
3. Л.А.Обухова. Структурные преобразования в системе лимфоидных органов при действии на организм экстремально низких температур и в условиях коррекции адаптивной реакции полифенольными соединениями растительного происхождения: Автореферат. Дис. … д-ра мед. наук. Новосибирск, 1998. 316 с.
4. В. Васендин . Структурные изменения в тимусе после воздействия высокой температуры (экспериментальное исследование): / Васендин Д. В // Дис. … канд. мед. наук. Новосибирск, 2009. 171 с.
Большая часть современного искусства настолько модернизирована, что во многих случаях даже удивляет зрителя, часто впереди есть идея и использование любого объекта для передачи этой идеи, что используется многими художниками. Современное искусство тоже важная духовная пища человечества как воздух, например, многочисленные художники.
Большая часть современного искусства настолько модернизирована, что часто удивляет зрителя, часто впереди есть идея и использование любого предмета для передачи этой идеи, которую используют многие художники. Современное искусство это важная духовная пища для человечества, как воздух, например, многие художники, которые передают эмоции и идеи в известных галереях ХХI века. Он свободен в своем творчестве, и его цель - разными способами донести эти эмоции до аудитории, сегодня уже не имеет значения, какой материал будет использован для создания произведений современного искусства и как будет проходить выставка. Артисты часто используют перформанс, чтобы сделать свои намерения понятными для публики. Современное искусство - это очень широкий термин и кажется конкретным.
Впечатлений. Современное искусство было в свое время также
барокко, импрессионизм, кубизм и т. Д. То есть все
новаторское и новое в искусстве. Однако в англоязычном мире этому слову была
придана специфика, и оно стало определяющей чертой определенного вида
искусства. Моя уже известная масляная мозаика,
автором которой я являюсь, оказалась действительно интересной для многих стран
мира. Это теория создания современных фресок и витражей, восходящая к
простой методологии масляной живописи.
И сегодня я хочу рассказать также о своем проекте с интересными миниатюрными работами.
Скомпилированные картины, которые тоже разные и интересные. С коммерческой точки зрения ни один рекорд этого стиля работы не был побит.
# Картины
# Современное искусство
# Ахаларт
Миниатюрная живопись появилась в литературных произведениях в XII веке, особое внимание в миниатюрах уделяется контурам, резким краскам, округлым силуэтам.
Чтобы передать другие чувства. Миниатюры книги изображали сказочный, идеализированный мир героев произведений.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
созданные во время османского владычества, занимают важное место в исламском
искусстве.Миниатюрная живопись - это очень детализированная картина в очень
небольшом масштабе.
Выражение душевного состояния художника, демонстрация мыслей и эмоций в виде их работ.
Моя новая страсть к миниатюрным композициям
Одна полнометражная повествовательная композиция со множеством работ заинтересовала искусствоведов и искусствоведов после моей выставки в Нью-Йорке. С помощью этого типа работы мы получили повествовательную работу, которая способна представить всю историю. Посетитель выступает в роли полноценного холста.
Например, рыбки, которые были моими картинами, которые полны множества миниатюрных рисунков, уже завершенных в крошечные маленькие композиции, оказались наиболее востребованными.
Существа,в которых люди столкнулись со многими эмоциональными духовными проблемами. Например, воспоминания о произведении не только попали во многие художественные каталоги, но и его содержание оказалось очень эмоциональным, в котором зритель увидел свою прошлую жизнь, и восприятие такого произведения стало для него важным средством размышления о происходящем. мимо.
Мемуары были проданы за многие тысячи долларов и попали в коллекцию известной женщины-коллекционер
Женщина, которую я изобразил на спине, и ее платье были полностью заполнены уже готовыми рисунками, изображающими разные ситуации из жизни этой женщины.Как рассказали нам, это оказался чувствительный эмоциональный посетитель. А рыба как символ исконной земли и многих важных организмов, в которых жизнь одной семьи полностью обогатилась миниатюрными композициями, оказалась одной из самых интересных работ. Эти виды работ оказывают на зрителя визуально насыщенный, перегруженный визуальный эффект, в то время как наблюдатель заставляет зрителя пробуждать собственные жизненные воспоминания и фрагменты.
Это картинки в картинке!
Пейзажи, натюрморты, портреты от 5 см до 10 см. Их масштаб настолько мал, что работа проводится с помощью специальной петли для мастера.
Моя страсть похожа на роспись ювелирного украшения, и это довольно сложный способ получить результат.
Портреты в 7 смс, конечно, сложнее всего создать, но в готовой композиции их эффект потрясающий.
Рыба, объехавшая мировые галереи и включенная во многие каталоги, представляет собой единственную рыбу, на теле которой размещено множество
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Миниатюра в виде пейзажа или натюрморта. Я называю этот тип моего нового духовного состояния новым
художественным открытием, которое является новым способом передачи эмоций моей
души, которые делают меня счастливым. Я называю этот тип
моего нового духовного состояния новым художественным открытием, которое
является новым способом передачи эмоций моей души, которые делают меня
счастливым. Моя работа «Наполеон», хранящаяся во французском
посольстве, - одна из первых миниатюрных композиций, где я рассказываю
миниатюрные композиции вокруг портрета Наполеона Бонапарта, рассказывая сцены
из его исторически известных сражений, а также важные фрагменты его жизни.
Моя работа «Наполеон», хранящаяся во французском посольстве, -
одна из первых миниатюрных композиций, где я рассказываю миниатюрные композиции
вокруг портрета Наполеона Бонапарта, рассказывая сцены из его исторически
известных сражений, а также важные фрагменты его жизни.
Все миниатюрные композиции оформляются отдельным рисунком, отдельно взятыми существами, интересными сами по себе. В течение или в последние годы. Пройдет определенное количество лет, и эти образы станут достоянием истории. Произведения искусства с 1960-х годов до наших дней изображают несколько направлений современного искусства, которые можно отнести к постмодернистским.
Современная живопись - это новое модернизированное искусство, которое сегодня очень популярно.
Моя цель - это увлекательное
В рамках произведений созданы масштабные полотна, полностью заполненные миниатюрными композициями, интересными сюжетными миниатюрами, которые не оставят равнодушными зрителя.
Использованная литература
Советская Грузинская энциклопедия
Ассоцированный профессор
1,2Телавский государственный университет имени Якоба Гогебашвили факультет бизнеса, права и социальных наук
Insurance - is one of the financial tools of risk management, which allows to avoid financial losses caused by risk.
Insurance has a great role and importance in the development of the public reproductive process. The importance of insurance is expressed in the so-called of insurance services that facilitate the expansion of the reproductive process of economic entities.
Insurance, as a subset of financial relations, has a special role in the development of business and as an economic category, it is a system of economic relations, which enables the formation of funds and their use compensates losses in the event of various adverse cases.
This paper presents the problems facing the insurance business in Georgia and their solutions.
Страхование – это один из инструментов управления рисков, с помощью которых возможно избежать финансовые потери, которые возникают в результате риска.
Страхование играет большую роль и смысл в процессе развития репродуктивного общества.
Смысл страхования выявляется в так называемом наличии страховых услуг, что помогает расширить репродуктивный процесс экономических субьектов.
Страхование, как разновидность финансовых отношений играет особую роль в развитии бизнеса и как экономическая категория, она представляет собой систему экономических отношений, с помощью которой происходит формирование денежных фондов и их употребление для возмещения убытков в случае наступления неблагоприятных ситуаций.
В предыущем труде были представлены проблемы, с которыми сталкивается страховой бизнес в Грузии, и пути их решения.
Ключевые слова : страхование, бизнес, риски, финансовые потери и вызовы.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Страхование играет большую роль и значение в развитии
общественного репродуктивного процесса. Важность страхования выражается в т.н.
наличие страховых услуг, что способствует расширению воспроизводственного
процесса экономических субъектов. Основная функция системы страхования –
представляет собой взятие на себя часть риска домохозяйств и фирм.
Страхование, как подвид финансовых отношений, играет особую роль в развитии
бизнеса как экономическая категория, а так же представляет экономическую
систему отношений, с помощью которой происходит формирование денежных фондов и
их использование для компенсации убытков при различных неблагоприятных
1) Страхование в Грузии
В Грузии, первая страховая компания была основана в 1990 году. Это была ,,Алдаги”. Что касается закона ,, о страховании ” был основан в 1997 году. В том же году была создана государственная служба страхования, которая отвечает за надзор, лицензирование и контроль страховых компаний в Грузии.
В Грузии, основы индустрии частного страхования были заложены в 90-е годы. Когда появился новый продукт в секторе здравоохранения - частное медицинское страхование, была использована стратегия доступа к финансовым ресурсам, ориентированная на долю рынка. Проще говоря, у населения появилась возможность приобрести очень дешевый продукт медицинского страхования. Если, с одной стороны, на тот момент, принять во внимание социально-экономическую ситуацию в стране , эту стратегию можно считать правильным решением.
Обзор страхового рынка в Грузии сегодня
• По состоянию 30 сентября 2020 года регистрированно 18 страховых компаний, 17 из них имеют лицензию страхования и жизни и другое страхование, и только одна из них, лицензию другого страхования; Лидерами страхового рынка являются ,, Имеди L” – привлеченная страховая премия 58 миллионов лари, ,,Дхипиаи” - 56 миллионов лари и ,,Алдаги” - 51 миллион лари. Нужно отметить, что эти три компании контролируют 47% страхового сектора. За ними следует ,,Тибиси страхование” - привлеченная премия 39 миллионов лари и ,,Арди” с 29 миллионами лари.
• Страховая премия, привлеченная за 9 масяцев 2020 года от прямой страховой деятельности, составила 513,4 миллиона лари. По итогам того же страхового периода прибыль страховщиков составила 126,7 миллионов лари, а чистая прибыль составила 44,3 миллиона лари.
• Общие активы страховых компаний составляют 979,9 миллиона лари, а капитал – 282,7 миллиона лари.
• Медицинское страхавание по-прежнему занимает лидирующие позиции в распределении привлеченных премий, что составляет 37% выручки сектора. В Грузии, 16% населения имеют частную страховку. Что касается второго по величине рынка страхования – автострахования, то из всех зарегистрированных в стране
автотранспортных средств, всего зарегистрированно только 6%.
• Страховой сектор особенно успешно работает в развитых странах, что касается Грузии, в этом направлении сложная картина. В частности, общая премия, Разновидность пенсионного страхования, которая дает гарантию того, что вышедший на пенсию человек получит определенную прибыль. Иногда пенсия назначается по заслуженному стажу работы, но в основном бывает основана на взносах: в страховой фонд еженедельно перечисляется определенная часть зарплаты, на основании которой в последствии человек получает пенсию.
Важные перемены произошли в прошлом году. С 1 анваря 2019 года запущена обязательная накопительная пенсионная программа. Пенсионная программа, которая известна, как 2+2+2, подразумевает начисление и накопление 6% заработной платы гражданина в пенсионном агенстве ежемесячно. За указанной реформой последовали неоднозначные оценки в обществе. Независимо от рассмотрения положительных и отрицательных сторон пенсионного плана, он все равно должен был быть добровольным и население самостоятельно должно было распределить свои сбережения, хотя в этом случае были ожидания, что активность граждан будет низкой, а в случае принятия правила фонд сможет мобилизировать максимум средств.
Проблемы страховых компаний и их пути в Грузии
В результате исследования выявились следующие проблемы и их пути их решения:
Развитие страхования требует наличия высокой
предпринимательской страховой культуры, как необходимой предпосылки.Здесь
выявляются такие проблемы, как безработица населения страны, низкий уровень
общей страховой культуры и ограниченные финансовые возможности, а так же
отсутствие профессиональной квалификации, высококвалифицированных кадров и
систем прфессионального обучения, для устранения которых необходимо принять
соответствующие меры, что отражается в минимальном страховом образовании
населения. В то же время необходимо ликвидировать информационный дефицит в
обществе, создать системы профессиональной подготовки страховых работников,
которые сделают систему страхования более эффективной.
2) Это причина того, что множество людей не смогут пользоватся разными типами страховки. Мнигие страховые компании не могут предложить льготы потребителям. Поэтому большая часть населения считает страховку всего лишь одним дополнительным расходом.
4) На рынке множество страховых фирм и соответственно страхователи сталкиваются с интенсивным вызовом. Большинство страховых компаний, особенно новых – это самые сомнительные компании. Фактически, большинство людей доверяют существующим страховым компаниям по сравнению с некоторыми новыми бизнесами, поскольку новые предприятия работают с меньшим капиталом по сравнению с крупными компаниями, трудно идти в ногу с той небольшой суммой денег, которая у них есть.
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6) В
то время, когда экономика страны нестабильная, каждая страховая компания
начинает реагировать. В таких ситуациях страховые компании могут повышать свои
ставки, а так же , по мере увеличения процентных ставок по кредитным линиям со
стороны финансовых организаций. Конечно, никто из клиентов этого не поддержит,
даже если в контракте четко прописано, что страховые тарифы могут время от
времени меняться. Таким образом, такая ситуация может создать плохую картину
компании, поскольку клиенты могут делиться информацией об услугах и продуктах,
которые они используют, что цена не соответствует услуге и, следовательно,
компания потеряет клиентов.
Как видим, страховой бизнес в Грузии развивается довольно медленными темпами. Из года в год в компании небольшой рост выручки и они не могут реально развиваться. Страхование по-прежнему остается относительно ,,дорогим удовольствием” для национального рынка, а это требует более стабильной экономики и болшего количества клиентов с высокими доходами. Одним из необходимых условий его популяризации может стать рост экономического благосостояния. Так же важна роль государства и наличие обязательного страхования, чтобы повысилась культура страхования в обществе, да и сам страховой сектор станет сильнее и разнообразнее.
Использованная литература:
1. https://matsne.gov.ge/ka/document/view/29884?publication=28
2. http://geoeconomics.ge/?p=806
3. http://geoeconomics.ge/?p=12502
4. http://insurance.gov.ge/ka/Statistics/GetFile/39?type=2
5. https://commersant.ge/ge/post/2020-wlis-6-tveshi-sadazgvevo-bazris-wminda-mogebatitqmis-gaormagda
6. https://commersant.ge/ge/post/sadazgvevo-seqtori-kus-nabidjebit-vitardeba
7. https://gtu.ge/bef/pdf/Doqtorantura/avtoreferatebi_2016/Fin_05.07.16/T.simoina.pdf
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Email: nilufarabdurashidova66@gmail.com
Annotation: In the 21st century, the development of science and technology made it possible to improve the way of life, resources, and also created the need for constant improvement in all areas of human life. Also, there was a need to improve the educational process too. This article is written about effective methods and forms of education language teaching at a university.
Keywords: VAK teaching, Spaced learning, Crossover learning, Authentic Learning, Vitagenic Teaching.
the formation of the competencies of specialists in a university, the main role
is played by the systematic study of the material, the frequency of monitoring
the depth and adequacy of knowledge assimilation, the presence of active
methods of studying disciplines, the ability of students to work independently.
The choice of teaching methods depends on a different combination of specific
circumstances and conditions of the educational process, implements the levels
of training laid down in the program, necessary for practical activity [1].
For language teaching, one of the ideal forms of class is working with small groups. Moreover, given the fact that these groups are also multi-groups, it is necessary to adapt the transmitted knowledge at several levels, based on the students' abilities.
When organizing group work within a small group, you should focus on a number of circumstances:
• individual abilities of students;
• ways of taking information;
• lack of time for classroom lessons;
• limitation of the quantitative composition of the group;
• the presence of the necessary knowledge and skills in the created small group to solve the task;
• diversity and creativity of the intellectual level;
• ability to self-control;
• the ability of the group to independently prepare for the lesson;
• interaction and communication of the group;
• competence in working with information;
• interpretation of the information received;
• using the acquired knowledge in practice;
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
• information processing and changes based on tasks [11].
when organizing work with small groups, it is necessary to choose the most
effective teaching method. for instance, VAK teaching, Spaced
learning,Crossover learning, Authentic Learning, Vitagenic Teaching.
VAK teachingis a modern teaching methodwhose effects can be seen clearly,wedivide leaner into three categories Visual,Audio, and kinesthetic (Oneneeds to recognize to which category theybelong to or the teacher must know towhich category her students relate to.
Spaced learning. Spacedlearning is one of the modernteaching methods, which is being followedby teachers. In this method, teachersrepeat a lesson multiple times, basicallyuntil the students understand entirely. However, the teacher repeats the coursewith two 10-minute spaces (break) inbetween the lessons [3].
Crossover learning. Thenot so common modern teachingmethod is Crossover learning which usesboth formal and informal teaching andlearning environments. It is one of theperfect ways to give the best educationto learners. Crossover learningeffectively engages learners andprovides authentic yet innovativeresults [9].
Authentic learning typically focuses onreal world, complex problems and theirsolutions, using role playing exercises,problem-based activities, case studies,and participation in virtual communitiesof practice. A learning environment is similar to some“real world” application or discipline [2].
Vitagenic Teaching. One of the most effectively methods of teaching, because, method is life-experience-based. The method gives the chance to remember base of the information and use it with own opinion [5, 6, 7, 8].
References: 1. Иванова, О. М. Работа в малых группах как интерактивный метод обучения физике /
О. М. Иванова, Д. Э. Валуйский, О. А. Свекольников. — Текст : непосредственный //
Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 2 (82). — С. 30-36. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/82/14915/.
2. Downes, S. (2007). Emerging Technologies for Learning. Coventry, U.K.: Becta. Retrieved
April 24, 2007,
fromhttp://partners.becta.org.uk/page_documents/research/emerging_technologies07_chapte r2.pdf
3. Reeves, T. C., Herrington, J., & Oliver, R. (2002). Authentic activities and online learning. Annual Conference
4. Proceedings of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. Perth,
Australia. RetrievedApril 24, 2007, from http://www.ecu.edu.au/conferences/herdsa/main/papers/ref/pdf/Reeves.pdf
5. Rustamova NR. (2021). Issues of Development of Students' Media Competence Based on Vitagenic (Life) Experience. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES),Vol 21 Issue 6, pp 2599-2616.
6. Rustamova NR. (2021). Vitagenic education and the holographic approach in the educational process. Таълимваинновационтадқиқотлар (2021 йил №1), 23-29.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary
school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Dissertation of the doctor of
philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences.
8. Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Author’s abstract of PhD dissertation.
9. Ruzieva D. I., Rustamova N.R., (2021). Analysis of theoretical studies of the concepts of vitagen and vitagenic education. Таълимваинновационтадқиқотлар (2021 йил №4), 4246.
10. VAK learning styles: what are they and what do they mean?https://engageeducation.com/aus/blog/vak-learning-styles-what-are-they-and-what-do-they-mean/#! 11. Кучкарова, Ф. М. (2021). Развитие саногенного мышления у обучающихся в процессе непрерывного образования. Наука и образование сегодня, (5 (64)), 61-62.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Email: matyoqubovashukrona@gmail.com
Annotation: The effectiveness of any activity depends on the definition and adherence to the principles that are a priority in its organization. Therefore, in the process of conducting the lesson, it is necessary to pay attention to determining the methods that are priority in the development of students' language competence.
Keywords: Flipped classroom, Micro teaching, Design thinking, Case-Study, modern teaching methods.
current stage in the development of society is directly characterized by the
improvement of technology. Modern technological processes affect any industry.
Especially, in the information system, new developments and technologies are
being developed and strengthened. The need of people to use information and
communication technologies, as well as computer technologies, is growing and
they are being improved [1]. Also, there was a need to modernize the
educational process. Today education is not only teaching but also nurturing
the way of thinking of students:
•Notsimply acting as a conduit of knowledge;
•A lot more than simply imparting knowledge;
•Really concerned with transforming lives;
•Transformation seen as a positive, permanent, regenerative change in:
- Values;
- Attitudes;
- Horizon;
- Behaviour; Outlook;
- •Mindset.
Accordingly, the need to choose the most suitable interactive teaching method also faced teachers and educational institutions. There are many modern teaching methods today, such as:
1. Collaborativelearning;
2. Spaced learning;
3. Flipped classroom;
4. Self-learning;
5. Gamification;
6. VAK teaching;
Management of the learning process during the lesson is not just a production process. It is very important that management is properly organized not only in the selection of information, but also in the knowledge transfer system. At this time, the movement of the scientific approach to the management of a single pedagogical process is increasing [3, 8]. This is considered very important for the formation of personnel with high intellectual potential. In our opinion, the following teaching methods are effective in teaching a language:
Micro teaching. Microteaching is an innovative method of training wherein the teacher trainee or a student teacher conducts a class for a small group of students for a small time. This is intended to enhance the skills of teachers. By focusing on a specific skill at one time, this approach has proved to be beneficial. It is important to have micro teaching skills [1, 2, 4, 7].
Flipped classroom. A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school This is the reverse of the more common practice of introducing new content at school, then assigning homework and projects to completed by the students independently at home [3, 10, 11].
Design thinking. Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding. Design Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems [6, 9, 12, 13].
case study is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group,
place, event, organization, or phenomenon [14]. Case studies are commonly used
in social, educational, clinical, and business research.A case study research
design usually involves qualitative methods, but quantitative methods are
sometimes also used. Case studies are good for describing, comparing,
evaluating and understanding different aspects of a research problem [4, 5, 6,
10, 14].
1. Downes, S. (2007). Emerging Technologies for Learning. Coventry, U.K.: Becta. Retrieved
April 24, 2007, from
http://partners.becta.org.uk/page_documents/research/emerging_technologies07_chapter2.p df
2. Rustamova NR. (2021). Issues of Development of Students' Media Competence Based on Vitagenic (Life) Experience. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES),Vol 21 Issue 6, pp 2599-2616.
3. Rustamova NR. (2021). Vitagenic education and the holographic approach in the educational process. Таълимваинновационтадқиқотлар (2021 йил №1), 23-29.
4. Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Dissertation of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
5. Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Author’s abstract of PhD dissertation.
D. I., Rustamova N.R., (2021). Analysis of theoretical studies of the concepts
of vitagen and vitagenic education. Таълимваинновационтадқиқотлар
(2021 йил №4), 4246.
7. Кучкарова, Ф. М. (2021). Развитие саногенного мышления у обучающихся в процессе непрерывного образования. Наука и образование сегодня, (5 (64)), 61-62.
8. Rustamova, N., &Ismatova, S. (2021). Research Methods of Psychology in Medicine. "ONLINE - CONFERENCES&Quot; PLATFORM, 90–93. Retrieved from
9. Akramova, L. Y. (2020). Case Study as A Method of Forming Productive Thinking in Students. BBK, 1, P76.
10. Dildora A. Muratova, Socio-Cultural Directions Of Human Transformation in the Scientific Development of Uzbekistan. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24,
Issue 1, pp. 974-982
11. LY Akramova, SRK Mirzaeva, D Botirovna, (2020).The role of interactive teaching methods in the development of mental activity and the assimilation of students' knowledge at a university, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(9)
12. Nurmukhamedova, D., Akramova, L., Buriev, I., Abdullaev, A., &Khonimkulova, F. (2021). SMART-technologies in the process of teaching the Russian. 湖南大学学报
(自然科学版), 48(8).
13. Mahammatkosimovna, Q. F. (2021). Criteria for the formation of spiritual education of students. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, 10(5), 322-326.
14. How to do a case study. https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/case-study/
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Email: sjjsjsjj46@gamil.com
Annotation: Today, when the whole world is moving towards an intelligent society, rich in resources, which can access any new information, education faces urgent tasks, such as the convergence of new media and innovative approaches to the creative organization of education and training.
Keywords: Collaborative Learning, Gamification, SDG 4.0, quality in education.
is one of the main components of pedagogy, it is a set of laws and principles
that serve the goals of teaching, the content of teaching, methods and tools,
forms and methods, the main conditions for the joint work of a student and a
teacher. The learning process is a multifunctional and long-term system, such
as the acquisition of human experience, the acquisition of knowledge, the
formation of skills and competencies, as well as the development of learning
and creative abilities. Any system is multi-component. Therefore, improving the
educational process is a multifaceted and responsible process. First, the
change in the components of the system, and then its qualitative dynamics can
be achieved through the interaction between these components [4]. Didactics
determines the content and methods of teaching, substantiates them, improves
them on the basis of changing educational needs in accordance with the
development of society and shows the ways of their implementation [6]. Like all
tools, the computer cannot solve the methodological problems that exist in the
system [7]. Therefore, in the modern system of didactic provision of education,
electronic teaching aids, media technologies created in the field of education
are considered as an important component of didactic support. At the heart of
any pedagogical system is the methodology that is the basis of its movement.
Along with the components of this methodology - the form of lessons, methods
and teaching tools, the role of didactic resources in teaching computer science
and information technology is invaluable.Industry 4.0, that is, the development
of skills that are most important for people in the 21st century during the 4th
industrial revolution, Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and support of
Member States and their partners in achieving the education agenda of the
global agenda Global in documents such as the Sustainable Development of
Education Program 2030 (Quality of Education 4) and the Incheon Declaration on
Education, which are important mechanisms to achieve the important goal of
coordination and strengthening, the problem of media technologies in education
is addressed, preparing the person for a new society.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote access to lifelong learning for all” and requires
education to [5]:
•transformative and value-added concerns;
•all aspects conforming to set standards;
•employing accepted best practices and admissible outcomes;
•a question of what you sow is what you reap.
The emergence of this need is mainly associated with changes in society and, in particular, with the rapid development of technologies and their impact on the way of life [8], employment and education of people [10]. In an industrial society, education focuses on the development of factual and procedural knowledge, while in an informed society, the development of conceptual and metacognitive knowledge in an intelligent society becomes more and more important. The skills that are most important to a person in the 21st century is based on ICT competencies, and these skills usually include:
1. Life and career skills;
2. Learning and innovation skills;
3. Skills in information, media and technology.
To accomplish the listed tasks, first of all, it is necessary to improve the existing methods, to introduce into practice teaching methods that are effective in education. For instance:
Collaborative learning. Collaborative learning is a method in which teachers and students, regardless of their physical or virtual presence, have the opportunity to organize and actively participate in the educational process based on joint interactive activities [1, 3, 5]. Collaborative learning plays an important role in developing students' socialization, teamwork, teamwork skills, a sense of collective responsibility and decision-making competence.
Gamification. The game has features of training, development, education of the individual[2]. Due to their characteristics, games have long been one of the important foundations of folk pedagogy. First of all, the term "gamification" should be defined. The term comes from the English word "gamification". This means applying play techniques to non-play processes. Gameplay elements are already being used in areas such as marketing, human resource management and innovation management. Gaming technologies are based on the use of the usual function of the brain - reward for the work done. A computer game creates a world in which a person can exist virtually, live, and the lesson represents only such a model.
1. Rustamova NR. (2021). Issues of Development of Students' Media Competence Based on Vitagenic (Life) Experience. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES),Vol 21 Issue 6, pp 2599-2616.
2. Юлия Рудый. Образование будущего: Канадский учитель физики превратил обучение в игру и повысил успеваемость. https://www.vesti.ru/nauka/article/1043385
3. Rustamova NR. (2021). Vitagenic education and the holographic approach in the educational process. Таълимваинновационтадқиқотлар (2021 йил №1), 23-29.
4. Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Author’s abstract of PhD dissertation.
5. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. https://sdg4education2030.org/the-goal.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
6. Akramova, L. Y. (2020). Case Study as A Method of Forming Productive Thinking in Students. BBK, 1, P76.
Dildora A. Muratova, Socio-Cultural
Directions Of Human Transformation in the Scientific Development of Uzbekistan.
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24,
Issue 1, pp. 974-982
8. LY Akramova, SRK Mirzaeva, D Botirovna, (2020). The role of interactive teaching methods in the development of mental activity and the assimilation of students' knowledge at a university, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(9)
9. Nurmukhamedova, D., Akramova, L., Buriev, I., Abdullaev, A., &Khonimkulova, F. (2021). SMART-technologies in the process of teaching the Russian. 湖南大学学报
(自然科学版), 48(8).
10. Mahammatkosimovna, Q. F. (2021). Criteria for the formation of spiritual education of students. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, 10(5), 322-326.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management, NDKI
NSAI student hudoyberdiyev.2608@mail.ru
Annotation: This article describes the concept of innovation and its features, the existing problems of increasing the innovative activity of commercial banks in the market of innovative technologies and some solutions to them.
Keywords: innovation, innovative technology, innovative idea, commercial bank, investment bank, investment activity, deposit, long-term resource.
Юқори ривожланган давлатларнинг тажрибаси шуни кўрсатадики, инновацион фаолият уларнинг иқтисодиётини ривожланишида жуда муҳим вазифаларни бажаради. Иқтисодиётни ривожлантиришнинг замон талабларига мос ҳолда олиб боришнинг асосий талаби инновацион технологияларни ҳаётга, яъни ишлаб чиқаришнинг барча жабҳаларига жорий қилиш ҳисобланади.
Мамлакат иқтисодиёти миқёсида айтганда, пухта ишлаб чиқилган давлат инновацион сиёсатини ўрнатиш, ушбу сиёсат асосида минтақада инновацион фаолиятни ривожлантириш орқали мамлакат иқтисодиётини ривожлантиришнинг юқори босқичига олиб чиқиш талаб этилади.
Бугунги кунда давлат бойликлари ҳисобида табиий бойликлар билан бир қаторда, миллатнинг интеллектуал мулки асосида ишлаб чиқарилган янги замонавий технологиялар ҳам инобатга олинмоқда. Шубҳасиз ушбу бойликлардан тўғри ва самарали фойдаланиш мамлакат иқтисодиётининг барқарор ривожланишига замин яратади.
Инновация тушунчасини иқтисодиётга австриялик олим Й.Шумпетер (1883-1951) ўтган асрнинг 30 йилларида киритган бўлиб, у бу фаолиятга ишлаб чиқариладиган маҳсулотлар, бозорлар, хўжалик турларини янгилаш, янги истеъмол маҳсулотларини яратиш ва уларни татбиқ этиш деб таъриф берган.
Инновация қуйидаги хусусиятлар билан тавсифланади:
-инновация - бу одамларнинг режалаштирилган ижодий фаолияти натижасидир;
-инновация - бу амалда татбиқ этилган янгилик;
-инновацион жараённинг объекти техник, технологик, ташкилий ва бошқарув, молиявий, ижтимоий, экологик ва бошқа соҳаларда бўлиши мумкин;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
фаолият рақобат томонидан бошланади, инновациялар макро ва микро
даражадаги инқирозларни енгишга, рақобатбардошликни оширишга ёрдам
беради; -инновацион фаолият хавф билан боғлиқ.
Инновацион жараёнлар иқтисодий ривожланиш жараёнида юзага келадиган қарамақаршиликлар ва инқирозларни ҳал қилишнинг энг муҳим воситасидир. Инновацияларнинг ўзига хос белгилари янгилик ва тижорат аҳамиятига эга. Инновацион жараённинг натижаси нафақат маҳсулот, хизмат, балки янги ижтимоий эҳтиёждир. Инновацияларнинг ҳар бир тури ўзига хос рақобат стратегиясига эга.
Бизнинг фикримизча инновация дейилганда, янги технологиялар, маҳсулот ва хизмат турлари сифатидаги янгиликларни ишлаб чиқариш, таълим, молия, тижорат, бошқариш ва бошқа хусусиятларга эга ташкилий-техникавий ва ижтимоий-иқтисодий қарорлардан самарали фойдаланиш тушунилади.
Бизга маълумки, инновацион технологияларни ҳаётга жорий қилишда энг муҳим масалалардан бири бу мустаҳкам молиявий тизимнинг яратилиши билан боғлиқки, бу соҳада зарур бўлган молиявий ресурсларнинг жамланиши натижасида дунё стандартларига мос бўлган инновацион технологиялар яратилишига олиб келади. Ҳозирги кунда инновацион технологияларни ишлаб чиқаришга жорий қилишда молиялаштиришнинг асосий манбалари қаторига бюджет маблағлари, корхона маблағлари, турли тижорат ташкилотлари маблағлари (суғурта маблағлари, инвестиция компаниялари), тижорат банкларининг ресурслари, чет эл инвестициялари ҳамда миллий ва хорижий илмий жамғармалари киради.
Хорижий тажрибалардан ҳам маълумки, иқтисодиётнинг юксак даражада тараққий этиши ишлаб чиқаришда инновацион технологиялардан қай даражада фойдаланилаётганлигига боғлиқ бўлади. Шундай экан, инновацион ғоялар, технологиялар ва лойиҳаларни тўлақонли реализация қилиш, уларни хорижий инвестицияларни жалб қилишнинг долзарблигини ҳисобга олган ҳолда ишлаб чиқариш тармоқларига амалий жорий қилишга салбий таъсир кўрсатаётган бир қатор омилларни Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 27 апрелдаги “Инновацион ғоялар, технологиялар ва лойиҳаларни амалий жорий қилиш тизимини янада такомиллаштириш чора тадбирлари тўғрисида”ги ПҚ3682 сонли қарори билан келтириб ўтилган. Ушбу қарор бўйича санаб берилган омилларнинг орасида қулай инвестицион муҳитни шакллантириш, инновацион ғоялар ва лойиҳаларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий этиш соҳасига инвестицияларни кенг жалб қилиш, илғор ва илмий ҳажмдор технологияларни фаол тарқатишнинг самарали тизими мавжуд эмаслиги кўрсатилган.[1]
Юқорида келтириб ўтилган омилни бартараф этиш учун мамлакатимизда тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаоллигини ривожлантиришнинг объектив заруриятлиги бугунги куннинг долзарб муаммоларидан бири ҳисобланади. Мамлакатимизда инновацион технологияларни ишлаб чиқаришга қўллашда тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаоллигини ривожлантириш қўйидаги долзарб муаммоларни ҳал қилишда муҳим роль ўйнайди:
1) Инновацияга боғлиқ бўлган йирик инвестицион лойиҳаларни молиялаштириш учун узоқ муддатли ресурсларни етишмаслиги;
2) Инновацияга боғлиқ бўлган йирик инвестицион лойиҳаларни молиялаштиришда юзага келиши мумкин бўлган юқори даражали рискларни бошқариш меҳанизмларининг тўлиқ шаклланмаганлиги;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
3) Қимматли қоғозлар бозорида тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаолиятининг сустлиги.
фикримизча ушбу муаммоларни ҳал қилиш орқали инновацияга
боғлиқ бўлган инвестицион лойиҳаларни молиялаштириш, тижорат
банклари томонидан амалга ошириш имкони яратилади.
Бугунги кунда банк тизими бозор иқтисодиётининг энг муҳим ва ажралмас тузилмаларидан бири бўлиб, унда тижорат банклари асосий рол ўйнайди. Тижорат банклари, биринчи навбатда, иқтисодиётдан вақтинча бўш маблағларни жалб қиладиган, бошқа томондан, корхоналар, ташкилотлар ва аҳолининг турли молиявий эҳтиёжларини шу маблағлар ҳисобидан қондирадиган ўзига хос кредит ташкилотлари вазифасини бажаради.
Банкларнинг инвестицион фаолияти деганда, иқтисодиёт, мамлакат ва минтақалар кўламида ижтимоий ва иқтисодий соҳаларнинг инвестицион талабларини қондиришга қаратилган фаолият тушунилади.
Банкларнинг инвестиция жараёнидаги иштирокини фаоллаштириш зарурати банк тизими ва умуман иқтисодиётнинг муваффақиятли ривожланишининг ўзаро боғлиқлигидан келиб чиқади. Бир томондан, тижорат банклари ўз фаолиятининг шарти бўлган барқарор иқтисодий муҳитдан манфаатдор, бошқа томондан, иқтисодий ривожланишнинг барқарорлиги кўп жиҳатдан банк тизимининг ишончлилиги ва унинг самарали ишлашига боғлиқ. Шу билан бирга, тижорат ташкилоти сифатида индивидуал банкнинг манфаатлари таваккалчиликнинг мақбул даражасида максимал фойда олишга қаратилганлиги сабабли, кредит ташкилотларининг иқтисодиётга сармоя киритишда иштирок этишлари фақат қулай шароитлар мавжуд бўлганда содир бўлади.
A.В.Беликовнинг фикрига кўра, банкларнинг инвестиция жараёнидаги иштирокининг асосий йўналишларини қуйидагича аниқлаш мумкин.
- банклар томонидан инвестиция мақсадларида маблағ жалб қилиш;
- инвестиция кредитларини бериш;
- қимматли қоғозларга, корхона улушига (ҳам банк ҳисобидан, ҳам мижоз
Бу соҳалар бир - бири билан чамбарчас боғлиқ. Банклар капитални, аҳолининг жамғармаларини ва бошқа бўш маблағларни сафарбар қилиб, улардан самарали фойдаланиш мақсадида ўз ресурсларини шакллантиради. Пул маблағларини тўплаш бўйича операциялар ҳажми ва таркиби банкларнинг кредит ва инвестиция портфеллари ҳолатига, уларнинг инвестиция фаолияти имкониятларига таъсир этувчи асосий омиллардир.
Иқтисодий адабиётларда тижорат банкларининг инвестиция фаолияти шаклларининг таснифи тижорат банкларининг инвестиция фаолиятининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари билан белгиланадиган умумий қабул қилинганидан бироз фарқ қилади.
Мамлакатимизда ҳам тижорат банкларининг инвестицион сиёсатини айнан шулардан келиб чиқиб замон талабларига мослаштириш қатъий талаб этилияпти. Бунда уларнинг инвестицион фаолиятнинг мақсадли мўлжаллари тизимини ташкил этиш ва мазкур мақсадларга эришиш усулларини эркин танлаш учун имконият берилияпти. Институционал жиҳатдан қараганда, бу инвестицион фаолиятни ташкил этиш ва бошқариш бўйича комплекс чора-тадбирлар амалга оширилмоқда деганидир. Айнан шу нуқтаи назардан тижорат банкларимизнинг муайян фаолияти инвестицион активларнинг мувофиқ таркиби ва ҳажмини таъминлаш, таваккалчиликнинг мақбул даражасида активлар даромадлилигини оширишга
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
керак. Ўз навбатида банк ресурс базасини кенгайтириш ва банк ресурслари
сақланишини таъминлаш ҳам истиқбол мақсадлари
қаторидан жой олиши лозим. Шундагина инвестицион қўйилмаларнинг
ликвидлилиги, хавфсизлиги ва даромадлилиги ҳамда ўсиб бориши учун
прагматик шароит яратилади. Шу ўринда инвестиция йўналишида тижорат банкларини
рағбатлантирувчи омиллар бўйича қўйидаги таклифларни келтириб ўтиш
мумкин: рақобатдаги устунликни ошириш, ресурс базасини кенгайтириш
ҳисобига кредитлаш ҳажмини ошириш, кредит портфели
таваккалчиликларини диверсификациялаш асосида таваккалчилик даражасини
камайтириш, кредит қайтмаслиги таваккалчилигини камайтириш.[3]
Бозор иқтисодиёти шароитида кредитнинг зарурлиги қўйидаги омиллар билан белгиланади:
-кредит муносабатларида иштирок этувчи томонларнинг иқтисодий манфаатдорлиги таъминланиши. Хусусан, кредитор кредит ҳисобидан фоиз тўловлари сифатида фойда олса, қарз олувчи ишлаб чиқаришнинг узлуксизлигини таъминлаш орқали тегишли фойдани шакллантириш имкониятига эга бўлади;
-иқтисодиётда вақтинчалик бўш пул маблағлари ссуда капитали сифатида жамғарилиб, тегишли мақсадларга йўналтирилади;
-иқтисодиётда ишлаб чиқариш циклининг даврийлиги. Бунда айрим тармоқларда вақтинчалик бўш пул маблағлари вужудга келса, бошқаларида қўшимча молиявий ресурсларга эҳтиёж тўғилади, ушбу жараён кредит орқали тартибга солинади;
-ижтимоий такрор ишлаб чиқариш жараёнида қўшимча молиявий ресурсларга бўлган эҳтиёжнинг асосий қисми кредитлар орқали қондирилади.
Замонавий иқтисодиётда кредит муҳим молиявий элемент сифатида мамлакат иқтисодиётини ривожланишининг ажралмас қисми ҳисобланади. Кредит ва кредит муносабатларининг вужудга келиши ва ривожланишининг асосида товар ишлаб чиқариш, янаям аниқроқ қилиб айтадиган бўлсак, - капитал муомаласи ва айланиши ётади. Жамиятда капитал муомаласи ва айланиши доимо ҳам бир маромда амал қилмайди, булар юқорида таъкидланганидек қатор омиллар билан изоҳланади.[4]
Шундай экан инновацион технологияларни иқтисодиётга жалб қилишда қорхоналарни молиявий қўллаб қувватлашга тижорат банклари томонидан кредитлар ажратиш орқали молиялаштиришга эҳтиёж сезилади. Албатта бу тижорат банкларининг молиялаштириш жараёнида вужудга келадиган таваккалчилик даражаси юқорироқ бўлиши табиийдир. Шунинг учун инновацион технологияларни ишлаб чиқаришга жорий қилишда тижорат банкларининг кредитлари орқали амалга оширилганда тижорат банкларига бир қанча енгилликлар беришга тўғри келади.
Чет эл мамлакатлари амалиётида кредит ресурсларини инновацион ривожланишни қўллаб-қувватлашга йўналтирадиган устунлик ва рағбатлар тизимини ишлаб чиқишга қаратилган сиёсат амалга оширилади. Бундай тизимни жорий қилиш қуйидаги чоратадбирларни амалга оширишни талаб қилади:
1) давлат томонидан ихтисослаштирилган инновацион банклар яратишни рағбатлантириш;
2) технологик ўзгаришларга эришишга йўналтирилган маблағларга солиқ солиш бўйича тегишли имтиёзлар ўрнатиш йўли билан давлат томонидан банкларни узоқ муддатли кредитлаш жамғармаларини яратишини рағбатлантириш. Иқтисодий асосланган солиқлар,
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
рағбатлантирувчи функциясини бажарган ҳолда, инвестицион-инновацион жараёнларни фаоллаштиради;
фойдаланиш йўналишларига боғлиқ равишда банкларнинг фойда
солиқ ставкасини дифференциациялаш – ресурслар инновацион
лойиҳаларни узоқ муддатли кредитлашга йўналтирилган ҳолларда
ставкани камайтириш;
4) инновацион маҳсулотларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий қилиш бўйича инвестицион лойиҳаларни амалга ошириш учун имтиёзли кредитлар тақдим қилувчи банкларнинг имтиёзли кафолатлаш тизимини яратиш;
5) юқори технологик маҳсулотларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий қилиш соҳасида фаолиятни амалга оширувчи тадбиркорларга тақдим қилинган кредитларни давлат томонидан суғурта қилиш механизмини жорий қилиш;
6) банклар инновацион маҳсулот ишлаб чиқарувчи корхоналар акцияларини сотиб олганда уларни мазкур корхоналар акцияларига инвестиция қилинадиган банк фойдасининг қисмига солиқ солишдан озод қилиш йўли билан тақдирлаш;
7) инновацион фаолиятни ривожлантиришга йўналтирилган кредитларнинг гаров билан таъминланишининг ҳуқуқий тартибга солинишини такомиллаштириш;
8) инновацион лойиҳаларни кредитлашни амалга оширувчи банклар учун мажбурий резервлар меъёрларини камайтириш.
Юқорида келтирилган тавсияларни амалга ошириш инновацион иқтисодиётга фаол ўтиш шароитларида, яқин келажакда тижорат банкларига бўлган талаб инновацион лойиҳаларни молиялаштиришнинг устувор манбасига айланишига олиб келади.[5]
Мамлакатимиз иқтисодиётини тез суръатларда ривожлантиришимиз ҳамда аҳолимиз турмуш даражасини кўтариш учун инновацион технологияларни қўллашда тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаоллиги муҳим рол ўйнайди. Бу мақсадга эришиш учун тижорат банкларимизга инновацион технологиялар бозорида фаол иштирок этишлари учун етарлича шароит яратиб берилиши лозим деб ўйлаймиз.
Хулоса ва таклифлар. Юқоридаги келтириб ўтилган ўрганишлар натижасидан келиб чиққан ҳолда, хулоса ўрнида шуни айтиш мумкинки, банкларнинг иқтисодиётдаги бўш пул маблағларни етарли даражада узоқ муддатли депозитларга жалб этиши ва ушбу маблағларни реал ишлаб чиқаришга инновацион технологияларни жорий қилиш орқали самарали бошқариш ҳозирги кунда уларнинг муҳим вазифаларидан бири ҳисобланади. Шундай экан, тижорат банкларининг узоқ муддатли ресурс базасини мустаҳкамлаш ҳамда банкларнинг инвестицион фаоллигини корхоналарнинг ишлаб чиқариш технологияларини модернизациялашга қаратиш доирасида қўйидаги чора тадбирларни амалга ошириш мақсадга мувофиқ бўлади.
Биринчидан, давлат томонидан инновацион лойиҳаларни кредитлаш билан шуғулланадиган ихтисослаштирилган инновацион банклар ташкил этишни рағбатлантириш; иккинчидан, банкларнинг узоқ муддатли ресурс базасини уларнинг устав капиталини
ошириш, ҳамда облигациялар ҳисобидан шакллантириш; учинчидан, банклар томонидан жозибадор бўлган узоқ муддатли депозит
сертификатларини чиқариш амалиётини ривожлантириш; тўртинчидан, тижорат банклари томонидан инновацион технологиялар учун ажратилган кредитлар қисмидан оладиган даромадлар қисмига солиқлардан имтиёзлар тақдим этиш;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
юқоридаги чора тадбирларни амалга ошириш, банкларнинг ресурс базасини
мустаҳкамлаб, реал секторни инновацион технологиялар ҳисобига
ривожлантириши учун ўз таъсирини ўтказади. Шу билан биргаликда инновация
фаолиятини ривожлантиришга қаратилган чора-тадбирларнинг самарадорлигини
ошириш ҳамда инновацион лойиҳаларни молиялаштириш имкониятлари яратилади.
Фойдаланилган адабиётлар рўйхати.
1. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 27 апрелдаги “Инновацион ғоялар, технологиялар ва лойиҳаларни амалий жорий қилиш тизимини янада такомиллаштириш чора тадбирлари тўғрисида”ги ПҚ-3682 сонли қарори.
2. Колпакова, Галина Михайловна. Финансы. Денежное обращение. Кредит: учебное пособие для вузов / Г. М. Колпакова.— 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Финансы и статистика, 2006. стр 21-22.
3. http://www.xs.uz/uzkr/post/tizhorat-banklarining-samarali-investitsion-faoliyatitaraqqiyot-va-farovonlikning-muhim-omili. Одил Шерназаров. 29.04.2020 йил. 4. А.А.Омонов, Т.М.Қоралиев. Пул, кредит ва банклар. Дасрлик. Тошкент-2012 йил. 182 бет.
5. М.М.Тожиев. Инновацияларни кредитлашнинг раҳбатлантирувчи омиллари ва хатарлари тўғрисида. Иқтисод ва молия. 2019, №6 (126)
1 year Doctoral Student, Bukhara State University,Uzbekistan,
Annotation: This article provides information on the legal framework for gender tolerance in Uzbekistan. They also discussed aspects that should be considered in the formation of gender tolerance in children in preschool education.
Keywords: tolerance,gender, legal framework, gender tolerance, preschool education.
All forms of tolerance in preschool education, including the formation of gender tolerance, have their own legal basis in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On freedom of conscience and religious organizations", "On the foundations of state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan", "On education", "National training program", "Civil Code", "On guarantees of the electoral right of citizens», "On public organizations", "On political parties" and other normative legal acts related to this area [5].
problem of the formation of gender tolerance in a large group of children in
preschool education and the need for its integration into the education system
should be identified by the following tasks:
- Analysis of the historical roots of gender tolerance, the factors that led to its emergence, the processes of its historical formation in Uzbekistan, its spiritual, educational and evolutionary development [4, 6, 7];
- Development of the principles of gender tolerance in the system of spiritual, educational and ideological values of oriental thinkers and the classification of ideas put forward by scientists
[3, 8, 9];
- Development of modern interpretations and definitions of gender tolerance, determination of the role of the concept of tolerance in the structure of pedagogical and didactic principles, analysis of scientific and practical experience in the formation of gender tolerance in the world;
- Preparing preschoolers for social life based on the formation of gender tolerance in their minds;
- scientific study of the pedagogical foundations of the formation of ideas about gender tolerance, the development and effective implementation of new pedagogical methods for the formation of gender tolerance, the scientific study of the pedagogical foundations of preparing children for life in society;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
of the specifics of existing practices for the formation of gender tolerance in
the preschool education system, determination of the principles for the
development of effective methods, analysis of the process of formation of
gender tolerance from the point of view of pedagogical technologies [2, 3];
- Identification of pedagogical conditions, factors contributing to the increase of gender tolerance in preschoolers, the search for development opportunities, the development of innovative solutions to promote gender tolerance, the use of advanced pedagogical technologies, the identification of effective forms, methods and tools, their testing [9, 10].
Initially, surveys were conducted in selected preschools to check the current situation with regard to gender identity. In this case, of course, the age and psychological characteristics of the respondents were considered. The results of the questionnaire were collected according to the oral answers of the children to the questions.
The questions of the questionnaire were devoted to the problem of gender identity based on the types of identification identified in the opinion of N.K. Radina. N.K. Radina [1] distinguishes between two levels of identification:
1) external - through external attributes - clothing style, behavior, etc.
2) internal - according to the fundamental difference between women and men: internal attitude to changes in society, less inclination to obey norms and influences in society.
References: 1. Радина Н.К. Изучение гендерной идентичности методом фокус-групп / Н.К. Радина // Практикум по гендерной психологии / Под ред. И. А. Клециной. – СПб.: «Алетейя», 2003.
2. Репина, Т. А. Проблема полоролевой социализации: монография / Т. А. Репина. - М.: 2004.- 288 с.
3. Стрельцова Е.А. Диалоговая интерпретация знания как средство воспитания толерантности у студентов: автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук: 13.00.08 / Волгогр. гос. пед. ун-т. – Волгоград, 2003. – 26 с
4. Гершунский Б.С. Толерантность в системе ценностно-целевых приоритетов образования // Педагогика. – 2002. – № 7. – С. 3-13. 5. Араканцева, Т. А. Гендерная социализация ребенка в семье: учебное пособие / Т. А. Араканцева. - М. : НОУ ВПО МПСИ, 2013. – 137 с.
6. Taran Irina Ivanovna. Gender socialization of preschoolers by means of physical education: Dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences: 13.00.04. 2004, 164 p.
7. Qurbonova Go‘zal Rajab qizi. (2021). The concept and essence of Gender Representations in Pedagogy and Psychology. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 10. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.10.357
8. Kurbonova, G. . (2021). Features of The Formation of Gender Tolerance in Society.ONLINE - CONFERENCES PLATFORM, 69–71. Retrieved from
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary
school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Dissertation of the doctor of
philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences.
10. Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Author’s abstract of PhD dissertation.
Annotation: the paper studies the issues of continuity and continuity in the teaching of computer science and information technologies in general schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The components of information and communication competence of students are determined. Key words: incessancy, continuity, informatics, information technology, component.
В настоящее время в Республике Узбекистан сложился ряд объективных предпосылок к переходу в состояние информационного общества. Наиболее существенными из них можно назвать быстрое развитие материальной базы информационной сферы, информатизацию различных отраслей производства и управления, активное вхождение в мировое информационное сообщество, высокий кадровый и научно-технический потенциал, подготовленность общественного сознания к необходимости получения глубоких знаний в области информационных технологий.
образование — это постоянное совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков
человека, вызванное стремлением быть актуальным в существующей профессиональной
и социальной среде.
Преемственность в образовании рассматривается учеными в философском, психологическом, педагогическом, методическом аспектах.
В педагогике преемственность рассматривается с различных позиций (1):
• как общепедагогический принцип непрерывного процесса обучения, который требует неразрывной связи прошлого, настоящего и будущего между отдельными сторонами процесса обучения, для расширения и углубления знаний, преобразования их в последовательную систему знаний, навыков, умений;
• как принцип поступательно-восходящего развертывания всего процесса обучения в соответствии с содержанием, формами, методами работы при обязательном анализе качественных изменений учащихся;
• как условие, обеспечивающее установление соотношений между целями, содержанием, методами, средствами обучения и воспитания, что позволяет выстроить каждый, новый этап обучения с опорой на прошлый опыт, облегчает адаптацию учащихся к условиям обучения на следующем этапе;
• как процесс непрерывного развития личности, самообразования, самореализации, изменения потребностей, мотивов;
Принцип преемственности является универсальным, связан с принципами научности, фундаментальности, последовательности, непрерывности.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
наш взгляд, преемственность в обучении информатике и информационным технологиям
(ИТ) состоит в том, что выстраивается единая логика целей, задач,
согласованность содержания, последовательно усложняются технологии,
обеспечиваются условия для переноса знаний, умений в новые виды деятельности.
Обучение основывается на концентричности изучения материала, что позволяет
успешно перейти из одной образовательной программы в другую, более сложную, для
чего необходима стандартизация образовательных программ, основанная на единстве
стратегических целей, задач обучения информатике и ИТ.
В связи с обеспечением школ и вузов современной компьютерной техникой, локальной и глобальной сетью; введением информатики в начальной и базовой школе необходима разработка учебно-методических и дидактических материалов с соответствующими компьютерными программами.
В ходе исследования определены компоненты информационно-коммуникационной компетентности (ИКК) учащихся:
• содержательный компонент обеспечивает формирование системного подхода к информационному анализу окружающего мира, развития мыслительной деятельности;
• технологический компонент отражает навыки выполнения как отдельных операций, так и приобретение опыта работы со стандартными компьютерными программами, информационными технологиями;
• деятельностный компонент характеризует практические умения в различных областях деятельности, связанные с информационными и коммуникационными вопросами, с самостоятельным применением компьютерных программ для обучения и самообучения в процессе освоения других дисциплин, в профессиональной и жизненной деятельности;
• мотивационный компонент включает в себя внутреннюю позицию обучаемого, его цели, стремление к изучению материала, психологическую готовность углублять и совершенствовать полученные знания в области информатики и ИТ в школе.
В школах должен быть реализован непрерывный курс изучения информатики и ИКТ, предусматривающий три этапа (2,3):
- 7 классы), –9
–11 классы)
В педагогических институтах Узбекистана предмет «Информационные технологии в образовании» преподается в межкафедральных группах в течение 3-4 семестров. Предмет «Информационные технологии в образовании» рассчитан на 184 часа в год, из них 36 часов лекций, 36 часов практических занятий, 32 часа лабораторных занятий и 80 часов самостоятельной работы.
Непрерывное изучение ИКТ предполагает освоение теоретической и практической части. Теория дает понятие о информации и информационных процессах, математическом и компьютерном моделировании, построении алгоритмов, представлении любой информации в цифровой, дискретной форме.
Практическая часть курса направлена на освоение учащимися навыков использования средств информационных технологий. Это помогает ученикам в других учебных предметах. Развитие познавательных интересов, интеллектуальных и творческих способностей путем
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
освоения и использования методов информатики и средств ИКТ при изучении различных учебных предметов формирует информационную деятельность человека.
переходе от одного этапа к другому повышается уровень сложности изучаемого
предмета. При таком подходе от одной ступени обучения к другой соблюдается
последовательность и эффективность изучения ИКТ на всех ступенях обучения.
Курс ИКТ для учащихся 5-7 классов ориентирован на формирование активной личности, мотивированной к самообразованию – умение получать доступ к различным справочным системам, электронным библиотекам, другим информационным ресурсам, умение самостоятельно и мотивированно организовывать свою познавательную деятельность.
Одна из основных целей изучения информатики и ИКТ в школе для данной возрастной категории - использовать элементы причинно-следственного и структурно-функционального анализа, определять сущностные характеристики (2,3).
Важным аспектом обеспечения преемственности является педагогическое взаимодействие школьных преподавателей информатики, которое осуществляется через проведение совместных семинаров, конференций, «круглых столов» с обсуждением общих вопросов в обучении информатике и ИТ в школе и ВУЗе
При обучении информатике и ИТ реализуется принцип связи теории обучения с практикой. Компьютеры быстро совершенствуются, внедряются во все сферы жизнедеятельности, поэтому для повышения результативности полученных знаний, навыков необходима отработка их реального применения.
Результаты позволили сделать следующие выводы:
1. Установлено, что преемственность в обучении информатике и информационным технологиям является важным принципом, повышающим уровень формирования информационно-коммуникационной компетентности учащихся.
2. Выявлено, что единство целей, задач, методов, средств, принципов, форм, условий обучения, соответствие содержания, определение результативности обучения информатике и информационным технологиям в школе приводит к обеспечению преемственности.
3. Определено, что планирование процесса обучения с учетом имеющихся знаний, умений, навыков позволяет эффективно повысить информационно-коммуникационную компетентность учащихся.
4. Для осуществления преемственности в обучении информатике и информационным технологиям необходимо совместное участие школьных учителей информатики преподавателей ВУЗов в работе городских объед инений, семинаров» конференций, в проведении «круглых столов», выработке единых эффективных средств, форм обучения, а также методов оценивания информационно-коммуникационной компетентности учащихся.
Полученные в исследовании выводы не претендуют на исчерпывающее решение рассматриваемой проблемы, а представляют один из вариантов подхода к актуальной задаче современного обучения информатике и информационным технологиям. Дальнейшее исследование может быть связано с обеспечением преемственных связей, условий в обучении информатике и информационным технологиям с учетом профильного курса изучения данных дисциплин на разных уровнях образования.
Tashkent, 2017; 160.
3. 4.Stuart Gray. Information Technologi in a Global Society for the IB Diploma: Blask and
White Edition. “Create Spase Independent Publishing Platform”. Desember 20, 2011 y
I.G. Information technology in education. Moscow ACADEM'A 2003
5. Simonovich S.V. Informatics. Basic course. Textbook for universities. Peter, 2013 ISBN 9785-496-00217-2, 978-5-459-00439-7. 637 pp.
Analysis of the program for the translator preparation in the field of professional communication and practical observations showed the lack of a systematic approach to the training of the translation. The professional skills of the translator of texts in certain specialty are formed comprehensively in the process of learning the transaction and transition, and most of the classes are dedicated to the study of the linguistic compliance of foreign and native languages. Special courses offered to students are usually completely repeated by traditional disciplines that are taught to future translators at the faculties and universities who are preparing specialists in the field of foreign languages.
Cognitive linguistics took a special place in the paradigm of the concepts of modern linguistics. Cognitive approach is one of the new stages in the study of the communication of thinking and language, the role of the language for a person and a person in the language. The beginning of the study of cognitive processes put the opening of neurophysiologists who analyzed the functions of the human nervous system, the specifics of basic neurophysiological mechanisms at various stages of human development and determining the development of cognitive processes.
the present stage, in teaching a foreign language, tasks are especially
relevant to the formation of communicative and discursive competencies, which
contribute to the achievement of the most important goal consisting in the formation
of a secondary linguistic personality, which can fully communicate in this
language. These competencies become particularly significant when we are
talking about the use of literary texts in the preparation of future
translators. Students studying in the specialty "Translation and
Translation Studies" must learn to solve the tasks assigned to them in
accordance with the types of their professional activities. The need to develop
a problem of learning literary translation as a whole and the search for
effective ways of such training in particular has arisen due to the fact that
the training of a specialist who performs the translations of literary texts
and fiction is complicated by the fact that it should not only have a wonderful
knowledge of two languages – native and foreign, but also to own the techniques
and methods of translating literary text, competencies involving the
development of a significant linguocultural reservoir.
Obviously, the problem of learning a literary and poetic translation with the use of cognitivediscursive analysis allowing us to be seen, to prepare a specialist who fluently owns not only the subtleties of native and foreign languages, but also by the receptions and methods for the implementation of literary translation, as well as competencies involving the development of a significant linguocultural reservoir is essential.
The research hypothesis is assumed that the training of students of the specialty "Translation and translation graphics" with a literary translation from English into Russian will become more effective if it implies; the development and the application of cognitive-discursive analysis of the literary text; formation of the professional competence of the translator in the field of literary translation; the formation of skills to apply knowledge of the language system; the rules for the functioning of the units of the language in speech; to determine the frequency of the use of the word in the context of the work; to work with national corps of texts, with sensible and etymological dictionaries.
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To achieve the goal, a number of private research tasks should be solved:
identify the competencies that are part of the professional competence of the
translator in the field of literary translation;
to characterize the learning process of literary translation from one language to another on the basis of a cognitive-discursive analysis of the text, identify its specificity and develop a model of this process, including the sequence of its organization;
create a methodology for learning a literary translation based on cognitive-discursive analysis of text, including a system of exercises and tasks, characterize them;
Check the experimentally proposed methodology for teaching literary translation based on cognitive-discursive analysis of text and prove its effectiveness.
Mastering with literary translations is provided in stages based on a cognitive-discursive analysis of the text carried out through the system of exercises and tasks. At the same time, the exercises and tasks at the introductory stage are familiarization in nature (students study linguistic, cognitive, psychological foundations of the professional activity of the translator in the field of literary translation, receive skills to work with the proposed authentic material), then a practical stage (defining students in the source text key repeated clarifying, additional, zero information, identifying key and basic concepts, as well as their nominees and verbators, work of students with corps of texts of native and foreign languages, work on the selection of translation of translation, equivalent to the original, taking into account the difference in nominees' values) and the final stage (exercising by students of a full-fledged process of translation of literary text using cognitivediscursive analysis, assessing students of its translation activities, assessment by teacher translation of students).
To conclude, organization of training for literary translation on the basis of a cognitive-discursive analysis of the text in accordance with the model developed by us this process allows you to form competencies that are part of the professional competence of the translator. Students, during a cognitive-discursive analysis of the literary text, receive translation data on its cognitive structure, internally bonds, explicit and implicit information and apply the knowledge gained during the translation, thereby developing translation skills and skills that allow them to form their respective competencies. References
1. Miremadi, S.A. (1991). Theories of translation and interpretation. Tehran: SAMT Publication.
2. Gerding – Salas, C. (2000). Teaching translation: problems and solutions. Translation journal online, available at http://www.translatiojournal.net
3. Tashpulatovich, B. M. (2021). Using Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 64-67.
Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 1(4), 15-20.
Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 7(1), 323–327.
6. Косимова Нафиса К вопросу о прагматической целостности художественного текста // European journal of literature and linguistics. 2016. №3.
7. Imamkulova Sitora Anvarovna. (2021). Cognitive Interpretation of Degrees of Intensification.
Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11(1).
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
F. F. “To the problems of complete assimilation of educational materials at
schools” European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements (EJHEA)
Vol. 1 No. 4, December 2020.p.55-57
9. NF Kasimova Communicative functions of the interrogative sentences in English Приоритетные направления развития науки, 59-62
10. Haydarova N. A (2020) Linguocultural analysis of English and Uzbek medical phraseological units describing physiological processes. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability. Pp 15-16.
11. Olimova, D. Z. (2021). Transfer of modality in translation (modal verbs and their equivalents, modal words). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 220-22.
12. G’ayratovna, R. M. (2021). Semantics of euphemistic and dysphemic units. Middle European
Scientific Bulletin, 12, 243-246. Retrieved from
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 1(4), 8-10.
12-1xabs-20 Folk applied decorative art and 2nd year student majoring in restoration
Abstract – The historical origins of applied art go back to the childhood of mankind. As humanity grew, so did the applied arts, and as the struggle for survival intensified, so did the need for a better life, and mental labor begin to separate from manual labor? Demand for hunting weapons and household items have increased. First stone carving, bone carving, and then wood carving also developed slowly.
Key words: applied art, folk arts, crafts, decorative art, architectural monuments, plaster, tile, painting, calligraphy.
the centuries-old history of the Uzbek people, folk arts and crafts are the
most wonderful and popular part of our rich and colorful cultural heritage. The
art forms that originated and flourished in the Uzbek land are world-famous for
their uniqueness. If we think about such stages of development, we will see
that the roots of the Uzbek applied decorative arts go back to the childhood of
mankind, that is, to primitive society. The monuments found during the
excavations of the strata of our country testify to the fact that the creation
of art by the human body began in the Stone Age and continues for centuries. As
a result of such a deep philosophical approach to applied art, the creation of
works of art based on conditionality, stylization and symbolism has
intensified. This historical factor has led to the rapid development of the
Uzbek national decorative art, which today is a world of world-famous
architectural monuments, a wonderful combination of plaster, tile, painting,
calligraphy, stone and other arts. Folk applied decorative art enriches the
spiritual world of people, forms their artistic taste, and nurtures their
psyche. That is why the Uzbek folk applied art is one of the most important
sources in the artistic, moral, universal education of people, in the formation
of their scientific worldview, as well as in raising their cultural level.
From the 11th century, carvings began to be made from copper and copper alloys. Archaeological finds show that the first (special copper alloy) pins were widespread in Egypt, the Mediterranean, Mesopotamia, India and Central Asia in the late 3rd and early 2nd centuries BC. These artistic metal objects were the first examples of workmanship. The pins depict small events, animals, and other things. A ceremonial cauldron found in Fergana proved that an "animal style" had been developed in carving in the middle of the 1st millennium.
In the III-VIII centuries, carving was highly developed in Central Asia. Precious metals used to be used to make all kinds of beautiful ornaments for governors and nobles. Precious metals used various ornaments for governors and nobles.In these gold or silver objects one could see images of weddings, enthronement ceremonies, secular themes, scenes of hunting and wrestling, mythological and epic heroes, living beings, birds, and more.
Archaeologists' findings show that before the Arab conquest, artistic metal objects were widely used in the homes of the Sughd people. Copper patterns expressing the shape of the animal, i.e. the head of a wild animal, etc. were found.
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centuries, vessels made of precious metals became a tradition in many corners
of Central Asia. A lot of things were made of gold, and gold water was poured
on the decorations of the buildings. Later, not only precious metals but also
inexpensive materials such as copper and its various alloys were used as raw
materials. Various vessels were made of red copper, pots, pans, candlesticks of
brass and yellow copper, pots of white copper and bronze, laundry, large and
small bowls, and similar utensils.
The middle of the 11th century saw a major turning point in Central Asian folk art. Engraving developed rapidly, new items were made of copper and its alloys, spherical bellies and neck-shaped jugs, semicircular ketones, inks, mortars, etc. were widely used. instead of carving patterns (engraving) has become a tradition.
In the IX-XII centuries there were also great innovations in the art of carving. The inscriptions "goblet and luck", "health", "happiness", "prosperity" are written in the style of "Kufi" and "Naskh". These written ornaments have developed in such a way that they are so small, so elegant, that it is even difficult to read them.
In the 13th and 14th centuries, carvers decorated the ornaments with silver and gold threads, trying to make the patterns very elegant. The treasures found near Registan Square in Samarkand, ie more than sixty different pottery, bowls, jugs, lids, trays, pots, give information about the artistic traditions of carving in the XIV-XV centuries.
The fourteenth century saw a significant shift in the artistic processing of metal. In his time, Timur paid great attention to the development of folk crafts. During the reign of Timur and the Timurid dynasty, the production of handicrafts was highly developed. Ba period is characterized by a change in artistic style in all types of folk applied art. The decoration of metal objects became more perfect. The patterns of the items were more artistic, refined, fine Islamic patterns, writing patterns were used more. Examples include candlesticks in the Hermitage Museum, rings, and pots made of seven different metals. "Candlesticks" are made on the floor of elegant floral net rings made of pearl bone doors. These inscriptions indicate the date of the candlesticks (1397) and the name of the master Iza-ad Din Din Isfahani. The pot is decorated with a plant-like pattern and high artistic calligraphy. This legendary cauldron is unique in the world and was made by Abdul-Aziz ibn Sharafiddin, a Tabriz sculptor.
The names of foreign masters can be found in metal objects found in archeological excavations in the country. The reason for this was that Timur moved foreign masters to Samarkand during his marches.
In the memoirs of the Spanish ambassador, Clavijo said that the wonderful vessels he had seen during the Amir's reception and banquet were highly executed. At that time, high-quality and elegant metal products were produced in Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.
Items brought from Bukhara and Khiva as gifts to Russian officials, as well as handicrafts brought by Central Asian merchants, included gold-plated gourds, bullets, sharp-edged swords and sword sheaths and other items, demonstrating the mastery of the masters of the time.
In the XVIII-XX centuries, carving was well developed, and the cities of Bukhara, Kokand, Khiva, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Karshi and Tashkent were centers for the production of carvings. The houses of the nobility are decorated with patterned vessels. These items demonstrated the wealth of the landlord. By the middle of the XIX century (vopurush) merchants appeared. Vopurs bought items from artisans at low prices and took them to traders or markets and sold them at inflated
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prices. They acted as "trade intermediaries" in the delivery of carpets, rugs, boxes, swords, various utensils and other handicrafts made by masters of folk arts.
The carvings of Bukhara
in the second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX century are especially
interesting. The elegance of the shape of the works created by the masters of
Bukhara, as in the brochure, the classic balance of the calculations, is
characterized by the stability of the decorative performances, usually
performed with the help of deep carving techniques. Bukhara carving has changed
less than other schools and has retained many ancient forms and traditional
1. S. Bulatov. History of art of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. 1991.
2. T. Abdullaev. The art of carving in Uzbekistan in the XIX-XX centuries Tashkent 1994.
3. R. Khasanov. Methods of applied decorative art. Tashkent. 2003.
4. K. Gulomov. Applied art. Toshkent.2007 y
5. Akhmedova Mehrinigor Bahodirovna, “PROBLEMS IN TRANSLATING THE CONCEPT OF "SPIRITUALITY" ”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 6, no. TITFL, pp. 290-295, Apr. 2021.
International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 6, no. TITFL, pp. 131-136, Apr. 2
International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 6, no. TITFL, pp. 131-136, Apr. 2021.
8. Akhmedova Mehrinigor Bahodirovna, “PROBLEMS IN TRANSLATING THE CONCEPT OF "SPIRITUALITY" ”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 6, no. TITFL, pp. 290-295, Apr. 2021.
9. Gafurov Bakhtiyor Zakirovich, Analysis of the relationship of medical terminology with segment phonostylistics of the noun in Russian, Uzbek and English languages //Theoretical & Applied Science. International Scientific Journal. –Philadelphia,USA, 2020. –№1 (81). – Р.464-466. http://T-Science.org. (Impact Factor SJIF 5.6).
10. Gafurov Bakhtiyor Zakirovich, Super-segment phonostylistics as the basis for studying the problems of accent variants of Russian nouns // International Engineering Journal for Research & Development. Published in IEJRD, May 14, 2020. –Vol.5. Issue 4. – Р. 1-7. www.iejrd.com.
11. Gafurov Bakhtiyor Zakirovich, Study of advertising texts in Russian on the topic of medical terminology. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT). – Indonesia. Vol. 26. №1, April 2021.–P. 586-590. (Impact factor 7,2)
12. Gafurov Bakhtiyor Zakirovich, Medical terminology in edvertising text. Scientific reports of Bukhara State University. –Bukhara, 2021. –№3. –P. 30-41.
Abstract – This scientific article devoted to the study of general and national-cultural features of French-Uzbek medical plants (name of plant medicinal) is relevant to clarify the field of comparative linguistics and to program its separate study at the level of modern innovative requirements.
Keywords: linguo-culturology, medicinal plants, medical plants, phraseology, phraseological units, symbolism, anthroponyms, similarities and distinctive features, lexical and semantic analysis.
and cultural characteristics are specific to each language and reflect the way
of life, development and long-term development of a particular society. Many
scholars have studied the national and cultural characteristics of languages.
As a result, the concepts of different peoples in the process of language
comprehension have been studied comparatively, as different research methods
and techniques are used to determine the national-cultural features of word
semantics. The semantics of phraseological units reflect the specificity of the
national culture, the characteristics of the national traditions of the people.
In this sense, other features of language can be freely expressed in the
expression of national-cultural in phraseological units.
At the heart of this goal are the following research objectives:
Identify medical plants in French phraseology using a single research method and terminology within a single language and compare them with medical plants in Uzbek phraseology;
Compare medical plants in the phraseology of the compared languages on the main parameters of their use to identify common similarities and differences; identify and describe different types of medical plants in Uzbek and French phraseology.
The comparative study of linguistic phenomena in the field of phraseology attracts the attention of linguists with the importance of demonstrating national and culturally defined features of languages in the linguocultural context. On the one hand, the identification of different linguocultural relations highlights the common features of history, culture, and psychology reflected in different linguistic units. On the other hand, knowing the phraseological structure of a language allows for a deeper understanding of the mentality of the language and nation being studied, as phraseology clearly reflects the uniqueness of people’s life and culture.[1]
Thus, phraseological units can have different expressive effects in addition to national-cultural features. The study of the common features and differences of the phraseological units of the two languages allows us to better understand the specifics of the national mentality. As a result,
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national-cultural characteristics can be reflected in the example of a single nation, that is, in its national-cultural identity.[2]
In our study, we used a
comparative analysis of genetically heterogeneous, typologically different, and
non-active languages, such as Uzbek and French. This approach allows us to
identify common and specific linguistic means of depicting the world landscape,
to more clearly define the boundaries of the national landscape of each
nation's world, and to reveal the features of regional concepts called Europe
and Central Asia. Therefore, in the historically progressive image of ancient
cultures, the Uzbek language and culture reflect the traditions and customs
that have been formed since the time of the steppe, the culture of the Turkic
peoples between the two rivers and the heroic Gaelic tribes in French. flour
can be seen. Thus, we have taken the path of identifying the similarities and
differences between the languages of the peoples of the world in the languages
of the French people historically located in the heart of Europe and the Uzbek
people living in the center of Central Asia and at the crossroads of the Great
Silk Road.
For example, chayono’t (stinging nettles,Urtica dioica L.) is a very common plant in Western and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It serves as a means of expressing common meanings. "The old scorpion bites harder" as stated in the article, knowledge and experience always prevail. The healing properties of the essential oils have long been known in ancient times for their healing properties. Proof of this can be seen in the popular dream interpretation: “If a girl sees a fire in a cauldron in a dream, she will see a miracle in front of her. When he leaves the pot, the house is flooded with firewood. If a married woman sees a fire in a cauldron in her dream, she will miss it.
Plants belonging to the genus Scorpion or cauldron grow in mountainous areas of almost all regions of Uzbekistan, in areas close to water, along roadsides, near populated areas, in shrubs, around houses. This medicinal plant, which has long been used in folk medicine, is among the Uzbek people in the cauldron [f. - biter; poisonous] are called medical plants such as grass, nettle, sagebrush, tin, chalkan. The semantics of the medical plants, which has acquired a specific meaning, is characterized by a stylistic character with a portable content. This is of course primarily due to the natural properties of the plant. When the plant blooms in the pot, the leaves are collected only by wearing gloves. Often the surface of the plant is harvested and withered (the fermenting properties of the hair are lost when the plant withers), and then the leaves are picked by hand.
In French jeter qch aux orties (literal translation: to throw something into a nettle) - to give up something, to drop something; jeter sa robe aux orties (literally: to throw a shirt into the nettle) - to give up one's previous profession; faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties (literally: there is no need to push the grandmother into the nettle) - there is no need to exaggerate, and so on.
As can be seen from the examples, the same medical plant is expressed to express completely different connotative (portable) meanings.
When analyzing the issue of occurrence of meanings in the discourse, it is necessary to clarify the concept of "national-cultural feature" and its associated terms before beginning to study the national-cultural features. The above terms are widely used in the linguistic literature, but there are also some differences in their use.
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Many linguists say that
the semantic structure of a word has a separate cultural component meaning.
This component occupies a different place in the semantic structure of the word
and, consequently, is one of the non-essential explicit and implicit elements.
1. Raikhshtein A.D. Comparative analysis of German and Russian phraseology: textbook. allowance. - M .: Higher school, 1980 .-- 143 p.
2. Muravyov V.L. Problems of the emergence of ethnographic lacunae. - Vladimir: Publishing house of the Vladimir Pedagogical Institute, 1980. - 105 p.
3. Tajibaev, K. (2020). Efficiency of organization of agro clusters in fruit and vegetable growing. Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University, 2 (3), 238-242.
4. Juraeva, M.M. Linguocognitive, national-cultural features of the modality category in French and Uzbek languages. DSc thesis. – T., 2017.
5. Bobokalonov, O. (2020). Linguo-Cultural Peculiarities of the Phraseological Units with Pharmacophytonyms Components. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 23(2), 232-235.
6. Bobokalonov, R. O. (2021, March). International medical terms from French to Uzbek language. In E-Conference Globe (pp. 136-144).
7. Bobokalonov, O. Specific features of phraseological units.
8. de Foucault, B. (1993). Les plantes et leurs noms: essai de phytonymie structurale. Dissertationes botanicae, 201.
9. Juraeva, M. M. (2016). The national, cultural and linguocognitive peculiarities of modality of the french and uzbek fairytales. GIF. LangLit. An International Peer-reviewed Open Sccess Journal, 3(2), 81-86.
10. Muhamadovna, J. M. (2019). Theoretical views of concept, frame, tale-concept, tale-frame in cognitive linguistics. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5 Special Issue 3), 392-395.
11. Pazlitdinova, N. (2017). The Linguistic Status of Phytonyms. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 6(9), 109-116.
The complexity of production processes in a market economy, increased competition and uneven distribution of investment in the country's economy require a more detailed study of the investment process and its management in market conditions. Management of investment attraction processes requires not only a market strategy for the development of the facility, but also an investment strategy and management mechanism. The concept of control mechanism can also be defined as a set of tools used in management or a set of supports used.
The management mechanism is formed in accordance with certain principles, goals, approaches and priorities. The peculiarity of the management mechanism is that it is a means of influence that varies in the structure, ratio, importance, etc. of management processes. The management mechanism can also be changed and evaluated in terms of the formation and development of the management system and process, management effectiveness, social significance, etc. [1].
main part. There are different views on the management of these
investment processes in the economic literature today. For example, L. S.
Valinurova and O.B. According to Kazakova, "the mechanism of investment
process management is a set of organizational, managerial, informational,
technical and psychological tools, relationships and interdependence that help
to ensure the successful implementation of the investment process and the
effectiveness of its results" [2]. The mechanism for managing investment
attraction in the field of agro-tourism is a key element and tool of the
management system, through which impact measures aimed at attracting investment
in the sector are carried out.
The mechanism for managing investment in the tourism sector is well-organized and optimally managed agro-tourism facilities in the tourism sector, investors wishing to invest in the sector, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, local authorities, the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city tourism. and is one of the most effective mechanisms for establishing optimal communication and ratios between sports headquarters.
The management mechanism represents the adoption and implementation of certain management and organizational decisions that effectively influence the activities of attracting investment in the field of agritourism, and consists of a set of methods of influencing the management entity to achieve the expected development and planned results. Management mechanisms are based on economic, normative-legal, administrative, managerial, technological, information, ideologicaleducational, psychological management methods.
The basis for the functioning of the agro-tourism complex as an integrated system is the close and effective interaction between the following subsystems: 1) objects of agro-tourism; 2) investors; 3) organizational and management components; 3) tourism industry; 4) Consumers of agro-tourism services. This requires the establishment of an effective mechanism for managing the attraction of investments in enterprises and the region, the country as a whole in the field of agro-tourism.
results of the application of investment management mechanisms in the field of
agro-tourism as an integrated system: improving the efficiency of investment
management, economic development of regions, diversification of tourism
services, increasing foreign exchange earnings, additional income and
employment opportunities, increasing budget revenues, etc.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Scheme of mechanisms and
system of management of investment attraction in the field of agrotourism in
Uzbekistan. Influence systems in attracting investment in agro-tourism in
Uzbekistan as a whole are implemented at the following hierarchical levels: 1)
microeconomic (private households and farms, those engaged in production activities
in agriculture, various investors); 2) messeconomic (local, self-government
bodies, districts, cities, regions, the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the
executive authorities of the city of Tashkent); 3) macroeconomic (Cabinet of
Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the
Republic of Uzbekistan).
Conclusion. Adaptation of organizational and economic mechanisms for managing the attraction of investments in the field of agro-tourism to the existing conditions, effective use of all management mechanisms, achieving the impact of management entities on the objects using the most effective methods are important for the development of the industry.
1. Tolchinskaya M. N. Soderjanie mechanism upravleniya investitsionnoy deyatelnostyu v regione // Terra Economicus. - 2008. - Т. 6. - №. 1-2. - 323 C.
2. Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B. Upravlenie investitsionnoy deyatelnostyu: Uchebnik. M .: Knorus, 2005.
O.X. Improving the management mechanism for the development of ecotourism in
Uzbekistan. Compiled by the author using the data of the dissertation written
for the degree of Doctor of Economics (DSc). –T .: Tashkent State University of
Economics, 2017. -26 b.
Abstract – This article provides general information about medical plants in Uzbek and French. At the same time, opinions are given about their general and national-cultural features. In addition, the differences between the Uzbek and French syllables are analyzed using examples.
Keywords: linguo-culturology, medicinal plants, shifonames,medical plants, phraseology, phraseological units, symbolism, anthroponyms, similarities and distinctive features, lexical and semantic analysis.
Current research is being conducted in various fields of study of phraseological units in Uzbek or French on the basis of scientific data and specific theories of national and cultural significance, which are not historically complete, but the linguocultural research is not enough to describe the holistic phraseological scope of the world, so there is a growing interest in interlingual research covering this problem.
Typologically different, genetically unrelated languages of phraseological units are to identify similarities and differences in the content and expression of the Uzbek and French languages on the basis of synchronous comparative analysis with the chiffon component.
As the famous linguist W. Humboldt put it, "The language of the people is its spirit, and the spirit of the people is its language." In other words, it shows that in the language of each nation, the history, culture and, in general, the whole spiritual world of that nation is reflected.
One of the most interesting areas of comparative study of phraseological units is the study of phraseological units with a chiffon component.
A comparative analysis of the phraseological layer in terms of shifonames (medical plants) can be carried out in a broad sense, as the thematic groups of words expressed by medical plants by phraseological units are diverse and cover different aspects of the life of any nation. In this study, we decided to focus only on phraseological units with a medical plant component.
Phraseologisms with shifoname components in French, English, Russian and Uzbek lexicology Sh.Balli, F. de Saussure, J.Amerlink, I.Arnold, A.P.Kovi, P.Hovars, V.V.Vinogradov, Ye.D.Polivanov, LABulakhovsky, S.Abakumov, G.D.Grigoriev, F.I.Fakhrutdinov, Sh.Rahmattullayev, B.Yuldashev, A.Mamatov, M. Sodikova.
The expressive semantics of Uzbek and French phraseological units are often figurative and colorful. Phraseological units and lexemes are sharply differentiated by the colors of expression, even if they refer to something or an event. Because the concepts behind these images combine cultural and historical meanings. It should be noted that both the French and the Uzbeks were very interested in the natural world, especially in medicinal plants. In the national-cultural nomenclature of both languages, in particular in the lexical-phraseological layer of proverbs, parables, parables,
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myths, legends, seasonal-ceremonial songs, riddles, praises, alla, narrations, fairy tales, aphorisms and other linguistic and cultural circles features are noted.
As a result of the
comparative analysis, it was observed that there was also a difference in the
choice of shifonames used in the construction of phraseological units. Some
plant names appeared to be relevant only within the context of the language in
For example, the Uzbek mythology, achchikmiya, buritikan, qariqiz, yetmak, shuvoq, zagchakoz and others are very common, but they are rarely expressed in French sources.
Different peoples compare the same type of medical plant differently. Sometimes the comparison in one nation is not at all similar to the comparison in another, it can even be contradictory, and there are cases of positive and negative evaluation.
The national-cultural features of the word can also be reflected at the level of methodological connotations. Only the question of whether this connotation is part of the semantic structure of the word is debatable. According to some scholars, connotation is a component of meaning. Some scholars, on the other hand, believe that connotation is not part of the semantic structure of a word. Studies show that connotative meanings are one of the key components of word semantic structure at the paradigmatic level of language. Otherwise, it becomes difficult to distinguish the functions of words in a speech that represent a concept or are synonymous. Therefore, the concept of “lexical synonymy” is relative.
The connotative meanings of the word depend on the semas, the stylistic dyes. The combination of denotative and connotative meanings in the semantic structure of a particular word reflects the dialectical unity of language. This combination becomes a means of representing nomination and expression. We see such tools in units at all levels of language.
1. Raikhshtein A.D. Comparative analysis of German and Russian phraseology: textbook. allowance. - M .: Higher school, 1980 .-- 143 p.
2. Muravyov V.L. Problems of the emergence of ethnographic lacunae. - Vladimir: Publishing house of the Vladimir Pedagogical Institute, 1980. - 105 p.
3. Hamdamova Z. Dream Interpretation 770. - T .: Sparks of Literature, 2014, 96p.
4. Rubtsova O.G. The names of medicinal plants in different-structured languages (based on the material of Russian, Mari, German and Latin languages): dis. ... Cand. philol. sciences. Yoshkar-Ola, 2015.218 p.
5. Shansky N.M., Ivanov V.V., Shanskaya T.V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. A guide for the teacher / Edited by S.G. Barhudarov - Edition 2, revised and supplemented - M .: Education, 1971 - 542 p.
6. Tajibaev, K. (2020). Efficiency of organization of agro clusters in fruit and vegetable growing. Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University, 2 (3), 238-242.
7. Juraeva, M.M. Linguocognitive, national-cultural features of the modality category in French and Uzbek languages. DSc thesis. – T., 2017.
8. Bobokalonov, O. (2020). Linguo-Cultural Peculiarities of the Phraseological Units with Pharmacophytonyms Components. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 23(2), 232-235.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
R. O. (2021, March). International medical terms from French to Uzbek language.
In E-Conference Globe (pp. 136-144).
10. Bobokalonov, O. Specific features of phraseological units.
11. de Foucault, B. (1993). Les plantes et leurs noms: essai de phytonymie structurale. Dissertationes botanicae, 201.
M. M. (2016). The national, cultural and linguocognitive peculiarities of
modality of the french and uzbek fairytales. GIF. LangLit. An International
Peer-reviewed Open Sccess Journal, 3(2), 81-86.
Анотация: Гендерное равенство на протяжении многих десятилетий безудержно замедляется процессом развития из-за низшего качества жизни народов, стереотипами и предубеждениями, которые не дают возможность женщинам обрести равные права и возможности, тем самым усугубляя процесс развития экономики в странах. Этот аргумент оценивается посредством теоретического гендерного анализа на примере доступа к формальным и неформальным источникам финансирования бизнеса
За последние два десятилетия было накоплено большое количество исследованийо негативных последствиях ощущения. По словам Стила и егоколлеги (Стил, 1997; Стил, Спенсер и Аронсон,2002), такая ситуация приводит к ощущению стереотипной угрозы.Как описывает Стил (1997, с. 614), стереотипная угроза заключается в том, что представительницам женского пола в случае сложившихся над ними предрасудных предубеждений, ставят их перед обществом в затруднительное положение, действуя с психологической стороны и опровергая их разумные мысли.
мнение о принятиифинансовых решений заключается в том, что женщины более
склонны к рискучем мужчины. Вследствие этого стереотипа происходит
статистическая дискриминация, котораяснижает успех женщин в финансовой системе
и на рынке труда. Восприятие женщин менеджеров, менее подверженных к риску,
нежели мужчин выдвигается как основная причина "стекла и потолка»
-нематериальный барьер в иерархии, который не позволяет женщинам или
меньшинствам занимать руководящие должности.»в корпоративных рекламных
лестницах(Johnnie E. V. Johnson and Philip L. Powell,1994) .
Для развития элементарных и стратегических принципов политики, термин “гендер” имеет большое значение в различных социльных сферах. Политика гендерного равенства определяет необходимость обеспечения равных возможностей в процессах человеческого развития как фундаментального элементадля достижения справедливого, так и устойчивого развития и роста. (Bonn, 2014).
По результатам статистики и опросу, проведенной Всемирным Банком Исследования выявляется, что гендерное неравенство и многие другие аспекты социальной жизни, которые приводят к дискриминации и вытеснению от рабочего места одного пола и превышают меры, права и возможности другого пола, значительно замедляет процесс экономического развития страны. (WorldBank, 2009)
По исследованию (Courtney von Hippel1, Denise Sekaquaptewa,and Matthew McFarlane) было показано как женщины сталкивались с угрозой стереотипов в своей рабочей среде, онисообщали о снижении самочувствия на работе и реже рекомендовали свою сферу деятельности другим женщинам, и эти результатыбыли опосредованы разделением идентичности.
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на то, что организации становятся всё более усовершенствованными и разными,
стереотипыв отношении пола по-прежнему мешают женщинампреуспеть в областях, где
главенствующим доминантам остаются мужчины (Robertson&Kulik, 2007).
При ведении предпринимательской деятельности в рыночной экономике доступностьфинансирования, и доступ к ним является критическим элементом для запуска и последующегопроизводительность любого предприятия. Следовательно, препятствия или препятствия для доступасоответствующие уровни или источники финансирования будут иметь длительное и негативное влияние напроизводительность затронутых фирм. Хотя очевидно, что поиск, доступ и управлениефинансы - важная и сложная задача для большинства предпринимателей, хотя выводыбыли несколько непоследовательными, недавние исследования подтверждают мнение о том, чтово время этого процесса характеристики будут отрицательно влиять на женщин. (Aldrich, Elam,& Reese, 1997; Brush, 1997; Carter & Rosa, 1998; Marlow, 2002).
По данным опроса John Hershey and Paul J. H. Schoemaker, 1980), гендерное отношение к рискуможно спутать с различиями виндивидуальнымивидами возможностей. Обзорные исследования, индивидуальный состав богатства обеспечивает толькослабый контроль гендерной информации овариантов выбора и гендерные ограничения богатствав основных финансовых решениях.Во-вторых, поведение в абстрактных игровых экспериментахможет не соответствовать рискованному поведениюв контекстных решениях.
Гендерные различия вотношение к риску может быть смешано свлияние на благосостояние из-за дохода, зависящего от поларазличия вне лаборатории. Такимобразом, порезультатамисследованияи экспериментальных доказательств, проведенных
RenateSchubert, MartinBrown, MatthiasGysler, andHansWolfangBranchinger было выявлено, что женщины могут быть не менее рискованными в финансовой деятельности, так же, как и мужчины. Здесь показывают, что гендерно-зависимоерискованное поведение, обнаруженное в данных опроса,может быть из-за различий в мужчинах и женщинах выбором возможностей, а не стереотипное отношение к риску. Результаты также предполагают, что абстрактныеазартные игры могут не подходить дляанализа гендерного отношения к рискук финансовым решениям.На практике рискованные финансовые решенияпо своей сути контекстные. Выводы о контекстныхфинансовых решениях предполагают, что предвзятыеотносительно отношения к рискуженщин-инвесторов и менеджеров может быть большепредрассудками, нежели фактом.
Следующим опровергающим фактом стереотипных мышлений против женщин стало исследование, проведенное (CourtneyvonHippetandDeniseSekaquaptewa),где было доказано, что женщины, занимавшиеся финансами испытывали стереотипную угрозу разделяясь между работой и личной жизнью, тем самым ухудшили самочувствие и после этого рекомендовывали другим женщинам не заниматься банковским делом и финансами. Разделение идентичности частично опосредовало эффект угрозы стереотипа о снижении самочувствия и пониженной готовности в финансовой деятельности для молодых женщин.
Финансы - сложная профессия, в которой люди получают хорошую зарплату и
ответственность за распределение финансовых ресурсов общества. Однако рост занятости женщин в сфере финансов не поспевает за ростом занятости женщин в других странах, а также в других специальностях, таких как такие как право и медицина. В этой статьеисследуются возможные объяснения недостаточной представленности женщин в сфере финансов.
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результатам опросов разных исследований в области экономики и финансов было
выявлено, что у женщин, у которых больше веры в стереотипы, имеется меньше
ресурса и комфортных условий жизни, по сравнению с другими женщинами и
мужчинами той же страны, не верующие предубеждениям и стереотипам.
Женщины-члены CFA чаще, чем мужчины-члены CFA, выражают предпочтениедля того, чтобы отвлечься от работы. Это особенно верно для тех, кто женат, и тех, ктоесть дети. Пожилые женщины CFA, которые ценят традиции, с большей вероятностью отдают предпочтениеотвоевать время на работе. Эти результаты подтверждают аргумент Голдина
(2014) о том, что
гендерный разрыв в оплате труда больше в таких профессиях, как финансы, в которых люди, которые работают длительное времячасы и определенные часы оплачиваются непропорционально, и женщины меньше тянутся ктаким профессии. Таким образом, одним из способов привлечения большего числа женщин к финансированию было бы структурирование ивознаграждениена рабочем месте, чтобы поддерживать временную гибкость.
1. Ренате Шуберт, Мартин Браун, Маттиас Гислер и Ханс Вольфганг Брахингер «Принятие финансовых решений: действительно ли женщины более склонны к риску?», 2014г
2. J.E.V. Джонсон, П. Пауэлл 1994г; «Принятие решений, риск и пол: менеджеры
разные?»; https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8551.1994.tb00073.x
3. КАРИН ЛОСКОККО, ШЕННОН М. МОННАТ, ГВЕН МУР и КИРСТЕН Б. ЛОУБЕР; Гендер и обществоVol. 23, № 3 (июнь 2009 г.); «Женщины-предприниматели: Сравнение женских и мужских сетей малого бизнеса»
4. Сьюзан Марлоу, Дин Паттон (2002г) «Вся заслуга мужчин?Предпринимательство,Финансы и гендер»
5. Кортни фон Хиппель, Дениз Секакваптева, Мэтью Макфарлей; Впервые опубликована 2 марта 2015 г. Исследовательская статья https://doi.org/10.1177/0361684315574501 «Стереотипная угроза для женщин в сфере финансов: негативное влияние на идентичность, благополучие на рабочем месте и найм»
6. Гольдин, Клавдия. 2006. «Тихая революция, изменившая занятость, образование и семью женщин». Американский экономический обзор, 96 (2): 1-21.
7. Авторы: Ренее Адамс, Брэд М. Барбер, Терансе Одеан: «Семья, ценности и женщины в финансах» ; Январь 2016 Электронный журнал ССРНDOI: 10.2139 / ssrn.2827952Авторы:
Chinese language teacher Departments of Theory and Practice of Chinese language, UzSWLU
Annotation: in this thesis, the plural expressions of the Uzbek and Chinese languages are analyzed and the factors of commonality and personality come out. It is believed that in Chinese, 们 ("men") should be classified asikics. Then a horizontal comparison between the plural suffixes" men "and the plural suffixes" lar " is formed, and it is believed that the two languages have differences in form, semantics and meaning. Among them, it is mentioned that there are significant factors that cause differences in the types of language and national cultural psychology.
Keywords: "们","- lar", plural, suffix, comparison.
The plural suffix "们" ("men") means plural in Chinese and has a configuration function. It is combined with nouns that refer to nouns or things that refer to people in anthropomorphic rhetorical techniques to form a plural form. In the Uzbek language, unity and plural have strict limitations in meaning and form and cannot be mixed. "- lar " are widely used and have many meanings. By correctly distinguishing the application of the Chinese language "men" and comparing it with the plural suffix "-lar" in Uzbek, we can understand the differences between the two languages and increase the accuracy of translation.
Chinese language plural suffix "men" can be used in several cases: 1.
"men" can be used in conjunction with a noun or phrase when referring
to people. It can also be used in conjunction with such pronouns as"
you"," I "and" we". 2. "men" is not used in
conjunction with quantifying expressions that represent the specified number.
3. "men" means that the numbers of units and plural are often
indefinite. Whether nouns denote communion or denote plural is determined by
checking the context. "men "means a lot, but sometimes we know that
it means a lot, even if we do not use the form" noun + men "
according to the meaning of the sentence. 4. In some cases, it is impossible to
add "men", even if we want to express the plural meaning"more
than one". 5. "men" is combined with the names of sisters,
brothers, mother, grandmother, etc. Express the meaning of" this is the
same "as" sisters (children) "and"men (childrens)".
Such a "men" does not mean the plural of the noun in the preposition,
that is, it does not mean "many sisters, many grandfathers". 6. The
form "noun+men" is not used when referring to things. And in
anthropomorphic rhetoric it can be used.
In modern Chinese, words are divided into real words and fantastic words. Ikicks are not words, they are word-building morphemes. Gram in terms of grammatical meaning, the criterion for determining words and morphemes is whether they can be used independently, words can be used independently, but not morphemes. it is not possible to use "men" only as a component of the sentence, and it cannot even be used directly to answer questions. It is attached only to nouns that refer to people, or nouns that denote names and things. They are morphemes, not words. In terms of speech, the phonetic form of words is complete and constant, not easy to change; the phonetic form of morphemes can change due to changes in the linguistic environment. Words like “men”“suffix”咱们 zanmen ("we") and “警察们jingchamen (”polices") are read softly, but these words still turn into phrases when the words,"men" are added. Therefore,"men" must necessarily be a morpheme.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
"- lar " as a
plural suffix represents the meaning of the plural in the Uzbek language and is
part of the noun suffix. In Uzbek, the unit has a zero form, while the plural
has a special suffix "-lar", which can be used on a very wide scale.
Nouns in the Uzbek language have singular and plural variations. In the
communion, the" zero form", that is, it is expressed as the noun
core: a book (books). in the plural, "-lar" are added after the nouns
of the nouns. The plural suffix "-lar" in the Uzbek language can be
used in several cases:
the number category in the Uzbek language consists of "unit" and "plural", the scope of its application is very wide. Other nouns, except for special nouns and abstract nouns, have mainly morphological changes of the "number". 2) if the numerals mean "all" or "only group" of nouns, then in the Uzbek language the plural "-lar", and in the Chinese language for its expression “都”,
“全” (dou , quan) "all", "all" are used adjectives and generalizations. 3) when expressing the types of uncountable nouns or the meaning of "many" and "all sides" in the Uzbek language, plural forms are used to express them, and in the Chinese language, word combinations are used to express them. 4) when specifying the estimated age, time and place in the Uzbek language, the plural additional components of "-lar" are added to the noun, and in the Chinese language before and after the noun, 大概 (dagai) adds "Probably approximately", 左右(Zuoyou) "seemingly" and other words. 5) when summarizing and summing up several nouns of the same agreement in the Uzbek language, the plural form "-lar" is used. In Chinese, it is expressed in such nouns by adding “Chinese” 等(deng), that is, "etc., etc.". 6) the first-person category of the regional adjectives of the Uzbek language consists of additional components, such as the first person, the second person and the third person, and there is a distinction between the singular and the plural. (7) in Uzbek, verbs have the grammatic categories of Name, Number, time, voice, body and formula. Verbs must make appropriate changes in the personality and number of verbs according to the organizer of the action and behavior in order to maintain consistency. 8) there are also cases when the plural form in the Uzbek language expresses the meaning of unity (it is often used in the oral language).
1. Prof. N. Deke. Dmitriev, the Kumyk language grammar. Moscow. - Lgr., 1940, B: 47.
2. "Not a number, the number depends on the concept of the grammatical category OK". (J. Vandries, sin, ruscha tarzhimasi, M. - Lat., 1934, b: 108).
3. Shavkatovich Shamansurov Shorasul. Usage On The Signs Of The Plural of languages In Chinese Minoritie-Sign The Plural Uzbek―“-lar"[J] IJSTR (2019) 10-8.
4. J. Deny, la langue de turque Crammaire (dialecte osmanli), paris, 1920, § 103.
5. Ruscha - uzbekcha lugat. In the Soviet edition of the Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan: Toshkent, 1984, B 1046.
6. Sea of words. Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House. Shanghai, Top/Middle/ bottom/ 2003, 954 pages.
7. Chinese-Russian Dictionary/ Gu Binglin. -Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2009, 2798 pages.
8. Modern Chinese Dictionary (5th Edition)/Edited by the Dictionary Editing Office of the Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. -Beijing: Commercial Press, 2005, 568 pages.
АННОТАЦИЯ: Изобразительная деятельность дошкольников – это развитие мысли, анализа, синтеза, сравнения и обобщения. В статье раскрываеться темахудожественно – эстетическое развития дошкольников на занятиях изобразительного деятельности в дошкольных образовательных учреждениях.
Ключевые слова: дошкольники, развитие, детское творчество, изобразительная деятельность, аппликация, личность, мышление, воображение, внимание, память, усидчивость, аккуратность, композиция.
Дошкольный возраст – один из ответственных этапов, на котором закладываются основы художественно-эстетического, творческого отношения к действительности. Этот период, по определению Льва Выготского, является «первой ступенью в системе непрерывного художественного образования, цель которого – наиболее полно раскрыть весь огромный творческий потенциал ребенка». [1].
Современные достижения теории и практики в области художественно-эстетического образования отражают различные направления развития у дошкольников эстетического восприятия действительности, способности художественного видения мира, приобщения к миру искусства и развитие художественно-творческих способностей.
изобразительной деятельности дошкольных образовательных учреждениях отводится
большая роль. Нельзя упускать этот период в развитии ребенка ведь – это период
когда происходит многогранное развитие личности, где закладывается фундамент
для последующего развития человека. Развивать творческие способности нужно с
раннего дошкольного возраста, так как задатки творческих способностей даны
человеку с рождением и если их не развивать, то интерес к художественной
деятельности постепенно исчезнет.
На всех занятиях изобразительной деятельности важно развивать активность и самостоятельность детей. Следует пробуждать дошкольника вспомнать, что они видили интересного вокруг во время прогулки, что им понравилось; учить сравнивать предметы; анализирповать опыт детей, что похожее они уже рисовали, лепили, как они это делали; вызвать ребенка для показа остальным, как можно изобразить тот или иной предмет.
Изобразительное детское творчество является самым основным среди детей младшего дошкольного возраста. Оно создает основу полноценного и содержательного общения ребёнка со взрослыми, положительно сказывается на эмоциональном состоянии детей, отвлекая их от грусти, страхов и печальных событий [2].
Эстетическоеразвитие осуществляется с помощью искусства. Поэтому его содержание должно охватывать ознакомление и приобщение дошкольников к различным видам искусства - к литературе, музыке, изобразительному искусству. В нашем случае аппликация на занятиях изобразительной деятельности, выступает как ведущий способ эстетического
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воспитания и развития детей дошкольного возраста. Она универсальна, так как ею вполне могут заниматься как малыши так и взрослые.
Одна из основных задач
обучения детей дошкольного возрастаявляется помочь правильно передавать свои
впечатления от окружающей действительности в процессе изображения конкретных
предметов и явлений. В свою очередь успешное развитие детского изобразительного
творчества зависит от целого ряда условий: во-первых – целенаправленное
обучающее воздействие педагога, организующего
деятельность детей; во-вторых – систематическое и последовательное развитие восприятия, представлений, на основе которых формируется изображение; в-третьих – обучение изобразительным навыкам.
Изобразительная деятельность должна быть тесно связана со всеми сторонами воспитательной и образовательной работы в дошкольном образовательном учреждении: знакомство с окружающим, игры, детская литература, музыкальные занятия и др., в процессе которой дети получают разнообразные впечатления и знания.
Изобразительная деятельность дошкольников – это развитие мысли, анализа, синтеза, сравнения и обобщения. Она способствует развить речь, мелкую моторику, пространственное мышление, воображение, внимание, память, усидчивость, аккуратность. Расширение запасов познания, наблюдения и сравнения положительно сказывается на общем интеллектуальном развитии ребенка.
В основе развития любых способностей дошкольника лежит опыт непосредственного познания предметов и явлений. Самое главное развить у ребенка все виды восприятия, включить в процесс освоение величин, форм, объем, движение и т.д.
Для развития детского творчества важно создание эстетико-развивающей среды. Большое значение имеет эстетическое оформление занятий, продуманный подбор материалов для занятий, наглядных пособий, игрушек, предметов и т.п.
Эстетическое воспитание дошкольников происходит посредством развития у них чувства красоты, формы, цвета, яркости и насыщенности красок. Движущей силой такого многостороннего развития является детский интерес.
Возможности дошкольника в передаче окружающего мира в изобразительном творчестве ограниченны. Все, что ребенок воспринимает, может служить темой для его творчества. Воспитатель должен пробудить желание творить ведь это и есть внутренняя потребность ребенка, она возникает самостоятельно и отличается чрезвычайной искренностью. Очень важно стараться в каждом ребенке пробудить веру в его творческие способности, индивидуальность, неповторимость, веру в то, что он пришел в этот мир творить добро и красоту, приносить людям радость.
Качеству занятия помогает образное и эмоциональное объяснение воспитателя, активация детей на занятии: предлагается не просто объяснить задание детям, но и обратиться к ним с просьбой, вспомнить, что и как делали раньше, что еще можно так же слепить, вырезать, нарисовать. Такие приемы формируют у ребенка активность, самостоятельность. На занятиях, чтобы исключить у детей механическое копирование, почти не используется образец, созданный воспитателем. В таком случае ребенок чувствует себя изобретателем чего-то нового этим самым повышается творческое мышление ребенка.
Питер, 2010.
3. Занятия по аппликации в детском саду/А. Н. Малышева,З. М. Поварченкова. – Ярославль: Академия развития, 2009.
4. Лыкова, И.А. Изобразительная деятельность в детском саду/ И.А. Лыкова. – Москва: Творческий центр «Сфера», Карапуз-Дидактика,2006.
по изобразительной деятельности в средней группе детского сада: конспекты
занятий. © Издательство МОЗАИКА-СИНТЕЗ, создать программы «Школа семи
гномов».Тамара Семеновна Комарова янв. 2009 г. МОЗАИКА-СИНТЕЗ
ВОЗРАСТА МуллажоноваНигинаЖамоловна Самаркандский Государственный,
"Экономика и социум" №4(83) 2021 www.iupr.ru
дошкольных учреждений. dspace.kpfu.ru›xmlui/handle/net/159881…Казанский
(Приволжский) федеральный университет. dc.contributor. author. МУЛЛАЖОНОВА
Нигина Жамоловна. ru_RU. dc.date.accessioned
М. Ў. Худойбердиев
НДКИ “Иқтисодиёт ва менежмент” кафедраси катта ўқитувчиси
Ғофуров Асилбек Ғулом ўғли НДКИ талабаси
Аннатоция: Ушбу мақолада инновация тушунчаси ва унинг хусусиятлари, инновацион технологиялар бозорида тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаоллигини ошириш бўйича мавжуд муаммолар ҳамда уларга айрим ечимлар келтириб ўтилган.
Калит сўзлар: инновация, инновацион технология, инновацион ғоя, тижорат банки, инвестицион банк, инвестицион фаолият, депозит, узоқ муддатли ресурс.
Кириш. Юқори ривожланган давлатларнинг тажрибаси шуни кўрсатадики, инновацион фаолият уларнинг иқтисодиётини ривожланишида жуда муҳим вазифаларни бажаради. Иқтисодиётни ривожлантиришнинг замон талабларига мос ҳолда олиб боришнинг асосий талаби инновацион технологияларни ҳаётга, яъни ишлаб чиқаришнинг барча жабҳаларига жорий қилиш ҳисобланади.
иқтисодиёти миқёсида айтганда, пухта ишлаб чиқилган давлат
инновацион сиёсатини ўрнатиш, ушбу сиёсат асосида минтақада инновацион
фаолиятни ривожлантириш орқали мамлакат иқтисодиётини
ривожлантиришнинг юқори босқичига олиб чиқиш талаб этилади.
Бугунги кунда давлат бойликлари ҳисобида табиий бойликлар билан бир қаторда, миллатнинг интеллектуал мулки асосида ишлаб чиқарилган янги замонавий технологиялар ҳам инобатга олинмоқда. Шубҳасиз ушбу бойликлардан тўғри ва самарали фойдаланиш мамлакат иқтисодиётининг барқарор ривожланишига замин яратади.
Инновация тушунчасини иқтисодиётга австриялик олим Й.Шумпетер (1883-1951) ўтган асрнинг 30 йилларида киритган бўлиб, у бу фаолиятга ишлаб чиқариладиган маҳсулотлар, бозорлар, хўжалик турларини янгилаш, янги истеъмол маҳсулотларини яратиш ва уларни татбиқ этиш деб таъриф берган.
Инновация қуйидаги хусусиятлар билан тавсифланади: инновация - бу одамларнинг режалаштирилган ижодий фаолияти натижасидир; инновация - бу амалда татбиқ этилган янгилик;
инновацион жараённинг объекти техник, технологик, ташкилий ва бошқарув, молиявий, ижтимоий, экологик ва бошқа соҳаларда бўлиши мумкин;
инновацион фаолият рақобат томонидан бошланади, инновациялар макро ва микро даражадаги инқирозларни енгишга, рақобатбардошликни оширишга ёрдам беради; инновацион фаолият хавф билан боғлиқ.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Инновацион жараёнлар
иқтисодий ривожланиш жараёнида юзага келадиган
қарамақаршиликлар ва инқирозларни ҳал қилишнинг
энг муҳим воситасидир. Инновацияларнинг ўзига хос белгилари янгилик ва
тижорат аҳамиятига эга. Инновацион жараённинг натижаси нафақат
маҳсулот, хизмат, балки янги ижтимоий эҳтиёждир. Инновацияларнинг
ҳар бир тури ўзига хос рақобат стратегиясига эга.
Бизнинг фикримизча инновация дейилганда, янги технологиялар, маҳсулот ва хизмат турлари сифатидаги янгиликларни ишлаб чиқариш, таълим, молия, тижорат, бошқариш ва бошқа хусусиятларга эга ташкилий-техникавий ва ижтимоий-иқтисодий қарорлардан самарали фойдаланиш тушунилади.
Бизга маълумки, инновацион технологияларни ҳаётга жорий қилишда энг муҳим масалалардан бири бу мустаҳкам молиявий тизимнинг яратилиши билан боғлиқки, бу соҳада зарур бўлган молиявий ресурсларнинг жамланиши натижасида дунё стандартларига мос бўлган инновацион технологиялар яратилишига олиб келади. Ҳозирги кунда инновацион технологияларни ишлаб чиқаришга жорий қилишда молиялаштиришнинг асосий манбалари қаторига бюджет маблағлари, корхона маблағлари, турли тижорат ташкилотлари маблағлари (суғурта маблағлари, инвестиция компаниялари), тижорат банкларининг ресурслари, чет эл инвестициялари ҳамда миллий ва хорижий илмий жамғармалари киради.
Хорижий тажрибалардан ҳам маълумки, иқтисодиётнинг юксак даражада тараққий этиши ишлаб чиқаришда инновацион технологиялардан қай даражада фойдаланилаётганлигига боғлиқ бўлади. Шундай экан, инновацион ғоялар, технологиялар ва лойиҳаларни тўлақонли реализация қилиш, уларни хорижий инвестицияларни жалб қилишнинг долзарблигини ҳисобга олган ҳолда ишлаб чиқариш тармоқларига амалий жорий қилишга салбий таъсир кўрсатаётган бир қатор омилларни Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 27 апрелдаги “Инновацион ғоялар, технологиялар ва лойиҳаларни амалий жорий қилиш тизимини янада такомиллаштириш чора тадбирлари тўғрисида”ги ПҚ-3682 сонли қарори билан келтириб ўтилган. Ушбу қарор бўйича санаб берилган омилларнинг орасида қулай инвестицион муҳитни шакллантириш, инновацион ғоялар ва лойиҳаларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий этиш соҳасига инвестицияларни кенг жалб қилиш, илғор ва илмий ҳажмдор технологияларни фаол тарқатишнинг самарали тизими мавжуд эмаслиги кўрсатилган.[1]
Юқорида келтириб ўтилган омилни бартараф этиш учун мамлакатимизда тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаоллигини ривожлантиришнинг объектив заруриятлиги бугунги куннинг долзарб муаммоларидан бири ҳисобланади. Мамлакатимизда инновацион технологияларни ишлаб чиқаришга қўллашда тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаоллигини ривожлантириш қўйидаги долзарб муаммоларни ҳал қилишда муҳим роль ўйнайди:
1. Инновацияга боғлиқ бўлган йирик инвестицион лойиҳаларни молиялаштириш учун узоқ муддатли ресурсларни етишмаслиги;
2. Инновацияга боғлиқ бўлган йирик инвестицион лойиҳаларни молиялаштиришда юзага келиши мумкин бўлган юқори даражали рискларни бошқариш меҳанизмларининг тўлиқ шаклланмаганлиги;
3. Қимматли қоғозлар бозорида тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаолиятининг сустлиги.
Бизнинг фикримизча ушбу муаммоларни ҳал қилиш орқали инновацияга боғлиқ бўлган инвестицион лойиҳаларни молиялаштириш, тижорат банклари томонидан амалга ошириш имкони яратилади.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Бугунги кунда банк тизими
бозор иқтисодиётининг энг муҳим ва ажралмас тузилмаларидан бири
бўлиб, унда тижорат банклари асосий рол ўйнайди. Тижорат банклари, биринчи
навбатда, иқтисодиётдан вақтинча бўш маблағларни жалб
қиладиган, бошқа томондан, корхоналар, ташкилотлар ва
аҳолининг турли молиявий эҳтиёжларини шу маблағлар
ҳисобидан қондирадиган ўзига хос кредит ташкилотлари вазифасини
Банкларнинг инвестицион фаолияти деганда, иқтисодиёт, мамлакат ва минтақалар кўламида ижтимоий ва иқтисодий соҳаларнинг инвестицион талабларини қондиришга қаратилган фаолият тушунилади.
Банкларнинг инвестиция жараёнидаги иштирокини фаоллаштириш зарурати банк тизими ва умуман иқтисодиётнинг муваффақиятли ривожланишининг ўзаро боғлиқлигидан келиб чиқади. Бир томондан, тижорат банклари ўз фаолиятининг шарти бўлган барқарор иқтисодий муҳитдан манфаатдор, бошқа томондан, иқтисодий ривожланишнинг барқарорлиги кўп жиҳатдан банк тизимининг ишончлилиги ва унинг самарали ишлашига боғлиқ. Шу билан бирга, тижорат ташкилоти сифатида индивидуал банкнинг манфаатлари таваккалчиликнинг мақбул даражасида максимал фойда олишга қаратилганлиги сабабли, кредит ташкилотларининг иқтисодиётга сармоя киритишда иштирок этишлари фақат қулай шароитлар мавжуд бўлганда содир бўлади.
A.В.Беликовнинг фикрига кўра, банкларнинг инвестиция жараёнидаги иштирокининг асосий йўналишларини қуйидагича аниқлаш мумкин.
банклар томонидан инвестиция мақсадларида маблағ жалб қилиш; инвестиция кредитларини бериш;
қимматли қоғозларга, корхона улушига (ҳам банк ҳисобидан, ҳам мижоз номидан).[2]
Бу соҳалар бир - бири билан чамбарчас боғлиқ. Банклар капитални, аҳолининг жамғармаларини ва бошқа бўш маблағларни сафарбар қилиб, улардан самарали фойдаланиш мақсадида ўз ресурсларини шакллантиради. Пул маблағларини тўплаш бўйича операциялар ҳажми ва таркиби банкларнинг кредит ва инвестиция портфеллари ҳолатига, уларнинг инвестиция фаолияти имкониятларига таъсир этувчи асосий омиллардир.
Иқтисодий адабиётларда тижорат банкларининг инвестиция фаолияти шаклларининг таснифи тижорат банкларининг инвестиция фаолиятининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари билан белгиланадиган умумий қабул қилинганидан бироз фарқ қилади.
Мамлакатимизда ҳам тижорат банкларининг инвестицион сиёсатини айнан шулардан келиб чиқиб замон талабларига мослаштириш қатъий талаб этилияпти. Бунда уларнинг инвестицион фаолиятнинг мақсадли мўлжаллари тизимини ташкил этиш ва мазкур мақсадларга эришиш усулларини эркин танлаш учун имконият берилияпти. Институционал жиҳатдан қараганда, бу инвестицион фаолиятни ташкил этиш ва бошқариш бўйича комплекс чора-тадбирлар амалга оширилмоқда деганидир. Айнан шу нуқтаи назардан тижорат банкларимизнинг муайян фаолияти инвестицион активларнинг мувофиқ таркиби ва ҳажмини таъминлаш, таваккалчиликнинг мақбул даражасида активлар даромадлилигини оширишга йўналитирилиши керак. Ўз навбатида банк ресурс базасини кенгайтириш ва банк ресурслари сақланишини таъминлаш ҳам истиқбол мақсадлари қаторидан жой олиши лозим. Шундагина инвестицион қўйилмаларнинг ликвидлилиги, хавфсизлиги ва даромадлилиги ҳамда ўсиб бориши учун прагматик шароит яратилади. Шу ўринда инвестиция йўналишида тижорат банкларини рағбатлантирувчи омиллар бўйича қўйидаги таклифларни келтириб ўтиш мумкин: рақобатдаги устунликни ошириш, ресурс базасини кенгайтириш ҳисобига кредитлаш ҳажмини ошириш, кредит портфели таваккалчиликларини диверсификациялаш
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
асосида таваккалчилик
даражасини камайтириш, кредит қайтмаслиги таваккалчилигини
Бозор иқтисодиёти шароитида кредитнинг зарурлиги қўйидаги омиллар билан белгиланади:
кредит муносабатларида иштирок этувчи томонларнинг иқтисодий манфаатдорлиги таъминланиши. Хусусан, кредитор кредит ҳисобидан фоиз тўловлари сифатида фойда олса, қарз олувчи ишлаб чиқаришнинг узлуксизлигини таъминлаш орқали тегишли фойдани шакллантириш имкониятига эга бўлади;
иқтисодиётда вақтинчалик бўш пул маблағлари ссуда капитали сифатида жамғарилиб, тегишли мақсадларга йўналтирилади;
иқтисодиётда ишлаб чиқариш циклининг даврийлиги. Бунда айрим тармоқларда вақтинчалик бўш пул маблағлари вужудга келса, бошқаларида қўшимча молиявий ресурсларга эҳтиёж тўғилади, ушбу жараён кредит орқали тартибга солинади;
ижтимоий такрор ишлаб чиқариш жараёнида қўшимча молиявий ресурсларга бўлган эҳтиёжнинг асосий қисми кредитлар орқали қондирилади.
Замонавий иқтисодиётда кредит муҳим молиявий элемент сифатида мамлакат иқтисодиётини ривожланишининг ажралмас қисми ҳисобланади. Кредит ва кредит муносабатларининг вужудга келиши ва ривожланишининг асосида товар ишлаб чиқариш, янаям аниқроқ қилиб айтадиган бўлсак, - капитал муомаласи ва айланиши ётади. Жамиятда капитал муомаласи ва айланиши доимо ҳам бир маромда амал қилмайди, булар юқорида таъкидланганидек қатор омиллар билан изоҳланади.[4]
Шундай экан инновацион технологияларни иқтисодиётга жалб қилишда қорхоналарни молиявий қўллаб қувватлашга тижорат банклари томонидан кредитлар ажратиш орқали молиялаштиришга эҳтиёж сезилади. Албатта бу тижорат банкларининг молиялаштириш жараёнида вужудга келадиган таваккалчилик даражаси юқорироқ бўлиши табиийдир. Шунинг учун инновацион технологияларни ишлаб чиқаришга жорий қилишда тижорат банкларининг кредитлари орқали амалга оширилганда тижорат банкларига бир қанча енгилликлар беришга тўғри келади.
Чет эл мамлакатлари амалиётида кредит ресурсларини инновацион ривожланишни қўллабқувватлашга йўналтирадиган устунлик ва рағбатлар тизимини ишлаб чиқишга қаратилган сиёсат амалга оширилади. Бундай тизимни жорий қилиш қуйидаги чора-тадбирларни амалга оширишни талаб қилади:
1. давлат томонидан ихтисослаштирилган инновацион банклар яратишни рағбатлантириш;
2. технологик ўзгаришларга эришишга йўналтирилган маблағларга солиқ солиш бўйича тегишли имтиёзлар ўрнатиш йўли билан давлат томонидан банкларни узоқ муддатли кредитлаш жамғармаларини яратишини рағбатлантириш. Иқтисодий асосланган солиқлар, рағбатлантирувчи функциясини бажарган ҳолда, инвестицион-инновацион жараёнларни фаоллаштиради;
3. ресурслардан фойдаланиш йўналишларига боғлиқ равишда банкларнинг фойда солиқ ставкасини дифференциациялаш – ресурслар инновацион лойиҳаларни узоқ муддатли кредитлашга йўналтирилган ҳолларда ставкани камайтириш;
4. инновацион маҳсулотларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий қилиш бўйича инвестицион лойиҳаларни амалга ошириш учун имтиёзли кредитлар тақдим қилувчи банкларнинг имтиёзли кафолатлаш тизимини яратиш;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
технологик маҳсулотларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий қилиш
соҳасида фаолиятни амалга оширувчи тадбиркорларга тақдим
қилинган кредитларни давлат томонидан суғурта қилиш
механизмини жорий қилиш;
6. банклар инновацион маҳсулот ишлаб чиқарувчи корхоналар акцияларини сотиб олганда уларни мазкур корхоналар акцияларига инвестиция қилинадиган банк фойдасининг қисмига солиқ солишдан озод қилиш йўли билан тақдирлаш;
7. инновацион фаолиятни ривожлантиришга йўналтирилган кредитларнинг гаров билан таъминланишининг ҳуқуқий тартибга солинишини такомиллаштириш;
8. инновацион лойиҳаларни кредитлашни амалга оширувчи банклар учун мажбурий резервлар меъёрларини камайтириш.
Юқорида келтирилган тавсияларни амалга ошириш инновацион иқтисодиётга фаол ўтиш шароитларида, яқин келажакда тижорат банкларига бўлган талаб инновацион лойиҳаларни молиялаштиришнинг устувор манбасига айланишига олиб келади.[5]
Мамлакатимиз иқтисодиётини тез суръатларда ривожлантиришимиз ҳамда аҳолимиз турмуш даражасини кўтариш учун инновацион технологияларни қўллашда тижорат банкларининг инвестицион фаоллиги муҳим рол ўйнайди. Бу мақсадга эришиш учун тижорат банкларимизга инновацион технологиялар бозорида фаол иштирок этишлари учун етарлича шароит яратиб берилиши лозим деб ўйлаймиз.
Хулоса ва таклифлар. Юқоридаги келтириб ўтилган ўрганишлар натижасидан келиб чиққан ҳолда, хулоса ўрнида шуни айтиш мумкинки, банкларнинг иқтисодиётдаги бўш пул маблағларни етарли даражада узоқ муддатли депозитларга жалб этиши ва ушбу маблағларни реал ишлаб чиқаришга инновацион технологияларни жорий қилиш орқали самарали бошқариш ҳозирги кунда уларнинг муҳим вазифаларидан бири ҳисобланади. Шундай экан, тижорат банкларининг узоқ муддатли ресурс базасини мустаҳкамлаш ҳамда банкларнинг инвестицион фаоллигини корхоналарнинг ишлаб чиқариш технологияларини модернизациялашга қаратиш доирасида қўйидаги чора тадбирларни амалга ошириш мақсадга мувофиқ бўлади.
Биринчидан, давлат томонидан инновацион лойиҳаларни кредитлаш билан шуғулланадиган ихтисослаштирилган инновацион банклар ташкил этишни рағбатлантириш; иккинчидан, банкларнинг узоқ муддатли ресурс базасини уларнинг устав капиталини ошириш, ҳамда облигациялар ҳисобидан шакллантириш; учинчидан, банклар томонидан жозибадор бўлган узоқ муддатли депозит сертификатларини чиқариш амалиётини ривожлантириш;
тўртинчидан, тижорат банклари томонидан инновацион технологиялар учун ажратилган кредитлар қисмидан оладиган даромадлар қисмига солиқлардан имтиёзлар тақдим этиш;
Ўйлаймизки, юқоридаги чора тадбирларни амалга ошириш, банкларнинг ресурс базасини мустаҳкамлаб, реал секторни инновацион технологиялар ҳисобига ривожлантириши учун ўз таъсирини ўтказади. Шу билан биргаликда инновация фаолиятини ривожлантиришга қаратилган чора-тадбирларнинг самарадорлигини ошириш ҳамда инновацион лойиҳаларни молиялаштириш имкониятлари яратилади.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Фойдаланилган адабиётлар рўйхати.
Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 27 апрелдаги “Инновацион ғоялар,
технологиялар ва лойиҳаларни амалий жорий қилиш тизимини янада
такомиллаштириш чора тадбирлари тўғрисида”ги ПҚ-3682 сонли
2. Колпакова, Галина Михайловна. Финансы. Денежное обращение. Кредит: учебное пособие для вузов / Г. М. Колпакова.— 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Финансы и статистика, 2006. стр 21-22.
3. http://www.xs.uz/uzkr/post/tizhorat-banklarining-samarali-investitsion-faoliyati-taraqqiyotva-farovonlikning-muhim-omili. Одил Шерназаров. 29.04.2020 йил.
4. А.А.Омонов, Т.М.Қоралиев. Пул, кредит ва банклар. Дасрлик. Тошкент-2012 йил. 182 бет.
5. М.М.Тожиев. Инновацияларни кредитлашнинг раҳбатлантирувчи омиллари ва
хатарлари тўғрисида.
Иқтисод ва молия. 2019, №6 (126)
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Рrofessor, "Engineering communications and systems" department professor (TSTU)
2nd-year master's student (TSTU)
Abstract: The authors suggest using the sludge of chemical water treatment at thermal power plants as a sorbent for treatment of wastewater from oil products in thermal power plants. The results of studies of the basic sorption properties of the sludge are presented.
Key words: sludge, sorbent, treatment, wastewater, thermal power plants
rapid growth of production and increased requirements for water quality require
more efficient and environmentally friendly ways of treatment of natural and
waste water of enterprises of the energy complex. The waters polluted with oil
and oil products occupy a special place. The source of their appearance in
wastewater of thermal power plants (TPPs) are fuel oil facilities, electrical
equipment, auxiliary services (garages). Oil-containing water is an
environmental threat due to the significant excess of maximum permissible
concentrations (MPC) compared to natural water. There are many ways to clean
wastewater from oil products, but the most effective way to remove them to
trace amounts is the method of sorption There are many different types of mineral
and organic sorbents of natural and artificial origin, suitable for cleaning
water from oil products, the best of which recognized granulated activated
carbon (1). At present the problem of finding new sorbents has become urgent.
The issue of using cheap mineral sorbents, as well as various kinds of waste
for water treatment is relevant because of the low profitability and
simultaneously high cost of wastewater treatment systems. When using new
sorbents it is necessary to analyze such indicators as efficiency, cost,
disposal costs and environmental friendliness. It is proposed to use sludge of
chemical water treatment (CWT) TPP as an oil sorbent. At present the slime of
chemical water treatment of a thermal power plant (relating to the 5th class of
danger, i.e. practically not dangerous) is utilized as a waste. Stockpiling of
sludge waste is carried out on sludge dumps, which are open platforms, not
equipped with means of environmental protection from filtration waters. Despite
the fact that this sludge does not contain highly toxic substances, there are
serious problems associated with its storage and subsequent storage. This
results in alienation of large areas, the threat of salinization, salinization
of groundwater of adjacent areas and deterioration of the hydrochemical regime
of the nearest water bodies. Sewage sludge of CHPP clarifiers is a product of
liming and coagulation, a natural raw and stable mixture of a certain
composition (2). The chemical composition and the ratio of sludge components
depend on the chemical composition of raw water under treatment. The chemical
composition of the sludge is given in the table. Ash content of the used sludge
is 89%, organic carbon - 11%, humic acids - up to 12%.
choosing a sorbent one of the most important performance indicators is its
sorption capacity which is determined by the maximum amount of petroleum
product absorbed by mass unit of the sorbent. To assess the sorption properties
of the sludge were carried out experiments to determine the content of
petroleum products in water . Sludge has an average hydrophobicity to different
levels of oil absorption under the same conditions. At the same time
hydrophobic sorbents are, as a rule, oleophilic, that is easily wetted by oil
and oil products. Sludge is a medium-wetted sorbent. The results of the study
of the adsorption process kinetics by weight method under the conditions of
immersion of the sludge sample in pure samples of petroleum products show that
the sorption capacity of the sludge is realized during the first minutes of
contact with the waste water. In 25 minutes it reaches 0.5-0.7 g/g for turbine
oil, diesel fuel and gasoline and 1.5 g/g for fuel oil, which is 56-78% and
150% correspondingly and it does not increase further. This indicates the onset
of sorption equilibrium. The results of the investigation of the sorption capacity
of a sludge sample (2 g weight) in relation to oil by the weight method are
presented in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Sorption capacity of the sludge for oil-containing water
Determination of mass concentration of oil products by infrared spectrometric method was carried out on the AN-1 device. The results of determining the oil content in wastewater, depending on the loading height and mass of the sorbent are shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Dependence of treatment efficiency on the loading height and loading weight
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
According to the results shown in Fig. 2 we can conclude that the efficiency of TPP wastewater treatment of petroleum products is directly proportional to the height and weight of the load.
Increasing the height of
sludge layer more than 30 cm does not increase the efficiency of purification,
because there is a sticking of the upper layers, which leads to a decrease in
the active surface of the filtering material [3]. The convergence of the
results showed that any of the above methods can be used to assess the sorption
properties of the sludge. The obtained data can be used for construction of an
adsorption isotherm which will allow determining the optimum parameters of
industrial purification units. Literature
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texnikaoliyo'quvyurtlariuchundarslik / S. M. Turobjonov, T. Tursunov, X. Pulatov; O'zRoliyvao'rta-maxsusta'limvazirligi. -T.: Musiqa, 2010. - 256 b.
2. Nikolaeva L.A. Research of chemical water-treatment slime as an oil sorbent for power plant wastewater treatment / L.A. Nikolaeva, D.G. Garayev, M.A. Golubchikov // Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering, Proceedings of the XIII Int. - VOLUME 3. P. 155-156.
3. Boroday E.N. Sorption Properties of the Clarifier Slime of Wastewater Treatment for Power Plants from Petroleum Products / E.N. Borodai, L.A. Nikolaeva, M.A. Golubchikov // IzvestiaVuzov. Power Engineering Problems. - 2011. - № 1-2. - С. 132-137.
5. Adilhodzhaev, A. I., Kadyrov, I. A., &Umarov, K. S. (2020). RESEARCH OF POROSITY
OF A CEMENT STONE WITH A ZEOLITE CONTAINING FILLER AND A SUPERPLASTICSTIFICATOR. Journal of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, 16(3), 15-22.
ЗАВЕДЕНИЯХ." European science 2 (58) (2021): 77-79.
7. Собирова, Ш. У., Ядгаров, Н. Д., Мамурова, Д. И., & Шукуров, А. Р. (2021). ОСНОВЫ, ЦЕЛИ И ЗАДАЧИ ОБУЧЕНИЯ ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНОМУ ИСКУССТВУ. European science, (2 (58)), 62-65.
8. Olimov, S. S., &Mamurova, D. I. (2021). Graphic Information Processing Technology and its Importance. European Journal of Life Safety and Stability (2660-9630), 10, 1-4.
Техническая реализация системы дистанционного обучения представляет собой достаточно сложный программно-аппаратный комплекс и в основном они строятся исходя из портальной схемы (Рис.1). Ядром данной системы являются LMS (Learning Management System) или система управления учебным процессом.
Рис. 1. Архитектура системы дистанционного обучения
Система управления обучением (LMS) обычно предназначены для контроля и управления учебным процессом с большим числом обучаемых. Некоторые из них ориентированы на использование в учебных заведениях, другие – на корпоративное обучение. Их общей особенностью является то, что они позволяют следить за обучением пользователей, хранить их характеристики, а также определять число доступов и время, потраченное обучаемым на прохождение определенной части курса.
Эти системы позволяют пользователям регистрироваться для прохождения курса. Зарегистрированным пользователям автоматически высылаются напоминания о необходимости пройти очередной онлайновый урок. Такая система позволяет выполнять основные административные функции. Обучаемые могут проверять свои оценки, проводить чаты и участвовать в специальных групповых разделах, куда могут заходить только члены определенной группы.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Помимо управления
процессом обучения, существует другой важный вопрос – управление контентом
электронных курсов. Эти функции могут быть интегрированы в LMS, либо
реализовываться специальной системой управление учебным контентом (LCMS –
Learning Content Management System). Системы управления контентом также могут
позволять создавать каталоги графических, звуковых, видео и текстовых файлов и
манипулировать ими. Такие системы представляет собой базу данных, снабженную
механизмом поиска по ключевым словам, позволяющим преподавателю или
разработчику курсов быстро найти то, что ему нужно. Системы управления
контентом особенно эффективны в тех случаях, когда над созданием курсов
работает большое число преподавателей, которым необходимо использовать одни и
те же фрагменты учебных материалах в различных курсах. Это сокращает время на разработку
курсов, поскольку, например, вместо создания нового изображения бизнесмена,
преподаватель может просто найти и использовать одно из готовых.
Важным компонентом системы электронного обучения является также специальные средства интеграции LMS с существующими в организации информационными системами, например, ERP-системами.
Особо следует отметить, что кроме проблем необходимой функциональности LMS и интеграции ее с существующими информационными системами, особое внимание необходимо уделить вопросу ее совместимости с другими решениями для электронного обучения, предлагаемыми на рынке. Совместимость – это возможность взять один и тот же учебный материал и, не внося в него изменений, использовать его в различных системах управления обучением. Одним из способов гарантировать совместимость – использовать программное обеспечение, поддерживающее определенные стандарты, принятые в индустрии дистанционного обучения. В идеальном случае оно должно позволять использование одних и тех же учебных материалов в различных системах управления обучения и управления контентом.
Поскольку целью создания компьютерных систем поддержки образования и обучения является наиболее полное удовлетворение потребностей учащегося, современные компьютерные обучающие технологии основываются на модели «учащегося-человека». Некоторые особенности этой модели нашли отражение в стандартах группы IEEE 1484, разработанных IEEE в сотрудничестве с другими организациями, ведущими разработки в области компьютерного обучения.
Стандарт IEEE 1484.1 выделяет пять основных уровней в архитектуре компьютерных технологий обучения:
взаимодействие «человек - обучающая среда». На этом уровне определяется цель обучения - передача, обмен, обработка, формулировка каких-либо знаний (информации) либо открытие новых знаний учащимся путём взаимодействия с обучающей средой (рис. 6);
«человеческий аспект» обучающей технической системы, который рассматривает особенности человека как соучастника учебного процесса с использованием компьютерных технологий в качестве «приёмника» информации;
компоненты системы технологий обучения, отражающие эти особенности; перспективы использования системы технологий обучения - этот уровень определяет эффект, который принесёт внедрение данной разработки учащимся, их работодателям, отрасли, в которой они работают, преподавателям, учебному заведению,
организующему обучение, другим учебным заведениям и т.д.;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
реализация компонент системы, а также интерфейсов и протоколов взаимодействия между компонентами системы, исходя из перспектив её использования.
разработки электронных учебных материалов базируются на следующих основных
учащийся-человек воспринимает информацию из внешней среды через органы чувств. Поэтому процесс обучения идёт эффективнее, если изучаемая область не просто описывается, а демонстрируется в изображениях, звуке, видеосъёмках, что особенно актуально при самостоятельном обучении. Информация, которую необходимо усвоить при дистанционном обучении, переводится в наиболее удобную для человеческого восприятия форму - мультимедиа, что означает компоновку нескольких форм представления информации для наиболее полной передачи свойств изучаемых объектов, процессов или явлений окружающего мира.
учащийся является ненадёжным «приёмником» информации и нуждается в постоянном контроле. Контроль со стороны руководителя обучения заключается в возможности своевременной помощи учащемуся при трудностях в процессе усвоения знаний. Приложение для дистанционного обучения должно быть оснащено средствами контроля, которые адекватно отражают достижение учащимся поставленной при создании приложения цели. Кроме того, учащемуся нужно иметь возможность при необходимости обратиться за помощью к преподавателю, специалисту или товарищам.
каждый учащийся индивидуален, непредсказуем и не похож на других. При дистанционном обучении даже цели обучения учащихся одной и той же специальности могут значительно отличаться. Студенты могут различаться по уровню знаний, способностям и другим признакам, что требует от приложений, используемых при ДО, возможностей адаптации, многовариантности, наличия как теоретических материалов, так и заданий различных уровней сложности.
учащийся должен иметь возможность заниматься обучением в любом месте и в любое время, когда ему это потребуется.
для эффективного обучения учащийся должен активно участвовать в формировании стратегии и тактики своего обучения.
Рис.2. Модель взаимодействия и информационные потеки в системе дистанционного обучения
На рис.6 показана примерная схема взаимодействия компонентов системы на уровне программного обеспечения. Для каждой конкретной системы схема может несколько отличаться.
Рис.3. Схема взаимодействия компонентов системы на уровне программного обеспечения Literature:
1. Gvozdarev Y.N. Fundamentals of Russian phrase formation: monography. - Rostov: NMC "Logos", 2010. - 246 с.
Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people. - M .: Fiction, 1984.
3. 6.Dzhuraeva Z.R. Nosirov O.T. Dostoevsky's traditions in the novel “Doctor Faustus” by T. Mann // International Journal on Integrated Education, 110/114
4. 7.Олимов, Ш. Ш. "Педагогическое мастерство преподавателя и его профессионализм в системе образования." Научные школы. Молодежь в науке и культуре XXI в.: материалы междунар. науч.-творч. форума. 31 окт.–3 нояб. 2017 г./Челяб. гос. ин-т культуры; сост. ЕВ Швачко.–Челябинск: ЧГИК, 2017.–394 с. ISBN 978-5-94839-6293 (2017).
5. Khodieva, Orzigul Shodimurodovna, and Sohib Salimovich Sharipov. "The history of the creation of the author's lexicography." Middle European Scientific Bulletin 9 (2021).
6. Salimovich, Sharipov Sohib, and Nematova Mohibegim Fazliddinovna. "Dictionaries in Modern Life." International Journal on Integrated Education 2.6: 166-168.
7. Джураева, З. Р., and Л. Х. Нигматова. "Психологическое восприятие фонетического уровня поэтического текста." Наука. Мысль: электронный периодический журнал 10 (2014).
9. Khodjayeva N. S., Mamurova D. I., Nafisa A. IMPORTANCE IN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY //International Engineering Journal For Research & Development. – 2020. – Т. 5. – №. CONGRESS. – С. 5-5.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
A. S., Nayimovich, A. S., & Nosirovna, S. M. (2021). Technology Of Teaching
Fine Arts And Science Classroom. International Journal of Progressive
Sciences and Technologies, 25(2), 109-111.
11. Muzafarovaa A. N. FORMS OF PREPARATION OF FUTURE TEACHERS FOR VISUAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES //Euro-Asia Conferences. – 2021. – С. 119-123.
BUKHARA OAZIS AND WAYS TO IMPROVE THEM //Scientific reports of Bukhara State
University. – 2020. – Т. 4.
Today I'd like to discuss the Vardzia monastery complex, which is one of Georgia's most popular tourist attractions. The presence of this cultural relic is difficult to accept at first glance, because such fantastic sites can only be heard in stories and legends. Vardzia is located on the left side of the Mtkvari River in old Javakheti. It is situated about 1300 meters above sea level on the Erusheti Mountain's side. You could sense the amazing history linked with this city-cave as soon as you walked in.
Vardzia's caves all seemed to tell a different story. Vardzia's construction began in 1156 and lasted 47 years. Over the years, up to 300 rooms have survived, including monasteries, cellars, and irrigation lines that are still operational today. Vardzia's design is broken into three parts:
Between the south wall of the Church of the Assumption and the bell tower, there is a tiny group of caverns built close together in the first central section.
The second section is the so-called Rock town of Ananuri, which has a two-story rock house, a garden and grape terraces, as well as a small church from the 10th century.
Time has done a good job of preserving the last and third segments. Tamar's room, the entryway, the Salkhino, and the "Palace of Medicine" are all accessible via 150-meter-wide caves and a tunnel. I took a look around.
guide responded that the creation of Vardzia was intimately associated with
George III and Queen Tamar, which piqued my attention. The Church of the
Assumption still has the frescoes of Tamar and George III. Do you know why this
temple holds such significance for me? The temple's walls are covered in
frescoes depicting biblical scenes, and it is because of these paintings that
the temple feels so holy.
I'd also like to tell you about a mythology related with Vardzia's name, which all Georgian youngsters have been taught since childhood. I frequently followed her grandma; the stories were usually brief and straightforward, but she made an indelible impression on my memory.
Tamar used to play in a cave in an incomplete monastery complex with her uncle when she was a child. When the uncle lost sight of the baby, he proceeded into the cave's labyrinths and began searching for him. "Here I am, uncle!" Tamar exclaimed to her uncle. The facility was called after this reaction by King George III's edict.
Archaeologists discovered an ancient monument on the west slope of a previously undiscovered tier complex in 2015. I asked the guide what role this side of the complex served because it was structurally distinct from the center and eastern sides. He presented his theory with scientists that the freshly discovered vast halls served as a residential-agricultural complex. Ithaca as a whole had an additional structure where products were stored. Analyze the number of products in each room and how the servants moved from one to the next.
The smashed porcelain crockery piqued my interest, but I could sense how much this rushed story revealed about medieval existence.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Vardzia is Georgia's most
visited cultural landmark, with thousands of visitors each year. I consider
myself fortunate to have visited her prior to the pandemic. This global
catastrophe has paused time and history, but I hope that travelers will be able
to visit this location again soon and be as enthralled as I am.
Materials are From:
1. http://www.ambioni.ge/varzia
2. https://1tv.ge/news/forbsma-vardzia-yvelaze-shtambechdav-mosanakhulebel-mimartulebaddaasakhela/
3. http://www.orthodoxy.ge/eklesiebi/vardzia/vardzia.htm
During hot Summer days, I was on vacation with my family in Batumi, a Black Sea resort, and one day it was cloudy and raining, so I couldn't swim in the sea, but I was going on the beach and gazing at wet pebbles, collecting lovely sinks, and thinking how many stories they had.
I hadn't given much attention to why the Black Sea is thus named, so I decided to look into it and found a lot of intriguing stories. You've definitely heard of the Black Sea, and now I'll tell you about the history of its name and its current significance for our country.
Today, the country faces a variety of pollution challenges, and everyone is aware of the situation. In my presentation, I will also discuss the importance of the sea and the hazards of pollution. Georgia is bordered on the west by the Black Sea.
It connects Europe and Asia by being situated between Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The
Atlantic Ocean basin includes the Black Sea. The Kerch Strait connects it to the Sea of Azov, the Bosphorus Strait to the Marmara Sea, and the Dardanelles Strait to the Marble Sea, all of which are connected to the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.
Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria are among the countries that
border the Black Sea. It's fascinating that the Black Sea is now known as
black, despite the fact that the water in it is blue; I'm also curious as to
why, when, and how the sea came to be named after that. In this regard, there
are a variety of viewpoints. The issue is, the water in the Black Sea isn't
constantly blue.The surface of the ocean turns dark in the winter when there
are chilly winds, and enormous lead waves pound the coast with a thunderstorm,
hence the name "Black Sea." It was named by the ancient Greeks,
according to one story. The sea, it seems, gained this name because sailing on
it was tough. After the Greeks explored its coast and colonized the surrounding
territories, the Ponto Exinon was dubbed the "Hospitality Sea." The
Turks, according to another story, named the Black Sea. When they experienced strong
resistance from the local inhabitants during the capture of its coast.
The sea was given the name "Karadeniz," which meaning "dark and unwelcoming." Many different fish species and algae can be found in the Black Sea. The Black Sea is the ideal environment for them, as it contains all of the necessary environmental elements for life to survive.
Degradation of the Black Sea ecosystemThe first indications appeared in the 1960s of the previous century. Since then, the environment has changed dramatically.The situation deteriorated further. However, individuals are becoming more environmentally conscious today: Slowly reducing the negative impact on the ecology, as well as insignificant but hopeful improvements. The Black Sea is used for mineral extraction, tourism, recreation, and military purposes in addition to navigation, fishing, and farming.
The Black Sea basin and bottom are substantially influenced by urban expansion, industry, hydroelectric and nuclear energy, agricultural operations, and soil uptake, among other factors. The Black Sea has been contaminated artificially. The biggest ecological problem is caused by domestic, industrial, atmospheric, and harmful river waste, as well as garbage deposited intentionally or accidently by ships. Chemical (organic salts, petroleum products, sustainable
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
organic contaminants and
trace elements) and radioactive chemicals, solid waste, and invasion
(non-inherited) living creatures all pose a hazard to the Black Sea. Oil is
spilled, which, according to government data, occurs primarily due to human
error. Oil spills harm the coastal ecology, destroying fish eggs and leaflets.
It even has a direct impact on the sea. Birds face another danger: if they are
oil-exhausted, they lose their capacity to fly and dive, and they can no longer
maintain their flight. Their feathers lose their water resistance at body
temperature, causing them to become sick and perish.
True, heavy metal contamination poses a hazard to the majority of the Black Sea. Not much is threatened, although there is still a lot of chromium, lead, copper, Cobalt, nickel, arsenic, silver, and iron in places where there are industrial operations. Humans, seabirds, and mammals are poisoned by these substances in the environment. In rings, heavy metals easily reach the top of the food chain.
They are, for example, ingested in vast numbers by seafloor dwellers. A food source for other organisms. substances that are poisonous Food consumption activates systems, organs, and tissues. Pathologies. Plastic-containing materials have heavily polluted the Black Sea coast. Wastes that pose a concern to marine mammals due to their ability to consume them. Too many dead dolphins wash up on the beach. In the stomachs, foreign bodies are frequently discovered.
The Black Sea is also under threat from radioactivity. Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster in 1986 Following the explosion of a power station (part of the Soviet Union) when radioactive compounds were present in rivers in the Black Sea and were hit by precipitation. As a result, many sea creatures, particularly fish, perished. Some animals have even lost their reproductive capabilities.
Because the Black Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean, contamination of the Black Sea can lead to pollution of the oceans. As a result, every citizen has a strong desire and obligation to protect this vital resource. It's also worth noting that a lot of individuals strive to clean it up.
The Black Sea is one of the most important resources for any country's tourism and economic development; tourism, both domestic and international, is improving every year. Each of us must consider this essential component and protect this lovely environment, because a local problem can quickly escalate into a worldwide issue for humanity.
Materials are from:
1. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/GE_UNDP_EE_Black_Sea_Box_Geo.pdf
2. https://ka.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E1%83%A8%E1%83%90%E1%83%95%E1%83%98_%E1%8
3. https://nationalgeographic.ge/shavi-zghva/
Student of Telav State University, Faculty of Humanities, direction of history
Student of the Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University, Faculty of Humanities, direction of history
Saint, Georgian clergyman and public figure, scientist ––– this is how the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and the Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi Ambros Khelaia is referred to today. Georgian theological and public figure, scientist, Patriarch of the Catholicos of All Georgia and Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi in 1921-1927. 2012 was declared the year of Ambrose Khelaia.
Besarion Zosime Khelaia was born on September 7, 1861 in the village of Martvili, Zugdidi region. He studied at the Tbilisi Theological Seminary.
1885 Graduated from the Tbilisi Theological Seminary. From 1887 to 1896 he was a priest in
Sochi, then in Sukhumi. He was also the supervisor of the church-parish schools of Sokhumi, New Athos and Likha and a teacher of the Georgian language. Fought against the Russificationist and chauvinist policies of Tsarism in Abkhazia. He appeared in the press against Golubtsov, a blacksmith, and Bishop Arsen (Izotov), who instilled in Abkhazians hatred of Georgians and persecuted the Georgian language.
1897, at the age of 36, Father Ambrose enrolled in the Kazan Theological
Academy, having been widowed a year earlier. The first son of father Ambrose
and his wife, Elizabeth Merchule, was born in 1888. Sadly, the firstborn died
within a few months. A year later they had a daughter Nino, then Alexander and
Anna. Fate soon separated Father Ambrose from his wife. Elizabeth went through
childbirth. There are three orphans left who have never been removed from the
side. He was with him while studying in Kazan and even during his deportation.
He was a caring father and then ... a similar patriarch. Ambrose Khelaia's
wife, Kesaria, gave birth to her third child - Anna (my grandmother) at the age
of 23. Ambrose was ordained a monk after the death of his wife. Caesarea is
buried in Ilori, in the bell tower, because Ilori was a shrine to the Mechlers.
My grandmother Anna, a baby, a emaciated girl, did not leave Ambrose for a
moment. Neither gave it to a relative. The breast was sucked by a Megrelian
woman, then by a Russian foster mother and her sister. In general Ambrose was
an extraordinary father. He took all three children with him everywhere. They
were also accompanied by deportation ------- tells us about Ambrose's
granddaughter Ana Kldiashvili.
According to contemporaries he was a talented, highly honest, kind and virtuous man. It is enough to name the words that the patriarch said to the body of Ilia Chavchavadze. His words show that he was quite educated, resourceful, and quite a great philosopher as well. A person who had a good insight into the political or religious activities of Georgia at that time. Here are his words uttered before the corpse of Ilia: I dare and dare to say a few words before this glorious corpse.
Today, the whole of Georgia mourns the corpse of the son of a glorious landlord. Today, Georgia has lost the greatest poet, excellent and dedicated public figure, the pride of literature. We do not have Ilia Chavchavadze - the poor of his nation. He was killed by the dirty hand of the barbarians.
But did the glorious Ilya die? "Be ye therefore faithful unto death, and give unto me the crown of life" (Revelation 2:10). - The Lord commands us through the mouth of the Apostle John the
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Theologian and thus shows
us what we must be like in this world to inherit the eternal crown - the crown
of immortality. Blessed is he who does his duty honestly in this world,
believes and selflessly serves the truth, this is the basis of action - the basis
of action. "Righteous is the death of the Lord" of such a man (Psalm
115: 6). He is immortal in His work, His memory will forever remain in a
grateful nation. In addition, man is a teacher and mentor even after death,
because, according to the apostle, he also speaks after death (Heb. 11: 4).
Therefore, Ilia did not die either. He is alive. He just died from life to death. Though the eloquent Bagen was silenced, but the deed of his eloquent shouts and shouts. He will remain immortal with his work as long as the Georgian nation exists. Moreover, even if the Georgian nation is transformed and destroyed due to the opposite time, the memory of the great poet-figure will not be lost, because the work of this glorious son of Georgia belongs not only to the Georgian nation, but also to humanity, of which Georgia is a part. The rested is glorious with his multifaceted work for the benefit of the homeland. The greatness of his merit is the reason why the whole of Georgia mourns him so bitterly. But, Georgians, not an unforgettable Ilia is a mourning satire, but our homeland doomed by fate - its loser. Wasn't it enough that the reverse time-situation caused us trouble, that we ourselves did not add unwritten trouble ?! But it is believable that this unprecedented barbaric murder was committed by the son of Georgia, the Georgia in whose selfless service he spent the whole 50 years. If this is blamed on Georgia, then our corruption, moral decline, savagery, perversion will be truly satirical. We have to think deeply about this if we want to remain a Georgian nation. The rest is blissful. The road is paved. He faithfully served the ideals that he chose for the benefit of the Georgian nation half a century ago until the last minute. He has not taken a single step, he has not betrayed them, and for this, according to the apostle, he is ready for the "crown of life" (Revelation 2:10), the crown of immortality. Even death from a glorious corpse has any significance for us, it undoubtedly teaches us something. Let us consider this blood shed by the barbarians to cleanse our national sins, to turn us from the wrong path, to unite and strengthen the children of Georgia as a whole.
Let us swear by this present corpse that we will be true executors of the commandments which the deceased has bequeathed to us through his work. If we have unity in the service of national ideals, then no doubt our homeland can still produce the glorious Iliad figure, and then finally rejoice in the glorious immortal soul of the departed. To be the last sacrifice, at the national table sacrificed for the good of the homeland and with us as a means of national sins. The greatness of this sacrifice is the guarantee that in the future our perversion, our ignorance will be eradicated and we will join forces to serve honestly in the revival of the homeland. If such merit has been bestowed upon us by the blood of this sacrifice, if we have joined in devotional service to the land - it will be the last, truly great merit of the great Elijah - the desired fruit and crown of his long labor. For us, it will be a real debt, the execution of his will and at the same time the best respect for the memory of the deceased. God has given us the ability to do this. May your memory be eternal, devoted to the land, glorious poet, Iliav! "
Ambrose Khelaia was ordained a monk in Kazan in 1900 and was promoted to the rank of Archimandrite. He graduated from the academy in 1901. He soon returned to Georgia and was appointed the head of the Chelishi Monastery. His name is connected with the discovery of "Chelishi Otkhtavi" and "Moktsevai Kartlisai" in Chelishi Monastery.
There is a legend-like story about this discovery ––– In 1902, during his ministry in Chelishi Monastery, Ambrose Khelaia, who came out of the monastery yard, heard a voice from the monks, asking the monks for a place and asking them to dig up the land. Under the ground, the monks found a small akldama, where, along with other manuscripts, they discovered "Moktsevai Kartlisai" dating back to the XIV century.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
The scientific merit of the Catholicos-Patriarch Ambrose is especially interesting. Unfortunately, to date there is no complete bibliography of the works of the saint.
A significant part of his
letters are published in Russian newspapers. Some of the manuscripts are
preserved in the National Center of Manuscripts, in the archives of the
Patriarchate, in various libraries and museums of Georgia, in private
collections. Some manuscripts of unpublished works are still considered lost.
St. Ambrose became interested in studying Georgian history and Georgian
manuscripts while still studying at the Kazan Theological Academy. He also
defended his dissertation "Fighting Christianity with Islam in Georgia".
In 1915-1917, he published a magazine under the pseudonym "Amber". In "Gantiadi" and "Tskhovreba" he published "Journey to Racha-Lechkhumi", where he interestingly described the history of the manuscripts of the Chelishi Monastery.
One of the most serious scientific works of Ambrose is "Bedia and the Temple of Bedia" written in 1920. It deals with the history of Bedia Temple, epigraphy, Bedia Gulan, political, economic and ecclesiastical history of Western Georgia. 1901 Appointed Archimandrite of Chelishi Monastery. In 1904 he was transferred to Tbilisi as a member of the Synodal Cantor and the head of the Transfiguration Monastery. During the First Russian Revolution, Ambrose fought for the restoration of the autocephaly (independence) of the Georgian Orthodox Apostolic Church, which led to his deportation to Russia in 1905.
In 1905, under the leadership of Ilia Chavchavadze, a struggle began to restore the autocephaly of the Georgian Church, which had been abolished by Russia. The father of the nation was supported by a number of prominent figures, including Nico Marie, Alexander Tsagareli, Bishops Kirion and Leonidas. . .
Ambrose Khelaia also took an active part in this great national cause.
The Georgian clergy sent a petition to the Russian Synod to restore the autocephaly of the Georgian Church. Emperor Nicholas II set up a special commission to investigate the matter. Bishops Kirion and Leonide left for St. Petersburg together with Ilia Chavchavadze. Unfortunately, at this stage, the issue of autocephaly of the Georgian Church has not been resolved positively. "I ask God ... for victory in the cause for which you are invited to the capital city of the North. It is true that the fate of our church autocephaly has turned badly, but what can we do, when we were happy to create now ...
The opinion of me and the priest here, what is better for you, is this: to give up nothing and whatever is given to us by force, we obey only temporarily. "When we see a convenient time, we will try to do what is requested in the petitions." Ambrose Khelaia's letter to Bishop Leonides
The long-awaited ecclesiastical freedom was still gained by the Georgian Church. On March 12, 1917 (A.D. 25), the restoration of the autocephaly of the Georgian Church was announced in Svetitskhoveli Cathedral.
"I congratulate the suffering Georgia on the good news: the restoration of the autocephaly of its church. Rejoice, you mother parents, in the Catholic Church, rise up and bring your life for the benefit of the people set on the path of unbelief, rise up with the purity and purity of the ancients. "In 1907, he attended the ecclesiastical assembly, which decided to teach theology in Georgian in seminaries and theological schools. The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church met this fact with great indignation. Exarch of Georgia Nikon dispersed the assembly of autocephalous forces with the help of the Cossacks and beat its participants with whips, but Nikon was not satisfied with this and demanded from St. Petersburg: On May 28, 1908, Exarch Nikon was assassinated by a revolver on the steps of the Synod office, although no killer could be found, but priests in favor of Nikon's "ideological opponents" began to be persecuted and deported. Archimandrite Ambrose Khelaia was
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exiled to Russia, and
Bishop Kyrion was tortured in Nikon's assassination. It is true that neither of
them could be proved guilty, but both were punished: Father Ambrose was banned
from the priesthood and sent to the Trinity Monastery in Ryazan, where he had
to live in cruelty for more than a year. The Holy Synod of Russia completely
ignored every request of Archimandrite to return to his homeland. Archimandrite
Ambrose fought tirelessly to protect the interests of the Georgian nation and
the Georgian Orthodox Apostolic Church. That is why the government was
especially persecuted.
He was first transferred to Russia in 1903 to oversee the Ust-Medvedsa Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Don, where he remained until the end of 1905.
"In the second half of January 1909, Mergo shed tears for me and left for my homeland and moved to the north. On January 28, I reached my destination. It was the monastery of the Trinity in Ryazan. For a long time I was not able to see the sights of the monastery. Due to the journey and spiritual suffering, the patient was taken to a damp house and was not allowed to see a doctor for a long time. Because of this, my illness lasted for a whole month and a half. In the early days no one was allowed to enter with me except the treasurer of the monastery, the priest-nun Basil. I was not allowed to walk freely - not only outside the walls of the monastery, but also in the yard of the monastery. Added to this was the harshness of winter and heavy snow, and because of this I was locked up in my damp Senaki. ” The thoughts and efforts of the exiled father Ambrose were directed only to Georgia. He tried not to lose his courage, continued his scientific and social activities, cooperated with the "Georgian Historical and Ethnographic Society" ...
Akrimandrit, who was interned in exile, constantly asked for permission to return to Georgia, but in vain - he was a very dangerous force for Russia.
"It is difficult to get my case back if the circumstances have not changed radically. Now no one is punished more than me, everyone else is named after suspicious people .
Only Ambrose is not worthy of anything and is not considered a reliable person in the Synod. I do not even know what he did wrong ... Anyway, thank you very much for your compassion, because I am not accustomed to compassion. We too (I have some in my face who have a name in us), recently, when I was given the opportunity to return to my homeland, were severely beaten. God forgive.
They should not do that to those in my situation ... We are like that, unfortunately, Georgians, we have not yet reached the level where we do not replace public affairs with personal ones.
God knows when we will be able to realize true patriotism. Does not everything that happens around us wake us up ?!
1915 3 November.
/ Ambrose Khelaia's letter to Romanoz Pantskhava /
"... the treasurer, who should have always been with me while walking, pointed to one of the graves and told me that the Queen of Georgia was fasting here ... it turned out that she was buried there ... the Queen's wife ..." - Mariam, who died in 1821. "During my stay in Ryazan, the only consolation for me was to come to this grave and sit for hours, because here I felt something native and I was comforted by boundless dreams. I often could not hold back the tears that often filled my mind. Even before her death, the sinful Mariam would have thought that someone Georgian would have seen her grave, counted the eternal remembrance in her mother tongue, and even shed tears about the fate of her homeland. Spilled near his grave ?! "
Meanwhile, rumors were circulating in Georgia that Ambrose Khelaia was financially well-off and simply did not want to return. The saint wrote about this in his letter: "My Exorcist" with heartache:
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The writers of this
letter have probably not yet experienced the loneliness of the soul, they have
not experienced the severity that a sophisticated person experiences in the
homeland, unless he is on the path of degeneration and his heart aches for the state
of the homeland. ”
1908 New charges are brought against him for allegedly taking part in the assassination of Exarch
Nikon. In 1910 he was acquitted, but was not allowed to return to his homeland. He arrived in
Georgia only in August 1917. He was first the Metropolitan of Chkondidi, then of Abkhazia and
Sokhumi, and from September 1921 the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and the Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi. The global changes that took place in Russia in February 1917 created a favorable moment for the restoration of the independence of the Georgian Church.
On March 12 (25) 1917, the autocephaly of the Georgian Church was solemnly proclaimed in the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, and on March 16, a meeting of clergymen was held in Tbilisi, which decided that from now on the service in the Zion Cathedral should be performed in Georgian.
In September 1921, the Holy Synod elected Metropolitan Ambrose Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi. The country occupied by the Bolsheviks is facing a severe ordeal: the persecution of the church, the restriction of the rights of the Georgian language and the transfer of historical lands to others begin. The Catholicos seeks to attract the attention of the world community and in 1922 sends a memorandum to the Genoa International Conference, attended by representatives of 29 states. The conference was attended by representatives of dozens of countries, including delegates from Red Russia. The memorandum described the annexation of Georgia by the Bolsheviks and the dire consequences of that annexation. The Bolshevik government of Georgia did not forgive the Catholicos-Patriarch Ambrose Khelaia for sending a memorandum, exposing his anti-national policies and arresting him. The prisoner held himself dignified in the Soviet court. He addressed the court as follows: "The heart belongs to my Georgia, the soul - to God, the corpse is what you want it to be." It was quite a bold and courageous statement in Georgia at that time. In Georgia, where Russian policy was newly established.
Here is an excerpt from his memorandum: "In 1918, the nation declared its independence and immediately began to restore its political and national-cultural life. Georgia, bloodied in the war, once again faced the yoke of such a heavy and shameful slavery, the like of which it has not experienced in its centuries-long history. The occupiers, indeed, try to convince everyone at home and abroad that they have liberated and made the Georgians happy, but how happy the Georgian nation feels, I, his spiritual father, best say, boldly and without exaggeration, say that these are completely inappropriate Georgian experiments. On the back of the nation, it will inevitably lead to physical extinction and spiritual influence and corruption!
The nation will hear you, but will not be able to remove the voice. In such circumstances, it is my pastoral duty and duty to hear the vast cultural humanity: I, as a representative of the Church, do not enter into the appreciation and regulation of various forms of political life. But I can not wish for my nation a device that is relatively more conducive to its physical revitalization and cultural development.
So I ask:
The occupiers, indeed, try to convince everyone at home and abroad that they have liberated and made the Georgians happy, but how happy the Georgian nation feels, I, his spiritual father, best say, boldly and without exaggeration, say that these are completely inappropriate Georgian experiments. On the back of the nation, it will inevitably lead to physical extinction and spiritual influence and corruption!
1. Immediately withdraw the Russian occupation army from the borders of Georgia and secure its land and water from foreign invasion and seizure of power.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
2. To enable the Georgian nation to organize its life as it wants, without the force and dictation of others. "
1922-1926: The government
actively fights against the church, the methods are brutal, the monasteries are
closed, the clergy are arrested and shot, they are forced to give up church
activities. Noteworthy is the active anti-religious propaganda, it is enough to
look at the communist newspaper: especially in the run-up to the church
holidays, strong anti-religious articles appear. The government opposes all
means to religion in order for society to finally get rid of this institution.
There is also a clear aggressive attitude towards the Orthodox Church in
particular. CatholicosPatriarch Ambrose Khelaia has clearly resigned from the
government, he has been in confrontation with the regime since the day of the
occupation, followed by a famous letter in Genoa, authored by Ambrose. Sending
a memorandum to the conference was an unprecedented case. The government did
not take this fact seriously and soon Catholicos Ambrose was arrested. Along
with the patriarch, 9 members of the Catholic Council were also tried at the
They were accused of: sending a memorandum to the Genoa Conference, hiding treasures of Georgian churches and monasteries, misappropriation of church property registers and the absence of a representative of the Patriarchate in the procedure of handing over the military temple (which was on the territory of the current government palace) to the Communist Party.
Here are some excerpts from the March 1924 trial:
Judge Baratashvili - What was the nature of your memorandum?
Catholicos Ambrose was the representative of Georgia at the Genoa Conference and the sovereignty of our nation was to be protected there. I thought this memorandum would help our representative and so I sent it.
Prosecutor Okujava - If not the Soviet set-up, how did you request the set-up?
Catholicos Ambrose - one that would be based on the will of the people.
Judge Erkomaishvili - What would you expect from the memorandum sent to the Genoa Conference?
Catholicos Ambrose - I defended the idea of state and ecclesiastical freedom of Georgia.
Judge Erkomaishvili - Why did you demand the withdrawal of the Red Army from Georgia, which is the defender of the interests of the working people?
Catholicos Ambrose - I still do not know who is defended by the Russian army. When I demanded the withdrawal of the Red Army, I meant intervention because intervention takes place through the army.
Judge Erkomaishvili - When was Georgia free?
Catholicos Ambrose - before the entry of the Red Army. After the Red Army entered, Georgia lost its independence. Prosecutor Machavariani - Is the issue of territory political or religious?
"Catholicos Ambrose - both politically and religiously, because the loss of territory is a loss for the church."
At the same time, the newspapers cover the trial "Catholicos Ambrose and his" brothers "(in quotes) almost every day in the newspapers. Where it is repeatedly mentioned: "During the introduction of the accused, voices are heard in the courtroom:" Down with Ambrose "," Down with the counterrevolution "," Hatred of Ambrose ".
Sessions are adjourned as the workers-servants throw themselves out and shout: Let us, we will judge the traitors of the working class. Kadnier poems, articles are written. E.g. "The accused do not
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
plead guilty, lie, insinuate, they are traders with truth and conscience." When the patriarch leaves the courthouse, specially invited Communists throw eggs at him.
And after all this the
Catholicos says the final word in court, where there is not even a hint of
greed seen. On the contrary, these are the words of the Patriarch of the
Nation, who fights, cares and loves even in the face of death:
"Will the majority of the workers of the Georgian nation, against whose interests I wanted to sacrifice myself and my personal interests, even oppose my speech?" No, I will not believe it… "and again:" A peasant whose lands are irrigated with the blood and bones of their ancestors, this peasant, believes that he will always be a lover of his homeland and will never hate or defend the idea of his freedom. "
Here are some excerpts from his closing remarks on the main allegations, which can be considered as an example of ecclesiastical thinking: Servants are godly, "we should pray for them and not say evil to them, but to say no to evil does not mean not to criticize their actions, not to point out their mistakes; if I saw the danger of national extinction, I owed it to myself to speak out."
He writes about the accusation of hiding the church treasure: "I was serving in Sokhumi and things were hidden without me" but if I was really hiding
"Participant, even then I could not feel guilty, because the clergy was in debt, took care of the property of the church, and from time immemorial, they resorted to this means in times of unrest and the invasion of enemies."
"Your proposal (to hand over the church to the Communist Party) was unacceptable to us, because by accepting it we would become traitors to God's decree and faith. This is it and this is it. "
Finally: “As our forefathers thought it sweet to accept suffering for their homeland and their faith, so sweet will be the punishment that the Supreme Court will sentence me for taking the vote to protect the freedom of the native church and nation. It will be the crowning achievement of the cross that has been borne by me for almost 37 years of my life.
The voice raised by me to defend my national interests and the condemnation that I will be sentenced by the Supreme Court will find its place in the heart of every Georgian - a Georgian who has not yet lost his faith and love for his homeland. I will consider myself happy with this as well. As believers say - be the will of God! - And address you in the words of Christ: "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children" (Luke 23:28).
None of the accused pleaded guilty. The sentence of Catholicos-Patriarch Ambrose provides for the death penalty, but for a venerable age is punishable by imprisonment for up to 8 years, with severe isolation and confiscation of all property. While in prison, his children were allowed to visit their father several times. They thought that the Catholic was meeting them always calmly and calmly, as if nothing was bothering them. No matter how hard the period of imprisonment was, it also shows that he was asked to voluntarily resign from the patriarchate, which he refused. After that, talking about his physical impotence is probably not worth it.
An amnesty issued in late 1924 acquits the Catholicos.
According to his granddaughter, Anna Kldiashvili, one day a neighbor boy told Bebiamis (daughter of the Catholicos-Patriarch, Ambrose) that the Catholicos was crossing the Metekhi bridge. Whether he entered Zion or not, the people fell to their knees. Then it turned out with joy "it seems that Christianity can not be destroyed by force in Georgia" –––– Again the wise admonition of the patriarch and the call that the nation should not lose its spiritual nourishment. The sermons he delivered after his release from prison are preserved. In his first sermon, two years after the separation, he thanked the parishioners for the compassion they felt from them during this difficult
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
time and said, "It
was not the result of my dignity, but of the fact that you love Mother Church
and value the quality you chose my worth… In works of faith you are not like a
reed that is constantly swaying and swaying where the wind blows, but you are
steadfast and unshakable. This is especially gratifying for me. " His
paternal care for the parish is especially evident in the same sermon. He says
that before he takes up his duties, he wants to know what the situation is in
our church. You will probably be surprised, because it is already known that
churches and monasteries are ruined and ruined. But, in the church he meant
himself and their hearts. As he then says, this church seemed to him more
beautiful now than before.
A heavy and difficult cross of the patriarchate, prison health was shaken and he died on March 29, 1927 while performing a liturgy. Before he died, he prayed to the Lord: "Lord, look at this vineyard, which was founded by your right hand."
The Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Ambrose Khelaia was a symbol of freedom in life, and after his death - a national hero, who was ordained by the Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church in 1995. High Priest Ambrose was canonized on behalf of the confessor. He became the heavenly protector of the Georgian nation and Georgia. He is buried in the Temple of Zion and his remembrance day is celebrated on March 16 (29). Yes, Ambrose Khelaias's contribution to the salvation of Georgia and its spiritual development is really great. Catholicos Ambrose, in spite of his brief patriarchy, bore the brunt of the patriarchy, the cross that sacrificed his life. Those years, which are the years of his patriarchy, are a very difficult period not only for the history of our country, but also for the clergy. Indeed, it must have been wise and philosophical for him to cope with the pastoral care of the Church in such a difficult period and to respond to the country's indomitable enemy in the international arena. . .
We think that Ambrose Khelaia honestly owed a debt to our multi-suffering nation. The nation that sanctified him and created Sts. Icon of Ambrose Khelaia.
Used literature:
1. Historical-Scientific Journal "Historian", 2012, January.
2. ka.wikipedia.org.
3. Magazine "Intellect", M. Kebadze ––– Georgian autocephaly, 1 (30) Tb.2008.
4. Gate, # 23.2005,16–19 December, p. 22.
5. https://sites.google.com/site/ambrosikhelaia150/ Publications (Sergo Vardosanidze).
Fergana State University, pedagogical specialty 1 year Master student
Annotation: This article discusses the situation with the use of the credit-module system in higher education in developed countries and the advantages of its application in the higher education system of Uzbekistan. About increasing the efficiency of the educational process of the creditmodule system
Keywords: education system, credit-module system, teaching methods, new educational technologies, higher education.
“O‘zbekiston Respublikasida oliy taʼlim tizimini 2030-yilgacha rivojlantirish konsepsiyasini tasdiqlash to‘g‘risida”gi farmoni ijrosini taʼminlash maqsadida 9 ta yo‘nalish belgilangan bo‘lib, asosiy eʼtibor oliy taʼlim bilan qamrovni kengaytirish, oliy maʼlumotli mutaxassislar tayyorlash sifatini oshirishga qaratilgan. 2019-yilda oliy taʼlim bilan qamrab olish darajasi 20 foizni tashkil etgan bo‘lsa, 2030-yilga borib 50 foizdan oshishi rejalashtirilgan. Shuningdek, ayni paytda kreditmodul tizimi joriy etilgan OTMlar ikkita bo‘lsa, 2030-yilda 85taga yetkaziladi. Nodavlat, davlat – xususiy sheriklik asosidagi OTMlar soni 35taga yetkazilishi rejalashtirilgan.
kunda xorijiy OTMlarda 55-70 foizgacha mustaqil taʼlim belgilangan. Hozir
bizda taʼlimning 40 foizi mustaqil taʼlimga ajratilgan bo‘lsa,
konsepsiyasiga ko‘ra bu ko‘rsatkich 60 foizga yetkaziladi. Kredit-modul
tizimiga o‘tish – davr talabi. Bu tizimda o‘qituvchilarni talabalar tanlaydi.
Tanlov fanlarining soni ko‘paytiriladi, yaʼni talaba o‘z yo‘nalishi
bo‘yicha tanlab o‘rganishi mumkin bo‘lgan fanlar soni ko‘payadi. O‘quv rejadagi
fanlarning 50 foizi tanlov fani bo‘lib, o‘quv jarayoniga axborot tizimlari keng
joriy qilinadi.
Zamonaviy mutaxassisdan kasbiy kompetentlilik va noodatiy vaziyatlarda qaror qabul qilish, jamoada ishlash, axborotni mustaqil olish, tahlil qilish, samarali foydalanish o‘zgaruvchan vaziyatlarga moslashuvchanlik talab etiladi. Kredit texnologiyasi murakkab tizim. Uning muvaffaqiyatli ishlashi ko‘plab omillarga, jumladan, o‘quv moddiy taʼminot, xalqaro standartlarga javob beradigan tayanch darslik, talabalarning mustaqil ishlashini tashkil etish uchun muayyan shart sharoit (kompyuter sinflari, videozallar, elektron doskalar)ga bog‘liq. O‘qitishning kredit tizimida oliy taʼlim muassasasi o‘quv jarayonida barcha zarur axborot manbalari: o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanma, elektron darslik, tarqatma materiallar, tarmoq taʼlim resurslariga kira olish imkoniyati mavjudligi juda ham muhim hisoblanadi. Fizika va texnikaviy fanlarni o‘qitishda ham kredit-modul tizimini joriy etishda yuqoridagi talablar to‘la qondirilishi lozim. Modulli o‘qitish – o‘qitishning istiqbolli tizimlaridan biri bo‘lib hisoblanadi, chunki u taʼlim oluvchilarning bilim imkoniyatlarini va ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish tizimiga eng yaxshi moslashgandir.
Аnʼanaviy taʼlimda o‘quv maqsadlari pedagog faoliyati orqali ifodalangan yangi bilimlar berishga yo‘nalatirilgan bo‘lsa, modulli o‘qitishda taʼlim oluvchilar faoliyati orqali ifodalanib, kasbiy faoliyatga yo‘naltirilgan bo‘ladi.
O‘quv jarayonini tashkil etishning ECTS kredit texnologiyasiga o‘tishda quyidagi maqsadlar ko‘zlanadi:
xorijda o‘qishni davom ettirish uchun oliy o‘quv yurtini tanlashda shart-sharoit yaratish;
O‘zbekistonda taʼlim olgan muddatni xorijiy davlatlarda tan olinishini taʼminlash;
oliy o‘quv yurtlari o‘quv rejalarini o‘rganish va shu asosida o‘quv jarayonini
talabalar qobiliyatini to‘laroq ochilishiga va o‘qitishning yuqori natijalariga erishish.
Modulli o‘qitishda o‘quv dasturlarini to‘la qisqartirilgan va chuqurlashtirilgan tabaqalash orqali bosqichma-bosqich o‘qitish imkoniyati yaratiladi. Yaʼni o‘qitishni individullashtirish mumkin bo‘ladi.
Modulli o‘qitishda quyidagi maqsadlar ko‘zlanadi:
o‘qitishning uzluksizligini taʼminlash; o‘qitishni individullashtirish; o‘quv materialini mustaqil o‘zlashtirish uchun yetarli sharoit yaratish; o‘qitishni jadallashtirish; fanni samarali o‘zlashtirishga erishish.
Bugungi kunda oliy taʼlim tizimi oldidagi eng asosiy vazifa malakali mutaxassislarni tayyorlash. Bunday mutaxassisni tayyorlash uchun, albatta, unga nisbatan qo‘yilayotgan talablar tizimini aniqlab olish kerak. Unga quyidagi to‘rtta yo‘nalishni ko‘rsatish mumkin: o‘z sohasi bo‘yicha zaruriy bilim ko‘nikma va malakalarga ega bo‘lish;
sohasiga oid mavjud bilimlarini doimiy ravishda mustaqil oshirib borish, yaʼni mustaqil taʼlimga tayyor bo‘lish;
sohasiga innovatsiyalar kiritish uchun mustaqil izlanish va ijod qilish ko‘nikmasiga ega bo‘lish; o‘z vaqtini rejalashtirish, boshqarish va o‘z faoliyatini tashkil etish ko‘nikmasiga ega bo‘lish.
Modulli yondashuv erishilgan natijani izchil nazorat qilib borishga asoslangan. Natijada modulkredit tizimi vujudga kelgan.
Kredit-modul birligiga aylanuvchi Yevropa tizimi (ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulating System) kredit jamlash tizimidir. Ushbu tizim Yevropa universitetlarida 1989-yilda o‘tkazilgan tadqiqotlardan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan va qabul qilingan. U talabaning umumiy yuklamasiga asoslangan. Kredit tizimini kiritishdan maqsad taʼlimning shaffofligini va akademik bilimlarni hamda kvalifikatsiyaning xalqaro tan olinishini osonlashtirish bo‘lib hisoblanadi. Dastlab kredit chetdan kelib o‘quvchilar uchun ishlatilgan va unga ishonch bildirilgan. OTMlar uchun yagona kreditlarning o‘rnatilishi esa talabalarning mobilligini taʼminlashga yordam beradi.
Bugungi kunda Yevropa kredit tizimi Yevropaning deyarli barcha davlatlarida tan olingan va amal qiluvchi tizimdir. Talaba o‘rnatilgan kredit ballarini to‘plagan taqdirdagina diplom olishga muvaffaq bo‘ladi. Dunyoning oliy taʼlim tizimida kredit tizimining bir necha turi mavjud. Yuqorida aytib o‘tilgan ECTS bilan bir qatorda, USCS – Аmerikaning kredit tizimi, UCTS – Britaniyaning kredit tizimi, CATS – Osiyo davlatlari va Tinch okeanidagi davlatlarning kredit tizimlari mavjud.
Yevropa kredit tizimining asosini uch unsur tashkil etadi:
o‘quv dasturlari haqida axborot, talabaning erishgan natijalari va talaba faoliyatining hajmi. Har bir o‘quv yili 60 qismga bo‘linadi va zachyot birligi hisoblanadi. Bir haftalik yuklama 54 soatdan oshmasligi kerak, 54 soat 1,5 kreditga teng. O‘quv yilining davomiyligi Yevropada o‘rtacha 40 hafta. Аmmo Yevropaning turli davlatlarida o‘quv yilining davomiyligi turlicha bo‘lishi maʼlum darajada muammolarni keltirib chiqaradi.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
kredit tizimi barcha o‘qitish shakllarini nazoratini o‘z ichiga oladi (auditoriya va auditoriyadan tashqari).
tizimi taʼlim jarayonida o‘qilgan soatlar miqdorini emas, balki erishilgan
natijani ko‘rsatib beruvchi o‘lchov birligidir. Yaʼni mutaxassisni kompetentlik
darajasiga baho beruvchi natijaga qaratilgan o‘lchov birligidir.
Demak, kredit nafaqat o‘quv faoliyatiga berilgan baho, balki bajarilgan uquv yuklamasini ko‘rsatib turuvchi birlikdir. Bir kredit 36 akademik soatga teng (54 akademik soat 1,5 kreditni tashkil etadi). Har bir o‘quv moduli 1 yoki 1,5 kreditga mo‘ljallanadi va odatda, uning soni uchtadan oshmasligi lozim.
Yevropa kredit tizimida birinchi bosqichda (bakalavriat) talaba 180 kreditdan 280 kreditgacha to‘plashi mumkin. Ikkinchi bosqichda (magistr) 90-120gacha kredit yig‘ish imkoniga ega. Kredit tizimining asosini, albatta, reyting ball tizimi tashkil etadi. Taʼlim sohasidagi integratsion jarayonlar ilk bor Yevropada boshlangan edi. 1989-yilda Yevropaning minglab balabalari Yevropa hamjihatining ERASMUS (European Community Action Scheme for mobility of University students) TEMPUS va boshqa dasturlar asosida chet ellarda tahsil olish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladilar.
ERASMUS dasturi bo‘yicha Yevropa hamjamiyati universitetlari o‘rtasidagi talabalar almashinuvi sxemasi dastavval 145 oliy o‘quv yurtlarini qamrab olgan edi. 2001-yilda o‘quv jarayonini tashkil etishning kredit texnologiyasi ECTS Yevropaning 1200ta universitetlarida allaqachon qo‘llanilgan edi.
Taʼlim berishning modul texnologiyasi, talabaning o‘zlashtirishini baholash bilan birga bilimini o‘sishi dinamikasini kuzatish imkonini beradi. Shu bilan birga talabaning butun o‘qish davrida ish unumdorligi baholash natijadorligini aniqlash hamda o‘z vaqtida o‘zlashtirishini pasayishini aniqlab, unga tegishli choralar ko‘rish imkon darajasida yordam berishni yo‘lga qo‘yadi. Hamda talabaga u yoki bu fanni sifatliroq o‘zlashtirish imkonini beradi.
Kredit-modult tizimi universitetning faoliyatini har tomonlama boshqarish imkoniyatini beradi. O‘quv dasturi va o‘quv rejasi, mashg‘ulotlar jadvali, talabalar bilimini xolisona baholash, professoro‘qituvchilarning ish yuklamalarini aniqlash va uni bajarilishini nazorat qilish shunga kiradi.
Bu tizim professor-o‘qituvchi va talaba faoliyatini real va xolisona baholash imkonini berib taʼlim berish erkinligini taʼminlaydi. Umuman olganda kredit-zachyot sistemasini universitetda modul texnologiyasi asosida qo‘llash, fanni o‘rganishda o‘quv jarayonini tashkil qilishni o‘zgartirib oliy taʼlimda o‘qitish sifatini yuqori darajada ko‘taradi.
Xulosa o`rnida aytish mumkinki, kredit-modul tizimi o`quv jarayonining samaradorligini oshirishi bilan bir qatorda talabalarni mustaqil izlanishga yo`naltirish orqali oliy ta`lim muassasalari maxsuloti bo`lmish bo`lg`usi kadrlarni zamon talablariga munosib mutaxassis etib tayyorlashda muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi
1. O`zbekistonRespublikasiPrezidentining 2019-yil 8-oktyabrdagi
“O`zbekistonRespublikasioliytizimini 2030yilgacharivojlantirishkonsepsiyasinitasdiqlashto`g`risida”giPF-5847-sonlifarmoni
2. UsmonovB.SH. Oliyo`quvyurtlaridao`quvjarayoninikredit-modultizimidatashkilqilish. O`quvqo`llanma. 2020-yil
3. O`rinov V. O`zbekiston Respublikasi oliy ta`lim muassasalarida ECTS Kredit-modul tizimi: Asosiy tushunchalar va qoidalar. Toshkent 2020.
4. Kryuchkova K.S. Modulnaya sistema obucheniya v rossiyskix vusax kak usloviye obespecheniya akademicheskoy mobilnosti studentov. – Izvestiya VGPU,Volgograd, 2018. 30 b.
Iakob Gogebashvilitelavi State University Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law
Annotation: This article discusses the situation with the use of the credit-module system in higher education in developed countries and the advantages of its application in the higher education system of Uzbekistan. About increasing the efficiency of the educational process of the creditmodule system
Keywords: education system, credit-module system, teaching methods, new educational technologies, higher education.
The Georgian people were not used to Soviet Russia conquering their country, and they began fighting for independence the day the Soviets arrived. Throughout the period 1921-1992, forces in Georgia and abroad inevitably fought in the guise of Georgians using a variety of methods, including violent and intellectual warfare.
Throughout the period 1921-1992, forces in Georgia and abroad inevitably fought in the guise of Georgians using a variety of methods, including violent and intellectual warfare.
Armed demonstrations are known to have typified the twentieth century's 1920s, and the fight in the form of cultural, national ideology becomes more obvious from the 1930s onwards. In this aspect, Georgian emigration is very active. The Georgians' battle took many forms during the years indicated, but the goal remained the same: freedom.
phenomenon of independence and the struggle for freedom have, of course, always
been part of Georgian reality; however, according to the challenges of the
time, attitudes and methods of struggle changed, but the goal remained the
same: an independent, free Georgia.
Throughout the Soviet Union's 70-year history, not only the states under its dominion, but also distinct social strata and social groups had their own attitudes regarding the Soviet regime. It revealed itself in the opposition of all perception and fight methods and approaches.
An armed insurrection or a national ideology developed by a cultural and political elite that reached out to the general populace through proclamations, the print media, and illegal literature affected the struggle for freedom in several situations.
Dissident movements arose in the 1970s in the, including dissident movements in the Georgian SSR. In Georgia, the Helsinki Union, a human rights organization, was founded in 1974. The Georgian dissident movement was notable for focusing not only on the defense of human rights but also on the popularization of the concept of Georgian independence. The distribution of illicit antiSoviet material became the most visible face of Georgia's dissident fight. This case was handled by Zviad Gamsakhurdia and Merab Kostava, and the results were published in the 1970s in the journals Sakartvelos Moambe and Golden Fleece. Gamsakhurdia and Kostava were detained for dissident actions in 1977. Georgian dissidents also attempted to persuade Western countries to vote in favor of the Soviet government. Victor Rtskhiladze, Avtandil Imnadze, and Valentina Failodze were detained for their involvement in similar operations.
A large-scale demonstration was staged in 1978 to defend the Georgian language's constitutional status. Dissidents also actively emphasized the problems of environmental protection and historical
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
monument protection in
the 1970s. In the 1970s, dissidents objected to the Metekhi Church being
converted into a youth theater, while Zviad Gamsakhurdia actively urged the
closure of the Soviet military training site near the Davitgareja monastery
The 200th anniversary of Georgievsky's treatise was marked by open protests by dissidents in 1983. The Caucasus Mountain Railway project was approved by the Politburo in May 1984. The railway was supposed to be the quickest way to connect Moscow and Tbilisi. It required 11 tunnels, 15 corridors, and 85 bridges to cross the Caucasus Mountains. The railway's final endpoint was Transcaucasia. Develop the economies of the former Soviet republics and, if necessary, make it easier for Russian soldiers to enter the region. Georgian intellectuals, protectors of historical and cultural monuments, and environmentalists all spoke out against the initiative. They claim that the train will depopulate Georgian mountain villages, harm Georgia's environment, and poison Tbilisi's water supply. The Georgian Communist Party was forced to cancel the initiative after a six-month campaign protest.
In the mid-1980s, two forms of nationalism emerged. The ruling echelons of the Communist Party of the Georgian SSR backed one, while street populist nationalism backed the other. Economic independence, self-government, cultural rights, and the preservation of historical sites were among the demands of the opposition. The Communist Party's local leadership, led by Jumber Patiashvili, supported laws that extended citizens' rights to vote on bills and opposed Gorbachev-initiated constitutional reforms that limited the Georgian SSR's ability to leave the USSR. Patiashvili, on the other hand, was unable to adapt rapidly to the changing environment due to his conservative approach. Publicity Following the news, new informal groups arose.
Tbilisi State University created the University Press Club in February 1988. Only four of the 38 rallies and demonstrations held in 1988 were officially sanctioned. Since the same year, there have been demonstrations of nationalism directed at Georgia's ethnic minorities. The Communist Party attempted to use fear to control the situation. From March, limited demonstrations were permitted, and the Tbilisi Hippodrome was set aside for gatherings in September. The Ilia Chavchavadze Society was created in October 1988 by Zurab Chavchavadze and Merab Kostava. After the
Communist Party, it was the first political group. The Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR rejected Gorbachev's constitutional revisions in November. Mukhran Matchavariani, a nationalist, was elected chairman of the Writers' Union of the Georgian SSR by the Communist Party.
The Communist Party attempted to appeal to patriotism. He published the "Georgianization" schedule of state and cultural institutions in November 1988. A panel was established in January 1989 to rehabilitate persons who had been repressed under the Stalinist terror. The program for the protection of Georgian historical sites was published in February 1989. Topics such as the Soviet annexation of 1921, the national rebellion of 1924, the corruption of the 1960s, and other issues were discussed in the party press. The Communist Party's strategy allowed the opposition to be divided into moderate intellectuals and radical dissidents who were content with change. Nevertheless, the Communist Party lost control of the moderate groups as well.
Instead of the party's servile Irakli Abashidze, Akaki Bakradze, a lifelong critic of the Soviet leadership, was elected chairman of the Rustaveli Society, which called on the people for independence, pluralism, the establishment of private property, and the formation of political parties. Dissidents protested the 68th anniversary of the Soviet annexation of Poland in 1921 in February 1989. The protest's organizers were detained. The Communist Party's reputation suffered as a result of the dispersal of these and previous demonstrations. The Communist Party was finally disgraced in March when ballot papers from the People's Assembly were falsified.
On April 9, 1989, a watershed moment occurred, putting an end to the Communist Party's already shaky credibility and strengthening the push for independence. Military forces dispersed a peaceful march and hunger strike in Tbilisi's Rustaveli Avenue on April 9, killing 21 people and injuring 427
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others. The deadly
repression of the April 9 demonstration shattered relations between Georgian moderate
organizations and Gorbachev's perestroika, reminding everyone that the Soviet
Union was a police state. Since April 9, no one has been held accountable. The
government's inactivity sparked a worldwide desire for independence. After
April 9, demands for political independence, free elections, and the withdrawal
of the Red Army took precedence.
Political parties were founded under the leadership of Gamsakhurdia, Kostava, Chavchavadze, and Giorgi Chanturia, the leaders of the April rallies. Negotiations for free and democratic elections began with the Communist Party. The progressive breakdown of the Georgian Communist Party and the waning of its dominance, the development of tensions and confrontations between opposition parties, and the emergence of the first signs of inter-ethnic conflict marked the period from April 1989 to October 1990.
Givi Gumbaridze, who had been appointed to replace Patiashvili, attempted to reorganize the Georgian Communist Party on April 14, 1989. In August, the party announced the commencement of a state program in Georgian. It was declared property, and the Georgian SSR was given complete responsibility over the republic's borders and administrative units. Private property and enterprise were legalized, as were non-governmental groups. The Georgian Federation of Journalists severed links with a higher union body, founded separately in February 1990, and the separation of Georgian groups from union organizations began. The Georgian Football Federation, a distinct trade union from the trade unions, was dissolved by the Komsomol in March 1990.
Georgia's Supreme Council elections were slated for March 1990. A conference of Georgian dissident movements was held in the same month, at which dissident organizations deliberated whether or not to run in the elections. Between the two existing positions: moderate and radical, the radical position, which urged an electoral boycott, won. Elections have been postponed until later in the year. There was a rift in the radical opposition between Zviad Gamsakhurdia's supporters and Giorgi Chanturia's supporters in April, which was followed by shootings. Gamsakhurdia's leadership formed the Round Table - Free Georgia political bloc, which committed to run in the upcoming official elections. He was boycotted by the "irreconcilable" parties of Chanturia, Irakli Tsereteli, and others.
De facto annexation was officially declared in February 1921. Despite internal party changes, the opposition was the driving force behind the national movement. In the spring of 1990, the public destruction of Soviet monuments began. The memorial to Sergo Orjonikidze was demolished for the first time in Saburtalo. The Supreme Council adopted laws on alternative military conscription, economic sovereignty, and the ability to create political parties in June 1990, and established direct state links with the Baltic countries. The Georgian Communist Party criticised Lithuania's economic blockade. Gumbaridze's attempt to nationalize the party was thwarted by the Soviet Union. He was unable to break his ties with the Soviet Communist Party and remained a hidden Soviet Union adherent.
In February 1921, de facto annexation was officially declared. The opposition, despite internal party splits, was the driving force behind the national movement. The public destruction of Soviet monuments began in the spring of 1990. In Saburtalo, the memorial to Sergo Orjonikidze was demolished for the first time. In June 1990, the Supreme Council passed legislation establishing alternative military conscription, economic sovereignty, and the ability to form political parties, as well as direct governmental ties with the Baltic republics. Lithuania's economic boycott has been criticized by the Georgian Communist Party. The Soviet Union foiled Gumbaridze's attempt to nationalize the party. He was unable to sever his ties with the Soviet Communist Party and remained a secret supporter of the Soviet Union.
In February 1921, de facto annexation was officially declared. The opposition, despite internal party splits, was the driving force behind the national movement. The public destruction of Soviet
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
monuments began in the
spring of 1990. In Saburtalo, the memorial to Sergo Orjonikidze was demolished
for the first time. In June 1990, the Supreme Council passed legislation
establishing alternative military conscription, economic sovereignty, and the ability
to form political parties, as well as direct governmental ties with the Baltic
republics. Lithuania's economic boycott has been criticized by the Georgian
Communist Party. The Soviet Union foiled Gumbaridze's attempt to nationalize
the party. He was unable to sever his ties with the Soviet Communist Party and
remained a secret supporter of the Soviet Union.
Doctor of History, Associate Professor Madona Kebadze, Telavi State University, Faculty of Humanities
There were numerous glorious moments throughout centuries-old history of Georgia, though we would like to talk today about that terrible and shameful social fact, which is known in history as “Captive Trade”. It brought the biggest damage to Georgian community and to the moral past of our people.’ Not any war or any foreign conqueror brought so much damage with swords to Georgia than this “peaceful” captive trade “- fairly denoted academician Niko Berdzenishvili. This was total, century old demolishing. Captive trade was the result of heavy social-political and economic situation of feudal Georgia. Trade with people caused big damage to the development of Georgian nation and its independence. Georgian population and the power of the country was in danger as the best part of Georgians, its brave young people constantly immigrated abroad and were forever lost for the motherland. This was the result of the conflict between king and the officials and it is one of the cases that left heavy effects on the history and the development of the country.
women and men, little babies and old ones, nobles and poor ones were kidnapped.
Young people who were beautiful, brave and wise had the most expensive price.
Kidnapped and sold Georgian lady should become precious jewelry for the
seraglios and harems of sultans. She should be the bedmate of Muslim ruler and
in case of success she could become his spouse. Georgian women had to give
birth to Turkish children and bring them up as the enemies of Georgia.
Kidnapped and sold Georgian boys became brave and denoted knights of Islam: In
Turkey they became janissars, in Egypt-Mamelukes. People were kidnapped
everywhere-on the road, in the cornfields, while shepherding, at the spring
water, at the mill and in the church, at their homes. Kidnappers were Ottoman,
Lezghins and Georgians itself.
After defeating Soviet Regime, idealization of feudal Georgia became very popular though not everything was beautiful as Georgian nobles often treated major part of its population very cruelly and much more, Georgian nobles were main motivators for captive trade.
This terrible fact-trade with people comprised the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa. Captive trade was very active in Georgia during XVI-XIX centuries by Ottoman Turkey and Iran and with the help of Georgian nobles. During three centuries (XVI-XIX) Georgia was disputable place for two great conquerors Ottoman Turkey and Iran and they used various forms of violence to conquer and subordinate it: fight, exile of local population, captive trade, inculcation of “Ottoman rule” and “kizilbash rule”. For people’s trade there were special markets organized in Istanbul, Akhaltsikhe, Trabzon,etc. Lezghians rule greatly damaged Georgia in XVII-XIX centuries. Dagestan feudals and tribe leaders specially disturbed Kakhetians. They sold kidnapped Georgians in the Crimea, Ottoman Turkey and Persian markets.
According to the observations of European missionaries and investigations of Georgian historians, captive trade was quite an ordinary fact for the noblemen in Feudal Georgia. They had immeasurable rights-they treated their servants and serfs as they wanted, they sold them as ordinary things. Each costed 25 or 30 Roman squads. The captive belonged to him who paid more –Ottoman, Greek, European, etc. The letter which was written by Italian missionary Guiseppe Judiche and sent to Rome on September 20, 1640 had the following content: ”this month Turkish ships loaded with
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the local cargo is taking
off from Mingrelia to Constantinople, the ships are full of Christian boys sold
to Turkmen in Mingrelia, Imereti and Kartli. Every year the number of sold out
people reaches not less than two thousand.”
In the XVII-XVIII centuries, together with the tribute and presents for Shah and Sultan , captives were also implied. In the XVII century, the king of Imereti sent Sultan 80 boys and girls, Dadiani 40 and Guerieli 46 ones. The king of Kartli Simon I sent Shah non Georgian captives which he bought deliberately. King Rostom stated the rule to send Georgian captives to Persia. King Vakhtang VI also sent non Georgian captives. Later, the kingdom of Kartli and Kakheti sent 9 captives to Shah once in two years. Sending captives was one of the main signs of subordination and its refusal already meant rebellion.
With the captive trade and taking the best part of population out of the country, military, political, economic and cultural future of Georgian kingdoms was damaged, Georgia was losing main producing and fighting force. That’s why, In order to suppress this terrible “illness”, first of all, principal activities from the kingdom were necessary. In this regard we should denote the merit of Solomon I, Erekle ii and Solomon II. According to historical sources and Georgian folk-lore, the most unmerciful fighter against captive trade was the king of Imereti Solomon I (1752-1784). He started his political work with the fight against captive trade. King Solomon prohibited all his subordinates to sell captives to Turkmen and stated severe fine and even death penalty-it is recorded in one of the notes of Russian ministry of external affairs collegium (1761). King of KartlKakheti Erekle II also struggled against captive trade (1762-1798). Among the important measures implemented by Erekle II we should denote prohibition of selling boys and captive trade during Ottoman rule and Khizilbash rule. (1772). King directly addressed fellow-countryman to destruct everyone who desired to captivate their wives and children. He received effective measures to return back those captives in Georgia who were sold abroad or were captivated during wars. He saved about ten thousand captives that cost him 400 000 roubles. Erekle II leaded to suppress numerous attacks by LezghiansKing of Imereti Solomon II also fought suppress captive trade (1789-1810), but captive trade was so profitable for traitor nobles that king’s threat couldn’t make them refuse this habit. Ottomen and Persians wanted to take captives first of all to destroy Christianity and Georgian sole.
That’s why that saint church started to panic for eradicating this terrible sin from the very start. In the middle of the XVI century (1543-1549), church meeting was held which especially discussed captive trade and according to religious law passes the following verdict:
“1. whatever a person sells out, or nobles or their subordinates, or peasants must be cursed and cast out” (Georgian law monuments, I, 1963, p 393)
Because of the increased frequency of captive trade in the West Georgia, on 4-5 December, 1759, under King Solomon I initiative, West Gorgian church meeting was held which anathematized captive salesmen. For buying back the captives, even Georgian church paid quite considerable cots. As a result of the church effort captive trade quite decreased, though so deeply spread this “terrible illness” couldn’t be completely suppressed. Based on historical sources and scientific literature we can say that this shameful and destroying fact, nobles obstinacy, supremacy of Ottomen and Iranians was finally ended up by Russian government. For handling this century old problem, Russian had to implement quite wide scale and principle measures.
With the effort of Russian Imperial kingdom, mainly with the help of Imperor Aleksandre I, in
1801 Georgian captives from Turkey were released and taken back to Georgia. On 16 June, 1804, Russian representative in Mingrelia Litvinov published order and appeal against people’s kidnapping and captive trade. With this order, Litvinov declared that the captive salesmen would be punished under Russian law which implied death penalty to all family members.
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In 1847 special action
was implemented in Samurzakhano for liquidation captive salesmen. Similar
actions were implemented in different parts of Georgia. At the end of 1850,
Lezghian rule was finally eradicated in Georgia. After overflow the serfdom
(1864), especially after Russia’s victory in Russian-Ottoman war in 1877-1878,
at the end of 1870 captive trade actually ended in Georgia.
Annotation: The purpose of our study is to systematize the views of foreign and domestic thinkers on the problem of origin, functions, and the main characteristics of the phenomenon of the concept “Sabr – patience”. And also to determine the mechanism of using concept “Sabr – patience” in information and psychological impact on the mass consciousness of the people.
Keywords: concept “Sabr – patience”, human property, theoretical background, human activity, component of value system, person's attitude.
The issues of patience as a human property were considered in antiquity by Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. Philosophers set the task of considering patience within the framework of their moral paradigms and defined it as a property and ability to overcome external influences and internal experiences.
The Stoics (Zeno, Seneca, Epictetus, etc.) made an attempt to correlate patience with the benefits of life in comparison with human activity.
Epicurus, developing the doctrine of eudemonism, gave priority to the ideal of utility, within which everything objective was understood as relative and subordinate to a given idea, including patience.
medieval philosophy, the problem of patience as one of the components of the
value system of Christian virtues is transferred to the field of theology. This
is especially noticeable in Tertullian, Augustine the Blessed, Bernard of
Clairvaux, who believed that the earthly world is a world of constant enmity,
in which patience is that virtue, without which the normal functioning of
society and the interaction of individuals adequate to this is impossible. At
the same time, philosophers note that this property is a path to the salvation
of the soul and a means of educating spiritual values.
In modern times, with the formation of a rational-scientist approach to the study of the world, the idea of patience as an attribute of human existence appears. In the works of I. Kant, this property is presented as a subjective necessity of suffering. This formulation of the problem determined the comprehension of this concept not as objective, but more as an immanent one, defined by the consciousness of a social individual and existing only within the framework of consciousness.
A. Schopenhauer considered the question of a person's attitude to society as a problem of the relationship between the individual and the general. Patience in this interaction is formed into something finished, completed when everyone, being in dialectical interaction with him, feels the very essence of the whole into which he enters. This manifests itself when his desires and moods begin to coincide with this whole. The philosopher attributes this quality to one of the foundations of society.
In Russian philosophy, ancient thinkers came close to the problem of manifestation and functioning of patience. However, their attitude to the world around, the properties and qualities of a person was influenced by the philosophers of Greek patristics: Gregory Nazianzin, Diadochus, Ephraim the Syrian, John Damascene, etc. This was expressed in the understanding of patience as one of the Christian virtues. Patience in the writings of the above thinkers appears to be one of the ways to overcome suffering and the path to the salvation of the soul.
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B.C. Soloviev, linking
social unity with an appeal to a higher spiritual principle, presents patience
in the form of a spiritual quality. In this case, patience embraces the world
of social subjects and is the source of a person's creative development, which
reveals various aspects of his individual essence.
To understand the idea that patience is not only a passive beginning, but also an active one, N.A. Berdyaev. The philosopher believed that only forced social unity is possible and that the most perfect communication between people is achieved only through a breakthrough from the sphere of suffering (expressed by social coercion) into the sphere of the free spirit. Patience of N.A. Berdyaeva is not only a social and cognitive determinant, but also a fatal necessity, which is an attribute of human being, generated by the transcendental principle.
In the philosophy of I.A. Ilyin, the investigated quality acts as the basis of the character of the
Uzbek person and manifests itself as a national specific trait within the framework of a single Eastern Christian culture. The patience born of feeling and heart reflects the content of the culture of the people who create it, which has special national intuition, spirit, mental structure and mental and creative act.
In the philosophical and social science literature of the 20th century, the philosophical aspect of patience was studied by Yu.A. Babinov, V.A. Vasiliev, T. Gomperts, A.V. Gulygoi, M.I. Drobzhev, V.V. Zenkovsky, V.M. Zolotukhin, I.I.
Ivanova, A.I. Klibanov, V. Kuraev, N.O. Lossky, Marru Henri-Irene, P.A. Sorokin, M.B. Khomyakov, HermogenShimansky and others.
The problems of modern understanding of the mental properties of the Uzbek people, as well as the place of patience in this system, are presented in the works of V.E. Boykova, A.O. Boronoev, B.P. Vysheslavtseva, N.M. Guboglo, A.N. Erygina, V.L. Kalashnikov, K. Kasyanova, T.I. Kunitsina, L.V. Lesnoy, D.S. Likhacheva, I.S. Polishchuk, Z. V. Sikevich, E.S. Troitsky, N.A. Turanina, V.N. Filippova, I.R. Shafarevich, B.P. Shulyndina and others.
Sociological studies of patience as a phenomenon of mass consciousness were carried out by L.A. Belyaeva, I.M. Klyamkin, A.G. Kuznetsov, N.I. Lapin, V.V. Lapkin, O.A. Mitroshenkov, M.P. Mchedlov, V.I. Pantin, T.A. Rassadina and others. These works contributed to the identification of social and philosophical grounds for highlighting patience as a mental property of the Uzbek people, the study of system models of the axiosphere, systematization of domestic research experience, problems of patience in modern Russia. It is worth highlighting the studies of V.P. Babintseva, N.V. Bukovskaya, L.M. Drobizheva, V.M. Zolotukhina, V.L. Ivanova, V.E. Kemerova,
A.G. Kislova, A.V. Loginova, T.V. Nosovoy, A.V. Pertseva, N.G. Stepanova, K.G. Kholodkovsky, E.S. Cherepanova and others, which are devoted to certain aspects of the study of patience and carried out within the framework of the disclosure of the phenomenon of tolerance, which is a specific feature of modern research search.
Aspects of manipulating a person's thinking in the form of informational and psychological influence with the aim of programming and subordinating mass consciousness to change mental properties are considered in the works of E.A. Anufrieva, A.S. Akhiezer, G. Bloommer, V.E. Boykova, N.V. Gromyko, A. Gulygi, G.G. Diligensky, S.G. Kara-Murza, E.V. Lityagina, N.A. Moiseeva, G.V.
Osipova, G.G. Pocheptsova, V.O. Rukavishnikova, I.S. Semenenko, S.V. Tumanova, N.I. Cherkaeva and others.
Thestudiesof R. Braga, T.B. Gershkovich, S.G. Ilyinskaya, A.N. Ioffe, V.A. Lektorsky, N. Medvedeva, O. A. Mikhailova, E.A. Nikolaeva, A.I. Panchenko, O. V. Ryabov, MichaelWalzer, V.V. Shalina, T. Shishova, A.D. Shmelevaandothers.
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A review of the degree of elaboration of the problem leads to the following conclusions:
first, despite the
significant number and thoroughness of the studies of the above authors, most
of them develop only certain aspects of the problem raised in the article;
secondly, contrary to popular opinion, in the general spectrum of philosophical, sociological, sociopsychological problems, the topic of patience, the reasons for its development and manifestation under the influence of changed socio-economic, political conditions occupies a very modest place in comparison, for example, with philosophical and applied research other mental properties of the people;
thirdly, the literature review does not reveal the unity of opinions, assessments, approaches to the issues of patience and the correlation of its content with such concepts as “tolerance”, “humility” and the existence of these concepts in modern philosophical, sociological, political, linguistic discourse. The above indicates the need for a special socio-philosophical study of the stated problem.
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Chief Specialist
Аннотация: Мақолада Ўзбекистон кимё саноатини ривожлантириш, унинг ишлаб чиқариш салоҳиятини ошириш ва бозор иқтисодиёти механизмларининг ишлашини таъминлаш жараёни ўрганилган. Шунингдек, кимё саноатида юқори қўшимча қийматли маҳсулотлар ишлаб чиқариш ва мураккаб технологик жараёнларни амалга ошириш учун кенг кўламли инвестицион лойиҳаларни амалга ошириш борасида таклиф ва тавсиялар келтирилган.
Калит сўзлар: chemical products, chemical industry, diversification, modernization,
investment, export, mineral fertilizers.
2021 йилдан бошлаб, янги ишлаб чиқариш қувватларини яратишда асосан хусусий, шу жумладан хорижий инвесторлар ва технологик шерикларни жалб қилишни назарда тутувчи «Кимё ва газ-кимё саноатида технологик кластерларни яратиш бўйича очиқ ҳамкорлик дастури» жорий этиш белгиланди. Бунга кўра:
ишлаб чиқариш қувватларини (лойиҳаларини) кластерларнинг
таркибида йирик технологик мажмуаларга туташ ҳудудларда ёки бўш
майдонларда тендер (танлов)лар асосида жойлаштириш;
- юқори қўшимча қийматга эга тайёр маҳсулот ишлаб чиқариш қувватларини кимёвий хом ашё ва ярим тайёр маҳсулотлар негизида яратиш.
Дастурга қуйидаги технологик кластерлар киритилади: «Навоийазот» АЖ, «Қўнғирот сода заводи» МЧЖ, Устюрт ва Шўртан газ-кимё мажмуалари ҳамда синтетик суюқ ёқилғини ишлаб чиқариш заводининг ишлаб чиқариш ва унга туташ ҳудудлари; трансформация ва хусусийлаштириш жараёнлари тугагандан сўнг, жамиятларнинг ваколатли бошқарув органлари қарорлари асосида «Фарғонаазот» АЖ ва Фарғона нефтни қайта ишлаш заводининг ишлаб чиқариш ва унга туташ ҳудудлари[4].
Мамлакатимизда кимё маҳсулотлари ишлаб чиқаришнинг мавжуд қувватларини модернизация қилиш ва янгиларини қуриш учун инвестицияларни жалб қилиш ҳамда экспорт ҳажмини кенгайтиришга тўсқинлик қилаётган тизимли муаммолар сақланиб қолмоқда.
Хусусан, инвестициявий жозибадорликнинг пастлиги ва тармоқни ривожлантириш учун ўз маблағларининг етарли эмаслиги хомашё ресурсларини чуқур қайта ишлаш бўйича
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social
илғор технологияларни жорий қилиш имконини бермаяпти, бунинг оқибатида ишлаб чиқарилаётган маҳсулотда минерал ўғитлар улушининг юқорилиги сақланиб қолмоқда.
Кимё маҳсулотлари ишлаб чиқариш соҳасида жаҳон кимё саноати ривожланишининг тенденцияларини ва республиканинг муҳим хомашё салоҳиятини ҳисобга олувчи фундаментал илмий база ва замонавий лойиҳа-инжиниринг ишланмалари мавжуд эмас.
Кимё тармоғини янада диверсификация қилиш, янги ишлаб чиқариш қувватларини яратиш ҳамда ички ва ташқи бозорларда талаб юқори бўлган маҳсулотлар номенклатурасини кенгайтириш учун тўғридан-тўғри инвестицияларни жалб қилиш, етакчи хорижий институтларни жалб қилган ҳолда замонавий илмий ва лойиҳа базасини яратиш, шунингдек, "Ўзкимёсаноат" АЖ корхоналарининг молиявий барқарорлигини ошириш мақсадида республика кимё тармоғини янада ривожлантириш ва диверсификация қилишнинг асосий йўналишлари белгиланди:
• углеводород хомашёсини ва минерал ресурсларни чуқур қайта ишлаш асосида иқтисодиёт тармоқларида ва жаҳон бозорида талаб катта бўлган, юқори қўшилган қийматли кимё маҳсулотлари номенклатурасини кенгайтириш;
• республиканинг минерал ўғитларга бўлган талабини қондириш ва экспорт салоҳиятини мустаҳкамлашга қаратилган янги ишлаб чиқариш қувватларини ишга тушириш ва фаолият юритаётганларини модернизация қилиш;
• кимё саноати корхоналарининг устав капиталида давлат иштирокини қисқартириш, тармоққа тўғридан-тўғри инвестицияларни жалб қилиш, тармоқ корхоналари ва тадбиркорлик субъектлари ўртасида кооперация алоқаларини ривожлантириш орқали базавий маҳсулотларни қайта ишлашни чуқурлаштириш;
• фанни ва соҳавий илмий тадқиқотларни фаол ривожлантириш, шунингдек, биринчи навбатда, углеводород хомашёси ва минерал ресурсларни чуқур қайта ишлашга қаратилган илғор илмий ишланмаларни ишлаб чиқаришга интеграция қилиш;
• лойиҳа-инжиниринг ишлари ва диагностика тадқиқотлари сифатини ошириш, кимё ва кимё технологияларининг барча йўналишлари бўйича кадрларни тайёрлаш ва қайта тайёрлашнинг самарали тизимини ташкил этиш[5].
Мамлакатда углеводород хомашёси ва минерал ресурсларни чуқур қайта ишлаб, импорт ўрнини босувчи ва экспортбоп маҳсулотлар ишлаб чиқариш бўйича катта салоҳият бор. «Ўзкимёсаноат» акциядорлик жамияти томонидан бу борада 1 миллиард 355 миллион долларлик 21 та лойиҳа амалга оширилмоқда.
Шундан қарийб 60 миллион долларлик 8 та лойиҳа жорий йилда ишга туширилади. Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси, Тошкент шаҳри, Навоий, Жиззах ва Тошкент вилоятларида жойлашган ушбу корхоналарда 11 турдаги янги маҳсулот ўзлаштирилади. Йилига 450 миллиард сўмлик товарлар ишлаб чиқарилиб, 15 миллион долларлик импорт ўрнини тўлдириш ҳамда қарийб 30 миллион долларлик экспорт имконияти яратилади. Ушбу корхоналарда 260 киши иш билан таъминланади.
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social
Бундан ташқари, айни пайтда умумий қиймати 2 миллиард 600 миллион доллардан зиёд бўлган 18 та лойиҳанинг техник-иқтисодий асослари ишлаб чиқилмоқда.
Умумлаштириб айтганда, бу йилги ва истиқболдаги барча лойиҳалар натижасида 3 миллард долларлик маҳсулот ишлаб чиқариш қуввати яратилади, тармоқнинг экспорт салоҳияти 1 миллиард 300 миллион долларга етади. Янги корхоналарда 3 минг 500 га яқин иш ўрни ташкил этилади[6].
2019-2030 йилларда кимё саноатини ривожлантириш дастури маъқулланди. Унга кўра, Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти “Кимё саноатини янада ислоҳ қилиш ва унинг инвестициявий жозибадорлигини ошириш чора-тадбирлари тўғрисида”ги Қарори билан "Ўзкимёсаноат" АЖ нинг Ўзбекистон Республикаси Иқтисодиёт ва саноат вазирлиги, Инвестициялар ва ташқи савдо вазирлиги билан биргаликда оптималлаштирилган ва янги истиқболли лойиҳалар билан тўлдирилган, ҳисобланган қиймати 12,1 миллиард АҚШ долларига тенг, шу жумладан, 1,7 миллиард АҚШ доллари миқдорида тўғридан-тўғри хорижий инвестициялар ва кредитлар ҳисобига 31 та инвестиция лойиҳасини амалга ошириш белгиланди.
Азотли, фосфорли, калийли ва мураккаб минерал ўғитларни, шу жумладан, ушбу маҳсулотларни “Навоийазот” АЖ, “Самарқандкимё” АЖ, “Фарғонаазот” АЖ, “Қўқон суперфосфат заводи” АЖ, “Аммофос-Максам” АЖ, “Деҳқонобод калий заводи” МЧЖ негизида, шунингдек, Сирдарё вилоятининг Янгиер шаҳри ва Навоий вилоятининг Томди туманида ишлаб чиқариш бўйича амалдаги қувватларни модернизация қилиш, кенгайтириш ҳамда энергия жиҳатидан самарадор янги қувватларни барпо этиш.
“Ўзбекнефтгаз” АЖ билан биргаликда ва етакчи хорижий компаниялар иштирокида ҳамда илғор технологиялар ва замонавий инновацион ишланмаларни қўллаган ҳолда полимер маҳсулотлари, шу жумладан, полиэтилентерефталат (ПЭТ), поливинилхлорид (ПВХ), синтетик каучук, полистирол, полиуретан, полиол, акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирол (АБС) пластик, полиакрилонитрил (ПАН) маҳсулотларини чиқариш бўйича янги ишлаб чиқаришларни яратиш.
Тармоқ корхоналарининг мавжуд ишлаб чиқариш қувватларидан фойдаланиш самарадорлигини, уларнинг негизида иқтисодиёт тармоқларида талаб этилаётган кимёвий маҳсулотларнинг янги турларини, шу жумладан, меламин, метиламин, формальдегидли, карбамид-формальдегидли ва меламин-формальдегидли сақичлар, этилацетат, озуқа тузи, натрий бикарбонати, хлор-сирка кислотаси, натрий нитрати, бутилацетат, тринатрий фосфат, нитроцеллюлоза, металлургия, нефтгаз ва тўқимачилик саноатлари учун реагентлар, катализаторлар ва кимёвий қўшилмалар, шунингдек, полимер фитинглар, биаксил йўналтирилган полипропилен плёнкаси (БОПП), ўсимликларни кимёвий ҳимоя қилиш воситалари ва уларни ишлаб чиқариш учун амалдаги моддаларни чиқариш бўйича ишлаб чиқариш кластерларини ташкил этиш масалалари белгиланди.
Таҳлилларга эътибор қаратадиган бўлсак, азотли ўғитлар ишлаб чиқариш 2020 йил якуни билан соф ҳолда жами 1005,3 минг тонна азотли ўғитлар, ёки 2019 йилга нисбатан 107,0 минг тоннага кўп, ўсиш суръати 112% таъминланади.
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences
ўғитлар ишлаб чиқариш 2020 йилда жами соф ҳолда 137 минг
тонна фосфорли ўғитлар ишлаб чиқариш таъминланади (2019 йилга
нисбатан 17,5 минг тоннага кўп ёки ўсиш суръати – 114,6%). Вазирлар
Маҳкамасининг 2020 йил 4 мартдаги 120-сон қарорига асосан
“Олмалиқ КМК” АЖ томонидан зарур ташкилий-техник чора-тадбирларни жадал
амалга оширган ҳолда 2020 йил 1 апрелдан “Аммофос-Максам” АЖ фосфорли
ўғитлар ишлаб чиқариш ҳажмини кунига соф ҳолда камида
350 тоннага етказиш, шунингдек, “Қизилқум фосфорит комплекси” МЧЖда
кунлик ишлаб чиқаришни камида 1 700 тонна ҳажмида таъминлаш, хамда
нанижада жорий йилда жами соф ҳолда 125 минг тонна фосфорли ўғит
ишлаб чиқариш белиланган.
“Қўқон суперфосфат заводи” АЖда Сингапурнинг “Индорама” компанияси томонидан корхонани модернизациялаш ишларини жорий йил сентябрь ойида якунлаб, йил якунига қадар 36,1 минг тонна (соф ҳолда 6,5 минг тонна) суперфосфат ишлаб чиқариш белгиланган.
Калийли ўғитлар ишлаб чиқариш таҳлилига эътибор қаратадиган бўлсак, Деҳқонобод калий заводи”АЖ тоғ-кон мажмуасининг сильвинит қазиб олиш бўйича янги 7-9-сон панеллари ишга туширилиши ҳисобига қўшимча соф ҳолда 11 минг тонна калийли ўғитлар ишлаб чиқарилиб, 2020 йил якуни билан жами соф ҳолда 210,0 минг тонна калийли ўғитлар ишлаб чикарилади (ўсиш суръати 105,4%).
Хулоса ўрнида айтиш жоизки, кимё тармоғида ислоҳотларни босқичма-босқич амалга оширишда кимё саноати тармоғининг айрим корхоналари активларини маҳаллий ва хорижий инвесторларга сотиш орқали амалдаги ишлаб чиқаришларни модернизация қилиш ва кенгайтиришга тўғридан-тўғри инвестицияларни жалб этишни рағбатлантириш; “Ўзкимёсаноат” АЖ ташкилий тузилмасини такомиллаштириш ва жамият бошқаруви органларининг мустақиллиги ва масъулиятини оширишга қаратилган корпоратив бошқарувнинг замонавий услубларини жорий этиш; кимё тармоғи корхоналарининг фаолияти самарадорлигини ошириш ва молиявий ҳолатини янада яхшилаш. Адабиётлар рўйхати:
1. President's address to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan // « The people's word » 30.12.2020.
2. Presidential decree No. PD-5969 on March 20, 2020 "On priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the global crisis on sectors of the economy".
3. https://lex.uz/docs. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 13, 2021 "On measures for further reform and financial rehabilitation of enterprises of the chemical industry, the development of production of high value-added chemicals".
4. https://uzkimyosanoat.uz/uz/documents/presidents.
5. https://invest.gov.uz/uz/investor/himicheskaya-otrasl/ 6. https://www.gazeta.uz/uz/2021/03/30/chemistry
Student of the Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University, Faculty of Humanities, direction of history
Annotation: Saint, Georgian clergyman and public figure, scientist ––– this is how the CatholicosPatriarch of All Georgia and the Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi Ambros Khelaia is referred to today. Georgian theological and public figure, scientist, Patriarch of the Catholicos of All Georgia and Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi in 1921-1927. 2012 was declared the year of Ambrose Khelaia.
Keywords: scientist, Theological, language.
Besarion Zosime Khelaia was born on September 7, 1861 in the village of Martvili, Zugdidi region. He studied at the Tbilisi Theological Seminary.
1885 Graduated from the Tbilisi Theological Seminary. From 1887 to 1896 he was a priest in Sochi, then in Sukhumi. He was also the supervisor of the church-parish schools of Sokhumi, New Athos and Likha and a teacher of the Georgian language. Fought against the Russificationist and chauvinist policies of Tsarism in Abkhazia. He appeared in the press against Golubtsov, a blacksmith, and Bishop Arsen (Izotov), who instilled in Abkhazians hatred of Georgians and persecuted the Georgian language.
1897, at the age of 36, Father Ambrose enrolled in the Kazan Theological
Academy, having been widowed a year earlier. The first son of father Ambrose
and his wife, Elizabeth Merchule, was born in 1888. Sadly, the firstborn died
within a few months. A year later they had a daughter Nino, then Alexander and
Anna. Fate soon separated Father Ambrose from his wife. Elizabeth went through
childbirth. There are three orphans left who have never been removed from the
side. He was with him while studying in Kazan and even during his deportation.
He was a caring father and then ... a similar patriarch. Ambrose Khelaia's
wife, Kesaria, gave birth to her third child - Anna (my grandmother) at the age
of 23. Ambrose was ordained a monk after the death of his wife. Caesarea is
buried in Ilori, in the bell tower, because Ilori was a shrine to the Mechlers.
My grandmother Anna, a baby, a emaciated girl, did not leave Ambrose for a
moment. Neither gave it to a relative. The breast was sucked by a Megrelian
woman, then by a Russian foster mother and her sister. In general Ambrose was
an extraordinary father. He took all three children with him everywhere. They
were also accompanied by deportation ------- tells us about Ambrose's
granddaughter Ana Kldiashvili.
According to contemporaries he was a talented, highly honest, kind and virtuous man. It is enough to name the words that the patriarch said to the body of Ilia Chavchavadze. His words show that he was quite educated, resourceful, and quite a great philosopher as well. A person who had a good insight into the political or religious activities of Georgia at that time. Here are his words uttered before the corpse of Ilia: I dare and dare to say a few words before this glorious corpse.
Today, the whole of Georgia mourns the corpse of the son of a glorious landlord. Today, Georgia has lost the greatest poet, excellent and dedicated public figure, the pride of literature. We do not have Ilia Chavchavadze - the poor of his nation. He was killed by the dirty hand of the barbarians.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
But did the glorious Ilya
die? "Be ye therefore faithful unto death, and give unto me the crown of
life" (Revelation 2:10). - The Lord commands us through the mouth of the
Apostle John the Theologian and thus shows us what we must be like in this
world to inherit the eternal crown - the crown of immortality. Blessed is he
who does his duty honestly in this world, believes and selflessly serves the
truth, this is the basis of action - the basis of action. "Righteous is
the death of the Lord" of such a man (Psalm 115: 6). He is immortal in His
work, His memory will forever remain in a grateful nation. In addition, man is
a teacher and mentor even after death, because, according to the apostle, he
also speaks after death (Heb. 11: 4).
Therefore, Ilia did not die either. He is alive. He just died from life to death. Though the eloquent Bagen was silenced, but the deed of his eloquent shouts and shouts. He will remain immortal with his work as long as the Georgian nation exists. Moreover, even if the Georgian nation is transformed and destroyed due to the opposite time, the memory of the great poet-figure will not be lost, because the work of this glorious son of Georgia belongs not only to the Georgian nation, but also to humanity, of which Georgia is a part. The rested is glorious with his multifaceted work for the benefit of the homeland. The greatness of his merit is the reason why the whole of Georgia mourns him so bitterly. But, Georgians, not an unforgettable Ilia is a mourning satire, but our homeland doomed by fate - its loser. Wasn't it enough that the reverse time-situation caused us trouble, that we ourselves did not add unwritten trouble ?! But it is believable that this unprecedented barbaric murder was committed by the son of Georgia, the Georgia in whose selfless service he spent the whole 50 years. If this is blamed on Georgia, then our corruption, moral decline, savagery, perversion will be truly satirical. We have to think deeply about this if we want to remain a Georgian nation. The rest is blissful. The road is paved. He faithfully served the ideals that he chose for the benefit of the Georgian nation half a century ago until the last minute. He has not taken a single step, he has not betrayed them, and for this, according to the apostle, he is ready for the "crown of life" (Revelation 2:10), the crown of immortality. Even death from a glorious corpse has any significance for us, it undoubtedly teaches us something. Let us consider this blood shed by the barbarians to cleanse our national sins, to turn us from the wrong path, to unite and strengthen the children of Georgia as a whole.
Let us swear by this present corpse that we will be true executors of the commandments which the deceased has bequeathed to us through his work. If we have unity in the service of national ideals, then no doubt our homeland can still produce the glorious Iliad figure, and then finally rejoice in the glorious immortal soul of the departed. To be the last sacrifice, at the national table sacrificed for the good of the homeland and with us as a means of national sins. The greatness of this sacrifice is the guarantee that in the future our perversion, our ignorance will be eradicated and we will join forces to serve honestly in the revival of the homeland. If such merit has been bestowed upon us by the blood of this sacrifice, if we have joined in devotional service to the land - it will be the last, truly great merit of the great Elijah - the desired fruit and crown of his long labor. For us, it will be a real debt, the execution of his will and at the same time the best respect for the memory of the deceased. God has given us the ability to do this. May your memory be eternal, devoted to the land, glorious poet, Iliav! "
Ambrose Khelaia was ordained a monk in Kazan in 1900 and was promoted to the rank of Archimandrite. He graduated from the academy in 1901. He soon returned to Georgia and was appointed the head of the Chelishi Monastery. His name is connected with the discovery of "Chelishi Otkhtavi" and "Moktsevai Kartlisai" in Chelishi Monastery.
There is a legend-like story about this discovery ––– In 1902, during his ministry in Chelishi Monastery, Ambrose Khelaia, who came out of the monastery yard, heard a voice from the monks, asking the monks for a place and asking them to dig up the land. Under the ground, the monks
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
found a small akldama,
where, along with other manuscripts, they discovered "Moktsevai
Kartlisai" dating back to the XIV century.
The scientific merit of the Catholicos-Patriarch Ambrose is especially interesting. Unfortunately, to date there is no complete bibliography of the works of the saint.
A significant part of his letters are published in Russian newspapers. Some of the manuscripts are preserved in the National Center of Manuscripts, in the archives of the Patriarchate, in various libraries and museums of Georgia, in private collections. Some manuscripts of unpublished works are still considered lost. St. Ambrose became interested in studying Georgian history and Georgian manuscripts while still studying at the Kazan Theological Academy. He also defended his dissertation "Fighting Christianity with Islam in Georgia".
In 1915-1917, he published a magazine under the pseudonym "Amber". In "Gantiadi" and "Tskhovreba" he published "Journey to Racha-Lechkhumi", where he interestingly described the history of the manuscripts of the Chelishi Monastery.
One of the most serious scientific works of Ambrose is "Bedia and the Temple of Bedia" written in 1920. It deals with the history of Bedia Temple, epigraphy, Bedia Gulan, political, economic and ecclesiastical history of Western Georgia. 1901 Appointed Archimandrite of Chelishi Monastery. In 1904 he was transferred to Tbilisi as a member of the Synodal Cantor and the head of the Transfiguration Monastery. During the First Russian Revolution, Ambrose fought for the restoration of the autocephaly (independence) of the Georgian Orthodox Apostolic Church, which led to his deportation to Russia in 1905.
In 1905, under the leadership of Ilia Chavchavadze, a struggle began to restore the autocephaly of the Georgian Church, which had been abolished by Russia. The father of the nation was supported by a number of prominent figures, including Nico Marie, Alexander Tsagareli, Bishops Kirion and Leonidas. . .
Ambrose Khelaia also took an active part in this great national cause.
The Georgian clergy sent a petition to the Russian Synod to restore the autocephaly of the Georgian Church. Emperor Nicholas II set up a special commission to investigate the matter. Bishops Kirion and Leonide left for St. Petersburg together with Ilia Chavchavadze. Unfortunately, at this stage, the issue of autocephaly of the Georgian Church has not been resolved positively. "I ask God ... for victory in the cause for which you are invited to the capital city of the North. It is true that the fate of our church autocephaly has turned badly, but what can we do, when we were happy to create now ...
The opinion of me and the priest here, what is better for you, is this: to give up nothing and whatever is given to us by force, we obey only temporarily. "When we see a convenient time, we will try to do what is requested in the petitions." Ambrose Khelaia's letter to Bishop Leonides
The long-awaited ecclesiastical freedom was still gained by the Georgian Church. On March 12, 1917 (A.D. 25), the restoration of the autocephaly of the Georgian Church was announced in Svetitskhoveli Cathedral.
"I congratulate the suffering Georgia on the good news: the restoration of the autocephaly of its church. Rejoice, you mother parents, in the Catholic Church, rise up and bring your life for the benefit of the people set on the path of unbelief, rise up with the purity and purity of the ancients. "In 1907, he attended the ecclesiastical assembly, which decided to teach theology in Georgian in seminaries and theological schools. The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church met this fact with great indignation. Exarch of Georgia Nikon dispersed the assembly of autocephalous forces with the help of the Cossacks and beat its participants with whips, but Nikon was not satisfied with this and demanded from St. Petersburg: On May 28, 1908, Exarch Nikon was assassinated by a revolver on
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the steps of the Synod
office, although no killer could be found, but priests in favor of Nikon's
"ideological opponents" began to be persecuted and deported.
Archimandrite Ambrose Khelaia was exiled to Russia, and Bishop Kyrion was
tortured in Nikon's assassination. It is true that neither of them could be
proved guilty, but both were punished: Father Ambrose was banned from the
priesthood and sent to the Trinity Monastery in Ryazan, where he had to live in
cruelty for more than a year. The Holy Synod of Russia completely ignored every
request of Archimandrite to return to his homeland. Archimandrite Ambrose
fought tirelessly to protect the interests of the Georgian nation and the
Georgian Orthodox Apostolic Church. That is why the government was especially
He was first transferred to Russia in 1903 to oversee the Ust-Medvedsa Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Don, where he remained until the end of 1905.
"In the second half of January 1909, Mergo shed tears for me and left for my homeland and moved to the north. On January 28, I reached my destination. It was the monastery of the Trinity in Ryazan. For a long time I was not able to see the sights of the monastery. Due to the journey and spiritual suffering, the patient was taken to a damp house and was not allowed to see a doctor for a long time. Because of this, my illness lasted for a whole month and a half. In the early days no one was allowed to enter with me except the treasurer of the monastery, the priest-nun Basil. I was not allowed to walk freely - not only outside the walls of the monastery, but also in the yard of the monastery. Added to this was the harshness of winter and heavy snow, and because of this I was locked up in my damp Senaki. ” The thoughts and efforts of the exiled father Ambrose were directed only to Georgia. He tried not to lose his courage, continued his scientific and social activities, cooperated with the "Georgian Historical and Ethnographic Society" ...
Akrimandrit, who was interned in exile, constantly asked for permission to return to Georgia, but in vain - he was a very dangerous force for Russia.
"It is difficult to get my case back if the circumstances have not changed radically. Now no one is punished more than me, everyone else is named after suspicious people .
Only Ambrose is not worthy of anything and is not considered a reliable person in the Synod. I do not even know what he did wrong ... Anyway, thank you very much for your compassion, because I am not accustomed to compassion. We too (I have some in my face who have a name in us), recently, when I was given the opportunity to return to my homeland, were severely beaten. God forgive.
They should not do that to those in my situation ... We are like that, unfortunately, Georgians, we have not yet reached the level where we do not replace public affairs with personal ones.
God knows when we will be able to realize true patriotism. Does not everything that happens around us wake us up ?!
1915 3 November.
/ Ambrose Khelaia's letter to Romanoz Pantskhava /
"... the treasurer, who should have always been with me while walking, pointed to one of the graves and told me that the Queen of Georgia was fasting here ... it turned out that she was buried there ... the Queen's wife ..." - Mariam, who died in 1821. "During my stay in Ryazan, the only consolation for me was to come to this grave and sit for hours, because here I felt something native and I was comforted by boundless dreams. I often could not hold back the tears that often filled my mind. Even before her death, the sinful Mariam would have thought that someone Georgian would have seen her grave, counted the eternal remembrance in her mother tongue, and even shed tears about the fate of her homeland. Spilled near his grave ?! "
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Meanwhile, rumors were
circulating in Georgia that Ambrose Khelaia was financially well-off and simply
did not want to return. The saint wrote about this in his letter: "My
Exorcist" with heartache: The writers of this letter have probably not yet
experienced the loneliness of the soul, they have not experienced the severity
that a sophisticated person experiences in the homeland, unless he is on the
path of degeneration and his heart aches for the state of the homeland. ”
1908 New charges are brought against him for allegedly taking part in the assassination of Exarch
Nikon. In 1910 he was acquitted, but was not allowed to return to his homeland. He arrived in
Georgia only in August 1917. He was first the Metropolitan of Chkondidi, then of Abkhazia and
Sokhumi, and from September 1921 the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and the Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi. The global changes that took place in Russia in February 1917 created a favorable moment for the restoration of the independence of the Georgian Church.
On March 12 (25) 1917, the autocephaly of the Georgian Church was solemnly proclaimed in the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, and on March 16, a meeting of clergymen was held in Tbilisi, which decided that from now on the service in the Zion Cathedral should be performed in Georgian.
In September 1921, the Holy Synod elected Metropolitan Ambrose Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi. The country occupied by the Bolsheviks is facing a severe ordeal: the persecution of the church, the restriction of the rights of the Georgian language and the transfer of historical lands to others begin. The Catholicos seeks to attract the attention of the world community and in 1922 sends a memorandum to the Genoa International Conference, attended by representatives of 29 states. The conference was attended by representatives of dozens of countries, including delegates from Red Russia. The memorandum described the annexation of Georgia by the Bolsheviks and the dire consequences of that annexation. The Bolshevik government of Georgia did not forgive the Catholicos-Patriarch Ambrose Khelaia for sending a memorandum, exposing his anti-national policies and arresting him. The prisoner held himself dignified in the Soviet court. He addressed the court as follows: "The heart belongs to my Georgia, the soul - to God, the corpse is what you want it to be." It was quite a bold and courageous statement in Georgia at that time. In Georgia, where Russian policy was newly established.
Here is an excerpt from his memorandum: "In 1918, the nation declared its independence and immediately began to restore its political and national-cultural life. Georgia, bloodied in the war, once again faced the yoke of such a heavy and shameful slavery, the like of which it has not experienced in its centuries-long history. The occupiers, indeed, try to convince everyone at home and abroad that they have liberated and made the Georgians happy, but how happy the Georgian nation feels, I, his spiritual father, best say, boldly and without exaggeration, say that these are completely inappropriate Georgian experiments. On the back of the nation, it will inevitably lead to physical extinction and spiritual influence and corruption!
The nation will hear you, but will not be able to remove the voice. In such circumstances, it is my pastoral duty and duty to hear the vast cultural humanity: I, as a representative of the Church, do not enter into the appreciation and regulation of various forms of political life. But I can not wish for my nation a device that is relatively more conducive to its physical revitalization and cultural development.
So I ask:
The occupiers, indeed, try to convince everyone at home and abroad that they have liberated and made the Georgians happy, but how happy the Georgian nation feels, I, his spiritual father, best say, boldly and without exaggeration, say that these are completely inappropriate Georgian experiments. On the back of the nation, it will inevitably lead to physical extinction and spiritual influence and corruption!
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1. Immediately withdraw the Russian occupation army from the borders of Georgia and secure its land and water from foreign invasion and seizure of power.
enable the Georgian nation to organize its life as it wants, without the force
and dictation of others. "
1922-1926: The government actively fights against the church, the methods are brutal, the monasteries are closed, the clergy are arrested and shot, they are forced to give up church activities. Noteworthy is the active anti-religious propaganda, it is enough to look at the communist newspaper: especially in the run-up to the church holidays, strong anti-religious articles appear. The government opposes all means to religion in order for society to finally get rid of this institution. There is also a clear aggressive attitude towards the Orthodox Church in particular. CatholicosPatriarch Ambrose Khelaia has clearly resigned from the government, he has been in confrontation with the regime since the day of the occupation, followed by a famous letter in Genoa, authored by Ambrose. Sending a memorandum to the conference was an unprecedented case. The government did not take this fact seriously and soon Catholicos Ambrose was arrested. Along with the patriarch, 9 members of the Catholic Council were also tried at the trial.
They were accused of: sending a memorandum to the Genoa Conference, hiding treasures of Georgian churches and monasteries, misappropriation of church property registers and the absence of a representative of the Patriarchate in the procedure of handing over the military temple (which was on the territory of the current government palace) to the Communist Party.
Here are some excerpts from the March 1924 trial:
Judge Baratashvili - What was the nature of your memorandum?
Catholicos Ambrose was the representative of Georgia at the Genoa Conference and the sovereignty of our nation was to be protected there. I thought this memorandum would help our representative and so I sent it.
Prosecutor Okujava - If not the Soviet set-up, how did you request the set-up?
Catholicos Ambrose - one that would be based on the will of the people.
Judge Erkomaishvili - What would you expect from the memorandum sent to the Genoa Conference?
Catholicos Ambrose - I defended the idea of state and ecclesiastical freedom of Georgia.
Judge Erkomaishvili - Why did you demand the withdrawal of the Red Army from Georgia, which is the defender of the interests of the working people?
Catholicos Ambrose - I still do not know who is defended by the Russian army. When I demanded the withdrawal of the Red Army, I meant intervention because intervention takes place through the army.
Judge Erkomaishvili - When was Georgia free?
Catholicos Ambrose - before the entry of the Red Army. After the Red Army entered, Georgia lost its independence. Prosecutor Machavariani - Is the issue of territory political or religious?
"Catholicos Ambrose - both politically and religiously, because the loss of territory is a loss for the church."
At the same time, the newspapers cover the trial "Catholicos Ambrose and his" brothers "(in quotes) almost every day in the newspapers. Where it is repeatedly mentioned: "During the introduction of the accused, voices are heard in the courtroom:" Down with Ambrose "," Down with the counterrevolution "," Hatred of Ambrose ".
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Sessions are adjourned as
the workers-servants throw themselves out and shout: Let us, we will judge the
traitors of the working class. Kadnier poems, articles are written. E.g.
"The accused do not plead guilty, lie, insinuate, they are traders with
truth and conscience." When the patriarch leaves the courthouse, specially
invited Communists throw eggs at him.
And after all this the Catholicos says the final word in court, where there is not even a hint of greed seen. On the contrary, these are the words of the Patriarch of the Nation, who fights, cares and loves even in the face of death:
"Will the majority of the workers of the Georgian nation, against whose interests I wanted to sacrifice myself and my personal interests, even oppose my speech?" No, I will not believe it… "and again:" A peasant whose lands are irrigated with the blood and bones of their ancestors, this peasant, believes that he will always be a lover of his homeland and will never hate or defend the idea of his freedom. "
Here are some excerpts from his closing remarks on the main allegations, which can be considered as an example of ecclesiastical thinking: Servants are godly, "we should pray for them and not say evil to them, but to say no to evil does not mean not to criticize their actions, not to point out their mistakes; if I saw the danger of national extinction, I owed it to myself to speak out."
He writes about the accusation of hiding the church treasure: "I was serving in Sokhumi and things were hidden without me" but if I was really hiding
"Participant, even then I could not feel guilty, because the clergy was in debt, took care of the property of the church, and from time immemorial, they resorted to this means in times of unrest and the invasion of enemies."
"Your proposal (to hand over the church to the Communist Party) was unacceptable to us, because by accepting it we would become traitors to God's decree and faith. This is it and this is it. "
Finally: “As our forefathers thought it sweet to accept suffering for their homeland and their faith, so sweet will be the punishment that the Supreme Court will sentence me for taking the vote to protect the freedom of the native church and nation. It will be the crowning achievement of the cross that has been borne by me for almost 37 years of my life.
The voice raised by me to defend my national interests and the condemnation that I will be sentenced by the Supreme Court will find its place in the heart of every Georgian - a Georgian who has not yet lost his faith and love for his homeland. I will consider myself happy with this as well. As believers say - be the will of God! - And address you in the words of Christ: "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children" (Luke 23:28).
None of the accused pleaded guilty. The sentence of Catholicos-Patriarch Ambrose provides for the death penalty, but for a venerable age is punishable by imprisonment for up to 8 years, with severe isolation and confiscation of all property. While in prison, his children were allowed to visit their father several times. They thought that the Catholic was meeting them always calmly and calmly, as if nothing was bothering them. No matter how hard the period of imprisonment was, it also shows that he was asked to voluntarily resign from the patriarchate, which he refused. After that, talking about his physical impotence is probably not worth it.
An amnesty issued in late 1924 acquits the Catholicos.
According to his granddaughter, Anna Kldiashvili, one day a neighbor boy told Bebiamis (daughter of the Catholicos-Patriarch, Ambrose) that the Catholicos was crossing the Metekhi bridge. Whether he entered Zion or not, the people fell to their knees. Then it turned out with joy "it seems that Christianity can not be destroyed by force in Georgia" –––– Again the wise admonition of the patriarch and the call that the nation should not lose its spiritual nourishment. The sermons he
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delivered after his
release from prison are preserved. In his first sermon, two years after the
separation, he thanked the parishioners for the compassion they felt from them
during this difficult time and said, "It was not the result of my dignity,
but of the fact that you love Mother Church and value the quality you chose my
worth… In works of faith you are not like a reed that is constantly swaying and
swaying where the wind blows, but you are steadfast and unshakable. This is
especially gratifying for me. " His paternal care for the parish is
especially evident in the same sermon. He says that before he takes up his
duties, he wants to know what the situation is in our church. You will probably
be surprised, because it is already known that churches and monasteries are
ruined and ruined. But, in the church he meant himself and their hearts. As he
then says, this church seemed to him more beautiful now than before.
A heavy and difficult cross of the patriarchate, prison health was shaken and he died on March 29, 1927 while performing a liturgy. Before he died, he prayed to the Lord: "Lord, look at this vineyard, which was founded by your right hand."
The Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Ambrose Khelaia was a symbol of freedom in life, and after his death - a national hero, who was ordained by the Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church in 1995. High Priest Ambrose was canonized on behalf of the confessor. He became the heavenly protector of the Georgian nation and Georgia. He is buried in the Temple of Zion and his remembrance day is celebrated on March 16 (29). Yes, Ambrose Khelaias's contribution to the salvation of Georgia and its spiritual development is really great. Catholicos Ambrose, in spite of his brief patriarchy, bore the brunt of the patriarchy, the cross that sacrificed his life. Those years, which are the years of his patriarchy, are a very difficult period not only for the history of our country, but also for the clergy. Indeed, it must have been wise and philosophical for him to cope with the pastoral care of the Church in such a difficult period and to respond to the country's indomitable enemy in the international arena. . .
We think that Ambrose Khelaia honestly owed a debt to our multi-suffering nation. The nation that sanctified him and created Sts. Icon of Ambrose Khelaia.
Used literature:
1. Historical-Scientific Journal "Historian", 2012, January.
2. ka.wikipedia.org.
3. Magazine "Intellect", M. Kebadze ––– Georgian autocephaly, 1 (30) Tb.2008.
4. Gate, # 23.2005,16–19 December, p. 22.
5. https://sites.google.com/site/ambrosikhelaia150/ Publications (Sergo Vardosanidze).
Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law
Doctor of History, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law
Annotation: The Georgian people were not used to Soviet Russia conquering their country, and they began fighting for independence the day the Soviets arrived. Throughout the period 19211992, forces in Georgia and abroad inevitably fought in the guise of Georgians using a variety of methods, including violent and intellectual warfare.
Keywords: Nationalism, Leaders, Independence.
Throughout the period 1921-1992, forces in Georgia and abroad inevitably fought in the guise of Georgians using a variety of methods, including violent and intellectual warfare.
Armed demonstrations are known to have typified the twentieth century's 1920s, and the fight in the form of cultural, national ideology becomes more obvious from the 1930s onwards. In this aspect, Georgian emigration is very active. The Georgians' battle took many forms during the years indicated, but the goal remained the same: freedom.
phenomenon of independence and the struggle for freedom have, of course, always
been part of Georgian reality; however, according to the challenges of the
time, attitudes and methods of struggle changed, but the goal remained the
same: an independent, free Georgia.
Throughout the Soviet Union's 70-year history, not only the states under its dominion, but also distinct social strata and social groups had their own attitudes regarding the Soviet regime. It revealed itself in the opposition of all perception and fight methods and approaches.
An armed insurrection or a national ideology developed by a cultural and political elite that reached out to the general populace through proclamations, the print media, and illegal literature affected the struggle for freedom in several situations.
Dissident movements arose in the 1970s in the, including dissident movements in the Georgian
SSR. In Georgia, the Helsinki Union, a human rights organization, was founded in 1974. The Georgian dissident movement was notable for focusing not only on the defense of human rights but also on the popularization of the concept of Georgian independence. The distribution of illicit antiSoviet material became the most visible face of Georgia's dissident fight. This case was handled by Zviad Gamsakhurdia and Merab Kostava, and the results were published in the 1970s in the journals Sakartvelos Moambe and Golden Fleece. Gamsakhurdia and Kostava were detained for dissident actions in 1977. Georgian dissidents also attempted to persuade Western countries to vote in favor of the Soviet government. Victor Rtskhiladze, Avtandil Imnadze, and Valentina Failodze were detained for their involvement in similar operations.
A large-scale demonstration was staged in 1978 to defend the Georgian language's constitutional status. Dissidents also actively emphasized the problems of environmental protection and historical monument protection in the 1970s. In the 1970s, dissidents objected to the Metekhi Church being
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converted into a youth theater, while Zviad Gamsakhurdia actively urged the closure of the Soviet military training site near the Davitgareja monastery complex.
The 200th anniversary of
Georgievsky's treatise was marked by open protests by dissidents in 1983. The
Caucasus Mountain Railway project was approved by the Politburo in May 1984.
The railway was supposed to be the quickest way to connect Moscow and Tbilisi.
It required 11 tunnels, 15 corridors, and 85 bridges to cross the Caucasus
Mountains. The railway's final endpoint was Transcaucasia. Develop the
economies of the former Soviet republics and, if necessary, make it easier for
Russian soldiers to enter the region. Georgian intellectuals, protectors of
historical and cultural monuments, and environmentalists all spoke out against
the initiative. They claim that the train will depopulate Georgian mountain
villages, harm Georgia's environment, and poison Tbilisi's water supply. The
Georgian Communist Party was forced to cancel the initiative after a six-month
campaign protest.
In the mid-1980s, two forms of nationalism emerged. The ruling echelons of the Communist Party of the Georgian SSR backed one, while street populist nationalism backed the other. Economic independence, self-government, cultural rights, and the preservation of historical sites were among the demands of the opposition. The Communist Party's local leadership, led by Jumber Patiashvili, supported laws that extended citizens' rights to vote on bills and opposed Gorbachev-initiated constitutional reforms that limited the Georgian SSR's ability to leave the USSR. Patiashvili, on the other hand, was unable to adapt rapidly to the changing environment due to his conservative approach. Publicity Following the news, new informal groups arose.
Tbilisi State University created the University Press Club in February 1988. Only four of the 38 rallies and demonstrations held in 1988 were officially sanctioned. Since the same year, there have been demonstrations of nationalism directed at Georgia's ethnic minorities. The Communist Party attempted to use fear to control the situation. From March, limited demonstrations were permitted, and the Tbilisi Hippodrome was set aside for gatherings in September. The Ilia Chavchavadze Society was created in October 1988 by Zurab Chavchavadze and Merab Kostava. After the
Communist Party, it was the first political group. The Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR rejected Gorbachev's constitutional revisions in November. Mukhran Matchavariani, a nationalist, was elected chairman of the Writers' Union of the Georgian SSR by the Communist Party.
The Communist Party attempted to appeal to patriotism. He published the "Georgianization" schedule of state and cultural institutions in November 1988. A panel was established in January 1989 to rehabilitate persons who had been repressed under the Stalinist terror. The program for the protection of Georgian historical sites was published in February 1989. Topics such as the Soviet annexation of 1921, the national rebellion of 1924, the corruption of the 1960s, and other issues were discussed in the party press. The Communist Party's strategy allowed the opposition to be divided into moderate intellectuals and radical dissidents who were content with change. Nevertheless, the Communist Party lost control of the moderate groups as well.
Instead of the party's servile Irakli Abashidze, Akaki Bakradze, a lifelong critic of the Soviet leadership, was elected chairman of the Rustaveli Society, which called on the people for independence, pluralism, the establishment of private property, and the formation of political parties. Dissidents protested the 68th anniversary of the Soviet annexation of Poland in 1921 in February 1989. The protest's organizers were detained. The Communist Party's reputation suffered as a result of the dispersal of these and previous demonstrations. The Communist Party was finally disgraced in March when ballot papers from the People's Assembly were falsified.
On April 9, 1989, a watershed moment occurred, putting an end to the Communist Party's already shaky credibility and strengthening the push for independence. Military forces dispersed a peaceful march and hunger strike in Tbilisi's Rustaveli Avenue on April 9, killing 21 people and injuring 427 others. The deadly repression of the April 9 demonstration shattered relations between Georgian
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moderate organizations
and Gorbachev's perestroika, reminding everyone that the Soviet Union was a
police state. Since April 9, no one has been held accountable. The government's
inactivity sparked a worldwide desire for independence. After April 9, demands
for political independence, free elections, and the withdrawal of the Red Army
took precedence.
Political parties were founded under the leadership of Gamsakhurdia, Kostava, Chavchavadze, and Giorgi Chanturia, the leaders of the April rallies. Negotiations for free and democratic elections began with the Communist Party. The progressive breakdown of the Georgian Communist Party and the waning of its dominance, the development of tensions and confrontations between opposition parties, and the emergence of the first signs of inter-ethnic conflict marked the period from April 1989 to October 1990.
Givi Gumbaridze, who had been appointed to replace Patiashvili, attempted to reorganize the Georgian Communist Party on April 14, 1989. In August, the party announced the commencement of a state program in Georgian. It was declared property, and the Georgian SSR was given complete responsibility over the republic's borders and administrative units. Private property and enterprise were legalized, as were non-governmental groups. The Georgian Federation of Journalists severed links with a higher union body, founded separately in February 1990, and the separation of Georgian groups from union organizations began. The Georgian Football Federation, a distinct trade union from the trade unions, was dissolved by the Komsomol in March 1990.
Georgia's Supreme Council elections were slated for March 1990. A conference of Georgian dissident movements was held in the same month, at which dissident organizations deliberated whether or not to run in the elections. Between the two existing positions: moderate and radical, the radical position, which urged an electoral boycott, won. Elections have been postponed until later in the year. There was a rift in the radical opposition between Zviad Gamsakhurdia's supporters and Giorgi Chanturia's supporters in April, which was followed by shootings. Gamsakhurdia's leadership formed the Round Table - Free Georgia political bloc, which committed to run in the upcoming official elections. He was boycotted by the "irreconcilable" parties of Chanturia, Irakli Tsereteli, and others.
De facto annexation was officially declared in February 1921. Despite internal party changes, the opposition was the driving force behind the national movement. In the spring of 1990, the public destruction of Soviet monuments began. The memorial to Sergo Orjonikidze was demolished for the first time in Saburtalo. The Supreme Council adopted laws on alternative military conscription, economic sovereignty, and the ability to create political parties in June 1990, and established direct state links with the Baltic countries. The Georgian Communist Party criticised Lithuania's economic blockade. Gumbaridze's attempt to nationalize the party was thwarted by the Soviet Union. He was unable to break his ties with the Soviet Communist Party and remained a hidden Soviet Union adherent.
In February 1921, de facto annexation was officially declared. The opposition, despite internal party splits, was the driving force behind the national movement. The public destruction of Soviet monuments began in the spring of 1990. In Saburtalo, the memorial to Sergo Orjonikidze was demolished for the first time. In June 1990, the Supreme Council passed legislation establishing alternative military conscription, economic sovereignty, and the ability to form political parties, as well as direct governmental ties with the Baltic republics. Lithuania's economic boycott has been criticized by the Georgian Communist Party. The Soviet Union foiled Gumbaridze's attempt to nationalize the party. He was unable to sever his ties with the Soviet Communist Party and remained a secret supporter of the Soviet Union.
In February 1921, de facto annexation was officially declared. The opposition, despite internal party splits, was the driving force behind the national movement. The public destruction of Soviet monuments began in the spring of 1990. In Saburtalo, the memorial to Sergo Orjonikidze was
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demolished for the first
time. In June 1990, the Supreme Council passed legislation establishing
alternative military conscription, economic sovereignty, and the ability to
form political parties, as well as direct governmental ties with the Baltic
republics. Lithuania's economic boycott has been criticized by the Georgian
Communist Party. The Soviet Union foiled Gumbaridze's attempt to nationalize
the party. He was unable to sever his ties with the Soviet Communist Party and
remained a secret supporter of the Soviet Union.
Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Faculty of Humanities
Annotation: There were numerous glorious moments throughout centuries-old history of Georgia, though we would like to talk today about that terrible and shameful social fact, which is known in history as “Captive Trade”. It brought the biggest damage to Georgian community and to the moral past of our people.’ Not any war or any foreign conqueror brought so much damage with swords to Georgia than this “peaceful” captive trade “- fairly denoted academician Niko Berdzenishvili. This was total, century old demolishing. Captive trade was the result of heavy social-political and economic situation of feudal Georgia. Trade with people caused big damage to the development of Georgian nation and its independence. Georgian population and the power of the country was in danger as the best part of Georgians, its brave young people constantly immigrated abroad and were forever lost for the motherland. This was the result of the conflict between king and the officials and it is one of the cases that left heavy effects on the history and the development of the country.
Keywords: Trade, Georgia, country.
women and men, little babies and old ones, nobles and poor ones were kidnapped.
Young people who were beautiful, brave and wise had the most expensive price.
Kidnapped and sold Georgian lady should become precious jewelry for the
seraglios and harems of sultans. She should be the bedmate of Muslim ruler and
in case of success she could become his spouse. Georgian women had to give
birth to Turkish children and bring them up as the enemies of Georgia.
Kidnapped and sold Georgian boys became brave and denoted knights of Islam: In
Turkey they became janissars, in Egypt-Mamelukes. People were kidnapped
everywhere-on the road, in the cornfields, while shepherding, at the spring
water, at the mill and in the church, at their homes. Kidnappers were Ottoman,
Lezghins and Georgians itself.
After defeating Soviet Regime, idealization of feudal Georgia became very popular though not everything was beautiful as Georgian nobles often treated major part of its population very cruelly and much more, Georgian nobles were main motivators for captive trade.
This terrible fact-trade with people comprised the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa. Captive trade was very active in Georgia during XVI-XIX centuries by Ottoman Turkey and Iran and with the help of Georgian nobles. During three centuries (XVI-XIX) Georgia was disputable place for two great conquerors Ottoman Turkey and Iran and they used various forms of violence to conquer and subordinate it: fight, exile of local population, captive trade, inculcation of “Ottoman rule” and “kizilbash rule”. For people’s trade there were special markets organized in Istanbul, Akhaltsikhe, Trabzon,etc. Lezghians rule greatly damaged Georgia in XVII-XIX centuries. Dagestan feudals and tribe leaders specially disturbed Kakhetians. They sold kidnapped Georgians in the Crimea, Ottoman Turkey and Persian markets.
According to the observations of European missionaries and investigations of Georgian historians, captive trade was quite an ordinary fact for the noblemen in Feudal Georgia. They had
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immeasurable rights-they
treated their servants and serfs as they wanted, they sold them as ordinary
things. Each costed 25 or 30 Roman squads. The captive belonged to him who paid
more –Ottoman, Greek, European, etc. The letter which was written by Italian
missionary Guiseppe Judiche and sent to Rome on September 20, 1640 had the
following content: ”this month Turkish ships loaded with the local cargo is
taking off from Mingrelia to Constantinople, the ships are full of Christian
boys sold to Turkmen in Mingrelia, Imereti and Kartli. Every year the number of
sold out people reaches not less than two thousand.”
In the XVII-XVIII centuries, together with the tribute and presents for Shah and Sultan , captives were also implied. In the XVII century, the king of Imereti sent Sultan 80 boys and girls, Dadiani 40 and Guerieli 46 ones. The king of Kartli Simon I sent Shah non Georgian captives which he bought deliberately. King Rostom stated the rule to send Georgian captives to Persia. King Vakhtang VI also sent non Georgian captives. Later, the kingdom of Kartli and Kakheti sent 9 captives to Shah once in two years. Sending captives was one of the main signs of subordination and its refusal already meant rebellion.
With the captive trade and taking the best part of population out of the country, military, political, economic and cultural future of Georgian kingdoms was damaged, Georgia was losing main producing and fighting force. That’s why, In order to suppress this terrible “illness”, first of all, principal activities from the kingdom were necessary. In this regard we should denote the merit of Solomon I, Erekle ii and Solomon II. According to historical sources and Georgian folk-lore, the most unmerciful fighter against captive trade was the king of Imereti Solomon I (1752-1784). He started his political work with the fight against captive trade. King Solomon prohibited all his subordinates to sell captives to Turkmen and stated severe fine and even death penalty-it is recorded in one of the notes of Russian ministry of external affairs collegium (1761). King of KartlKakheti Erekle II also struggled against captive trade (1762-1798). Among the important measures implemented by Erekle II we should denote prohibition of selling boys and captive trade during Ottoman rule and Khizilbash rule. (1772). King directly addressed fellow-countryman to destruct everyone who desired to captivate their wives and children. He received effective measures to return back those captives in Georgia who were sold abroad or were captivated during wars. He saved about ten thousand captives that cost him 400 000 roubles. Erekle II leaded to suppress numerous attacks by LezghiansKing of Imereti Solomon II also fought suppress captive trade (1789-1810), but captive trade was so profitable for traitor nobles that king’s threat couldn’t make them refuse this habit. Ottomen and Persians wanted to take captives first of all to destroy Christianity and Georgian sole.
That’s why that saint church started to panic for eradicating this terrible sin from the very start. In the middle of the XVI century (1543-1549), church meeting was held which especially discussed captive trade and according to religious law passes the following verdict:
“1. whatever a person sells out, or nobles or their subordinates, or peasants must be cursed and cast out” (Georgian law monuments, I, 1963, p 393)
Because of the increased frequency of captive trade in the West Georgia, on 4-5 December, 1759, under King Solomon I initiative, West Gorgian church meeting was held which anathematized captive salesmen. For buying back the captives, even Georgian church paid quite considerable cots. As a result of the church effort captive trade quite decreased, though so deeply spread this “terrible illness” couldn’t be completely suppressed. Based on historical sources and scientific literature we can say that this shameful and destroying fact, nobles obstinacy, supremacy of Ottomen and Iranians was finally ended up by Russian government. For handling this century old problem, Russian had to implement quite wide scale and principle measures.
With the effort of Russian Imperial kingdom, mainly with the help of Imperor Aleksandre I, in
1801 Georgian captives from Turkey were released and taken back to Georgia. On 16 June, 1804,
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Russian representative in
Mingrelia Litvinov published order and appeal against people’s kidnapping and
captive trade. With this order, Litvinov declared that the captive salesmen
would be punished under Russian law which implied death penalty to all family
In 1847 special action was
implemented in Samurzakhano for liquidation captive salesmen. Similar actions
were implemented in different parts of Georgia. At the end of 1850, Lezghian
rule was finally eradicated in Georgia. After overflow the serfdom (1864),
especially after Russia’s victory in Russian-Ottoman war in 1877-1878, at the
end of 1870 captive trade actually ended in Georgia.
Master student at Tashkent institute of finance
Annotation: In this thesis, the authors studied the definitions and the history of the the publicprivate partnership. The public-private partnership (PPP) model has been increasingly popular in recent decades as a mechanism to support infrastructure related investment activity.
Keywords: Finance, public-private partnership (PPP), risk, economy
Public Private Partnership (PPP) which is concerned as a business model that brings public and private sector together does not have a universal definition Principally, in a PPP model, both public and private sides may utilize their comparative advantage and contribute economy through investing the infrastructure projects, thus increasing the welfare of society. PPPs is “just another catchy piece of terminology that governments would like to promote to keep off the attention of the more mundane contracting for public services arrangements”. Several definitions of PPP are mentioned below.
Bank PPP Knowledge Lab (World Bank, 2018) defines PPP as “a long-term contract
between a private party and a government entity, for providing a public asset
or service, in which the private party bears significant risk and management
responsibility, and remuneration is linked to performance”. In this definition,
particularly risk sharing is stressed and performance is put forward. In the
case of classic form of delivery of public investment, government bears the
full risk of the project from construction to the operation.
Delegating delivery of a public good to a profit seeking private sector agent without risk sharing or without appropriate performance criterion is not recommended by the definition of World Bank PPP Knowledge Lab (World Bank, 2018). However, PPP Knowledge Lab notes that transferring risk is not a goal on its own but rather an instrument to align public and private interests. The green paper by the European Union (EU) in which PPP was examined with its several dimensions (Commission of the European Communities, 2004), the following points were highlighted:
Relatively long duration of the contracts.
The important role of private party in financing the project.
The different roles of private and public parties in which public sector is expected to take part in defining the scope of the project and monitoring the project at various stages, from construction to operation while private party is expected to take responsibility in design, finance, construction, operation and maintenance.
The shared risks by private and public actors.
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In an International
Monetary Fund (IMF) paper by Hemming (2006), public-private partnerships (PPPs)
is defined as the arrangements where private sector supplies the infrastructure
assets along with infrastructure-based services that have traditionally been
provided by the government. The focal concern of this definition is the
emphasis on the roles that are transferred from the government to the private
sector. Moreover, Hemming (2006) does not consider the use of PPP projects only
from an infrastructure provision point of view but also from a more social
service provision such as education and healthcare. Yet, since healthcare and
education may be delicate areas for using PPP, maximum attention should be paid
to the design of performance criteria and payment scheme in these sectors.
Similarly, PPP Handbook of Asian Development Bank (2007) presents a framework in which PPP “describes a range of possible relationships among public and private entities in the context of infrastructure and other services”. This framework—while engaging the private sector— “acknowledges and structures the role for government in ensuring that social obligations are met and successful sector reforms and public investments achieved”. According to the Handbook;
A strong PPP allocates the tasks, obligations, and risks among the public and private partners in an optimal way.
Effective PPPs recognize that the public and the private sectors each have certain advantages, relative to the other, in performing specific tasks.
The extant academic literature offers various PPP definitions despite the existence of a number of common points. Mu et al. (2011) suggest that “PPPs can be loosely deðned as cooperative institutional arrangements between the public and private sectors”. Obviously, the authors indicate the participation of public and private parties as the most featuring point in PPPs. Yet, Mu et al (2011) also highlight that the provision and quality of public infrastructure services are subject to the ability and willingness of partners to bring their “best available skills, knowledge and resources and transfer them to the arrangement to strive for a value for money”. In line, de Jong et al. (2010) claim that “PPP projects involve private actors in the design, construction, maintenance, operation and management of a public infrastructure on the basis of competitive tendering and long term contracts or arrangements”.
Reflecting on the UK and Ireland experiences, Sheppard and Beck (2018) observe that PPP is under-stood as a long term partnership between private and public actors based on mutual benefit. Additionally, PPP is considered as a method that gives high priority to value for money and delivering quality public services in these contexts. According to a more recent paper where the definition of PPP is claimed as it is inherently broad, PPP refers to “long term contractual arrangements between public agencies and private partners that increase private participation and risk sharing in various stages of the project lifecycle, including facility design, construction, financing, operations, and maintenance”. In summary, despite the existence of a universal definition of PPP, some key common points such as long term nature of the contract, specialization of public and private actors at different roles and risk sharing are mentioned frequently.
PPPs are acknowledged by the governments particularly with heavy debt burdens, as magical solutions for the shortcomings of traditional infrastructure provision. However, PPPs should not be considered as a panacea to address the infrastructure needs of countries. As presented in the previous chapters, there are failure cases as well as success cases in PPP implementations. From this point of view, PPP projects can be deemed as a Ponzi scheme on the way of financing certain needs of current world with suspicious earnings of future.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
W., Ahola, T., Aaltonen, K., Økland, A., & Andersen, B. (2017).
Project sustainability strate-gies: A systematic literature review.
International Journal of Project Management, 35(6), 1071–1083.
2. Acikgoz, B. (2020). Public-Private Partnership – The case of Turkey. In Public Financial Management Reforms in Turkey: Progress and Challenges (pp. 105–118). Springer.
3. Amos, S., & Zanhouo, D. A. K. (2019). Financial constraints, firm productivity and crosscountry income differences: Evidence from sub-Sahara Africa. Borsa Istanbul Review, 19(4), 357–371. doi:10.1016/j.bir.2019.07.004
A. H. (2020). Cream skimming? Evaluating the access to Punjab’s public-private
partnership programs in education. International Journal of Educational
Development, 72(1), 102–126. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2019.102126
Muhammad Al-Xorazmiy Nomidagi Toshkent Axborot Texnologiyalari Universiteti Assistenti
Daminova Guzal Dilshodjon qiz
Islom Karimov Nomidagi TGDU 4 kurs talabasi
Технологический процесс получения готовой прокатной продукции – завершающая стадия металлургического производства. В прокатные цеха металлургического комбината поступает большая часть всей стали (свыше 80%), выплавляемой в сталеплавильных цехах и превращаемой в непрерывнолитые заготовки или в слитки. До 60–70% объема производства тонколистовой стали выпускается в виде холоднокатаных лент, листов и полос.Прокатный стан - это комплекс машин и агрегатов, предназначенный для пластической деформации металла в валках и его дальнейшей обработки. В прокатных цехах располагают также агрегаты для отделки проката – его термической обработки, нанесения защитных покрытий на поверхность металла и др., необходимые для выпуска готовой продукции высокого качества, которая характеризуется не только формой поперечного сечения прокатываемого профиля, но и физико-механическими свойствами металла, состоянием поверхности проката и др.Технологический процесс современного прокатного производства состоит из двух стадий: получения полупродукта (заготовки) и готовой продукции (готового проката).
Процесс холодной прокатки металла в виде полос и листов толщиной от 2–6 мм до 0,8–0,1 мм и менее (до 0,001 мм) получил широкое распространение благодаря получению готовой холоднокатаной продукции широкого сортамента и высокого качества, характеризующегося высокой степенью точности геометрических размеров, плоскостности и чистоты поверхности, а также повышенными механическими свойствами металла (временным сопротивлением, пределом текучести, твердостью и др.). Исходной продукцией для холодной прокатки служат рулоны горячекатаной полосы толщиной 1,5–6 мм, поступающие с широкополосных станов горячей прокатки. Современным способом получения холоднокатаной продукции является рулонный способ, который обеспечивает высокую производительность как собственно прокатных станов, так и различных технологических агрегатов, установленных в цехе холодной прокатки, а также увеличения выхода годного. Операция резки рулонной полосы на листы мерной длины является одной из последних в технологическом цикле цеха холодной прокатки.К современным типам станов холодной прокатки относятся: непрерывные четырех–, пяти– и шестиклетевые и реверсивные, чаще всего одноклетевые, четырехвалковые и многовалковые.Непрерывные станы холодной прокатки устанавливают в цехах большой производительности для выпуска полос и листов специализированного сортамента. Непрерывные станы отличаются от реверсивных большей степенью механизации и автоматизации и более высокими техническими параметрами по массе рулона, скорости прокатки, мощности главного привода; производительность этих станов выше, чем у реверсивных.Непрерывные четырехклетевые четырехвалковые станы применяют для холодной прокатки тонких полос (минимальной толщиной 0,22–0,25 мм) шириной 1370–2350 мм и массой до 30–35 т. В соответствии с требуемой шириной полосы
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бочки валков станов принимают равной 1525–2500 мм; скорость прокатки достигает
20–25 м/с.Непрерывные пятиклетевые четырехвалковые станы применяют как для
прокатки тонких полос минимальной толщиной 0,17–0,23 мм, шириной до 2150 мм и
массой до 40–60 т со скоростью до 25–30 м/с при длине бочки валков до 2000–2200мм,
так и для прокатки жести и полос из электротехнической стали минимальной
толщиной 0,15–0,18 мм, шириной до 1300 мм и массой до 15 т со скоростью до
30–37 м/с при длине бочки валков до 1200–1420 мм. Производительность
непрерывных станов для холодной прокатки тонких полос достигает 1,5–2,5 млн. т.
в год.Реверсивные станы холодной прокатки устанавливают в цехах при небольшом
объеме производства (50–120 тыс. т/год) с широким сортаментом полос из
малоуглеродистых, легированных и электротехнических сталей. В ряде случаев
реверсивные станы устанавливают в цехах холодной прокатки большой
производительности в дополнение к непрерывным станам. По конструкции
реверсивные станы подразделяют на станы с приводом через рабочие валки и через
опорные валки. Реверсивные четырехвалковые станы изготавливают в основном с
длиной бочки валков от 1000–1200 до 2000–2300 мм, которые обеспечивают прокатку
полос с отношением её ширины к толщине 6000 и более; масса рулонов 30–45 т и
скорость прокатки до 10–20 м/с.
Подкатом для стана холодной прокатки служит травленая горячекатаная полоса сечением 1,7-4,0 мм, ширина 630-1050 мм, наружный диаметр рулона максимальный 1230 мм, внутренний 650 мм с промасленной поверхностью.Рулоны протравленных и промасленных полос подаются к стану с непрерывного широкополосного стана горячей прокатки 1450 через непрерывно-травильные агрегаты трехклетевого стана 1450 холодной прокатки.На подающий транспортер пятиклетевого стана травленые горячекатаные рулоны укладываются при помощи мостового крана. Подающей балкой рулон устанавливается на тележку загрузочного устройства. На тележке загрузочного устройства рулон передается к головкам разматывателя, которыми центруется по продольной оси стана. Одновременно отгибается наружный конец полосы скребковым отгибателем и происходит задача его в валки первой клети стана.Прокатанный рулон снимается с барабана моталки, увязывается, переносится на транспортер для передачи в термическое отделение или устанавливается на стеллаж для передачи на АНО и АГНЦ. Упаковка рулонов производится на площадке стана.
Участок отделки готового проката состоит из агрегатов электролитического обезжиривания, термических печей, двухклетевых четырехвалковых реверсивных станов, агрегатов поперечной резки, горячего и электролитического лужения, горячего непрерывного цинкования, агрегата подготовки полосы к электролитическому лужению.
Агрегаты электролитического обезжиривания и очистки предназначены для удаления с поверхности стальной холоднокатаной полосы остатков технологической смазки, применяемой при прокатке жести. Электролитически зачищают полосы в рулонах, наружный диаметр которых 1860 мм, внутренний 500 мм, масса 15 т, толщина полосы 0,200,50 мм, ширина 730-1050 мм. Агрегат электролитической зачистки по характеру работы оборудования состоит из головной, средней технологической и хвостовой частей.Оборудование головной части агрегата обеспечивает запас рулонов, подачу к разматывателю, задачу полосы в агрегат, обрезку швов и концов полосы, разматывание рулона, сварку полос, подачу полосы к средней части агрегата.Оборудование средней технологической части обеспечивает механическую очистку и электролитическое обезжиривание полосы с использованием переменного тока низкого напряжения промышленной частоты, промывку полосы в горячей воде, отжим влаги и сушку полосы, транспортировку её по агрегату.Оборудование хвостовой части агрегата обеспечивает
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центрование и
транспортировку полосы, вырезку швов перед моталкой, сматывание полосы в рулон,
раскантовку рулона на торец для последующей термической обработки.Среднечасовая
производительность агрегата 20 т. Заправочная скорость агрегата 0,5 м/с.
Рабочая скорость движения полосы при обезжиривании 0,5-5,0 м/с. К ваннам
обезжиривания подается ток промышленной частоты силой 10-15 кА. Напряжение в
ваннах 6-9 В, плотность тока 5-10 А/дм3, температура обезжиривающего и моечного
раствора 70-90
°С, температура промывочной воды 70-90 °С. Температура воздуха на сушильной машине 90 °С.Состав обезжиривающего раствора, г/л: 15-25 каустической соды, 15-25 тринатрийфосфата, 3-4 эмульгаторов ОП-7 и ОП-10.Для термообработки металла в цехе установлены агрегат непрерывного отжига с проходной печью башенного типа и колпаковые печи для светлого рекристаллизационного отжига. В соответствии с технологическим процессом все оборудование агрегата непрерывного рекристаллизационного отжига условно разделено на три части: головную, среднюю (печную) и хвостовую.Оборудование головной части агрегата предназначено для приемки и разматывания рулонов, обрезки толстых коробоватых и замятых передних и задних концов полос, создание непрерывной полосы путем сварки концов рулона внахлестку, обрезки и смотки боковых кромок, очистки и обезжиривания полосы от загрязнений и технологической смазки, создания запаса полосы, транспортировки полосы до печной части. В состав головной части агрегата входят: приемный стеллаж, разматыватель, задающее устройство, сдвоенные гильотинные ножницы, сварочная машина, тянущие ролики, петлевая яма, дисковые ножницы с кромкомоталкой, установка электролитической очистки, гильотинные ножницы, тянущие ролики.Оборудование средней (печной) части предназначено для светлого рекристаллизационного отжига в среде 95-96 % азота и 4-5 % водорода. В состав средней части входят: регулятор натяжения полосы, протяжная вертикальная петлевая печь башенного типа, тележка для заправки полосы в печь, петлевые ямы и другое.Протяжная печь предназначена для нагрева полосы до 580-720 °С и охлаждения её до 60-70 °С. Производительность печи от 15 до 30 т/ч зависит от ширины полосы.Хвостовая часть агрегата предназначена для смотки полос в рулоны и выдачи их с агрегата. В состав хвостовой части входят: тянущие ролики, гильотинные ножницы, две моталки и сниматели рулонов.В цехе установлена 21 колпаковая печь для светлого рекристаллизационного отжига. Металл нагревается в печи до 720 °С, а затем охлаждается до 180 °С. Максимальная масса садки 180 т, максимальная высота стопы 3220 мм. Максимальный диаметр нагреваемого рулона 1860 мм. Производительность печи 3-4 т/ч. Металл для термообработки поступает с агрегата электролитического обезжиривания и очистки ленты.Непрерывные двухклетевые дрессировочные станы 1200 № 1 и № 2 предназначены для дрессировки холоднокатаных полос из малоуглеродистой стали, свернутых в рулон и прошедших светлый отжиг. Материал полосы - сталь sв 450 МПа. Ширина дрессируемой полосы 500-1050 мм, толщина 0,20-0,63 мм. Внутренний диаметр рулона - 500 мм, наружный 1860 мм.Максимальное усилие металла на валки 5 МН, наибольший крутящий момент, передаваемый рабочим валком, 9,81 кН·м.Скорость движения полосы на выходе из второй клети стана № 1 до 24,5 м/с, стана № 2 - до 26 м/с. Заправочная скорость 1,5 м/с. Наибольшее натяжение полосы на моталке 19,6 кН, между клетями 58,9 кН. Диаметр рабочих валков 465480 мм, опорных 1220-1320 мм.Агрегат поперечной резки предназначен для правки, обрезки боковых кромок, порезки полосы на листы заданной длины и укладки в пачки после автоматической поточной сортировки. Материал разрезаемой полосы - углеродистая сталь с sв 588 Н/мм2; наружный диаметр поступающих 15-т рулонов 900-1850 мм, внутренний 500 мм. Размеры разрезаемой полосы: толщина 0,18-0,63 мм, ширина 500-1050 мм. Скорость передвижения полосы 1,5-2,0 м/с, заправочная 0,5 м/с.В состав оборудования агрегата входят: цепной транспортер, приемный стол разматывателя, тянущие ролики, гильотинные ножницы для обрезки утолщенного, неровного или загрязненного переднего конца с усилием
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
147 кН, петлевое устройство, дисковые ножницы для обрезки боковых кромок,
кромкомоталка, летучие ножницы для правки полосы и порезки её на мерные длины,
состоящие из собственно летучих ножниц, падающих роликов и роликоправильной
машины, пакетирующее устройство.Агрегаты горячего лужения предназначены для
нанесения оловянного покрытия на карточки жести погружением в расплав олова.
Размеры карточек, поступающих на лужение, мм: ширина 712, длина 512, толщина
0,2-0,36. В потоке каждого агрегата горячего лужения жесть травится,
промывается, покрывается оловом с формированием покрытия в жировой среде,
обезжиривается, чистится, рассортировывается в потоке и укладывается в пачки. Скорость
лужения 30-42 листа в минуту на каждом агрегате. В состав оборудования каждого
агрегата входят: задатчик листов, узел травления и промывки жести, узел
нанесения и формирования покрытия и узел очистки жести для обезжиривания и
полировки жести.Агрегат электролитического лужения жести предназначен для
нанесения оловянного покрытия на полосу, смотанную в рулон.Ширина
обрабатываемой полосы 500-1050 мм, толщина 0,15-0,5 мм, наружный диаметр 15-т
рулона 1800 мм, внутренний 500 мм, скорость агрегата 70 м/с.В состав агрегата
входят: подъемнопередвижная тележка для подачи и установки рулонов на барабан
разматывателя, разматыватель, гильотинные ножницы для обрезки передних и задних
утолщенных концов, сварочная машина для сварки полос внахлестку, дисковые
ножницы для обрезки боковых кромок, кромкомоталка, комплект роликов для
создания натяжения, гильотинные ножницы для разрезки полосы после намотки
рулона на барабан моталки и моталка для сматывания полосы в рулон.Максимальная
скорость прохождения полосы через агрегат: на входном и выходном участках 6,7
м/с, на технологическом участке 5 м/с. Электролит кислый (фенолсульфоновый).
Лужение полосы ведется с обеих сторон. В качестве анодов используют бруски
олова. Катодная плотность тока 15-30 А/дм2. Сила тока, подаваемого на каждую
сторону полосы, зависит от толщины оловянного покрытия, скорости движения
полосы и определяется в каждом случае отдельно.Агрегат непрерывного горячего
цинкования предназначен для обработки полос из углеродистой стали, поступающих
непосредственно со станов холодной прокатки, с последующей выдачей готовой
продукции в виде листов.Размеры холоднокатаных листов и рулонов, поступающих на
цинкование: толщина полосы 0,45-1,45 мм, ширина 700-1320 мм, наружный диаметр
рулона 1800 мм, внутренний 500, 600 и 800 мм. Масса 15 т.В потоке агрегата
холоднокатаная полоса подвергается химическому и электрохимическому
обезжириванию, промывке, термическому обезжириванию, рекристаллизационному
отжигу, покрытию в ванне с расплавленным цинком. Оцинкованную полосу подвергают
принудительному и естественному охлаждению, пассивации, промасливанию, а затем
разрезают на листы мерной длины.Размеры оцинкованных листов: толщина 0,5-1,5
мм, ширина 0,7-1,32 м, длина 0,7- 4,0 м. Скорость движения полосы во входной и
выходной секциях 1,3 м/с, в технологической 1 м/с.Оборудование входной секции
предназначено для приемки и разматывания рулонов, обрезки толстых, коробоватых
и замятых передних и задних концов полос, сварки концов рулонов внахлестку,
обрезки и смотки в рулон боковых кромок. Оборудование технологической секции
агрегата предназначено для химического, электрохимического и термического
обезжиривания поверхности полосы, рекристаллизационного отжига в
восстановительной среде, покрытия методом горячего погружения, охлаждения оцинкованной
полосы, пассивации цинкового покрытия Для отжига служит горизонтальная
протяжная печь. Длина участка нагрева 60 м, охлаждения 46 м.Ванны оцинкования
вмещают ~ 75 т расплавленного цинка при 440 °С. Оборудование выходной секции
предназначено для транспортировки и создания запаса оцинкованной полосы,
измерения толщины покрытия и общей толщины полосы, промасливания, порезки на
мерные длины с последующей сортировкой в потоке агрегата и укладкой в пачки.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
современных станах холодной прокатки широко применяются различные системы
автоматизации, которые являются основным средством повышения точности
холоднокатаных полос. К таким системам следует отнести системы регулирования
толщины полосы, регулирования натяжения полосы, регулирования профиля и формы
полосы, подачи эмульсии на валки, замедления и точной остановки реверсивных
станов и др. Имеются полностью автоматизированные станы холодной прокатки,
управление которыми осуществляется ЭВМ.Можно отметить следующие тенденции
развития и совершенствования станов холодной прокатки:
Разработка новых конструкций рабочих клетей, в том числе предварительно напряженных клетей.
Широкое использование многовалковых станов, в том числе непрерывных восьми– и десятиклетевых станов с многовалковыми клетями.
Усовершенствование станов бесконечной прокатки.
Внедрение комплексной автоматизации на станах холодной прокатки с использованием управляющих ЭВМ.
Разработка и внедрение новых более эффективных способов регулирования профиля валков и толщины прокатываемой полосы.
Разработка и внедрение систем для подачи и очистки смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости и моющих растворов с целью улучшения качества поверхности прокатываемых полос.
Повышение точности обработки рабочих и опорных валков.
Применение в качестве главных приводов электродвигателей с широким диапазоном регулирования скорости.
Разработка и внедрение моталок с плавающими барабанами, обеспечивающих получение рулонов массой до 50 т и более, с ровными торцами.
Разработка и внедрение высокоскоростных механизмов и машин для перевалки рабочих валков всех клетей непрерывного стана в течение 5-10 мин.
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Faculty of Humanities
Annotation: The article "Mass Revolt in the Postmodern Perspective by Jose Ortega-i-Gasset" deals with Jose Ortega-i Gasset and Martin Heidegger's definition of the specifics of mass society. Their views on "mass society", "mass man" and "man - mass". The main focus is on the nature of mass society in the post-righteous era, as well as on the new features of the postmodern era of the "human mass". The concluding section summarizes and outlines the role of mass culture in the postmodern era, how the relationship between man-mass and the intellectual in the postmodern era can be imagined.
Keywords: People, Postmodern, mass.
- XXI century, as the era of global civilization has made significant
fundamental changes in the formation and development of man and society. Life
in the XX - XXI centuries, not only is technically equipped and at the same
time gives more opportunities to people, but also forms the belief that the
future day should be richer, better and more diverse than today, as
opportunities are constantly expanding, growing and evolving.
"Modern", "postmodern", "postmodernism" - are quite
common terms lately. The term "modern" refers to a process of change
that has been stimulated by technical progress in Western civilization, the
development of industry, and the growth of knowledge in social or various
fields. Analysis of the phenomena of "man-mass", "mass man"
and "mass" in general in the postmodern perspective, discussion of
the features and specifics of the "mass uprising" in the postmodern
In this analysis we see the relevant works of the authors of the postmodern era. The urgency of the paper is indicated by the fact that the postmodern, global, audio-visual, digital world has giant means of producing mass culture. In such a world, it is important to understand and answer the following key questions: What is the status of the "mass-man" in the postmodern era? Do postmodern realities contribute to the multiplication and empowerment of the masses, or, conversely, reduce its capabilities and self-confidence? What is mass culture in the postmodern era? How does a mass of people feel in virtual, digital reality? How did the human-mass adapt to the post-righteous era? What is the relationship between the intellectual and the human-mass in the postmodern era? Jose Ortega y Gasset and Martin Heidegger on the specifics of mass society
Jose Ortega-i-Gasset is a great Spanish thinker, philosopher and sociologist of the twentieth century. The Mass Rebellion is the most famous work of Jose Ortega-i-Gasset, published as a book in 1929. Based on a review of the recent history of Europe, the author builds on the concept of the human mass, the "mob", which has penetrated into all spheres of human activity. According to Gasset: "Society is always a dynamic unity of two factors - the chosen minority and the masses. A minority is a group of individuals that are qualitatively different from others. "Mass, as a whole, defines a crowd of people who do not have any specifically different characteristics." According to this definition, mass is a gathering of people, a group of people who do not differ from each other and repeat their actions by imitating each other. They are formed from people who do not have
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
different visions and
ideas. Gasset also notes that "mass" is not always a multitude of
people, "manmass" is one who can not evaluate himself for both good
and bad, who perceives himself as "just like everyone else" (Gasset,
1993). : 6-7).
Gasset believes that our lives are based on freedom of choice, the path of choice is never interrupted, even when we say "whatever happens, will happen". Here we deny the right to choose, although not making a choice is already a choice. "When political life falls into the hands of the 'man-mass', it is as if action and active life cease, even though it carries enormous power and potential, it lacks the capacity for creative activity" (Gasset, 1993: 44). So what is rebellion? What does it mean when the masses revolt? - Rebellion means a situation when a rebel makes demands on his own rights and claims. According to Ortega y Gasset, the preconditions for mass revolt are as follows: a sharp increase in the earth's population, the concentration of large populations in large urban centers, the death of aristocratic culture and ideology amid the development of liberal, socialist and democratic ideologies, rapid mass production and mass ideology. Thus, the mass man considers himself a perfect human being, which is why Gasset calls it "blissful self-awareness", and such an attitude does not allow a person to take into account the other person and his values. § 2. Man-Mass with Martin Heidegger
The philosophical worldview of the twentieth-century German philosopher Martin Heidegger was mainly concerned with the analysis of human existence, existential and anthropological issues. In analyzing these problems, Heidegger introduces his own terms, such as "moon-being," "man," and others. (Heidegger, 1970: 542). According to Heidegger, a person entrusted with science and technology has lost his individuality. Heidegger coined the term "Man" to describe this condition, an indefinite pronoun in German, which means that it does not refer to a specific subject, but to someone in general, "Mavan". Heidegger used the term to refer to an average, impersonal person. "Man" is one who justifies all his actions by referring to the ordinary, the common (Heidegger, 1970: 544). Heidegger singled out a few characteristic features of "Manny": "We enjoy and enjoy virtue as 'generally'; We read, see, and reason as we "generally" see and reason; We will separate the "big crowd" as they are "generally" separated; We consider it "outrageous", which is "generally considered outrageous" (Heidegger, 1970: 195).
Thus, according to Ortega y Gasset, because the mass of man does not recognize the rules of orderly polemic (game), he can not become a full member of society and remain an intellectual barbarian. "Man-mass" and "MAN" are those who can not evaluate themselves, both positively and negatively, those who perceive themselves as everyone is. Such people create mass, mass consciousness and mass culture. Today, people have the opportunity to further develop themselves and their capabilities, to make the most of modern technologies. Under these conditions the mass man becomes more dangerous, first and foremost to himself. The modern era requires the strengthening of subjective attitudes, a person must be able to make conscious decisions. The postrighteous era implies that today objective events are becoming less important for the formation and development of public opinion than emotions and personal opinions. Therefore, when asked how the "man-mass" adapted to the post-righteous era, we can say that the "mass-man" easily adapted to the post-righteous epoch, because in such an epoch everything is simplified for him and it is completely acceptable to him. There is no resistance, emotions and personal opinions do not mean independent thinking.
Used Literature:
1. Berekashvili Tamar. (August, 2010). "Postmodernism and Mass Culture". Retrieved August 26, 2018.
Inn. Material: https://semioticsjournal.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
2. Beridze Ia. "Some Aspects of the Regularity of Modern Society in the Philosophy of Jose Ortega-i-Gasset" // "Philosophical Inquiries", Volume IV, Tbilisi, 2000.
Jose. "Mass uprising". // Translator: Bachana Bregvadze. //
Publishing Center: Khomli, Tbilisi-1993.
4. Masalkin George. "On the Issue of Collective Psychological Reality" // Proceedings of the International Conference "Humanities in the Information Society - II", Batumi, BSU Publishing House, 2014.
5. Foursome Lasha, "Post-Truth". Publisher: Arilly, 2018, October 28th.
Introductory material:
Martin, in his book: The Bourgeois Philosophy of the Twentieth Century.
Translator: Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian
SSR, Publisher: "Education", Tbilisi, 1970.
Узбекский Государственный университет физической культуры и спорта Ферганский филиал (УзГУФКСФФ) предподователь Кафедры общих гуманитарных и естественых наук
Журабоева Мадина Дилшодовна
Студентка 1 курса
Аннотация: В данной исследования заключается в том, что продолжительность использования комплексов ритмической гимнастики позволит создать предпосылки для целенаправленного развития конкретных физических качеств у дошкольников.
Ключевые слова: Комплекс, эксперимент, организм, физических качкств, движение, развитие, координация
В нашем исследовании принимали участие 26 дошкольников 5–6-летнего возраста «Детский сад № 8 город Фергана. Одна группа дошкольников – экспериментальная № 1 (ЭГ-1) (n = 12), три месяца выполняла один комплекс ритмической гимнастики. Другая группа – экспериментальная № 2 (ЭГ-2) (n = 14), за время эксперимента разучила два комплекса и занималась с каждым по полтора месяца. Оба комплекса ритмической гимнастики предполагали общефизическое воздействие на организм дошкольников (комплексное развитие физических качеств). Эксперимент проводился с сентября по декабрь 2021 г.
нашего исследования заключается в том, что продолжительность использования комплексов
ритмической гимнастики позволит создать предпосылки для целенаправленного
развития конкретных физических качеств у дошкольников.
Учитывая возрастные психологические особенности дошкольников, в эксперименте использовались образно-игровые комплексы, имеющие определенный сюжет. Образно- игровая ритмическая гимнастика представляет собой сплав музыки, образных и имитационных упражнений и игры, которые лишь при гармоничном сочетании оказывают эффективное и разностороннее воздействие на организм ребенка, разносторонне и интегративно решают задачи воспитания и обучения детей. Каждое упражнение имело свое название. Кроме того, в «образно-игровые» комплексы упражнения подбирались так, чтобы не нарушался сюжет комплекса и движения удачно «накладывались» на текст песен. Использование приемов имитации и подражания, образных сравнений соответствует психологическим особенностям детей дошкольного возраста, повышает эмоциональный фон занятий и интерес детей к занятиям физическими упражнениями, способствует развитию мышления, воображения, творческих способностей, познавательной активности.
Упражнения подготовительной части комплексов проводились в движении в обход за направляющим. Использовались разнообразные виды ходьбы на носках, на пятках, с высоким подниманием бедра, приставными шагами правым и левым боком, выпадами и другие упражнения.
После ходьбы выполнялись беговые упражнения в течение 2–2,5 минут. В этой части занятия осуществлялось обучение различным видам бега: высоко поднимая колени, бег с захлестыванием голени, «змейкой», галопом правым и левым боком и т. д. Выполнялись
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
также подскоки, прыжки на двух ногах и др.
этих упражнений было направлено на укрепление мышц ног и тазобедренного
сустава, улучшение пространственной ориентировки, повышение функциональных
возможностей организма. Частота сердечных сокращений у детей уже на первой
минуте бега значительно увеличивалась. Сразу после бега и перехода на ходьбу
выполнялись дыхательные упражнения, где давался акцент на продолжительный
Самые интенсивные
движения скоростно-силового характера, выполняемые с наибольшей амплитудой в
суставах и вызывающие наибольшую реакцию организма, применялись в основной
части занятия. Ее основные задачи – развитие физических качеств, тренировка
опорно-двигательного аппарата, сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем. Особое
внимание уделялось прора- ботке всех групп мышц в исходных положениях стоя,
сидя, лежа и т. д. 1; 2; 5
В основной части было несколько серий упражнений: 1) серия упражнений в положении стоя; 2) серия прыжковых и беговых упражнений на месте, выполняемых с высокой интенсивностью, так называемая «пиковая нагрузка»; 3) серия упражнений в низких исходных положениях или партерная серия (лежа, сидя, в упорах).
Основная часть начиналась
с общеразвивающих упражнений из исходного положения стоя: 1) упражнения для рук
и плечевого пояса, для мышц шеи и формирования правильной осанки; повороты и
наклоны головы; 2) повороты туловища, наклоны туловища в стороны, наклоны
прогнувшись; 3) наклоны вперед в разных исходных положениях, круговые движения
туловища; 4) упражнения для ног (приседания, выпады, махи и т. д.) 1; 2; 4; 6 .
Кроме того, упражнения в комплексы ритмической гимнастики подбирались с учетом разностороннего воздействия. Не выполнялись подряд несколько упражнений, где основная нагрузка ложилась на одни и те же группы мышц.
тренировки сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем в основной части комплекса
был предусмотрен «пик» нагрузки, который осуществлялся за счет прыжковых и
беговых упражнений на месте. Продолжительность так называемой «пиковой»
нагрузки определялся длиной фонограммы. Подби- рались не очень длинные песни,
или предусматривался кратковременный отдых за счет выполнения общеразвивающих
упражнений. Схема была такой: запев песни – общеразвивающие упражнения (ОРУ),
припев песни – прыжки и бег на месте .
Далее следовала «партерная» часть комплекса. Использование упражнений, выполняемых из исходных положений сидя и лежа, способствовало разгрузке стоп. Основные упражнения, направленные на укрепление мышц живота и спины, выполнялись из положения лежа.
В заключительной части комплекса происходило снижение повышенной двигательной активности и психоэмоционального напряжения. Фонограмма в этой части достаточно медленная, все упражнения выполнялись не спеша, плавно.
Завершался комплекс ритмической гимнастики упражнениями на расслабление, цель которых – обеспечить максимальный отдых в короткий промежуток времени. Дети ложились на спину, закрывали глаза, расслабляли руки и ноги. Продолжительность комплексов 20–22 мин.
В качестве критериев, характеризующих
такие физические качества, как сила, скоростно силовые и координационные
способности, ловкость, гибкость использованы результаты в прыжке в длину с
места, в челночном беге, в сохранении устойчивости своего тела, в «наклоне из
положения стоя», в согласовании движений руками и ногами, в упражнении,
связанном с проявлением силы мышц брюшного пресса.
В табл. 1 приведены показатели
Показатели физической подготовленности |
Экспериментальная группа 1 (n = 12) |
Экспериментальная группа 2 (n = 14) |
Р |
Прыжок в длину с места, см |
107,4 ± 13,2 |
± 15,7 |
0,05 |
Челночный бег, с |
10,3 ± 0,4 |
± 0,9 |
0,05 |
Сгибание туловища, количество раз |
12,1 ± 7,8 |
± 9,2 |
0,05 |
Наклон, см |
–1 ± 3,6 |
–1,7 ± 3,6 |
0,05 |
Равновесие, с |
50,6 ± 25,5 |
51,3 ± 18,6 |
0,05 |
Согласование движений рук и ног, балл Упражнение 1 |
2,1 ± 1,7 |
1,6 ± 1,8 |
0,05 |
Согласование движений рук и ног, балл Упражнение 2 |
3,5 ± 2,2 |
3,0 ± 2,3 |
0,05 |
Как видно средний показатель в ЭГ-1 – 12,1 раза, в ЭГ-2 – 11,6 раза. Показатели сгибания туловища из положения лежа на спине позволяют утверждать об относительной сложности выполнения этого контрольного упражнения для детей. Следует отметить большой разброс данных от 0 до 25 раз.
роль функции равновесия для жизнедеятельности организма, для накопления
двигательного опыта, для формирования первичных волевых процессов 1; 7 .
Статическое равновесие у детей изучали на основании данных о продолжительности
сохранения заданной позы в пределах 4 минут.
Необходимо отметить, что в равновесии у дошкольников наблюдаются большие индивидуальные колебания. Так, разница между лучшим и худшим результатом составила 80 с (13 и 93 с). Средний показатель в ЭГ-1 – 50,6 с, в ЭГ-2 – 51,3 с.
Одна из центральных задач
физического воспитания – развитие координации движений ребенка. Многие
исследователи отмечают низкий уровень развития координации движений у
дошкольников 1; 3; 6–8 .
всех критериев координационных способностей проще всего оценивается
«способность к овладению новыми движениями». Мы предприняли попытку исследовать
способность детей точно воспроизводить движения, а также согласовывать движения
различных звеньев тела. Детям предлагалось два контрольных упражнения
соответствующей сложности 1; 7 .В ходе испытаний 37,5 % дошкольников не смогли
справиться с первым упражнением. По результатам выполнения первого упражнения:
средний показатель в ЭГ-1 – 2,1 балла, в ЭГ-2 – 1,6 балла. По результатам
выполнения второго упражнения: средний показатель в ЭГ-1 – 3,5 балла, в ЭГ-2 –
3 балла.
У наших испытуемых обнаружен чрезвычайно низкий уровень развития гибкости, изучаемый нами по контрольному упражнению «наклон из положения стоя». Средний показатель в ЭГ-1 – «–1 см», в ЭГ-2 –«–1,7 см». Как видно, уровень развития гибкости у значительной части детей свидетельствует о том, что в процессе физического воспитания этому уделяется недостаточное внимание.
упражнении, характеризующем ловкость (челночный бег 3 по 10 м), средний
показатель в ЭГ-1 – 10,3 с, в ЭГ-2 – 10,4 с.
В упражнении, характеризующем скоростно-силовые способности (прыжок в длину с места),
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
средний показатель в ЭГ-1 – 107,4 см, в ЭГ-2 – 112,9 см.
Статистическая обработка полученных в ходе контрольных упражнений показателей не выявила между двумя экспериментальными группами достоверных отличий (р 0,05).
итог проведенным контроль- ным испытаниям, отметим, что величина этих средних
показателей свидетельствует о том, что необходимо использовать все доступные в
этом возрасте средства для того, чтобы активней проводить работу, направленную
на развитие всех исследуемых физических качеств.
Контрольные испытания показали существенное улучшение показателей физической подготовленности у дошкольников обеих групп, независимо от продолжительности использования комплексов. Однако выяснилось, что не все физические качества изменились одинаково.
Наибольший прирост показателей в ЭГ-1 отмечался в упражнении, характеризующем гибкость – наклон из положения стоя на скамейке. Результат улучшился на 5,1 см, в то время как у детей ЭГ-2 только на 2,7 см (рис. 1). Различие в показателях между этими группами статистически достоверно на уровне значимости р 0,01 (tр = 3,16). Отметим, что по прежнему во всех группах наблюдается большой разброс индивидуальных показателей.
ходе выполнения контрольного упражнения – сгибания туловища из положения лежа
на спине было установлено, что дошкольники, которые занимались по одному
комплексу три месяца, заметно опережают своих сверстников из другой
экспериментальной группы (рис. 2). Результат ЭГ-1 улучшился в среднем на 14,7
раза, в то время как у детей ЭГ-2 только на 6,4 раза. Различие в показателях
между этими группами статистически достоверно (р 0,05; tр
Таблица 2 Показатели физической подготовленности дошкольников после эксперимента (х ± δ)
Показатели физической подготовленности |
Экспериментальная группа 1 (n = 12) |
Экспериментальная группа 2 (n = 14) |
Р |
Прыжок в длину с места, см |
118,3 ± 17,7 |
± 14,7 |
0,05 |
Челночный бег, с |
9,9 ± 0,4 |
9,9 ± 0,9 |
0,05 |
Сгибание туловища, количество раз |
26,8 ± 10,8 |
18,2 ± 11,2 |
< 0,05 |
Наклон, см |
4,1 ± 2,2 |
1,2 ± 3,4 |
< 0,01 |
Равновесие, с |
96,6 ± 28,2 |
89,4 ± 64,6 |
< 0,05 |
Согласование движений рук и ног, балл Упражнение 1 |
3,0 ± 1,5 |
3,8 ± 1,1 |
< 0,05 |
Согласование движений рук и ног, балл Упражнение 2 |
3,9 ± 1,1 |
4,1 ± 0,9 |
< 0,05 |
В упражнении, связанном с согласованием движений рук и ног, у дошкольников, занимающихся с комплексами по 1,5 месяца, произошли существенные улучшения. Результат в первом упражнении улучшился на 2,2 балла, во втором упражнении – на 1,1 балла. У их сверстников из другой группы показатели тоже улучшились, но не так существенно: на 0,9 и 0,4 балла соответствен- но. Различие в показателях между этими группами статистически достоверно на уровне значимости р 0,05 (tр = 2,7).
удержания равновесия у детей всех экспериментальных групп, занимающихся
ритмической гимнастикой, стала значительно выше по сравнению с началом
эксперимента. У дошкольников ЭГ-1 продолжительность удержания равновесия
увеличилась на 50 с, у их сверстников из ЭГ-2 прирост примерно такой же – 37 с
(рис. 4). Однако разница в показателях между этими детьми статистически
достоверна – р 0,05 при tр = 2,66.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Самые незначительные приросты в обеих группах отмечаются в челночном беге
10 м и прыжке в длину с места. Показатели детей, занимающихся по одному
комплексу три месяца, существенно не отличаются от их сверстников из другой
экспериментальной группы (t = 0,43 и t = 1,65 соответственно; р
Подводя итог, можно сделать вывод, что
занятия ритмической гимнастикой, независимо от продолжительности использования
комплексов, благоприятно воздействуют на физическую подготовленность детей. В
то же время различная продолжительность использования комплексов ритмической
гимнастики неодинаково влияет на развитие отдельных двигательных качеств
дошкольников. Частая смена комплексов (через 1,5 месяца) приводит к более
существенному улучшению координационных способностей. И наоборот, занятия,
проводимые по одному комплексу в течение 3-х месяцев, кроме координационных
способностей, позволяет более успешно развивать силовые способности и гибкость. Повидимому, это связано с тем, что
хорошо разученные упражнения дети начинают выполнять более качественно, с
правильной техникой, и отсюда такой результат. Из вышесказанного можно сделать
следующее заключение.
1. Результаты контрольных испытаний свидетельствуют о том, что уровень физической подготовленности дошкольников обеих групп в начале педагогического эксперимента недостаточен. При достаточно высоком уровне развития быстроты и скоростно- силовых качеств наблюдается низкий уро- вень развития координации движений, силы и гибкости.
2. Выявлен эффект от внедрения предложенных комплексов ритмической гимнастики. Контрольные испытания показали существенное улучшение всех показателей физической подготовленности у дошкольников обеих групп, независимо от продолжительности использования комплексов. Более зна- чительно улучшились показатели контрольных упражнений: «сгибание туловища», «наклон стоя на скамейке», «равновесие» и «согласование движений рук и ног».
3. Разная продолжительность использования комплексов неодинаково влияет на развитие отдельных двигательных качеств дошкольников. Дошкольники, занимающиеся по одному комплексу в течение 3-х месяцев, показали достоверно лучшие (по срав- нению с другой группой) результаты в контрольных упражнениях, характеризующих гибкость (р < 0,01), равновесие (р < 0,05) и силу (р < 0,05). Частая смена комплексов (через 1,5 месяца) приводит к более существенному улучшению координационных способностей, что доказывают достоверно лучшие (р < 0,05) показатели дошкольников экспериментальной группы № 2. литературы
1. Кузьменко М.В. Воздействие комплексов ритмической гимнастики на физическую подготовленность дошкольников: автореф. дис канд. пед. наук. Малаховка, 2002. 24 с.
2. Кузьменко М.В., Биндусов Е.Е. Ритмическая гимнастика в дошкольном образовательном учреждении. Малаховка: МГАФК, 2006. 85 с.
3. Лисицкая Т.С. Ритм + Пластика. М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1987. 160 с.
4. Колодницкий Г.А. Музыкальные игры, ритмические упражнения и танцы для детей. М.: Гном-Пресс, 2000. 64 с.
5. Кузьменко М.В. Образно-игровая ритмическая гимнастика для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. М.: МГАФК; Книги и бизнес, 2007. 115 с.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
G. S. formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers// Proceedings of Global
Technovation 6th International Multidisciplinary Scientific
Conference Hosted from Chicago, USA April 30th 2021. 44-49
7. Sidikova G. Formation of childrens health culture as a social and pedagogical problem. In a “International Multidisciplinary Conference” Innovations in sciences, Education and Humanities, pubshed with Conference International Database, hosted online from Rome, Italy, on December 10th. 2021. 102-109
Professor of Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Abstract: Particular attention is paid to the development of exports in our country. This dissertation highlights the issue of increasing the role and place of service infrastructure in the development of export activities.
Keywords: Export, service infrastructure, logistics infrastructure, inventory, warehousing, freight, distribution, trade infrastructure.
Today in our country, special attention is paid to increasing the export of domestic products. The role of modern service infrastructure in export development is invaluable. Elements of a comprehensive service infrastructure are involved in export activities. In particular, logistics infrastructure, distribution and trade infrastructure, financial services infrastructure, information and communication infrastructure are closely related to export activities.
The logistics infrastructure plays a key role in export activities. Logistic infrastructure, production facilities, media, transport companies and their capabilities, warehouses, cargo transportation, packaging, inventory management, loading and unloading terminals and retail stores. When organizing a logistics infrastructure, it is necessary to determine the number of objects (warehouse complexes) with a specific geographic location and calculate the stocks of products stored everywhere.
logistics infrastructure allows the use of railways and highways,
communications, various financial facilities, warehouses and various marketing
centers for packaging, packing, loading, shipping, and delivery of
export-oriented products.
According to the experience of other countries, the following issues are important in the development of logistics infrastructure:
1. Creation of commodity stocks in export activities and the organization of their movement.
2. High utilization of space and volumes of logistics intermediaries in the service market.
3. Accelerate the turnover of goods and funds.
4. Transport costs cut participants high degree coordination is achieved through the use of transport.
5. Reduce manual labor costs including handling.
The role of distribution and trade infrastructure in the development of export activities is higher than that of service infrastructure. The distribution and trade infrastructure includes manufacturing enterprises and their trading structures, intermediary structures, dealerships, distributors, wholesalers and retailers that are directly involved in the trading process. Precise export operations are carried out on the basis of trade agreements negotiated between internal and external resellers.
The development of export activities will largely depend on sales and wholesale activities. The participants in this infrastructure work with logistics companies to ensure the movement of exportoriented products.
The development of logistics and trade infrastructure has an impact on export activities, especially
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foreign trade. Foreign trade is the main marketing link that provides trade
services, which consists of the purchase of goods, the resale of goods,
delivery, forwarding services and after-sales services. The operations
performed during this stage of distribution are directly related to the service
The experience of European and American countries shows that transport and logistics centers play an important role in creating additional favorable conditions for further diversification of transport corridors, increasing the country's transit potential, as well as in developing local service companies and increasing their competitiveness in foreign and domestic markets. markets. In particular, 40% of total revenue from transport services in the Netherlands comes from transport logistics centers. This figure is 31 percent in France, 25 percent in Germany and an average of 30 percent in Central and Eastern Europe.
Dubai International Airport in the United Arab Emirates handles up to 3 million tons of cargo per year, generating approximately $ 26 billion.
To create and develop the infrastructure of services related to export activities, it is advisable:
Ø Creation of specialized transport and warehouse complexes, central and intermediate warehouses, export warehouses at the borders for export products, taking into account the capabilities of all regions of the country;
Ø introduction of modern technologies into sales structures as a result of diversification of business processes of manufacturing enterprises;
Ø the opening of trading houses in foreign markets, the creation of free trade zones in the border and transit zones of the country;
Ø pay special attention to the development of the country's transport infrastructure, including the creation of logistics centers to facilitate the development of domestic, export-import and transit trade;
The geographical position of Uzbekistan is a strategically important aspect of the development of a network of modern warehouse complexes and logistics centers, which Allows to reduce the costs associated with the transportation of goods and effectively organize the logistics of manufacturing and trading companies.
1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 19, 2020 N PF-5969 "On priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the corona virus pandemic and the global crisis on the economy."
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 4, 2020 No. PF-5978 "On additional measures to support the population, sectors of the economy and business during the corona virus pandemic."
3. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5986 dated April 27, 2020 "On additional measures to support the population and business during the corona virus pandemic."
4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 18, 2020 No. PF-5997 "On further measures to support the population and business during the corona virus pandemic."
5. Blythe, Jim. Marketing Fundamentals / Jim Blythe. - 3rd ed. 2005. -- 375 p.
6. Service Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, and Examples, 5th Edition C. Douglas Hoffman and John E. G. Bateson, 2011. – 461 pages.
Annotation: This article is dedicated to the popular mind sports - athletics. The significance of this kind of sport is considered, the influence of various means of athletics is determined.
Keywords: Physical education, athletics, student youth, sports, activities, criteria, exercises, qualities.
The process of physical education in Uzbekistan, in a higher educational institution, is an integral part of education and provides for the use of various means of physical culture, sports and tourism. Athletics is also included in the list of the main types of sports of physical education of student youth.
Athletics as an academic discipline occupies one of the leading places in the process of training specialists in physical culture and sports. It takes the same place in the system of physical education of students of non-sports faculties, helping to increase the level of physical fitness, master the necessary motor skills and abilities, and reduce the negative impact of lack of motor activity. In this regard, the topic of this article is of particular relevance.
should be noted that the content of the course "Athletics" includes
the study of the technique of athletics, special exercises used for training
and for the development of physical qualities. The methodology of teaching the
technique of athletics exercises is considered in detail. The theoretical and
practical developments in the field of sports training with children and
athletes of various qualifications are studied. The study of the history of the
development of types of athletics and the history of the formation of exercise
technique is of no small importance. The study and practical use of various
tests that allow assessing all aspects of physical development, physical
fitness, dynamics of physical qualities, the effectiveness of various teaching
and training methods. Carrying out research activities creates the
preconditions for the training of highly qualified specialists.
Track and field as a sport is unmatched. Physical qualities: endurance, strength, speed, agility, flexibility, as well as applied skills: running, jumping, throwing are very widely used in work. Athletics form character, temper the will of a person, teach him not to be afraid of difficulties and boldly overcome them. Track and field athletics in a team, participation in team competitions fosters responsibility for the work received.
The goal of athletics classes is to develop an integral personality, harmonize its spiritual and physical strength, Activate the willingness to fully realize their essential forces in a healthy and productive lifestyle, professional activity, in the self-construction of the necessary socio-cultural comfortable environment, which is an integral element of the educational space of the university. This sport encompasses such properties and orientations of a personality that allow it to develop in unity with the culture of society, to achieve harmony of knowledge and creative action, feelings and communication, physical and spiritual, to resolve the contradictions between nature and production, work and rest, physical and spiritual. Achieving such harmony by a person ensures social stability, productive involvement in life and work, and creates mental comfort for her.
Athletics is a sport that combines physical exercises that are natural for a person: walking, running, jumping, throwing. A variety of athletics exercises and ample opportunities to vary the load in walking, running, jumping, throwing make it possible to successfully use these exercises for
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
students of different ages and different degrees of physical fitness. When
performing track and field exercises, a significant number of human muscles are
involved in the work, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other
systems of the body is enhanced. In the process of conducting athletics
classes, conditioning (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility) and
coordination abilities are developed. The results in athletics have a strict
quantitative measurement, which ensures their objectivity and the possibility
of using them as criteria for the level of physical development of students.
It is also important that many exercises do not require special expensive equipment and can be performed on simple sites. Thus, athletics is one of the most accessible kinds of sports and has the most extensive arsenal of means for targeted physical training of those involved.
Track and field walking requires a higher intensity of work than normal walking, and, consequently, increased energy expenditures. In this regard, sports walking exercises have a significant effect on the body of students, strengthen its internal organs and systems, improve their performance, have a positive effect on the development of strength and especially endurance, Educate volitional qualities.
Jogging is the most common form of exercise and is included in other sections of the curriculum. When running, to a greater extent than when walking, high requirements are imposed on the performance of the whole organism, since almost all muscle groups of the body are involved in the work, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems increases, the metabolism increases significantly. By changing the length of the distance and the speed of running, you can dose the load, influence the development of endurance, speed and other qualities of the trainees in accordance with their capabilities. Running at a higher speed places higher demands on students, especially their cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and serves as an excellent tool for developing endurance. Running at a very high speed is used to develop strength and speed. In the process of running, volitional qualities are brought up, the ability to calculate their strengths, overcome obstacles, and navigate the terrain is acquired.
Throwing is one of the types of athletics; they are characterized by short-term, but maximum efforts not only of the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, trunk, but also of the legs. To throw athletics equipment far, you need a high level of development of strength, speed, agility and the ability to concentrate your efforts. Throwing exercises contribute not only to the development of these important qualities, but also to the harmonious development of the muscles of the whole body. Track and field athletics is the main form of building physical education in a higher educational institution. It consists of three parts: preparatory, main and final.
The purpose of the preparatory part is, through effective physical exercises with a minimum investment of time, to include in the work all the functional systems of the student's body. The exercises in the preparatory part of the lesson must correspond to the tasks. In an athletics lesson, this can be - race walking, slow running, running exercises, various jumps, acceleration. The preparatory exercises of the kind of athletics that students will do in the main part of the lesson are used.
In the main part, one of the tasks of the lesson is to study new material. First, new movements (elements) of techniques of one or another type of athletics are learned. Consolidation and improvement of previously learned skills is carried out in the middle and at the end of the main part of the lesson. Exercises requiring the manifestation of speed, speed-power qualities, fine coordination and dexterity are performed at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, and exercises related to strength and endurance at the end. The composition of all exercises in the main part of the lesson should be such that they have a multifaceted effect.
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final part of the lesson is designed to bring the functional state of the body
to normal activity. To reduce the excitement of the cardiovascular,
respiratory, nervous systems, relieve muscle tension, slow jogging, various
types of walking, relaxation exercises, correct posture, and attention are
Thus, athletics is an integral part of the physical education system. It absorbs not only the valuable centuries-old experience of preparing a person for life, mastering the physical and mental abilities inherent in him by nature, but, no less important, also the experience of developing the moral qualities of a person manifested in the process of physical culture activity, thanks to a variety of forms and methods. It is impossible even to present the Russian education system and athletics as separate components. Between them is not just an inseparable connection, these two concepts are so closely intertwined that it can no longer be otherwise. This is how it should be, those qualities that a person acquires in the process of his development in a natural way are the most important.
1. Athletics: textbook. Allowance / A.I. Zhilkin, V.S. Kuzmin, E.V. Sidorchuk. - M.: Academy, 2003. -- 464 p.
2. Shunyaeva E.A. Physical education of students with a low level of development of speedstrength qualities and endurance by means of athletics: author. dis. Cand. ped. nauk / E.A. Shunyaev. - M., 2007. -- S. 11-13.
3. Shunyaeva E.A., Chetaykina O.V., Shindina I.V. The effectiveness of the influence of fitness means on the development of physical qualities of female students of a pedagogical university of 18-20 years old // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. - 2014. - No. 10 (2). - S. 83-85.
4. Sidikova GS, Ibrahimovich TA FORMATION OF CHILDREN'S HEALTH CULTURE AS A SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM // Conferencea. - 2021. -- S. 71-74.
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6. Sh, Djalolov. "Monitoring of physical activity of junior schoolchildren at physical education lessons." European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences 8.10 (2020): 187-189.
PhD researcher of Bukhara state university, Bukhara city, Uzbekistan
Annotation: This article discusses the relationship between Nosiriddin Tusi’s views on justice and those of the Shari’ a.
Keywords: justice, equality, morality, unity, freedom.
Nosiriddin Tusi (1201-1274), a leading scholar of his time, explained the meaning of the word “science, man, metaphysics, mathematics, natural sciences, moral purification” in his scientific and spiritual heritage in connection with the word “equality” and “fairness”. He also emphasizes that equality is difficult to understand without understanding unity. In his view, “unity” is a private concept that is completely different from the lowest and highest ranks of honor and perfection. At its core is the stream of light of the first beginning, that is, the absolute being that affects the essence of all beings.
means that the closer one is to “unity,” Tusi writes, the more perfect he
becomes. “Unity” is the cause of virtue, but also the lifeblood of beings,
“Abundance” and “scarcity” are the cause of corruption, but also the killer and
destroyer of beings. “Intermediate” is the center of unity, taking more and
less from the opposing and opposing forces, eliminating corruption and discord.
It is what has brought it from the lowest point of imperfection and depravity
in the garment of unity to the highest peak of perfection and virtue [1. 103].
In his view, there could be no circle without the middle. In the emergence of a third being, the four elements must be in equilibrium and mixed in proportion. In this respect, there is no greater honor than equality, a problem that has long been solved in the science of musicology, says the scientist. There is nothing more virtuous than justice in virtues, as shown in the art of morality. For, whatever justice is in the corner in the middle of truth, everything is a ring against it, and everything is directed towards it.
So there are different manifestations of “justice” and “equality”. For example, in music, when proportions are unequal, they use equations to create equality, and when this is not followed, the melody is distorted, and the measurements are inaccurate. In other disciplinary cases, too, interference and corruption will occur if justice does not manifest itself in a private way everywhere. Tusi explains: “The real equality between objects and moods is possible when they are identical. The main condition for this is that the ratio is equal to the unit, and where there is no such ratio, then there is “fairness”, such as the ratio of one to two, two to three or three to four.
The first is called “continuous” ratios (whole ratios), the second is called “intermittent” ratios (fractional ratios). Proportions have different forms and different names, for example: number ratios, geometric ratios, construction ratios, ratios explained in other sciences” [1. 104].
Tusi defines the concept of justice in terms of social relations, that is, the use of the concept of justice (scales) in the work of conscious regulation of life, which consists of three parts.
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The first is justice, which belongs to property and art.
The second is justice in dealing and exchange.
The third is justice, which applies to compulsory matters (such as discipline and reprimand).
the thinker points out the differences between the concepts of “justice” and
“freedom”, he also points out that there are commonalities between them on
certain issues. The conditions required for the acquisition of goods for
justice are not exactly the same as the conditions required for the transfer of
goods for freedom. It’s like being affected when something is taken, being
affected when something is given. According to the scholar, those who want
freedom are loved more than those who demand justice, because they regulate the
affairs of the world with justice, not with freedom.
In his imagination, Tusi considers the nature of virtue to be in doing good, not in eliminating evil, and in his view, people describe only generous people, free noble people, not those who collect goods, gather to share, not to store goods; do not hesitate to live in a good way, do not be sluggish in art and activity; such people acquire virtue by means of goods, but they are not stingy, they do not keep their families in distress, they are not afraid of expenses. So every free man will be just, but not every righteous man will be free. Therefore, the scholar believes that “justice” should be voluntary in the definition of virtue and truth, and adds the following thoughts of Abu Ali ibn Sina to his views: “for example, a person who is greedy or lustful, or a person who makes a fuss while intoxicated, wakes up and regrets when he regains consciousness, for example, a person who is greedy or lustful, or a person who makes a fuss while intoxicated, wakes up and regrets when he regains consciousness; the reason for this, says the scholar, is that when a force is difficult, a person likes what the force requires and begins to do it blindly; at which point the mind does not have time to challenge him if he seeks the advice of the mind; after calming down, mistakes, misunderstandings, and disputes arise” [1.114]. Conclusion In short, there is a harmony between Nosiriddin Tusi’s views on justice and those of the Shari’ah. According to the Shari’ah, the height of justice is from earth to sky, and the goal is to establish justice in its entirety, in a general way, in accordance with the divine command. Here justice has a clear boundary. Because “equality” has certain limits. All that remains except absolute justice, the observance of clear equality, will be injustice.
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12. Mansurovna Q. N. The problem of etiquette of receiving knowledge and perfection in works of Nasiruddin Tusi, its significance in the upbringing of youth //Central Asian Journal of social sciences and history. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 2. – С. 60-64.
13. Mansurovna Q. N. Moral issues in Nasiruddin Tusi’s teaching and his attitude to sufism //Journal of Critical Reviews. – 2020. – Т. 7. – №. 4. – С. 7-9.
14. Sobirovich T. B. The implementation of human indicator reforms in Uzbekistan //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research. – 2021. – Т. 10. – №. 9. – С. 197-202.
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16. Sobirovich T. B. National Principles of Democracy in Uzbekistan //Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (MJBAS). – 2021. – Т. 5. – №. 3. – С. 131-135.
17. Sobirovich T. B. Philosophical Dialectics of National and Universal Cultural Development //Irish Interdisciplinary Journal of Science & Research (IIJSR). – 2021.
18. Turdiyev B. S. The role of national harmony in the strategy of spiritual renewal //Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University. – 2019. – Т. 1. – №. 6. – С. 229-233.
19. Sobirovich T. B. Strategy of Renewal of National Spirituality of Uzbekistan //International Journal on Integrated Education. – 2020. – Т. 3. – №. 8. – С. 122-126.
20. Sobirovich T. B., Murodogli I. S. The strategy for the implementation of the modern governance system in Uzbekistan //ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. – 2020. – Т. 10. – №. 5. – С. 741-748.
21. Sobirovich T. B. Strategy of spiritual renewal in Uzbekistan //International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. – 2020. – Т. 24. – №. 06.
22. Sobirovich T. B. The criterion of human indicators in development and renewals in Uzbekistan
//EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR). – 2020. – Т. 6. – №. 8. – С. 509-511.
Annotation: This article presents the main tasks and the role of recreational swimming in the field of physical education. Recreational swimming is considered by the author as a part of the physical education system of higher educational institutions. The scheme of distribution of students to medical groups is described, some recommendations are given for conducting classes by semesters. Also, the author focuses on the formation of classes for students of the special department. The article is intended as theoretical material for students and teachers of higher educational institutions.
Keywords: Medical groups, sports, recreational swimming, physical education, health, classes, movement, motive.
urgent problem in the physical education of higher educational institutions is
the preservation and strengthening of the health of students with medical
deviations in health. One of the most effective and preventive means of
maintaining and improving a healthy lifestyle Ø This
is recreational swimming, which is considered in this article.
practice of using swimming as a means of physical education shows the
possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process as a
result of improving the physical and functional abilities of students;
maintaining a high level of mental and physical performance throughout the
entire period of training; professional and applied training of students
(taking into account the characteristics of future labor activity); formation
of students' skills and abilities of independent swimming lessons; acquiring
the necessary knowledge on the basics of the theory, methodology and
organization of teaching and sports training in swimming, performing the
functions of a sports judge and a public swimming instructor.
Swimming is a way of moving in the water, while not touching the bottom, which is typical for people and animals. In addition, from the Greek language, swimming is translated as treatment with water and movement. Swimming is also a sport. In the field of physical education, swimming is: a massive means of multifaceted physical education, which includes the skills necessary for every citizen, starting from an early age;
Means of vocationally applied training for work (both in educational institutions and in various kinds of organizations) and the defense of the country; mass means of health improvement, hardening, physical improvement and active recreation of the population; a means of attracting the population to a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle). The main tasks of recreational swimming are: to teach a person to stay on the water; restoration and preservation of the health of the body; education of willpower, determination, courage, etc.
The physical education program at universities includes a mandatory section
"Swimming", realized in the following forms: training sessions and classes in the section of the sports club of the university. Swimming makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process in connection with the improvement of the physical abilities of students; maintaining a high level of performance throughout the entire learning process; professional and applied training of students (taking into account the specifics of future labor activity); the formation of skills and abilities for independent swimming, an excellent option
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for physical activity, which will help to strengthen health and keep the body in good shape, and is also an excellent way to harden and prevent colds.
analysis of swimming programs used in universities indicates that classes, as a
rule, are built according to the traditional method with parallel-sequential
mastering of two methods of crawl on the chest and crawl on the back, similar
in structure. At the same time, the characteristics of gender and age,
interests, motives and needs of students, as well as individual characteristics
and predisposition to mastering a certain type of motor activity are not
sufficiently taken into account. The organization of swimming lessons with
student youth in the mode of training sessions, taking into account the
above-mentioned features, can significantly affect the formation of their need
for a healthy lifestyle, on the state of health and prevent its further
Thus, there is a need to search for new, more effective forms of a purposeful approach to the prevention and health promotion of student youth in universities by means of swimming. An approximate scheme for the distribution of students into groups: students of the main and preparatory medical groups are enrolled in the preparatory educational department. Classes for these groups are held separately. As a rule, students who have not been professionally engaged in swimming are enrolled in the preparatory department.
Students assigned to a special medical group based on the results of a medical examination study at a special educational department. The Department of Sports Development teaches students of the main medical group who have a sports category. In the process of training lessons in swimming, the following tasks are determined: in the 1st year - the choice of the preferred method of swimming and the honing of skills and training of this method; on the 2nd course - a set of sports swimming with general physical training in the hall.
It is recommended to conduct classes by semester as follows:
1. First and second semesters - improving overall endurance;
2. Third semester - preparation and honing of speed and strength skills;
3. Fourth semester - alternating speed training and endurance improvement.
For the first semester, swimming of medium distances with a gradual increase in the intensity of exercises is characteristic. The motor density of the occupation reaches 80%; the volume of swimming of individual elements does not exceed 20% of the total volume of exercises. In the second semester, it is recommended to overcome medium and long distances at different speeds. The intensity of the exercise increases.
The third half of the year - swimming short segments and distances with low intensity. The volume of floating by elements is from 30 to 60%; the motor density of classes is 70–80%.
In the fourth semester, it is planned to cover distances over short distances. Once every 4-5 sessions, it is recommended to conduct a distance swimming workout to improve endurance. Will rationally apply and combine different types of exercises to study additional methods of swimming and introduce into classes the varieties of relay races and competitions. The above tips for conducting classes allow you to increase the efficiency of the educational process and the general level of health in the university.
At a special department, when forming classes, the level of physical fitness and the state of their health are taken into account. In the course of classes with students of this department, the following tasks are solved: elimination of functional deviations in organ systems and deficiencies in physical development and motor readiness, improvement of the state of the body; correction of residual effects after illness; strengthening health, hardening and increasing the level of the body's performance, improving physical skills and abilities; gradual adaptation of the body to the effects of
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activity; the acquisition of the necessary (permissible for this group)
professional and applied skills and abilities; improvement of such physical
qualities as flexibility, agility, endurance, speed.
For this category of students, swimming plays an important role. This sport is the most useful and necessary, helping to strengthen the respiratory muscles, increase lung volume, improve posture, stimulate brain activity with the flow of oxygen, help relieve stress, improve blood circulation, etc. Water also has a massage effect on the body, contributing to relaxation and by stimulating the regulation of the body's autonomic system. As a recommendation, when planning and conducting training lessons in swimming with this group of students, these rules should be taken into account: the dosage of swimming exercises should be uniform and contribute to a gradual increase in the load in order to avoid overloading the body. Exercise of great intensity should alternate with active rest; the selection of exercises and the intensity of classes should be carried out individually, depending on the student's state of health;
Particular attention should be paid to correct breathing when performing exercises; exclude exercises that require great physical activity, with holding your breath; alternate physical exercises with special breathing exercises.
An experiment was set up as part of the educational process. The purpose of which was to determine the impact of swimming lessons on the health of students with medical disabilities. For this, two groups of students of a special medical group of 26 people were recruited, one was offered to attend swimming classes, the other group of students was engaged in physical culture in the gym of the university, students were engaged in 1 and 2 semesters. During the year, students missing classes due to colds brought medical certificates, at the end of the test period, a count of certificates and missed class hours was made.
According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that students who were engaged in swimming in the classroom had a characteristic decrease in the frequency of diseases, and the diseases became less serious and protracted, students after swimming felt positive emotions, even if they got sick, then for 2-3 days.
In conclusion, it was concluded that recreational swimming has a positive effect on the health of the student. Swimming has a pronounced healing effect that affects the general condition of the body; development of the respiratory system, physical performance, improves the functioning of the body's immune system, keeps the body in good shape, is a kind of remedy for people with various diseases, perfectly develops the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, enriches the body with oxygen, and, therefore, improves brain activity. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the process of personality formation. Swimming develops such psychological qualities as: courage, will to win, speed, discipline, determination, strengthen willpower, develop social communication skills.
Swimming lessons must be used in any form: in physical education classes, in independent studies, classes in the section, since students with disabilities have the effect of prevention and hardening of the body, and among students of the main and preparatory groups it helps to strengthen and maintain health, improve elements of technique of various swimming methods.
1. Alekseenko, S.N. The system of education in the field of disease prevention and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in a medical university: abstract of thesis. ... dr. honey. Sciences / Alekseenko S.N. - M., 2013 .-- 47 p.
2. Bulgakov, N. Zh. Theory and methodology of swimming: textbook / N. Zh. Bulgakova, O. I. Popov, E.A. Raspopov; ed. N. Zh. Bulgakova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2014. - 320 p
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Archive of Conferences. - 2021. - T. 22. - No. 1. - S. 44-48.
Tashkent State Agrarian University, Docent of the Department Horticulture and Viticulture
Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Wine-growing named after Academician M. Mirzaev Head of the Department of Viticulture and Micro-wine doctor of philosophy of agricultural sciences Senior Researcher
Annotation: The scientific article is devoted to an experimental material increase of sowing qualities introduced of abroad variety of papaya seeds. The high efficiency presowing treatment by steeping them in an aqueous solution of in dole acetic acid (25 mg/liter of water) and water at 24 hours exposure.
Keywords: papaya, seeds, growth regulator, germination, vigor seedling, grade, exposure.
Introduction. Papaya production and consumption competes with banana and mango. Papaya fruits contain proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins A1, B, B1, B12, C, D enzyme papain, albumin, Fe. The fruits are eaten fresh, stewed, processed to juice, compotes, jams, candied fruits, and other. Puree the fruit can easily replace margarine, butter and vegetable oil in the preparation of any baking.
free is one of the early appearance of fruit plants. Under favorable growing
conditions, young plants are blooming in the Age of three month. In papaya
yield is a record of all crops.
Like papaya fruit industrial culture is grown in Uzbekistan. Organization of production of its cultivation on a commercial scale in the country is made of different parts of plants, to eliminate the economic dependence of the state on import of these products from the foreign countries.
The methodology of the study. Research programs provided for the study of sowing qualities and preplanseed preparation on the growth and development of papaya varieties.
The experiment was loud with parities of papaya – according to the scheme:
1. Sowing dry seeds.
2. Sowing seeds soaked in water for 8 hours.
3. Also for 16 hours.
4. Also for 24 hours.
5. Also soaked in IAA solution (25mg/l of water).
The study was accompanied by the following biometric accounting and phonological observations of seeds – was determined by the number of sown seeds (%); germination energy – the emergence of seedlings per unit of time (days); start sprouting –(25%); on the day of seeding (day); mass seedling emergence (75%); - the day of the seeding (day), beginning of the formation of lateral shoots on a central stalk (day and Amount); the intensity of the growth of seedlings in the dynamics – by measuring the height of the scent rod trunk vegetation every 30 days for 1 year (see).
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of the study. Experimental data presented in table 1
show that the seedbed padlock Solo papaya seed varieties in water with
different exposures(8,16,24 hes) and IAA solution (25mg/liter of water) for 8
hours have a definite effect on the germination. Thus, the earliestemergence of
seedlings of papaya in the experiencewas observed in variants with a lock seeds
in water for 24 hours and the IAA for 8 hours. In these embodiments, the
experience shoots appeared by 14 and 16 days after sowing in the cassette. In
other embodiments, the experiencewith less exposure of seeds soaking in water,
seedling emergence to the previous two versions were later, with a difference
of 1-4 days. In an embodiment without seeding shoots appeared seedbed
preparation on day 25, that is, the difference to the embodiments steeping,
seed for 24 hours in water and IAA solution for 8 hours – 9 days.
Seedbed preparation seed also had an impact on the appearance of mass shoots (75%). Most short, he was observed in variants steeping the seeds in a solution of IAA, where it was 33 days. In an embodiment of steeping the seeds in the water, he was 43-45 days, a lots for 10-12 days.Significantly prolonged the period was in the embodiment where the seeds were not subjected seedbed preparation. Here, the duration of the period of onset of mass germination was 49 days, le 16 days longer then optimally experience.
It should be noted shot according to embodiments of the experience observed differences in the intensity of emergence from the time they starts to mass their formation. For dates of observations, the earliest shoots for solo class observed in the variant with seed steeping in a solution of IAA. Here, a high seed germination (7-8%) wasobserved in 16-17 days after sowing. When clasp seeds in water for 24 hours in a pattern marked on 19–20 day, with the docile intensity of 6 – 7% of the process. Note: in each embodiment, 75 pieces of sown seeds. Sowing the seeds produced, the 02.02.2019 years.
At a lower pre seed extract in water increased the duration of 6–8 days of the onset of this factor and the daily intensity of the process was reduced to 5–6%.
In the variety AdgioBunder, as well as in solo varieties most effective treatment for accelerating seed, germination was padlock them in a solution of IAA (25mg/of water) and water at 24 hours of exposure. In these embodiments, the earliest experience observed sprouting papaya, respectively at 20 and 14 days after planting. When more exposures at steeping seeds in water 8 and 16 hours, to a longer, delayed appearance of early sprouting for 2–4 days, and for seed treatment in IAA increased to 8–10 days. Latest seedling emergence was observed in the form of crop seeds without presteeping (dry seeds). There seedling emergence was noted only at 31 days after seeding seed. So after seedling emergence in this variant of the experiment you think it is due to the more difficult the penetration of water into the seed (endosperm) through its dense shell. In this connection, the total period of germination for options, experience varies greatly. Note: in each embodiment, 75 pieces of sown seeds. Sowing the seeds produced the 02.02.2020 years.
The minimum amount of time on the appearance of mans shoots (75%) of the class took the plants in variants steeping the seeds in solutions of IAA and water, with an exhibition of 24 hours, 34 and 44 days. It should be noted, however, that embodiments of steeping the seeds in water with different exposures processing significant differences in this factor was observed. On the appearance of mass shoots in the method of preparation of seed varieties AdjioBunder, required 44–46 days. A significant difference in this index was observed in the dry seed sowing embodiment, where 75% of the number of shoots was obtained only on day 52 after seeding them in the cassette.
Most slowly emerged seedlings in varieties of papaya AdjioBunder in the embodiment seed dry seeds 32–40 days. The daily growth of expenditures in this variant of the experiment amounted to 4%. In embodiments of steeping the seeds in the water and he was advancing IAA respectively 21– 23 and 16–19 day, with a daily increase of 7 – 8 % germination(pic.1).
1. Presowing padlock papaya seeds in water with an exposure of 16 and 24 hours, as well as the IAA solution (25mg/l. of water) 8 hours accelerates the, emergence of seedlings to plant dispersed without steeping for 8 – 9 days.
2. Seedbed preparation papaya seeds in optimal treatment options contributes to the intensification of mass emergence. In these embodiments, seeds sprouting processing ends for an average 33 days, while in the case of dry seeding it is 49 days, i.e., 16 days duration.
3. Varietal papaya seedlings more intensively developed in versions pre–seed preparation. Plants of these options in the 5 months of age, reading a height 32.8–44.6 cm, with 13–18 leaves and root mass of 16–17 g. That 11.3–17.3% more seeds of which were sown in substratum dry.
1. Ashirov. G.A., Gnatishko. L.V., Penjiev. F.M. Papaya: the study is ongoing. Agriculture of Turkmenistan in 1995, №2. – С. 45-46
2. Aleksev V. P. papaya. – Agriculture abroad, 1963, № 1 – 41p.
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4. Penjiyev A.M. Technology papaya cultivation in arid zone. – Problems of pustyn. - № 2, 1997, 88 – 94 p.
5. Penjiyev A.M. Papaya in Turkmanistan. – Agriculture of Turkmenston – 1986, № 6. 35p.
6. Sinyagin I.I. Tropical agriculture – M.:Ear, 1968, – 449 p.
7. Furts G.G. Some biological characteristics of papaya tree in a hothouse culture. – Math. USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser. Biol. 1971, № 5. – 55p.
доцент Специализированного филиала Ташкентского государственного юридического университета
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются актуальные вопросы употребления специальных юридических терминов, которые требуют точного и уместного соответствия с их смыслом и сферой употребления.
Ключевые слова: термин, терминология, смысл, право, юридический текст, процессуальный документ, юридическое значение.
«Термин – это специальное выражение или обозначение, принятое в какой-либо науке или ремесле» [1. С. 570]. А «юридический термин» – это «слово или словосочетание, имеющее юридическое значение, выражающее правовое понятие, применяемое в процессе познания и освоения явлений действительности с точки зрения права» [2].
«С помощью, не в последнюю очередь, терминов достигается важнейшее свойство права – его формальная определенность» [3. С. 49].
правовых норм характеризуется развитой системой юридических тер- минов,
обозначающих те или иные профессиональные понятия, необходимые для правильного
и четкого выражения воли законодателя.[8]
Зачастую в качестве терминов используются не специально образованные слова, а слова и выражения, принадлежащие литературному языку, но получившие профессиональное значение, которое обычно не совпадает с существующим в непрофессиональном словоупотреблении значением.
Например, слова показать, показания, задержание, мера пресечения и др. имеют в юридических текстах вполне определенные значения, отличающиеся от значений и употребления этих слов в других сферах (ср.: “показал дорогу” и “свидетель показал, что…”, “дал показания об обстоятельствах дела”; “задержание снега” и “в момент задержания преступник оказал сопротивление“ и т.д.”). Замена таких терминов синонимичными или близкими им по смыслу словами общего употребления недопустима, так как она может лишить сказанное или написанное точности и, кроме того, нарушить стилистическую однородность текста. Если следователь напишет “во время расспросов” вместо “во время допроса”, “обвиняемый рассказал” вместо “на следствии обвиняемый показал”, то он выйдет за рамки юридического стиля, нарушит его, создавая неуместную для любого профессионального документа расплывчатость и неточность. [1]
В профессиональной речевой практике разработана подсистема официально-делового стиля, именуемая «юридический язык» и обладающая достаточным количеством разнообразных средств, с помощью которых в юридических текстах можно профессионально и точно описать любые объекты и действия. Поэтому основное требование, предъявляемое к выбору слова при написании текста процессуальных актов, - это точное и уместное употребление
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
специальных юридических терминов в строгом соответствии с их смыслом и сферой употребления.
особенностях использования слов показать, показания, дать показания
следует поговорить подробнее, т.к. эти слова чаще других встречаются в
процессуальных актах: обвиняемый показал, свидетели дали показания, на
допросе он показал, из его показаний следует, показаниям Касымова противоречат
показания Сидорова и т.п.[2]
При использовании подобных слов и оборотов следователь вынужден преодолевать некоторые трудности: с одной стороны, он связан необходимостью употреблять специальные термины, обозначающие определенные юридические действия и понятия, а с другой – использование одних и тех же терминов делает текст стилистически однообразным.
В тех случаях, когда частое повторение одного и того же термина вызывает нежелательный стилистический эффект и когда контекст позволяет употребить вместо данного термина другой, ему синонимичный, или же адекватное по значению литературное слово, следует избегать стилистического однообразия.[7]
Так, глагол показать может быть в том или ином конкретном предложении заменен синонимом, но делать замену надо очень осторожно, так как не все синонимы обладают той спецификой, которая свойственна глаголу показать и существительному показания. Для замены можно использовать слова сообщить, заявить, рассказать, пояснить, добавить и некоторые другие. При этом необходимо знать точный смысл всех подобных слов, ни одно из которых не является полным синонимом глаголу показать.
Анализ процессуальных документов показывает, что основным по смыслу и по соответствию стилистической специфике процессуальных документов является глагол показать. Он может иногда заменяться близкими ему по смыслу словами рассказать, сообщить, заявить, утверждать. Остальные же глаголы можно употреблять лишь при необходимости выразить соответствующий оттенок значения, так как они соотносятся не вообще с показаниями, а лишь с определенными их разновидностями: разъяснительными, дополняющими, подтверждающими или, напротив, опровергающими тот или иной факт и т.п.
Таким образом, от умелого толкования и объяснения термина зависит эффективность его запоминания, использования и точность употребления в научном тексте.
1. Воинова М.Г. Культура речи юриста –Т.: ТГЮИ,2010. – С.262
2. Ивакина Н.Н. Профессиональная речь юриста. – М., 1997.
3. Савицкий В.М. Язык процессуального закона (вопросы терминологии). – М., 1987.
4. LolaYunusovna Akramova, Khulkar Olimzhonovna Akhmedova, Feruza Khashimova. (2020). THE PROBLEMS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE
PANDEMIC. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(7), 8577-8583. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/3642
5. Самиев З. К. Лингвистический анализ терминологии отрасли образования (на материале таджикского и немецкого языков): диссертация ... к. фил. наук: 10.02.20 РоссийскоТаджикский (славянский) университет].- Душанбе, 2014.- 150 с.
6. Яцюк Т.А. Терминология и дискурс права (лингвистическ. аспект), Т. “Адолат”, 1992.
7. Яцюк Т.А. и др. Юридическая терминология и тексты права ч. 1-2. Т., 1993.
8. Тимошенко.И.В. “Юридическая терминология как учебная дисциплина инновационного типа: постановка проблемы”: диссертация, Белорусия. 2007 С. 212-216
С. Музаффаров, У. Пардабоев
Тошкент кимё технология институти Янгиер филиали талабалари
Ахмедов Али Усмонович
Жиззах политехника институти доценти
Аннотация: Мақолада Айдаркўл-Арнасой-Тузкон кўллар тизимида мавжуд бўлган балиқларни консервлаш технологияси ёритилган.
Калит сўзлар: Балиқ, тури, зоти, таркиби, консервлаш, технология, рецептура, стерилизация, иккиламчи заҳира.
кўллар тизими - Нурота тизма тоғларининг шимолий этагида жойлашган кўл
ҳисобланади. Кўллар тизимининг ўртача чуқурлиги 10—12 м,
чуқур жойлари 26—30 м, айрим жойларда чуқурлик 40 м гача. Чордара
сув омборидан катта ҳажмда сув келиши натижасида Арнасой, Тузкон ва Айдар
кўллари тизимининг сув майдони 184000,0 гектардан 320000,0 гектарга етган.
Айдаркўл-АрнасойТузкон кўллар тизимида балиқнинг зоғора балиқ,
лаққа балиқ, судак, товон балиқ, лешч балиқлари
етиштирилади. Кўллар тизимидан йилига ўртача 4 минг тоннадан зиёд юқорида
номлари келтирилган зотдаги балиқлар овланади. Овланган
балиқларнинг кам миқдори қайта ишланади [ 1 , 2 ] .
Балиқ гўшти таркибида оқсил, ёғ, витаминлар, ферментлар, экстрактив ва минерал моддалар мавжудлиги учун улар юқори озуқавий аҳамиятга эга ҳисобланади. Балиқнинг кимёвий таркиби унинг тури, зоти, ёши, овланган вақти, овланган жойи ва бошқа бир қанча омилларга қараб маълум даражада ўзгариб туради. Оқсил балиқ гўштининг асосий таркибий қисмларидан бири ҳисобланади. Кўпчилик балиқ турларида оқсил миқдори 13 фоиздан 20 фоизгача ўзгариб туради. Уларда тўлиқ қимматли оқсилнинг тўлиқ қимматга эга бўлмаган оқсилга нисбати мол, қўй, чўчқа гўшти оқсилларидагига нисбатан бирмунча кўпдир. Балиқ гўшти оқсили ноёб аминокислоталардан ташкил топганлиги билан юқори сифатли ҳисобланади (1-жадвал).
1-жадвал Балиқларнинг кимёвий таркиби
№ |
Балиқ тури |
100 г маҳсулотнинг озуқавий қиймати, ккал |
100 маҳсулотда оқсил миқдори, г |
100 маҳсулотда ёғ миқдори, г |
1 |
Зоғора |
97,0 |
18,2 |
2,7 |
2 |
Лаққа |
115,0 |
17,2 |
5,1 |
3 |
Судак |
84,0 |
18,4 |
1,1 |
4 |
Товонбалиқ |
87,0 |
17,0 |
1,8 |
Балиқ мойи суюқ мойлар сирасига кириб, унинг таркибида тўйинмаган мой кислоталари кўп бўлганлиги учун ҳам организм томонидан осон ўзлаштирилади. Балиқ мойи таркибидаги
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
линоленават, арахидонават каби тўйинмаган мой кислоталари организмда модда
алмашинувини яхшилаб, ортиқча холестеринни чиқаришга ёрдам беради.
Балиқларнинг ёши, овланадиган вақти ва жойи, физиологик
ҳолатларига қараб улардаги ёғ миқдори 0,4 % дан 30,0 %
гача ўзгариб туради.
Минерал моддалар балиқ тўқималари оқсил, ёғ, ферментлари таркибида 3% гача, суягида эса анчагина кўп бўлади. Балиқ минерал моддаларнинг табиий манбаи ҳисобланади (2-жадвал).
2-жадвал Балиқларда витаминлар ва минерал моддалар миқдори
№ |
Балиқ тури |
100 г маҳсулотда витаминлар миқдори, мг |
100 маҳсулотда минерал моддалар миқдори, мг |
В |
С |
Е |
РР |
Na |
K |
Mg |
Ca |
1 |
Зоғора |
0,13 |
1,5 |
0,5 |
6,2 |
55 |
280 |
258 |
35 |
2 |
Лаққа |
0.19 |
1.2 |
1 |
5.3 |
50 |
240 |
20 |
50 |
3 |
Судак |
0,08 |
3 |
1,8 |
5,1 |
35 |
280 |
25 |
35 |
4 |
Товонбалиқ |
0,06 |
1 |
0,4 |
5,4 |
50 |
280 |
25 |
70 |
Балиқ гўштларининг озуқалик қиммати фақат уларнинг кимёвий таркиби билангина эмас, балки балиқ танасидаги иккилачи захиралар билан ҳам ўлчанади. Табиий кўлда етиштириладиган балиқларни қайта ишлашнинг совутиш, музлатиш, тузлаш, дудлаш каби бир қанча усуллари мавжуд бўлиб, биз қайта ишлашнинг термик консервлаш усулида тўхталдик [3,4,5].
Балиқларни қайта ишлашда умумий технологик схемалардан ва давлат стандарти нормалари билан тасдиқланган минг шартли банка балиқ консерваси учун ишлаб чиқилган рецептурадан фойдаландик (3-жадвал).
Тутилган балиқлар таркибидаги тўлиқ қийматли оқсил, мой, минерал моддалар ва мойда эрувчан витаминлар сақланиб қолиниши учун қуйидаги кетма кетликда қайта ишладик: тозалаш, ювиш, бўлакларга бўлиш, тузлаш, шиша банкаларга жойлаш, томат соуси қуйиш, улардан ҳавони чиқариб герметиклаш, иссиқлик усулида стериллаш, совутиш, ювиб қуритиш, ёрлиқлаш, маркировкалаш, совутиладиган омборда сақлаш.
3-жадвал Минг шартли банка балиқ консерваси рецептураси
№ |
Масаллиқлар номи |
Фоизда |
Килограмда |
1 |
Балиқ |
60 |
210 |
2 |
Помидор соуси |
40 |
140 |
Жами |
100 |
350 |
Помидор соуси |
1 |
Помидор пастаси, 30% ли |
27,86 |
39 |
2 |
Сув |
51,25 |
71,76 |
3 |
Шакар |
10,72 |
15 |
4 |
Пиёз |
5,50 |
7,7 |
5 |
Ўсимлик мойи |
3,57 |
5 |
6 |
Сирка кислотаси, 80% ли |
0,93 |
1,30 |
7 |
Хушбўй мурч |
0,17 |
0,08 |
8 |
Қалампир |
0,05 |
9 |
Кашнич |
0,05 |
10 |
Қалампирмунчоқ |
0,05 |
11 |
Дафна япроғи |
0,01 |
Жами |
100 |
140 |
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
балиқни қайта ишлаш пайтида дастлабки массага нисбатан 35% гача
йўқотишлар кузатилди. Консервлар идиш турига қараб 112-120 0С
ҳароратда 30-60 дақиқа давомида стерилизацияланди.
Балиқнинг тур ва зотига қараб 18-40 фоизгача биологик қимматга эга чиқитлар, яъни иккилачи захиралар чиқади. Улардан саноатда паррандалар учун суяк уни, балиқ мойи тайёрлаш технологияси мавжуд. Истиқболда балиқ мойини капсулаларга жойлаб, омега-3 биологик фаол озуқа қўшимчалари ва суягига юқори биотехнологик усулда ишлов бериб концентрланган табиий кальцийли препаратлар ишлаб чиқиш имконияти мавжуд.
Фойдаланилган адабиётлар рўйхати
1. Баратов П., Маматқулов М., Рафыков А. Ўрта Осиё табиий географияси. –Т.: Ўқитувчи, 2002 й.
2. Волков В.П., Пинхасов Б.М. Геология и гидрогеология верхнего кайнозая Голодной степи и восточных Кизилкум. –Т.: Фан, 1985 г.
3. Флауменбаум Б.Л. и др. Технология консервирования мяса и рыбы. –М.: Колос. 1993 г. – 467 с.
4. Додаев Қ.О., Маматов И.М. Озиқ овқат маҳсулотларини консервалаш корхоналарининг лойиҳалаш асослари ва технологик ҳисоблари. Т.: “Иқтисод - молия”, 2006 й. –208 б.
5. Ястребов С.М. Технологические расчёты по консервированию пищевых продуктов. М.:
«Легкая и пищевая промышленность». 1981.
-200 с.
Холмурзаева Раъно Муҳаммаджон қизи
Тошкент кимё технология институти Янгиер филиали талабаси
Донабеков Умид Тўйчи ўғли
Жиззах политехника институти талабаси
Ахмедов Али Усмонович
Жиззах политехника институти доценти
Аннотация: Мақолада грек ёнғоғи (juglans regia) меваси тадқиқ этилган ва у асосида витаминлар ва йод элементига бой концентратлар технологияси ёритилган
Калит сўзлар: Грек ёнғоғи, тур ва нави, Гвардейский, Гибридний, Антиқа, Ўзбекистоннинг эртаги ёнғоғи, Юбилейний, пўст, мағиз, довучча, парда, концентрат, технология.
Грек ёнғоғи табиий шароитда Хитойнинг марказий туманларидан Болқон ярим оролигача бўлган ҳудудларда етиштирилади. Европа, Осиё, Африка, Америка, Австралия қитъаларида маданийлаштирилган грек ёнғоғи мағизи таркиби қуйидагича (% да): мой 44,0-77,0, оқсил 12,0-25,0, углеводлар 5,0-25,0, кул моддалар 1,6-1,9 [1,2].
ёнғоғи ёввойи ва маданийлашган ҳолда Ўрта Осиёда, Кавказорти
мамлакатларида, Молдовада, Украина ва Узоқ Шарқда ўсади. Мевасининг
ўлчамларига қараб, йирик, ўрта ва майда турларга бўлинади. Ўзбекистон
шароитида ёнғоқдошлар оиласига мансуб сершох, баланд ва забардаст
дарахт бўлган грек ёнғоғининг Гвардейский, Гибридний, Антиқа,
Ўзбекистоннинг эртаги ёнғоғи, Юбилейний каби навлари ўстирилади.
Грек ёнғоғи қисмларида йод элементининг тўпланишини ўрганиш учун объект сифатида ёнғоқ довуччаси, қобиғи, мағизи ва мағиз орасидаги пардалар танланди. Маълумки, ёнғоқнинг эртаги навлари довучча ҳосил қилишидан бошлаб, то мағзи тўла пишиб етилгунича 120 кун ўтади. Шунинг учун ёнғоқ довуччаси 5 кунлик бўлганидан бошлаб, ҳар 15 кунда таркибидаги йод миқдорини ўрганиш мақсадида мевадан намуналар олинди ва уларнинг тегишли қисмлари таркибидаги йод миқдорини ўрганиб чиқдик (1-жадвал) [3,4].
1-жадвал Ёнғоқ қисмларида йод тўпланиш динамикаси (мг/кг ҳисобида)
№ |
Етилиш кунлари |
Грек ёнғоғи қисмлари |
Довуччаси |
Қобиғи |
Мағизи |
Пардаси |
1. |
5 |
18,9 |
* |
* |
* |
2. |
20 |
24,4 |
* |
* |
* |
3. |
35 |
24,8 |
* |
* |
* |
4. |
50 |
23,2 |
* |
* |
* |
5. |
65 |
21,7 |
10,8 |
* |
* |
6. |
80 |
* |
11,7 |
0,33 |
0,44 |
7. |
95 |
* |
12,3 |
0,31 |
0,38 |
8. |
110 |
* |
12,1 |
0,18 |
0,27 |
9. |
125 |
* |
11,9 |
0,18 |
0,19 |
Изоҳ: * - Ёнғоқнинг мазкур қисми шаклланмаган.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
кўриниб турибдики, ёнғоқ меваси ҳосил бўлишидан 50 кун
ўтгунича, унинг довуччасида йод элементи тўпланиши жадал боради. Довучча
катталашиб, ёнғоқ етилиб боргани сари, ёнғоқнинг
ташқи қобиғи қотиб, пўстлоқ шакллана бошлайди. Шу
даврдан бошлаб ёнғоқ мевасини довучча деб эмас балки,
ёнғоқ сифатида қабул қилинади. Саксонинчи кундан бошлаб
ёнғоқ мевасининг ички қисмида мағиз пайдо бўлсада,
ҳали у юмшоқ ва парда орқали ажралмаган бўлади.
Пўстлоқда йод элементининг тўпланиб бориши яққол намоён
бўлади. Ёнғоқнинг бу қисмида йод тўпланиши мева 3 ойлик
бўлгунича давом этиб, сўнг тўхтаб қолади. Ёнғоқ
мағизида ва ички пардасида эса йод тўпланиши жуда суст боради.
Демак, йодсақловчи концентрат сифатида ёнғоқ мевасининг 35-50 кунлик довуччаси ва 95125 кунлик қобиғи хизмат қилиши мумкин. Йодсақловчи концентрат сифатида ёнғоқ довуччаси ва қобиғини қуритиб сақлаш амалий жиҳатдан мақсадга мувофиқ ҳисобланади. Мазкур масалани ҳал қилиш учун иссиқ ҳаво оқимида намуналарни қуритиб, ундаги қуруқ модда ва йод миқдорининг ўзгариш динамикасини ўргандик. Тадқиқот объекти сифатида 3550 кунлик ёнғоқ мевасининг довуччаси ва 95-125 кунлик меваси олинди. Намлиги 76 % бўлган ёнғоқ меваси довуччаси тадқиқ этилганида 24,4 мг/кг миқдорида, намлиги 72 % бўлган мева қобиғида эса 12,3 мг/кг миқдорида йод элементи мавжудлиги аниқланди [5]. Йодсақловчи концентратларни 60, 65, 70, 75 ва 80 оС ли иссиқ ҳаво оқимида, микробиологик бузилиш олдини олиш мақсадида, намлиги 8 % бўлгунича қуритдик. Қуритиш давомида хом ашё таркибидаги йод элементининг миқдорини аниқлаб турдик. Грек ёнғоғи довуччалари ва қобиғини турли ҳароратларда 4 соатлик интервал билан 48 соат давомида қуритдик ва таркибидаги йод элементи миқдорининг камайиш динамикасини кузатдик.
Ёнғоқ довуччаси ва қобиғини қандай ҳароратда қуритганда ҳам, йод элементи миқдори камайиши кузатилди. Юқори ҳароратда (75-80 оС) қуритганда эса хом ашёда йод умуман қолмади. Бундан мевалардан йодсақловчи концентрат тайёрлашда қуритиб ишлатиш мақсадга мувофиқ эмас, деган хулосага келдик.
Таркибида қанд концентрациясини турлича, яъни 40, 50, 60, ва 70 % қилиб, концентратлар тайёрладик. Концентратларни пишириш вақтини қайнаб чиққанидан сўнг, 20, 30, 40 ва 50 минут қилиб белгиладик. Концентрат таркибида йод элементи йўқолишини иложи борича камайтириш мақсадида, пишириш жараёнини паст ҳароратда олиб борилди. Пишириш жараёнида муҳит ҳароратини бир хил бўлишини таъминладик. Пишириш учун олинган ёнғоқ довуччасининг физик-кимёвий таркиби 2-жадвалда берилган.
2-жадвал Ёнғоқ довуччасининг физик-кимёвий таркиби
№ |
Кўрсатгичлар |
Катталиги |
1. |
Қуруқ модда, % |
26,4 |
2. |
Олма кислотасига келтирилган титрланадиган кислоталилик, г/кг |
8,75 |
3. |
Кулдорлик, % |
6,80 |
Концентрат қуйидагича тайёрланди: турли концентрацияли шакарли қиёмлар 5 минут давомида, паст ҳароратда қайнатиб олингач, мева ва қиём 1:1 нисбатда аралаштирилди. Ҳосил бўлган аралашманинг массаси қуйидаги формула орқали аниқланди.
Бунда, Му – 1 л аралашманинг умумий массаси, г; γш – мазкур қанддорликдаги қиём зичлиги, г/дм3; γд – ёнғоқ довуччасининг бирлик ҳажм массаси, г.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
қайнаб чиққач, турли муддатларда пишириб олинди. Шу тарзда
тайёрланган намуналардаги йод элементининг миқдори аниқлаб борилди.
Концентратдаги йод элементининг ўртача миқдорини юқори
аниқликда топиш учун, у совугач, довуччалар қиёмдан олинди ва
қиймалагичдан ўтказилди. Ҳосил бўлган масса қиёмга солиниб
яхшилаб аралаштирилди.
Демак, турли муддатларда ва турли концентрацияли (40 ва 50 % ли) қиёмда пиширилган ёнғоқ довуччаларидан тайёрланган концентратлар намуналаридаги йод элементи миқдори аниқланди. Қиёмда қанд концентрациясининг ошиши ёнғоқ довуччаларининг пишиш вақтини камайтирсада, пишиш олдидан ташкил этувчида йод элементи деярли қолмади. Айниқса, йод элементининг йўқолиши пишириш жараёнининг дастлабки 20-30 минути давомида фаол борди [6].
Шуни ҳам эътироф этиш керакки, концентрат пиширишда ҳарорат юқори бўлмаганлиги сабабли, бундай концентратларни микробиологик бузилишлардан сақлаб қолиш ниҳоятда оғир бўлди. Концентратга микробиологик барқарорлик бериш ва шу билан бирга, йод элементини сақлаб қолиш мақсадида концентрацияси 50-70 % бўлган қиёмда ёнғоқ довуччаси пишиш муддатларини ўрганиб чиқдик (3-жадвал).
3-жадвал Ёнғоқ довуччаларини пиширишда йод элементининг камайиш динамикаси, мг/кг
№ |
Қиём концен-трацияси, % |
Қайнаш ҳарорати, оС |
Пишириш вақти, минут |
3 |
5 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
15 |
18 |
1 |
50 |
101,8 |
24,4 |
22,7 |
21,3 |
14,4 |
7,8 |
3,9 |
1,7 |
2 |
60 |
103,1 |
24,2 |
21,9 |
20,3 |
14,2 |
7,4 |
2,3 |
- |
3 |
70 |
108,1 |
22,1 |
20,8 |
20,1 |
6,2 |
4,6 |
- |
- |
4 |
75 |
110,5 |
21,7 |
20,2 |
18,8 |
5,7 |
3,2 |
- |
- |
Шундай қилиб, ўтказилган тажрибалар ёнғоқ довуччасидан очиқ усул билан пиширилган концентратларда витаминлар ва йод элементини сақлаб қолиш мумкин эмаслигини кўрсатди. Кейинги тажрибаларда ушбу концентрат таркибида биологик фаол моддаларни максимал сақлаб қолиш борасидаги тадқиқотларимизни келтириб ўтамиз.
Адабиётлар рўйхати
1. Батурин А.К. Химический состав и энергетическая ценность пищевых продуктов. Справочник Макканса и Уиддоусона. СПб.: Профикс, 2003. – 560 с.
2. Бўриев Х., Ризаев Р. Мева-узум маҳсулотлари биокимёси ва технологияси. – Т.: Меҳнат, 1996. – 108 б.
3. Валентас К. и др. Пищевая инженерия: Справочник с примерами расчетов. СПб.: Профикс, 2004. –848 с.
4. Гореликова Г.А., Маюрникова Л.А., Давыденко Н.И., Слепченко Г.Б. Метод определения йода в пищевых продуктах // Пищевая промышленность. – М., 2003. - № 5. – С. 74-75.
5. Покровский А.А. О биологической и пищевой ценности пищевых продуктов // Вопросы питания, 1975. -№3. -С. 25-40.
6. Фалунина З.Ф. Лабораторный практикум по общей технологии пищевых продуктов. - М.: Пищевая промышленность, 1978. - 272 с.
7. Эгамбердиев Н.Б., Хамидов Н.И., Юсупова Ф.Х. Технология приготовления безалкогольных напитков из соков и трав. - Т.: 1992. УзНИИНТИ, - 78 с.
XXI asr olimlarimizning bashoratiga qaraganda yangi texnologiyalar asri bo’lishi ko’p marotaba aytilmoqda. XX asrda biotexnologiya, yadro energetikasi, lazer texnologiyasi va tranzistorlar kashf qilingan bo’lsa, jahon hamjamiyatimizdagi tub uzgarishlar fan, texnika va ishlab chiqarishning entegratsiyasi tufayli misli ko’rilmagan o’zgarishlar ro’y bermoqda. Ayniqsa, fizika va matematika uslublarini barcha fanlar bilan chambarchas bog’lanib ketayotga bir paytda axborot texnologiyalari jamiyatning jadal revojlanishiga ta’sir etuvchi eng muhim omildir. XXI asrda butunlay yangi tipdagi texnologiyalar: gen muhandisligi – biotexnologiya, nanotexnologiya va informatsion texnologiya, robototexnologiya va fizik vaakum prinsipiga asoslantirilgan torsion texnologiyalar yanada chuqur o’rganilib takomillashtiriladi.
Hozirgi zamon fan va texnika tuzilishi, tarmoqlanishi va sodir bo’layotgan innavatsion o’zgarishlar jihatdan murakkab ijtimoiy, ruhiy-ma’naviy va texnalogik ishlab chiqarishda qaysi jabhani olmaylik, uning revojlanishiga albatta axborot texnologiyalari ta’sir qiladi. Xususan, o’quv jarayonoda axborot texnologiyalarining qullanishi juda yaxshi samara beradi. Bu o’z navbatida talabalar o’rganayotgan jarayonni be’malol ko’rish va tasavur qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo’ladilar.
Barcha texnik va fizik jarayonlarni komp’yuter ekranida tasvirlash uhun uning modelini tuzish kerak bo’ladi, undan keyin dasturli ta’minotda tasvirlash mumkin.
Modеl so’zi
lotincha so’z bo’lib, moduls ya’ni o’lchov, mе’yor dеgan ma’noni
bildirib, biror ob’еktning namunasidir. Masalan, xarita - еrning modеli,
rasm-tabiatning modеli. Tuzilgan modеl taqribiy ko’rinishda bajariladi. Chunki
tajriba o’tkazishda olinadigan natija ishlatilayotgan asbobning aniqligiga ham
boliqdir. Shunday qilib, modеl bir obe’ktlar sistеmasining xususiyatlari,
o’lchovlari, mе’yorlarini o’zida mujassamlashtiradi.
Fizik hodisa va jarayonlarni o’rganishda, ularda mavjud prеdmеt va hodisalarning modеllarini yasash va o’rganish modеllashtirish dеyiladi.
Fizik modеl bu - Olinayotgan jarayonning gеomеtrik tuzilishi va tabiati asl nusxasidеk, ammo uning miqdori (o’lchami, tеzligi) jihatidan farq qiladigan modеldir
Matеmatik modеl o’rganilayotgan hodisalarning tuzilishi, ob’еktlarining o’zaro aloqasi, bajarish vazifasiga oid qonunlar matеmatik va mantiqiy-matеmatik tavsiflar asosida, tajriba natijasiga ko’ra tuzilgan modеlga aytiladi.
Fizik jarayonlarni matеmatik modеllari tuzilib, tuzilgan modеl komp’yutеrda o’rganish fizik jarayonning xaraktеrini oldindan aytib bеrish mumkin bo’ladi. Shuni takidlash kеrakki jarayonni tajriba yo’li bilan tashkil qilish va o’tkazish ba’zan ancha qiyinchilik tug’diradi. Jarayonning matеmatik modеl’ yordamida o’rganish ancha еngillik yaratadi. Aniq fanlardagi turli amaliy masalalarni еchishda matеmatik modеllashtirishdan foydalanish ancha qo’l kеladi. Tеkshirilayotgan masalani xaraktеrlaydigan kattaliklarni miqdor jihatdan ifodalash, so’ngra bog’liqligini o’rganish imkoniyatini matеmatik modеllashtirish mеtodi bеradi. Masalaning modelni tuzilib so’ngra dasturli ta’minotda dasturni tuziladi.
Biz bir o’lchamli harakat masalalar matematik modellashtirib dastur va echimlarini eng zamonaviy komp’yuterlarda asosiy ish matematik modellashtirishga qaratdik. Unda fizik masalalarni modellashtirish masalasi qaraldi.
Fizik jarayonlarni modеllashtirish.
Axborot tеxnologiyalari axborotni yig’ish, yig’ilganlarini saqlash, biror joyga o’zatish kеrak bo’lsa, kodlash vazifalarini bajaradi. Kodlanib jo’natilgan ma’lumotlar qayta ishlanib amaliyotga taqbiq qilinadi. Bu jarayonlarni bajarishda axborot tеxnologiyalari tеxnik vositaga, dastur muhitiga va algoritmlar muhitiga ega bo’ladi.
Agar biror jarayoni sxеmatik komp’yutеrda tasvirlaydigan bo’lsak, u holda quyidagicha bo’ladi:
Ta’lim sifatini yaxshilashda axborot tеxnologiyasining ro’li muhimdir. O’tilayotgan darsda axborot tеxnologiyasidan foydalanish ancha samarali, foydali va tushunarli bo’ladi.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Masalan: fizika yoki
ximiya fanlaridan laboratoriya darslarini olib qaraylik. Diffuziya hodisasini
qaraylik, bunda bir moddaning ikkinchi moddaga aralashtirishi vaqtida
kuzatayotgan talaba vaqtdan yutqazadi. O’sha kеtgan vaqtda qancha kitob
sahifalarini o’qishi mumkin edi.
Ikkinchi bir tomondan qaraydigan bo’lsak, jarayonni tеkshirishda kеtgan issiqlik enеrgiyasi, to’k, moddalar hammasi hozirgi bozor iqtisodiyoti sharoitida katta baholanadi. Yana bir tomondan olib qaraydigan bo’lsak, talaba jarayonni shuncha vaqt sarflab bir marta ko’radi.
Agar bu ko’rilayotgan jarayoni modеllashtirib, komp’yutеrda elеktron vеrsiyasi yaratilsa talaba bu jarayonni qayta ko’ravеrishi mumkin. Jarayonni tеkshirishda vaqt, enеrgiya sarflamaydi. Bu esa talaba jarayonni tushunishi va tasavvur qilshi ancha tеz bo’ladi. Shuning uchun darslarni avtomatlashtirish katta ijobiy natijalar bеradi.
O’qitishda axborot tеxnologiyalaridan foydalanishda quyidagilarni e’tiborga olish kеrak bo’ladi:
Sohada bilim bеrishda axborotlashtirishni rivojlantirish, loyihalash va yaratish.
loyihalash va rivojlantirishda axborot bazasini yaratish.
Komp’yutеr, axborot tеxnologiyalarining boshqa qurilmalari, ularga xizmat ko’rsatish uchun kеrakli axborotlar to’plash.
Dasturiy ta’limotlar kеrak.
Axborot tеxnologiyalarida muayyan jarayonni modеllashtirish va modеllashtirish yordamida tuzilgan algoritmlarni amalga oshirish uchun quyidagilar kеrak bo’ladi:
komp’yutеr va uning tashqi kurilmalari (printеr, modеm, mikrofon, ovoz eshitish qurilmasi. Skanеr. Mulptimеdia proеktori, raqamli vidеokamеra va boshqalar).
Dasturiy ta’minot (matnlarni taxrirlash dasturi, grafikli dasturlar, Math CAD, Rlus 6.0, mul’tmеdia dasturlari va hakozolar).
Axborotlar to’plami (virtual muzеylar, virtual entsiklopеdiyalar va boshqalar).
Axborot tеxnologiyasida axborotlashtirish jarayoni iqtisodning o’sishiga va fan tеxnika taraqqiyotining jadallashiga xizmat qiladi.
Axborot tеxnologiyalar borgan sari turmushning har bir sohasiga kirib bormoqda, ya’ni hozirgi vaqtda axborotlarni doimo saqlab turadi, bu esa agar axborotlar to’plashidan foydalanilmoqchi bo’lsa, vaqtni tеjab yana qayta yig’masdan foydalanavеrish mumkin.
Axborot tеxnologiyalari ratsionallashtiruvchi, ma’lumotlar almashinish avtomatlashtirilgan. Masalan, poеzdlarga chipta buyurtma bеrish, mеhmonxona, hisob-kitob tizimlarida axborot tеxnologiyalaridan foydalanish tushuniladi.
Axborot tеxnologiyalari yaratuvchi, ya’ni axborot tеxnologiyalaridan foydalanish ishlab chiqarishning asosiy nеgizi bo’lib qolmoqda. Shu bilan axborot tеxnologiyalari ta’lim-tarbiya jarayonida ham kеng qo’llanilmoqda. Bu esa komp’yutеrdan ko’rgazmali qurol sifatida foydalanilmoqda, talablarning ilmiy izlanishlarini tashkillashtirmoqda, talablar bo’sh vaqtlaridan to’g’ri foydalanishga kеng yo’l ochib bеrilmoqda.
Bizning Samarqand davlat universitetimizda ham Matematika, Fizika fakultetlarida o’qitishni yangicha usullari uslubiyatlari chuqur o’rganilib, talabalarni barcha cohalarda bilimlarini mustaxkamlashda juda yaxshi va qulay dasturlar va uslublar ishlab chiqilayapdi.
Kelajakda bu yondoshishlar O’zbekiston respublikasining mavqeini oshirishga xizmat qiladi deb umid qilaman.
1. L.D.Landau, E.M.Lifshits "Teoriya polya", Teoriticheskaya fizika.T1., Nauka, 1967 g.
2. L.D.Landau, E.M.Lifshits "Mexanika. Elektrodinamika", " O’qituvchi", Ò. 1976 3. Matrosov A. Resheniye zadach matematiki i mexaniki v srede Maple 6. SPb.: Piter, 2000.
4. Dyakonov V. Maple 6. Uchebniy kurs SPb.: Piter, 2001.
Vvedeniye v Maple. Matematicheskiy paket dlya vsex. V.
N. Govoruxin, V.G. Tsibulin, Mir,1997 y.
6. A.F.Kavtrev „Matamaticheskiy modelerovanie v fizicheskix eksperimentax. „ 2003,SankPeterburg.
7. A.F.Kavtrev „Otkritaya fizika 1.0“ INTERNET sayt.2004, Sank-Peterburg.
va boshqalar „Jarayonlarni modellashtirishga oid uslubiy ko’rsatmalar“ 2016,
The relevance of the topic.The authors emphasize that the activity of TJT is related to the structure of its blocks, the suction activity should end in the eighteenth month of the period of postnatal ontogeny. Defects of dental arches and occlusion disorders were observed if suction was continued later; i.e., disorders in jaw articulation, morphological changes of joint heads, followed by deep structural changes in the upper jaw (yu / j), hard palate, temporal bone [10.11.12]. Chin lower jaw is a complex musculoskeletal carcass with many components, involved in the connection of the upper jaw (y / j) and the rows of teeth of the p / j, providing the movement of the p / j in different directions. block.Motions are an example of motion around instantaneous and variable axes, which is a condition in biomechanics. The authors (O.G. Bugrovetskaya and Hammual [] divide the network of types of motion around different axes as follows; a horizontal arrow involved in the opening and closing of the mouth and between the arrows; slip planes lying at the level of the p / j tongue and varying in p / j protrusion and retrusion; a side-sliding bullet at the end of the bullet; the whole p / j slides and moves laterally; axis of rotation around the vertical, located in the center of the right or left joint; a curved axis located at the center of one or the other joint for the combined movements of deviation and opening of the mouth [].
changes, in turn, adversely affect hemocirculation, hearing, respiration, and
impaired chewing and facial muscle function in the cranial cavity. Studies have
not been sufficiently studied in terms of human masticatory muscles and the
force factors that produce CHIN LOWER JAW: One author suggests that Chin lower
jaw is not formed at all, while another suggests that it produces several
hundred Newtonian reactions.
The current methods. There are many scientific and practical works around the world devoted to the local and systemic sensitivity of the body to dentures made of various types of plastics. The results of the conducted studies confirm that when using removable dentures made of acrylic polymers, changes of various nature are often observed in the tissues of the prosthetic bed and the oral mucosa, and the most common of them are inflammatory and dystrophic, associated with mechanical and toxic-allergic effects of the prosthesis base material. However, the quality of removable prostheses largely depends on the manufactured material. Therefore, special interest is paid to improving the biocompatibility and physico-chemical properties of prostheses [].
The complexity of processing dentures made of thermoplastic polymer, leading to a rapid loss of aesthetic characteristics of the denture, its contamination with microorganisms that contribute to diseases of the oral mucosa, the emerging dissatisfaction of patients with the altered appearance of the removable prosthesis. (Dmitrienko S.V., 2013; Danilina T.F., 2013; Mikhalchenko D.V., 2013; IrsalievH.And, Nigmatov R.N., Khabilov H.L., 2011; Lee S.J., 2008).
At the same time, the surface of the removable denture is divided into the following segments: 1 and 2 segments – the area of the frontal teeth, 3 and 4 segments - the area of the chewing teeth, the assessment of the hygienic condition of the prostheses is carried out according to the following criteria: 1 degree - staining of 1 segment - a satisfactory level of hygiene, 2 degree - staining of 2-3 segments - an average level of hygiene, 3 degree - staining of 1, 2, 3, 4 segments - an unsatisfactory level of hygiene, 4 degree- staining of the entire surface of removable dentures facing the oral
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mucosa – critical level of hygiene. Depending on the degree of staining of the surface of the prosthesis, patients were given appropriate recommendations.
The fact of the influence
of removable denture structures can be expressed in the manifestation of
pathological changes. For their presence and evaluation, the classification of
prosthetic stomatitis proposed by A.K. Iordanishvili (2007) was used. The
inflammatory reaction of the mucous membrane was detected using the technique
proposed by E.S. Kalivrajian (2003).
The assessment was carried out subjectively by color: the more intense the color, the higher the intensity of the inflammatory reaction of the mucous membrane. Quantitative measurement of the area of the mucosal load zones was carried out using the application of a polyethylene film with a millimeter division into a outlined fragment of the oral mucosa. Consequently, the transfer of the inflammation zone was further scanned in the computer program "histogram", the area was calculated. The indicators of the inflammatory response of patients of the selected groups were summed up. In the future, they were analyzed in a comparative aspect between clinical groups. The dynamics of the state of the oral mucosa was checked after 3.14 days, 1,3,6 months of patient observation.
To determine the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in saliva, sampling and processing of the material were carried out according to the method of Temurbaev M.A. (1984), modified by Antonov A.V. (1996). The activity of lysozyme in saliva was determined by us using the method of Aliyev Sh.R. (1994) (1 The method for determining immunoglobulins of class A – secretory fraction (sIgA) is based on the Mancini method (1964).
Statistical studies were conducted on the basis of standard clinical recommendations. The results of the clinical examination were processed on a Pentium-IV personal computer using Microsoft Exell office applications and the STATPLUS biostatistics program (2009), with the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the studied indicator (M), its standard error (m), reliability indicators (P) and the Student's criterion.
The obtained data on the index of cleanliness of prostheses in 100% of patients of all groups, throughout the entire period of use, it can be argued that the worst result was not revealed - a "very poor level of hygiene" corresponding to 5.0-5.5 points. In patients of the main group 1, after a month, the condition of removable prosthesis structures is at the level of "satisfactory" in 5 people (31.3%), and at the level of good-11 people (68.7%). There are no bad results.
After 3 months, the results of the survey showed that all 49 patients noted the constant, convenient use of prostheses. Everyone expressed their satisfaction with the aesthetic properties of their designs. During the survey, it was revealed that all the survey participants carefully followed the recommendations and carefully monitored the oral cavity and prostheses. The professional assessment of the hygienic condition worsened after 6 months in the 2nd observation group.
Conclusion.Analysis of the obtained macrohistochemical data indicates that the highest average values of the inflammatory reaction are observed in the first week after the application of removable prosthesis structures. Moreover, the reaction of the mucous membrane depends on the properties of the basis and is more pronounced under the influence of rigid structures, compared with thermoplastic prostheses.
1. Saidov A.A. Assessment of some indicators of oral liquid in children with the pathology of the temior-lower under jaw joint // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research , Indiya, 2020.Vol 9, Issue 1, january. – Р. 59-63. Impact Faktor= 6.8
2. Saidov A.A. Hygienic condition of the oral cavity during orthodontic treatment of children with temporomandibular joint dysfunction // The Pharma Innovation Journal. Indiya, 2020. -
№ 9(6). - Р. 589-591. Impact Faktor= 5.98
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S.A., Saidov A.A. The importance of matrix metalloproteases in the pathology of
the tempo-mandibular joint in children // International Journal on Integrated
Education, Indonesia, 2020. Volume 3, Issue V, May. - Р. 65-68. Impact Faktor=
4. Saidov A.A., OlimovS.SH.,Gaffarov S.A., Akhmadaliev N.N. The value of matrix metalloproteases and connective tissue markers in the pathology of temp-jaw joint in children // Journal of critical reviews, 2020. Vol 7, – P. 44-49.
5. Mirsalikhova F. L., EronovYo. K., Radjabov A. A. Prevention and treatment of caries in children with cerebral palsy// ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 9 Issue 12, December. - 2019. – P. 68-70.
6. EronovYo.Q., Rajabov A.A. Assessment of the evaluation of oral hygiene in children with cerebral palsy// Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR) February. - 2020. – P. 189-191.
7. EronovYo.Q., Rajabov A.A. Analytical indicator of saliva in children with cerebral palsy// ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. - 2020. – P. 1823-1825.
8. Eronov Y.Q., Rajabov A.A. Loshli-Yushenko-Krasnagorskiy method of leave in children with brain palacy// The Pharma Innovation Journal. - 2020. – P. 601-602.
9. Саидов А.А., Азимова Ш.Ш, Абруев У.Р.Тиш-жағ тизими аномалиялари ва деформацияларининг Бухоро шахар мактаб ёшидаги болалар орасида тарқалиш даражасини ўрганиш // Доктор Ахборотномаси. Илмий-амалий журнал №1 30.03.2020 й. – Б. 67-71.
10. Саидов А.А., Азимова Ш.Ш., Ахмедов Х.К. Тишлов аномалиялари ва чакка пастки жағ бўғими дисфункцияси бўлган болалар оғиз бўшлиғи гигиеник ҳолатини баҳолаш // Доктор Ахборотномаси. Илмий- амалий журнал №3 30.09.2020 й. – Б. 70-73.
11. Ибрагимова Ф.И., Азимова Ш.Ш. Таълим жараёнларида Аксиоматик ёндашувлар (Тезис) // Состояние медицинского образования, проблемы и перспективы - 12.05.2020. – С. 36-37.
12. Saidov A.A., Аzimova Sh.Sh. To study the prevalence of anomalies and deformations of the dental system among school-age children in Bukhara (Тезис) //International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology 14.08.2020. – Р. 28-29.
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Асс. ТКТИ Шахрисабз филиали
Аннотация: Ушбу илмий мақолада саноат корхоналари ва нефт кимё саноати қурилмаларида сарфланаётган энергия тежаш учун ишлаб чиқариш жараёнларида ишлатилаётгани технологияларни такомиллаштириш ва энергияни тежаши мумкин булган ҳолатлари ёритилган.
Калит сўзлар: энергия, ёқилғи, нефт, маҳсулот, хомашё, эквивалент.
Ҳозирги даврда саноатнинг ҳар хил йўналишларида энергия ва ресурсларни тежаш энг долзарб муаммолардан бири ҳисобланади.
Мамлакатимизда энергия ресурсларини ишлаб чиқаришда жуда кўп ёқилғи (ёнилғи) ишлатилади. Энергия тежамкорлиги ҳақида гап кетганда, асосан тикланмайдиган табиий бойликлар кўзда тутилади. Ёқилғи (ёнилғи) бўладиган табиий бойликлар, аксар ҳолларда, аҳоли пункитларидан узоқ, оғир иқлимли шароитларда учрайди. Ёнилғи энергетика комплексини ривожлантириш саноатга ажратиладиган капитал маблағни 40 % ни, ишлаб чиқариладиган қувурларнинг 70 % ни, машинасозлик маҳсулотларининг катта қисмини талаб қилади. Шу сабабларга кўра, ёқилғи (ёнилғи) ни ва энергияни тежаш ниҳоятда долзарб ва муҳим масала (муаммо). Энергия ресурсларини тежаш учун технологик жараёнларни яхшилаш, эскириб қолган жиҳозларни алмаштириш, иккиламчи энерго ресурслардан оқилона фойдаланиш каби тадбирлар қўлланилади. Сўнгги йилларда, нефт кимё саноатида органик маҳсулотлар ишлаб чиқаришнинг самарадорлик даражаси “нефт эквивалент” деб аталган кўрсатгич билан ўлчана бошланди. У маҳсулот ишлаб чиқаришнинг ҳамма босқичларида энергия сарфларининг жамлангани бўлиб, иссиқлик ҳосил қилиш имконияти маълум миқдораги нефт миқдорига эквивалент деб қабул қилинди [1].
Солиштирма энергия сарфини камайтириш мақсадида технологияларни такомиллаштириш. Бу масалани амалга ошириш учун тадқиқотчилар, лойиҳачилар ва экспулатациячилар кучини бирлаштириш керак. Нефтни қайта ишлаш ва нефт кимё корхоналарида энергия тежами масалалари тадқиқот давридаёқ қўйилиб, тажриба конструкторлик ва лойиҳалаш босқичида давом эттирилиши керак [6].
Самарадорлик катализаторларидан фойдаланиш. Ҳозирги вақтда нефтни қайта ишлаш ва нефт кимё соҳаларидаги саноат жараёнларининг тахминан 85 % катализаторлар иштирокида кечади. Катализаторнинг активлиги, танлаш селективлик ва барқарорлик хусусиятлари солиштирма энергия сарфини камайтиради. Масалан, каталитик риформнинг жараёндаги катализаторнинг танлаш хусусиятини 1% га оширилса, энергия сарфи қўшимча таързда 1,8 % га камаяди, активлиги шунча оширилса, энергия сарфи қўшимча 2,9 % га камаяди [2].
Тайёр маҳсулотни ажратиб олишда янада самарали физик кимёвий жараёнлардан фойдаланиш. Нефтни қайта ишлаш ва нефт кимё жараёнларининг аксарида, тайёр маҳсулотни ажратиб олиш босқичи, умумий энергия сарфининг 30-50 % ни ташкил этади. Айниқса ректификация жараёнида кўп энергия истеъмол қилинади. Бу жараённи оптималлаштириш кўп энергия тежаб қолиш имконини беради [5]. Ажратиш даражаси ошгани сайин хомашё ва пировард маҳсулотлар нархидаги фарқ катталашиб боради. Айни
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вақтда энергия сарфи ҳам кўпаяди. Маҳсулотлар
ва энергоресурслар нархи дифференциаллари фарқининг хомашё нархига
нисбати қайсидир бир ҳолатда махсимум қийматга эга бўлади,
ана шу ҳолат оптимал ҳисобланади.
Энергоресурсларини тежашнинг яна бир йўналиши ректификациянинг кўп энергия талаб этадиган жараёнларини экстракция, кам энергия ишлатадиган жараёнларга алмаштиришдир.
Ўрнатиш ва ишлаб чиқаришнинг комбинатцияланган жараёнларини қўллаш. Жараёнларни қўшиб бажарганда реакция маҳсулотларининг оралиқда ажралишига сарфлар камаяди ва ишлаб чиқариш концентрацияси ортади. Масалан, реакция кетаётган битта ҳажмда, бир вақтнинг ўзида оксосинтез йўли билан альдегидлар олинади ва гидратланади. Шунда бу жараёнларни алоҳида алоҳида бажаргандаги ҳолатга нисбатан электр энергияси 2 марта, иссиқлик энергияси 30 % ва совутадиган сув сарфи 40 % кам сарфланади. Жараёнларни бирлаштиришнинг яна битта муҳим натижаси хомашёни қайта ишлаш босқичлари сони қисқариши ҳисобланади. Масалан, бутанни бутадиенгабир босқичли сувсизлантиришга ўтиш, икки босқичли жараённи амалга ошириш учун зарур бўлган энергиянинг камида 22 % ни тежайди.
Ускуналарнинг янада замонавий турларидан фойдаланиш. Иссиқлик узатиш, иситиш, совутиш, реакцияга киришадиган оқимларни ва олинадиган маҳсулотларни ташиш жараёнларини бажарадиган ускуналарнинг имкониятлари ҳам энергия сарфига таъсир кўрсатади. Кимё аппаратларини ҳисоблаш методикаси, қувват заҳирасини ўлчамларни, массалар ва габарит ўлчамларни зарурий даражага каиайтириш энергия тежами учун қўшимча резерв бўлади [3].
Энергия истеъмолини камайтириш, яъни ускуналарни ишлатиш шароитларини такомиллаштириш. Турли сабабларга кўра (хомашё тақчиллиги, маҳсулотни жўнатишдаги қийинчиликлар, ишлаб чиқариш участкаларининг қувватлари бир бирига мутаносиб эмаслиги ва б.) ускуналар максимал имкони билан ишламайди, энергия сарфи эса бирдек кетаверади. Шунинг учун ускуна сустроқ ишлайдиган ҳолатларда энергия сарфи ҳам шунга яраша пасайишини таъминлаш лозим. Энергия тежамкор технологияларини ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий қилиш тежамкорликнинг энг яхши усулидир. Нефтни қайта ишлаш, нефт кимё заводларида ускуналарнинг фойдали иш коэффициентини ошириш йўли билан ҳал қилиш мумкин [4].
Хулоса қилиб айтганда энергия сарфини камайтириш мақсадида нефтни қайта ишлаш ва кимё саноати корхоналарида энергия тежамкорлигини амалга ошириш учун тажириба, лойиҳалаш ва тадқиқот ишлари олиб бориш керар эканлигини зарур деб айтсак бўлади.
Адабиётлар рўйхати.
1. Саркисов П.Д. Проблемы энерго-и ресурсосбережения в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии / П.Д. Саркисов // Химическая промышленность. –2008. – №11. –С. 14-17.
2. Назмеев Ю.Г. Организация энерготехнологических комплексов в нефтехимической промышленности / Ю.Г. Назмеев, И.А.Конахина. –М.: МЭИ, 2001.
3. Фарахов М.И. Лаптев А.Г. Минеев Н.Г. Энергосберегающие модернизации установок на предприятиях нефтегазохимического комплекса / Химическая техника, 2008. –№ 11. –С. 61-64.
4. Качегин А.Ф. Энергосбережение и автоматизация в ОАО «Волжский оргсинтез» / А.Ф. Качегин // Химия и рынок, 2000. –№1. –С.49-50.
5. https://sushiandbox.ru/uz/osvaivaem-pk/chto-takoe-cifrovye-dvoinikikak-budet-vyglyadet-vashcifrovoi-dvoinik.html.
6. https://vism.ru/uz/cifrovoi-dvoinik-apparat-zhurnal-o-novomobshchestve-kto-takie-cifrovyebliznecy.html.
Андижон иқтисодиёт ва қурилиш институти мустақил изланувчи
Маълумотларни компьютерда қайта ишлаш кўпинча анъанавий бўлган маълумотлар базасини қўлда ишлаш жараёнларини сиқиб чиқармай параллел равишда ишланиши муҳим ҳусусият бўлиб қолди. Шу сабабли маълумотларни компьютерда қайта ишлашга ўтиш нафақат корхоналар учун, балки бошқариш маълумотларини қўлда қайта ишлаш соҳалари ва тармоқларини сақлаб қолган компаниялар учун ҳам долзарб вазифа бўлиб қолмоқда.
Мамлакатимиз Президенти ўз маърузаларида “Ҳозирги кунда электр энергияси, газ, қимматбаҳо металлар, минерал ўғитлар, транспорт хизматлари каби йўналишларда монопол бозорлар мавжуд бўлиб, уларда кўплаб муаммолар сақланиб қолмоқда”[7]-деб таъкидлаган эдилар. Ушбу фикрлардан келиб чиққан ҳолда элкектр энергия соҳасига автоматлаштирилган ахборот тизимларини кенг жорий этиш мухим масалалардан бири ҳисобланади.
босқичлари ўзгаришлар табиатига қараб, менежмент ёки бизнесжараёнларининг
тўлиқ ёки қисман ривожланиш жараёнларида такрорланади. Хўжалик
юритувчи субъектларни ва макроиқтисодий тизимларни бошқаришни
автоматлаштириш ғоялари бозор иқтисодиёти нуқтаи-назаридан ва
умуман компаниялар таркибидаги туб ўзгаришларга қараб ўзгариб, ривожланиш
ва пасайиш даврларини бошдан кечиради.
Бизнинг тадқиқотларимиз қуйидаги тенденцияларни аниқлашга имкон берди:
Ø ўрнатилган бошқарув процедураларини доимий равишда янгилаб туриш зарурати менежментда тан олинган бўлиб, аввалги моделларни АКТ шароитида кўп ҳолларда қўлланиши мумкин эмаслиги;
Ø ахборот тизимларида менежментни жорий этишнинг шахсий ва ташкилий омилларини эътиборсиз қолдириш кўпинча консалтинг ва реинженеринг мутахассисларини ҳаракатларини йўққа чиқаради;
Ø ААТдан фойдаланувчи сифатида менежментнинг ролини етарли дара-жада баҳоламаслик ва турли тоифадаги фойдаланувчилар ўртасида ролларнинг нотўғри тақсимланиши ААТ ни бошқариш самарадорлигини пасайтиради;
Ø автоматлаштириш ва рақамлаштириш самарадорлигини етарли даражада баҳоламаслик, менежмент ҳаражатларининг асоссиз равишда камайишининг кутилиши, ходимларинг бўшатилиши ва бошқалар, автоматлаштириш мақсадларидан кутилган бошқарув жараёнлари сифатининг ошишига эмас балки, ишлардан кўнгилни қолишига ва реал самарани пасайишига олиб келади;
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жараёнларини қайта ташкил этиш масаласини иш жойларини компьютер
техникаси ва оддий жиҳозлаш билан алмаштиришга айлантириш менежмент
технологиялари таннархни фақат ошишига, уларнинг самарадорлигини
пасайишига олиб келади;
Ø технологик соҳада, техник ва дастурий таъминот авлодларининг тез ўзгариши ахборот ва бошқарув ишланмаларининг, ускуналарининг жисмоний эскириш тезлигини сезиларли даражада ошишига олиб келади. ААТнинг бошқарув модуллари ишга тушмай туриб, уларни алмаштириш заруратини юзага келтиради;
Ø мавжуд автоматлаштирилган ахборот тизими негизида бошқарувни етарли даражада қайта қуриб бўлмайди.
Компанияни бўлимлар бўйича қайтадан ташкил этиш, одатда учта мезондан бири бўйича амалга оширилади, яъни маҳсулот ёки хизматлар тури, маълум истеъмолчилар гуруҳларига йўналтирилганлик, хизмат кўрсатадиган ҳудудлар бўйича. Ушу ёндошув истеъмолчилар ва бозор билан яқин алоқани таъминлайди, ташқи муҳитнинг ўзгаришига компаниянинг таъсирини сезиларли даражада тезлаштиради. Шунингдек мақсадли-дастурий бошқарувнинг турли шакллари мавжуд бўлиб, янги илмий ва техник муаммоларни ҳал этиш учун функционал ва чизиқли муаммоларни мувофиқлаштирадиган ташкилий тузилишга қўшимча таркибий бўлинма киритилиб, у функционал мувофиқлаштириш бўлимидан иборатдир[2]. “Андижон электр тармоқлари” OAЖ объектларини масофадан бошқариш - тармоқлардаги юклама ва кучланишларни назорат қилишни, кириш жойлари ва ҳовлиларда ёритиш тизимини ёқиш ва ўчиришни, техник хоналарга киришни назорат қилишни ўз ичига олади. Тарифлар, хизматлар нархлари ўзгаришининг оқибатларини моделлаштириш ёрдамида олдиндан айтиш мумкин бўлади. “Андижон электр тармоқлари” OAЖнинг аҳоли билан ишлаш сифатини яхшилашга кўрсатилаётган хизматларни автоматлаштириш орқали эришилади[3].
Бизнинг фикримизча, ягона ҳисоб-китоб марказларининг асосий вазифалари қуйидагилардан иборатдир:
ü мавжуд молиявий ресурсларни таҳлил қилиш, бошқариш ва ҳисобга олиш асосида субсидияланмаган тизимни шакллантириш;
ü электр энергияси учун тўлов ҳужжатларини айланиши бўйича тўловлар оқимини ҳисобга олиш;
ü тўловлар ундирилишини назоратга қилиш, электр энергияси учун тўловлар ҳолати, аҳоли тўғрисидаги маълумотлар, имтиёзлар, субсидиялар ва кўрсатилаётган хизматлар тўғрисидаги маълумотларни ўз ичига олган коммунал хўжалик маълумотлар базасини яратиш;
ü алоҳида электр энергиясини тўлаш бўйича тезкор марказлаштирилган хизматларни йўлга қўйиш;
ü тўлов ҳужжатларини тайёрлаш ва етказиб бериш;
ü имтиёзлар ва субсидиялар бериш;
ü тарифлар, имтиёзлар ва субсидиялар ўзгарганда ҳисоб-китобларга ўзгартиришлар киритиш;
ü электр энергиясидан қарздор фуқароларни ҳисобга олиш;
ü “Андижон электр тармоқлари” OAЖ раҳбариятини марказлаштирилган ҳолда доимий равишда таҳлилий маълумотлар билан таъминлаб туриш.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
ахборотлаштириш моделининг концепцияси рақобатбардош бозор
иқтисодиёти билан белгиланадиган ахборотлаштиришга бўлган
эҳтиёжидир. Компанияни ахборотлаштиришга бўлган эҳтиёжи компанияда
ААТни яратилишига олиб келади, бу эса амалга оширилаётган бошқариш
технологияларига мувофиқ автоматлаштирилган функцияларни қамраб
олиш даражаси билан фарқ қилади.
АКТни интеграциялашган ҳолда жорий қилиш доирасида электр энергиясини ҳисобга олишнинг автоматлаштиришнинг умумий принципи белгилаб берилган, унга мувофиқ энергия тизими ва электр энергияси бозорининг барча субъектлари учун самарали ЭЭҲНАТ қурилишини таъминлаш учун амал қилинади.
Иқтисодий жиҳатдан нафи бўлган барча нарсани ўлчаш мумкин. Маълумки, электр тизимида электр энергияси бу фойдаланилиши керак бўлган барча нуқталарда ўлчанмайди. Масалан, электр тармоқларидаги йўқотишлар каби кўплаб муҳим миқдорлар ўлчанмайди, аммо улар тасдиқланган усулларга мувофиқ ҳисоблаб чиқилади. Уларни ҳисоблаш учун жуда кўп шартли қоидалар мавжуд. Агар ҳоҳласангиз коэффициентларини ўзгартириб, сиз ҳар қандай тахмин қилинган стандарт йўқотишларни олишингиз мумкин, улар учун тариф белгиланиб, бу энергетиклар учун маош ва даромад бериши мумкин.
1. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёевнинг Олий Мажлисга Мурожаатномаси, 29 декабрь 2020 йил.
2. Donnacha, D. Efficient Multi-Carrier Communication on the Digital-Subscriber Loop: thesis : Phd / D. Donnacha; National University of Ireland. -Dublin, 2003.
3. andijonhetk.uz- “Андижон худудий электр тармоклари корхонаси“ OAЖ сайти.
4. Stat.uz –Ўзбекистон Республикаси давлат статистика қўмитаси сайти.
5. Data.gov.uz – Очиқ маълумотлар портали.
6. Орлова Р.И., Зайцев Л.К., Пронин А.З. Экономика жилищно-коммунального хозяйства. - М.: Стройиздат, 1988. -270 с.
7. Лыпаев В.В. Системное проектирование сложных программных средство для информационных систем. - М.: СИНТЕГ: 2002.-352 с.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Tashkent State Economic University, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, 3rd year student of group BR-54.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Tashkent State Economic University
Annotation: Financial result is a generalizing indicator of the activity of a commercial organization and a basic concept in the characterization of its financial position. The final financial result of the activity of any commercial organization is expressed in the form of profit (excess of income over expenses) or loss (excess of expenses over income).
Keywords: Financial result, activities of commercial organizations, profit of enterprises.
Актуальность темы: Making a profit is the main goal of the activities of commercial organizations, in this regard, profit indicators are the most important in the analysis of their financial and economic activities. Market conditions of management induce enterprises to look for ways to maximize profits and increase the level of profitability. Profit growth creates a financial basis for expanded reproduction, solving problems of the socio-economic development of the enterprise. In this regard, the analysis of profit and profitability indicators allows timely identification of problems in the financial and economic activities of an enterprise and use the necessary tools to eliminate them, which determines the relevance of the selected research topic.
The degree of knowledge of the problem. The theoretical and practical aspects of analyzing the financial results of enterprises, identifying reserves for the growth of profits and profitability are reflected in the works of many foreign scientists. Thus, studies of the economic essence of profit were reflected in the works of A. Smith, D. Ricardo, D. Clark, F. Knight, K. Marx, W. Nordhaus, P. Samuelson.
The aim of the study is the theoretical and practical aspects of the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise, the development of recommendations for increasing the profit and profitability of the enterprise.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
Ø to investigate and systematize approaches to determining the financial results of an enterprise, to clarify the concept of an enterprise's profit;
Ø consider the basic methods of analyzing the profit and profitability of the enterprise;
Ø explore approaches to the classification of factors affecting the profit of the enterprise, systematize the factors of profit analysis;
Ø to assess and analyze the financial results and performance indicators of enterprises, to characterize the main problems of the functioning of enterprises in modern conditions;
Ø analyze the indicators of profit and profitability, identify the factors affecting their dynamics;
Ø to identify the development prospects and the main directions of growth in the profit of enterprises;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Ø to develop practical recommendations for increasing the profit and profitability of enterprises.
The objects of the research are enterprises.
subject of the research is theoretical and methodological
approaches to the analysis of the financial results of an enterprise.
The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and particular methods of cognition: dialectical, logical, systemic, structural and comparative methods of analysis; classification techniques; methods of mathematical statistics and financial analysis; synthesis of the results obtained; principles of formal logic.
The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of theoretical approaches to enterprise profit management.
The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the research results are brought to concrete recommendations and can be applied in the business practice of enterprises.
The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of theoretical principles of enterprise profit management, the development of practical proposals that ensure the growth of profits and profitability of enterprises.
Consider the classification features and types of profit.
1. Depending on the direction of activity of the enterprise, there are:
Ø operating profit, including profit from the sale of products, goods, works, services;
Ø profit from investment activities associated with the acquisition and sale of land, buildings and other real estate, equipment, intangible assets and other non-current assets, with the implementation of financial investments;
Ø profit from financial activities associated with proceeds from the issue of securities (shares, bonds), repayment of borrowed funds, and the like.
2. Depending on the composition of the included elements, a distinction is made between:
Ø margin profit, which is the difference between revenue and direct variable costs from operating activities;
Ø profit from product sales - the difference between the marginal profit and fixed costs;
Ø profit before interest payments for a loan and income tax, which characterizes the financial result obtained by the enterprise for the main stakeholders - the state, creditors, owners, personnel;
Ø profit before tax is the result after interest has been paid to creditors;
Ø the net profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise after all taxes and other mandatory contributions have been paid.
3. By the nature of the enterprise, profit from ordinary activities and profit from emergency situations, atypical for the normal operation of the enterprise, are distinguished, which must be separated from the total profit for a correct assessment of the enterprise.
4. Depending on taxation, taxable profit and tax-free (preferential) profit are distinguished in accordance with tax legislation.
5. Depending on whether the inflation factor is taken into account in the analysis of profit, a distinction is made between nominal profit (excluding inflation) and real profit adjusted for the inflation rate in the analyzed period.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
6. According to the economic content, the following are distinguished:
profit - the difference between income and current explicit costs reflected in
Ø economic profit - when calculating it, implicit costs that are not reflected in accounting are also taken into account.
7. Depending on the nature of the use of net profit, there are:
Ø the capitalized (unallocated) part of the net profit, directed to finance the growth of the company's assets;
Ø the consumed part of the net profit spent on the payment of dividends to shareholders.
8. According to the degree of generalization, the profit of an individual organization and the consolidated profit of a group of companies are distinguished.
Analysis of the company's profit, the factors affecting its level, allows you to timely identify problems in the financial and economic activities of the enterprise and use various tools to eliminate them. In practice, the following methods are often used to analyze the profit of an enterprise: horizontal (or trend) analysis; vertical (or structural) analysis; comparative analysis; factor analysis; analysis of coefficients. List of used literature.
1. Abyzova E.V., Roshchupkin E.Yu. Management of profit and profitability of an enterprise // Problems of Economics and Management. - 2016. - No. 4 (56). - р. 71-73.
2. Altukhova M.V. How to evaluate the business model of a company // Handbook of the Economist. – 2014. – № 3. URL: http://www.profiz.ru/se/3_2014/bisne_model/
3. Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activities / Edited by V.Ya. Pozdnyakov. - M .: Infra-M, 2014 .- 416 p.
4. Arefieva S.G., Demchuk O.V. Problems of the functioning of the mechanism for managing the profit and profitability of the enterprise // Symbol of Science. - 2016. - No. 9-1. - р. 57-60.
Ассистент, Ферганский политехнический институт, Узбекистан, г. Фергана
Ассистент, Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана
Аннотация: В статье приведены пути получения экологических чистых-безвредных композиционных материалов на основе минеральных волокон в замен асбест содержащего концерогенного сырья.
Ключевые слова: Шифер, асбест, минеральное, базальтовое, волокно, цемент, экология, товары.
В настоящее время наполненые композиционные полимерные материалы широко применяется в народном хозяйстве, строительстве, машиностроении, авиации, космонавтике, ракетостроении и других отраслях промыщленности[1,2].
получении композиционних материалов в качестве связушего применяются
карбамидноформальдегидние (КФ), фенолоформалдегидные (ФФС), фурановые (ФС),
эпоксиднодиановие (ЭД), фурано – эпоксидные (ФАЭД) и другие.
В качестве наполнителей применятая стекляное волокно и ткань, асбест, графит, квацовый песок, каолин, древесная опылка, хлопчато – бумажная ткань, (текстолит), сажа (резина) базальт и другие. Коме того в состав композиционного материала входит модификатор, пластификатор, растворитель, катализатор и другие. В настояшие время при произвоства строительного хризотил асбестового шифера 12,5% масс.частей асбеста, 87,5% цемента расходутся за 1 шифера.
Шифер, полученный из указанного состава наряду ряд положительнымы характеристиками имеют определенные кедостатки: водопоглащения со временем увеличивается на -20-25%, при этом масса шифера увеличивается на 25-30%; при головни различных компонентов стоимость щифера подорожрает на 28-29%. Хрозотиловий асбест покупает за валюту. Стоимость 1 тонны асбеста 700 доллоров С.Ш.А. замена хризотилового асбеста на базальтового волокна или минералного волокна при производетве одного щифера приводит к экономическому эффекту 0,55 цента. В результате выпускается экологически чистый базальтовой щифер, его физико – механические и другие эксплуатационные характеристика лучше, чем традиционного асбестового шифера. Следует также отметить, что при производстве базальтового щифера используется местное сырьё – базальтовый минерал Кувасойского месторождения Памыро – Алайского хреебета.
В состав базальтого минерала в ходит следующие компоненты:
Полевые щпати |
50% - NaAlSi3O8 – KAl2Si3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8 |
Пироксены |
H2SiO3; авгит (Ca, Mg, Fe2+) (Mg, Fe2+, Al Fe3+) [(Al,Si)2O6] |
Амфиболы |
Оливин |
Me2SiO4 (Me = Mg, Fe, Mn) |
Кремнезем |
SiO2 |
Таблица 1. Химический состав основных минералов базальтов, мас.%
Оксиды |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
SiO2 |
53,29 |
53,81 |
54,21 |
55,32 |
60,34 |
57,34 |
29,29 |
0,12 |
TiO2 |
0,16 |
0,24 |
0,06 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0,31 |
Al2O3 |
2,28 |
1,72 |
1,17 |
9,03 |
5,70 |
1,78 |
20,11 |
10,66 |
FeO |
4,61 |
4,30 |
3,59 |
2,62 |
1,57 |
6,84 |
13,50 |
23,21 |
MnO |
0,12 |
0,14 |
0,10 |
0,16 |
0 |
0,16 |
0,27 |
0,74 |
MgO |
17,49 |
17,79 |
17,97 |
26,97 |
25,11 |
19,46 |
22,95 |
10,06 |
CaO |
21,08 |
21,13 |
21,68 |
5,61 |
5,84 |
12,67 |
0,09 |
- |
Na2O |
0,10 |
0,11 |
0,12 |
0,29 |
1,35 |
0,73 |
0 |
- |
K2O |
- |
0 |
- |
0 |
0,08 |
0,02 |
- |
- |
Cr2O3 |
0,80 |
0,71 |
0,74 |
0 |
0 |
0,04 |
0,32 |
54,43 |
V2O5 |
0,07 |
0,05 |
0 |
- |
- |
0 |
0,02 |
0,26 |
Сумма |
100 |
100 |
99,63 |
100 |
100 |
99,04 |
86,55 |
99,80 |
Примечания: 1-3 – авгит-диопсид, 4-5 – авгит-клиноэнстатит. 6 – актионолит (среднее из 3 анализов),
– клинохлор (среднее из 3 анализов), 8 – хромшпинелид (среднее из 4 анализов)
В составе авгит-диопсида содержание авгидтового минерала ниже, чем в
авгитклиноэнстатите. Обогащенность пироксенов авгитовом минерале объясняется
высокой меланократовостью базальта, вызванной повышенным содержанием в расплаве
магния и железа (табл. 2) При низком содержании плагиоклазов в базальте
значительная часть катионов алюминия оказалась свободной и изоморфно заместила
кремний в кремнекислородных тетраэдрах клинопироксенов.
Таким образом, исследован минералогичиский и химический состав базальтового минерала местного пресхождения и получен композиционный материали шифер и труба на основе базальтового минерала. Намлучшие базальтовое волокно образуетса при температура 17000 – 20000 С
Гранулометрический анализ исходного порошка базальта проводился с помощью стандартного набора сит. Результаты рассева приведены в табл. 2. Отделение магнитной фракции проводилось с помощью магнитов с индукцией 3 мВб/м2 (магнит №1) и 22 мВб/м2 (магнит №2) или, соответственно, 3 мТл и 22 мТл. Если извлечение ферромагнитного материала с помощью магнита №1 составляло не более 9%, то, с помощью магнита №2, эта величина возрастала до 42%. Фракциям, с наиболее крупными частицами, отвечает максимальная доля содержания ферромагнитных компонентов. Самые мелкие фракции, практически, не содержат магнитной составляющей.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
2. Гранулометрический состав измельченного базальта и содержание во фракциях
магнитной составляющей.
Размер сита, мм |
+1.6 |
-1.6 +1.0 |
-1.0 +0.63 |
-0.63 +0.4 |
-0.4 +0.25 |
-0.25 +0.125 |
-0.125 +0.063 |
-0.063 |
Исходный измель ченный базальт |
Содержание фракции, % |
7.80 |
20.01 |
18.45 |
14.16 |
10.74 |
12.74 |
9.50 |
6.60 |
Магнитно сепарированный измельченный базальт |
Содержание фракции обработанного базальта, % от фракции исходного молотого базальта |
Магнитная фракция |
Магнит №1 |
8.17 |
9.02 |
5.3 |
5.51 |
5.46 |
4.11 |
1.69 |
0.27 |
Магнит №2 |
42.51 |
37.09 |
25.22 |
19.01 |
11.99 |
7.58 |
3.90 |
1.24 |
Немагнитный остаток |
48.79 |
53.89 |
69.48 |
75.48 |
82.55 |
88.31 |
94.41 |
98.49 |
Содержание химических элементов (превышающее 0.1%) во фракциях исходного базальта с частицами различного размера, а также в магнитных и немагнитных составляющих этих фракций, и содержание железа и титана, наблюдается в более крупных фракциях, а в самой мелкой фракции, содержание Fe снижено почти вдвое, а Ti – в 4 раза.
Температура плавления базальтовой шихты зависит от содержения Al2O3, входяший состав щихты;
Если содержанние Al2O3 ниже 15%, то температура плавления щихты ниже 13000С, если содержание Al2O3 больше 15%, то температура плавления щихты составляет больше 13000С. Образование жидкой фази начинается при температура 11000С. В интервале температура 1150 – 11900С щихты начинает кипит. При температура 12000С – 90% щихта расплавиятся. При температура 12500С кристаллы магнезита тоже расплавяется.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
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Annotation: This article presents the advantages and qualitative indicators of Japanese advertising. In addition, there is an opinion about the problems of attracting customers or the convenience of conducting propaganda work.
Keywords: advertising, process, creation, culture, conservatism, Japanese advertising.
Advertising in Japan. Nowadays, the role of advertising in the daily life of society is increasingly increasing–it is indispensable for many areas of production and business, for tourism, trade and service. The creation of advertising is a long multi-stage process, during which the psychology of the perception of the target audience, the peculiarities of culture, aesthetic taste and the norms of ethics of the people targeted by advertising cannot be ignored. On the one hand, advertising is national, and on the other hand, it has many international features, because there is a continuous interaction of different cultures in it: imitation of techniques and images that are gaining popularity, attracting successful samples and their dissemination.
In Japanese culture, conservatism and adherence to the established form are of great importance, however, as in many other spheres of life of Japanese society, in the language of Japanese advertising, traditionalism goes side by side with the latest trends and trends. In particular, this is noticeable by the abundance of borrowed vocabulary, which can be divided into two groups:
that are relevant to the field of advertising:ーールルルル:ru,'sale’;ーーーンba:gen,
'seasonal sale’;フアアーーーー:,'fair’,
2. Fashionable, attractive words:センターсэнта: from the English. center,‘center’;ロイヤルроияруот
English. royal ‘king’;プラザпурадза from the English. plaza‘area’;チャンスтянсуот English. chance, ‘chance’;プランпуран from the English. plan, ‘plan’;キャンペーンкямпэ:n from the English campaign, 'campaign, campaign, operation’, from the English fresh, ‘fresh';ーーdebyu:
from the English debut, 'debut, first performance';ステージsute:ji from the English stage‘ 'stage, arena', etc. Having lost the novelty and freshness of sound, having gained a foothold in the language system, fashionable words can enter the main vocabulary of the language as terms.
The language of Japanese advertising consists of heterogeneous elements: it contains both native, purely Japanese vocabulary and borrowed words and expressions. At the same time, however, the Japanese advertising text is compiled on the basis of a strategy that is also inherent in foreign texts – its purpose is to attract attention, interest the consumer and persuade him in favor of purchasing goods, and similar requirements are also imposed on the language: it must be bright, accurate, concise, expressive. This is the universality of advertising. Attractiveness is achieved with the help of bright, memorable words and expressions, as well as due to the sophistication, elegance or conversational expressiveness of the entire text.
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in foreign advertising texts, Japanese advertising widely uses vocabulary with
the meaning of "improvement", active actions and evaluative
vocabulary with a positive meaning: 安安安安Yasusa
bakuhatsu! Tattei gekiyasu tokka, 'Explosion of cheapness! Extremely low
specials. Cheapness!
Extremely low special prices’;安安安 Ke:retsu te:yasune‘ 'Incredibly ultra-low prices’;イイイイイトーーーーーンКе:retsu te:tokka dainamaito ba:Geng‘'Explosive sale at exceptionally ultra-low prices’;いいいТеТеТеいいいいい:okaidoku, 'An exceptionally profitable purchase’;ッッッーンンbiggu ba:geng‘ 'Big Sale’; スシシシルーーーンンba:gen, 'Special sale’, etc.
Currently, as in recent years, there is a rapid borrowing of foreign words in advertising – mainly from Western European languages, but with all the huge influence that foreign culture exerts on Japanese advertising, it remains peculiar, preserving national specifics. For example, one of the distinctive phenomena of Japanese advertising is the so-called Thanksgiving campaigns. In the language of advertising, they are reflected in the use of words such asкан (kangxia, ‘gratitude') and 謝恩 (xiao, 'gratitude, expression of gratitude'), which are placed in the title of advertising texts, for example, printed on posters and displayed in shop windows. In recent years, the borrowed サンーー (sanskyu:, from the English 'thankyou') has also been used in the meaning of "thanksgiving".
Another feature of Japanese advertising is an attentive attitude to the change of seasons. As noted in [Dybovsky 1996], the names of seasons are mentioned more often in Japanese advertising texts than in Russian. For example, 秋のハウジングフェアーАки-but haojing pea:, ‘autumn fair’; 春の行楽セールХару-but to:raku se: ru, 'spring entertainment sale'.
Among other features of the Japanese advertising text, it is impossible not to mention various types of language games, in particular, writing numbers using syllabic alphabets. This technique is used for more quick memorization of phone numbers. For example, an insurance company that deals with the issues of obtaining a loan puts in its advertisement the phone number 0120-465160, in which 0120 is the index of the communication line, and the last six digits are encoded as "erokobi ro:n" - the credit of joy.
Japanese television advertising. Advertising is an appeal to the consumer with the help of mass media, aimed at creating a positive image of the object of advertising, stimulating demand for it. Currently, television is one of the most popular mass media, and television advertising has the strongest penetrating power and effectiveness.
Researchers of Japanese advertising note the proximity of Japanese television to its audience. In the 1950s, due to the high cost of televisions, people watched programs in public places, but already in the 60s, more than 50% of families had their own televisions, and in the 70s, almost every one. Television has moved from the public to the private sphere, and TV presenters have become almost family members. Speaking about modern Japanese television, researchers define it as "artificially created uti" and call its integral characteristic "intentionally designed intimacy" [Galbraith, Karlin 2012: 9].
Proximity to the audience is maintained by addressing the topics of unanimity; also, one of the ways to unite the audience is to stimulate interest in a musician-performer, holding contests, voting and TV shows with his participation. In addition, television is the dominant way of entertainment and the second most reliable source of information after newspapers from the point of view of the middle-aged and older man in the street [Prieler, Kohlbacher, Hagiwara, Arima 2009: 5].
Japanese TV commercials are represented by short commercials with a minimum length of 15 seconds, and their most typical duration is 15 or 30 seconds. On the one hand, they contain certain
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information (the manufacturer informs viewers about his product), and on the other – a video, in some cases meaningfully unrelated to the advertising object itself.
percentage terms, most of the advertising on Japanese TV channels is
advertising of food and beverages (18%) behind it is advertising of cosmetics
and care products (9%), medicines (6%) electronics (5%) alcohol (5%), banks and
financial services (5%), home and garden products (4%) etc.
Characters from Japanese commercials. The actors who star in Japanese commercials belong to different age categories. Despite the fact that the majority of viewers are older people (a considerable part of them are pensioners), the most private advertising characters are persons from 15 to 34 years old; they are followed by representatives of the following age groups: 35-49 years, 014 years, 50-56 years, and the smallest - 65 years and older [Prieler, Kohlbacher, Hagiwara, Arima 2009: 8].
Despite the fact that elders are traditionally deeply respected in Japan, it is not so surprising that they rarely appear as heroes of commercials: advertising is designed to demonstrate an ideal, and it is usually associated with the flowering of beauty and physical strength; also, some researchers note a negative attitude towards elderly people in Japan and rejection of conventions associated with the behavior of older people in society, which can also contribute to the current situation [Formanek 2008].
Children most often advertise food and household items, adults - from young people to middle-aged people - appear in advertisements of a wide variety of subjects and find themselves her most versatile heroes. The goods that older people represent are primarily food and beverages [Prieler, Kohlbacher, Hagiwara, Arima 2009: 10-11].
1. Halmurzayeva N. T. (2016). The problem of defining the category of politeness in Japanese linguistics. International scientific review, (18 (28)).
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3. Ambler T. Practical marketing / T. Ambler. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000–213 p.
4. Bagiev G.L. Marketing: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. / G. L. Bagiev, V. M. Tarasevich, H. Ann. – SPb.: Peter, 2007. – 736с.
5. Belyaev V. I. Marketing: theory and practice: textbook. / V. I. Belyaev. — M. : KNORUS, 2005. – 456 p.
6. Of Bendin N. In. Marketing (lecture notes). / N. V. Bendin. – M.: "Prior-Izdat", 2005. – 215 p.
7. Golovleva E.L. Fundamentals of advertising / E.L. Golovleva. - M.: JSC "Moscow textbooks", 2006. - 271 p.
8. Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of marketing / E. P. Golubkov. - M.: Fin-Press, 2003.- 688 p
Basic doctoral student of Foreign Languages in Natural Sciences department Bukhara State University
A student of Information Technology faculty Bukhara State University
Annotation: The study outlines the linguistic aspects of the French borrowing process, its main extralinguistic causes and main stages, and other French borrowings adopted during the transition to English. Special attention is paid to the definitions given by various scholars and a number of lexicographic sources as a lexical phenomenon of borrowing. The article also discusses the many borrowings from French to modern English, as well as their grammatical and structural features.
Keywords: mastery, classification, French, historical periods, English, linguistic aspects, lexical phenomenon.
the beginning of the study of lexicology, scholars have tried to classify
different mastered objects in different languages. Therefore, there are many
classifications in many linguistic sources. Nevertheless, the procedure for
simplifying them and describing their typology is always filled with a certain
uncertainty. For example, Capuz mentions French scholars who proposed a
specific classification of borrowing.
Clein records the next eight levels of language system debt: phonological debt, prosodic debt, graphemic debt, morphemic debt (copying from linked morphemes), morphological debt (copying morphological patterns), semantic debt (moving debt, decay lexemes), syntactic assimilations (transfer of syntactic rules). Humbley suggests the following six categories of borrowing: “graphic and phonetic borrowings, morphological borrowings, semantic borrowings, lexical borrowings, syntactic borrowings, and phraseological borrowings” that are very similar to the former. Capuz is a young Spanish scholar who also proposed a classification of borrowing. It consists of seven types of loans, which are described below and given as examples.
Formal borrowings
They are considered relatively infrequent. What is more, they entail both phonological and orthographic changes. The said alterations, as maintained by Capuz, “affect the form (significant) and not the meaning (signifié)”. Examples of formal borrowings can be found in the language used in advertising, for instance: common bewilderment of sh and sch (shreiben – schreiben) that can be recognized in the German-speaking immigrants who live in the Englishspeaking countries, like England, for example: “appear[…] to be a hyper characterisation of neutral units following wellknown features of a prestigious foreign language”.
Semantic Borrowings
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It entails a process of transmitting of sememes or specific units of meaning. Capuz identifies three major types of semantic borrowings, which are the following:
– both items, from the source language and recipient language, demonstrate some
analogy in meaning. However, their forms remain dissimilar. This type of
borrowings is often called “semantic loan translation” or “semantic calque,” as
it is a model of proper translation. Both lexemes share their primary meaning,
but only one of them carries additional symbolic sense. The supplementary
figurative sense meaning, however, can also be transmitted to another language.
For instance, the English word “hawk” has its primary meaning “bird of prey.”
In English, nonetheless, it also had an additional symbolic sense “hard-liner
politician,” and that meaning can be borrowed by other languages.
(2) Analogs – both words, as the name suggests, preserve some analogy in sense and form. Consequently, it is much easier to see the semantic transaction between them, and they are undoubtedly more frequent and widespread than homologs. Examples of semantic meaning are extensively unearthed in translations as well as in the language used by bilinguals. Very often, such examples are generally identified as “false friends” of a translator/ interpreter. For instance, Capuz illustrates this idea by providing as an example an English word “conventional” with its primary meaning “customary, traditional.” However, as the author appends “in political jargon, it has developed the sense of “non-nuclear (weapons)” that is “traditional (weapons)”’.
(3) Homophones – both lexemes show similarity in the form, but not the meaning. They are analogous as far as orthography and pronunciation are concerned, but the meaning remains different. For example, the English word “grocery” has its primary meaning, “grocer’s shop.” It was spread into American Portuguese “grosseria,” which has the primary meaning “rude remark.” The
new meaning carried along with the borrowing, however, is a “grocer’s shop.”
Lexical Borrowings
In linguistics, borrowing (also known as lexical borrowing) is a word from one language is adapted for use in another. In that case, the word that is borrowed is called a “borrowing,” “a borrowed word,” or “a loanword.” It is interesting to mention that the English language has been described by Crystal as an “insatiable borrower.” More than 120 other languages have served as sources for the contemporary vocabulary of English. On the other hand, present-day English is also a significant donor language – the leading source of borrowings for many other languages. Stražny observes the interface between two languages and maintains, “when different languages come into contact with each other, some degree of lexical borrowing inevitable takes place”. It is a widely acknowledged truth that lexical borrowings are among the most frequently identified loans. At the commencement, all borrowings were recognized and categorized as linguistic ones. Capuz offers to divide them into three groups:
(a) Importation – this is the most direct transmission between languages. Both the form and the meaning are imported without any additional amendments. For example, CD-ROM, club, pop, bestseller, poster, show, and countless other examples in various areas of everyday life.
(b) Loan blends or hybrids – these are lexical borrowings that involve both “importation” and
“substitution” or, in other words, “transfer” and “reproduction.” Therefore, Capuz proposes a subdivision into three types of loan blends or hybrids: • transferred stem + reproduced derivative affix, like in words: filth-y (En) → fil-sig (Ger), or swing-ing (En) → swin-ant (Fr); • native stem + transferred affix, like in words: four-age (En) → Futter-age (Ger); • hybrid compounds, as in various anglicisms, like in words: porte-containers (Fr), manager de carretera (Es), or tenis de mesa (Es). (c) Substitution or loan translation – an example of lexical borrowing, which is a “complete morphemic substitution of lexical units of the language,” as Capuz elucidates. The paradigm in question always entails two or more elements. First, they are identified and analyzed, and then they
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rendered into a recipient language. Contrasting to semantic borrowing, a loan
translation deals with formulating a new lexeme in the borrowing language, like
in the example of “grate-ciel” (Fr) “sky-scraper,” this happens to be a novel
compound in French.
Syntactic Borrowings
It deals with relationships between lexemes and other words. It is the form of the morphemic substitution that is always adopted. Syntactic borrowings entail various grammatical relationships, predominantly issues of agreement, dependence, and order. Capuz proposes two types of syntactic borrowings:
(a) Syntactic Innovation – this is the case where the structure is completely unidentified in the borrowing language. For example, estar siendo + passive participle in Spanish can stand as a syntactic borrowing from the English form am/is/are + being + passive participle.
(b) Syntactic Borrowing of Higher Frequency – when the form is known and recognizable in the borrowing language. Nevertheless, it is relatively rare and limited to particular distributional contexts.
Similar to syntactic borrowings, phraseological borrowings also involve a morphemic substitution, known as loan translation. As underlined by Capuz, it “must imply a metaphor, an image,” “both the model and the loan translation must be idiomatic, with a global sense which cannot be derived from the addition of the senses of its constituents.” Some lexical loan translations carry not only the primary meaning but also some shades of it, which are conversational. They can be subdivided into three types:
(a) Locutions or lexical idioms – these are either nominal cases, like round table (En) → mesa redonda (Es), cold war (En) → guerra fría, beautiful people (En) → gente guapa (Es), or adverbial cases, like somehow (En) → de algún modo / de alguna manera (Es).
(b) Lexical and syntagmatic idioms – these are founded on a verbal construction, like to play a role (En) → jugar un papel (Es), or to be in the same boat (En) → estar en el mismo barco (Es). (c) Statements – these come as examples of formulae, cliché, or sayings as well as proverbs.
Assimilation is the process of adapting a word to the phonetic and lexico-grammatical norms of language. We distinguish three main types of assimilation: phonetic, grammatical, and lexical. Phonetic assimilation is the process of adapting the phonetic form of a derived word to the sound system of the receiving language. Grammatical assimilation is the conformity of a mastered word to the morphological or grammatical norms of the main language. If a word is grammatically mastered, it takes (accepts) English paradigms and categories. Lexical assimilations are the conformity of an adopted word to the lexical-semantic system of the main language. If a phrase is involved in word formation according to English rules, it can be called a lexically assimilated word.
In this article, we present the following classification of modern French debt: phonological debt, prosodic debt, graphemic debt, morphemic debt (copy of linked morphemes), morphological debt (copy of morphological patterns), semantic debt (semantic debt, decomposition), lexical assimilation (transfer of lexemes) and syntactic assimilation (transfer of syntactic rules).
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
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English language. Asian Symposium on Humanitarian Analyses. 249-
Annotatsiya: Quyida O`zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyevning ,,Yangi O`zbekiston strategiyasi” nomli kitobi, uning 7 ta bo`limi va shu bo`limlar o`z ichiga qanday mavzu hamda masalalarni olganligi haqida alohida qisqacha ta`rif berib o`tiladi.
Kalit so`zlar: Prezident, Renessans, strategiya, ijtimoiy siyosat, tashqi siyosat iqtisodiyot, umumbashariy muammolar, xalqparvar davlat, svilizatsiya, jamiyat, innovatsion taraqqiyot, ekologik bo`ronlar, radikalizm, terrorizm, ekstremizm.
Muhtaram Prezidentimiz Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyevning mazkur yilda yangi «Yangi O‘zbekiston Strategiyasi» nomli kitobi chop etildi. Unda Yangi O‘zbekiston va Uchinchi Renessansni qurish bo‘yicha qilinayotgan ishlar va milliy taraqqiyot istiqbollari haqida fikr yuritiladi.
Ushbu kitob muqaddima, 7 bo‘lim va xotimadan iborat.
Bo‘limlar quyidagicha nomlangan:
1.«Yangi O‘zbekiston strategiyasi»
2.«Xalqparvar davlat»
3.«Milliy iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirish»
ijtimoiy siyosat»
5.«Ma’naviy taraqqiyot»
6.«Xavfsizlik va tashqi siyosat»
7.«O‘zbekiston va umumbashariy muammolar».
Kitob so‘zboshida aytilishicha, ushbu kitobda Yangi O‘zbekistonni va Uchinchi Renessans poydevorini barpo etish borasida amalga oshirilayotgan tub o‘zgarishlar va islohotlarning maqsadi, mazmun-mohiyati hamda ustuvor yo‘nalishlari, milliy taraqqiyot istiqbollari haqida fikr yuritiladi. «Yangi O‘zbekiston orzusi, bugungi kunlarimizga nisbatan aytganda, hozirga davrning taqozosi, uning asl qiyofasini, harakatlantiruvchi kuchlari va omillarini belgilaydigan g‘oyaviy-ma’navyi asos, xalqimizga xos yaratuvchanlik shijoati va keng ko‘lamli islohotlarimizning yaqqol ifodasidir», — so‘zlari bilan kitob boshlanadi. Prezident matbuot kotibining ma’lum qilishicha, Shavkat Mirziyoyevning saylovoldi dasturi ham «Yangi O‘zbekiston strategiyasi» deb nomlanadi.
Ushbu kitobning har bitta bo`limi o`z oldiga qo`ygan maqsad va vazifalariga egadir. Ana endi ular bilan yaqindan qisqacha tanishib chiqamiz. Bulardan birinchi bo`limi ,,Yangi O`zbekiston Strategiyasi” deb nomlanadi. Bu bo`limda xususan Yangi O`zbekistonning orzusi, fenomeni, yangilanish va taraqqiyot omillari va yangilanayotgan O`zbekiston haqida so`z yuritiladi.
Aynan hozirgi kunda yangi O`zbekiston orzusi, bugungi kunlarimizga nisbatan aytganda, hozirgi davrning taqazosi, uning asl qiyofasini, harakatlantiruvchi kuchlari va omillarini belgilaydigan g`oyaviy-ma`naviy asos, xalqimizga xos yaratuvchanlik shijoati va keng ko`lamli islohotlarimizning yaqqol ifodasidir.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
kunda Yangi O`zbekiston strategiyasi hayotbaxsh xususiyat kasb etmoqda,ya`ni
xalqimizni yorug` kelajakka chorlab va yangilanishga safarbar qilib, umumiy
maqsadlar yo`lida birlashtirib turadigan yaxlit ma`naviy asos va mezonga
aylanib bormoqda desak aslo mubolag`a bo`lmaydi.
,,O`z kuch va imkoniyatlarimizga bo`lgan ishonch bizni yangi o`zbekistonni barpo etish va yangi uyg`onish davri poydevorini yaratishdek ulug` maqsad yo`lida birlashtirib, yanada kuchli va mustahkam qilmoqda”,-deydi Prezidentimiz Sh.Mirziyoyev.
Shu tariqa uzoq o`tmishdan hozirgi davrgacha milliy tafakkurimiz negizida shakllanib kelgan, turli g`oy ava amaliy harakatlarda o`z ifodasini topgan el-yurtimizning orzu-umidlari bugungi kunda Yangi O`zbekiston tushunchasida mujassam bo`ldi.
Yangi O`zbekiston strategiyasi, oliyjanob niyatlarni amalga oshirish, yangi hayot qurish yo`lidagi beqiyos o`zgarishlar hammamizdan fidoiylik va bunyodkorlikni, yanada kata jonbozlikni talab etmoqda.
Biz Yangi O`zbekistonni mard va olijanob xalqimiz bilan birgalikda barpo etamiz, degan ulug`vor niyatni o`z oldimizga qo`yganmiz. Bu borada ,,Jamiyat-islohotlar tashabbuskori”-degan yondashuv kundalik faoliyatimizga tobora chuqur kirib bormoqda. Chunki, bugungi xalqimiz-kechagi xalq emas. Bugungi O`zbekiston ham-kechagi O`zbekiston emas. Shu bois, demokratik islohotlar yo`libiz uchun yakkayu-yagona va eng to`g`ri yo`ldir. Bu borada biz har kuni izlanishdamiz, horijdagi ilg`or tajribalarni chuqur o`rganib, hayotimizni, o`qish va ish uslubimizni takomillashtirishga harakat qilmoqdamiz desak yanglishmagan bo`lamiz.
Mazkur kitobning ikkinchi bo`limi ,,Xalqparvar davlat” deb nomlanadi. Bu bo`limda ,,Davlat-inson uchun” tamoyili-demokratik islohotlar mezoni, Davlat organlari, Davlat boshqaruvining svilizatsiyaviy imkoniyatlari, hududiy masalalarni hal qilish mas`uliyati,qonun ijodkorligi va huquqni qo`llash amaliyoti, mustaqil va odil sud tizimi, erkin va ochiq fuqarolik jamiyati va ijtimoiy mas`uliyatli ommaviy axborot vositalari haqida so`z yuritiladi.
Jumladn, ,,Davlat-inson uchun” tamoyiliga amal qilish, insonni va uning manfaatlarini davlat siyosati va islohotlarning asosiy mezoniga aylantirish lozimligidan dalolat beradi. Bu nafaqat yurtimizda, balki butun dunyoda mazkur islohotlarning eng demokratik tamoyillarga mosligi, ularning pirovard maqsadi va davlat siyosatining ustuvor yo`nalishi inson manfaatlari, haqhuquqlari va erkinliklarini ta`minlashga qaratilganining e`tirof etilishiga sabab bo`lmoqda.
Uchinchi bo`limi ,,Milliy iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirish” deb nomlanadi va bunda iqtisodiyot-jamiyat hayotining tanasi ekanligi, xususiy mulk va tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirish, iqtisodiyot tarmoqlarini modernizatsiya qilish,qishloq xo`jaligini jadal rivojlantirish, suv resurslarini samaradorligini oshirish, hududlarning iqtisodiy taraqqiyoti, Turizm-O`zbekiston iqtisodiyotining drayveri, raqamli iqtisodiyot sari tashlanayotgan qadamlar haqida so`z boradi.
To`rtinchi bo`limi ,,Adolatli ijtimoiy siyosat” deb nomlanib, bu bo`limda kuchli ijtimoiy siyosat uning mohiyati va imkoniyatlari, Sog`liqni saqlash, muammolar va echimlar, sog`lom turmush tarsi madaniyati, jismoniy tarbiya va sport, ta`lim va tarbiya, yangi imkoniyatlar, ilm-fan-innovatsion taraqqiyot asosi, ayol baxtli bo`lsa jamiyat baxtlidir, yoshlar-Yangi O`zbekiston bunyodkori mavzulari asosida so`z yuritiladi.
Beshinchi bo`limi ,,Ma`naviy taraqqiyot” deb nomlanadi. Bu bo`limda Ma`naviy yangilanish, imkoniyat vaistiqbollar, yangi ma`naviy makonni yaratish borasidagi vazifalar, ma`rifiy islohotlar va barkamol inson tarbiyasi, Yangi O`zbekiston va ma`naviy yangilanish, ma`rifatli jamiyat sari hamda milliy va umuminsoniy qadriyatlar uyg`unligi haqida yoritilib o`tilgan.
Oltinchi bo`lim ,,Xavfsizlik va tashqi siyosat” deb nomlanadi. Bu bo`lim quyidagi mavzularni o`z ichiga oladi: Mamlakat xavfsizligi va mudofaa salohiyati, Ochiq va progmatik faol tashqi siyosat-
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
ustuvor vazifamiz, BMT va xalqaro tashkilotlar bilan hamkorlik va shu bilan birgalikda MarkaziyJanubiy Osiyo va O`zbekiston taraqqiyoti kabi.
yakunlovchi yettinchi bo`lim ,,O`zbekiston va umumbashariy muammolar” deb
nomlanadi hamda bub o`limda davrimizning global muammolari va O`zbekiston
taraqqiyoti, iqlim o`zgarishlari, ekologik bo`ronlar, Orol va ona tabiatni
asrash zarurati, Radikalizm, ekstremizm va terrorizm-barqaror taraqqiyot
kushandasi sifatida, korruptsiyadan holi dunyo-umumbashariy orzu, kambag`allik:
umuminsoniy va milliy muammolar, xavfsiz, tartibli va qonuniy mehnat
migratsiyasi hamda samarali migratsiya siyosati va oxirgi mavzu bugungi kunning
eng dolzarb muammolaridan biri ya`ni pandemiya tahdidi va unga qarshi kurash
tajribamiz deb nomlangan va kengdan bayon etilgan.
Xulosa qilib aytadigan bo`lsak, jamiyatimizning bugungi taraqqiyot bosqichi uning iqtisodiy, ijtimoiy, siyosiy-huquqiy, ma`naviy va ma`rifiy hayotida o`zgarish, yangilanish va inkor dialektikasi bilan bog`liq holatlar tabiiy tarzda ro`y bermoqda. Ushbu murakkab va serqirra yangilanish jarayonida hayotning barcha jihatlari va xususiyatlari bir kunda va avtomatik tarzda o`zgarib, yangilanib ketmaydi, albatta. Bugungi yangi davrning ijtimoiy-siyosiy tuzilishiga mos keladigan, yangi tizim va tuzilmalar shakllanishi va oyoqqa turib ketishi uchun ish uslublarimiz va faoliyatimiz mezonlarini doimiy takomillashtirib borishimiz zarur. Jahonda koronavirus pandemiyasi va global inqiroz davom etayotgan hozirgi murakkab sharoitda mamlakatimizda boshlangan keng qamrovli islohotlar, Yangi O`zbekistonni barpo etish sari tashlayotgan dadil qadamlarimizning bardavom bo`lishini ta`minlash eng asosiy vazifamiz bo`lishi shart.Barchamiz aminmizki, yuksak salohiyatli xalqimiz o`zining g`ayrat shijoati va fidokorona mehnati bilan yurtimizda Yangi O`zbekiston-Uchinchi Renessansni bunyod etishga albatta qodir.
Muhtaram Prezidentimiz Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyevning shu kabi ilg`or g`oyalarini, fikrlarini qo`llab-quvvatlagan holda faxr va iftixor ila shuni ayta olamanki, men millati, tili va dinidan qat`I nazar, barcha yurtdoshlarimiz, tengdoshlarimiz bilan birgalikda ana shunday ulug` va sharafli safda-Yangi O`zbekiston bunyodkorlari safida ekanligimdan behad baxtiyorman.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar:
1. Sh.Mirziyoyev "YANGI O`ZBEKISTON STRATEGIYASI".-Toshkent ,,O`zbekiston” nashriyoti, 2021. 464 bet.
Ассистент, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Бакалавр 2-курс, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Резюме: В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы контролирования негативных влияний химических агентов и системный подход химического анализа рисков и опасностей. Обсуждаются вопросы идентификации, оценки и менеджмента риска.
Ключевые слова: Оценка риска, идентификация и менеджмент опасностей, анализ, качество, безопасность, достоверность.
качества пищевого продукта – это сложный процесс направленный на оценку
показателей ПП или цепи производства и на предпринимание корректирующих
действий для обеспечения и гарантирования качества ПП. Пищевой продукт или
процесс производства ПП контролируется по всей цепи производства (технологической
цепочки) от сырья до готового продукта.
Цель данной статьи заключается в обсуждении и предоставлении общей картины основных стадией и компонентов интегрируемых в данную концепцию (табл. 1)
Результаты и их с обсуждении
Табл.1. Обзор целей и компонентов интегрированных в химический контроль ПП.
Основной цель данной концепции заключается в контролирование негативного влияния химических опасностей на безопасность ПП. Для осуществления этого необходимо проводить подходящей анализ химических рисков (I) и предоставить систему химического контроля (II). Согласно табл.1 анализ химического риска (I) – это процесс, состоящий из трех компонентов: оценки риска(1), менеджмент риска(2) и коммуникации риска (3). Эти три компонента представляют 3 обязательные стадии, которым следует следовать, если мы задались целью знать как оценивать, как исправлять и предотвращать возникновение различных химических опасностей и ПП [1].
Химический контроль (II) включает все шаги и действие, предназначенные на оценку, исправление и предотвращение химической опасности, или уменьшить её до допустимых значений в цепи ПП. Анализ химических рисков и химический контроль обладают собственной целью и шагами (стадиями), которые характеризуются специальными терминами, которые подробно описываются ниже.
Химическая безопасность ПП является частью общей концепции ПБ и рассматривает влияние различных факторов химических рисков на качество ПП. Для гарантирования ПБ необходимо следовать химическому контролю ПБ. Поэтому неограниченное значение
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social
различных терминов, используемых в этой сфере является важным для понимания их смысла, их взаимосвязей и роли [2].
Мы приводим ниже определение 14 ключевых слов, используемых при химическом контроле ПП.
1. Химический фактор риска – химический агент или опасность, найденные в ПП, который может оказать ущерб здоровью.
2. Химический контроль – любой шаг или активность, направленный на оценку и коррекцию риска ПБ (в результате случайной экспозиции к химикату, химическому разложению в ходе переработки и т.д.).
3. Анализ химического риска – процесс состоящий из трех компонентов: оценки риска (1), менеджмента риска (2) и коммуникации риска (3).
4. Оценка химического риска – научная и практическая оценка известного или потенциального эффекта на здоровье, в результате экспозиции человека к химической опасности.
5. Идентификация химической опасности - идентификация известных или потенциальных эффектов на здоровые связанных со специальным химическим агентом.
6. Охарактеризованные химической опасности – качественная и/или количественная оценка (путем анализа опасности) вреда связанного с специфическим химическим агентом. 7. Анализ опасности – процесс сбора и оценки информации по химическим опасностям и условиям, ведущим к их возникновению, для того, чтобы решить их значимость для химической безопасности ПП и защиты его.
8. Химическая безопасность ПП – процесс обеспечения, которые предотвращает вред потребителю благодаря факторам химического риска, находимого в ПП при его приготовление и/или потреблении.
9. Химическая защита ПП – гарантия того, что ПП не содержит химикаты, которые влияют на здоровье человека или не представляют опасности переработки.
10. Оценка экспозиции – качественная и/или количественная оценка степени потребления (всасывания) человеком.
11. Оценка риска – интеграция идентификации опасности, характеристики её, оценки риска и подсчет экспозиции для того, чтобы рассчитать вредный эффект различных специфических химикатов данной популяции.
12. Менеджмент риска – процесс выбора политики альтернативной существующей, минимизировать или уменьшать допущенные риски, и подобрать и внедрить соответствующие усилия.
13. Корректирующее действие и любые необходимые действия, предпринимаемые для возвращения хорошего качества ПП в отношении фактора химического риска.
14. Коммуникация риска – интерактивный процесс обмена информацией и мнением по риску среди менеджеров пищевой индустрии или сообщать таможенникам и потребителям [3].
В соответствии с основными целями и объектами химического контроля ПП (табл.2 ) следующие аспекты должны быть рассмотрены в этой статье.
1. Аспекты, касающиеся анализа химического риска (I), в основном оценки химического риска (I.1) путем идентификации опасности, характеристики её и оценки экспозиции.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
2. Аспекты, касающиеся менеджмента риска и коммуникации риска (I.2 и I.3), которые являются общими при контроле многих факторов риска (включая химические риски).
относящиеся к химическому контролю (II) путем идентификации критических
контрольных точек (ККТ), установления критических лимитов и мониторинг с
помощью системы НАССР [ 3 ].
В табл.1. Интегрированы специфические объекты оценки химических Рисков и активности, которые осуществляются для достижения этих целей.
Таблица 1. Цели и активности, которые включены в оценку химических рисков.
Цель работы |
Активность (что определяется) |
идентификация опасности |
типы химикатов как влияет на работников ПП природа вредных действий химикатов на здоровье людей |
характеристика опасности |
Связь специфического химиката со специфическим токсикологическими последствиями зависимость между токсической дозой и целевым органом или организмом. Идентификация «нулевого эффекта» |
Оценка риска а) идентификация риска экспозицией к данному химикату б) сили риска экспозицией к определенному количеству данного химиката |
Качественный анализ ПП: выделение и идентификации риска химиката Количественный анализ ПП выделение, идентификация и количественное определение риска химиката |
Анализ экспозиции |
Количество химикатов, которым заражен ПП. Количество ПП, которое потреблялось относительно риска химической интоксикации |
Таблица 2. Основные методы, часто используемым для качественный и количественной оценки факторов риска в ПП
Тип оценки |
Свойство ПП/ фактор риска |
Тип метода |
методика |
сенсорная оценка |
цвет, выд текстура |
тесты потребителя |
визуально наблюдени, инспекция, сравнении |
физические свойства |
рН toC влажность Wα реология вязкость |
инструментальный гравиметрия |
потенциометрия термометр, упарыватель |
химический анализ состава ПП |
идентификация компонентов ПП, на которых действуют факторы риска: углеводы, липиды белки, а-к-ты, ферменты, витамины |
разделение с идентификацией. Прямое инструментальное определения химических рисков, энигматический методы |
хроматография (ГЖ, TLC,HPLC, TX) адсорбция, ион обмен, электрофорез, АА и племенная фотометрия, кондуктометрия, потенциометрия, спектроскопия, колориметрия. Радио |
иммуноанализ |
идентификация химических факторов риска |
токсичные остатки, эндогенные токсиканты, контаминанты окруж-среды, пищевые добавки, токсины пищевых разложений и мигрирующие из упаковочного материала |
метаболические биомаркеры (молочная АТФ и др.) |
кислота |
флуоресценция, иммуноферментативные пробы (ELISA) |
остатки |
пестициды, анбибиотики, гормоны, встеринарные лекарства |
HPLC GC-Ms ∆C - Ms |
эндогенные токсины |
алкалоиды, фенолы микотоксины биогенные амины |
HPLC GC-Ms ∆C - Ms |
пищевые добавки |
Красители, антиоксиданты, эмульгаторы, пенообразователи |
HPLC GC-Ms ∆C - Ms |
токсины окружающей среды |
Нитраты, нитриты, фертилизаторы, микотоксины, тяжелые металлы, ПАУ, ПХБ, диоксины |
HPLC GC-Ms ∆C - Ms |
токсины, образующиеся при обработке и миграции |
ПАУ, акриламид пероксиды липидов |
HPLC GC-Ms ∆C - Ms |
Некоторые примеры химического анализа для идентификации и квантификации химических факторов риска.
того, чтобы демонстрировать применение концепции и методологии (методов)
техники, описанных выше, мы предлагаем некоторые отобранные примеры
«Ситуационного анализа» - «Cаse Studies», учитывая основные агенты химического
риска ПП. Следует учесть тот факт, что в литературе и в организациях по
международным стандартам разработаны эти новые методы – быстрые, недорогие,
предназначенные для идентификации и количественной оценки химикатов. В качестве
факторов риска пищевой безопасности [4].
Существует разработанных много методов, основанных на ГХ – Мс или ЖХВРС для различных пестицидов. В общем хлорорганические и фосфорорганические пестициды разделяются ГХ, а карбонаты ЖХВРС.
Анализ микотоксинов. Эффективный отбор проб, подготовка проб и методы анализа мекотоксинов из пП и кормов составляют основу процедур качество контроля. Т.к. микотоксины имеют разнообразные структуры, то отсутствует единая форма методик
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
и подследовательность схем, т.е. отбор проб, экстракция определенным
растворителем, очистка, разделение, детекция, квантификация и наконец,
подтверждение. Основные процедуры, используемые при анализе микотоксинов
приведены в табл.2. [5]
Заключение. Таким образом, рассмотренные методы имеют примение в конкретных анализах химической безопасности пищевых продуктов. Выбор того или иного метода и схема анализа зависят от поставленной задачи исследования.
1. Socaciu C. “Analysis of chtmical food safety”, jn “Safety in the fgri-jood chair” wrgen. Acad.Publ., Netherlands, 550, 2016
2. Bossi A. Et.all. “Review Carillary Electrophoredis Coupled” fj Biosenser Detection”
S.Chromogr. 441, 162, 2010
3. Herman H. “rapid antomated analysis of fntioxidants”, Labor Praxis, 44, 32,216
4. Мухамадиев Б.Т. «Технохимический контроль пищевых продуктов», Арнапринт, Ташкент, 2007
5. Б.Т.Мухамадиев «Химические опасности пищевых продуктов » Монография Бухара,
2007, 118 стр.
6. Математический подход к химическим задачам Рахимов Ф.Ф., Садикова М.И. 2021.74-
Резюме: Бўлажак ўқитувчи шахсини ривожлантиришнинг акмеологик компетенцияси назарий ва амалий тайёргарликнинг бирлиги ва касбий фаолиятни профессионал тарзда амалга ошириш қобилияти сифатида белгиланади.
Калт сўзи: Бўлажак ўқитувчи, шахс, акмеология, компетенция,назарий ва амалий тайёргарлик.
юнонча акме –юксак поғона, зийраклик, юқари – тиббиёт, ижтимоий,
табий фанларнинг туташувида мойданга келиб, феноменологияни, инсон
тараққиётининг қонуният ва механизмларини, инсоннинг
камототга еришиш поғонасида унинг бу тарақиёти анча юқари
даражага еришувини урганадиган фан хисобланиб энди “Компетенция” атамаси кенг
маънода умумий масалаларни ҳал этишда амалий тажрибалар асосида билим ва
малакаларни қўллаш, муваффақиятли ҳаракат қилиш
қобилиятини билдиради. Лотинча “campetere”- мувофиқ бўлмоқ
сўзидан келиб чиққан. Ҳозирги кунда “компетенция” атамаси
турли соҳаларда қўлланилади: ҳуқуқшунослик,
тилшунослик, маданият соҳаларида, шунингдек ташкилот, муассаса ёки
компаниянинг муҳим компетенциялари. Лекин ходимларни бошқариш
нуқтаи назаридан “компетенция” атамаси қизиқтиради, шунинг
учун ходимларнинг касбий компетенцияси ҳақида фикр юритамиз.
Америкалик психолог ва инсон мотивацияси тадқиқотчиси Девид
Маклиланд ташкилот, муассаса ёки компанияга компетентли ёндашувнинг бошланишида
шуни таъкидлайдики, “Инсон шахси ўрганилаётганда номзод ёки ходим ўзининг
касбий фаолиятидаги муваффақиятлари ҳақида тўғри жавоб
бермайди, чунки одам доимо ўзининг менига юқори баҳо беради, шунинг
учун компетентли ёндашув ташкилот, муассаса ёки компания администрацияси
томонидан қонун доирасида ишлаб чиқилиши керак. Ходимлар билан
ишлашда компетентли ёндашув ходимларни танлаш, баҳолаш, ўқитиш ва
ривожлантиришга қаратилган. Бунда аниқ ходимнинг тегишли касбий
компетенцияга эга эканлиги ва даражаси аниқланади. “Касбий компетенция”
атамаси шундай изоҳланади: “бу ходимнинг лавозим талабларига
мувофиқ ишлаш қобилиятидир”: Касбий компетенциялар шахсий тавсифлар
каби баён этилиши мумкин, масалан, “стрессга чидамли”, “команда ишига
лаёқатлилик”, “креативлилик” компетенциялари, худди шундай эгаллаган
малакалари каби кўрсатилиши ҳам мумкин, масалан: “музокара олиб бориш”,
“бизнес-режа тузиш” компетенциялари. Лавозим компетенцияси рўйхатини
шакллантиришда қуйидаги иккита қоидани ёдда тутиш лозим:
Ø феъл-атвори (бевосита кўриш мумкин бўлган);
Ø аниқ жиҳатлари (компетенция даражасини аниқлашдаги асос) Касбий компетенция намуналаридан бир нечасини келтирамиз:
“Ишонтира олиш” компетенцияси. Аниқлаш: Бошқаларга таъсир кўрсатиб, уларни ўз қарор ва ҳаракатларига кўндириш.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
компетенцияси. Аниқлаш: ҳаракатни бошлаб бериш ва шахсий ижобий
жиҳатлари билан воқеага самарали таъсир кўрсата олиш. Доимо
изланишда бўлиш, янги вазифаларни, қўшимча ишларни ўз зиммасига олиш.
Одатда ҳар бир лавозим учун 5-10 та асосий касбий компетенция белгиланади. Улар баён этилади. Бундай ҳолатларда раҳбар томонидан тест саволлари шакллантирилса мақсад мувофиқ бўлади. Берилаётган тест саволларининг ҳар бири маълум компетенцияга мослаштирилади. Тест ҳодимларнинг ушбу компетенцияларни қанчалик эгалланганликларини кўрсатади. Тест натижаларига кўра ходимларнинг компетенцияни эгаллаш даражалари аниқланади, масалан:
Компетентли ёндашув қуйидагиларни амалга ошириш имконини беради:
Ø ходимларнинг эгаллаган лавозимига муносиблигини баҳолаш;
Ø ишга қабул қилишда янги лойиҳани амалга оширишда ҳодимларни танлаш, вакант лавозимга номзодни танлаш;
Ø ҳодимларни маълум вақтда аттестациядан ўтказиш, камчилик аниқланганда қўшимча ўқитиш.
Хулоса қилиб айтганда, булажак ўқитувчи баҳолаш омили сифатида компетенция билан ишлаш, ишхонанинг ҳамма учун ягона тасдиқланган стандартлари асосида ходимларнинг реал тавсифномаларини ва малакаларини баҳолаш имконини беради. Умуман олганда булажак ўқитувчининг компетентли ёндашуви - бу ташкилот, муассасанинг ривожланиши ва гуллаб-яшнаши учун асосий омилдир. Иш жараёнини юқорида келтирилган тартибда ташкил этилса, биз жамият ривожланишига ўзимизнинг муносиб даражада ҳиссамизни қўшишимиз мумкин.
Фойдаланилган адабиётлар:
1. Маркова А.К. Психология профессионализма. – М.: Знание, 1996.
2. Муслимов Н.А. Бўлажак касб таълими ўқитувчиларини касбий шакллантириш / Монография. – Т.: Фан, 2004.
3. Муслимов Н.А., ва бошқалар. Касб таълими ўқитувчиларининг касбий компетентлигини шакллантириш технологияси/ Монография. – Т.: “Фан ва технология” нашриѐти, 2013.
Farg'ona Politexnika Instituti Qurilish fakulteti Geodeziya Kartografiya va Kadastr yo'nalishi
2-bosqich talabasi
Annotasiya: Ushbu maqolada Mustaqillik davridagi o'zgarishlar, hozirgi kunda yangi O'zbekistonda yoshlarga bo'lgan e'tibor,ularni Vatanparvarlik ruhida o'sishi, ta'lim-tarbiya olishi,jahon arenalarida yuksaklarga chiqayotgan o'smirlarimiz,O'zbekistonning ertangi yorug' va farovon hayoti,kelajagi ular qo'lida ekanligi eng asosiysi ma'rifatli jamiyat qurishda yoshlarning ro'li juda muhimligi ko'rsatilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: Jamiyat, murojaatnoma,,"Harakatlar Strategiyasi", Mustaqillik, yurt tinchligi,Vatan ravnaqi,inson qadri,xalq faravonligi,yosh avlod, "Taraqqiyot Strategiyasi".
ma'lumki,mustaqillik sharofati bilan mamlakatimizda Ijtimoiy adolat va huquqiy
tenglik tamoyillari toʻliq qaror topgan,yuksak ma’naviyat va ma’rifatga
ega boʻlgan jamiyat barpo etish,yurtdoshlarimizning asriy orzularini
roʻyobga chiqarish imkoni paydo boʻldi. Ushbu niyyatlarga erishish
esa, koʻplab omillar bilan bevosita bogʻliq boʻlib, yurtimizda
mustaqil taraqqiyotning dastlabki davrlaridan boshlaboq bu omillar aniq –
ravshan belgilab olindi va ularga tayangan holda sa’y-harakatlar amalga oshirishga
kirishildiki, aytish mumkinki, bular oʻtgan qisqa davr mobaynida
erishilgan barcha ijobiy natijalarimizning garovi boʻladi. Bunda aholining
eng nozik qatlami boʻlgan yoshlarga nisbatan hukumatimiz tomonidan alohida
munosabatda boʻlinganligi eng e’tiborga molik jihati boʻldi deyish
mumkin. Shuni takidlash joizki, aslida, mustaqillik davriga kelib yoshlarga
nisbatan alohida munosabatda boʻlish zarurligini hayotning oʻzi
taqozo qila boshladi. Xususan, bu davrga kelib jamiyat taraqqiyoti yangi izga
koʻchirilishi bilan ayrim muammolarga ham duch kelina boshlaganligini
bugun yodga olish oʻrinlidir. Gap shundaki, muayyan qadriyatlarga e’tiqod
qoʻyib yashash jamiyat taraqqiyotiga xos boʻlgan muhim
xususiyatlardan biridir.
Mustaqillik tufayli sobiq sovet tuzimiga xos boʻlgan qadriyatlardan voz kechilishi oqibatida ma’lum bir davr mobaynida kishilar ongida gʻoyaviy boʻshliqning vujudga kelishi tufayli ayrim yod gʻoyalarning kirib kelish jarayonida ancha jonlanish koʻzga tashlana boshladi. Bu xodisa jamiyat aholisining keng qatlamlarini nishonga ola boshlaganligi pirovard oqibatda salbiy hodisalarning yuz berishiga sababchi boʻldi. Afsuski, bunday mafkuraviy xurujlar ta’siriga tushib qolish oqibatida koʻp hollarda asosan yoshlardan iborat guruhlar ana shu gʻanim kuchlarning zararli gʻoyalarini singdirib, ularning nogʻorasiga oʻynash, oʻz yurti va Vataniga ochiqdan-ochiq hiyonat qilish, kishilarning tinch-osoyishta turmushini buzish, turli ekstremistik hatti-harakatlarni sodir etish yoʻliga oʻtib oldilar. Natijada barchamizning xotiramizda oʻchmas iz qoldirgan muthish voqealar sifatidagi ba’zi qoʻporuvchilik harakatlarini sodir etdilar. Hali turmush tashvishlarini tatib koʻrmagan, hayotning ogʻir-yengil sinovlariga duch kelmagan ayrim gʻoʻr yoshlar uchun bunday makkarona qarmoqqa osongina ilinish ularning boshiga mutxish sinovlarni soldi, doʻst bilan dushmanning, chin bilan yolgʻonning, haqiqat bilan boʻxtonning farqiga yetib ulgirmagan sodda yoshlarimizning bu vakillari murakkab hayotiy imtixonlar bilan yuzma-yuz kelishiga togʻri keldi.
Roʻy bergan ushbu voqea-hodisalar ham oʻz navbatida mamlakatimizda jamiyat va davlat boshqaruvida yoshlarga nisbatan, ularning ijtimoiy ongini va dunyo qarashini shakillantirish,
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
huquqiy ongi va madaniyatini qaror toptirishda oʻta dolzarb masala
sifatida qarash lozimligini bildiradi. Qolaversa, bu masalaga jamiyat
boshqaruvida davlat siyosatining ustuvor vazifalaridan biri sifatida
munosabatda boʻlish lozimligini koʻrsatadi.
Ma’lumki, mamlakatimiz Prezidenti Sh.M.Mirziyoyev 2020-yil 29-dekabr kungi Respublikamiz
Oliy Majlisda soʻzlagan Murojatnomasida ham alohida ta’kidlaganidek, yurtimiz aholisining uchdan ikki qismi(65%) yoshlardan iborat, uning istiqboli ham aynan ular qoʻlida. Shunday ekan, yurtimiz taraqqiyotining ertangi kuni ham bugungi yoshlarga nisbatan qanchalik qaygʻurish, ularning turli ehtiyojlarini atroflicha oʻrganish, mehr-muruvvat koʻrsatishga bogʻliq. Bu toʻgʻrida Murojatnomada alohida qayd etildiki, endilikda yurtimizda “Bola tugʻilganidan boshlab, 30 yoshgacha boʻlgan davrda uni har tomonlama qoʻllab-quvvatlaydigan, hayotda munosib oʻrin topishi uchun koʻmak beradigan, yahlit va uzluksiz tizim yaratiladi”.
Xuddi shu bois Prezidentimiz tashabbusi bilan 2021-yil Oʻzbekistonda “Yoshlarni qoʻllabquvvatlash va aholi salomatligini mustahkamlash yili” deb ataldi. Murojaatnomada alohida urgʻu berilganidek yangilanayotgan Oʻzbekiston demokratik huquqiy davlat sifatida mamlakatimizda adolatli fuqarolik jamiyat qurish yoʻlidan bormoqda. Yurtimizda fuqarolarning, ayniqsa, yoshlarning salohiyatini koʻtarish, ularning huquqiy saviyasi va bilimlarini oshirishga katta e’tibor qaratilmoqda. Aytish mumkinki, yoshlarning huquqiy ongi va huquqiy madaniyatini yuksaltirish avvalo xalqimizning oʻziga xos turmush tarzi, boy tarixi va madaniyati, oʻtmish qadryatlarini har tomonlama chuqur oʻrganish negizida amalga oshirish uchun harakat qilinayotganligi bugungi kunda oʻzining ijobiy samaralarini bermoqda.
Prezidentimiz Sh.M.Mirziyoyevning yaqinda yurtimiz yoshlari bilan ochiq muloqot chogʻida mamlakatimizda yoshlar muammolarini oʻrganish, ularni oʻz vaqtida hal qilish, huquq va gʻoyalari atrofida birlashtirish va yakdil qilish maqsadida hukumatimiz tomonidan koʻrsatilayotgan alohida gʻamhorliklar misolida qayd etildi. Mamlakat rahbarining bunday gʻamhorligi oʻz navbatida yoshlarimiz tomonidan shu yurtga sadoqat bilan xizmat qilish, uning koriga yarash, ertangi kuni uchun qaygʻurish singari fazilatlarini namoyon etishda isbotini topmogʻi lozim. Yoshlar uchun yaratilayotgan sharoitlar kundan kunga ortib bormoqda. Ularni ruhan, jismonan yetuk boʻlib voyaga yetishishi maqsadida sport komplekslari, zamonaviy maktablar qurib bitkazilib fodalanishga topshirilmoqda.
Yoshlar bilan uchrashuv mobaynida ularning fikrlari, gʻoyalari eshitilib, oʻsha joyning oʻzida ijobiy hal etildi. Hursand boʻladigan joyi shundaki, Prezidentimiz yoshlardagi shijoat,kuchgʻayratni,koʻzlaridagi ertangi kunga boʻlgan ishonchni koʻrib,ulardan kuch-quvvat oldi desam mubolagʻa boʻlmaydi.
Darhaqiqat, yoshlarimiz bildirilgan ishonchga “labbay” deb bermoqdalar, Vatanimizning bayroqlarini Jahon arenalarida yuksalarga koʻtarmoqdalar. Xususan 2021-yil Tokioda boʻlib oʻtgan yozgi Olimpiada oʻyinlarida sportchilarimiz yuksak natijalarga erishdilar, quvonarlisi xatto Jahon rekordini ham qayd etgani kishida oʻzgacha fahr tuygʻusini uygʻotadi. Bahodir Jalolov va Ulugʻbek Rashidovlar singari oʻzbekning mard oʻgʻlonlari medallar shodalarini Vatanimiz mustaqilligining 30-yillik toʻyiga tuhfa etdilar. Kuni kecha Shaxmat boʻyicha oʻtkazilgan Jahon chepionatida Nodirbek Abdusattorov amaldagi chempion Magnus Karlsnni magʻlub etib chempionlikni qoʻlga kiritdi. Barchamizga malumki Prezidentimiz aytganidek "Inson qadri uchun" tamoyili asosida 20221-2026 yillarga mo'ljallangan " Taraqqiyot Strategiyasi" ishlab chiqildi. Kelgusida ushbu Strategiyada ham bir qancha islohatlarni,keng ko'lamdagi o'zgarishlarni va eng asosiysi Inson qadriqimmati uchun zarur bo'lgan barcha ishlarni amalga oshiramiz.
Bunday yuragida oʻti bor, togʻni talqon qiladigan, ilmu-ziyo olamda tengsiz boʻlgan yoshlarimiz yangilanayotgan Oʻzbekistoninng, uning istiqbolli kelajagining bunyodkorlari desak maqsadga muvofiq boʻldi.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
tengdoshlarim! “Qoʻlni qoʻlga bering doʻstlar! Bir tanu bir jon
boʻlaylik. Yurtboshimiz orzu qilgan kelajakni quraylik”
1. 2021-yildagi Prezident Sh.M.Mirziyoyevni Oliy Majlis va Xalqaga Murojaatnomasi.
2. 2017-2021-yillarga moʻljallangan "Harakatlar Strategiyasi"
3. Олтмишева Насибахон Гулямжоновна Методы повышения познавательной и творческой активности молодежи // Вопросы науки и образования. 2019. №4 (49). URL:
4. Насибахон Ғуломжоновна Олтмишева ЁШЛАР ИЖТИМОИЙ ФАОЛЛИГИНИ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШ – ЖАМИЯТ ТАРАҚҚИЁТИНИНГ МУҲИМ ОМИЛИ // Scientific progress. 2021. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/yoshlar-izhtimoiy-faolliginirivozhlantirish-zhamiyat-tara-iyotining-mu-im-omili (дата обращения: 06.01.2022).
KHANAT. In Конференции.
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7. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
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14. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274277.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH
Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE
PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
Assistant of the Department of Food Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Student of the Department of Food Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Abstract: The article provides information about the composition of the medicinal plant amaranth, its medicinal properties, as well as the production of various food additives based on amaranth.
Key words: amaranth plant, amaranth oil, nutritional supplement, composition of amaranth oil, application, medicinal properties.
Amaranth is native to South America and has been used by locals as a cultivated plant for 8,000 years.
later spread to North America, India, and Asia, reaching China. It is now
widely used as a cereal and vegetable crop in the mountainous regions of India,
Pakistan, Nepal and China. Introduced in European countries, such as Russia and
Ukraine, the plant is widely used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology, industry,
agriculture and other sectors of the economy. In some countries it is also
grown as an ornamental plant for its colorful inflorescences and leaves. It has
65 varieties and more than 900 species.
Amaranth oil is used in medicine in the biosynthesis of cholesterol; in cleansing the body of radionuclides, salts of heavy metals; infectious diseases, herpes, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, diabetes, liver disease, urinary tract infections, atherosclerosis, anemia, beriberi, angina pectoris, hypertension, oncological and cardiovascular diseases, widely used in solving problems. Dramatically improves immunity, is an unprecedented means of combating anemia.
Amaranth seeds serve as a source of oil and squalene. Although the squalene required for the pharmaceutical industry is obtained from the liver of sharks and whales, the high content of these substances in amaranth oil (8%) and the presence of phytosterols and other substances with medicinal properties necessary for human health are known to science. After that, the emphasis on amaranth oil increases dramatically. Amaranth oil contains 77% unsaturated fatty acids, 50% of which are linoleic and linolenic acids. Vitamin E in the form of tocopherols in fat has an antioxidant effect, lowering blood cholesterol levels. The oil also retains rutin and vitamin R, and has antimicrobial and fungicidal properties.
Amaranth oil and the seeds themselves are traditionally valuable medicinal components - especially in folk medicine. Amaranth oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of rutin, carotenoids and some of it should be noted that there is a valuable drug - squalene. Not very saturated fatty acids are undoubtedly useful: they are useful in cardiovascular diseases. The effectiveness of its use in prevention has been proven. They also have evidence that it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Squalene slows down the aging process in the body.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
amaranth oil is used in the biosynthesis of cholesterol, oncological and
cardiovascular problems, ischemic diseases, detoxification of the body from
radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, infectious diseases, herpes, psoriasis,
vitiligo, neurodermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, ulcers of the
gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, is widely used in diabetes, liver
diseases, urinary tract infections, atherosclerosis, anemia, beriberi, angina
pectoris, hypertension, etc., and also as a means of dramatically increasing
Due to its biochemical composition, amaranth is a valuable plant for obtaining high quality feed. Depending on the growth phases in the blue mass of amaranth (relative to the absolute dry mass): crude protein 15.6-16.75%, fats 2.4-2.8%, coarse fibers 16, 0-21.7%, calcium 2.1-2.6%, phosphorus 0.2-0.21%, carotene up to 200 mg / kg. For comparison: in the milking-hardening phase of corn grains, the blue mass retains 7.5-8% of protein, which is 2 times less than the dry weight of amaranth.
The high level of vitamin C and carotene in amaran is an important factor in maintaining the health of animals and birds. A decoction of amaranth flour is used in the treatment of enuresis and hepatitis. Its body, leaves are so rich in vitamins that they can become the most nutritious food in tea growing.
In a word, amaranth, known for its amazing properties, today has established itself in many countries as a widespread agricultural crop with valuable fodder and nutritional value.
НАПИТКАХ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 11-3 (92). – С. 66-69.
2. Холдаров Д. М., Шодиев Д. А., Райимбердиева Г. Г. Геохимия микроэлементов в элементарных ландшафтах пустынной зоны //Актуальные проблемы современной науки. – 2018. – №. 3. – С. 77-81.
3. Шодиев Д. А. У., Нажмитдинова Г. К. К. А. СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ
ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 3-2 (84). – С. 91-94.
4. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32.
5. Ergashev A. A., Najmitdinova G. K. FEATURES OF DIFFERENTIATED TEACHING OF CHEMISTRY //Экономика и социум. – 2020. – №. 12-1. – С. 89-92.
AND POTENTIOMETRIC METHODS //Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research
Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 56-58.
7. Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D., Zulaykho A. USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE AMARANTH
PLANT //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 55-58.
8. Yuldasheva S. K. et al. The function of regulations quantity nuts afids with entomofags //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). – 2021. – Т. 10. – №. 3. – С. 393-397.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
KHANAT. In Конференции.
SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
12. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
УЧЕНЫЙ, 254-256.
18. Nazirjonovna, H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
19. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274277.
20. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
22. Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
23. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Мамаюнусова Матлюба Исмаиловна Особенности формирования личности // Проблемы Науки. 2020. №1 (146). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osobennosti-formirovaniya-lichnosti
24. Олтмишева Насибахон Гулямжоновна Методы повышения познавательной и творческой активности молодежи // Вопросы науки и образования. 2019. №4 (49). URL:
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
progress. 2021. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/yoshlar-izhtimoiy-faolliginirivozhlantirish-zhamiyat-tara-iyotining-mu-im-omili (дата обращения: 06.01.2022).
26. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Эргашев Улугбек Адхамович Нравственное сознание и поведение молодежи в современных условиях // Проблемы Науки. 2019. №111 (144). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nravstvennoe-soznanie-i-povedenie-molodezhiv-sovremennyh-usloviyah
N.G. Tuhtarov I.M. Turdialyeva Sh.I., Xakimov A.M., Teshabaeva L.A., Ergashev
U.A., Kadirova D.S.Kantʻs pedagogy and contemporaneity // Turkish Journal
of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation – 2021 - 32(2) – C. 1633-1636.
Student of the Department of Food Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Abstract: The article describes the contribution of the famous orientalist, translator, historian Shodmon Vakhidov to the study of the history of the Kokand Khanate based on the scientific heritage.
Key words: historian, orientalist, Kokand Khanate, political situation, economic reforms, cultural development.
The famous orientalist Vokhidov Shodmon Huseynovich is one of the scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the study of the history of Uzbekistan in the Middle Ages. He devoted most of his life to the study of works created by representatives of the Kokand and Khiva khanates and the schools of history of the Bukhara Emirate.
The scientist is the author of the scientific series
"Historical heritage" (in Uzbek and Russian), "Books, libraries,
catalogs" (in Uzbek and Russian), "History of Uzbekistan in Arabic
sources" (in Uzbek, Russian and English). S. Vakhidov translated more than
20 works from this series and published them with research and commentary. The
scientist has published about 30 books, monographs, brochures and more than 100
scientific articles in different languages. It is especially commendable that
the scientist translated the manuscripts of local historians of the Kokand
Khanate from Arabic and Persian into the Uzbek language and made them known to
the wide scientific community.
Shodmon Vakhidov studied more than thirty manuscripts that are important in the study of the political, economic, cultural and social history of the Kokand Khanate. For example, “Tarihi Khamidiy” by Mullah Musa Sairami, “Tarihi Muhajiron” by Dilshod, “Muntahab at-tavorikh” by Haji Muhammad Hakimkhan Mausumkhon tur, “Jangnomaya Khudoyarkhani” by Mullah Shamsi
(shawki), “Alfarnomay Hudulmatwal” Abu Ubaydullo Tashkandi, “Tarihi Jahonnamoyi” by Avaz Muhammad Attar, “Tarihi Jahonnamoyi” by Mullah “The story of Shooruhi” Niyaz Muhammad,
“Ansab as” by Mirzo Alim Mushrifa - Salotin and Tavorikh Al-Havokin “Jadiam Tashiam” Garayibi sipah ”Tajira,“ Tazkirat al-Sultan ”by Mullah Vasijon Manzur,“ Alimkul jangnoasi va gurbatnom ”by Mullah Holbek by Mullah Musa,“ The perfect history of Fergana ”by Muhammad Fozilbek,“ Tavorikhi manzum ”by Imamali Kari Kundusa Toiba alikuli amirlashkar "," Tarihi Azizi "Muhammad Aziz margilani," Tarihi Turkestan "mullahs Alim Mahdum," Tarihi At - tavorikh "," Anjum at-tavorikh "Khudoyarkhonzoda," the history of Fergana "Isaakhon Ibrat and others.
In addition to the political, economic and cultural life of the Kokand Khanate, these include the ethnic composition of the Khanate's population, occupation, land ownership in the khanate, crafts and trade relations, tax issues, history of architecture, education in madrasas and schools, science, literature, calligraphy and book art. highlight the degree of illumination. Shodmon Vakhidov also played an important role in studying the history of the Kokand Khanate and publishing important sources as a separate book. Muhammadhakimkhan translated into the Uzbek language such works
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
the Torah as "Muntahab at-tavoriks", "Tarihi Jahonnamoya"
by Avaz Muhammad Attor, "Anjum at-tavorikh" Khudoyorkhanzoda. The
"History of Alimkuli Amirlashkar" by Muhammad Yunus Toyib and
"History of Aziz" by Muhammad Aziz Margilani were prepared for
publication. Mirza Olim wrote the foreword to the Russian version of Mushrif's
work Ansob us salotin va tavorikh ul - havokin. The History of Turkestan by
Mullo Olim Mahdum Haji was presented and translated into Arabic. A careful
study of the scientific heritage of Shodmon Vohidov shows that the scientist
has modesty and high intelligence. Because Shodmon Vohidov expressed high
respect for the scientists who, before and after him, studied the manuscripts
he studied. For example, in the study of Asomiddin Urinbayev “Tarihi Jadidayi
Tashkent” it says about the work: “…some toponymic names in the work by Yu.A.
Sokolov, and some information on the history of the Kokand Khanate of the
Khudoyarkhan period-Used by R. Nabiev. Later, in 1983, A. Urinbayev summarized
some information given by Muhammad Salih and published a brochure entitled
“Tashkent classification of Muhammad Salih”.
In conclusion, it can be noted that in the course of research on the tax system of the Kokand Khanate, I could easily read and use these works, having witnessed how almost all sources on the history of the Khanate were translated and introduced into scientific circulation by Shodmon Vakhidov. I would like to express my endless gratitude to the scientist for the fact that the scientific heritage created by this person has helped me a lot in completing my research. Although I did not know Shodmon Vohidov personally, I also tried to study his personality with deep respect through his scientific legacy. When I asked my scientific advisor, Academician Dilorom Yusupova, about Shodmon Vakhidov, she said: “Shodmon Vakhidov is a person who spared no effort for spiritual and scientific support of many young researchers. Unfortunately, he is not in Uzbekistan now, I do not know why he left for his homeland ... There are almost no scientists at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts who can read manuscripts like Shodmon Vakhidov, ” she recalled.
KHANAT. In Конференции.
SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
3. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
УЧЕНЫЙ, 254-256.
H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of
kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International
Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
10. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274277.
11. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
13. Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
Azizakhon Nosirovna (2019) The role of Suleymanov Rustam Khamidovich in the
study of urban development of ancient period in uzbekistan Проблемы современной
науки и образования 12-2 (145)
Farg'ona Politexnika Instituti “O'zbekiston tarixi va Ijtimoiy fanlar kafedrasi” katta o'qituvchisi
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada Oliy ta'lim tizimida keng qamrovda olib borilayotgan ishlar, ularning samaradorligi, hamda kelajakda professor-o’qituvchilar va talaba-yoshlarni ta’limga yangicha yondashish va investitsiya kiritish haqida fikr-mulohazalar, shuningdek talabalarni oʻqishga boʻlgan motivatsiysini oshirish togʻrisida yoritilgan.
Eng yaxshi investitsiya bu ta'limga kiritilgan investitsiyadir.Barchamizga ma'lumki hozirgi kunda Oliy ta'lim tizimida keng qamrovda islohatlar olib borilmoqda. Lekin, tan olish joizki bu soxada kamchilik va muammolarimiz ham talaygina. Bu muammolarga ayni paytda yechim topmasak kelajakda professor-o’qituvchilar, shuningdek talaba-yoshlarga ham ta’limga yangicha yondashish va investitsiya kiritishga to’sqinlik qiladi.
hujjatlar loyihalari muhokamasi portalida “Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta'lim tizimini
tubdan takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”gi prezident qarori
loyihasi joylashtirilgan. Hujjatda qayd etilishicha, amalga oshirilayotgan
ishlarning tahlili oliy ta'lim tizimi oldida turgan vazifalarni samarali
tashkil qilish, amalga oshirishga to‘sqinlik qilayotgan ayrim muammo va
kamchiliklar mavjudligini ko‘rsatmoqda. Xususan:
birinchidan, oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta'lim tizimida o‘qitishni tashkil etish jarayoni, ta'lim berayotgan professor-o‘qituvchilar tomonidan fan mazmunini yetkazish va ta'lim olayotgan talabalarni o‘zlashtirish hamda ularning bilimini to‘g‘ri baholash tizimi talab darajasida emas; o‘quv jarayonini zamonaviy texnologiyalar asosida tashkil etish borasida ta'lim dasturlari mazmuni va ularni yangilab borish sur'atlari bugungi kunda izchil rivojlanayotgan iqtisodiyot tarmoqlari va mehnat bozorining o‘zgaruvchan talablariga to‘laqonli javob bermaydi;
ikkinchidan, oliy ta'lim va o‘rta maxsus muassasalari innovatsion va texnologik g‘oyalar bilan fikr almashadigan muloqot markazlariga aylanmaganligi, tegishli sohalarda mavjud muammo va kamchiliklarning tizimli o‘rganilmaganligi sohada ilm-fan yo‘nalishlarining rivojlanmaganligiga olib keldi;
uchinchidan, oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta'limining ijtimoiy mavqei va nufuzi, xodimlari mehnatini rag‘batlantirish tizimi past darajada bo‘lganligi aksariyat holatlarda sohada ko‘plab muammolarning saqlanib qolishiga sabab bo‘lmoqda; toʻrtinchi, markazlashgan holda oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta'lim muassasalari rahbar kadrlarini tayinlash, ularning tashkiliy tuzilmalarini tasdiqlash tartiblari ta'lim muassasalari boshqaruvini samarali tashkil etish va zimmasiga yuklatilgan vazifalarning jadal sur'atlarda ijrosini ta'minlashda muayyan muammolarni keltirib chiqarmoqda;
beshinchidan, oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta'lim muassasalaridagi zamonaviy axborot-kommunikatsiya texnika va texnologiyalari boshqaruvi, o‘quv-jarayonini tashkil etish, dasturiy vositalarni ta'lim mazmuniga singdirish masalalari talab darajasiga yetkazish kerak.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Yuqoridagi muammo va kamchiliklarga yechim sifatida o'z taklifilarimizni bildirib o’tamiz.
kutubxonalaridagi ilmiy adabiyotlarni boyitish, ko’zi ojiz talabalar uchun
brayl shaklidagi kitoblar sonini ko’paytirish va kelajakda shunday talabalarni
oliy ta’limga jalb qilish (ular ham oliy ma’lumotli boʻlishni xoxlashadi).
Ø Ilmiy adabiyotlar va darsliklarni audio variantlarini yaratish.
Talabalarning shaxsiy motivatsiyasi va manfaatdorligini oshirish uchun dars jaroyonini induvidial tarzda o'tkazish, talaba bilan o'qituvchi o'rtasidagi masofani qisqartirish ya'na birgalikda harkat qilish, dars mobaynida talabalarni rag'batlantirish, darsni kundalik hayotga bog'lagan holda tushuntirish kerak.
Motivatsiya shaxsning faoliyatini, xulq-atvorini tartibga soluvchi yetakchi omil hisoblanadi. Har qanday pedagogik o'zaro ta'sir talaba bilan faqat uning motivatsiyasining o'ziga xos xususiyatlarini hisobga olgan holda samarali bo'ladi. O'quvchilarning obyektiv bir xil harakatlarining orqasida butunlay boshqacha sabablar bo'lishi mumkin. Xuddi shu harakatning rag'batlantirish manbalari butunlay boshqacha bo'lishi mumkin. Ta'lim faoliyatining muvaffaqiyati yoki samaradorligi ijtimoiy-psixologik va ijtimoiy-pedagogik omillarga bog'liq. Motivatsiyaning kuchi va tuzilishi ham ta'lim faoliyati muvaffaqiyatiga ta'sir qiladi. Yerkes-Dodson qonuniga ko'ra, ta'lim faoliyatining samaradorligi bevosita motivatsiya kuchiga bog'liq.
Barbara Devisning "Ta'lim vositalari" da o'quvchilaringiz bilan munosabatlarni o'rnatishning bir qancha usullari mavjud.
Birinchidan, mulohaza o'qituvchi talabalarni tinglayotganligini va ularni jalb qilishga tayyorligini bildiradi. Ijobiy fikrlar bilan qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan talaba o'quv jarayonida ishtirok etishni davom ettirishga tayyor.
Bundan tashqari, unchalik murakkab bo'lmagan va juda sodda bo'lmagan ishni tayinlash, talabalarga ishni yakunlash uchun muvaffaqiyat tuyg'usini berib, muvaffaqiyatga erishish imkoniyatlarini beradi.
O'quvchilarga o'zlarining ichki qiziqishlarini oshirish uchun o'z ishlarida mazmun topishiga yordam berish ham juda muhimdir. Masalan, materialni shunchaki yodlab olish va uni sinab ko'rish o'rniga, o'quvchilarga haqiqiy hayotiy vaziyatni taqdim etish mumkin, unda o'rganilgan material muayyan muammolarni hal qilishga yordam beradi. So'rov shuni ko'rsatadiki, o'zlarining tanlovi va o'rganish ustidan nazorat borligiga ishongan talabalar o'quv jarayoniga ko'proq jalb qilingan. Talabalarga bir nechta vazifalar orasidan tanlov imkoniyatini berish ularga o'zlarining o'qishlari ustidan nazorat qilish tuyg'usini beradi va shu sababli shaxsiy motivatsiyaga yordam beradi, bu esa materialni yaxshiroq o'zlashtirishga va yuqori ilmiy ko'rsatkichlarga olib keladi. Mavzuni tanlash qobiliyati o'quvchilarga o'zlarining o'ziga xos qiziqishlari bilan bog'liq bo'lgan narsalarga e'tibor berishga imkon beradi va ularni ichki g'ayratli bo'lishga undaydi va shuning uchun shaxsiy rivojlanishda oldinga siljiydi.
Shularni hammasini umumlashtirgan tarzda milliy baxolash tizimini ta'sis etish kerak.
Oliygohlarda milliy baxolash tizimi:
1. Talabani darsga boʻlgan umumiy munosabatini baxolash, buning uchun – 2 ball.
2. Talabalar oʻrtasida tashlagan mavzuni qay darajada yoritib berishini baholash. Buning uchun – 1 ball.
3. Dars jarayonida talabaning inelektual slohiyatini, darsga boʻlgan qiziqishini baholash. Buning uchun – 1 ball.
4. Talabaning mustaqil islanishi, mavzuga yangilik va qoʻshimcha qilish – 1 ball.
Shuningdek, yaxshi va mukammal o'qish uchun pul mablag'lari, stipendiyalar kiradi. Ammo ba'zi ekspertlarning fikriga ko'ra, talabalarga bunday tashqi mukofotni berish ichki motivatsiyani susaytiradi va mablag' tugagandan so'ng talabalar ishlashni davom ettirmaydi. So'rov natijalariga ko'ra, talabalarning atigi 10%i o'quv natijalari uchun moddiy mukofotlash orqali bilim olishga rag'batlantiriladi. Ushbu tashabbus ta'limning qadr-qimmatini tushunmasligi mumkin bo'lgan talabalar bilan nihoyatda samarali bo'lib, ularni o'z vaqtida darsga kelishga, topshiriqlarni bajarishga va munozaralarda qatnashishga undaydi.
Washington Post-ning "Pulni rag'batlantirish raqobatni yaratadi" deb nomlangan maqolasida bunday dasturlarning samaradorligi batafsil bayon etilgan. Unda muallif Tereza Vargas o'quvchilarning uy vazifalarini qanday bajarishi va yaxshi natijalarga erishishi haqida batafsil ma'lumot beradi.
mukofotlarni taklif qilish uzoq muddatli motivatsiyaga salbiy ta'sir
ko'rsatadigan ko'rinadi, ammo ba'zida ichki qadriyatlar tizimini yaratish
zarur. Yaxshi baholar uchun moddiy ragʻbat oladigan talabalar, ehtimol,
sifatli ishlarni davom ettirishi mumkin, ammo o'qituvchilar yaxshi baholarni
kelajakdagi intellectual salohiyati, yutuqlari va ortirilgan qobiliyatlari
bilan ham bog'lashlari kerak.
Foydanilgan adabiyotlar:
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2. Oltmisheva N.G. Tuhtarov I.M. Turdialyeva Sh.I., Xakimov A.M., Teshabaeva L.A., Ergashev
U.A., Kadirova D.S.Kantʻs pedagogy and contemporaneity // Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation – 2021 - 32(2) – C. 1633-1636.
3. Leontiev A.N. Faoliyat, ong, shaxsiyat. - M .: Poliizdat, 1975. - S. 112-115.
4. Lukashenko M.A. Taʻlim xizmatlari bozoridagi oliy taʻlim muassasasi: boshqaruvning dolzarb muammolari. - M .: Bozor DS, 2003 .-- 32p.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
5. Novikova I.V. Globallashuv, davlat va bozor: retrospektiv va oʻzaro taʻsir istiqboli:
- Minsk: akad. masalan. Respublikasi Prezidenti huzurida. Belarusiya, 2009 .--
218 b.
6. Slastenin V.A., Podymova L.S. Pedagogika: Innovatsion faoliyat. - M., 1997 yil.
7. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Эргашев Улугбек Адхамович Нравственное сознание и поведение молодежи в современных условиях // Проблемы Науки. 2019. №111 (144). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nravstvennoe-soznanie-i-povedenie-molodezhiv-sovremennyh-usloviyah
8. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Мамаюнусова Матлюба Исмаиловна Особенности формирования личности // Проблемы Науки. 2020. №1 (146). URL:
9. Олтмишева Насибахон Гулямжоновна Методы повышения познавательной и творческой активности молодежи // Вопросы науки и образования. 2019. №4 (49). URL:
progress. 2021. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/yoshlar-izhtimoiy-faolliginirivozhlantirish-zhamiyat-tara-iyotining-mu-im-omili (дата обращения: 06.01.2022).
KHANAT. In Конференции.
SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
13. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
УЧЕНЫЙ, 254-256.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of
kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International
Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
20. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274277.
21. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
23. Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
24. Холдаров Д. М., Шодиев Д. А., Райимбердиева Г. Г. Геохимия микроэлементов в элементарных ландшафтах пустынной зоны //Актуальные проблемы современной науки. – 2018. – №. 3. – С. 77-81.
25. Шодиев Д. А. У., Нажмитдинова Г. К. К. А. СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 3-2 (84). – С. 91-94.
26. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32.
27. Sattarova B., Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D. THE DETERMINATION OF THE COMPOSITION
AND POTENTIOMETRIC METHODS //Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research
Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 56-58.
28. Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D., Zulaykho A. USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE AMARANTH
PLANT //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 55-58.
Ўзбекистон Республикаси, наманган вилояти, Чуст тумани, 26- умумий ўрта таълим
мактаби география ўқитувчиси
Аннотация: Мақолада Ўрта асрларда биология фани ривожига ҳисса қўшган алломалар, уларнинг фан нуқтаи назаридаги фикрлари ҳамда асарларидаги илмий янгиликлар ҳақида баён этилган.
Калит сўзлар: Фан, табиат, инсон, кдлассик, биология.
XIX асрда тирик ва ўлик табиат ўртасида фундаментал фарқлар аниқлангандан ва ҳаёт ҳақидаги тушунчалар шаклангандан сўнг биология фан сифатида шаклланди. Табиат ҳақидаги қарашлар қадимги даврлардан бошлаб пайдо бўла бошланган. Биология ривожланиш тарихини рамзий маънода классик биология ва замонавий биологияга ажратиб олишимиз мумкин. Классик биологиянинг ривожланиш босқичини XX асргача белгилаб ундан то ҳозирги кунгача замонавий биология босқичи деб қарашимиз мумкин.
термини қадимги юнончадан олинган бўлиб «bios – ҳаёт, logos –
таълимот, фан» деган маънони билдиради. Ҳаёт тирик мавжудодларни
ўрганувчи фан деб биология деб атала бошланди. Дастлаб Биология терминини
дастлаб бир биридан мустасно 1802 йилда Жан Батист Ламарк ва Готфрид Рейнхольд
Тревиранус томонидан таклиф қилинди. Лекин тирик табиат
ҳақидаги билимлар анча олдиндан шакллана бошлаган.
Ўрта асрга келиб араб ва мусулмон мамлакатларида фан ривожланди. Аҳмад ибн Наср Жайхоний (870-912) Ҳиндистон, Марказий Осиё, Хитой ўсимликлари ва ҳайвонот дунёси ҳақида қимматли маълумотлар тўпланган. У ўсимлик ва ҳайвонларнинг тарқалиши, маҳаллий халқлар фойдаланадиган ўсимлик ва ҳайвонлар, уларнинг табиатдаги аҳамияти ҳақида маълумотларни ёзиб қолдирган. Абу Наср Фаробий (873-950) ботаника, зоология, одам анатомияси ва табиатшуносликнинг бошқа соҳаларида мушоҳада юритган. У инсон организмини яхлит система эканлиги, турли касалликлар озиқланиш тартибининг ўзгариши билан боғлиқлигини кўрсатди. Олим инсон даставвал ҳайвонот дунёсидан ажралиб чиққан, шу сабабли одамда ҳайвонлардан баъзи ўхшашликлар сақланиб қолган дейди. У табиий танланишни, суньий танланишни, эътироф этган.
Ўрта асрларда табиатшунослик фани ривожига Абу Райҳон Беруний, Абу Али Ибн Сино катта хисса қўшган. Беруний (973-1048) Хоразмда туғилиб, таҳсил олган. У араб, юнон, сурия, қадимги ҳинд (Санскрит) тилларни билган. Илмнинг турли соҳаларида фаолият кўрсатиб, 150 дан ортиқ асарлар ёзган. Берунийнинг таъкидлашича, табиат бешта элемент - бўшлиқ, ҳаво, олов, сув ва тупроқдан ҳосил бўлган. Беруний қадимги юнон олими Пталомейнинг Ер оламнинг маркази бўлиб, у ҳаракатланмайдиган сайёрадир, деган таълимотига танқидий кўз билан қараган ва Ер Қуёш атрофида ҳаракатланса ажаб эмас, у юмолоқ шаклда деб таъкидлаган. Беруний поляк астрономи Коперникдан 500 йил аввал Қуёш системасининг тўзилиш асосларини тўғри тасаввур қилган. Унинг фикрича, Ер юзасида доимо ўзгаришлар бўлиб туради. Сувсиз жойларда аста-сёкин дарёлар, денгизлар пайдо бўлади. Улар ҳам ўз навбатида жойларини ўзгартиради. Берунийнинг қайд қилишича, ҳайвонлар, ўсимликлар ривожланиши учун шароит чекланган, шу сабабли тирик
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
орасида яшаш учун кураш боради. Бу кураш улар ҳаётининг маҳиятини
ташкил қилади. Агар атрофдаги табиат ўсимлик ва ҳайвонлар бирор
турининг урчишига монелик кўрсатмаганда, деб ёзган эди Беруний, бу тур бутун Ер
юзасини эгаллаган бўларди. Бироқ бундай урчишга бошқа организмлар
қаршилик кўрсатади. Улар орасидаги кураш кўпроқ мослашган
организмларни рўёбга чиқаради. Берунийнинг яшаш учун кураш, табий
танланиш ҳақидаги фикрларига асосланиб ватандошимиз эволюциянинг
ҳаракатлантирувчи омилларни инглиз табиатшуноси Чарлиз Дарвиндан 800 йил
олдин таъкидлаб ўтганлигини кўрамиз. Беруний уқтиришича, табиатда
ҳамма нарсалар табиат қонунларига муофиқ яшайди ва
озиқланади. У тирик табиатнинг тарихий тараққиётини эътироф
этмасада, асаларилар ўсимликлардан, қуртлар гўштдан, чаёнлар анжирдан
пайдо бўлади, деб фараз қилган. Олим қайд этишича, Ер юзининг
ўзгариши ўсимлик ва ҳайвонларнинг ўзгаришига олиб келади. Беруний
одамларнинг ранги, қиёфаси, табиати, ахлоқи турлича бўлишига ирсиятнинг
эмас, балки тупроқ, сув, ҳаво, муҳит шароити сабабчи деб
эътироф этади. Беруний фикрича, одам ўз ривожланиши билан ҳайвонлардан
анчагина узоқлашиб кетган.
Марказий Осиёнинг машҳур табиатшунос олими Абу Али ибн Сино (980-1037) табиатнинг объектив борлигига ишонч ҳосил қилади. Тоғлар, сув таъсирида ёки ернинг кўтарилиши натижасида ҳосил бўлади, дейди. Ернинг баъзи жойлари бир вақтлар денгиз бўлган, шунинг учун баъзи жойларда сувда яшайдиган ҳайвонларнинг қолдиқлари, масалан, чиғоноқлар учрайди. Ибн Сино ўсимликлар ривожланишнинг қуйи босқичида, ҳайвонлар ўрта босқичида, одам эса энг юқори босқичида туради. Одам танасининг тўзилишини ўрганиш тақиқланган ўрта асрларда Ибн Сино одам анатомияси билан яширинча шуғулланган. Олим кўп илмий асарлар ёзган. Улардан бизгача 242 таси етиб келган. Ана шу асарларнинг 23таси тиббиёт илмига бағишланган. Олим тиббиёт асосчиларидан бири сифатида катта шуҳрат қозонган. У ўрта аср Шарқ тиббиёт билимларининг қомуси бўлган дунёга машҳур беш томдан иборат “Тиб қонунлари” муаллифидир. Олимнинг “Тиб қонунлари” асари 500 йил мобайнида Европа дорулфунунларида асосий тиббиёт қўлланмаси сифатида ўқитилиб келинди ва 40 мартадан ортиқ нашр қилинди. Олим одамдаги баъзи касалликлар (чечак, вабо, сил) кўзга кўринмас организмлар орқали пайдо бўлади, деб қайд қилади. Бинобарин микроскоп кашф қилинмасдан, микробиология фани ҳали шаклланмасдан 600-700 йил олдин Ибн Сино юқумли касалликлар сув ва ҳаво орқали тарқалишини эътироф этдади.
KHANAT. In Конференции.
SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
3. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
УЧЕНЫЙ, 254-256.
9. Nazirjonovna, H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
10. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274277.
11. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
13. Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
14. Холдаров Д. М., Шодиев Д. А., Райимбердиева Г. Г. Геохимия микроэлементов в элементарных ландшафтах пустынной зоны //Актуальные проблемы современной науки. – 2018. – №. 3. – С. 77-81.
15. Шодиев Д. А. У., Нажмитдинова Г. К. К. А. СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 3-2 (84). – С. 91-94.
16. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32.
AND POTENTIOMETRIC METHODS //Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research
Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 56-58.
18. Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D., Zulaykho A. USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE AMARANTH
PLANT //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 55-58.
19. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Эргашев Улугбек Адхамович Нравственное сознание и поведение молодежи в современных условиях // Проблемы Науки. 2019. №111 (144). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nravstvennoe-soznanie-i-povedenie-molodezhiv-sovremennyh-usloviyah
20. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Мамаюнусова Матлюба Исмаиловна Особенности формирования личности // Проблемы Науки. 2020. №1 (146). URL:
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Насибахон Гулямжоновна Методы повышения познавательной и творческой активности
молодежи // Вопросы науки и образования. 2019. №4 (49). URL:
progress. 2021. №1. URL:
(дата обращения: 06.01.2022).
Резюме: Анестезиологическое обеспечение лечения пациентов с рубцовой контрактурой шеи сопряжено с множеством проблем. В данном случае 38-летная женщина с тяжелой рубцовой контрактурой на лице, шее, передней части груди и плечах перенес операцию лоскутной пластики. Мы попытались провести фиброоптическую оротрахеальную интубацию с помощью Glide Scope. Видеоларингоскопия проведена после хирургического устранения рубцовой контрактуры под местной анестезией. Мы сообщаем об успешном лечении пациента с тяжелой ожоговой контрактурой, достигнутом совместными усилиями хирургов и анестезиологов.
Ключевые слова: Фиброоптическая интубация в сознании, ожоговая контрактура, видеоларингоскоп.
пациентов, у которых развиваются послеожоговые рубцовые контрактуры шеи,
анестезиологическое обеспечение сопряжено с множеством проблем, таких как
затрудненное прохождение дыхательных путей, ограниченный венозный доступ,
отсутствие здоровых тканей для наблюдения, лекарственная зависимость,
многократное применение анестетиков, склонность к переохлаждению и неточная
оценка кровопотери [2]. Поскольку трудности с прохождением дыхательных путей
являются одной из важных причин основных заболеваний и смертности, связанных с
анестезией, необходимо заранее подготовить множество альтернативных вариантов
прямой ларингоскопии. Однако у пациентов с выраженной контрактурой функциональные
и анатомические искажения могут привести к
неэффективности интубации. Следовательно, тщательное планирование
анестезии необходимо, чтобы избежать катастрофических исходов. Мы сообщаем о
случае, когда пациента с тяжелой ожоговой контрактурой, затрагивающей шею,
лицо, переднюю часть грудной клетки и оба плеча, эндотрахеальная интубация
была достигнута совместными усилиями хирургов и анестезиологов.
История болезни
2018 года 38-летная женщина была госпитализирована в Андижанский областной многопрофильный медицинском центре тяжелой рубцовой контрактурой из-за ожога пламенем шеи и груди. После трех реконструктивных операций его контрактура ухудшилась в связи с развитиях обширны келлоидных рубцов. У него развились тяжелые рубцовые контрактуры на шее, лице, передней части грудной клетки и плечах, включая предплечья. Тяжелая подбородочно-грудинная контрактура привела значительной деформации. Подбородок, грудь и оба плеча были соединены келлоидным рубцами.ю препятствующими сгибанию и шеи. Шейно-подбородочный и подбородочно-грудинный углы были полностью стерты толстыми жесткими рубцами, а передние структуры шеи, включая гортань, трахею и сонные артерии, не были идентифицированы и не пальпировались (рис. 1). Для оценки состояния дыхательных проведена консультация отоларинголога. Однако эндоскопическое исследование дыхательных путей не могло быть выполнено из-за узких наружных ноздрей и небольшого ротового отверстия. Предоперационная рентгенография и компьютерная Fig. 1. Photographs of the Patient on Admission. There are severe contractures of the mandible, the neck and the lower part of the face, with narrow nares and a small oral opening (microstomia) that were due to the facial and perioral contractures. The neck is held in flexion, and the mandible is
regressed and fixed near the sternum, impossible for the patient to extend the neck or distract the mandible. The structure of anterior neck is unidentifiable and impalpable.
диаметр ноздрей составлял около 0,5 см, интубация пациента через носовой доступ
также была невозможной. Поэтому мы рассмотрели несколько дополнительных
методов, таких как волоконно-оптическая бронхоскопия, респираторная маска с
ларингеальной маской, световая палочка или Glide Scope, видеоларингоскоп,
который можно использовать одновременно. Накануне операции поставили
периферический внутривенный катетер. Атропин сулфат 0,1 мг вводили пациенту
внутримышечно для уменьшения выделения из ротовой полости непосредственно перед
переводом в операционную. Его поместили в положении лежа на спине на
операционный стол со стандартным монитором. Первая попытка волоконно-оптической
интубации в бодрствующем состоянии была проведена после местного нанесения
лидокаинового спрея в полость рта и глотки. Однако интубация оказалось
невозможный из-за значительный ограниченния отверстия рта. Хирургическая
трахеостомия также была невозможна, потому что толстый рубец не позволял
идентифицировать анатомию шеи. Поэтому было решено осуществить операцию по
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
контрактур шеи и рта под местным анестетиком лидокаином (всего 400 мг), чтобы улучшить
открывание рта, освободив нижнюю челюсть от рубцов. Системные эффекты, такие
как гипотония, брадикардия, аритмия и судороги, отсутствовали. Первоначальная
операция по высвобождению рубцов на шее проводилась с периодическим введением
фентанила (всего 200 мкг). Рассечение рубцов почти всей окружности шеи
оказалось достаточным, чтобы ввести клинок ларингоскопа (рис. 2). Поскольку
невозможно было идентифицировать языкоглоточный и верхний гортанный нерв даже
после устранения контрактур, ……… выполнить
блокаду нерва не представлялось возможным.
После нанесения местного спрея лидокаина в ротовую полость и глотку, оротрахеальная интубация трубки с манжетой (внутренний диаметр 7,0 мм) выполнялась с использованием оптоволоконной бронхоскопии под Glide Scope (видеоларингоскоп-наведение). Во время интубации особых затруднений не было. Аускультация верхних отделов обеих легких подтвердила эффективност интубации.
После операции пациенту проводилась пролонгированная ИВЛ в отделении ранимации. Он получал непрерывную инфузию мидазолама для седативного эффекта. Через 4 часа после операции седация была прекращена, проведена экстубация. Спонтанное дыхания было эффективных с хорошей экскурсией грудной клетки. На 2-е сутки после операции больная переведена в общую палату.
Fig. 2. Intubated state after release of the neck and mouth contractures. The solid line is drawn a transverse incision line under local anesthesia. And the part between a solid line and a dotted line is released area.; this requires dissecting nearly whole circumference of the neck, leaving a large, stellate wound involving the lower face, the neck, the upper chest.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
лечение пациентов с тяжелой послеожоговой контрактурой шеи сопряжено с
множеством сложных проблем. Трудности проходимости дыхательных путей являются
наиболее опасными, и их последствия могут быть катастрофическими. Анамнез
дыхательных путей и физикальное обследование должны быть выполнены до начала
анестезиологической помощи и обеспечения проходимости дыхательных путей, чтобы
анестезиологи могли оценить степень затруднения дыхательных путей и подготовить
варианты обеспечения их проходимости. Рабочая группа Американского общества
анестезиологов по лечению затрудненных дыхательных путей предложила несколько
элементов предоперационного физического осмотра дыхательных путей, которые
могут указывать на наличие жесткой интубации во время традиционной оральной
ларингоскопии [3]. Во многих предыдущих исследованиях сообщалось, что
модифицированный тест Маллампати (mMT) чаще всего использовал одиночный тест
для оценки проходимости дыхательных путей [4,5]. Однако контрактура
периоральной области сопровождается в большинстве случаев
подбородочно-грудинной контрактуры, и недавно было сообщено, что mMT не
подходит для использования отдельно в клиническое из-за низкой чувствительности
и недостаточный прогностической ценности [5]. Следовательно, нужны другие
критерии. В настоящее время нет рекомендуемых руководств для пациентов с
ожоговыми рубцами, поэтому осуществление проходимости дыхательных путей,
лечение этих пациентов полностью зависит от клинической оценки опытного
анестезиолога. Были предприняты попытки классифицировать пациентов с ожоговыми
рубцами по степени контрактуры и оценить дыхательные пути на основе предыдущих
исследований. Onah [6] предложил систему классификации с четырьмя основными
числовыми категориями, которая основана на степени сгибания или разгибания
сжатой шеи и анатомическом положении ее. Трудности с интубацией можно ожидать
при типах 2 и 3; особенно при типе 3, когда расстояние между подбородком и
выступом щитовидной железы резко сокращается. Общими доступными заменителями
сложной интубации являются альтернативные клинок ларингоскопа, интубация в
сознании, оральная или назальная слепая интубация, фиброоптическая интубация,
интубационный стилет или устройство для смены трубки, дыхательные пути
ларингеальной маски (LMA) в качестве интубационного канала, световод,
ретроградная интубация и инвазивный доступ к дыхательным путям [7].
Экстракорпоральная мембранная оксигенация (ЭКМО) остается последним методом. В
нашем случае из-за сильных контрактур и микростомии прямой визуальный осмотр ротовой
полости и глотки был невозможен. Мы исключили LMA, потому что размер 4 для
взрослого мужчины был слишком большим, чтобы пройти через его ротовой рот. Мы
не рассматривали ретроградную интубацию или трахеостомию, потому что передние
структуры шеи, включая гортань, трахею и сонные артерии, не были
идентифицированы и не пальпировались. Нужен был другой подход. Wong et al. [8]
предложили несколько вариантов управления проходимостью дыхательных путей при
контрактурах шеи, лица и передней части грудной клетки. К ним относятся:
интубация в сознании с волоконно-оптической бронхоскопией, вентиляция лицевой
маской с последующим хирургическим высвобождением рубца, затем интубация
трахеи, анестезия дыхательных путей ларингеальной маской и высвобождение
рубцов, затем интубация, если необходимо, интубация дыхательных путей
ларингеальной маской, трахеостомия или крикотироидотомия и хирургическое
удаление рубцов под местной анестезией и кетамином, затем интубация. Мы выбрали
интубацию в сознании с волоконнооптической бронхоскопией. С первой попытки нам
не удалось ввести эндотрахеальную трубку в рот пациента, потому что его
отверстие было меньше, чем 1 см в ширину. Хирургическое иссечение рубца под
местной анестезией для интубации было единственным выходом, когда фиброоптическая
интубация в бодрствовании потерпела неудачу. Поскольку индукция анестезии и
начальный контроль проходимости дыхательных путей потенциально
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
[2,9], необходимо тщательное совместное планирование к операции и анестезии. В
идеале хирург должен находиться в комнате во время индукции анестезии, готовый
к экстренному снятию контрактур, трахеотомии или и того, и другого. Если
интубация оказывается трудной или невозможной, быстрое частичное освобождение
от контрактур может значительно облегчить интубацию [9]. Сообщается об
использовании кетамина в предыдущих клинических случаях [10]. Однако фентанил
вводили с перерывами для снятия боли. Для устранения контрактур потребовалось рассечь
почти всю окружность шеи, оставив большую звездчатую рану на нижней части лица,
шее, верхней части груди и плечах. Общее количество лидокаина, используемого
при местной анестезии, составляло около 400 мг, а фентанила - 200 мкг. Несмотря
на хирургическое вмешательство, открытия рта как было отмечено вни было
недостаточным для осуществления традиционной интубации. Мы решили провести
интубацию в сознании с помощью фибробронхоскопии под Glide Scope
(видеоларингоскоп). В последние годы достижения в оптических технологиях
позволили разработать несколько новых непрямых ларингоскопов, в том числе Glide
Scope. (видеоларингоскоп) [11]. Это устройство визуализирует входное
отверстие гортани с помощью косвенных механизмов, устраняя необходимость
совмещения осей полости рта, глотки и трахеи, что потенциально упрощает
визуализацию гортани и последующую интубацию трахеи. Он автономен и очень похож
по внешнему виду и технике на ларингоскоп, что делает этот клинический подход
очень доступным [12]. Но это устройство имеет ограничения, связанные с
трудностями, возникающими при продвижении трахеальной трубки по направлению к
видеомонитору [13]. Эти устранимы недостатки устранимы, используя
волоконно-оптическую бронхоскопию в качестве проводника. Волоконнооптическая бронхоскопия
обеспечивает отличную визуализацию голосовой щели. Еще одно важное преимущество
волоконно-оптической техники состоит в том, что динамику введения
эндотрахеальной трубки можно непрерывно наблюдать на экране до завершения
интубации. Если эндотрахеальная трубка не входит в трахею напрямую, ею можно
манипулировать под визуальным контролем [14]. В целом, фибробронхоскопия под
контролем видеоларингоскопа является хорошим предложением для пациентов, у
которых затруднена вентиляция или интубация. Таким образом, трудности с
интубацией легко предсказать, у кого есть тяжелая рубцовая контрактура на лице,
шее, груди и плечах. Поэтому к ним необходима должен подготовка анестезиолога.
Мы предлагаем два важных момента, которые считаются необходимыми для обеспечения
проходимости дыхательных путей у пациентов с рубцовыми контрактурами. Во-первых
- тщательное совместное планирование хирургов и анестезиологов; хирург должен
присутствовать в операционный во время индукции в анестезию и быть готовым для
экстренного снятия контрактур, трахеотомии или того и другого. Во-вторых, мы
предлагаем оптоволоконную интубацию в сознании под контролем видеоларингоскопа
как эффективный метод у пациентов с ожидаемыми трудностями при интубации.
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Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
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Farg'ona Politexnika Instituti “O'zbekiston tarixi va Ijtimoiy fanlar kafedrasi” katta o'qituvchisi
Fargʻona Politexnika insituti, Qurilish fakulteti, 5-20 guruh talabasi
Annotasiya: Maqolada eng avvalo, millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bag'rikenglik o'zbek xalqining yuksak qadriyatligini koʻrsatilgan. Fuqarolarning jinsi, irqi, millati, tili, dini, ijtimoiy kelib chiqishi, e'tiqodi, shaxsiy va ijtimoiy mavqeidan qat'i nazar, teng huquq va erkinliklarini, ularning qonun oldida tengligini ta'minlash alohida e'tiborga olinganligi yoritib berilgan.
Kalit soʻzlar: Globallashuv, moldovan, chuvash, yahudiy, sinogoglar, nasroniy, bahoiy, mentalitet, katolik kostyoli, rezolyutsiyasi, departament.
Oʻzbekiston – umumiy uyimiz. Dunyoda nechta millat-elat, qancha xalq boʻlsa, har birining oʻziga xos milliy urf-odat va anʼanalari mavjud. Bugungi globallashuv zamonida millatlar oʻrtasida turli nizolar boʻlib turgan bir paytda, 130 dan ortiq millat yashayotgan Oʻzbekistondagi millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bagʻrkengligi bilan xar qancha faxrlansak arziydi. Yurtimizda koʻp millat vakillari istiqomat qilishiga qaramay oʻzbek xalqimiz uzoq oʻtmish yillaridan beri boshqa din vakillari bilan inoq va hamjihatlikda istiqomat qilib kelmoqda. Bu oʻzbek xalqining mehribon va doʻstona xalq ekanligidan dalolatdir.
hududi qadimdan turli dinlarga eʼtiqod qiluvchi koʻp millatli
mamlakat sifatida ajralib turgan. Yurtimizda zardushtiylik, yahudiylik,
xristianlik va islom diniga eʼtiqod qiluvchi aholi emin erkin yashab
kelmoqda. Maʼlumki, diniy bagʻri kenglik gʻoyasi xilma-xil dinga
eʼtiqod qiluvchi kishilarning bir zamin, bir Vatanda oliy janob gʻoya
niyatlar yoʻlida hamkor va hamjihat boʻlib yashashni anglatadi. Qadim
- qadimdan din aksariyat milliy qadriyatlarni oʻzida mujassam etib keladi.
Milliy qadriyatlarning asrlar osha bezavol yashab kelayotgani ham dinning ana
shu tabiat bilan chambarchas bogʻliq. Chunki, dunyodagi barcha dinlar
ezgulik gʻoyalariga asoslanadi, yaxshilik, tinchlik, doʻstlik kabi
fazilatlarga tayanadi. Odamlarni halollik, poklik, mehr - oqibat chorlaydi.
Tarixdan maʼlumki, oʻzbek xalqi boshidan kechirgan oʻgʻir
qatagʻon yillari va ikkinchi jahon urishi yillarida koʻp sitamlarni
boshidan kechirgan. Boshqa millat vakillari boʻlgan koreyslar, nemislar, turklar,
polyaklar, greklar, qrim - tatarlar Oʻzbekiston xalqidan doʻstlik
mehrini topganlar. Bunga yaqqol misol qilib Shomahmudovlar —
insonparvarlikning yuksak namunasini ko‘rsatgan oila sifatida
koʻrsatishimiz mumkin. Bu esa oʻzbek tarixida oʻchmas iz
Diyorimizda yetishib chiqgan allomalarning asarlarida ham diniy bagʻrikenglik targʻib qilingan gʻoyalarni uchratamiz. Jumladan, alloma Abu Mansur al-Moturuydiyning "Tilovat ahli sunna" asarida Qurʼoni Karim oyatlaridan birini tafsir etib, Cherkov va sinogoglarni vayron etish man etiladi. Shuning uchun ham ular shu vaqtgacha saqlanib qolgan deya oʻz soʻzlarini yozib qoldirgan. Bugungi kunda respublikamiz boʻyicha faoliyat koʻrsatayotgan 2224 ta diniy tashkilotdan 175 ta
noislom boʻlib, ulardan 159 tasi nasroniy, 8 tasi yahudiylar, 6 tasi bahoiy jamoasi, 1 tasi Krishnani anglash jamiyati va bittasi budaviylikni tashkil etadi. Bulardan tashqari respublikada Konfenssiyalararo Bibliya jamiyati ham faoliyat yuritmoqda. Koʻp millatli mamlakat siyosatining asosiy maqsadi millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bagʻrikenglikni shakllantirish zarur. Bunda, eng
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
fuqarolarning jinsi, irqi, millati, tili, dini, ijtimoiy kelib chiqishi,
e'tiqodi, shaxsiy va ijtimoiy mavqeidan qat'i nazar, teng huquq va
erkinliklarini, ularning qonun oldida tengligini ta'minlash alohida e'tiborga
olingan. Davlatimiz diniy bagʻrikenglik va millatlararo totuvlikni
qonuniy jihatdan tasdiqlab qoʻygan.Bu borada Asosiy qonunimiz —
Konstitutsiya nafaqat jamiyat va davlat taraqqiyotini belgilovchi oliy
darajadagi siyosiy-huquqiy hujjat, balki mamlakatimizda yashovchi har bir fuqaroning
munosib turmush tarzini kafolatlovchi muhim asosdir. Konstitutsiyamizning 18,29,31,61-moddalarida
din va vijdon erkinligi belgilab berilgan. Unda xalqimiz mentalitetiga mos
keladigan ishonch-e'tiqod, insof, diyonat, mehru oqibat, or-nomus, iffat va
hayo kabi ezgu fazilatlar o'z aksini topgan. O’zbekiston Respublikasi
konstitutsiyasi 4-moddasida qayd etilganidek, “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi
o‘z hududida istiqomat qiluvchi barcha millat va elatlarning tillari,
urf-odatlari va an’analari hurmat qilinishini ta’minlaydi, ularning
rivojlanishi uchun sharoit yaratadi”.
Konstitutsiya – millatlararo totuvlik, dinlararo bag'rikenglik va e'tiqod erkinligimiz garovidir.
Mazkur sohada O'zbekiston Respublikasi davlat siyosatining asosiy tamoyillari sirasiga fuqarolarning teng huquqliligi, ijtimoiy adolat, qonun ustuvorligi, millat va elatlarning madaniy, til va diniy qadriyatlari, an'ana va urf-odatlarini o'zaro hurmat qilish kiradi. Millatlararo munosabatlar va xorijiy mamlakatlar bilan do'stlik aloqalari qo'mitasi qoshida 138 ta milliy madaniy markaz, bundan tashqari, 16 ta konfessiyaga tegishli 2300 ga yaqin diniy tashkilot faoliyat yuritadi. Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi mamlakatda millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bagʻrikenglikni siyosat darajasigacha olib chiqdi, mamlakatda bir qator nufuzli loyihalarni amalga oshirdi.
Ø Mustaqillik yillarida yuzlab cherkov, sinagoga va ibodat uylari, xususan, Toshkent, Samarqand, Navoiydagi pravoslav ibodatxonalari, Toshkent shahridagi katolik kostyoli, Samarqanddagi Arman-apostol cherkovi, Toshkentdagi Budda ibodatxonasi qayta barpo etildi, ta'mirlandi.
Shuningdek, Hazrati Imom, Imom Buxoriy, Bahouddin Naqshband, Hakim va Imom atTermiziylar, Imom Moturidiy, Shohi Zinda, Qosim Shayx, Zangi ota kabi o'nlab qadimiy yodgorlik majmualari obod qilindi va yangilari qurildi.
Ø Tegishli oliy ta'lim muassasalarida sifatli diniy ta'lim olish imkoniyati kengaytirildi. O'rta, oliy diniy ta'lim, magistratura, boshlang'ich doktorantura va doktoranturani o'z ichiga olgan diniy ta'limning besh bosqichli tizimi shakllantirildi. Islomiy ta'lim muassasalariga talabalarni qabul qilish kvotasi ikki baravar oshirildi. Shuningdek, Toshkent pravoslav seminariyasi va Toshkent xristian seminariyasi o'quv dargohlari oʻz faoliyati yoʻlga qoʻyiladi.
Ø Har yili Toshkent Islom universitetida diyorimizda istiqomat qilayotgan 16 ta konfessiya va 130 dan ziyod millat va elat vakillari ishtirokida “Konfessiyalararo muloqot va diniy bag'rikenglik – jamiyat barqarorligi garovi” mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman bo'lib o'tishi.
Ø 1992 yil 13 yanvar – Toshkentda Respublika baynalmilal madaniyat markazi tashkil qilindi. Respublika baynalmilal madaniyat markazi millatlararo munosabatlar, O‘zbekiston Respublikasida yashovchi har xil millatlar va elatlar vakillarining totuvligi va hamkorligini ta’minlash, ularning o‘ziga xos madaniyatlari va ma’naviy qadriyatlarini rivojlantirishni har tomonlama qo‘llab-quvvatlash sohasidagi siyosatni amalga oshirishda davlat organlariga va jamoat tashkilotlariga ko‘maklashuvchi mustaqil muassasa hisoblanadi.
Ø 1995 yilda Toshkent shahrida “Bir samo ostida” nomli xristian-musulmon konferentsiyasi tashkil etilib, unda Butunjahon Cherkovlar Kengashi vakillari hamda qator chet el xristian tashkilotlari a'zolari ishtirok etdilar.
Ø Prezidentimizning 2018 yil 16 apreldagi “O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasi huzuridagi Din ishlari bo'yicha qo'mita faoliyatini takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
qaroriga muvofiq, Din ishlari bo'yicha qo'mita huzuridagi Konfessiya ishlari
bo'yicha kengashning yangi tarkibi tasdiqlandi.Kengash tarkibi 9 nafardan 17
nafar a'zoga — O'zbekistonda faoliyat yuritayotgan diniy konfessiyalar
vakillari hisobiga kengaydi. Eʼtiborli jihati, kengash a'zoligiga a'zolari
oz sonli diniy tashkilotlarning rahbarlari ham kiritildi. Jamoatchilik
maslahatlashuv organi hisoblangan mazkur kengashning asosiy maqsadi
O'zbekistondagi mavjud diniy-ijtimoiy jarayonlarni muhokama qilish hamda
tavsiyalar ishlab chiqishdan iborat etib tayinlandi.
Ø Dunyoda kamdan-kam mamlakatlarida kuzatiladigan yana bir holat, Oʻzbekistonda taʼlim 7 tilda amalga oshiriladi. Bular sirasiga oʻzbek va qoraqalpoq tillaridan tashqari rus, qozoq, turkman, tojik va kirgiz tillarini kiritish mumkin.
Ø Teleradio koʻrsatuv 12 tilda efirga uzatiladi, gazeta va jurnallar 10 dan ortiq tillarda chop etilmoqda.
Umuman olganda, xalqaro hamjamiyat mamlakatimizning millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bag'rikenglikni ta'minlash borasidagi faoliyatini yuqori baholamoqda va O'zbekiston tajribasiga katta qiziqish bilan qaramoqda. Xususan, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoev tomonidan 2017 yil 19 sentyabr kuni Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Bosh Assambleyasin ining 72sessiyasida bag'rikenglik va o'zaro hurmatni qaror toptirish, diniy erkinlikni ta'minlash, e'tiqod qiluvchilarning huquqini himoya qilish, ularning kamsitilishiga yo'l qo'ymaslikka ko'maklashishga qaratilgan “Ma'rifat va diniy bag'rikenglik” deb nomlangan maxsus rezolyutsiyasini qabul qilish taklif etilishi va ushbu hujjatning 2018 yil 12 dekabrda qabul qilinishi bunga yaqqol misol bo'la oladi. Bundan tashqari 2020 yil 13 oktyabr kuni Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Bosh Assambleyasi sessiyasida bo'lib o'tgan saylovlarda O'zbekiston milliy davlatchiligimiz tarixida ilk bor Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining Inson huquqlari bo'yicha kengashi a'zoligiga uch yil muddatga — 20212023 yillarga saylandi. Mamlakatimiz uchun Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotiga a'zo 193 davlatdan 169 tasi ovoz berdi. Bu saylovda eng ko'p ovoz berilgan davlat O'zbekiston bo'ldi. Bu ham yurtimizda millati va dinidan qat'i nazar, inson huquqlarini ta'minlashga qaratilgan, shu jumladan, millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bag'rikenglik sohasida olib borilayotgan siyosatning e'tirofi desak, mubolag'a bo'lmaydi.
Xulosa oʻrnida shuni ayta olamanki, insoniyat uchun eng katta boylik tinchlikdir, tinchlikning manbai esa ahillik va hamjihatlikdir. O‘zaro totuvlik va do‘stlik, bag‘rikenglik va insonparvarlik tamoyillari barqaror go‘shadagina inson emin-erkin yashaydi, har qanday orzusiga erishadi. Shu jihatdan qaraganda, bizning eng katta boyligimiz, eng asosiy yutug‘imiz, Yurtboshimiz aytganidek, avvalo, Vatanimiz osmonining musaffoligi, jamiyatimizda hukm surayotgan millatlar va fuqarolararo ahillik va hamjihatlik, do‘stlik va birdamlik muhitidir. Bunday bebaho ne’matlarning qadriga yetish hamda turli millat va elatlar vakillari bir oila farzandlaridek ahil-inoq yashayotgan Vatanimizni ko‘z qorachig‘idek asrab-avaylash, kimligimizdan qat’i nazar, barchamizning muqaddas burchimizdir.
Foydalangan adabiyotlar.
1. https://iiv.uz/oz/news/millatlararo totuvlik va dinlararo bagrikenglik yuksalish poydevori.
2. https://uzhurriyat.uz/2016/04/19/bag-rikenglik-namunasi.
3. http://library.ziyonet.uz/ru/book/
4. O’zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi.
5. Yovqochev Sh.A. Siyosat va din. o’quv qo’llanma.
6. Narbekov A.V “Dinshunoslik asoslari”, Toshkent-2007.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Мамаюнусова Матлюба Исмаиловна Особенности формирования
личности // Проблемы Науки. 2020. №1 (146). URL:
8. Олтмишева Насибахон Гулямжоновна Методы повышения познавательной и творческой активности молодежи // Вопросы науки и образования. 2019. №4 (49). URL:
9. Насибахон Ғуломжоновна Олтмишева ЁШЛАР ИЖТИМОИЙ ФАОЛЛИГИНИ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШ – ЖАМИЯТ ТАРАҚҚИЁТИНИНГ МУҲИМ ОМИЛИ // Scientific progress. 2021. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/yoshlar-izhtimoiy-faolliginirivozhlantirish-zhamiyat-tara-iyotining-mu-im-omili (дата обращения: 06.01.2022).
10. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Эргашев Улугбек Адхамович Нравственное сознание и поведение молодежи в современных условиях // Проблемы Науки. 2019. №111 (144). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nravstvennoe-soznanie-i-povedenie-molodezhiv-sovremennyh-usloviyah
11. Oltmisheva N.G. Tuhtarov I.M. Turdialyeva Sh.I., Xakimov A.M., Teshabaeva L.A., Ergashev U.A., Kadirova D.S.Kantʻs pedagogy and contemporaneity // Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation – 2021 - 32(2) – C. 1633-1636.
KHANAT. In Конференции.
SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
14. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
УЧЕНЫЙ, 254-256.
20. Nazirjonovna, H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of
the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development
(IJRD), 5(3), 274277.
22. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE
PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
Ўзбекистон Республикаси, наманган вилояти, Чуст тумани, 26- умумий ўрта таълим
мактаби география ўқитувчиси
Аннотация: Мақолада ёшлар тарбиясида эгология ва атроф муҳитга нисбатан дўстона муносабатда бўлиш маданиятини шакллантиришга эътибор бериш масалалари ёритилган.
Калит сўзлар: Табиат, миллий, ҳудуд, экология, глобал.
Бугунги кунда “Табиат-жамият-инсон” муносабатларини бошқаришда ахлоқий нормалардан фойдаланиш имкониятларини: маҳаллий, миллий, ҳудудий ва глобал даражаларда ўрганиш, уларнинг умуминсоний универсал мезонлари шаклланиши қонуниятларини аниқлаш муҳим назарий-методологик аҳамиятга эга. Чунки, экологик муаммоларнинг глобаллашиб кетиши билан миллий экологик аҳлоқий қадриятларга умуминсоният манфаатлари нуқтаи назаридан ёндошилиб, аҳамияти баҳоланади. Бунда миллий экологик ахлоқий меъёрларининг универсаллашуви, бир томондан, “табиат-жамият-инсон” тизими муносабатларини бошқариш тартибини ва уларнинг функционал уйғунлашувини таъминлайди. Иккинчи томондан эса, бу тизимни бошқаришнинг миллий маънавий-ахлоқий усуллари ва воситалари ривожланиши глобал экологик барқарор тараққиётини ва унинг истиқболларини белгилайди.
муаммоларнинг глобаллашуви жараёнида “табиат-жамият-инсон” тизими
муносабатларини бошқаришнинг миллий ва умуминсоний маънавий-ахлоқий
усуллари, воситаларининг интегратив хусусиятлари баҳолашнинг универсал
мезонлари шаклланишига олиб келади. Яъни, миллий ва умуминсоний экологик
аҳлоқий нормалар интеграцияси натижасида “табиат-жамият-инсон”
тизими муносабатларини баҳолаш мезонлари универсаллашмоқда.
Албатта, жамиятнинг барқарор экологик тараққиёти даражаларини баҳолашда миллий ва умуминсоний аҳлоқий нормалар интеграцияси экологик вазиятнинг глобал миқёсда кескинлашувига муносабатнинг тақозоси бўлиб, умуминсоният экологик манфаатлари уйғунлигини ифодалайди. Чунки, биринчидан, “табиат-жамият-инсон” тизими муносабатларнинг доимий равишда ривожланиб, мураккаблашиб бориши билан миллий экологик ахлоқий норма ва тамойилларга умуминсониятнинг талаби ҳам ошиб боради.
Иккинчидан, “табиат-жамият-инсон” тизимида “инсон ва табиат”, “инсон ва инсон”, “жамият ва табиат” муносабатларини бошқаришда универсал ахлоқий нормаларнинг таркиб топиши, ушбу тизим тараққиёти даражасини белгиловчи омил ҳисобланади.
Учинчидан, муайян экологик маконнинг тақозоси билан шаклланган ҳар қандай миллий экологик ахлоқий нормалар умуминсоний қадриятларнинг конкрет тарзда намоён бўлишидир.
Тўртинчидан, “табиат-жамият-инсон” тизими глобал тараққиётини белгиловчи универсал экологик ахлоқий мезонлар миллий қадриятларни истисно қилмайди, аксинча унинг ривожланишини рағбатлантиради.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
муносабатларини баҳолашнинг экологик ахлоқий мезонлари
универсаллашуви ва глобаллашувини тарихий тараққиётнинг объектив
қонунияти тарзида эътироф этиш керак.Табиат-жамият-инсон” муносабатларини
баҳолашнинг универсал маънавий-ахлоқий мезонлари, энг аввало, унинг
субъектлари ўртасидаги мутаносибликни таъминлашга қаратилгандир. Зеро,
субъектлар (жамият ва инсон)нинг маънавий-ахлоқий ривожланиш даражаси,
уларнинг табиатга муносабати натижаларини белгилаб беради. Яъни, жамият ва
инсоннинг табиатга нисбатан маънавий-ахлоқий муносабатини баҳолашда
универсал тамойиллар шаклланиши билан шахсда экологик масъулият, бурч,
мажбурият хусусиятлари намоён бўлади. Энг муҳими, “табиат-жамият”
муносабатларини маънавий-ахлоқий баҳолаш мезонларини
белгилашда, инсоннинг табиий ресурсларга эҳтиёжи билан табиатнинг ўзини
ўзи тиклаш имкониятлари ўртасидаги мувозанатни таъминлаш асосий талаб бўлиши
керак. Чунки, ҳар қандай инсоннинг ўз ижтимоий фаолияти ва унинг
экологик оқибатлари учун шахсий масъулияти, жавобгарлиги “табиат-жамият”
муносабатлари (цивилизациялашган, маданий ёки ёввойи, ғайри илмий)
характерини, ривожланиш даражасини белгилайдиган умуминсоний маънавий-ахлоқий
мезонга айланмоқда. Шу нуқтаи назардан “табиат-жамият-инсон” тизими
муносабатларини баҳолашнинг маънавий-ахлоқий мезонларидаги
ўзгаришлар экологик вазият ўзгариши билан боғлиқ бўлиб, унинг
характерини белгилайдиган янги умуминсоний универсал ахлоқий мезонларини
аниқлашни тақозо қилмоқда. Чунки, экологик муаммолар
глобаллашуви ва кескинлашуви билан “табиат-жамият-инсон” муносабатлари
ривожланиш даражасини ва характерини баҳолашнинг конкрет миллий ахлоқий
мезонлар ҳам универсаллашиб, умуминсоний мазмун касб этиб бораверади.
Бошқача қилиб айтганда, экологик маънавийахлоқий мезонлар
глобаллашуви ва умуминсоний характер касб этиши, уларнинг миллий хусусиятларини
истисно қилмайди. Бундан келиб чиқадиган хулоса шуки, умуман
жамиятнинг ҳар қандай йўналишда ривожланиш даражаларини
белгилайдиган мезонлари, хусусан ахлоқий мезонлар ҳам (миллий ёки
умуминсонийлигидан қатъий назар) экологик макон хусусиятларига мос
равишда ўзгариб туради.
KHANAT. In Конференции.
SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
3. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
УЧЕНЫЙ, 254-256.
9. Nazirjonovna, H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
10. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274277.
11. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
13. Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
14. Makhmudova Azizakhon Nosirovna (2019) The role of Suleymanov Rustam Khamidovich in the study of urban development of ancient period in uzbekistan Проблемы современной науки и образования 12-2 (145)
15. Strategy of tourism development in Uzbekistan KD Sabirdjahnovna - Проблемы современной науки и образования, 2019.
16. Холдаров Д. М., Шодиев Д. А., Райимбердиева Г. Г. Геохимия микроэлементов в элементарных ландшафтах пустынной зоны //Актуальные проблемы современной науки. – 2018. – №. 3. – С. 77-81.
17. Шодиев Д. А. У., Нажмитдинова Г. К. К. А. СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 3-2 (84). – С. 91-94.
18. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32.
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20. Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D., Zulaykho A. USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE AMARANTH
PLANT //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 55-58.
21. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Мамаюнусова Матлюба Исмаиловна Особенности формирования личности // Проблемы Науки. 2020. №1 (146). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osobennosti-formirovaniya-lichnosti
22. Олтмишева Насибахон Гулямжоновна Методы повышения познавательной и творческой активности молодежи // Вопросы науки и образования. 2019. №4 (49). URL:
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
progress. 2021. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/yoshlar-izhtimoiy-faolliginirivozhlantirish-zhamiyat-tara-iyotining-mu-im-omili (дата обращения: 06.01.2022).
24. Олтмишева Насибахон Гуламжоновна, Эргашев Улугбек Адхамович Нравственное сознание и поведение молодежи в современных условиях // Проблемы Науки. 2019. №111 (144). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nravstvennoe-soznanie-i-povedenie-molodezhiv-sovremennyh-usloviyah
N.G. Tuhtarov I.M. Turdialyeva Sh.I., Xakimov A.M., Teshabaeva L.A., Ergashev
U.A., Kadirova D.S.Kantʻs pedagogy and contemporaneity // Turkish Journal
of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation – 2021 - 32(2) – C. 1633-1636.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Senior teacher of the Department of Marketing Tashkent State University of Economics
Due to the nature, climatic conditions, available labor resources and geographical location of Uzbekistan, the country's economy has great potential for the production of high quality fruits and vegetables. One of the main criteria for the development of the industry is the study of market conditions for the production of fruits and vegetables. It is very important to study the market situation in the sale of fruit and vegetable products.
Fruit and vegetable marketing covers all services in the movement of agricultural products from the field to the consumer. As agricultural marketing is carried out, many interactions, such as production planning, production, collection, sorting, packaging, transportation, storage, food processing, distribution, promotion and sales, and other related processes are involved.
Marketing is the process of "identifying the needs and desires of consumers", "selecting target markets" that provide the most opportunities for business, and "developing and implementing products, services, and applications that are relevant to those markets”.
Fruit and vegetable marketing covers all processes, from agricultural production to processing and distribution to the consumer. When we evaluate some features of agricultural products from the marketing point of view, the most important thing is the continuity of demand for agricultural products. Since people need to eat to one degree or another, the rapid deterioration of agricultural products puts them at a disadvantage in terms of marketing.
As can be seen, marketing begins with an understanding of production planning before the idea of production and encompasses all services, from consumption. Sales of agricultural products apply not only to producers, but also to other enterprises and consumers. Growing quality products does not mean that agriculture is successful. The grown product should reach the consumer under the most favorable conditions. In today's marketing approach, the process of agricultural activity does not end there, the level of customer satisfaction with the product is determined and its continuity is observed. Feedback is checked. This requires good marketing knowledge and management. Introducing new products to consumers and encouraging them to consume these goods is also part of marketing.
Marketing systems are very dynamic and competitive. It is constantly changing and evolving. Businesses that can offer more efficient, quality products and have lower costs are considered advanced. Marketing should be customer-focused and benefit the farmer, carrier, trader, processor, and more. This requires knowledgeable people in the marketing chain to understand customer requirements in terms of product and business terms.
Today, trust and credibility are important values in ensuring the continuity of marketing. Consumer demand has outpaced the needs of manufacturers, competition has intensified in many areas, and marketing has reached a global level.
As economies grow, so do agricultural practices, increase production, and diversify. The resulting excess consumption cannot be realized in the immediate vicinity, leading to the search for new markets. Thus, there is a need to sell the product to remote areas and deliver it to the consumer. For this practice to work well, manufacturers and marketing firms need a variety of information and funding.
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
are local and foreign organizations for the sale of agricultural products in
different countries of the world, whose names are different, but their legal
status, management methods, functions and powers are basically the same.
Creating a strong structure for the marketing of agricultural products in the
country is to improve the economic situation of producers and increase the
export earnings of producers.
The effectiveness of a marketing organization decreases due to the large number of vendors and the scattered structure.
Effective organization of marketing activities in agriculture not only solves the problems of the network structure, but also increases the competitiveness of the industry in the domestic and foreign markets. With a well-organized system of sales of agricultural products in the domestic and foreign markets, the contribution of agriculture to the economy will increase, as well as to prevent price fluctuations in agricultural products, improve agricultural performance, sales in the process of reducing crop losses and thereby increasing agricultural incomes.
Self-consumption and sales of agricultural products vary from product to product, and the participation of agricultural enterprises in marketing activities varies depending on the characteristics and supply capabilities of the product they grow. Typically, agricultural enterprises that grow and market perishable agricultural products often sell their products to their own enterprises and to intermediaries or organizations. Long-term producers and low-supply companies typically sell their products in local markets.
Today, big changes are taking place in marketing channels. This change is inevitable in agricultural marketing as well.
All over the world, great importance is attached to agricultural informatics, especially the Internet.
The use of information technology in agriculture is spreading rapidly around the world.
In recent years, widespread technological developments and the use of the Internet have made ecommerce an effective tool in conducting commercial transactions. E-commerce allows new manufacturers to enter world markets, to promote and sell their goods and services to the general public, to have information about the products offered to the world market, to market information in a short time. and allows you to reach with less transaction costs. The agricultural sector must also keep pace with rapidly evolving information technologies and be as sensitive as possible to change in order to gain a foothold in international markets and adapt to competitive conditions.
As businesses make their way to domestic and foreign markets, they advertise themselves through websites that they prepare, take orders, and sell goods and services. Thus, the main advantages of ecommerce are moving towards wider markets, creating large markets and export opportunities in different product groups such as new or domestic products, access to current market data such as price, demand. and a healthy definition of the level of competition, consumer demand, and feedback. In this context, e-commerce is also used as a supportive marketing tool to regulate the failures of agricultural marketing.
In our country, where the population is mainly engaged in agriculture, the economy is largely dependent on agriculture and agricultural-based industries, the dissemination of information in agricultural production and marketing, as well as the effective use of information technology both important and necessary.
In our opinion, in order to sell more fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to conclude contracts for the sale of large quantities of products with foreign trading houses, large supermarkets and enterprises. In order to achieve high results, it is necessary to increase the experience of leading foreign companies in attracting qualified marketing and sales professionals in the sale of many food
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
We believe that this will allow us to achieve the desired level of sales of
fruits and vegetables.
1. Taylor, L. J., &Esan, T. O. (2012). Goldratt's theory applied to the problems associated with the mode of transportation, storage and sale of fresh fruits and vegetables in Nigeria. J African Re Bus Technol, 2012, 1-16.
2. Eni, A. O., Oluwawemitan, I. A., & Solomon, O. U. (2010). Microbial quality of fruits and vegetables sold in Sango Ota, Nigeria. African Journal of Food Science, 4(5), 291-296.
INVESTMENT RESOURCES IN TOURISM //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 08. – С. 1-5.
4. Katarzyna, R., &Paweł, M. (2019). A vision-based method utilizing deep convolutional neural networks for fruit variety classification in uncertainty conditions of retail sales. Applied Sciences, 9(19), 3971.
Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 07. – С. 49-52.
6. Муродов Ш. Ф. Предпосылки и перспективы развития венчурного капитала в Узбекистане //СТУДЕНТ ГОДА 2020. – 2020. – С. 171-175.
7. Lee, W. C., Yusof, S., Hamid, N. S. A., &Baharin, B. S. (2006). Optimizing conditions for hot water extraction of banana juice using response surface methodology (RSM). Journal of Food Engineering, 75(4), 473-479.
8. Муродов Ш. Ф. Усиление влияния инвестиций на инновационное развитие Узбекистана //Молодой ученый. – 2020. – №. 16. – С. 268-270.
9. Mukhamadievich M. M., Murodovna M. Z., Farkhodovich M. S. WORLD EXPERIENCE AND
Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 07. – С. 104-111.
10. Mukhammedov M. M., Murodov S. M. State and Priority Directions of Development of the Tertiary Sector of the Economy in Uzbekistan //Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability. – 2021. – Т. 7. – С. 44-56.
11. Farhodovich M. S. IMPACT OF INVESTMENTS ON THE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN UZBEKISTAN //Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 07. – С. 174-177.
Relevance: Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries underlying ACS is characterized by a wave-like clinical course with alternating stages of exacerbation and relative remission. In most cases, the critical phase of coronary artery disease is a consequence of morphofunctional instability of the atherosclerotic plaque, causing occlusive thrombosis or thromboembolism of the coronary artery with the formation of necrosis of the corresponding myocardial vascularization basin.
In cases of survival of patients admitted to cardiac intensive care units with a diagnosis of ACS and subsequent relative stabilization of ischemic, necrobiotic and necrotic changes in the myocardium, the main outcomes of ACS are formulated in the form of clinical diagnoses Q-myocardial infarction, not Q-specific myocardial infarction localization, unstable angina, stable angina of the corresponding functional class (FC) and noncoronary artery disease. In this regard, it is extremely important to have a reliable personalized prognosis of clinical outcomes of ACS even at the hospital stage, since the choice of patient management protocols, as well as the optimization of methods and means of treatment depends on it.
The purpose of the study: to study cytokines and growth factors in ACS.
and methods of research: Statistical analysis of the results obtained was
carried out using methods of variational statistics. The reliability of the
differences in the mean values was evaluated on the basis of the Student's
criterion (t) with the calculation of the probability of error (P) when
checking the normality of the distribution and the equality of the general
variances (F – Fisher criterion).
The results of the study and their discussion. The study included 120 patients with ACS aged 30 to 65 years (mean age 44.0 ± 1.0). The transformation of ACS in patients with S-T elevation (67 patients) into acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was established: with a Q wave in 5 patients (8.3%), in AMI without a Q wave - in 2 patients (3.33%) and in progressive angina (PS) - in 53 (88.3%).
Acute ST segment elevation in MI, both anterior and diaphragmatic, is most common in men aged 54-59 years.
The research found an increase in the level of IL-1 to 83,8 ±1,3 PG/ml in patients with ACS transition to aim, to 90.5 ±1,71 PG/ml in patients with ACS transformation of the PS against the indicators of control-72,8±0,76 PG/ml (P<0.01).
Concentrations of IL-10-like anti-inflammatory cytokine showed a decrease in the transformation of ACS in aim to 15.6 ±0,5 PG/ml (P<0.001), and the transition AUX in substation has its rise to 44.3±0,59 PG/ml (P<0.001).
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)-activator of angiogenesis, responsible for restoring oxygen supply to tissues in a situation where blood circulation is insufficient. In physiological concentrations, endothelin (ET) acts on endothelial receptors, causing the release of relaxation factors, in higher concentrations it activates receptors on smooth muscle cells, stimulating persistent vasoconstriction primarily at the level of microcirculation.
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constrictor activity of endothelin-1 can to be a factor of vasospasm
enhancement, closing the vicious circle of pathobiochemical reactions and
aggravating cerebral ischemia [6].
In our studies, the study of VEGF concentration showed a sharp increase, regardless of the clinical form of ACS transformation, to 147.92±1.5 and 90.2± 1.0 relative to the control-57.50 ± 1.0 in patients in critical condition with AMI and PS, respectively (Table 1).
The established phenomenon indicates vascular inflammation during the first 3 days in patients of the observed group. At the same time, a higher concentration of VEGF, as well as its increase in dynamics, indicates the state of vasoconstriction and the risk of developing AMI.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein, a sensitive indicator of tissue damage in inflammation, necrosis and trauma. It is a marker in acute phases of various inflammatory processes. It is absent in the blood serum of a healthy person.
Protein is synthesized in the liver. IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α regulate the formation process. The concentration of CRP in the blood has a high correlation with the activity of the disease, the stage of the process.
In the absence of obvious causes, a slight increase in CRP indicates chronic subclinical inflammation of the vascular wall. This can be a factor in cardiovascular catastrophes: atherosclerosis, heart attack, thromboembolism and stroke. The informative value of the CRP index determined by highly sensitive methods is higher in this regard than the determination of lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol. The risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with increased CRP increases with parallel increased other risk factors: cholesterol, fibrinogen, homocysteine, etc. CRP reflects the severity of the immuno-inflammatory process, correlating with markers of T-cell activation, and can serve as an indicator of the activity of the disease, the severity of cutaneous and pulmonary fibrosis.
The complement system is a cascade system of proteolytic enzymes for humoral support of the body and maintenance of homeostasis. The complement consists of 11 serum proteins, which make up 9 components of the complement (C1-C9). C3 and C5 are involved in the regulation of the inflammatory reaction.
Conclusions: ACS is very diverse in terms of the clinical form of transformation and clinical outcomes. The study of growth factors and immunity parameters in ACS in the first hours allows predicting the outcome. At the same time, IL-10 acts as an indicator for predicting the transformation of ACS into AMI. By studying protein growth factors (CRP, C3 and VEGF) in dynamics, it is possible to prevent the development of AMI.
Старший преподаватель кафедры «Оценочное дело и инвестиции» Ташкентского
финансового института
На современном этапе развития мировой экономики иностранные инвестиции обретают всё большее значение и становятся одним из важнейших элементов инвестиционной деятельности в экономике разных стран. Однако в условиях пандемии COVID-19 наблюдалось резкое сокращение прямых иностранных инвестиций. Так, в 2020 году прямые иностранные инвестиции сократились на 35 процентов, составив 1 трлн. долларов США. В 2019 году этот показатель составил 1,54 трлн. долларов США.
Учитывая трансграничный характер вложений, при инвестировании возникают различные споры и в конечном итоге вопросы решаются в судах. Следовательно, инвесторам необходимо знать, что в мировом масштабе в международных экономических отношениях, инвестициям гарантируется защита от различных политических и иных рисков, на чём основывается актуальность международной защиты иностранных инвестиций. В мировой практике для определения понятия риска, связанного с полной или частичной потерей или невыплатой капитальных вложений, используется общепринятый термин «инвестиционный риск». Ведь это понятие охватывает все виды рисков, связанных с осуществлением капитальных вложений, но практика показывает, что, говоря об инвестиционном риске, большинство современных исследователей как правило понимают некоммерческие риски, как правило, политические риски.
риск - это комбинация политических, экономических и социальных факторов,
коренным образом меняющие экономическую ситуацию в стране, приводящие к
внезапным потерям в сфере торговли и инвестиций, кредитования, валютных
расчетов и других операций, совершаемых юридическими и физическими лицами.
К некоммерческим рискам относятся:
Ø экспроприация или конфискация принимающим государством недвижимого или движимого имущества инвестора;
Ø запрет принимающего государства на вывоз инвестором своего оборудования с территории принимающего государства;
Ø введение принимающим государством административных правил или налогов, которые превращают инвестиции практически в обесцененные или экономически
Ø введение принимающим государством законодательства, принуждающего инвестора к передаче технологий или ведущего к нарушению прав инвестора в отношении объектов интеллектуальной собственности;
Ø отказ принимающего государства от выполнения или принуждение к пересмотру условий договора между принимающим государством и инвестором;
Ø невозврат принимающим государством долга перед инвестором, включая невыплату инвестору компенсации за экспроприацию;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
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Ø неконвертируемость валюты или невозможность вывоза инвестором валюты из принимающего государства;
принимающим государством незаконного требования по выполенению обязательства по
Ø потеря инвестором имущества или договорных прав из-за военных действий, гражданской войны, мятежа, революции, терроризма, или связанные с этим условиями в принимающем государстве, возникающих вследствие политической внутренней или внешней нестабильности.
Следует отметить, что перечисленные выше риски – это не все некоммерческие риски, с динамичным развитием мировой экономики меняются и виды некоммерческих рисков.
Существует еще один важный аспект в вопросе страхования политических рисков, по мнению многих экспертов, он является одним из основных и трудноразрешимых вопросов. Если инвестиции застрахованы от определенных политических рисков, то при наступлении страхового случая права страхователя на требование возмещения убытков переходят к страховщику по принципу суброгации, и страховщик взыскивает эти убытки с правительства принимающего государства.
Если, например, изменится политический режим и имущество будет экспроприировано в крупных размерах, страховая компания сможет предъявить иск новому правительству только в том случае, если новое возьмет на себя все обязательства предыдущего правительства по покрытию причиненного ущерба. В противном случае единственным способом решения вопроса будет замораживание счетов государства в зарубежных банках и погашение его обязательств.
Поэтому в настоящее время изучение страхования политических рисков можно разделить на три основных компонента: государственные ведомства, негосударственные страховые компании и международные агентства.
В западных странах также существует практика страхования инвестиционных рисков частными организациями и государственными агентствами. Система гарантий иностранных инвестиций в США определяется наличием соответствующего двустороннего международного соглашения о защите и гарантиях иностранным инвестициям между США и принимающей страной. В Японии такое соглашение не является основным условием предоставления гарантий экспортеру капитала, то есть система гарантий иностранных инвестиций является односторонней. Отсюда следует вывод, что государственные страховые компании обеспечивают страхование инвестиционных рисков национальных предпринимателей, выступающих в качестве иностранных инвесторов за рубежом.
Abstract: The uniqueness and importance of the Ginseng plant, which is a unique medicinal plant in nature and can cure many diseases.
Keywords: Root, stem, cell, antioxidant, ginsenoside, cancer, placebo.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a perennial herb of the Araliceae family. An ancient plant that grows naturally in East Asia, China and Korea. It has long been known as a medicinal plant (drugs derived from the roots increase the body's energy). It is 30-50 cm long, the leaves are claw-shaped, the flowers are small, bluish, in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is soft. The fleshy root is cylindrical, fragrant and has a bitter taste. The upper part of the root is thicker, the lower part is branched, partly reminiscent of the human body. That is why it is called "Ginseng ", which means "human root" in Chinese. The root weighs 20-25 g. Ginseng's natural reserves have been greatly depleted. Therefore, it was planted in many places. It is grown in the Botanical Garden of Uzbekistan.
It can have potential benefits against cancer.
Ginseng can help reduce the risk of some cancers. The ginsenosides in this herb have been found to help reduce inflammation and protect against antioxidants.
cycle is the normal growth and division of cells. Ginsenocytes can benefit from
this cycle by preventing abnormal production and growth from the cell.
Reviewing various studies, ginseng showed that people who took it had a 16 percent lower risk of developing cancer.
In addition, observational studies have shown that people who use ginseng are less likely to develop certain types of cancer, such as lip, mouth, esophagus, stomach, colon, liver and lung cancer.
Ginseng helps to improve the health of patients undergoing chemotherapy, reduce side effects and increase the effectiveness of some therapeutic drugs.
Although research on the role of ginseng in cancer prevention has shown some benefits, they remain ineffective.
Ginseng can increase energy levels, reduce fatigue. Ginseng has been shown to help fight fatigue and improve energy levels. In the study of various animals, compounds such as polysaccharides and oligopeptides in ginseng prevent oxidative stress and ensure high energy production in cells, which helps fight fatigue.
A four-week study studied the results of 1 or 2 grams of Panax ginseng or placebo chronic fatigue.
Those who took Panax ginseng experienced less physical and mental fatigue than those who took a placebo.
Another study gave 364 people 2,000mg with chronic fatigue. American ginseng or placebo. Eight weeks later, the fatigue level of patients in the ginseng group was lower than in the placebo group.
The biggest health benefit is ginseng root ... It is rich in pectin, sucrose, essential oils, organic acids and fatty oils.
It also contains many biologically active substances that are beneficial to the body, for example:
B group vitamins;
Group C, D, A, F, E glycosides;
Nicotinic acid;
Pantothenic acid;
Folic acid;
Micro and macronutrients (magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, etc.)
roots contain large amounts of valuable components: J ginseng root Panaxic
acid, panaksozidy, panakvilon, essential oils. It is also proven that the roots
are rich in phytosterols, alkaloids, resins, mucus, ascorbic acid, sugar,
manganese, vitamins, iron and other elements.
The root of the plant heals wounds, improves vision, relaxes the nervous system and relieves pain. It is used in its preparation, Botkin's disease, they have a beneficial effect on the patient. In traditional medicine, the plant is used in the form of ointments, tinctures, salts, teas and tinctures.
1. Kholmatov H.X., Khabibov Z. H., Pharmacognosy [Textbook], T., 1967; Nabiyev M, Medicinal herbs, T., 1980; Khojimatov K., Olloyorov M.,
2. Medicinal plants of Uzbekistan and their protection, T., 1988; Kholikov K., Medicinal plants in the south of Uzbekistan, T., 1992; Hojimatov Q.H., Yuldashev K.Y., Shogulomov U.Sh., Khojimatov O.K.,
3. Medicinal herbs ointment for diseases (Phytotherapy), T., 1995; M urdoxayev Yu.M.
Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Abstract: Along with the increase in livestock production, the quality and environmental friendliness of the finished product is one of the important indicators. The work discusses the technology of preparation of soft cheese presented to soft cheese and to the quality of milk used for the production of cheese.
Key words: Milk, cheese, labyrinth, yogurt, whey extract, salting process, drying, packaging.
Livestock reform in the country is one of the most important issues of ensuring food security and increasing the country's export potential by satisfying the population’s demand for quality food.
In addition to expanding milk production, increasing the number of highly productive cows, scientific advances, and advanced methods for storing and processing milk are of particular importance. It is known that in recent years in our country much attention has been paid to the production of milk and dairy products.
in our country, at home and abroad, milk cheese and cheese products are in
great demand, because they are important in human nutrition.
Depending on the type of cheese produced, the modes of the technological process and the duration of their ripening may vary, and some processes may be excluded or occur unevenly. If used in the production of cheese, ultrafiltration, an ultrafiltration device is included in the milk preparation circuit.
There are special requirements for the quality of the milk used in the production of cheese. Because the quality of cheese is heavily dependent on the quality of primary milk.
For the production of all types of cheeses, milk of the highest and first grade is used. In accordance with this, the milk used must have a clean taste and smell without foreign tastes and odors not characteristic of fresh milk. In appearance, the consistency is a homogeneous liquid without precipitation and should have no precipitation from white to slightly yellow. Milk suitable for the production of cheese, the co-density of not less than 1027 kg / m3, acidity 16-180 tons, fat content of 3.2% and a protein content of at least 3.0%. In addition, there are the following specific requirements for milk used in the production of cheese. In accordance with this, the milk used must have a clean, taste and smell without extraneous tastes and flavors that are not inherent to fresh milk. In appearance and consistency, the liquid is homogeneous without precipitation and should have a white to slightly yellow color.
If there is any doubt about the falsification of milk, it should be checked for naturalness. At the same time, a dry non-fat milk residue (СОМО) is determined, if necessary, the freezing temperature, the presence of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia soda.
Daily, in each batch of milk, acidity, purity, fat content, density and number of somatic cells are determined.
It is important to avoid getting into the milk gas-forming microorganisms (E. coli, tremors, fatty acid bacteria), which are very harmful for the production of cheese.
is divided into groups that under the action of rennet normally coagulate and
poorly coagulate. Milk belonging to a certain group is determined by its
acidity and the amount of water-soluble calcium salts. With this in mind, the
suitability of the second group of milk for the production of cheese can be
improved due to its maturation (acidity) and the introduction of a shelf dose
of calcium chloride.
For the production of cheese, it is important to consider changes in the chemical composition and properties of milk. Colostrum obtained during the first 7-10 days after calving is very different from regular milk in that it contains a high level of immune substances, antitoxins and bactericidal
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
substances and is considered unsuitable for the production of cheese. Milk 10-15 days before calving, is also not suitable for the production of cheese.
Acidity, purity, fat
content, density and number of somatic cells are determined daily in each batch
of milk. Every 10 days, each applicant’s milk samples are identified as having
a class of milk rash, a class of reductase, substances that inhibit the growth
of lactic microorganisms in milk, spores of anaerobic mesenchyme lactate and
fatty acid bacteria. If there is any doubt about the falsification of milk, it
should be checked for additional. Determined (SOMO) dry, dehydrated milk
residue, if necessary, freezing temperature, the presence of hydrogen peroxide,
ammonia soda on ammonia.
According to the results of organoleptic evaluation, physico-chemical and hygienic indicators determine the suitability of milk for the production of cheese.
Research results: The cheese production process is as follows. Initially, 5 hours before the start of the process, all equipment is disinfected with a special disinfectant (hirhoflusha). Milk is milked using a special milking machine, filtered through a paper filter and sent through rough pipes to the process bath. The temperature of milk is 35-36 ° C (corresponds to body temperature). Then the milk is cooled. When the temperature of the milk reaches 30-33 ° C, a starter is introduced (Kultura CSK D 447, 1000 18 g per 1000 liters of milk, YC 380 12.5 g per 1000 liters of milk). After the fermentation is made, the milk is stirred for 10 minutes using an automatic device. Milk is left alone for 60 minutes. After sixty minutes, Labart 20 g of powdered milk per 100 liters of milk is added to the milk and mixed for 10 minutes. When mixing is complete, the milk is kept for 50-55 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the milk in the bath coagulates and becomes dense. After this, the milk clot is cut within 25 minutes using special automatic knives and mixed for 20 minutes. The finished product is washed twice. This process is performed in the following order:
First wash:
22% of the obtained whey is removed from the bath;
Introduce hot water with a temperature of 45-50 ° C (200 liters).
At this time, the contents of the bath are mixed.
Second flushing:
33% of the obtained serum is removed from the bath
Hot water with a temperature of 45-50 ° C (300 liters) is added to the bath.At the end of the above operations, organoleptic testing (manual compression) of the resulting product is carried out. During the test, it checks the elasticity of the product. Then the product is molded using special baskets. After the product is molded, it is pressed at 0.3 atm using an automatic device. Then, every 30 minutes, the product is removed from the mold, refilled and pressed again. After that, another pressing is bred for 3.5 hours. After the last pressing, the product is removed from the mold and rephased again. The product is held in the form of 18 hours. Then the product is removed from the mold and sent to the ambassador. Salting is made in bathtubs filled with brine. The salting process lasts 2 days. The product is injected into the bath for 1 day on one side and for 2 days on the other side. Brine contains 20% salt and boiled 30% whey 50% water. The product is removed from the salt bath and left for 24 hours. Then the product is packaged in special plastic bags using automatic equipment. The finished product can be consumed after 6 weeks.
Thus, to obtain a high-quality biospra, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the milk used. Since for the production of biospra it is possible to send only cheese-filigree milk that
Н.В.Шалапугина. Технология молока и молочных продуктов. Издательство: Дашков И
Ко, Альтек, 2013. - 396 с.
sites: www.gek.ru. www.agroconversion.com. www.lukino.ru
nomidagi bog’dorchilik uzumchilik va vinochilik ilmiy tadqiqot institute
Tayanch doktorant Ibadullaev Husniddin
Annotatsiya: Sitrus o'simliklaridan limonning etuk navda va kurtaklar segmentlaridan foydalangan holda in vitro mikroklonal rivojlanishi kuzatildi. 9 µM BAP bilan o'zgartirilgan MS muhitida aksillar vositachilar uchun uchdan to'rttagacha kurtaklar paydo bo'ldi. Osimliklarning 3-4 baravar ko'payish tezligiga kurtaklarni subkulturalash orqali erishildi.Kurtaklar 38 oydan ortiq vaqt davomida kuchini yo'qotmasdan ko'paytirildi. O'simliklarni mikroklonal meristemasidan ko'paytirilganda kurtaklarning yuz foizi ildiz otadi:
Kalit so’zlar: Mikroklonal, in vitro ildiz otish, in vitro, limon, etuk eksplant, tugun kurtaklari segmenti
a'zosi bo'lgan sitrus limon L. (limon) muhim doim yashil va xushbo'y kichik
daraxtdir. Uning mevalari inson oziqlanishi uchun S vitaminining muhim manbai
hisoblanadi.Ularda uchuvchi moylar, limonen, a-terpinen, a-pinen, b-pinen,
sitral kumarinlar, bioflavonoidlar, vitaminlar mavjud. Ular antiseptik,
antirevmatik, antibakterial va antioksidant sifatida ham ishlaydi. Sitrus
odatda payvandlash yoki qalamchalar orqali ko'payadi. Biroq, in vitro
mikroko'paytirish texnologiyasi sitrusni yaxshilash va yetishtirishdagi ba'zi
cheklovlarni engib o'tishi mumkin va meva sifati va kasalliklarga va
atrof-muhit ta'siriga chidamliligini oshirishi mumkin.
Yuqori sifatli meva beradigan, 15-20 yoshli urug'li limon o'simligi tanlangan. Oktyabr-noyabrdekabr oylarida o'simlikning bir nechta shoxlari kesilgan. Yangi novdalar keyingi yilning yanvarfevral-mart oylarida yig'ib olindi va tugunli kurtaklar segmentlari eksplant sifatida ishlatilgan. Eksplentlarga 0,1% Bavistin va Tetratsiklin 15 daqiqa, so'ngra 0,1% HgCl2 bilan 3-5 daqiqa davomida ishlov berildi. Avtoklavlangan suv bilan bir necha marta yuvib tashlangandan so'ng, sirt sterillangan eksplantlar MS muhitiga ekiladi.
Turli kontsentratsiyalar (9 dan 23 mkM) sitokininlar (BAP va Kn) MS madaniy muhitiga kiritilgan. Shohlar (i) dastlabki eksplant(lar)ni takroriy o'tkazish - keyingi ko'chirishdan oldin ko'paytirildi; Dastlabki eksplantlarning tugunli hududidan qayta tiklangan kurtaklar tugun/bazal vositachilarga zarar yetkazmasdan eksiziya yo‘li bilan yig‘ib olindi va qaytadan foydalanildi - va (ii) in vitroda ishlab chiqarilgan kurtaklarning tugun kurtaklari segmentlarini subkulturalash. Ikkala holatda ham propagullar dastlabki o'zgartirilgan MS muhitiga o'tkazildi [normal MS muhitida NH4NO3 va KNO3 kontsentratsiyasining darajalari yarmiga kamaytirildi va 250 mg L-¹ (NH4)2SO4 qo'shildi]. Madaniy muhitda 3% tijorat shakari va 0,22µM BAP mavjud va 0,8% agar-agar bilan jelatinlangan. 25 × 150 µM probirkalardagi kulturalar harorat (28 ± 2° C), yorug'lik (40-50 µMol m-²s-¹ SFP) 12 soatlik fotoperiod va 60% nisbiy namlik sharoitida nazorat ostida saqlandi.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Kurtaklarning ildiz
otishi Kurtaklar ildiz otishi ham agar-gellangan muhitda in vitroda, ham
to'g'ridan-to'g'ri in vitroda ekilgan tuproqda madaniy idishlarda (balandligi
135 µM × 70 µM) saqlangan. In vitro ildiz otish uchun kurtaklar kesilib,
ajratildi va alohida to'liq, yarim, uchdan bir yoki to'rtdan bir MS muhiti +
0,1% faollashtirilgan ko'mirga 3% saxaroza va turli konsentratsiyalarda (2,46
dan 27 µM) IBAga yoki NAA o'tkazildi . Bu kurtaklar tarqalgan yorug'lik ostida
(10-20 m mol m-²s-¹ SFP) 28 dan 30 ± 2 ° C gacha inkubatsiya qilindi.
Shu bilan bir qatorda, kesilgan kurtaklar IBA, NAA yoki NOA ning turli
konsentrasiyalari (0,98 dan 2,68 µM) yoki IBA+NOA yoki 2,6 µM ferul
kislotasining kombinatsiyasi (har biri 0,98 µM) bilan puls bilan (2-3 minut)
ishlov berildi. Kurtaklar ¼ MS bazal tuzlari bilan namlangan
avtoklavlangan shoroitni o'z ichiga olgan maxsus idishlarga ekilgan. Bu
shishalar bir vaqtning o'zida kurtaklarning ildiz otishi va o'simliklarning
qattiqlanishi uchun issiqxonada saqlangan. Limon kurtaklar ildizlari paydo
bo'lgandan so'ng, shishalarning qopqoqlari bir hafta davomida asta-sekin
bo'shatiladi va keyin olib tashlanadi. Iklimlashtirilgan
mikropropagatsiyalangan o'simliklar organik o'g'it, bog 'tuprog'i va qum
aralashmasini (1: 1: 1) o'z ichiga olgan polybaglarga o'tkazildi.
Qattiqlashtirilgan o'simliklar dalaga ko'chirildi. Har bir davolash uchun o'n
ikkita eksplant olindi va tajriba uch marta takrorlandi. Kuzatuvlar muntazam
ravishda qayd etilgan.
Fevral-mart oylarida to'plangan qattiq tugunli ildiz qismlari (2-3 tugunli) maxsus ekish uchun eng mos bo'lgan.Kurtaklarning sinishi 10-15 kunlik ekilgandan keyin sodir bo'ladi.Eksplantlarning taxminan 85-90% MS +9 µM BAPda javob berdi. 1-jadvaldagi har bir tugundan tiklangan 3-4 kurtaklar - MS muhitida sitokinin (BAP, Kn) kontsentratsiyasining sitrus limonining tugun kurtaklari segmentlaridan kurtaklar parchalanishiga ta'siri (kuzatish 4 haftadan keyin qayd etilgan).
Sitokinin konsentratsiyasi |
Nisbati% da |
Har bir ekplantdagi kurtaklar soni ± SD |
Rasmga tushirish uzunligi (sm) + |
9.0 |
95 |
3.40±0.54 |
1.62±0.39 |
18.0 |
90 |
1.00±0.00 |
0.72±0.20 |
23.0 |
85 |
1.00±0.00 |
0.62±0.16 |
Kn |
9.3 |
o |
0 |
0 |
18.6 |
35 |
1.00±0.00 |
0.64±0.27 |
23.2 |
40 |
1.00±0.00 |
0.84±0.47 |
Hisoblangan F:
Replikatsiya 1.0001ns 4.7536*
Davolash 96.0005** 46.552**
Replikatsiya 1.7014ns 2.883ns Davolash 17.0141** 14.397** ns - ahamiyatsiz
* - muhim (p<0,05)
**-juda muhum (p<0.01)
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
BAP ning yuqori
konsentratsiyasida (18 va 23 µM) har bir tugunda hosil bo'lgan kurtaklar soni
kamaydi. Kn unchalik samarali emasligi isbotlangan (1-jadval). BAP
kontsentratsiyasining oshishi kurtaklar soni va kurtaklar uzunligining
pasayishiga olib keldi. Kn dan foydalangan holda shunga o'xshash o'sish
turgunlar sonini doimiy ravishda ushlab turdi, aµMo o'simta uzunligining
ortishiga olib keldi. ANOVA tahlillari shuni ko'rsatdiki, ikkala davolash ham
kurtaklar soni va kurtaklar uzunligi uchun statistik jihatdan yuqori ahamiyatga
Kurtaklari uzilishidan so'ng, har bir tugunda 3-4 kurtaklari bo'lgan ona eksplantlari 0,2µM BAP bilan to'ldirilgan o'zgartirilgan MS muhitiga o'tkazildi. Ko'plab yangi tabaqalangan kurtaklardan faqat bittasi apikal ustunlik natijasida cho'zilgan.Turli o'simliklarning bir xil o'sishiga erishish uchun faqat bittasi apikal ustunlik natijasida cho'ziladi. Differentsial kurtaklarning bir tekis o'sishiga erishish va apikal ustunlikni yo'q qilish uchun etakchi kurtaklar nishlari kesilgan. O'zgartirish eksplantning har bir tugunidan 10-15 ta kurtaklar differensiatsiyasiga yordam berdi. Bunday o'zgartirish, shuningdek, subkultura va ko'paytirish paytida o'simliklarning bir xil o'sishi uchun zarur deb topildi.
1- Rasm. Limon o’simligining ko’payish jarayonlari
Dastlabki eksplantlardan ko'paygan kurtaklar yig'ib olindi va dastlabki eksplant qayta tiklangan kurtaklar asosi bilan bir necha marta yangi muhitga o'tkazildi. Kurtaklarning yangi hosilini (har bir tugunda 12-13 kurtaklar; o'rtacha kurtaklar nish uzunligi 4,5 sm) 25-28 kun oralig'ida olti martagacha dastlabki eksplantdan yig'ib olish mumkin. Biroq, har bir tugundan hosil bo'lgan kurtaklar soni asl eksplantlarning keyingi takroriy ko'chirilishida kamaydi.
In vitro-qayta tiklangan kurtaklar turli xil muhitlarda subkultura qilinganda, odatda kuchli defoliatsiyani ko'rsatadigan turli xil javoblarni ko'rsatdi.MS muhitini keyingi o'zgartirish orqali kurtaklar ko'payish tezligining sezilarli o'sishiga erishish mumkin. Bunga NH4NO3 va KNO3 darajasini MS muhitining yarmigacha kamaytirish va 0,22, 0,44, 2,22 yoki 4,4 µM tezlikda (NH4)2SO4 va BAP qo'shilishi kiradi. 0,22µM BAP bilan o'zgartirilgan muhitda har bir eksplantdan 18-20 ta kurtaklar ajratiladi (har bir kurtak 8-11 sm o'lchanadi) (1-rasm). BAPning yuqori konsentratsiyasida 15 dan 16 gacha kurtaklar hosil bo'ldi; aµMo, bu kurtaklar bo'yi qotib, shishalangan (2-jadval).BAP kontsentratsiyasining kurtaklar soniga ta'siri 95% da sezilarli bo'lsa, kurtaklar uzunligi uchun 99% da sezilarli edi.Kurtaklar har 4 haftada subkultura qilingan. Kurtaklar to'liq rivojlangan barglari bilan sog'lom edi(2-rasm). Ular madaniyatda 38 oydan ortiq vaqt davomida saqlanib kelinmoqda.Agar subkulturatsiya kechiktirilsa, madaniyatlar yomonlashdi. Bugungi kunga qadar 200 ga yaqin kurtaklar in vitroda hosil qilingan.
Qishda ona o'simlikni kesish orqali sezgir nodal eksplantlar olingan. Bizning topilmalarimiz yog'ochli o'simliklarda, qattiq kesilgan o'simlikning kurtaklaridagi qo'ltiq osti meristemalari psixologik qayta tiklanishga ko'proq mos keladi va to'qimalar madaniyatiga yaxshi javob beradi.
MS muhiti ko'p sonli o'simlik turlarini, shu jumladan mevali o'simliklar mikroko'paytirish uchun tez-tez ishlatilgan.Biroq, C.limon kulturalari aµMoniy sulfatning past konsentratsiyasi bilan o'zgartirilgan MS muhitida yaxshiroq o'sdi. BAP kurtak kurtaklarini faollashtirish va tugunli eksplantlardan bir nechta kurtaklar hosil qilish uchun kerak edi. BAP ning sitokinin sifatida Kn dan
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
ustunligi ko'plab
yog'ochli tizimlarda qayd etilgan. BAP boshqalarga qaraganda barqarorroq,
arzonroq sitokinindir va avtoklavlanishi mumkin bo'lgan yagona moddadir.
Sitokinin meristemalarni faollashtirish orqali kurtaklarning parchalanishini
keltirib chiqaradi va kurtaklar ko'payishiga olib keladi. Qo'ltiq osti
kurtaklarining o'sishi kurtakdagi sitokinin darajasi bilan yaxshi bog'liqdir.
Sitokinin qo'ltiq osti kurtaklarining o'sishini mustaqil ravishda tartibga
soladi, deb taxmin qilinadi.
C.limonning mikroklonallangan kurtaklari NAA bilan davolashdan keyin ham in vitro, ham issiqxonada ildiz otadi.Bu IBA in vitro ham, in vivo ham yog'ochli o'simliklarning mikroko'paytirilgan kurtaklarini ildiz otish uchun kuchliroq auksin ekanligi haqidagi umumiy konsensusga ziddir.NAA IBA ga qaraganda tezroq tashiladi.Bu kombinatsiya asosiy in vitro bosqichini yo'q qiladi, shuning uchun ham ishlab chiqarish tannarxini, ham davomiylikni kamaytiradi.Ko'chatlarning qotib qolishi bilan bir vaqtda o'simliklarning in vitro ildiz otishi o'simliklarning omon qolishi nuqtai nazaridan yaxshiroq deb hisoblanadi.In vitro ildiz otishdan asosiy afzalligi shundaki, tuproqqa o'tish paytida ildizlarning shikastlanishi ehtimoli kamroq. Bundan tashqari, ildiz otish sodir bo'lganda, ildiz otish tezligi yuqori va ildiz sifati ko'pincha yaxshilanadi.
Xulosa qilib aytganda, C.limonning tanlangan kattalar o'simligining tugunli eksplantlari yordamida takrorlanadigan va affektiv mikroko'paytirish protokoli ishlab chiqilgan. O'simliklarning bir xil o'sishi va uzunligi bilan yuqori ko'payish tezligiga erishildi. Mikroklonallangan kurtaklar in vitroda ildiz otib, muvozanatli o'simliklarga aylanib, issiqxonaga muvaffaqiyatli ko'chirilish arafasida.
1. R. G. Butenko, E. A. Sheveluxa In vitroda yuqori o'simliklarning madaniy hujayralari biologiyasi va ularga asoslangan biotexnologiya. Moskva: FBK-Press Moskva, 1960.152 b.
2. Doroshchenok O.V. Citrus L jinsining ikki turining mikroklonal ko'payishi // Biologiya va ekologiyada fundamental va amaliy tadqiqotlar: mintaqa materiallari. int bilan. stud ishtiroki. ilmiy. konf. Perm, 2016 yil, 31-33-b.Арзуманов В.А., Маматов К.Ш. Результаты исследование устойчивости сортов винограда к мучнистой росе // Илмий-амалий конфиренция маърузалар матни. – Тошкент: 2013. 125-127 б.
3. Jayanthi M, Sarika N, Sujatha G, Mathur R. K, Rao C S andMandal P K. 2013 Evaluation of SSRs (microsatellites) fordetecting genetic variability in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis)clone. Current Horticulture 1(1): 3–6.
4. Саимназаров Ю.Б, Абдураманова С. In vitro шароитида гилоснинг кучсиз ўсувчи Gisela-5 пайвандтагини турли хил озуқа муҳитларида културага киритиш ва қайта културалаш // Агро илм 4(67)-сон – Тошкент 2020. 36-38 б.
5. Высоцкий В.А.Клональное микроразмножение и оздоровление плодовых растений и декоративных кустарников/ В.А Высоцкий//Сб.науч.тр./ВНИИС им И.М.И.В.Мичурина – Мичуринск, 1989 – с.3-5.
6. S. Singh, B.K. Ray, S. Bhattacharyya, and P.C. Deka: In vitro propagation of Citrus reticulate Blanco and Citrus limon Burm: HORTSCIENCE 29(3):214-216. 1994.
7. Kaptsinel M.A. O'sib borayotganRostov viloyatida sitrus ekinlari. Rostov n / a: Kitob. nashriyot uyi, 1953,84 s.
8. Samarina L.S. In vitroda limonni mikroko'paytirish va saqlash usullarini optimallashtirish:
muallif. dis. ... Cand. biol. fanlar. M., 2013.23 b.
2nd year student Departments of preschool education Ferghana State University
Annotation: The article reveals the main essential characteristics of the aesthetic culture of the personality of the educator. The authors propose the structure of the aesthetic culture of a preschool teacher, including affective, cognitive, behavioral and reflective-evaluative components. The work of teachers in the process of developing aesthetic culture, the use of effective means of cultural development and aesthetic and creative development in a preschool educational organization.
Key words: aesthetic culture, artistic and aesthetic development, preschool aesthetic education, sphere, creativity, factor.
aesthetic culture of the educator is a complex structure that exists in the
space of the external and internal world and covers its professional, general
cultural and personal aspects. In the personal development of an educator, it
is extremely important to have a qualitative combination of moral, ethical and
artistic and aesthetic development on the principle of full and free
realization of the essential forces and abilities of a person. It is in
activity that the system of an individually differentiated artistic and
aesthetic attitude to reality finds expression. According to Kipling, an
educator is interesting who is able to think without making thought his goal,
combining true education with the will and the ability to realize oneself in
creative activity.
In modern pedagogy, aesthetic culture is the subjective position of the teacher, which determines the promotion of cultural values, their spiritual, aesthetic and artistic significance to the generations of students being taught and brought up.
Aesthetic culture is the most important component of the spiritual image of a person, on the presence of which and the degree of its development depends on the intelligence of a person, the creative orientation of aspirations and activities, attitude towards the world and other people, which is very important in modern society.
The aesthetic culture of the educator is the leading factor in the spiritual, general cultural and aesthetic development of both students and their parents. The educator forms aesthetic feelings, needs, the foundations of a healthy taste for children, develops their emotional responsiveness, and so on. These are the very characteristics of the emotional-sensory sphere of a person, which will later determine the content of his social actions, the route of his personal and general cultural development, and form his creativity for all future activities.
The necessary conditions for the formation of the aesthetic culture of the educator are:
adherence to the principles and norms of morality; development of skills of independent moral orientation;
the formation of socially valuable moral and aesthetic beliefs and behavior; development of theoretical problems of pedagogical tact and pedagogical technique;
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
development of skills and abilities of pedagogical communication.
The educator is an active
subject, realizing in his professional activity his culture, understanding of
life, aesthetic taste, ideals, cultural values and meanings. The educator, as a
subject of aesthetic culture, is able to form cultural meanings, affirm aesthetic
values, teach solving vitally important tasks in non-standard creative ways.
The preservation and transmission of the aesthetic norms and values developed by long experience of generations is one of the priority strategic lines of the educator's activity. Initiation to the universal human aesthetic experience of children is carried out in two interrelated ways: by revealing the creative forces inherent in the child and introducing him into the world of culture, where conditions are created for the growth and strengthening of his feelings, imagination, artistic perception, a variety of artistic activities in which the inherent inclinations can be fully realized. development.
One of the central places in the aesthetic activity of the educator is the appeal to the multifunctionality of art - its ability to be a way of knowing the world around us, evaluating it, communicating, developing personality, correcting problems in development, a way of playing and entertaining, appealing to the ability of art to reflect values and meanings, to form artistic taste, creative thinking, understanding of beauty that affects the inner world of a person. An important role in the modern conditions of life of a preschooler should be assigned to the ability of art to be an active link in health-saving technologies. Art is able to balance mental congestion, "take away" from aggressive ways of behavior.
A modern aesthetically developed educator can teach a child scientific and artistic thinking, understanding their relationship on specific examples of the art world, its types and genres, the features of artistic creativity of different masters of different eras and peoples.
The provisions proposed by N. M. Konysheva on the importance of connecting the emotional and spiritual spheres of the child’s personality to the educational process, convincing evidence of the constructiveness of the approach based on the idea of the organic unity of intellectual and emotional development can serve as the conceptual foundations for the development of the discipline “Fundamentals of World Artistic Culture” for kindergarten and elementary school. schools. The functions of this subject can be: the development of the world of feelings of the child and, on this basis, the aesthetic worldview; development of fantasy, creative and associative thinking; development of aesthetic taste, ability to evaluate, ability to reason; the formation of storytelling skills, figurative thinking, comparison, description of what caused particularly vivid experiences; the formation of skills of artistic creativity. The forms of teaching this subject are mainly gaming, which corresponds to the age characteristics and specifics of the artistic perception of preschoolers. In the classroom, you can actively use multimedia tools.
The main activities of children in the classroom are: artistic perception, informational familiarization, visual activity, artistic communication, that is, the use of the entire volume of artistic and creative experience of a preschooler obtained in other classes. In order for art to develop the aesthetic culture of a preschooler, to influence his personality, it must become a highly significant motive for the personality, which, in our opinion, is palpable only in the joint activities of children and adults, the subjective position of the educator, the help of parents, older family members, strengthening the child's conviction in the importance of understanding and using art in your life.
A modern educator should have all the basic qualities of an aesthetically developed person. At the same time, the educator should be able to use his aesthetic arsenal in order to form his pupils in many ways.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
The possibilities for
this are enormous. These are: theater and television, books, cinema, art
galleries, museums, art studios, literary associations, choirs and orchestras,
folk theaters, participation in various types and forms of amateur art.
1. Bicheva I.B., Vershinina A.Yu., Sharova T.I., Stepanenkova A.V., Rostokina E.S. Problems and prospects for improving the communicative competence of a teacher // Modern scienceintensive technologies. No. 11-2. pp. 337-341.
2. Bicheva I.B., Kaznacheeva S.N. Development of Professional Competence of Pedagogical Education Specialists in Career Building // Science and Practice of Regions. 2019. No. 1 (14). pp. 63-66.
3. Bicheva I.B., Kaznacheeva S.N. Development of the legal competence of a teacher of preschool education // Bulletin of the Minin University. 2020. V. 8. No. 4. S. 1
4. Zaitseva S.A., Ryzhechkina L.I. Development of innovative culture of teachers of a preschool educational organization // World of Pedagogy and Psychology. 2019. No. 9(38). pp. 103-111.
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7. Sh, Djalolov. "Monitoring of physical activity of junior schoolchildren at physical education lessons." European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences 8.10 (2020): 187-189.
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9. Valievich, Djalalov Sherzod. "FEATURES OF MOTOR ACTIVITY AT PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE." Конференции. 2020.
2nd year master's student of TSPU named after Nizami
Annotation: Changes in society, modern requirements for professional knowledge, and personal qualities of specialists have created the need to update the content of education in pedagogical universities, innovative forms and methods of teaching, the widespread introduction of modern information technology in practice. In this article, the author analyzes how to increase the professional outlook of educators.
Keywords: Educator, education, students, curriculum, vocational training, vocational adaptation, etc.
of the most important tasks of higher education institutions is to form the
professional training of future professionals. Vocational training is
interpreted as a specific manifestation of a person's social competence, which
is based on the acquisition of the necessary professional knowledge, skills,
and abilities. Vocational training does not happen by itself but involves
specific stages that are planned based on specific goals. The formation of
professional training in a person is initially determined by the composition of
the professional vision, concepts, and then explained by the acquisition of
knowledge, skills, and abilities in the specialty, the determination of
professional qualities, and the degree of professional adaptation. Vocational
adaptation is the level of professional competence of the future specialist in
the conditions of objective and subjective education, mastering the
requirements of future professional activity, adaptation to the process of the
activity. On this basis, several measures are being taken today to improve the
material and technical support of pedagogical universities, to expand the range
of educational and methodological opportunities. It is the development of
intellect and logical thinking in students, depending on the specifics of the
chosen specialty, and the professional training of students is provided based
on this task. The main criteria for professional training are the practical
training of the future specialist the level of acquisition of knowledge,
skills, and abilities in the field of specialization, adaptation to the
requirements of professional activity.
Indeed, vocational training represents the level of knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for the further development of the moral and professional qualities of the specialist throughout his career, the formation of professional competence. The practical implementation of these tasks requires the most important of the issues facing pedagogical higher education institutions, namely, innovative approaches to the process of training future teachers. For example:
Development of continuing professional education programs based on the requirements of the labor market and the latest achievements in science, technology, engineering, and economics;
establishing a strong integration between continuing education, science, and industry;
Providing educational institutions with modern material and technical base and teaching materials;
One of the necessary factors is the widespread introduction of innovative teaching technologies in the educational practice of higher education institutions.
These factors, which determine the effectiveness of the process, create the need for fundamental research to improve the content of vocational training, ensuring the implementation of social requirements for the system of training junior specialists in the context of the National Training Program. It is known that in the pedagogy of the East, which combines the issues of career choice, career guidance, professional education with mystical science, the "Holy Qur'an", which has been an important source in the formation of the spirituality of our people for thousands of years. , is reflected in the scientific heritage of the great thinkers Muhammad Ismail al-Bukhari, Muhammad Isa al-Termini, Mahmud Qashqai, Abu Nasr Farobi, Yusuf Khas Hajib, Hussein WazKashif, Amir Temur, AlisherNavoi as rare ideas.
of this can be seen in Abu RayhanBeruni's commentary on teaching. Beruni
believed that choosing a teacher to teach young people was the first and
foremost task of parents. To do this, the teacher needs to be polite, honest,
well versed in his subject and the rules of teaching, clean, exemplary in walking
and standing. If, says Beruni, the educator is not an example, if he does not
follow what he says, his demands and upbringing will be ineffective. In the
works of MahmudhojaBehbudi, Abdulla Avloni, AbduraufFitrat, one of the founders
of the pedagogy of the new era, the role and services of education and the
teacher in this process are interpreted uniquely, based on the socio-political
life of the time. In particular, Abdullah Avloni focuses on the work of the
teacher and entrusts the intellectual development of the child not to the
family, but the school, to the teachers: Thought makes a person honorable,
enthusiastic. This education needs the help of teachers, and the strength,
beauty, and breadth of thought depend on the education of the teacher. Theoretical
and organizational-methodological bases of quality management and control of
education in the system of secondary special and vocational education, which is
one of the important links of continuing education, U.I. Extensively studied by
Inoyatov. U.I. In his research, Inoyatov developed a model for quality control
in education, forming an effective management structure of the professional
In the research of pedagogical scientist N.A. Muslimov based on the integration of pedagogical and technical knowledge, the problems of professional formation of teachers of vocational education working in the system of secondary special, vocational education, modeling of his professional and pedagogical activity, future profession Particular attention is paid to the practical basis of such problems as the methodological basis of standardization of the process of teacher training, the methodology for assessing the level of formation of future vocational education teachers and the possibilities of pedagogical disciplines in the professional formation of future vocational education teachers. Educator-psychologist researchers M.I. Dyachenko and A.M. Stolyarenko describe the professional training of future teachers about their current level of adaptation:
1. The initial potential readiness of a person for professional activity, that is, the static components of the mental basis of professional activity, the level of knowledge, skills, abilities, necessary qualities, and the necessary professional capabilities of the person.
2. It is characterized by a person's direct and immediate readiness for professional activity, that is, the agility, flexibility, the mental and physical condition of the specialist, his focus on solving specific problems in any situation and situation. The scientific work carried out shows that there are and still are various philosophical and methodological approaches to the definition of pedagogical concepts. Let's start with the concept of "education".
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
According to B.M.
Bim-Bad, education includes upbringing, reading, and teaching. VI Andreev
interprets "education" as an event that is reflected in
"culture" and carried out through teaching and upbringing. in turn,
the category of “teaching” is defined by the concepts of “education”,
“upbringing” and “development”. Some literature states that it takes place
through "development," "formation," and
"adaptation," while others refer to "adaptation" as
"development." Nevertheless, many authors acknowledge that the
concept of “development” is relatively broad motivational needs of the
individual, cognitive, volitional, and constituent, which are more widely used
to describe the dynamics of change. Unlike the more complex concept of
‘development’ in a sense, the concept of ‘adaptation’ refers more to the result
of influencing an individual’s development under the influence of active forms
of external and internal factors. Psychological dictionaries describe it as
"Adaptation (Lat. Adaptare adaptation) - a change in certain sensitivities
as a result of the adaptation of the sensory organs to the driving force."
Sensitivity gradually increases as the sensitivity increases and decreases
during adaptation, from strong to weak; as the effect increases, the
sensitivity decreases.
In the literature on pedagogy and vocational education, attention is drawn to the fact that the term "professional orientation" has the following meaning: 1) "Professional orientation" - a person's ability, interests, needs, and confidence in a particular type of activity 2) "Professional orientation" - the relationship between career choice, interest, confidence, and motives for career choice is led by personal qualities. Some researchers have tried to explain the essence of the concept of "pedagogical orientation", given the direct orientation of the individual to a specific professional activity. In particular: 1) "Pedagogical profession" - a person's "interest in the pedagogical profession and the desire to engage in this type of activity"; 2) "Pedagogical orientation" - attitude to children, passion for pedagogical work, the ability to observe pedagogically. Terminological analysis shows that the concept of “pedagogical profession orientation” mainly reflects the fact that the choice of profession influences the professional formation of an individual under the active influence of motives. The concept of motive is interpreted in the psychological literature - as a motivating factor in the activity associated with the satisfaction of certain needs. Career choice is a complex and motivating process, and the right choice of profession leads to a person's satisfaction with life, a clear definition of social status.
The first condition in the organization of pedagogical activity, that is, a real pedagogical orientation, acquires a positive character and contributes to the acquisition of an acmeological level in pedagogical activity. Only the first pedagogical training in the organization of pedagogical activity helps to achieve high results. The main motive of a true pedagogical orientation is the interest in the pedagogical activity. In the course of our pedagogical observation and when we studied the main reasons why prospective teachers “chose the teaching profession”, 33% of respondents-students chose the teaching profession voluntarily, 31.2% were interested in a particular subject and on the recommendation of their parents, 35.4% were found to have chosen this educational institution to continue their education in pedagogical higher education institutions. However, the high level of financial security of the teaching profession compared to other professions shows that the stereotypes formed among parents do not go unnoticed by young people. The initial potential preparation of future teachers for professional activity is the basis of their current practical training. Therefore, in the process of formation of vocational training in educational institutions, it is necessary to form in students the professional knowledge, skills, and abilities that are sufficient for the implementation of professional activities. Vocational knowledge is a combination of information and acquired theoretical knowledge necessary for the work performed in a specific work activity. An important criterion for determining the effectiveness of the process of professional adaptation is that the professional knowledge to be acquired by future teachers is determined based on the content of the qualification requirements for the quality of the individual.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Although career
motivation is more pronounced in career guidance, it should be noted that they
alone cannot play a leading role in the formation of vocational training. This
is because the individual's existing physical, mental, and spiritual
capabilities are commensurate with the level of requirements of the chosen
professional activity for the individual, which helps students to adapt to the
professional environment and to form reflection. Professional opportunities -
reflect the objective conditions of a particular activity related to the will
of the individual. It is usually advisable to approach future teachers based on
their objective capabilities, to identify the capabilities of the individual to
the requirements of the chosen profession and activity. For example, when
choosing a teaching profession, not only a love of the profession, the desire
to communicate with children, but also the fact that the physical, psychological
and social requirements of the profession to the individual are within its
capabilities to acquire professional knowledge, skills, and abilities. will
help. Therefore, in the professional adaptation of future teachers, special
attention should be paid to the theoretical substantiation of these aspects of
the issue and the development of the professional potential of future
1. Коджаспирова Г.М. Педагогика – в схемах, таблицах и опорных конспектах. – М.: Владос, 2006. – 189 с.
2. Климов Е.А. Психология профессионального самоопределения. – Ростов-на-Дону: Финикс, 1996. – 264 с
3. КрутецкийВ.А.,Балбасова Е.Г. Педагогические способности, их структура, диагностика, условия формирования и развития. –М.: Наука, 1991. – 224 с.
4. Куранов М. Научно-методические основы национального воспитания в общеобразовательных средних школах Узбекистана: Автореф. дисс. ... докт.пед.наук. – Т.:1998. – 40 с.
5. QurbonovSH., SeytxalilovE. Kadrlartayyorlashmilliydasturi: pedagogikilmiytadqiqotmuammolarivayo’nalishlari. – T.: Fan, 1999 y. – 189 b.
6. Курбанов Ш.,Сейтхалилов Э. Национальная программа по подготовке кадров. – Т.:Университет,2000. –103 с.
Samarqand Iqtisodiyot va Servis instituti talabasi “Kelajak Liderlari” klubi a’zosi
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqola, qishloq xo’jaligi iqtisodiyoti, sohada so’ngi yillarda qilinayotgan islohatlar tahlili va raqamlashtirilgan tizimning qishloq xo’jaligi iqtisodiyotiga tasiri haqida.
Kalit so’z: Qishloq xo’jaligi, erkin bozor iqtisodiyoti, raqamli iqrisodiyot, mulkchilik shakllarini, tadbirkorlik shakllarini, resurslar, menejment, balans, chorvachilik, foiz stavkalari, asosiy va aylanma fondlar, amortizatsiya siyosati, rentabellik darajasi, zootexnika, subsidiyalar, investitsiyalar, unumdorlik.
Qishloq xo’jaligining asosiy vazifasi, bu - ishlab chiqarishning barqaror ishlashini ta’minlash va iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirib boorish asosida mamlakat aholisining oziq-ovqatga, sanoatning esa xom –ashyoga bo‘lgan ehtiyojini qondirishdir. Bugungi kunda aholi jon boshiga to‘g ‘ri keladigan oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarining yillik iste’moli 55-70 foizni tashkil qilmoqda. Chakana savdoda oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari importi salmog‘i 40 foizdan ziyod.
xo‘jaligini erkin bozor iqtisodiyoti qonunlari talabi darajasida barqaror
rivojlantirish uchun qishloq xo‘jaligida xo‘jalik yuritishning turli mulkchilik
shakllarini va tadbirkorlik shakllarini barpo etishning zarurligi, yer-suv
resurslaridan samarali foydalanish, sug‘oriladigan yerlar maydoni, sifati, moddiy-texnika
resurslari, fan-texnika taraqqiyoti, ilg‘or texnologiyalar va ulardan samarali
foydalanish, qishloq xo‘jaligining asosiy va aylanma fondlari, mehnat
resurslari bozori, mehnat unumdorligini oshirish, investitsiyalar (kapital
qo‘yilmalar) bo‘yicha davlatning siyosati, qishloqda servisni rivojlantirish,
xarajatlarni tejash, mahsulotlarining va xizmatlarning baholarini belgilash va
qishloq xo‘jalik korxonalarining daromadlarini ko‘paytirish yo‘llarini asoslab
berish maqsadga muvofiqdir.
Agrar islohotlar natijasida qishloq xo‘jaligida xo‘jalik yuritishning bozor shakllariga o‘tildi va mustaqil tovar ishlab chiqaruvchilarning salmog‘i oshdi. Qishloq xo‘jaligi korxonalarini moliyaviy sog‘lomlashtirish, davlat byudjeti subsidiyalari orqali kredit tizimidan foydalanish, hosilni sug‘urtalash va boshqa bir qator ishlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Biroq, qishloq xo‘jaligining barqaror va jadal rivoji hozircha ta’minlangani yo‘q. ¹
Bozor iqtisodiyoti sharoiti ishlab chiqaruvchilar oldiga qator talablarni qo’yadi, shu talablar asosida mahsulot ishlab chiqarish va uni realizasiya qilishga erishganlar shu talablarni muvaffaqiyatli bajargan ishlab chiqaruvchilar hisoblanishadi. Buning uchun esa bozor ko’nikmalaridan, bozor qonun va qoidalaridan zamonaviy bilimga ega bo’lmoq darkor bo’ladi. Qishoq xo’jaligi iqtisodiyoti va menejment shunday fan-ki, u talabalarga bozor iqtisodiyoti bo’yicha bilimlarni chuqur egallash bilan bir qatorda o’zlari mustaqil tayyorgarlik ko’rishlarini va o’z mutaxassisliklariga oid adabiyotlarni va ishbilarmonliklarni, bu sohadagi fan yutuqlarini sinchiklab o’rganib, har tomonlama o’z bilimlarini oshira borishlarini talab etadi.
Davlat investitsion siyosatining asosiy tamoyillari zamonaviy bosqichda mavjud foiz stavkalarining pasayishi iqtisodiyotning real sektoridagi investitsiyalarning mos keluvchi samaradorligi
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
darajasigacha pasayishi
kerak: mavjud soliq tizimini soddalashtirishdek, amortizatsiya siyosatini
takomillashtirish; tashqi va ichki investorlarning bevosita investitsiyalarini
rag’batlantirish maqsadida investitsion risklarni pasaytirish uchun tashkiliyhuquqiy
nuqtai nazarlarni shakllantirish; byudjet investitsion resurslarini tanlov
asosida joylashtirishdan foydalanish samaradorligini oshirish. Qishloq
xo’jaligida investitsiyalarning jozibadorligini belgilovchi omillar juda katta
ahamiyatga ega. Bular jumlasiga qishloq xo’jaligi tarmoqlarining rivojlanish
sur‘atlari va istiqbollari, qishloq xo’jaligi tarmoqlarining o’rtacha
rentabellik darajasi, tarmoqqa xos bo’lgan investitsiya tavakkalchiligi
xatarlari va qonunchilikda belgilangan investitsiya imtiyozlari va kafolatlari
kiradi. ²
Zarur umumiy yem-xashak talabi miqdori aniqlangach, yem-xashak balansi tuziladi. Balansda yemxashakning hamma turlari ko’rsatiladi. Balansda yem-xashaklar jismoniy holidagina emas, balki ozuqa turlalarida va o’zlashtiriladigan oqsil moddalari tarzida ham hisobga olinadi. Chorvachilikning ishlab chiqarish dasturini rejalashtirishda uning yem-xashakka talabini to’g’ri aniqlashga asosiy e‘tibor qaratilishi kerak. Chorvachilikning yem-xashakka talabi chorva mollarining o’rtacha yillik soni va boqish me‘yorlariga ko’ra aniqlanadi. Yirik chorva mollarini boqishni tashkil etishda ratsionga qo’yiladigan zootexnika talablari to’la hisobga olinishi kerak. Xo’jalikda qo’llaniladigan ratsion ham zootexnika talablari hamda iqtisodiy talablar, ya‘ni chorva mollarining yuqori mahsuldorligini ta‘minlash uchun turli-tuman va to’yimli bo’lishi bilan birga ratsion qiymati arzon bo’lishini ta‘minlash kerak. ³
Endi raqamli iqtisodiyot haqida so’z yuritadigan bo’lsak, o’z o’zidan savol tug’uladi. An’anaviy iqtisodiyot va raqamli iqtisodiyotning farqi nimada? Masalan, xaridorga poyafzal kerak. Uni bozorga tushib oʼzi bevosita tanlasa va naqd pulga sotib olsa, bu anʼanaviy iqtisod. Telegramdagi biron savdo boti orqali oʼziga maʼqul tovarni tanlab, tovar egasiga pulni elektron toʼlov tizimi orqali toʼlash va tovarni yetkazib berish xizmati orqali olish – raqamli iqtisodiyot deyiladi. Bu masalani eng sodda maishiy misol orqali tushuntirishdir. Аslida, hammamiz allaqachon raqamli iqtisodiyot ichidamiz, uning qulayliklaridan foydalanamiz. Masalan, oyliklarimiz plastik kartalarga tushadi, elektron toʼlov orqali kommunal xizmatlar, telefon, internet va boshqa mahsulot va xizmatlarga toʼlov qilamiz, elektron tarzda soliq deklaratsiyasi topshiramiz, kartadan kartaga pul uzatamiz, uyga taom buyurtma qilamiz va hokazo.
Yuqoridagi ma’lumotlardan xulosa qilib aytish mumkinki, qishloq xo’jaligiga raqamli texnologiyalarni olib kirish, xom ashiyo va mahsulotlarni bozorga bilvosita emas, balki bevosita kirib borishini ta’minlaydi va bu bilan 2 ta natijaga erishamiz. Birinchisi, qo’ldan qo’lga o’tib qimmat narxda bozorga kirayotgan mahsulotlar arzonlashsa, ikkinchisi, qishloq xo’jaligi iqtisodiyotida o’sish paydo bo’ladi.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro’yxati:
1. "EXTREMUM PRESS" nashriyoti, 2010 y. R.X. Ergashev
2. Nurmatov N.J., Ro‘ziyev O.A., Gulmatov J.Q., Berdiyev S.R. Qishloq xo‘jaligi iqtisodiyoti - (0 ‘quv qo‘llanma), Toshkent, 2011, 304 bet.
3. R.X. Ergashev, Sh.Sh. Fayziyeva, S.N. Xamrayeva, 2018, «IQTISOD-MOLIYA», 2018 Шукуров И. Б., Яхшиева М. Ф., Бахшиллоева Р. Э.
Бухарский государственный медицинский институт.Узбекистан. г.Бухара
Цель исследование:
Изучить клинические аспекты витилиго в Бухарской области.
Материалы и методы исследования:
Для изучения цели нами были обследованы 142 больных с витилиго. Все находились в амбулаторном и стационарном обследовании и лечении в Бухарском областном кожновенерологическом диспансере за период 2019-20гг. Возраст больных колебался от 10 до 62 лет. Из 142 пациентов мужчин было 72 (50,7%), женщин – 70 (49,3%).Среди наблюдаемых нами пациентов у 94 (66,2%) былагенерализованная форма заболевания, у 42 (29,6%) – локализованная форма и у 6 (4,2%) пациентов - болезнь Сеттона. У 2 пациентов с болезнью Сеттона проявления заболевания сочетались с генерализованными проявлениями витилиго.
Сегментарное витилиго наблюдалась у 8,5% пациентов.
В наших наблюдениях появление первых признаков болезни в возрасте до 10 лет отмечали
11 (7,7%) пациентов, от 11 до 15 лет-49 (34,5%), от 16 до 20 лет - 34 (23,9%), от 21 до 30 лет -
(14,1%), от 31 до 40 лет - 16 (11,3%), от 41 до 50 лет - 10 (7%) и в возрасте
свыше 50 лет– 2 (1,4%) больных.Как видно из представленного материала, у 94
(66,2%) больных первые признаки заболевания появились в возрасте до 20 лет. При
этом нами отмечено, что у женщин появление депигментированных пятен начиналось
в возрасте от 11 до 15, в то время как у мужчин – от 14 до 19 лет, что
соответствует пубертатному периоду и развивающимся гормональным дисбалансом в
организме подростков.
Проведенными исследованиями установлено, что у обследованных больных II тип кожи отмечен у 19 (13,3%), III – у 85 (60%), IV – у 33 (23,2%) и V – у 5 (3,5%) больных. Больные с I и VI типом кожи в нашей выборке отсутствовали. Другие исследователи также отмечали частое развитие витилиго у пациентов с III типом кожи.
Большинство больных – 86 (60,5%) отметили появление первых признаков витилиго или прогрессирование заболевания в весенне-летний период, тогда как 39(27,5%) больных отметили появление депигментированных пятен в осенне-зимний период, а 17 (12%) пациентов не смогли связать начало заболевания и прогрессирование процесса со временем года.
У обследованных нами больных путем опроса выяснялась первоначальная локализация депигментированных пятен. У наблюдаемых нами больных депигментные пятна чаще располагались на открытых участках (73,3%), чем на закрытых участках (26,7%). Выяснено, что у 9 (6,4%) больных первые признаки поражения были единичными и не распространялись на другие части тела. У остальных пациентов депигментированные пятна появились одновременно и на других частях тела. Симметричность поражения наблюдалась у 73 (51,4%) пациентов, в том числе у 23 (16,2%) из них отмечено строго симметричное расположение очагов поражения, имевших одинаковую форму и размеры.
волос (лейкотрихия) в пределах витилигинозного пятна отмечено у 18 В Бухарской
области частота встречаемости витилиго среди населения составляет 1,6%, первые
признаки болезни часто (73,5%) появляются на открытых участках кожи.
Преимущественно встречается вульгарная (34,7%) и акрофациальная (32,6%) формы;
феномен Кебнера, лейкотрихия и поражение слизистых оболочек в основном
наблюдается при прогрессирующей стадии.
Epilepsy, like other chronic conditions affecting the brain (multiple sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson's disease, migraine, and dementia), is associated with a higher incidence of mental disorders. Most studies show that up to 50% of patients with epilepsy have psychiatric pathology, mainly in the form of dysthymic, panic and psychotic disorders. The most common mental disorder in epilepsy is depression [6]. However, despite this unequivocal statement, it must be pointed out that the term depression does not fully reflect the current understanding of this condition.
According to the widely used DSM-IV classification of psychiatric disorders, the following depressive disorders (DR) are distinguished: major DR, dysthymic disorder, minor depression, DR due to a somatic disease or the use of any substance, or unidentified DR [5]. In general, depression in the above neurological diseases meets the criteria for DR specified in the classification. However, this does not apply to depression in epilepsy. There is some evidence that depression in epilepsy often does not meet the criteria for standard DR and is not detected by routine depression tests [3]. Some authors distinguish depression in epilepsy as a separate category of DR [1].
connection between depression and epilepsy has been known since antiquity. Back
in 400 BC. Hippocrates, in his book The Sacred Disease, questioned the current
mystical ideas about epilepsy and suggested its organic nature and connection
with the brain [4]. Regarding the mood in epilepsy, he writes: ... melancholics
usually become epileptics, and epileptics - melancholics: this is determined by
the direction in which the disease develops; if it affects the body - epilepsy
develops, if the mind – melancholy.
As you can see, the genius of the ancient doctor consisted not only in indicating melancholy as an integral part of the clinical spectrum of epilepsy, but also in recognizing a two-way connection, to which researchers returned only more than 20 centuries later.
After Hippocrates, this issue was forgotten due to the primitive ideas about epilepsy, which persisted into the Middle Ages, when epileptic phenomena were explained in terms of various mystical, magical and religious concepts.
Interest in the medical side of epilepsy appeared only from the Renaissance, and in the middle of the 19th century. received special development thanks to the work of the neurologist H. Jackson, who is considered the founder of modern epileptology. In 1873, Jackson gave the first precise definition of epilepsy: Epilepsy refers to periodic, sudden, pronounced, rapid, local discharges of gray matter [4]. Epilepsy is becoming the subject of study by psychiatrists. At the beginning of the last century, Kraepelin (1923) described the psychiatric syndrome of epilepsy in his classification of mental disorders.
With the beginning of the use in the 1930s of the EEG for the diagnosis of epilepsy and the introduction of phenobarbital into practice, the interest of psychiatrists in epilepsy fades, since the 40s epilepsy has become a purely neurological disease. Despite the positive side of this change in the development of epileptology, neurologists considered psychiatric disorders to be reactive and did not see the bidirectionality of this relationship, and psychiatric abnormalities in epilepsy were often not assessed and not adequately treated.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
However, psychosis and a
high frequency of suicides in patients with epilepsy could not but attract the
attention of specialists. Gradually, there was a tendency to actively involve
psychiatrists in the process of treating patients with epilepsy and comorbid
psychiatric disorders [5].
Currently, the following concept has been adopted on this issue: not only biological factors (etiology, localization of the focus), but also therapy (the number and types of drugs used), as well as psychological and social factors (fear of seizures, stigma) are important aspects of the development of psychiatric problems. and especially depression in epilepsy [2].
Despite differences in research methods on the prevalence of depression in epilepsy, in almost all cases it is shown that depression (or its main symptoms) is the most common comorbid mental disorder.
In the general population, the prevalence of depression is 1-3% in men and 2-9% in women. The lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder (at least one episode in a lifetime) in the general adult population according to the Epidemiological Catchment Area Study is 5.8% [1]. However, other data suggest a higher prevalence, 26% of women and 12% of men [2].
According to Harden et al. (2002), depression is more common among patients with epilepsy than in the general population [5].
Hermann et al. (2000), guided by the DSM-IV and ICD criteria, in their review of the literature determined that the prevalence of mood disorders among patients with epilepsy ranged from 44 to 63%, and separately for large DR, it averaged 29% [6]. Interestingly, the gender difference found in the general population has not been confirmed in depressed patients with epilepsy.
The O'Donoghue study showed that depression is more pronounced in patients with uncontrolled (resistant, refractory) epilepsy (33%) than in patients with controlled epilepsy (6%) [8].
The tactics of the therapy for epilepsy depends on many reasons - age, gender, comorbid pathology, form of epilepsy, antiepileptic therapy regimens and duration of administration, as well as drug interactions with other drugs, especially with anxiety and depressive disorders.
1. Khikmatovna, Hamidova Saodat. "drinking water quality source of life." Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal 2.10 (2021): 35-40.
2. Khikmatovna, Hamidova Saodat. "Establishing the systematic position of fungi of the genus trichoderma, isolated from soils of the bukhara region." International Engineering Journal For Research & Development 5.7 (2020): 6-6.
3. Рахматова С. Н., Саломова Н. К. Қайта такрорланувчи ишемик ва геморрагик инсультли беморларни эрта реабилитация қилишни оптималлаштириш //журнал неврологии и нейрохирургических исследований. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 4.
4. Саломова Н. К. Особенности течения и клинико-патогенетическая характеристика первичных и повторных инсультов //centralasianjournalofmedicalandnaturalsciences. – 2021. – С. 249-253.
5. КодироваШ. С., ДжаббароваМ. Б. Clinical and psychological analysis of patients with chronic heart failure //Новыйденьвмедицине. – 2020. – №. 2. – С. 159-161.
6. Кодирова Ш. С., Джаббарова М. Б., Саломова Н. К. Эффективность Применения Психологических Тестов Для Диагностики Психологических Расстройств У Больных, Перенесших Covid-19 //Central Asian Journal Of Medical And Natural Sciences. – 2021. – С. 323-326.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Г. Б., Джаббарова М. Б., Саломова Н. К. Меры по профилактике факторов риска
хронической обструктивной болезни легких //Новый день в медицине. – 2020. – №.
4. – С. 519-521.
8. Джураева, Х. И., Ражабова, Г. Х., Рахматова, Д. Б., & Таиров, М. Ш. (2019).
основных компонентов метаболического синдрома.
Department of Neurology, Bukhara State Medical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
The number of patients with diabetes mellitus is progressively growing and in the Russian Federation is about 3 million. One of the most common complications of diabetes is neuropathy and it is detected in 50% of patients. Almost all patients develop DPN at various times. The most common chronic sensorimotor polyneuropathy occurs, including in 7-10% of patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes [1]. The pathogenesis of DPN is multifactorial, one of the established factors is hyperglycemia, which has a damaging effect on the nervous tissue. Along with the metabolic theory, the vascular theory is also considered. The defeat of Vasa nervorum as a result of glycation of endothelial cells and impaired endoneurial circulation leads to a decrease in blood flow in the nerve, axonal atrophy and degeneration of nerve fibers. Changes in the peripheral nerve are formed as a result of nerve ischemia, which develops in violation of the production of vasoactive relaxing agents (NO), endoneural hypoxia. [5]
to the WHO definition, DPN is a disease characterized by progressive death of
nerve fibers, leading to loss of sensation and development of a foot ulcer [4].
The main direction in the prevention and treatment of DPN is to achieve
normoglycemia and maintain it for a long time. But this does not contribute to
the rapid elimination of the manifestations of DPN, and to improve the quality
of life of patients, it is necessary to use complex rehabilitation, with the
inclusion of nondrug methods of treatment. Physiotherapeutic factors are widely
used, including electrotherapy. [3] Stimulation with low-frequency currents
accelerates the regeneration of peripheral nerves and improves the functional
properties of the neuromuscular apparatus. A peculiar massaging effect of
vacuum exposure promotes the release of toxic products from the intercellular
space and reduces cellular hypoxia. [6]
Evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of including the technique of combined use of vacuum exposure and electrotherapy in the program of complex rehabilitation of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy was the purpose of this study.
Materials and methods: The patients under observation were divided into 2 groups matched by sex, age (mean age 56.5 ± 0.7 years), disease duration (mean value 9.8 ± 3.5 years). The study included men and women aged 20 to 65 years with an established diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus, distal symmetrical polyneuropathy. Patients with diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, pulmonary heart failure 2-3 stages, rhythm disturbances, and other general contraindications for physiotherapy were not included in the study. Patients of the control group (15 persons) underwent a rehabilitation program, which included a diet with a low content of fats and carbohydrates, pearl-pine baths, therapeutic exercises, drug therapy. In the main group (21 people), the combined use of vacuum exposure and low-frequency pulsed current on the lower limbs was additionally used. The method of applying electrodes is longitudinal, on the inner surface of the thigh and lower leg, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, 10 procedures per course. We analyzed the presence and severity of symptoms of neuropathy in accordance with the scale of the Neuropathic Symptomatic Score [2]. The vibration sensitivity threshold was determined using a graduated tuning fork, a 10-gram monofilament was used to assess tactile sensitivity, temperature sensitivity was studied using a Tip-term thermal tip, and a blunt needle was used to assess pain
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
sensitivity. Doppler ultrasound was used to study hemodynamics in the vessels of the lower extremities.
Statistical processing of
the obtained results was carried out using the Statistica 10.0 program, the
method was used with the calculation of the Wilcoxon test for small samples;
reliability of differences in the results of the study (p).
Results and discussion: After the course of rehabilitation in the main group, there was a more pronounced positive trend in the form of a decrease in the total average score on the NSS scale by 62%, the dynamics of neuropathic symptoms in the control group was less pronounced and amounted to 42%. There was a disappearance of complaints of burning and tingling in the lower extremities, a decrease in the manifestations of pain (by 85%) and seizures (by 84%) in patients of the main group. Patients in the control group after the course of rehabilitation had no complaints of numbness, decreased complaints of convulsions (by 60%) (table 1).
diabetic polyneuropathy before and after rehabilitation (points)
Type ofsensitivity |
Maingroupn=21 |
Control groupn=15 |
before |
after |
before |
after |
tactile |
0,7± 0,3 |
0,14 ± 0,1* |
0,6 ± 0,2 |
0,6 ± 0,2 |
painful |
1,6±0,3 |
0,6 ± 0,2** |
1,6 ± 0,4 |
0,6 ± 0,2* |
temperature |
2,0±0,3 |
0,7 ± 0,2* |
1,2 ± 0,3 |
0,4 ± 0,1 |
HPV on the 1st toe |
2,2±0,2 |
2,6 ± 0,1 |
2,0 ± 0,2 |
1,8 ± 0,3 |
HPV on the inner ankle |
2,7±0,1 |
3,1 ± 0,2 |
3,0 ± 0,2 |
2,8 ± 0,2 |
* - p < 0.05; ** -p<0.01. PHF - vibration sensitivity threshold.
Sensitivity indicators improved statistically significantly in the main group, which resulted in a change in temperature (from 2.0 ± 0.3 to 0.7 ± 0.2 points), pain (from 1.6 ± 0.3 to 0.6 ± 0.2 points) and tactile sensitivity (from 0.7 ± 0.3 to 0.14 ± 0.1 points). In patients of the control group, there was a tendency to improve the index of temperature (from 1.2 ± 0.3 to 0.4 ± 0.1 points) and pain sensitivity (from 1.6 ± 0.4 to 0.6 ± 0.2 points)
Conclusion: The inclusion of the combined use of vacuum exposure and electrotherapy in a comprehensive rehabilitation program leads to a statistically significant decrease in the manifestations of diabetic polyneuropathy (pain and numbness in the legs, reduction of cramps in the lower extremities) and an improvement in neurosensory sensitivity (temperature, pain, tactile).
1. Huggins C. Studies on prostatic cancer. I. The effect of castration, of estrogen and of androgen injection on serum phosphatases in metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. / C.Huggins, C.V.Hodges // Cancer Res. - 1941. - Vol. 1. - P.293-297.
2. Khasanovna M. G. Features of Computer Dependence Comparative Characteristics of Computer-Dependent and Computer-Independent Adolescents by Anthropometric Indicators //International Journal of Innovative Analyses and Emerging Technology. – 2021. – Т. 1. – №. 6. – С. 213-217.
3. Khasanovna, Mansurova Malika, and Tosheva Dilnoza Rahmatovna. "Helicobacter Pylori and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease (Literature Review)." International Journal of Innovative Analyses and Emerging Technology 1.4 (2021): 147-150.
4. Khikmatovna, Hamidova Saodat. "Establishing the systematic position of fungi of the genus trichoderma, isolated from soils of the bukhara region." International Engineering Journal For Research & Development 5.7 (2020): 6-6.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
S. F., Khomidova, S. H., Mansurova, M. K., & Sagdullayeva, G. U. (2018).
Immune Status In Patients With Duodenal Ulcer And Influence On Her Immunomodulatory
Therapy. European science review, (9-10-2), 161-163.
6. Джаббарова, МияссарБобокуловна. "Распространенность и клинические проявления бронхиальной астмы." Биология и интегративная медицина 1 (48) (2021).
of cabazitaxel on 2-year survival and palliation of tumour-related pain in men
with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treated in the TROPIC
trial. /A. Bahl, S. Oudard, B. Tombal [et al.] // Ann. Oncol. - 2013. - Vol.
24(9). -P. 2402-2408
Annotatsiya: Millatlararo totuvlik g’oyasi Yer yuzida yashayotgan barcha etnik guruhlarning teng huquqlilik, o’zaro hurmat va hamkorlik asosida tinch –totuv yashash g’oyasidir . Millatlararo totuvlik g’oyasi tinchlik va barqarorlik goyasidir. U barcha milat va elatlarining tili, urf –odati, an’analari, bayramlari rivjlanishini talab etadi. Milatchilik,fashizim, miliy va etnik ko’rinishidagi urushlarga qarshi turadigagan yagona ma’rifiy g’oyadir .Ayniqsa bugun neofashizim bosh ko’tarayotgan sivilzatsiyalararo to’qnashuvlar sodir bo’layotgan sharoitda millatlararo totuvlik g’oyasi dolzarb ahamiyat kasb etadi.
Kirish so’zlar: Baynilmilal, mentalitet, milliy-madaniy markazlar, millatlararo totuvlik, konfessiya, formal, ichki bag’rikenglik tolerantlik, seminariya
Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasining 8-moddasida “O’zbekiston xalqini millatidan
qat’I nazar, O’zbekiston Respublikasining fuqoralari tashkil etadi” degan muhim
qoiqda belgilab qo’yilgan. Bugun O’zbekistonda 138ta milliy-madaniy markazlar
millatlararo totuvlik g’oyasini hayotga tadbiq etmoqda. Ruslarning
“Maslenitsa”, tatarlarning “sabanto’y”,uyg’urlarning “sayil”, bayramlari,
xitoylarning “Chunuze” yangi yili, koreyslarning “Soller” va “Ovol-tano”
bayramlari nishonlanmoqda. O’zbekiston aholisining 80%ini o’zbek, 4,9%ini
tojik, 3,8%ini rus, 3,6%ini qozoq, va 7,7%ini boshqa turli millatlarga mansub
kishilar tashkil etiladi. Agar 1992- yilda 10ta milliy-madaniy markazlar ish
olib brogan bo’lsa hozirga kelib esa mamlakatda 138ta milliy madaniy markazlar
faoliyat yuritmoqda.1992-yil tashkil etilgan Respublika Baynalmilal
madaniyat markazi esa ushbu milliy madaniy markazlar faoliyatini
muvofiqlashtirib, ularga tashkiliy va uslubiy yordam ko’rsatib keldi. Bugungi
kunda ham millatlararo totuvlik va dinlararo bag’rikenglik g’oyi dunyoda eng
dolzarb muammolardan biridir. Shu munosabat bilan YUNESKO 1995-yil Parijda
“Bag’rikenglik tamoyillari deklaratsiyasi”ni qabul qildi.Birlashgan Millatlar
Tashkiloti esa har yilning 16- noyabrini “Xalqaro bag’rikenglik kuni”deb e’lon
qilindi.Bugun respublika hududida yashovchi 130dan ortiq millat va elat
vakillari uchun O’zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi millatlararo totuvlik
ni mustahkamlash, barqarorlik va taraqqiyotni ta’minlashning kafolati bo’lib
xizmat qilmoqda. Prezidentimiz Shavkat Mirziyoyev tashabbusi bilan qabul
qilingan 2017-2021- yillarda O’zbekiston Respublikasini rivojlantirishning besh
ustuvor yo’nalishi bo’yicha Harakatlar strategiyasida mamlakatimizda
millatlararo totuvlikni taminlash masalasiga alohida e’tibor qaratilgan
.Mamlakatimizda tinchlikni yanada mustahkamlash, millatlararo barqarorlikni
yuksaltirish maqsadida 2017-yil 19-mayda O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining
“Millatlararo munosabatlar va xorijiy mamlakatlar bilan do’stlik aloqalarini
yanada takomillashtirish choratadsbitrlari to’g’risidagi” farmoni qabul
qilindi.Baynalminal so’zi arabcha so’z bo’lib millatlar o’rtasidagi xalqaro
umuminsoniy, umumxalqiy mazmunlarda qo’llaniladi. Mentalitet so’zi nemischa
aql, idrok jamiyat, millat jamoa yoki alohida shaxsning tarixiy tarkib topgan
tafakkur darajasi.SSSR davrida O’zbekistonda 89ta masjid, 2ta madrasa bo’lgan
bo’lgan, 2017-yilga qadar esa 2033ta masjid, Islom universiteti, Islom
institute, 16ta diniy konfessiyalar faoliyat yuritib keldi. 1991-yil davlatning
v ijdon erkinligi va dinga oid siyosatini belgilab beruvchi” Vijdon erkinligi
va diniy ytashkilotlar to’g’risidagi” qonuni qabul qilindi. 1992- yil
O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining farmoniga binoan Vazirlar Mahkamasi
huzurida Din ishlari bo’yicha qo’mita tashkil
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
etildi. 1998-yil
O’zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisi tomonidan “Vijdon erkinligi va diniy
ytashkilotlar to’g’risidagi” qonunning yangi tahriri qabul qilindi. 2007- yilda
Islom Hamkorligi Tashkilotining ta’lim, fan va madaniyat masalalar bo’yicha
tuzilmasi AYSESKO tomonidan “Toshkent – Islom madaniyati poytaxti” deb e’lon
qilindi. Toshkentda 2013-yil qurilishi boshlangan Minor masjidi 2014- yilning
1-oktabrida, Qurbon hayiti kuni ochildi. Masjid 2400 dan ortiq namozxonga
mo’ljallangan. 1999-yilda O’zbekiston Respublikasi birinchi Prezidenti Islom
Karimovning tashabbusi bilan Markaziy osiyoda yagona bo’lgan Toshkent Islom
universitetiga asos solindi.
Prezidentimiz 2017-yil 19-sentabrda BMT Bosh Assambleyasining 72-sessiyasida jahon hamjamiyati oldida turgan dolzarb masalalar haqida to’xtalar ekan, “Ma’rifat va diniy bag’rikenglik” deb nomlangan maxsus rezolyutsiyani qabul qilish taklifini ilgari surdi. “Bugungi sessiya ishtirokchilariga BMT Bosh assambleyasining “Ma’rifat va diniy bag’rikenglik” deb nomlangan maxsus rezolutsiyasini qabul qilish taklifi bilan murojaat qilmoqchiman. Bu hujjatning asosiy maqsadi – barchaning ta’lim olish huquqini ta’minlashga, savodsizlik va jaholatga barham berishga ko’maklashishdan iborat . Ushbu rezolutsiya bag’rikenglik va o’zaro hurmatni qaror toptirish, diniy erkinlikni ta’minlash, e’tiqod qiluvchilarning huquqini himoya qilish, ularning kamsitilishiga yo’l qo’ymaslikkA ko’maklashishga qaratilgan”.2018-yil 12-dekabrda BMT Bosh Assambleyasining 73-sessiyasida 51-yig’ilishida mazkur rezolyutsiya 193 ta a’zo mamlakat tomonidan yakdillik bilan qabul qilindi. Konfessiya- lotincha tan olish diniy ishonch . Tolerantlik- lotincha sabr toqat o’zgalarning fikr g’oyalari bag’rikenglik .Seminariya- xristian cherkovlari uchun ruhoniylar tayyorlaydigan o’quv yurti. Yurtimizda bag’rikenglik va murosaning ildizlari uzoq asrlarga borib taqaladi.Mamlakatimiz hududida faoliyat ko’rsatgan turli dinlar madaniyati bo’yicha izlanishlar qilgan yapon olimi Kyudzo Katoningta’kidlashicha, Surxondaryo vohasidagi noyob budda madaniyati yahudiy yodgorliklari, Buxorodagi nasroniylar ziyoratgohlari yurtimizdagi islom obidalari bilan bir qatorda turishi hech kimni ajablantirmaydi.
Xulosa:Dunyoda globallashuv jarayoni shiddatli tus olgan bugungi kunda turli madaniyat va dinga mansub xalqlar o’rtasida o’zaro muloqot va hamkorlikni rivojlantirish dolzarb ahamiyatga ega.O’zbekiston zaminida azaldan islom dini bilan yonma –yon boshqa dinlar ,madaniyatlar ham yashab, rivojlanib kelgan .Asrlar davomida yirk shaharlarimizda masjid, cherkov va sinagogalar mavjud bo’lgani, turli millat va dinga mansub qavmlarning o’z diniy amallarini erkin ado etib kelayotgani buning tasdig’idir. Tariximizning eng murakkab, og’ir davrlarida ham ular o’rtasida diniy asosda mojarolar bo’lmaganligi xalqimizning diniy bag’rikenglik borasida katta tajriba to’planganidan dalolat beradi. Hozir yurtimizda turli millat va elat vakillarining diniy urf-odatlari ,an’analari va qadriyatlarini saqlab qolish hamda bag’rikenglik tamoyillarini ta’minlash uchun yetarli shart-sharoitlar yaratilgan. Muhimi, bag’rikenglik xalqimizning azaliy qadriyatlariga aylanganini butun jahon e’tirof etmoqda.
1. Ne’matillo Muhammedov, O’zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi Islom tarixi va
manbashunosligi-IRCICA kafedra mudiri, tarix fanlari doktori, dotsent
2. Manba: “Yangi ozbekiston” gazetasi 2021-yil 09-iyun 116-son 6-bet
3. O’zbekiston tarixi: N.Jo’rayev,A.Zamonov. 1-nashri,-T:. G’afur G’ulom nomidagi nashriyot matbaa ijodiy uyi 2018- 144-b
Б. Ш.Сирожов
катта ўқитувчи ТКТИ Шахрисабз филиали Gmail: b.sirojov@stict.uz
М. С. Самадов
доцент. ТКТИ Шахрисабз филиали Gmail:ms.Samadov63@gmail.com
Ж. Ҳ. Ҳамраев
катта ўқитувчи. ТКТИ Шахрисабз филиали Gmail:everes_neytral@bk.ru
Ш. Қ. Долиев
асс. ТКТИ Шахрисабз филиали Gmail:shokhabbos9109@gmail.com
Аннотация.Ушбу илмий мақолада ёнувчи сланецлар ва уларни қайта ишлашўрганилган. Ёнувчи сланец-гилли, қумли ва оҳактошли таркибли, ўзида ёниш хусусиятини мужассам этган органик моддаларнинг ажралиш маҳсулотидир. Ёнувчи сланецни қайта ишлаш жараёнида смола ёнувчи газ ва смола ости суви олиниши келтирилган.
Калит сўзлар:сланец, электр, газ, нефт, кероген, хом ашё, смола.
сланец-қаттиқ каустобиолитлар гуруҳига кирувчифойдали
қазилма ҳисобланади. Таркиби нефтга яқин, саноат усулида
ҳайдашда аҳамиятли миқдорда ўзидан смола ажратади. Ёнувчи
сланец қуйидаги ташкил этувчи минераллардан (кальцитлар, доломит,
гидрослюдалар, монтмориллонит, каолинит, дала шпатлари кварц, пирит ва
бошқалар) ва органик бўлаклар (кероген)дан ташкил топган. Тоғжинси
массасини органик бўлаклар (кероген) 10-30% ни, сланецларнинг энг яхши таркибий
қисмларида 50-70% гача етади.
Ёнувчи сланецлар таркиби ва тарқалиши бир қанча илмий манбаларда ўрганилган. Коми республикасининг Сосногор районидаги ўрганилган ёнувчи сланецнинг таркибидаги органик моддалар миқдори 0,14-28,9 % гача етади. (1)
Кузбасс районидаги ёнувчи сланецнинг таркиби: [2]
Техник таҳлил,% |
Элеменлар таркиби, % daf |
W |
Ad |
Vdaf |
С |
Н |
S |
N |
O |
1,2 |
72,9 |
81,0 |
77,5 |
10,0 |
0,2 |
1,0 |
11,3 |
Эстония сланец саноати бўйича дунёдаги энг ривожланган давлатлардан бири ҳисобланади. Ёнувчи сланец Эстониянинг стратегик энергия ресурсидир, бу ялпи ички маҳсулотнинг 4% ни ташкил этади. 2012 йилда ишлаб чиқарилган сланецнинг 70 фоизи электр энергиясини ишлаб чиқариш учун ишлатилган (дунёдаги барча сланец электр станцияларидан иккитаси Эстонияда жойлашган), бу Эстонияда ишлаб чиқарилган умумий электр энергиясининг 85% ни ташкил этади [5].
Россия давлатида ЁС Россия энергетика вазирлигининг маълумотларига кўра, Россия, ёқилғи сланец захиралари бўйича дунёда биринчи ўринлардан бирини эгаллаб, энди деярли
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
уларнинг ишлаб чиқариш ва қайта ишлаш тўхтатди. Аввало, улар
сланецларда ишлайдиган иссиқлик электр станцияларининг бошқа хом
ашёларига ўтказилганлиги сабабли. Шунингдек, сланецни нефт маҳсулотларига
қайта ишлаш учун молиявий воситаларнинг етишмаслиги туфайлидир.
Айни пайтда, Россияда катта сланец олинадиган жойларда ЁС чиқиндиларидан аста - секин қурилиш ва кимёвий товарлар қайта ишлаш ривожланмоқда.Ленинград вилоятида тўпланган ЁС чиқиндиларининг катта миқдори келгуси йилдан қайта ишлаш ва юқори сифатли цемент ишлаб чиқариш учун хом ашё сифатида ишлатиш режалаштирилди [6].
Америка қўшма штатларининг Девония, Миссисипи, Пенсилвания ва Мезозой штатларида учрайдиган ЁС ларнинг органик моддалар таркиби 2-3 дан 10-15% гача ўзгариб туради.
Ёнувчи сланец-гилли, қумли ва оҳактошли таркибли, ўзида ёниш хусусиятини мужассам этган органик моддаларнинг ажралиш маҳсулотидир. Ёнувчи сланецни қайта ишлаш жараёнида смола ёнувчи газ ва смола ости суви олинади. Смоланинг ажралиши 5-50%. Ёнувчи сланецлар барча типлари юқори таркибли водород (7-8% гача) ва учувчи газлар(3070%), шу билан бирга битумнинг ажралиб чиқиши билан тавсифланади. Ёндирилганда тутунли аланга бўлиб, ўзидан махсус битум исини чиқаради. Ҳайдаш воситаси ва ёнилғи сифатида ишлатилади.
Халқаро амалиётда ёнувчи сланецлардан асосан нефт маҳсулотларини ишлаб чиқариш йўлга қўйилган.Нефт сланеци ЁС минерал матрицасида кимёвий боғланган қаттиқ ҳолатда бўлган сланец мойи туфайли биринчи навбатда юқори калорияли (3300 ккал/кг гача) энергияхом ашёси сифатида саноат аҳамиятига эга. Бугунги кунда қабул қилинган нефт сланеци (ЁС) конларини ишлаб чиқишнинг асосий мафкураси ЁС нинг пайдо бўлган жойидаги органик таркибий қисмини суюқ фазага ўтказишдир[3].
Қашқадарё вилояти худудидаги “Ёнувчи сланец”нинг таркиби
SiO 2 |
Al2O 3 |
P2O 3 |
Ca O |
Fe2O 3 |
SO3 |
K 2 O |
Na2 O |
Mg O |
TiO 2 |
V2O 3 |
Mn O |
Ba O |
ThO 2 |
UO2 |
La2O 3 |
Cl2O 3 |
Yb2O 3 |
Ni O |
M o |
1,8 |
1,0 |
9,2 |
4,9 |
3,8 |
0,9 |
0,3 |
0,6 |
2,0 |
10,4 |
2,4 |
1,5 |
0,8 |
0,7 |
0,5 |
1,7 |
0,2 |
0,1 |
42,5 |
29,0 |
2,2 |
1,4 |
2,1 |
6,6 |
1,5 |
0,3 |
0,3 |
0,2 |
0,1 |
0,3 |
0,5 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
40,5 |
3,2 |
5,5 |
2,0 |
8,6 |
0,6 |
0,7 |
0,1 |
0,5 |
0,6 |
8,6 |
2,4 |
0,4 |
5,3 |
20, 5 |
4,9 |
0,6 |
0,2 |
0,5 |
0,2 |
0,1 |
0,03 |
0,3 |
11,4 |
4,8 |
22,8 |
2,9 |
7,1 |
0,8 |
1,1 |
0,2 |
0,8 |
0,5 |
0,2 |
0,3 |
0,4 |
0,8 |
0,2 |
0,1 |
0,6 |
6,2 |
59,1 |
20,9 |
1,3 |
9,9 |
0,3 |
2,9 |
4,0 |
0,9 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
35,1 |
10,7 |
0,2 |
0,8 |
0,1 |
0,6 |
3,5 |
0,7 |
0,5 |
0,03 |
0,1 |
0,00 3 |
0,1 |
14,5 |
4,1 |
0,3 |
4,1 |
0,1 |
1,5 |
0,5 |
0,3 |
0,1 |
0,03 |
0,2 |
0,1 |
49,3 |
19,3 |
0,8 |
4,8 |
0,3 |
3,1 |
3,1 |
0,6 |
0,1 |
0,2 |
0,1 |
36,9 |
13,6 |
0,5 |
5,1 |
0,1 |
2,7 |
2,4 |
0,4 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
5,8 |
1,9 |
0,1 |
1,5 |
0,2 |
0,2 |
1,6 |
0,5 |
0,2 |
0,3 |
0,3 |
0,6 |
Шу билан бирга, ЁС шунингдек, кимё саноати, металлургия, тиббиёт, қишлоқ хўжалиги ва қурилиш соҳаси учун янги истиқболли минерал хом ашё ҳисобланади. Углеводородлар, нодир ва бошқа элементларига қўшимча равишда экстракция билан ЁСни комплекс қайта ишлаш давлат аҳамиятига эга муаммо ҳисобланади, чунки коксдан ЁС қайта ишлангандан сўнг молибден ва ванадий олиниши мумкин, ва ЁС кимёвий қайта ишлаш жараёнида
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
мойлаш учун ишлатиладиган таркибида 4-6% гача олтингугурт бўлган юқори
олтингугуртли ёқилғи мойлари; қатронлар (8-12%), ундан
ёғочгасингувчи мой олиш мумкин; электродли кокс, мастик ва
Ушбу йўналишдаги тадқиқотлар фаол давом этмоқда.
Ер юзидаги ёқилғига бўлган талабнинг ошиши, табиий газ ва нефт заҳираларининг камайиши ёнувчи сланецларни қайта ишлаш эҳтиёжини вужудга келтиради.
Ўзбекистонда нефт заҳиралари 100 миллион тонна ёки 600 миллион баррел, жаҳондаги жами нефт заҳирасига нисбатан 0,05 % камроқни ташкил этади. Бир кунда ишлаб чиқариладиган нефт 111 минг баррел, жаҳон бўйича жами бир кунда ишлаб чиқариладиган нефтнинг 0,1% ни ташкил этади.
Ўзбекистонда газ заҳиралари 1,58 трилион кубометр ёки жаҳондаги жами заҳиранинг 0,9% ни ташкил этади. Бир кунда ишлаб чиқариладиган газ 62,2 миллиард кубометр ёки жаҳон бўйича жами бир кунда ишлаб чиқариладиган газнинг 2,1% ни ташкил этади [4].
Ёнувчи сланецлар Ўзбекистонда Амударё ва Сирдарё сланец хавзалари худудида кенг тарқалган. Сирдарё ва Амударё хавзалари ёнувчи сланецларининг башоратлаш ресурслари ер юзасидан 600 метр чуқурликгача баҳоланган ва Ўрта Осиёда 93 млрд тоннани, бунинг ичида 47 млрд тоннаси Ўзбекистон улушига тўғри келади.
Хулоса қилиб айтганда электр энергия ишлаб чиқаришдаги ёқилғи муаммоси, газ ва нефть конлари заҳираларини камайиб бориши мавжуд ЁС конларидан фойдаланиш эҳтиёжини келтириб чиқаради.
Ҳозирги пайтда сланец қазиб олувчи ва қайта ишловчи ишлаб чиқариш КХР, АҚШ, Бразилия, Эстония, Испания, Германия, Австрия ва Россияда олиб борилмоқда.
Фойдаланилган адабиётлар
1. Бушнев Д.А., Бурдельная Н.С., Органическое вещество горючих сланцев айювинского месторождения. Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН № 2(26). Сыктывкар,
2016.стр 54.
2. Коваленко Е.Ю.,Король И.С., Сагаченко Т.А., Мин Р.С.Состав растворимого органического вещества горючего сланца Дмитриевского месторождения Кузбасса. Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов. 2017. Т. 328. № 12. Стр.95
3. https://www.bbc.com/uzbek/central_asia/2010/06/100602_cy_regionale_energy_resources.
4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/
5. https://rg.ru/2009/11/24/slanec.html
6. Бычеев В.И., Тен В.Н. Теоретические основы комплексной скважинной переработки горючих сланцев с получением энергоносителей и металлов.// Горный вестник Узбекистана. – Т.: 2006. - №1. - С.12-14.
Toshkent to`qimachilik va yengil sanoat institute, Toshkent sh., Shoxjaxon ko`chasi
Toshkent to`qimachilik va yengil sanoat institute, guruh talabasi Toshkent sh., Shoxjaxon ko`chasi
Maqolada o`rash qadoqlash mahsulotlari turlari, qo’llanish soxalari va ularning jahon bozoridagi tendensiyalari o`rganib chiqildi va tahlil qilindi.
Kalit so`zlari: o`rash-qadolash mahsulotlari, tendensiyalar, polimerlar, qadoqlar.
Bugungi kunda har qanday mahsulotning tashqi ko`rinishi ma‘lum darajada o`rash mahsulоtlari bilan bog‘liq. O`rash va qadoqlash mahsulоtlarini ishlab chiqaruvchi va iste’mоlchi o`rtasida asоsiy alоqa kanallaridan biri hisоblanadi. O`rash mahsulоtlari va mahsulоtni bezashga taalluqli ma‘lum standartlar ishlab chiqilgan bo`lib, ular dasturulamal bo`lib hizmat qilmоqda.
Jahon bozorida qadoqlash mahsulotlari ishlab chiqarilishi o`sishi kuzatilgan yagona sanoat bo`lib qolmoqda (yiliga 3,33,5%). 2020-yilga kelib matbaa bozorining umumiy hajmidagi (468 milliard dollar) qadoqlash mahsulotlari ulushi 157 milliard dollarni tashkil qilib, ularga gadoqlash uchun qutilar, yumshoq qadoqlar kiradi. Qadoqlash mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish flekso bosma usulida 2,6% ga, raqamli bosmada esa 8% ga o`sishi kutilmoqda.
ma'lumotlariga ko`ra, qadoqlash mahsulotlarining 2018-yilda global savdo hajmi
4,3 trillion donadan oshdi, ularning eng katta qismi polimerdir, Bugungi kunda
barcha turdagi qadoqlarning qariyb 50% polimerlardan tayyorlanmoqda. Polimer
qadoqlarning eng katta qismi (53%) yumshoq qadoqlar bo`lib, bu ko`rsatkich
doimiy ravishda o`sishda davom etmoqda(Rasm-1). Shu bilan birga, talabning asosiy
qismi oziq -ovqat sanoati uchun qadoqlash mahsulotlariga to`g’ri keladi. Bunga
sabab ular yengil, ochilishi osonligi, shuningdek mahsulotni vizual tanlash
qulayligini ta'minlashidir.
Rasm-1.Jahon bozorida o’rash -qadoqlash mahsulotlari.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Qattiq qadoqlar - bu tez
rivojlanayotgan moslashuvchan qadoqlash sanoatidir. Bu iste'molchilarning qulay
qadoqlardan foydalanish istagi bilan bog'liq bo`lib, qattiq taglikli vertikal
qadoqlar ishlab chiqarish jarayoning osonligi va ochilishi osonligi bilan
ajralib turadi. Yengil bo`lganligi sababli, vertikal qadoqlar, bir tomondan,
xom ashyoni tejaydi, boshqa tomondan, transport xarajatlarini ham kamaytiradi.
Bundan tashqari, zamonaviy qadoqlash texnologiyalari sterilizatsiya qilingan
paketli qadoqlar yordamida mahsulot sifatini yaxshilaydi va ularni to`ldirish
tezligini ta'minlaydi.
Taxminan 40% bilan ikkinchi o`rinni qattiq plastmassadan tayyorlangan qadoqlash egallaydi. Plastmassadan tayyorlangan qadoqlarning iste'molchilari ichimliklar sanoati mahsulotlari hisoblanadi: ko`p yillar davomida ichimliklar uchun PET qadoqlar yetakchi o`rinlarni egallab kelmoqda. Alkogolsiz ichimliklar, ayniqsa suvga bo`lgan global talabning oshishi, shubhasiz, kelgusi yillarda PET mahsulotlariga talabning yanada oshishiga olib keladi. Raqamlashtirish endi yangilik bo`lmagan yorliq bozoridan tashqari, qadoqlash sanoatining barcha segmentlari vakillari ham asta-sekin raqamli texnologiyalarga moyil bo`lishmoqda. Raqamlashtirish ishlab chiqarishning barcha bosqichlariga ta'sir ko`rsatdi xususan prepress va postpress, chop etish, ranglarni boshqarish va boshqalarga. Kelgusida bu tendentsiya yanada faolroq namoyon bo`ladi, chunki raqamlashtirilgan chop etish jarayonida mahsulotni qisqa muddatlarda kam xarajatlari bilan ishlab chiqarishga va ekologik toza ishlab chiqarish jarayonini saqlashga imkon beradi. Mavsumiy, mintaqaviy va boshqa turdagi o`zgarmaydigan qadoqlar o`z o`rnida qoladi.
Mahsulotni biror bir shahs uchun atalganday shaxsiylashtirish iste’molchining e’tiborini tobora ko`proq jalb etadigan tendentsiyalardan biridir. Raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanish qadoqlash sanoatiga mikromarketingida, yangi markali dizaynlarni joriy etish va o`z mahsulotlari bilan xaridorlar e'tiborini qaratib mahalliylashtirish va shaxsiylashtirish imkoniyatini beradi. Raqamli bosma usulida chop etish etiketkalar ishlab chiqarishda tobora muhim ahamiyat kasb etmoqda, ayniqsa qisqa muddatlarda mijozlar uchun yangi imkoniyatlarni taklif etadi. Raqamli texnologiyalarning qadoqlash sanoatidagi asosiy kamchiligi chop etish harajatlarining yuqoriligidadir. Raqamli chop etish, iqtisodiy jihatdan faqat kichiq hajmli buyurtmalar uchun unumlidir.
Ekspertlarning fikricha, 2019 yildan 2027 yilgacha yuqori to`siq hususiyatli qadoqlash plyonkalarining jahon bozoridagi hajmi har yili o`rtacha 7,8 foizga o`sib borishi kutilmoqda. Qadoqlash sanoatida turli hil plyonkalardan foydalaniladi: antifog, antibacterial, ultrabinafsha nurlaridan himoyalovchi, chirishga chidamli, zarba modifikatorli. Antibakterial qadoqlar jahon bozorida 2019-yildan 2024-yilgacha har yili 5,1% o`sadi, go`sht, baliq, pishloq va boshqa tez buziladigan mahsulotlar uchun yuqori to`siq hususiyatli qadoqlar ulushining oshishi ham taxmin qilinmoqda. Jahon korxonalari sa'y -harakatlari bilan antiseptik ishlanmalar asta-sekin amaliyotga joriy etilmoqda.
Bugungi kunda, barqaror rivojlanish tamoyillarini amalga oshirish qiyinroq, biroq mutaxassislar ulardan voz kechmay, balki yangi yo`llarni izlamoqda. Masalan, ba'zi kompaniyalar qayta ishlanadigan mono -qadoqlarga o`tishdi (Unilever's Knorr markasi). Boshqa tamoyil - qayta ishlash emas, balki qadoqlashni qayta ishlatish - hozirda ba'zi kompaniyalar (masalan, L'Oreal) va Evropa mamlakatlari hamda Yaponiyaning yirik chakana savdo tarmoqlari tomonidan qo`llanilmoqda. Aksariyat odamlar uchun qadoqlarning "chidamliligi" uni sotib olish qarorlariga sezilarli ta'sir qiladi.
Darhaqiqat, qadoqlash sanoati boshqalar kabi pandemiya ta'siriga duch kelmadi. Bundan tashqari, garchi pandemiya davrida sanoat ishlab chiqarishining o`zi 9.8% ga pasaygan bo`lsada, qadoqlarni iste'mol qiladigan sanoatning asosiy segmentlari o`sishni ko`rsatdi. Polimer plyonkalar ijobiy dinamikani saqlab qoldi, plastmassa, metall qadoqlar, shisha hajmining o`sishi kuzatilmoqda. Eng yuqori o`sish farmatsevtika va oziq -ovqat mahsulotlarining qadoqlari hajmida namoyon bo`ladi.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Bugungi kunda bir martali
ishlatiladigan plastik qadoqlar eng xavfsiz buyumlar sirasiga kirmoqda. Shuning
uchun ham ularning qadoqlash bozorida sezilarli o`sishi kuzatilmoqda. Yana bir
kutilmagan tendentsiya - oziq -ovqat sanoati sohasida kichik qadoqlash va
maishiy kimyo segmentida katta idishlarga bo`lgan talabning ortishi.
Mutaxassislar bu tendentsiyani aholining xarid qobiliyati pasayishi va oqilona
iste'mol tendentsiyasi bilan bog'laydilar. Ekspertlar bugungi kunda qadoqlash
sanoatida katta o`zgarishlar zarurligini va ularning barchasi katta moliyaviy
sarmoyalarni talab qilmasligini kerakligini ta'kidlamoqdalar. Masalan,
plastmassa qo`shilmasdan faqat qog'ozdan yasalgan bir marta qo`llaniladigan
idishlar paydo bo`lishi ularni to`liq qayta ishlash imkonini vujudga keltirdi.
Yana bir istiqbolli yo`nalish - qadoqlash jarayonini butunlay avtomatlashtirish
Tahlillar shuni ko`rsatdiki, 2020 va 2021 yillardagi dizaynerlarning qarashlari bir -biridan juda farq qiladi: sodda tasvirlardan keng foydalanilmoqda.
2020-pandemiya yilida biz onlayn tijorat kundalik hayotimizda qanchalik muhimligini ko`rdik. Onlayn tijoratning ko`payishi bilan xaridorlar talablari va extiyojlarini qondirish uchun har qanday takliflarni ishlab chiqaruvchilar tomonidan taqdim etilishi muhim axamiyat kasb etdi. Bunda ishlab chiqaruvchilar va dizaynerlar iste’molchilar qo`liga o`z mahsulotlarini yetkazish uchun yuqori darajada tayyorgarlik ko`ra boshladilar.
2020-21 yilga mo`ljallangan qadoqlash mahsulotlari dizaynining asosiy tendentsiyalari quyidagilarni o`z ichiga oldi:
1. Ichki tarkibga ishora qiluvchi mayda bezaklar
2. Giper-soddalashtirilgan geometriya
3. Qadoqlar dizaynidagi san'at
4. Dizayndagi anatomik va texnik rasmlar
5. Organik ranglardan foydalanish
6. Betakror mahsulot nomi
7. Qadoqlardagi mukammal simmetriya
8. Mahsulotda turli hikoyalar
Albatta barcha keltirilgan tendensiyalar, mahsulotni bozorda o`z o`rnini egallashga iste’molchilar auditoriyasini yaratishga hizmat qiladi.
Pandemiyadan keyin har bir insonning turmush tarzi, biznes strategiyasi va shaxsiy hayotida katta o`zgarishlar bo`ldi. Epidemiya ishlab chiqaruvchilar ish joylari joylashuvi, brend xabarlari va asosiy qadriyatlarini qayta ko`rib chiqishga majbur qildi va bu o`zgarishlar 2022 yil uchun ham mustasno emas. Qadoqlash tendentsiyalari doimo muhim bo`lib qolmoqda, chunki ular kuchli marketing vositasi hisoblanadi. Savdo rastalarida turgan mahsulotinning qanchalik samarali sotilishi haqida gap ketganda, etiketkalash tizimingiz muhim rol o`ynashini unutmaslik kerak. Qadoqlar va ularning dizayni mahsulot xavfsizligi va himoyasini ta'minlashda, shuningdek, tovar brendini targ'ib qilishda muhim rol o`ynaydi. Bunda barcha harakat trendlarni qadoqlar ranglarida ko`rsatish va brendni mavjud materiallar, dizaynlar va bosma imkoniyatlar orqali yetkazishga qaratiladi. Ekologik toza, kam resurs talab qiladigan va kamroq chiqindilarni hosil qiladigan qadoqlar zamon talabiga aylandi.
Insoniyat dabdaba va turli hilliklardan shunchalik charchaganki bugunga kelib retro estetika muhim tendensiyalarni tashkil qilmoqda. Oddiy va sodda, dizayn, sodda shrift va bosiq ranglar – retro estetik uslubni tashkil qiladi. Amaliyligi nuqtai nazaridan bu uslub deyarli har qanday mahsulot yoki ishlab chiqarishda qo`llanilishi mumkin. Ranglar haqida gap ketganda, och “yumshoq” va tabiiy ranglar ideal hisoblanadi.
Pandemiyala insonlarni oila davrasida uyda qolishga majbur qildi, bu esa oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini yetkazib berish hizmatlarining ortishiga olib keldi. Shunday vaziyatda, qadoqlar mahsulotlarni
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
nafaqat ximoya vositasi sifatida xizmat qilishiga balki istemolchini tashqi viruslar xavfidan himoya qilishi muhim ekanligi namoyon bo`ladi.
Xulosa qilib shuni
ta'kidlash mumkinki, qadoqlash sanoati eng "ilg'or" sohalardan
biridir. Zamonaviy qadoqlash materiallari mahsulotlarni tashqi ekologik
ta’sirlardan (UV nurlanishi, harorat, namlik, atmosfera kislorodi, mexanik va
kimyoviy ifloslanish) himoya qiladi. Texnik iqtisodiy ko`rsatkichlar nuqtai
nazaridan eng istiqbolli - qadoqlar joyidagi fizik -kimyoviy va biokimyoviy
jarayonlarni tartibga solishga qodir "faol" qadoqlar materiallaridir.
Bunday faol polimer plyonkalar qadoqlangan mahsulotlarni saqlash bilan bog'liq
muammolarni yangi usulda hal qilish imkonini beradi. Ular minimal xavf bilan
investitsion kapital qu`yilmalarning istiqbolli maydonini tashkil qiladi,
chunki qadoqlash sanoatining rivojlanishidagi jahon tajribasi qadoqlangan
mahsulotlar sifatining barqarorligiga ta'siri yo`nalishi bo`yicha polimer
materiallarning rivojlanish tendentsiyalarini aniq belgilab beradi.
1. Handbook of print media: technologies and production methods /H. Kipphan. - Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; Barcelona; Hong Kong; London; Milan; Paris; Singapore; Tokyo: Springer, 2001. - 1207 p.
2. Колесников В. Л. Системный анализ производственных процессов в полиграфии : учеб. пособие. / В. Л. Колесников. — Минск : БГТУ, 2011. -352 с.
3. Тихонов В. П. Технология печатных процессов / В. П. Тихонов, С. А. Гуляев. - М.,
2010. - 150 с.
4. Колесников В. Л. Беседы о системном анализе и информационных технологиях [Электронный ресурс] : Talkings. - Электрон. дан. и прогр. (37,4 Мб). - Минск, 2013. - 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD ROM).
5. Ефремов, Н. Ф. Конструирование и дизайн тары и упаковки: учебник для вузов / Н. Ф. Ефремов, Т. В. Лемешко, А. В. Чуркин. — М.: МГУП, 2004. — 400 с.
6. Ю.Соколников “Все об упаковке” Издательский дом ТИГРА, 2001— 8-12с.
7. D.R.Safaeva, I.A.Bulanov “O`rash qadoqlash materiallari”, Noshir 2021—21b.
Abstract – The article provides an overview of the sociological method. At the same time, its relevance to the literature has been studied and analyzed using examples.
Key words: sociological method, literature, social phenomena, literary criticism, cultural-historical school, economics, sociology.
N.A. Dobrolyubov's "A ray of light in the dark kingdom", in which, as you know, a brilliant interpretation of the drama of N.A. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm". The significance of this article for the history of Russian literature is undeniable. A return to it today is justified already because the concepts of vulgar sociologism and theories that arose in the circle of M.M. Bakhtin. O.N. Dobrolyubov begins the article with arguments about the "service" role of literature, "... whose meaning lies in propaganda and dignity is determined by what and how it promotes." At the same time, he points out that the greatest geniuses towered over this "service" role, depicting "fully and multilaterally" the essential aspects of life. Such was the great Shakespeare. Such is the playwright Ostrovsky.
Ostrovsky abandons traditional dramatic genres. "Thunderstorm",
according to N.A. Dobrolyubova, does not fit into the traditional schemes of
"comedy of intrigue" or "comedy of characters." Ostrovsky
creates a new genre in his work, which in the article is designated as “plays
of life”. Note that this genre name is in itself very characteristic of
sociological thinking. If the "intrigue" or "character" of
the category is largely intra-literary, then the concept of "play of
life" takes the analysis to a different level. The point is not even that,
according to N.A. Dobrolyubov, Ostrovsky refers to the "everyday, economic
side of the issue", but rather to the fact that he is attracted by
"... the general, not dependent on any of the actors, the situation of
life." The "position" of the actors, adds the author of the
article, dominates them, that is, over their characters. This is an important
principle of the sociological method: not so much the individual as the
socio-typical is interesting in the literatureюThanks to the sociological
method, the critic accentuates and notes certain moments in the play "The
Thunderstorm", but does not record others, which are also important in his
own way. It should be remembered that N.A. Dobrolyubov took part in the
literary struggle that unfolded around the work of N.A. Ostrovsky. In the
disputes around the play "The Thunderstorm", authors clashed with
different ideological and literary trends. It is quite clear that some of N.A.
Dobrolyubov are given in a polemical accent, which, however, does not affect
the main theses.
The critic comes close to the idea of the correspondence of the character of the heroine to the genre nature of "The Storm". Indeed, in the “play of life”, as in the soul of the heroine, there is nothing originally given, “formulated”, going back to solid logical foundations. Katerina obeys her nature in everything, is "led" by her. The basis of her character is passion, which gives this heroine depth and at the same time illogicality. However, much in Russian life is beyond logic. If on. Dobrolyubov confidently correlates the development of Russian life with the character of Katerina, then he does
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
not compare or bring
together two literary moments - characterological and genre. Most likely, it
seems to him something self-evident and obvious. For the sociological method,
literary characteristics proper seem to be banal and secondary signs. This
distortion is due to the special optics of the sociological method, its place
in the interpretation of literature as a system. The critic puts forward the
concepts of "background" and "soil" as the central ones. In
the "play of life" "... the struggle required by the theory of
drama ... takes place ... not in the monologues of the characters, but in the
facts that dominate them." These "facts" constitute the
"soil" of Russian life, as Ostrovsky portrays it. The remark of N.A.
Dobrolyubova about characters who are not directly involved in the main
conflict. They constitute the very "background", "crowd"
that determine the fate of the main character. The critic expresses original
considerations about the "mass" as a factor in art and life, which
would later become one of the most important motives for the sociological
analysis of literature.
O.N. Dobrolyubova is most interested in how ideas about good and evil, the economic and everyday habits of the "crowd" are formed. He notes that the representatives of the "dark kingdom" in the play "breathe heavily", as they feel that there is a force above them - "... the law of time, the law of nature and history ...". The sociological method in literary criticism seeks to reveal the laws behind a literary work, "circumstances" outside of it. The critic considers the characters of the work themselves as elements of the “setting” (italics – N.A. Dobrolyubov), as speaking and moving “circumstances” that make the heroine's “fatal end” necessary. In his opinion, it is the “environment”, subordinated to the force of the Dikikhs and Kabanovs, “... usually produces Tikhonov and Borisov ...”.
Analyzing Katerina's drama, the critic deeply comprehends her harmonious, freedom-loving character. However, he considers the position occupied by the heroine in the way that was established under the influence of the Dikikh and Kabanovs to be the real cause of the tragedy. This emphasis on the social position of the character, the desire, first of all, in this way to understand the essence of the conflict are important elements of the sociological method.
O.N. Dobrolyubov emphasizes that N.A. Ostrovsky avoids "daguerreotype accuracy", resorting to "... an artistic combination of homogeneous features that appear in different positions of Russian life, but serve as an expression of one idea." O.N. Dobrolyubov calls this principle of generalization "elevation to type," giving a single characteristic a generic, permanent meaning. As you know, this principle of generalization of social moments is called typification. This typification is considered to be the basis of "critical realism".
1. M.S. Djamolitdinovna “Improvement of pedagogical conditions for the development of communicative culture in future higher education specialists”. International journal of psychosocial rehabilitation (https://www.elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=42872025). Volume 24; Issue 3. February, 2020. 430-436 pp
2. Mehrinigor Bahodirovna, A. “Ways of Translation of ‘spirituality’ Terms in English and Uzbek Languages”. Proceedings of The ICECRS, Vol. 4, Nov. 2019, doi:10.21070/icecrs.v4i0.124.
3. M.B. Akhmedova. SPIRITUALITY, FAITH AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: DIFFERENT APPROACHES. Стратегии и тренды развития науки в современных условиях, 59-61, 2019
4. Bahodirovna, Akhmedova M. "Lexicographic Analysis of “Spirituality” Terms in English and Uzbek Languages." International Journal on Integrated Education, vol. 2, no. 5, 2019, pp. 140-143, doi:10.31149/ijie.v2i5.190 (https://dx.doi.org/10.31149/ijie.v2i5.190).
Abstract: Usually now they combine the Big Bang theory and the hot universe model, but these concepts are independent. Historically, there was also a notion of a cold initial universe near the Big Bang. The combination of the Big Bang theory with the theory of a hot universe, supported by the existence of relic radiation, is considered further.
Key words: Emergence, Big Bang, Universe, Expansion, Big Bang theory
According to progressive views, the Galaxy we are currently contemplating appeared 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years ago from a certain initial single capital, and from these times it has also been constantly being heard. In accordance with popular limitations according to the applicability of current physiological concepts, a more premature factor permitting representation is the Planck period with a temperature of approximately 1032 Ko (Planck heat) and a density of approximately 1093 g/cm3 (Planck saturation). The Premature Galaxy presented itself as a highly homogeneous non-tensor sphere with an extremely significant density of energy, temperature and pressure. As a consequence of the expansion and cooling in the World, phase transitions occurred, similar to the condensation of water from gas, however, according to the simple particles.
the period from the zero mark up to 10-43 seconds. already after a Significant
gap, the movements of the birth of the World from the singularity were made. It
is that the presence of this heat and the saturation of the element of the
World existed similar to the Planck values. There is no complete physiological
concept of this stage. According to the completion of this stage, the
gravitational connection was isolated from others, and the period of the Famous
Organization also came.
Approximately after 10-42 sec. Already after the stage of a Significant gap, the phase transformation prompted an exponential increase in the World. This interval acquired the name of Global Economic Stagnation and also ended after 10-36 seconds. already after the stage of a significant gap.
Already after the completion of this stage of the construction, the used material of the World showed a fermion-gluon plasma. According to the expiration of a certain period, the heat has descended down to the meanings, the presence of which the subsequent phase transformation, called baryogenesis, is likely to begin. At this stage, quarks and gluons have coalesced into baryons, as well as protons and neutrons. In this case, at the same time, the oblique formation was carried out, as well as the substance that prevailed, thus also antimatter, which mutually annihilated, transforming into electromagnetic radio emission.
The subsequent decrease in temperature led to a subsequent phase transition - the formation of the physiological power of simple elements in their current figure. After that, the period of nucleosynthesis came, the presence of which protons, combining with neutrons, formed the nuclei of deuterium, helium-4 and also some other simple isotopes. Already after the subsequent drop in temperature and the expansion of the World, a subsequent intermediate period came, the presence of which gravity became the predominant power. By 380 thousand . years after a Significant gap,
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
the heat was reduced to
such an extent that became valid the presence of hydrogen atoms (up to the
movement of ionization also recombination of protons with electrons was in the
After the epoch of recombination basis became colorless with the purpose of emission, which is easily spread in place, reached down to us in the version of the relic emission.
In absolutely all stages of a Significant gap, the so-called cosmological rule is made - the galaxy in each of this period of the period looks to the same extent with the purpose of the observer at each point of the place. In particular, during this period, in absolutely all places of the place, the saturation of the substance in the usual is similar. A huge explosion is in no way similar to the dynamite explosion in an empty place, if the element begins to increase from an insignificant size into the vacuum around it, creating a round gas cluster with an exact expansion front, because of which there is a disadvantage. This well-known understanding is incorrect. A huge explosion occurred in absolutely all places of the place at the same time also simultaneously, it is impossible to determine in one or another-or place as well as in the rupture organ, there are no large-scale pressure gradients and density in the place, there are also practically no limits or fronts separating the expanding element from the vacuum. A huge explosion is considered to be the expansion of the most place together with the material contained in the mute, which lies in the usual in any of this point.
Extrapolating the contemplated expansion of the World back into the period leads, when applying the unified concept of relativity as well as certain other other concepts of gravity, to boundless density and fever during the final period of the period in the past. The bend of the place-period reaches inaccurately significant significance. This position is called a cosmological singularity (cosmological exclusivity is often figuratively called the "birth" of the World). The impracticability to exclude singularities in cosmological modifications of the unified concept of relativity has been confirmed, in many other theorems about singularities, To conduct a Conversation. Penrose also Co. Hawking during the 1960s.
The concept of a Significant gap does not in any way provide practically any ability to say about what-or, what preceded a given time (due to the fact that our exact form of a place-period loses its suitability during a Significant gap, the presence of this concept does not in any way reject the probability of life of what-or up to a Significant gap). This indicates the insufficiency of the representation of the World by the traditional unified concept of relativity.
To what extent it is possible to extrapolate famous physics next to the singularity is considered an object of academic debate, but it is almost accepted that it is impossible to analyze the pre-Planck period in popular ways. The question of the singularity's life in this concept is considered to be one of the stimuli for the construction of photonic and other other concepts of gravity, which seek to solve this issue.
There are several hypotheses about the origin of the visible part of the universe:
according to some scholars (including Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss and Michael Martin), the universe could arise from nothing ("area", where there is no matter, space and time) using "quantum fluctuations";
A. Linde's theory that the universe is infinite and filled with a very dense energy, and our visible part of the expansion (inflation) a small part in "the bubble" (as bubbles occur in dense cheese);
Lee Smolin theory that universes arise from the explosion of "singularity" inside black holes;
The ekpirotic scenario is Neil Turok's theory of the birth of universes as a result of the collision of "branes" (multidimensional membranes in string theory).
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
According to the Big Bang
theory, further evolution depends on an experimentally measurable parameter —
the average density of matter in the modern Universe. If the density does not
exceed a certain (known from theory) critical value, the universe will expand
forever, but if the density is greater than the critical one, then the
expansion process will someday stop and the reverse phase of compression will
begin, returning to the original singular state. Modern (2015) observational
data show that the average density within the experimental error (a fraction of
a percent) is critical.
Conclusion: There are several tasks in which the concept of the Big Bang is not yet able to give an answer, but its main statements are substantiated by correct experimental information, and today's degree of abstract physics makes it possible to absolutely accurately state the development of this kind of concept in the period, due to the deduction of the most initial stage - the regime of the hundredth part of the moments from the "beginning of the world". For the purpose of the concept, it is important that this ambiguity in the initial stage, in fact, turned out to be unimportant, since the situation of the World that arises after passing this stage, as well as its further development, can be stated absolutely accurately.
1. Rubin, Sergey. A world born out of nothing // Around the world. - Young Guard, February 2004. - No. 2 (2761). — ISSN 0321-0669.
2. Chernin A.D. Cosmology: The Big Bang. - Century 2, 2006. - 64 p— - 2500 copies. — ISBN 585099-150-6.
3. Sazhin M. V. Modern cosmology in a popular presentation. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2002. - 240 p.
- 2500 copies. — ISBN 5-354-00012-2.
Annontatsiya:Ushbu maqolada reaktivni artrit kasalligining belgilari, kasallikning davolash usullari to’g’risida fikr yuritilgan.
Kalit so’zlar: Reaktiv artrit,kasallik,davolash,tibbiyot,
Reaktiv artrit – boʻgʻimlarning aseptik yalligʻlanishi boʻlib, kasallik sababi boʻgʻimlardan tashqari aʼzolarda infeksion yalligʻlanish kasalliklari hisoblanadi (burun halqumda, ichaklarda, urogenital aʼzolarda). Reaktiv artrit boʻgʻimlar, paylar, shilliq qavatlar (konyuktivit,uevit, ogʻiz boʻshligʻi shilliq qavati, uretret, servitsit, balanit), tirnoqlar, limfa tugunlarining assimetrik zararlanishi va tizimli reaksiyalar bilan namoyon boʻladi. Reaktiv artrit diagnostikasida klinik belgilarni laborator tekshiruvlar asosida tasdiqlangandan soʻng qoʻyiladi.
Kasallik davosida infeksiya va yalligʻlanishga qarshi muolajalar olib boriladi. Xastalikning oqibati ijobiy boʻlib, kasallik toʻliq davolanadi.
Kasallik sabablari
kasallik koʻpincha ichak tizimi yoki urogenital aʼzolar infeksiyalari
natijasida rivojlanadi. Ammo, reaktiv artrit kelib chiqishi infeksiyaning
toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri boʻgʻimlarni zararlashi bilan
roʻy bermaydi, ichak infeksiyalari va urogenital infeksiyalar bilan
kasallangan insonlarning barchasida ham reaktiv artirt rivojlanavermaydi.
Reaktiv artrit kasalligi immunogenetik nazariyaga asoslangan holda, asosan giperreaktiv immune tizimiga ega boʻlgan insonlarda, yaʼni organizmdagi turli xil infeksiyalarga sezuvchanlik juda yuqori boʻlganlarda rivojlanadi. Immun tizimi mikroblar antigeniga qarshi kurashishi bilan birgalikda, oʻz toʻqimalarini ham begona hisoblaydi va ularga qarshi antitanalar ishlab chiqara boshlaydi (autoimmune kasallik). Natijada boʻgʻimlarda murakkab immunokimyoviy reaksiyalar taʼsirida aseptik (yiringsiz) yalligʻlanish kelib chiqadi.
Reaktiv artrit klassifikatsiyasi
Etiologiyasiga koʻra reaktiv artrit quyidagi guruhlarga boʻlinadi:
Postenterokolitik – ichaklar infeksiyasi bilan bogʻliq: iyersiniya, salmonella, dizenteriya tayoqchasi, kampilobakteriya, klostridiya infeksiyalari;
Urogenital– xlamidiy, ureaplazmoz va boshqa urogenital aʼzolar infeksiyalari bilan kasallangandan soʻng rivojlanuvchi reaktiv artrit.
Reaktiv artrit belgilari
Reaktiv artritga xos boʻlgan klassik triada belgilariga – konyuktivit, uretrit va artritning simptomlari kiradi. Reaktiv artrit belgilari odatda birlamchi infeksion kasallik oʻtkazilgandan soʻng 2-4 hafta ichida namoyon boʻladi.
Avvaliga uretrit belgilari yuzaga chiqadi, peshob ajralishining koʻpayishi, peshob ajratish vaqtida ogʻriq va achishish hissini sezish. Soʻngra konyuktivit belgilari – koʻz yoshlanishi, qizarishi va koʻzda yot jism tushgani kabi ogʻriq hissi. Kasallikning tipik kechuvida uretrit va konyuktivit
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
belgilari yaqqol namoyon
boʻlmaydi.Klassik triada belgilaridan eng kech rivojlanadigani artrit
simptomlaridir. Bunda artralgiya,boʻgʻimlarda shish, mahalliy
giperemiya va boʻgʻimlar qizarishi kuzatiladi.
Artrit simptomlari yuzaga chiqishi oʻtkir kechadi, yaʼni tana harorati subfebril koʻrsatkichlarda, bemorning umumiy ahvoli ogʻir, 1-2 boʻgʻimlarning zararlanishi (falangalararo, toʻpiq, tizza boʻgʻimlari) belgilari namoyon boʻladi, kam hollarda zararlanish qoʻl boʻgʻimlarini qamrab oladi. Kuchli shish va ogʻriq hisobiga boʻgʻimlar funksiyasi buziladi, kam hollarda vertebralgiya ham kuzatiladi.
Reaktiv artrit belgilari 3-12 oy davomida saqlanib qolishi mumkin, soʻngra kasallikning toʻliq qayta tiklanishi kuzatiladi. Reaktiv artrit kasalligining xavfi shundaki, kasallik qayta xuruj qilishi va bunda boshqa boʻgʻimlar ham zararlanish ehtimoli yuqoriligidir. Reaktiv artritning tipik koʻrinishi sifatida Reyter kasalligini keltirish mumkin, bunda ham boʻgʻimlar, koʻz shilliq qavati va siydik ayirish tizimi aʼzolari zararlanadi.
Reaktiv artriti asorati sifatida koʻpgina bemorlarda (12 % ga yaqin) toʻpiq deformatsiyasi rivojlanadi. Kasallikning ogʻir koʻrinishlarida boʻgʻimlar destruksiyasi va harakatsizligi (ankiloz) kelib chiqadi.
Kasallik diagnostikasi
Reaktiv artritda qonda eritrotsitlar choʻkish tezligi oshadi, venoz qonda C-reaktiv oqsil va antinuclear omil aniqlanadi. Reaktiv artrit spetsifik marker boʻlib HLA 27 antigeni hisoblanadi. Reaktiv artritni revmatoid artritdan differensatsiya qilish revmatolog tomonidan amalga oshiriladi. Ushbu kasallik aniqlanishi bilan birgalikda bemor urolog va venerology tekshiruvidan ham oʻtadi.
PZR – tekshiruvida infeksion qoʻzgaʼtuvchi va reaktiv artritga sabab boʻladigan mikobni aniqlash mumkin. Ammo, boʻgʻimdan olingan suyuqlikda infeksiya aniqlanmaydi, mana shu holat bacterial artritdan farqlashda yordam beradi. Kasallik diagnostikasida rentgenografiya tekshiruvi katta ahamiyat kasb etmaydi. Boʻgʻim punksiyasi yoki artroskopiya oʻtkazish talab etilmaydi.
Reaktiv artritni davolash
Reaktiv artrit davosida asosan birlamchi infeksiyani bartaraf etishga qaratiladi. Kamida 4 haftagacaha davom etuvchi anitibiotik terapiya buyuriladi.
Boʻgʻimlarda yalligʻlanishga qarshi nosteroid yalligʻlanishga qarshi vositalalar qoʻllaniladi. Reaktiv artritning ogʻir koʻrinishlarda gormonal terapiya qoʻllaniladi. Kasallikning choʻzilgan shaklida basis yalligʻlanishga qarshi preparatlardan foydalaniladi –sulfasalazin, metotreksat.
Boʻgʻimlarga asos (stvol) hujayralarni yuborish zararlangan boʻgʻim toʻqimalarini tiklanishida,metobolizmni ragʻbatlash va yalligʻlanishni toʻxtatishga yaxshi samara beradi.
Xasatalikni davolashda fizioterapiya muolajalaridan samarali usul –fonoforez
(gidrokortizon),sinusoidal-modullashgan tok,krioterpiya, LFK hisoblanadi. Yalligʻlanish bartaraf etilgandan soʻng, toʻqimalarni tiklashda davolovchi vannalar buyuriladi – dengiz tuzi, oltingugurt, loy terapiyasi.
Kasallik oqibati va profilaktikasi
Reaktiv artrit kasalligi oqibati turlicha boʻlishi mumkin. 35 % bemorlarda kasallik butunlay davolanadi va kelajakda boshqa xuruj qilmaydi. Ayrim bemorlarda esa artrit, enterit va tizimli reaksiyalar rivojlanadi. 25 % insonlarda esa kasallik surunkali shakliga oʻtadi va vaqti vaqti bilan xuruj qilib turadi. 5 % bemorlarda reaktiv artritning ogʻir koʻrinishi kuzatiladi, bunday insonlarda boʻgʻimlar destruksiyasi va funksiyasining buzilishi kelib chiqadi.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
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6. Sultonov, R. K., Sodiqova, Z. S., & o’g’li, B. S. U. (2021). Dynamics of Fat Cells of the Bronchial Tree Mucosa in Postnatal Ontogenesis. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF
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8. Н. Р., С., Г. Ф., Ш., Дилмуродович, А. Д., & Учқун Ўғли, Б. С. (2021). Оценка Условий Труда По Показателям Тяжести И Напряженности Трудового Процесса Рабочих Станции Аэрации. "ONLINE - CONFERENCES&Quot; PLATFORM, 324–325.
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9. GI Shaykhova, JB Khayitov, Achilov Dilshod Dilmurodovich, Boboyorov Sardor Uchqun o’g’li Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication 1 (6), 109-111, 2021
ПЛИТОК НР Самигова, ГФ Шеркузиева, Дилшод Дилмуродович Ачилов, Сардор
Учқун Ўғли Бобоёров Scientific progress 2 (6), 1586-1591, 2021
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Старший предподователь кафедры «Пищевая технология»,
Ферганский политехнический институт
Email: masudaatamuhamedova862@gmail.com
Саидова Азиза
Ассистент кафедры «Физическая культура», Ферганский политехнический институт
Email: masudaatamuhamedova862@gmail.com
Аннотация: В этой статье рассматривается возрастные особенности обмена веществ. Влияние физических упражнений на интенсивность окислительных процессов, возрастные изменения белкового, углеводного и липидного обмена и причины понижения интенсивности обмена веществ.
Ключевые слова: атрофия, регенерация, синтез, гемоглобин, альбумин, глобулин, холестерин, атеросклероз, физические упражнения, гамма-глобулин, высокомолекулярный белок, низкомолекулярный белок.
как главнейшей составной частью организма является белок, процесс роста и
развития, с биохимической точки зрения, является прежде всего процессов
энергичного синтеза различных белков. В связи с этим потребность в пищевых
белках и интенсивность белкового обмена в растущем организме значительно выше,
чем у взрослых. Так, например, суточная потребность в белках у взрослого
человека составляет 1-1,5 г на 1 кг веса тела, у 15-летнего подростка – 2 г, у
12-13 летнего – 2,5 г, у 2 – 5 летнего ребенка – 3,5 г, а у годовалого – 4 г.
Синтез белков, как и всякие другие биологические синтезы, идет с поглощением энергии. Поэтому усиленный синтез белков в растущем организме требует и относительно больших энергетических затрат, чем у взрослых. Энергия, необходимая для синтеза белков, черпается из процессов биологического окисления, в ходе которых создаются молекулы АТФ, используемые для активации аминокислот. Все это приводит к тому, что окислительные процессы в растущем организме протекает более напряженно. Поглощение кислорода, рассчитанное на 1 м2 поверхности тела, у 3-летнего ребенка больше, чем у взрослого, на 95%, у 6-летнего – на 66%, у 9-летнего – на 36%, а 12-летнего – на 25%.
В связи с большей долей пластического обмена в использовании энергии, освобождаемой в результате процессов окисления, возможности энергетического обеспечения мышечной деятельности у детей и подростков меньше, чем у взрослых. Это ограничение усиливается еще и рядом других биохимических особенностей растущего организма.
Содержания гемоглобина в крови и миоглобина в мышцах у детей ниже, чем у взрослых, поэтому кислородная емкость организма детей меньше. При расчете на килограмм веса тела ребенок и подросток поглощают при каждом вдохе меньше кислорода чем взрослый, а с каждым сокращением сердца (ударом пульса) у них приносится относительно меньше кислорода к мышцам, нервной системе и другим органам.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Сердечно-сосудистая и
дыхательная системы у детей и подростков даже в состоянии покоя работают с
большим напряжением, чем у взрослых, а поэтому обладают и меньшими
функциональными резервами, т.е. в случае увеличения потребности в кислороде
деятельность этих систем у детей усиливается в меньшей степени.
Все это ограничивает возможности аэробного энергетического обеспечения интенсивной работы; при выполнении одинокого доступной и взрослым, и детям стандартной физической нагрузки (например, поднимание по ступенькам лестницы в заданном темпе) повышение уровня молочной кислоты в крови у детей и подростков оказывается большим, чем у взрослым.
Вместе с тем возможности анаэробного энергетического обеспечения мышечной деятельности и способность совершать работу в условиях кислородного долга у детей тоже меньше, чем у взрослых. Чем больше детей, тем меньше возможная максимальная мощность работы и тем меньшим увеличением молочной кислоты в крови она сопровождается. Так, у 9-летнего ребенка максимальная мощность работы составляет не более 40% максимальная мощность работы взрослого, а максимальное повышение уровня молочной кислоты вдвое меньше, чем у взрослого.
Очень важно для физического воспитания детей и подростков является легкая заторможиваемость мобилизации углеводов при мышечной деятельности. Многие физические упражнения (особенно неинтенсивные и длительные) быстро приводят у детей к понижению уровня сахара в крови. Лишь эмоционально насыщенные занятия с разнообразными упражнениями и особенно с игровыми элементами способствуют сохранению повышенного уровня сахара в крови до конца урока.
Характерной особенностью стареющего организма является снижение интенсивности пластического обмена на фоне общего понижения интенсивности обмена веществ.
Характерной особенностью стареющего организма является снижение интенсивности пластического обмена на фоне общего понижения интенсивности обмена веществ.
Опыты с применением меченных аминокислот показывают, что к старости самообновление белков замедляется. Ухудшение синтеза белков приводит к уменьшению скорости деления клеток и к нарушению их физиологической регенерации. Многие клетки подвергаются атрофии и погибают. Так, например, если у 20-30- летнего человека средний вес всех мышц составляет около 36 кг, то у 70-80- летнего он равен 23-24 кг вследствие атрофии мышечной ткани. Уменьшается к старости и число нервных клеток в коре головного мозга и мозжечке. В соответствии с этим содержание белков в головном мозгу тоже становится меньше, а содержание липидов увеличивается. Гибель и замедление размножения костных клеток приводят к разрежению костей и уменьшению их прочности (старческий остеопороз). Замедляется и образование новых эритроцитов. Ухудшается заживление ран.
Ослабление синтеза белков в стареющем организме, возможно, связано с уменьшением содержания ДНК, при участии которой этот синтез происходит.
Второй особенностью стареющего организма является понижение интенсивности окислительных процессов. Потребление кислорода в состоянии покоя (при расчете 1 кг веса тела) у 70 летнего человека составляет лишь 60% количества кислорода, потребляемого 2030 - летним.
Понижение интенсивности белкового обмена и общее снижение интенсивности окислительных процессов тесно связаны между собой и влияют друг на друга. Снижение синтеза белков распространяется на синтез окислительных ферментов, которые тоже
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
являются белками. Это приводит к ослаблению процессов биологического окисления и к уменьшению продукции энергии, необходимой для синтеза ДНК.
Одной из причин понижения
интенсивности обмена веществ является наступающее с возрастом укрупнение
коллоидных частиц тканевых белков и вообще увеличение содержания
высокомолекулярных белков при уменьшении содержания низкомолекулярных белков. С
возрастом в крови уменьшается содержание альбуминов и увеличивается содержание
глобулинов, особенно наиболее высокомолекулярных гамма-глобулинов
Изменение с возрастом соотношения альбуминов и глобулинов сыворотки крови
Возраст (в годах) |
13-14 |
40-50 |
60-70 |
70-80 |
Коэффициент альбумины глобулины |
2,28 |
1,78 |
1,58 |
1,43 |
В пожилом возрасте понижаются возможности как аэробного окисления, так и гликолиза. Поэтому у пожилых людей, как и у детей, стандартная работа сопровождается большим, а максимальная работа - меньшим повышением уровня молочной кислоты в крови по сравнению с 20-30- летними людьми (рис 2).
Максимально возможная мощность работы с возрастом резко снижается. У 60 летних она составляет лишь 50% мощности, которую способны развить 20-30 летние люди.
Характерным для лиц пожилого возраста является также легкое замедление мобилизации углеводов при мышечной деятельности; однообразные, скучные физические упражнения сопровождается снижением сахара в крови. С возрастом наблюдается изменения и обмен липидов, что выражается в повышении содержания в крови холестерина и понижении содержания лецитина. Холестерин и его эфиры с жирными кислотами проникают в стенки кровеносных сосудов, отлагаются и вызывают патологические изменения. Отложение солей кальция поражённых участках приводит к развитию атеросклероза-патологического состояния, характеризующегося понижением эластичности и прочности кровеносных сосудов.
В пожилом возрасте занятия физическими упражнениями должны оказывать действие, противоположное ходу естественного процесса: задерживать процесс возрастной инволюции, т.е. способствовать повышению общей интенсивности обмена веществ, а через это - усилению синтеза тканьёвых белков. Многочисленные наблюдения показывают, что систематические занятия физическими упражнениями или физическим трудом (особенно на открытом воздухе) задерживают развитие атеросклероза, обеспечивают активную старость, помогают продлить жизнь. Даже если заниматься физическими упражнениями начинают только в пожилом возрасте, это приводит к стойкому снижению содержания холестерина и увеличению лецитина в крови. Лецитин оказывает защитное действие и препятствует проникновению холестерина в стенки кровеносных сосудов.
Наблюдения, проведённые за людьми пожилого возраста, занимающимся физическими упражнениями в группах здоровья в течении 4-6 лет, существенно повышается интенсивность окислительных процессов и происходит омоложение белкового состава крови.
Соотношение альбуминов и глобулинов оптимизируется. Физические нагрузки для стареющих организмов должны быть кратковременными, не требующие больших силовых напряжений и проявлений значительной скоростной выносливости. Именно такие нагрузки, протекающие в условиях отсутствия устойчивого состояния процессов обмена веществ, чередуемые с достаточными интервалами отдыха и не длительными упражнениями умеренной интенсивности, в наибольшей степени способствует повышению интенсивности
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
окислительных процессов и
усилению синтеза белков в периоде отдыха, задерживая процессы старения.
Cписок литературы
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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan, Ferghana
Master’s degree student Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan, Fergana region, Fergana сity
Abstract: This article provides information on how to remove scale from the extractor by various methods.
Key words: micelle, oil, distillation, cleaning, layer cleaning, temperature, humidity.
Study of "Technology of production of vegetable oils", the rational technology of processing of oil raw materials and, in turn, increase the yield of oil, as well as the production of quality shrot or kunjara, as well as a small loss of biologically active, useful components allows you to provide. This technology is possible only if you have an in-depth knowledge of the physiological and biochemical properties of oilseeds, ways of their processing, the impact of various factors on the components of the seed and their processing products, and correct technological processes. can only be done when you can manage.
is known that the micelles released from the extractor during extraction
contain about 0.4-2% of residual slag clots. Therefore, before distillation of
the missella, the sediment in the missella solidifies under the influence of
heat inside the pipes of the heater and the distillation apparatus, which slows
down the heat exchange process in the apparatus. the mold stops the
distillation process altogether, which can be mechanically cleaned by removing
the heater or distiller tubes, but this work forces the distillation system to
stop for a long time and consume a large mechanical cocktail. Due to this, the
missella obtained from the extractor is cleaned of scale in various ways. One
of the simplest methods:
Search method. This method involves the deposition of particles under the influence of their own weight on the bottom of the container in which the micelle is stored, which uses the gravitational forces of the particles. The method is used in industry only occasionally because of its extremely long completion time.
Another method is to separate the fuzzy missella by centrifugal force. In this case, a separator operating in any liquid system is used to clean the missella, and the sediment is separated from the missella liquid due to the centrifugal force generated. The duration of this method is very short, but because the highly despersible particles are difficult to separate from the micelles, the cleaned micelles still have some shrot residue.
The filtration method is performed by passing the fuzzy missella through the filter surface. Although this method requires a lot of manual labor, the most common and filtered missella allows you to clean almost all shrot particles. A variety of fabrics can be used for filtration, including yarn, synthetic fibers, or filter paper. Whatever type of material is used, they are not considered a filter surface, but only a barrier that forms a filter surface.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
From these methods, it
can be seen that in method 1, the missella is at rest, and the dispersed
particles are in motion, and in method 2, both the missella and the dispersed
particles are in motion at the same time. In Method 3, the dispersed particles
are at rest and the dispersion medium is in motion. Purified and suitable for
distillation, the missella should be clear and the amount of sediment should
not exceed 0.2%.
During distillation, the solvent should be completely separated from the oil as soon as possible and at a minimum temperature. The complete dissolution of the solvent is controlled by the flash temperature of the extracted oil. Reducing the distillation time and temperature will improve the quality of the oil obtained, reduce heat consumption and increase the efficiency of the device.
The efficiency of distillation can be increased by choosing the right temperature and method of driving the solvent from Missella. From the point of view of molecular-kinetic theory, the mechanism of the process of vapor formation is as follows. Molecules of liquid close to the heating surface fly into the space above the liquid at high speed, breaking away from the rest of the molecules and becoming free. Each evaporating molecule dissipates some of the heat energy introduced from the outside, eliminating the gravitational force of the liquid and the resistance to external pressure.
When the Missella is heated with a closed vapor, there is only one component on the vapor cavity - the solvent vapor, and this process consists of simple evaporation, which in practice takes the form of boiling or evaporation.
During boiling, the partial pressure of the solvent vapor changes to a solvent vapor at a temperature equal to the ambient pressure. However, evaporation by boiling is not enough to completely dissolve the solvent, as the boiling point of the micelle increases as the concentration increases. As a result, the quality of the oil may deteriorate and thermal decomposition may occur. During evaporation, the solvent changes from a liquid state to a vapor state even when the partial pressure of the solvent vapor is less than the ambient pressure. However, this will slow down the solvent drive. In order to speed up the evaporation process and reduce the temperature at which the solvent is completely driven from the micelles, open water vapor is introduced into the drive at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum.
The use of open water vapor to dissolve the solvent reduces the vapor concentration of the solvent on the missella, i.e., reduces the partial pressure of the solvent vapors, and reduces the boiling point of the missella, speeding up and facilitating the driving process.
Cleaning the Missella: Until recently, the cleaning of missella was carried out in frame or cartridge filters. Due to the need to clean these filters frequently, large amounts of gasoline vapors could be released when the equipment was opened in the extraction shop, creating a more fire-hazardous situation. Currently, almost all extraction shops have introduced micelle cleaning using drum or disc filters.
In this method of filtration, the fine particles in the micelles first pass through the holes in the filter barrier, and then, when the holes begin to clog, sit on the filter and collect, forming a filter layer. As a result, only clear missella begins to pass through the filter. Thus, the resulting sediment layer acts as the main filtering barrier. In the sedimentary layer, the missella passes through holes - capillary channels with variable cross-sections and various curves. The small size of the pores in the filter barrier and sediment layer, as well as the low velocity of the liquid phase in the pores, lead to laminar filtration. Under these conditions, the filtration rate is in any case directly proportional to the pressure difference, but inversely proportional to the missella viscosity and the total hydraulic resistance of the sediment layer with the filter barrier.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Б. Н., Аскаров И. Р., Джураев А. М. Некоторые вопросы классификации куриного
мяса //Universum: химия и биология. – 2018. – №. 11 (53).
2. Nabievna S. B., Adxamjonovich A. A. The chemical composition and properties of chicken meat //Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 10. – С. 25-28.
3. Намозов А. А., Аскаров И. Р., Саттарова Б. Н. Анализ синтетических красителей в безалкогольных напитках методом капиллярного электрофореза //Вестник Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. ВГ Шухова. – 2011. – №. 3.
4. Саттарова Б. Н. и др. Определение антиоксидантов в местном курином мясе на хромато-масс-спектрометре //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 5-5. – С. 6-8.
5. Саттарова Б. Н. и др. Влияние полученных биостимуляторов на повышение живой массы цыплят //Universum: химия и биология. – 2019. – №. 12 (66).
Methodical Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 56-58.
7. Саттарова Б. Н., Кодиров З. З., Хусанова Н. С. Синтез Литиевых Солей П-ФерроценилБензойной Кислоты И Их Применение Как Биостимуляторов При Выращивании Кур //Universum: химия и биология. – 2020. – №. 11-1 (77).
8. Саттарова Б. Н., Ибрагимов Л. А. ХИМИЧЕСКИЙ СОСТАВ И СВОЙСТВА КУРИНОГО МЯСА //Главный редактор: Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович, д-р техн. наук; Заместитель главного редактора: Ахмеднабиев Расул Магомедович, канд. техн. наук; Члены редакционной коллегии. – 2021. – С. 36.
9. Холдаров Д. М., Шодиев Д. А., Райимбердиева Г. Г. Геохимия микроэлементов в элементарных ландшафтах пустынной зоны //Актуальные проблемы современной науки. – 2018. – №. 3. – С. 77-81.
10. Шодиев Д. А. У., Нажмитдинова Г. К. К. А. СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 3-2 (84). – С. 91-94.
11. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение //Universum:
технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32.
12. Ergashev A. A., Najmitdinova G. K. FEATURES OF DIFFERENTIATED TEACHING OF CHEMISTRY //Экономика и социум. – 2020. – №. 12-1. – С. 89-92.
13. Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D., Zulaykho A. USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE AMARANTH PLANT //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 5558.
14. Yuldasheva S. K. et al. The function of regulations quantity nuts afids with entomofags //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). – 2021. – Т. 10. – №. 3. – С. 393397.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
НАПИТКАХ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 11-3 (92). – С. 66-69.
SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
18. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
24. Nazirjonovna, H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
25. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274-277.
26. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
заведующий кафедрой «Технология пищевых продуктов», Ферганский политехнический
институт, Узбекистан, г.Фергана, E-mail: usmanovbotirjon@mail.ru
Аннотация: В данной работе приведены исследование по разложению высококарбонатных фосфоритов Центральных Кызылкумов концентрированной серной кислотой, что позволяют разработать новые рациональные технологии получения фосфорсодержащих сложных удобрений.
Ключевые слова: карбамид, теплообменные аппараты, поток, теплоноситель, гидравлическое сопротивление.
Республика Узбекистан - развитая агропромышленная страна. Хлопок и зерноколосовые являются основными выращиваемыми культурами. На нынешнем этапе экономического развития Узбекистане большой внимание удаляется обеспечению населения разнообразной сельскохозяйственной продукцией. Важную роль в решении этой проблемы отводится производству и эффективному применению минеральных удобрений [1].
фосфориты характеризуются тонким прорастанием фосфатного минерала с кальцитом,
что затрудняет процесс их механического разделения [2]. Традиционные методы
обогащения (классификация, промывка, флотация, и т.д.) для этих фосфоритов
Одним из основных путей удовлетворения потребности республики в фосфорных удобрениях является рациональное использование низкосортных фосфоритов, в частности Центральных Кызылкумов, несмотря на то, что запасы сырья в нем не имеют промышленного значения, путем активации минеральными кислотами и солями [3].
Проведенные исследования по разложению высококарбонатных фосфоритов Центральных Кызылкумов концентрированной серной кислотой позволяют разработать новые рациональные технологии получения фосфорсодержащих сложных удобрений.
Сущность процесса получения фосфорсодержащих удобрений типа суперфосфата выражается реакцией взаимодействия фторапатита (Са5(РО4)3F) - основного компонента фосфатного сырья при неполной норме с серной кислотой в две стадии:
I стадия - реакция разложения фторапатита с образованием концентрированного раствора фосфорной кислоты (H3PO4) и полугидрата сульфата кальция (CaSO4·0,5H2O) до полного израсходования кислоты;
II стадия - реакция разложения оставшейся части фторапатита с концентрированной фосфорной кислотой с образованием моно- и дикальцийфосфатов.
В первой стадии образуется структурная сетка из микрокристаллов сульфата кальция (полугидрат), заполненная большим количеством жидкой фазы. Схватывание реакционной массы происходит еще до полного израсходования серной кислоты, в присутствии которой образование монокальцийфосфата невозможно. На этой стадии затвердевания массы
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
является только
кристаллизация сульфата кальция, где под влиянием высокой концентрации Р2О5
в жидкой фазе (40% и более) и температуры (150-170оС) формируются
кристаллы ангидрита.
По мере израсходования фосфорной кислоты скорость реакции несколько замедляется из-за ухудшения условий диффузионных процессов, что обуславливает появление кислотности в виде непрореагировавшей до конца фосфорной кислоты. Наличие последней, если ее своевременно не нейтрализовать нейтрализующими агентами, такими как фосфорит, доломит, кальцит (известняк), аммиак и пр. придает получаемому простому суперфосфату мажущие свойства.
Для определения оптимальных условий процесса сернокислотного разложения необогащенной фосфоритной муки и бедных фосфоритов применяли серную кислоту концентрации 93%. Норму серной кислоты рассчитывали на разложение фосфатных и карбонатных минералов фосфорита до образования монокальцийфосфата и сульфата кальция.
С целью определения степени разложения фосфатного сырья в зависимости от концентрации и нормы серной кислоты расчетное количество фосфорита при тщательном перемешивании в течение 20 мин обрабатывали кислотой. Полученный полупродукт после охлаждения подвергали химическому анализу. Результаты эксперимента приведены в таблицах 4 и 5.
Получение удобрений разложением низкосортных фосфоритов при неполной норме концентрированной серной кислоты отличается от классических способов тем, что при завершении взаимодействия компонентов происходит постоянное раздробление получаемой массы в мелкие агрегированные частицы, которые, в свою очередь, непрерывно обволакиваются избыточным фосфатным сырьем.
Взаимодействие необогащенной фосмуки с серной кислотой протекает очень легко и практически завершается за 5-7 мин. Процесс является экзотермическим, температура в зависимости от нормы серной кислоты поднимается до 35-80оС.
Установлено, что с повышением нормы серной кислоты увеличивается степень разложения фосфорита. При изменении нормы серной кислоты от 20 до 80% Кр увеличивается в среднем в 3,65 раза.
Структурные особенности зернистых Кызылкумских фосфоритов и существование в их составе трех форм карбонатов характеризуют интенсивную реакционную способность этих фосфоритов. Механизм процесса взаимодействия высококарбонатных фосфоритов с серной кислотой достаточно сложен.
При сернокислотной переработке высококарбонатных фосфоритов выделяющейся диоксид углерода способствует ускорению разложения фосфатного минерала - фторкарбонатапатита. Это, очевидно, объясняется тем, что в первый момент взаимодействия в реакцию вступает в основном кальцит цемента - "экзокальцит", который легко разлагается серной кислотой. Образующиеся газообразные продукты реакции ускоряют процесс диффузии водородного иона серной кислоты вовнутрь фосфатного минерала, где находится вторая форма карбонатных минералов - "эндокальцит". Он обычно слагает стенки раковин фораминифер, которые снаружи покрыты тончайшей, иногда многослойной фосфатной оболочкой. Вероятно, разложение эндокальцита серной кислотой препятствует образованию плотной корки сульфата кальция, экранирующей поверхность фосфорита. По-видимому, одновременное разложение экзо- и эндокальцитов фосфорита создает благоприятные условия для интенсивного вскрытия фосфатного минерала. Во время разложения фосфорита удаляется карбонат - ион, изоморфно замещающий фосфат-ион в апатите (входит в
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
кристаллическую решетку фосфатного вещества), это, по-видимому, также способствует быстрому разложению фосфорита.
На основе результатов
опыта установлено, что в изученном интервале концентраций серной кислоты до
50%-ной ее нормы получается порошковидный продукт, содержащий 14-17% общего Р2О5,
из них 20-50% находятся в усвояемой растениями форме. С повышением нормы серной
кислоты улучшается гранулометрический состав простого суперфосфата. Так,
например, при 70%-ной норме серной кислоты содержание фракции 1-4 мм составляет
5060%, а при 80% - 70-75%. В образцах отсутствуют частицы размером более 10 мм.
Разложение бедных фосфоритов концентрированной серной кислотой практически не отличается от таковой необогащенной фосмуки.
Коэффициент разложения бедных фосфоритов на 5-10% ниже по сравнению с фосмукой. Это объясняется наличием крупных фракций фосфорита и высоким содержанием карбонатных минералов.
Экспериментально установлено, что оптимальной нормой серной кислоты является при разложении бедных фосфоритов классом менее -5 мм (10%) 62% от стехиометрии, а для фракции менее -3 мм, -2 мм и -1 мм является 65%, 71% и 86% соответственно. Таблица 1. Степень разложения необогащенной фосфоритной муки в зависимости от нормы серной кислоты
Норма Н2SO4, % |
Содержание Р2О5, % в готовом полупродукте |
СО2, % |
Н2О, % |
Коэффициент разложения, % |
общ. |
усв. |
водн. |
20 |
17,10 |
3,98 |
1,53 |
11,30 |
0,06 |
23,27 |
50 |
14,80 |
8,32 |
3,10 |
7,80 |
1,29 |
56,21 |
70 |
13,60 |
10,71 |
4,39 |
5,70 |
1,72 |
78,75 |
Таблица 2. Степень разложения бедных фосфоритов в зависимости от нормы серной кислоты
Норма Н2SO4, % |
Содержание Р2О5, % в готовом полу продукте |
СО2, % |
Н2О, % |
Коэффициент разложения, % |
общ. |
усв. |
водн. |
20 |
11,30 |
2,10 |
0,75 |
15,63 |
0,04 |
18,58 |
50 |
10,15 |
5,38 |
1,94 |
9,75 |
1,65 |
53,00 |
70 |
9,49 |
6,94 |
2,98 |
5,91 |
1,83 |
73,12 |
1. Ибадуллаев С.И., Калинкин В. И., Коннов Л.П., Кузовлев А.К., Соколов С.И., Фатхуллаев Г. К проблеме создания минерально-сырьевой базы для производства фосфатных удобрений в Узбекистане // Узбекский геологический журнал. -1977.-№4.С.37-42.
2. Абдурахманова Н.К., Таджиев С.М. О кинетике сернокислотного разложения фосфоритов Центрального Кызылкума // Узб. хим. журнал 2001. №1. -с.5-8.
– №. 5-3 (86). – С. 93-96.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Б. С., Кодиров З. З. Влияние солнечных лучей на состав продуктов при хранении
высококачественных растительных масел //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 2-2 (83).
ТУРБУЛИЗАТОРАМИ //Universum: технические науки. – 2019. – №. 10-2. – С. 35-37.
6. Усманов Б. С. и др. ПОДБОР ЭФФЕКТИВНОГО ЩЕЛОЧНОГО РЕАГЕНТА ДЛЯ НЕЙТРАЛИЗАЦИИ САФЛОРОВОГО МАСЛА //Главный редактор: Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович, д-р техн. наук; Заместитель главного редактора: Ахмеднабиев Расул Магомедович, канд. техн. наук; Члены редакционной коллегии. – 2019. – С. 10.
7. Усманов Б. С., Юнусов О. К., Отакулова Х. Ш. ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ВЛИЯНИЕ СПОСОБА ГИДРАТАЦИИ НА ЦВЕТНОСТЬ ПОДСОЛНЕЧНОГО МАСЛА //Universum: технические науки. – 2020. – №. 11-2. – С. 91-93.
8. Эргашев А.А., Нажмитдинова Г.К. Кимёвий табақалаштирилган ўқитишнинг
хусусиятлари // Экономика и социум журнали, 2020. №12 (79) Часть 1. С.89-92
9. Медатов Р. Х. и др. Экспериментальные установки для исследования теплоотдачи при конвективном теплообмене //Universum: технические науки. – 2019. – №. 11-2 (68).
10. Курбанов, Ж. Х., Давлятова, З. М., Эргашев, А. А. Ў., Абролов, А. А., Омонбаева Г.Б. (2019). Интенсивность теплообмена при нагреве раствора NH2COONH4 в теплообменнике с высокоэффективными трубами. Universum: технические науки, (12-2
Бабаджанова Г. С. , Уринбаева Н. А. , Махкамова Ш. Х.
Ташкентская медицинская академия1, Республиканский перинатальный центр2,
г.Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: Акушерские кровотечения являются одним из тяжелых осложнений родов, приводящих к тяжелым последствиям для здоровья и жизни беременных женщин. Частота их при вагинальных родах составляет около 15%. Причины акушерских кровотечений разнообразны, и степень их тяжести зависит от того, как проводилось гемостатическое лечение. Для прогнозирования развития акушерских кровотечений имеет значение УЗИ характеристики плаценты и качество маточно-плацентарно-плодового кровотока (МППК).
Ключевые слова: определить роль нарушения МППК в развитии акушерских кровотечений и определить эффективность карбетоцина для их лечения.
проведены в Республиканском перинатальном центре г.Ташкента. Нами изучены
данные допплерометрических исследований 50 беременных, у которых впоследствии
развились акушерские кровотечения в родах. Средний возраст обследованных
составил 29,6±5,2. Кровотечения при предыдущих беременностях имели 34,3%
женщин. УЗИ фетоплацентарного комплекса обследованных беременных, проведенное в
сроках 37-40 недель, выявило изменения МППК различной степени. Нарушения только
маточноплацентарного кровотока (МПК) выявлено у 22,0%, нарушения
плодово-плацентарного кровотока (ППК) – у 42,0% женщин. У всех них
выявленаI-степень нарушения кровотока. Сочетанное нарушение МПК и ППК
II-степенивыявлено у 20,0%, нарушения. У 16% женщин не было обнаружено
нарушений МППК. Причинами кровотечений были преждевременная отслойка нормально
расположенной плаценты –2%, гипо- и атонические кровотечения –80%, предлежание
плаценты –2%, травмы родовых путей – 16%.Роды через естественные родовые пути у
60% женщин, путем кесарево сечение –у 40%. Для хирургического гемостаза были
проведены: перевязка трех пар сосудов –46%, перевязка внутренних подвздошных
артерий –4%.Нами изучена эффективность применения утеротоникакарбетоцина
(1группа) по сравнению с баллонной тампонадой
(2группа).Карбетоцин применяли в дозе 1мл внутривенно медленно. Средняя кровопотеря в 1группе составила 904.5±72.7мл. Балонная тампонада применялась у 25 женщин сразу с началом интенсивного кровотечения. Средняя кровопотеря в этой группе составила 1075.4±71,9мл. В обоих группах не произведена гистерэктомия.
Выводы: Нарушения кровотока в плаценте позволяют прогнозировать кровотечение в родах. Своевременное применение карбетоцина и/или балонной тампонады позволяет остановить акушерское кровотечение и сохранить репродуктивный орган.
Email: ergashev_1980@list.ru
Annotation: The article evaluates the impact of government programs on small business investment on the source of investment, as well as on the optimism of the multi-faceted approach, and provides a forecast accordingly.
Key words: Investment, regression correlation analysis, innovation, national economy, capital investment.
the context of the development of the market economy in our country, the
creation of appropriate conditions for the development of the population, the
improvement of the quality of life and the gradual realization of the goal of
the state, which is closed to the population is being closed. We have carried
out a complex pegpession-correlation analysis to increase the effective of
investment of small business and private enterprise, in our country. In
particular, the volume of investments in small capital by small businesses is
due to the internal dependence of the economy on the national economy of the
country.Also, on the sources of investment, their impact on the increase in the
number of enterprises was assessed on the basis of regression-corllelation
analysis, and forecasts were given in the corresponding figures.
Taking into account the volume of foreign loans attracted by small enterprises, including their own funds, reinvestment funds, foreign and local loans, forecasted indicators of the trends in the development of enterprises ' activities were used in the activities of the Ministry of economic development and poverty reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Table 1 Information on the number of small enterprises in Uzbekistan and the directions of investment in their activities
Years |
Small enterprises engaged in economic activity in the branches of the national economy number, thousand units. (Y) |
Main capital investments, billion soums (X1) |
Investments in the account of the enterprise's own funds, in the amount of billion (X2) |
Investments of foreign investors with the addition of funds, their reinvestments, billion sum (X3) |
Foreign loans billion. sum (X4) |
Loans of local commercial banks, billion sum (X5) |
2010 y |
168,1 |
2097,9 |
214,7 |
355,6 |
19,9 |
1104,3 |
2011 y |
175,4 |
3022,8 |
896,7 |
375,6 |
22,3 |
1299,3 |
2012 y |
182,7 |
3947,7 |
1578,7 |
402,6 |
24,5 |
1408,6 |
2013 y |
190,0 |
4872,6 |
2260,7 |
465,3 |
26,9 |
1503,5 |
2014 y |
196,0 |
5797,5 |
2942,7 |
564,5 |
27,6 |
1786,2 |
2015 y |
207,1 |
6722,4 |
3624,7 |
329,8 |
509,9 |
1712,0 |
2016 y |
210,6 |
8874,1 |
4702,7 |
862,4 |
185,1 |
2159,1 |
We carried out correlation-regression analysis in order to assess the impact of the increase in the number of small enterprises in the branches of the national economy of our country on the direction of investments directed to their activities.
According to the results of the analysis, in 2010-2020, the number of enterprises engaged in economic activity in the economy of the country increased almost 2.5 times. 1-table. The analysis showed that in the period under study, the volume of financial resources aimed at investing the activities of small scale enterprises also grew steadily (Table 1).
2 With the increase in the number of small enterprises operating in the
branches of the national economy of Uzbekistan in 2010-2020, the results of the
correlation-regression analysis on the directions of investment in their
Correlationregression analysis statistical indicators |
Directions of investment in the activities of small enterprises |
All investments in the main capital (X1) |
Investments in the account of the enterprise's own funds (X2) |
Investments with the addition of funds of foreign investors, their reinvestations (Х3) |
Foreign loans (X4) |
Loans of local commercial banks (X5) |
A few R |
0,9718817 |
0,828374307 |
0,96536011 |
0,945936534 |
0,943368342 |
R-square |
0,944554039 |
0,686203992 |
0,931920142 |
0,894795926 |
0,889943828 |
Normalized Rsquare |
0,938393377 |
0,651337769 |
0,924355713 |
0,883106584 |
0,877715364 |
Standard error |
0,07001566 |
0,166565073 |
0,077583533 |
0,096444288 |
0,098643264 |
The period of observations |
11 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
According to the results of the carried out correlation-regression analysis, the correlation coefficient, which characterizes the internal correlation between the directions of investing in the activities of small enterprises in our country and the increase in the number of enterprises in 20102020 years, was shown in Table 2 below.
According to the results of the carried out correlation-regression analysis, it was found that the internal link between the directions of investing in the activities of small enterprises in our country and the indicator of the increase in the number of small enterprises in the branches of the national economy is strong.In particular, the correlation coefficient characterizing the internal linkage was found to be 0.94 in the main capitalalga investments, 0.92 in the investments that were formed from the funds of foreign investors, 0.88 in the loans of foreign and local commercial banks, whereas in the investments that were formed from the accounts of their own funds when investing their activities,
Years (T) |
Number of small-scale enterprises engaged in economic activity in the branches of the national economy (LN Y) |
All investments in the main capital (LN X1) |
Investments in the account of the enterprise's own funds (LN X2) |
Investments with the addition of funds of foreign investors, their reinvestations (LN X3) |
Foreign loans (LN X4) |
Loans of local commercial banks (LN X5) |
1 |
5,124360726 |
7,648692123 |
5,369241705 |
5,873806504 |
2,990719732 |
7,006966929 |
2 |
5,16687902 |
8,013938833 |
6,798721358 |
5,928524747 |
3,104586678 |
7,169580937 |
3 |
5,207662998 |
8,28088841 |
7,364357003 |
5,997943513 |
3,198673118 |
7,250351582 |
4 |
5,246848618 |
8,491382955 |
7,723429779 |
6,142682359 |
3,292126287 |
7,315551002 |
5 |
5,278114659 |
8,665182069 |
7,987082806 |
6,335940384 |
3,317815773 |
7,487845737 |
6 |
5,333201768 |
8,813200513 |
8,195526805 |
5,79848641 |
6,234214628 |
7,445417557 |
7 |
5,3499606 |
9,090892201 |
8,455892091 |
6,7597192 |
5,22089622 |
7,677446747 |
8 |
5,43677411 |
9,58097246 |
8,903611387 |
6,786829811 |
6,20899236 |
8,45514756 |
9 |
5,571773732 |
10,40764801 |
9,499930623 |
8,279139027 |
7,413246701 |
8,673165069 |
10 |
5,813533339 |
11,16549622 |
9,522446728 |
10,42269495 |
9,275163228 |
8,90076255 |
11 |
6,019079714 |
11,26080614 |
9,617756908 |
10,5180054 |
9,370475964 |
9,08604241 |
on the results of the analysis carried out, the figures in Table 3 above were
taken to the same coefficient using logorifmic function. The results of the
carried out calculation are shown in Table 3 below.Based on the results of the
calculations mentioned in Table 3, in order to determine the forecast
indicators for the next 5-year period, appropriate functions on the directions
of investment in the activities of small enterprises were drawn up and, accordingly,
calculations were carried out.
Table 4 Forecast indicators on investment directions of activities of small enterprises in
Name indicators |
2021 y* |
2022 y* |
2023 y* |
2024 y* |
2025 y* |
Increase in the number of enterprises on the account of local credits Y=2,6710+0,3489*X |
951,1 |
1 348,1 |
1 910,9 |
2 708,7 |
3 839,5 |
Increase in the number of small enterprises to the account of the main capitalalga investments Y=3,3711+0,2215*X |
415,4 |
518,4 |
647,0 |
807,4 |
1 007,7 |
Increase in the number of enterprises from the account of own funds to the account of investment Y=3,9522+0,1797*X |
449,8 |
538,4 |
644,4 |
771,3 |
923,1 |
The increase in the number of enterprises on the account of investments of foreign investors with the addition of funds, their reinvestments Y=4,3148+0,1532*X |
470,7 |
548,7 |
639,5 |
745,5 |
869,0 |
According to the analysis of the results of forecast indicators, in the following years, it is desirable to prioritize the investment in the activities of small enterprises in the account of loans of local commercial banks in our country.
will also be possible to increase the effectiveness of investing in the
activities of small enterprises in our country in the long term by developing
state programs aimed at increasing the volume of investments of enterprises
that will be formed from the account of their own funds, that is, to stimulate
the implementation of self-investment policies.
1-figure. Optimistic forecast of development of small business and private entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan[8]
As a result of our carried out research, the following conclusions were drawn:
- in our country, the internal link between the total volume of capital invested by small enterprises and the number of enterprises engaged in economic activity in the branches of the national economy is strong, and in the medium term there is an opportunity to achieve the strategic goals that are intended to be achieved in the long term by developing and implementing
-in our country, a distinctive feature of the investment of small business and private entrepreneurship is formed, the main capital of the enterprise on the account of its own funds and local lendingalga the investments in question are yielding effective results in relation to foreign investments and loans.
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Proceeding from this
situation, further increase in the efficiency of investing in small business
enterprises is achieved by supporting the local lending practices of small
enterprises at their own expense and in the investment of the activities of
enterprises. Based on the results of the research carried out, we believe that
it is worthwhile to develop and implement state programs aimed at improving the
practice of investing in small business enterprises, including the use of
foreign investors ' funds, reinvestments and loans of foreign banks, in
particular, foreign investments.
In our opinion, taking into account the above proposals, in addition to the increase in the investment efficiency of small businesses through the development of state programs aimed at investing in small business and private entrepreneurship in our country, the opportunity to solve strategic tasks for the long-term period ahead of schedule will be achieved.
List of used literature.
1. A new system for the development of small business and entrepreneurship will be introduced. - https://www.pv.uz/uz/news/budet-vnedrena-novaja-sistema-razvitija-malogo-biznesa-ipredprinimatelstva
2. Ergashov I.I. Structural silences and regional changes in the development of small business and private entrepreneurship. // Journal of social-humanities, scientific-methodological and scientific-methodological in the educational system. ISSN 2181-7286. 2021№4 July-August. 121-130 pages (08.00.00; № 28)
3. Ergashov I.I. The impact of small scale business and private entrepreneurship on economic growth. // Scientific electronic journal "Economics and innovation technologies". № 5, September-October, 2021 year. 263-272 pages. 5/2021 (08.00.00; № 10)
4. Ergashov I.I. Improving the practice of assessing the investment potential of small scale business. // Economy and finance 2021 Year №7 (143). Scientific-practical Journal. 21-28 pages. (08.00.00; № 18)
5. Ergashov I.I. Alternative scenarios of increasing the effectiveness of government programs aimed at investing in small business. On December 21-22, 2021 at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies held a Republican scientific-practical conference on the topic "the role of new innovative technologies in the integration of Science, Education and production in the development of Agriculture". Andijan-2021.
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7. Ergashov I.I. Increasing innovation potential and investment activity in the development of effective entrepreneurship. // "Economic archive". Economical Academy. D.A. Tsenova in Svishtov, Bulgary. 2018, Issue 4. 17.12.2018.ISSN: 2367 – 9301 –Electronic Edition. Pages 31-39.
8. A Mamajanov. Theoretical bases of analysis cost of production and cost. International Finance and Accounting. 2018.
9. MamajonovAkramjonTurgunovich. Accounting for the costs of carrying out production activities of farms in a market economy in Uzbekistan. “DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMY IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR” International scientificpractical conference. 2021/3
10. A. T. Mamazhonov. Conceptual issues of accounting for finished goods in the automotive industry. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science. 2020/12/30
Interdisciplinary Conference of
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Yusupova Malika Botiraliyevna, MamazhonovAkramjonTurgunovich. SOCIETY
ACCOUNTANTS. World Economics and Finance Bulletin. 2021/11/17.
Organizational basis of information sources of analiysis of basic production
costs in farming. Middle European Scientific Bulletin. 2021/10.
Associate Professor of Tashkent city legal University, Doctor of Law
Annotation: The article deals with the issues of the principle of voluntariness in the process of mediation in the settlement of disputes, the possibility and admissibility of limiting voluntariness in mediation. It is concluded that the principle of voluntariness means the rule according to which the beginning and conduct of the conciliation procedure, as well as the conclusion and execution of the agreement, are carried out exclusively at the will of the mediation participants.
Key words: principle, voluntariness, dispute settlement, mediation, agreement.
the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7,
2017 No. UP-4947 “On the strategy of actions for the further development of the
Republic of Uzbekistan”, the issue of introducing elements of restorative
justice, in particular mediation, into national legislation and law enforcement
practice is relevant. The need to solve it is due to both the liberalization of
judicial and legal policy and the need to optimize procedural procedures[9].
According to Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 3, 2018. No. ZRU-482 "On mediation" mediation is a way to resolve a dispute that has arisen with the assistance of a mediator on the basis of the voluntary consent of the parties in order to achieve a mutually acceptable solution[10].
The term "mediation" comes from the Latin "mediare" (to mediate, act as a person with the participation of which negotiations are being conducted) and is actively used in foreign countries (English - "Mediation", French "la mediation", German - "die Mediation" )[11].
According to Sh.M.Masidikov, mediation is based on certain fundamental principles, has an internal structure, which determines its special place and importance in the system of alternative dispute resolution. Although it is a type of alternative dispute resolution along with such dispute resolution methods as conciliation and arbitration (arbitration), it has a number of significant differences:
the essence of mediation is the settlement of the dispute by the parties with the help of a neutral third party - an intermediary who assists them in reaching a mutually acceptable agreement and does not have the right to make a decision on this dispute.
in arbitration, the judge renders a decision on the dispute, which is binding on the parties. And in the conciliation procedure, a third party contributes to the settlement of the dispute up to
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advising the parties on the content of the dispute. Whereas in mediation, the mediator does not perform such functions, i.e. does not give advice to either side.
the mediation procedure, the mediator only contributes to the settlement of the
dispute, defining the contours that are aimed at reaching a mutually acceptable
agreement by the parties. This means that the parties themselves find ways to
resolve the dispute, are co-authors of the agreements reached. The mediator
serves as a guide that leads the disputing parties to their destination - the
It should be noted that the principles of law have been thoroughly studied both within the framework of the general theory of law by H.R. Rakhmankulov5, Kh.T.Odilkoriev6, E.M. Abzalova7, A.A. Mukhammadiev8, S.S. Alekseev9, V.I.Leushina10, as well as in industrial sciences. In the science of civil procedural law, the works of Sh.Sh.Shorakhmetov are devoted to the problems of principles11, D.Yu.Khabibullaev12, Sh.M.Masidikov13, M.A. Gurvich14, V.M. Semenov15, K.S. Yudelson16, V.V.Yarkov17and other scientists.
Mediation, like any kind of activity, is carried out on the basis of certain principles that express public views and ideas about the organization and procedure for resolving disputes with the assistance of a mediator. After the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 3, 2018 No. ZRU-482 "On Mediation"18,in which certain principles of mediation received their legislative consolidation, it became possible to consider them as legal principles, that is, the initial normative and guiding principles for regulating an institution new to national law.
According to H.T. Odilkoriev and E.M. Abzalov, the principles of law act as a guiding idea, an empirical rule, a leading criterion for the process of formation, development and movement of
Масидиков Ш.М. Сущность медиации и проблемы ее правового регулирования в Республике Узбекистан. Дис…на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. – Ташкент, 2008. – С.12-13.
РахманкуловХ.Р.Предмет, метод и принципы гражданского права. – Ташкент, ТДЮИ. 2003. – С.33.
Теория государства и права / Ответственные редакторы Х.Б.Бабаев, Х.Т.Одилкориев. – Ташкент. Издательский дом экономики и права. 2000. – С.215.
Теория государства и права / Ответственные редакторы Х.Б.Бабаев, Х.Т.Одилкориев. – Ташкент. Издательский дом экономики и права. 2000. – С.215.
Мухаммадиев А.А. Действие гражданских принципов в рыночных отношениях. Дисс… на соискание кандидата юридических наук. – Ташкент, ТГЮИ, 2006. – С.28.
Алексеев С.С. Право: азбука-теория-фшюсофия: Опыт комплексного исследования. – М: Статут, 1999. – С. 293. 10
Теория государства и права: Учебник для вузов / Отв. ред. В Д Перевалов. – 3-е изд - М.: Норма, 2005. – С. 120. 11
Шорахметов Ш. Гражданское процессуальное право Республики Узбекистан. – Ташкент, Адолат. 2001. – С.24.
Хабибуллаев Д.Ю. Фуқароликпроцессуалҳуқуқинингтамойилларивауларни суд амалиетидататбиқэтишмуаммолари. Юрид. фанлариномзодиилмийдаражасиолшучунезилганавтрефет. – Тошкент: ТДЮИ. 2007. – Б.18.
Масидиков Ш.М. Сущность медиации и проблемы ее правового регулирования в Республике Узбекистан. Дис…на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. – Ташкент, 2008. – С.12-13.
Гурвич М.А. Принципы советского гражданского процессуального права // Избранные труды. Краснодар: Совет. Кубань, 2006 – Т.2. – С.125-194.
Семенов В.М. Конституционные принципы гражданского судопроизводства. – М.: Юридическая литература, 1982. – С.59-60.
Юдельсон К.С. Советский гражданский процесс. – М.: Госюриздат, 1956. – С.31-32.
Плешанов А.Г. К вопросу о принципах современной системы гражданской юрисдикции России // Российский ежегодник гражданского и арбитражного процесса. – 2006. № 5. – С.131.
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rights[12]. As Kh.R. Rakhmankulov admitted, legal principles are understood as the basic and basic norms that express the essence and content of legal norms[13].
According to A.
Mukhammadiev, the principles of law reflect the important laws of the
development of society in the norms of the legal system. This lack of
expression means that important laws of social development are not connected
with the legal system. This in turn means that it has nothing to do with the
legal system. This can lead to the development of a legal system lagging behind
the development of society and the temporary nature of the rule of law. In this
regard, the principles of law should, of course, be reflected in the rules of
According to Sh.Sh. Shorakhmetov, the principles of civil procedure are the main guiding norms of civil procedural law[15].
There is no doubt that the foundations of the mediation process are of great importance due to the following: firstly, they determine the subsequent formation of the mediation process, present the basic principles of self-regulation of the mediation operation, but are also characteristic of the orientation for legislation in improving the institution of peaceful settlement of disputes in joint work with mediator; secondly, the orientation of the rules makes it possible to individualize the mediation process exactly as an independent type of extra-jurisdictional work, to establish a highquality feature of the principles of this organization, implementation and specifics of legal regulation in accordance with the legal methods of resolving legal disputes (conflicts). Ultimately, mediation underlies the practical activity of the mediator to resolve the differences of the parties. All this necessitates the definition, systematization and study of the principles of mediation.
O. Kholmirzaev and R. Sagatov highlight the following principles of mediation: equality of the parties, voluntariness, mutual respect, confidentiality, transparency of the procedure, impartiality of the mediator[16]. According to F. Otakhanov, mediation is carried out on the basis of the principles of confidentiality, voluntariness, cooperation and equality of the parties, independence and impartiality of the mediator[17].
V.T.Konusova believes that, although the principles of civil proceedings do not fully apply to nonstate procedures for settling civil disputes, certain principles are equally inherent in these legal phenomena, for example, the principle of legality, optionality. At the same time, there is no doubt that the meaning of these principles in relation to non-state processes acquires its own refraction, and is also filled with different content[18].
Thus, in accordance with the first of these principles, the decision to resort to mediation is voluntary, which also means that the parties can terminate the mediation procedure or withdraw from it at any time[19]. In addition, if the parties decide to resort to this method of resolving their conflict, the final result depends on them, they are not obliged to comply with the decision made,
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for example, by a judge
or an ombudsman27. Consequently, they invest personal and sometimes
financial interest in achieving a successful result.
It is often said that the distinctive feature of alternative dispute resolution, as well as the basis of their effectiveness in some cases, is precisely their voluntariness28.
Since the appeal to non-state procedures, participation in them and the fulfillment of obligations taken as a result of their implementation, according to the general rule, is voluntary, we believe that voluntariness can be considered one of the main principles of the analyzed procedures29.
It should be noted that the principle of voluntariness applies both to the parties and to the mediator.
According to D. Khabibullaev, the principle of voluntariness is freedom of access to procedural rights related to the initiation and termination of civil proceedings in order to protect the violated or disputed or legally protected interests of citizens30.
If all the above conditions are met, we should talk about the absolute voluntariness of mediation. However, this principle is only partially implemented in practice. In this regard, the question arises as to the possibility and acceptable limits on voluntariness in mediation.
In the literature devoted to the problems of conciliation procedures, the opinion is expressed that the conduct of mediation by force is acceptable. At the same time, supporters of the concept of compulsory mediation, in support of their position, cite the following arguments.
1. Compulsory mediation is more effective in settling certain categories of cases than litigation. At the same time, it is indicated that the parties often experience fears of initiating the mediation procedure, since such a proposal can be regarded as a recognition of the weakness of their own positions. The objective requirement of mediation solves this problem31.
2. Mandatory mediation contributes to the rapid spread of the practice of using conciliation procedures32.
3. Compulsory mediation contributes to the faster development of dispute resolution skills and thus achieves the goals of individual social transformation.
4. Any judicial mediation scheme requires a certain budgetary funding, in this sense, the mandatory referral to mediation is more beneficial, since the total amount of costs is distributed over a larger number of settled cases33.
Nevertheless, it is difficult to deny the fact that being bound is contrary to the very nature of mediation as a tool for seeking consensus by parties interested in cooperation and out-of-court settlement of disputes that have arisen. The voluntariness of mediation reflects the very idea of
Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3. 28
PROCEDURES IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Polish Journal of Science. – 2021. – №. 38-2. – С. 20-24.
Конусова В.Т. Негодарственные процедуры урегулирования гражданско-правовых споров. Дис…. на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. Республика Казахстан. Астана. 2010. – С.149.
Хабибуллаев Д.Ю. Принципы гражданского процессуального права и проблемы применения в судебной практики.Дисс… на соискание кандидата юридических наук. Ташкент – 2002. – С.10..
Ibratova, F. B., Kirillova, E. A., Smoleń, R., Bondarenko, N. G., Shebzuhova, T. A., &Vartumyan, A. A. (2017). Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions.
Esenbekova, F. T., Okyulov, O., Sh, R., &Ibratova, F. B. (2021). Features of the approval of the world agreement by the economic court: practice and theory. International Journal of Professional Science, 5, 90-96.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
reconciliation, the basis
of the differences and advantages of mediation in comparison with other legal
processes[20]. The predetermining success factor in
the conciliation procedure is the mutual consent of the parties to take part in
the mediation procedure and negotiate for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.[21].
The influence of the voluntary principle among the parties continues even after the end of the mediation procedure, during the period of mediation agreement[22]. According to Article 29, part 3 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 3, 2018 No. ZRU-482 “On Mediation”, a direct order is set out that mediation consent is a mandatory implementation of the parties in the prescribed manner and in accordance with the terms provided for in it.[23].
In relation to the mediator, the rule of voluntariness manifests itself in the possibility of refusing to conduct the procedure at any time[24]. It should be emphasized that voluntary consent is due to the work of the principle of loyalty and high professionalism of the mediator[25]. In other words, if a dispute can be the cause of mediation, the mediator has the right to assist the parties in resolving it, there are exceptions when the mediator does not have the necessary competence to conduct mediation according to such criteria as (for example, a family conflict, where a special model is needed mediation), or in the event of a conflict of interest that makes it impossible to maintain loyalty[26].
Summing up, it is important to highlight that the rule of voluntary consent seems to be the main and main beginning of the implementation and conduct of mediation[27]. The operation of this rule is revealed at each stage of mediation, concerns each participant in the process and has the ability to be limited only if the benefit from this restriction exceeds the likely results of denial[28].
According to V.N. Konusova, it is also intense that certain categories of rules of civil procedural law have similar rules in dispute resolution processes. An example is the rule of the independence of the judiciary and that in cases under consideration it follows the principle of an independent, impartial loyal person (arbitrator, expert, mediator, etc.)[29].
Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that the principle of voluntariness means the rule according to which the beginning and conduct of the conciliation procedure, as well as the conclusion and execution of the agreement, are carried out exclusively at the will of the mediation participants.
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Президента Республики Узбекистан от 7 февраля 2017 года №УП-4947 «О стратегии
действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан». Собрание
законодательства Республики Узбекистан, 2017 г., № 6, ст. 70, № 20, ст. 354, №
23, ст.
448, № 29, ст. 683, ст. 685, № 34, ст. 874, № 37, ст. 982. http://www.lex.uz/ru/docs/3107042
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4. Масидиков Ш.М. Сущность медиации и проблемы ее правового регулирования в Республике Узбекистан. Дис…на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. – Ташкент, 2008. – С.12-13.
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8. Мухаммадиев А.А. Действие гражданских принципов в рыночных отношениях. Дисс… на соискание кандидата юридических наук. – Ташкент, ТГЮИ, 2006. – С.28.
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11. Шорахметов Ш. Гражданское процессуальное право Республики Узбекистан. – Ташкент, Адолат. 2001. – С.24.
12. Хабибуллаев Д.Ю. Фуқароликпроцессуалҳуқуқинингтамойилларивауларни суд амалиетидататбиқэтишмуаммолари. Юрид. фанлариномзодиилмийдаражасиолшучунезилганавтрефет. – Тошкент: ТДЮИ. 2007. –
13. Масидиков Ш.М. Сущность медиации и проблемы ее правового регулирования в Республике Узбекистан. Дис…на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. – Ташкент, 2008. – С.12-13.
14. Гурвич М.А. Принципы советского гражданского процессуального права // Избранные труды. Краснодар: Совет. Кубань, 2006 – Т.2. – С.125-194.
15. Семенов В.М. Конституционные принципы гражданского судопроизводства. – М.: Юридическая литература, 1982. – С.59-60.
16. Юдельсон К.С. Советский гражданский процесс. – М.: Госюриздат, 1956. – С.31-32.
17. Плешанов А.Г. К вопросу о принципах современной системы гражданской юрисдикции России // Российский ежегодник гражданского и арбитражного процесса. – 2006. № 5. – С.131. http://www.lex.uz/docs/3805229
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
государства и права / Ответственные редакторы Х.Б.Бабаев, Х.Т.Одилкориев. –
Ташкент. Издательский дом экономики и права. 2000. – С.215.
19. РахманкуловХ.Р.Предмет, метод и принципы гражданского права. – Ташкент, ТДЮИ. 2003. – С.33.
20. Мухаммадиев А.А. Действие гражданских принципов в рыночных отношениях. Дисс… на соискание кандидата юридических наук. – Ташкент, ТГЮИ, 2006. – С.28.
21. Шорахметов Ш. Гражданское процессуальное право Республики Узбекистан. – Ташкент, Адолат. 2001. – С.24.
22. Холмирзаев О., Сагатов Р. О роли и знчении медиаторов в странах Центральной Азии // Правосудие. Ташкент 2019. №3. – С.98.
23. Отахонов Ф. Правовые основы и перспективы развития медиации в Узбекистане // Правосудие. 2019. – №6. – С.98.
24. Конусова В.Т. Негосударственные процедуры урегулирования гражданско-правовых споров. Дисс. … на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук. Республика Казахстан. Астана. – 2010. – С.149.
25. Барышова, М. В., Белый, В. С., Глущенко, В. М., Ибратова, Ф. Б., Новиков, А. Н., &Пронькин, Н. Н. (2019). Социальное предпринимательство: научные исследования и практика.
26. Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3.
27. Ibratova F., Esenbekova F. GENESIS AND EVOLUTION OF LEGISLATION ON CONCEPTIONAL PROCEDURES IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Polish Journal of Science. – 2021. – №. 38-2. – С. 20-24.
28. Конусова В.Т. Негодарственные процедуры урегулирования гражданско-правовых споров. Дис…. на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. Республика Казахстан. Астана. 2010. – С.149.
29. Хабибуллаев Д.Ю. Принципы гражданского процессуального права и проблемы применения в судебной практики.Дисс… на соискание кандидата юридических наук. Ташкент – 2002. – С.10..
СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ (pp. 163-170).
31. Ibratova, F. B., Kirillova, E. A., Smoleń, R., Bondarenko, N. G., Shebzuhova, T. A., &Vartumyan, A. A. (2017). Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions.
32. Esenbekova, F. T., Okyulov, O., Sh, R., &Ibratova, F. B. (2021). Features of the approval of the world agreement by the economic court: practice and theory. International Journal of ProfessionalScience, 5, 90-96.
33. ИбратоваФ. Б. Банкротстволиквидируемогосубъектапредпринимательства: проблемыирешения //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2021. – №. 58-2.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Г. П., Ибратова, Ф. Б., Каращенко, В. В., Макеева, Е. И., Мирославская, М. Д.,
Пайкович, П. Р., &Харлампенков, Е. И. (2021). Инновации, тенденции и
проблемы в области экономики, управления и бизнеса.
35. IbratovaF. Legal Problems of the Concepts Legality, Justification and Justice by Judicial Acts //Middle European Scientific Bulletin. – 2021. – Т. 16.
36. ЗаконРУзот 3 июля 2018 года №ЗРУ-482 «Омедиации». http://www.lex.uz/docs/3805229
38. Ibratova F. BANKRUPTCY OF A LIQUIDATED BUSINESS ENTITY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS //Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. – 2021. – №. 2021. – С. 45.
39. Дудник, Д. В., Ермолаев, К. Н., Ибратова, Ф., Миронов, Л. В., Окюлов, О., Опрышко, Е. Л., ... &Шер, М. Л. (2021). Научные основы финансовой, кредитно-денежной и ценовой политики.
40. IbratovaF. Bankrotlikto ‘g ‘risidagiishlardaprokurorishtiroki.
41. Ibratova F. BANKRUPTCY OF A LIQUIDATED BUSINESS ENTITY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS //Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. – 2021. – №. 2021. – С. 45.
42. КонусоваВ.Т. Негодарственныепроцедурыурегулированиягражданско-правовыхспоров. Дис… насоисканиеученойстепени кандидата юридических наук. Республика Казахстан. Астана. 2010. – С.149.
Master student of the Tashkent State Law University
Annotation. The article deals with the protection of violated rights and legitimate interests through the use of mediation, the meaning and place of mediation, confidentiality and neutrality of the intermediary. It is concluded that mediation is an alternative form of pre-trial (out-of-court) or outof-procedural dispute resolution and conflict resolution to litigation, as well as a set of mechanisms and technologies that provides it and the process of its implementation, voluntarily chosen by litigants.
Key words: mediation, conflict, dispute, confidentiality, mediator, compromise, mediator.
to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, we must always
remember the words of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam
AbduganievichKarimov, filled with deep meaning, “Our people first of all need
peace and tranquility!”. In today's rapidly changing times, in the face of
increasing various threats and challenges, we need to cherish our priceless
wealth – peace and tranquility, as the apple of our eye, further strengthen
interethnic and interfaith harmony, an atmosphere of mutual respect and
kindness in society[30].
The creation and strengthening of a society based on an efficiently operating economy is impossible without the formation of legal mechanisms that ensure the speedy, fair and legal resolution of disputes arising between the subjects of civil circulation[31]. In this regard, no matter how highly the role of state courts in the administration of justice in the field of private law relations is appreciated, one cannot underestimate the importance of the institution of conciliation procedures, the spread of which in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities is an indicator of a high level of development of civil society and its connection with the state[32].
In the current period of development of Uzbek society, the importance of protecting violated rights and legitimate interests through the use of conciliation procedures is noticeably updated. This is explained by the fact that social relations in a market economy are characterized by the increasing interaction of the state, their institutions, organizations, as well as individuals in a wide variety of political, economic, cultural and other relations[33]. At the same time, practice shows that in the course of their interaction, these subjects often enter into conflict situations and disputes that require their
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
An important role in resolving emerging disputes is played by the historically
established legal means of peaceful dispute resolution (medicine, negotiations,
mediation, conciliation procedures, international arbitration).
Mediation is a voluntary, special, non-coercive, flexible and, as a rule, closed mechanism for reducing the level of uncertainty and risks between the parties to the dispute and, if possible, resolving the conflict6.
A. Bennett define mediation as a procedure by which an unbiased third party decides how to resolve the conflict. In the mediation procedure, it is the parties to the dispute, and not the mediators, who determine the terms of the agreement reached. Mediation is about the future behavior of the parties to the dispute rather than the past7.
Mediation is a procedure in which a mediator, who does not have the authority of a judicial authority, facilitates interaction between the parties to the conflict in order to create conditions for the parties to resolve the conflict.8. Additional characteristics of mediation are the confidentiality and neutrality of the mediator9.While adjudication of a dispute is a formalized process, the outcome of which is binding, mediation offers a flexible approach in which all aspects of a conflict can be considered regardless of their legal significance.
There is such an approach to understanding the very concept of mediation, which assumes that mediation is a method of providing assistance in negotiations, which involves the intervention in the resolution of the dispute by a third party with limited or non-powerful decision-making powers. Mediation, according to this approach, has a long history of informal use in various cultural contexts and is now a professional field. Thus, according to this approach, mediation can also include conciliation procedures, in which the mediator also participates.
However, the more common approach today is that mediation is not a conciliation process, a process in which a third party advises the parties to a dispute with the aim of reaching a compromise that both parties would agree to10.Also excluded from mediation is arbitration, which is defined as a process in which an impartial third party, after hearing both sides of the dispute, makes a final and usually binding decision.
The basic assumption underlying the concept of mediation is that a dispute is a normal phenomenon, it is dangerous to leave this problem unresolved11.
The decision as to which type of alternative dispute resolution to use in any particular case depends on the type of dispute, its stage and what type of solution is required. Unlike conciliation and
Ibratova, F. "Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts." Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science 28-3 (2019). 6
Ridley-Duff R.J., Bennett A.J. Mediation: developing a theoretical framework for understanding alternative dispute resolution: paper to British Academy of Management, University of Sheffield, 14-16 September. – 2010. - 17 p. - P.
4. 8
Ibratova FB, Kirillova EA, Smoleń R, Bondarenko NG, Shebzuhova TA, Vartumyan AA. Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions. 9
Esenbekova FT. Esenbekova FT, Okyulov O., Ruzinazarov Sh., Ibratova FB Features of the approval of the world agreement by the economic court: practice and theory. Editorial team. 2019;10(39):90.
Ibratova, Feruza. "Legal Problems of the Concepts Legality, Justification and Justice by Judicial Acts." Middle European Scientific Bulletin 16 (2021).
Ibratova, F. Bankrotlik to ‘g ‘risidagiishlardaprokurorishtiroki.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
arbitration, in mediation
the burden of developing and agreeing to an acceptable outcome lies with the
parties to the dispute. Mediation can be used at any stage of a dispute[34].
Key elements in peaceful forms of third party intervention in conflict resolution, such as mediation, are the nature and level of consent, and the level of coercion required to reach an agreement.
In order to prevent the conflict from escalating and to resolve the issue, mediation aims to achieve a win-win outcome for both parties, using an approach where both parties feel they are treated equally and receive the same amount of attention, time to speak, preparation and etc.[35]The main thing in this approach is that the mediator is morally impartial within ethical boundaries, that is, the mediator is interested in the mediation procedure itself, but does not have a strong interest in its final result.
Professional mediation services are usually based on an approach whose main and final goal is to solve the problem. This type of mediation practice is based on several key ideas: firstly, it is the idea that the mediator is a neutral intermediary interested only in the process, and not in the essence of the dispute[36];secondly, it is the idea that the polar opposite positions that people take in disputes are due to their basic interests and needs; thirdly, this is the idea that the resolution of the dispute is carried out more efficiently if the personal interests of the parties to the dispute are addressed; and, finally, the idea that the purpose of mediation should be to negotiate a win-win resolution of the dispute in the form of an agreement.
Mediation is an informal procedure that can be adapted to the needs of the parties or to the circumstances of the dispute. Although each mediation procedure is inherently unique in some sense, there are steps in the procedure that take place in almost every case. So, before starting the procedure, the mediator requests a summary of the essence of the dispute in writing (including the facts, the questions that have arisen) from each party. The mediation procedure usually begins with a joint meeting with the presence of all parties. The mediator explains to the parties his role in the procedure, and also notes that this procedure is confidential[37]. The issue then begins to be discussed, whereby the mediator may allow the parties to communicate directly with each other. The duration of the mediation procedure depends on the complexity of the dispute under consideration.
Voluntary dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, are effective in many situations, since the parties to the dispute are given the opportunity to be directly involved in the development of dispute resolution options, which increases the possibility of satisfying the interests of the parties, in contrast to the decision made as a result of the trial of the case. Some researchers believe that in addition to transforming the relationship of the parties and meeting their needs, the increase in the use of alternative dispute resolution methods can lead to the revival of local communities[38].
As many scholars have argued, mediators with experience in litigation and arbitration have an advantage because they can provide the parties with an informed opinion about what the judge or arbitrator would decide if the parties approached them for resolution. spore. In addition, mediators must have well-developed communication skills[39]. The mediation procedure should be conducted
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Young Scholars in Social Sciences
on neutral territory, in
a room that ensures the confidentiality of this process, in addition, the
correct placement of participants should be carried out, for example, so that
the parties are not directly opposite each other, but an atmosphere of
cooperation is created.
The classical approach to the role of the mediator assumes that the mediator must make decisions and provide his opinion on the actual circumstances of the disputes and their possible outcomes, using predetermined criteria for evaluating the evidence and arguments presented by the parties[40]. The tasks of a mediator applying an evaluative approach to the mediation procedure include finding the facts by correctly assessing the evidence, that is, assessing its persuasiveness, distributing the burden of proof, identifying and applying relevant regulations, rules or customs, and developing an opinion.
Ultimately, one can say that the evaluative approach contributes to the positioning and polarization of the parties, which is contrary to the goals of mediation. A rights-based approach focuses on the legal rights of the parties and seeks to reach a solution that meets the relevant legal criteria of the dispute in a way that is consistent with decisions taken by the courts in similar cases.
The stakeholder approach focuses on the underlying needs or interests of the parties; this approach implies a wider range of possible solutions to the dispute, which concerns the main interests and activities of the parties. As a result of this approach to the mediation procedure, a solution can be developed that satisfies all parties to the dispute, but does not comply with legal norms.
Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters states that "mediation" means a structured process, whether or not it is referred to as such a name in which two or more parties to a dispute seek to independently and voluntarily reach an agreement to settle their dispute with the help of a mediator. Such a process may be initiated by the parties or proposed or ordered by a court or provided for by the law of a Member State. It includes mediation conducted by a judge who is not responsible for conducting any litigation in respect of the dispute in question. This precludes attempts by the court or trial judge to settle the dispute in the course of the proceedings relating to the dispute in question”[41].
We believe that this definition is more detailed than is usually given in scientific publications, but, nevertheless, suffers from a number of shortcomings that determine its unacceptability. Among such shortcomings should be attributed the lack of depth, the reduction of the concept of "mediation" only to the concept of a process (which, however, is already obvious), in which two parties, through the mediation of a third, resolve their disputes. But from this definition it is difficult to exhaustively understand the differences between mediation and the actual litigation, where there are also litigants and a third party provides some “help”.
Based on the foregoing, we believe that mediation is an alternative to litigation form of pre-trial (out-of-court) or out-of-procedural dispute resolution and conflict resolution, as well as a set of mechanisms and technologies that provides it and the process of its implementation, voluntarily chosen by litigants, based on a solidarity desire to reach an agreement a third party (an impartial and neutral mediator), chosen by mutual agreement by the litigants to provide professional comprehensive assistance in a fair settlement of the conflict and the litigants who have resorted to mediation to enter into a stable and constructive dialogue.
2.Барышова МВ, Белый ВС, Глущенко ВМ, Ибратова ФБ, Новиков АН, Пронькин НН. Социальное предпринимательство: научные исследования и практика.
UZBEKISTAN." PolishJournalofScience 38-2 (2021): 20-24.
4. Ибратова ФБ. Гражданско-правовые проблемы признания банкротами индивидуальных предпринимателей в Республике Узбекистан. Вопросысовременнойюриспруденции.
2015(5-6 (47)).
5. Ibratova, F. "Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts." Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science 28-3 (2019).
6. ИбратоваФБ.
7. 7. Ridley-Duff R.J., Bennett A.J. Mediation: developing a theoretical framework for understanding alternative dispute resolution: paper to British Academy of Management, University of Sheffield, 14-16 September. – 2010. - 17 p. - P. 4.
8. Ibratova FB, Kirillova EA, Smoleń R, Bondarenko NG, Shebzuhova TA, Vartumyan AA. Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions.
1Esenbekova FT. Esenbekova
FT, Okyulov O., Ruzinazarov Sh., Ibratova FB Features of the approval of the
world agreement by the economic court: practice and theory. Editorial team.
10. Ibratova, Feruza. "Legal Problems of the Concepts Legality, Justification and Justice by Judicial Acts." Middle European Scientific Bulletin 16 (2021).
11. Ibratova, F. Bankrotlik to ‘g ‘risidagiishlardaprokurorishtiroki.
12. Ibratova, F. (2021). BANKRUPTCY OF A LIQUIDATED BUSINESS ENTITY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science, (2021), 45.
14. БРЯНСКАЯ, О. Л., etal. Инновации, тенденции и проблемы в области экономики, управления и бизнеса. 2020.
15. ДУДНИК, Данил Владимирович, etal. Научные основы финансовой, кредитноденежной и ценовой политики. 2021.
16. БРАСЛАВЕЦ, Олеся Николаевна, etal. Человек как субъект общественных изменений: социальные, гуманитарные и психологические проблемы. 2021.
SANATION." Sciences of Europe 83-3 (2021): 22-25.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
A PROCEDURAL INSTITUTE." Norwegian Journal of Development of the
International Science 62-2 (2021): 10-14.
№ 2008/52/ЕСof the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on
certain aspects of médiation in civil and commercial matters //
Abstrakt. Mazkur maqolada muallif tilshunos olimlarning grammatikaning kategoriyalari bo’yicha fikrlarini ilgari surgan va grammatikaning kategoriyalari haqida chuqurroq ma’lumot berib o’tgan. Bundan tashqari muallif tillarni qiyosiy tipologiya o’rganish darajasini ham tahlil qilgan.
Kalit so’zlar: morfologiya, nisbat kategoriyasi, o’zgalovchi kategoriyasi, harakat tarzi kategoriyasi, bo‘lishli – bo‘lishsizlik kategoriyasi, son kategoriyasi, daraja kategoriyasi, kelishik kategoriyasi, egalik kategoriyasi, kesimlik kategoriyasi;
eng muhim va asosiy qismlaridan biri bu grammatikadir. Grammatika ko‘plab
tilshunoslik atamasi kabi ikki ma’noli. Bir ma’nosida tilning qurilishi
tushunilsa, ikkinchi ma’nosida tilshunoslikning shu grammatik qurilishni
o‘rganuvchi sohasi anglashiladi. Demak, u so‘z va gapning formal – grammatik
tomoni – so‘z o‘zgarishi, sintaktik birliklar va ularning turli ko‘rinishi,
strukturasi va hosil qiluvchi vositalari, shuningdek, ifodalaydigan grammatik
ma’nosini o‘rganadi. Biz grammatika deganda tor ma’noda morfologiya va
sintaksis yaxlitligi, keng ma’noda tilning barcha qurilish sathi tushuniladi.
Aytganimizdek, grammatika tilning so‘z o‘zgartirish va so‘z biriktirish
qoidalari haqida bo‘lib, bunda so‘z o‘zgartirish doirasida so‘z shakllari, so‘z
shakllarini hosil qiluvchi grammatik kategoriya va o‘zgarish asosida
farqlanuvchi so‘zning grammatik guruhi – so‘z turkumi hamda bu hodisalarning
mahsuli bo‘lishi, so‘z birikmasi va gap bir vujudning ikki tomoni sifatida
ajraladi. Bu o‘z – o‘zidan ularni o‘rganuvchi ikki soha morfologiya va
sintaksisni farqlashni ham toqazo qiladi.
Morfologiyaning – ob’ekti so‘zning o‘zgarish bilan bog‘liq, ya’ni morfologik strukturasi. So‘zning morfologik strukturasi – grammatik morfema, grammatik morfemasi sistemasi – morfologik kategoriya, so‘zning o‘zgarish asosidagi sistemasi (masalan, kitob, kitobning, kitobni, kitobga, kitobda, kitobdan [kitob] leksemasining kelishik kategoriyasi asosidagi o‘zgarish sistemasi), so‘z shaklining hosil bo‘lish yo‘li va usuli, vositasi, bu vositalarning turlari.
Tilshunoslikda yana grammatik kategoriya tushunchasi ham mavjud. Kategoriya atamasi tilshunoslikka falsafadan kirgan termin. U falsafada “ob’ektiv borliq va bilishdagi, mohiyatan ko‘proq qonuniy aloqa va munosabatni aks ettiruvchi umumiy tushuncha” tarzida ta’riflanadi. Falsafada ham tilshunoslikda ham kategoriya bir xil narsani ataydi, ya’ni kategoriya uchun juftlik va alohidalik xos bo‘lishi shart. Falsafada juftlikni sabab natija, mohiyat – hodisa, butun qism, alohidalikni borliq, miqdor, makon tashkil etsa, tilshunoslikda kategoriya atamasi ostida zidlangan ikkilik (son kategoriyasi) yoki ko‘plik (kishilik kategoriyasi) tushuniladi.bugungi tilshunosligimizda grammatik kategoriya atamasi ostida, asosan, morfologik kategoriya’ni tan olish ustuvor. Umuman, sintaktik kategoriya ham grammatik kategoriya sifatida qaralsa–da, xususiy hollarda, ya’ni sintaktik tekshirishlarda kategoriya tushunchasi e’tiborga molik ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bunga qo‘shilib bo‘lmaydi albatta.
Butun uchun qism va ular orasidagi munosabat, sistema uchun element va ularni birlashtiruvchi aloqa shart va zarur bo‘lgan kabi grammatik kategoriya uchun ham (ayni paytda morfologik hadisa haqida so‘z yuritayotganimiz tufayli grammatik kategoriya atamasi ostida morfologik kategoriya’ni nazarda tutamiz) aloqa va aloqada turuvchi birlik zarur. Muayyan ma’no umumiyligi ostida birlashgan va o‘zaro bu ma’noning parchalanishi, xususiylashuvi asosida zidlanadigan shakllar
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
sistemasi grammatik
kategoriya hisoblanadi. Grammatik kategoriya grammatik shakllarning oddiy
arifmetik yig‘indisi emas, balki ma’lum bir turdagi shakllarining umumiy ma’no
asosidagi barqaror munosabati tizmasidan iborat bo‘lgan yangi bir butunlik.
Bunda umumiylik va farq umumiy ma’no asosida bo‘lishi kerak. Buni yorqin idrok
etish uchun kelishik kategoriyasi va ravishdoshlarni grammatik kategoriya
tushunchasiga munosabat nuqtai nazardan kuzatish yetarli.
Shunday qilib, grammatik kategoriyaga R. Sayfullayeva, B. Mengliyev [2009] “Hozirgi o‘zbek adabiy tili” nomli darsligida quyidagicha ta’rif berilgan. Bir umumiy grammatik ma’no ostida birlashuvchi, shu asosda bir – birini taqazo va bu umumiy ma’noning parchalanishi asosida inkor qiluvchi shakllar tizilish grammatik kategoriyasi deyiladi.[1.165.]
Bu darslikda o‘zbek tilidagi grammatik kategoriyalar soni 9 ta ekanligini aytib o‘tilgan. Bular qo‘yidagilar:
1. Nisbat kategoriyasi;
2. O’zgalovchi kategoriyasi;
3. Harakat tarzi kategoriyasi;
4. Bo‘lishli – bo‘lishsizlik kategoriyasi;
5. Son kategoriyasi;
6. Daraja kategoriyasi;
7. Kelishik kategoriyasi;
8. Egalik kategoriyasi;
9. Kesimlik kategoriyasi;
9.1. Shaxs – son;
9.2. Zamon;
9.3. Tasdiq inkor;
9.4. Mayl (modallik).
Bundan tashqari grammatik kategoriyaga bir qancha tilshunoslar tomonidan ta’riflar berilgan. Masalan: M. Mirzayev, S. Usmonov, I. Rasulovlarning “O’zbek tili” darsligida grammatik kategoriyaga quyidagicha ta’rif berilgan. “Bir sistemani tashkil qiluvchi grammatik hodisalarning yig‘indisi grammatik kategoriya deyiladi [2.75.]. So‘zlarning so‘z turkumlariga gruppalanishi, shuningdek, har bir so‘z turkumining xarakteri bir xil bo‘lgan grammatik formalar tizimi – grammatik son egalik, kelishik, mayl, zamon, nisbat va boshqalar – grammatik kategoriyalardir. Masalan: kitob, kitobning, kitobni, kitobga, kitobda, kitobdan formalari bir kategoriya’ni, ya’ni kelishik kategoriyasini tashkil qiladi. Chunki ularning hammasi otning fe’lga (ba’zan boshqa otga) tobeligini ifodalaydi”.
Fe’lning o‘qidi, o‘qiydi, o‘qimoqda formalari, boshqa ma’nolaridan tashqari, harakatning nutq so‘zlanib turgan vaqtiga munosabatini ifodalaydi. Shuning uchun ular umumiy ravishda fe’lning zamon kategoriyasi deyiladi.
U. Tursunov, J. Muxtorov, Sh. Rahmatullayevlarning “Hozirgi o‘zbek adabiy tili” kitobida grammatik kategoriya to‘g‘risida aytilgan fikrlarni ko‘rishimiz mumkin. “O’zaro bir – biriga zid qo‘yilgan va qiyosan olingan grammatik ma’nolar tizimi va ularga xos ifoda vositalari – grammatik shakllar sistemasi grammatik kategoriya deyiladi.[3.245.] Grammatik kategoriyalar umumiy hodisa sifatida xususiy hodisalarda mavjud bo‘ladi, xususiy hodisalar umumlashmasi asosida yuzaga keladi”. Demak, son kategoriyasi birlik va ko‘plik ma’nolarini ifodalovchi shakllar tizimidan, egalik kategoriyasi birinchi shaxs – so‘zlovchi, ikkinsi shaxs – tinglovchi, uchinchi shaxs – o‘zgalar va shularning miqdori ma’nolarini ifodalovchi shakllar sistemasidan iborat. Grammatik
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
kategoriyalarda tilning
o‘ziga xos xususiyati ochiq namoyon bo‘ladi. Masalan: rus tili (ayrim boshqa
tillar uchun) xos grammatik jins kategoriyasi turkiy tillarda, jumladan, o‘zbek
tilida yo‘q; rus tilida sifatlarga kelishik kategoriyasi xos, o‘zbek tilida
sifat, odatda, turlanmaydi.
Ikki va undan ortiq tillarni qiyoslashda tipologik kategoriyalardan foydalanamiz. Tipologik kategoriya tipologik ma’no va tipologik formalar bilan ifoda etiladi.
Tipologik ma’no tipologik kategoriya’ning mazmun planini tashkil qiladi. Tipologik ma’no bu morfologik, leksik va sintaktik birliklarning o‘zaro munosabati natijasida hosil qilingan umumiy abstrakt lingvistik ma’nodir. Tipologik ma’no turli yarusli bo‘lib, uni ifoda etishda tilning turli yaruslari bevosita ishtirok etadi. U ikki yoki undan ortiq tillar sistemasi asosida tuziladi. Tipologik ma’no grammatik va leksik ma’nolarni o‘z ichiga oladi va o‘rganilayotgan tillar sistemalari uchun umumiy ma’no hisoblanadi.
Tipologik forma tipologik ma’noni ifodalovchi qiyoslanayotgan tillarning turli yarus birliklaridir. Tipologik formaning invarmatlari turlicha bo‘lib, ular morfologik, leksik va sintaktik birliklar bilan ifodalanadi. Tipologik formani ifodalovchi vositalar morfologik yarusda segment va suppasegment morfemalardan, leksik yarusda so‘z yasovchi affikslardan, va mustaqil leksik birikmalardan, sintaktik yarusda esa so‘z birikmalari va gaplardan tashkil topadi.
Tipologik formaning an’anaviy grammatik formadan farqi shundaki, grammatik forma faqat morfologik yarus birligi bilan chegaralanib qo‘yiladi.
Tipologik formani shartli ravishda “forma” deb ataymiz. Chunki sintaktik yarusda u forma emas, balki butun bir konstruksiyadir. Tipologik forma kanstituyentlari bir – biri bilan turli distrubutiv aloqada bo‘ladi.
Bu formalarning belgilanishi turli tillarda turli xil bo‘ladi. Ba’zi tillarda ularning morfologik markeri yoki dominantasi (belgilovchi element), boshqa tillarda esa sintaktik dominantasi yaxshi rivojlangan bo‘ladi. Ingliz va o‘zbek tillarida namuna sifatida quyidagi tipologik kategoriyalarni ko‘rsatish mumkin.[4.128.]
1. Tipologik ko‘plik yoki plurallik kategoriyasi;
2. Tipologik rod kategoriyasi;
3. Zamon yoki temporallik kategoriyasi;
4. Modallik kategoriyasi;
5. Nisbat yoki nisbatlik kategoriyasi;
6. Aspektuallik kategoriyasi;
7. Komparativlik yoki qiyoslash kategoriyasi;
8. Aniqlik yoki noaniqlik kategoriyasi va boshqalar.
Nechta tipologik kategoriya borligi hozirgacha to‘la aniqlangani yo‘q, ammo nazariy va amaliy grammatikalarda berilishicha:
Ot |
Sifat |
Olmosh |
Son |
Fe’l |
Ravish |
Ing |
O’zb |
Ing |
O’zb |
Ing |
O’zb |
Ing |
O’zb |
Ing |
O’zb |
Ing |
O’zb |
Shaxs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
Kelishik |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Son |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
Zamon |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
Rod |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Nisbat |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
Mayl |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
Egalilik |
- |
+ |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Aspekt |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
1. Sayfullayeva R., Mengliyev B. Hozirgi o‘zbek adabiy tili. Toshkent. 2009. 414 bet
M., Usmonov S., Rasulov I. O’zbek tili. Toshkent. “O’qituvchi”, 1978. 255 bet.
3. Tursunov U., Muxtorov J., Rahmatullayev Sh. Hozirgi o‘zbek adabiy tili. Toshkent. “O’zbekiston”, 1992. 200 bet.
J. B. Ingliz va o‘zbek tillari qiyosiy grammatikasi. Toshkent. “O’qituvchi”,
1973. 284 bet.
З. У. Мусратова
Низомий номидаги ТДПУ магистранти
Аннотaция: Ушбу мақолада ўқитувчи ва ўқувчи муносабатларида ўзаро ҳурматни шакллантиришда стратегик қоидалар ва вазифалар қадамма-қадам муаммонинг ечимини топиш имконини бериши хақида маълумот берилган. Бундай вазиятга педагогик аралашув натижасида шундай шароитлар яратиладики, болалар ўз интизомларини тўғрилаш борасида маълум қарор қабул қилишлари ёритиб берилган.
Калит сўзлар: муносабат, ҳурмат, шакллантириш, стратегик қоидалар, вазифа, қадаммақадам, муаммо, ечим, имкон, вазият, педагогик аралашув, натижа, болалар, интизом.
таълим муассасаларида устоз-шогирд муносабатларининг стратегик қоидалари
ва вазифалари бўйича ўқитувчилар ўз касбий фаолиятларида
ўқувчиларнинг дарс интизоми билан боғлиқ бўлган муаммолар,
яъни ўқувчиларнинг таълимга, билим олишга нисбатан салбий муносабатига
дуч келишади. Улар ўқувчиларга маълум талабларни қўядилар ва ўқувчилар
бу талабларга сўзсиз амал қиладилар деб ўйлайдилар. Ўқувчи ва
ўқитувчи ўртасидаги муносабатларни “кўчадаги қарама-қарши
ҳаракатга” қиёслаш мумкин, чунки ўқувчининг ўқитувчига
муносабати конфликтли ва муаммоли хулқ-атвор шаклида намоён бўлади.
Интизомга риоя қилмайдиганларга нисбатан конструктив таъсир самарали бўлиши учун бу хатти-ҳаракатнинг асл мотивлари нимадан иборат эканлигини аниқлаш ва шундан келиб чиққан ҳолда муаммонинг ечимини топиш усулларини танлаш лозим. Бундай ёндашув ўқитувчи ва ўқувчи ўртасида ўзаро ҳурматни шакллантиради.
Муаммоли хулқ-атворнинг мотивлари. Интизомни бузган ўқувчи бу хатти-ҳаракат нотўғри эканлигини тушунади, лекин у ўз хулқ-атворининг мотивини тушунмайди. Ҳар бир бола учун бу ҳатти-ҳаракатнинг турли сабаб ва мақсадлари мавжуд. Педагоглар бу мотивларнинг қандай бўлишига қарамай уларга таъсир этиш усулларини топишлари лозим. Агар педагоглар хулқ-атворнинг бузилиш мақсадларини аниқлашга қодир бўлсалар, у ҳолда ўқувчи билан конструктив муносабатларни ўрната оладилар, унумсиз мулоқот самарали мулоқотга айланиши мумкин. Бунда тўғри стратегияни танлаш қадамма-қадам муаммонинг ечимини топиш имконини беради. Бундай вазиятга педагогик аралашув натижасида шундай шароитлар яратиладики, болалар ўз интизомларини тўғрилаш борасида маълум қарор қабул қиладилар.
Ўқувчининг хулқ борасидаги танлови, унинг ёмон хулқ-атворининг мақсади ўқитувчи томонидан аниқланиши ва инобатга олинишига боғлиқ. Ҳар бир ўқитувчи ўқувчига ўзини мактаб ҳаётининг тўлиқ иштирокчиси эканлигини англашига ёрдам бериши лозим. Бу борада
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
педагогга мазкур муаммога индивидуал ёндашиш бўйича амалий режа тузиш тавсия этилади. Бу режа ўқувчининг хулқ-атворига самарали таъсир этишнинг усулидан иборатдир.
Режани тузишда
ўқитувчи ўзининг стратегияси ва тактикасини ишлаб чиқади. Албатта
бунда вақт ва вазиятни таҳлил этиш талаб этилади, лекин натижалар
ўзини оқлайди. Ўқитувчининг қарашлари, яъни установкаси
ўзгаради, хавотирлик йўқолади, авваллари муаммоли ўқувчидан
фақатгина ёмон хулқ-атворни кутган бўлса, энди ютуққа
эришишга ишончи комил бўлади.
Ушбу режани қуйидагилар ташкил этиши мумкин: “ёмон” хулқ-атворнинг сабабини аниқлаш; уни бартараф этиш усулларини танлаш; ўқувчини қўллаб-қувватлашнинг келгуси тактикасини ишлаб чиқиш; муаммони ҳал этишга ота-оналарни ва педагогларни жалб этиш.
Режани амалга оширишда педагог кетма-кетликдаги 5 та вазифани бажаради.
1-вазифа. Муаммоли хулқ-атворни холисона изоҳлаш.
2-вазифа. Ёмон хулқ-атворнинг сабабини тушуниб олиш.
3-вазифа. Ўқитувчининг нуқтаи назари ва муносабатининг ўзгариши. Ўқувчининг хусусиятларини таҳлил қилган ҳолда ўқитувчининг шахси, унинг ўқувчилар билан мулоқот ва муносабатлари аҳамиятга эгадир.
Ўқитувчилар ўқувчи билан маълум қоидалар доиралари асосида муносабат қилишлари лозим.
1. қоида. Ўқувчининг шахсига эмас, балки унинг айни вақтдаги хулқ-атворига диққатингизни қаратинг. Ўқувчининг хулқ-атворини муҳокама қилаётганда унга холисона баҳо беришга ҳаракат қилинг. Бунда айни вақтда содир этилган хатти-ҳаракат ҳақида “шу ерда ва ҳозир” гапиринг. Ўқитувчи томонидан бундай хатти-ҳаракатни аввал ҳам содир этгансан ёки келажакда ҳам содир этишинг мумкин деб танбеҳ берилса, ўқувчи тушкунликка тушиб, бу хатти-ҳаракатни тузатиб бўлмас хато деб ўйлайди. Ўқитувчи ўқувчига нисбатан қатъиятли, шу билан бирга хайрихоҳ бўлиши керак. Ўқитувчининг: “менинг сенга муносабатим жуда яхши, инсон сифатида мен сени ҳурмат қиламан, бу қилаётган ишингни ҳозироқ бас қилишингга ишончим комил” деган сўзлари ўқувчи учун катта аҳамиятга эга бўлиб, унинг ўзини ҳурмат қилишга, хулқини яхши томонга ўзгаришига туртки бўлади.
2. қоида. Ўзингизнинг негатив ҳис-туйғуларингизни назорат қилинг. Ўқувчи бизнинг айни вазиятда унга жаҳл қилсак, ғазабимизни билдирсак, бунга жавобан ўзини янада қасдма-қасд ёмон тутиши мумкин. Ўқитувчи қачонки ўз ҳис-туйғуларини назорат эта олса, ўқувчига ўзини ёмон тутишига имкон бермайди ва келгусида яхши шахслараро муносабатлар учун замин ҳозирлайди.
3. қоида. Вазиятни янада кескинлаштирманг. Ўта баланд овозда гапириш, “бу ерда ўқитувчи мен, сен эмас” деган иборани ишлатиш, пичинг ва истеҳзо билан гапириш, шахсиятга тегиш, низога бошқаларни ҳам жалб этиш, ташқи кўринишини танқид қилиш, ўқувчиларни калака қилиш ва бошқалар қатъиян ман этилади. Буларнинг баъзилари қисқа вақтга ўқувчини тинчлантириши мумкин, лекин унда ўқитувчига нисбатан ҳурмат уйғонмайди ва ишончли мулоқотга кириша олмайди.
4. қоида. Ўқувчининг хатти-ҳаракатини бутун синф олдида эмас, балки дарсдан сўнг бир ўзи билан муҳокама қилинг.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Ўқувчилар одатда ўқитувчининг барча айтганларини “ўзлари
хоҳлагандек”, яъни афтларини бужмайтириб, шошмасдан, бажарадилар. Агар
ўқитувчи бунга аҳамият бермаса, ўқувчи ўз-ўзидан
қоидаларга бўйсуниши мумкин, улар ўртасида қарамақаршилик
пайдо бўлмайди.
6. қоида. Ўқувчига дўқ-пўписа қилиш, бақириш, уни айблаш каби агрессивликни намоён қилманг. Улар бу ҳатти-харакатни сизга нисбатан ҳам “қўллаш мумкин” деб тушунади.
4-вазифа. Ўқувчиларни қўллаб-қувватлаш стратегияси 5-вазифа. Ота-оналар ва бошқа фан ўқитувчиларини жалб этиш.
Ота-оналар билан ўзаро муносабатларнинг қоидалари.
Ота-оналарга фарзандининг ёмон хулқ атвори ҳақида шунчаки умумий тарзда эмас (“Сизни ўғлингиз...барча ўқитувчиларга ҳалақит беради”), балки аниқ далиллар келтирган ҳолда маълум қилинг.
Ота-оналарга бирданига фарзандининг барча ножўя ишлари ҳақида гапирманг, акс ҳолда ота-оналар дарғазаб ҳолда болаларини дўппослашга тушадилар.
Ота-оналар билан шунчаки содир бўлган вазиятни (“икки” баҳо олганлиги, кимдир билан жанжал, уй вазифасини бажармаганлиги, интизомни бузганлиги) муҳокама қилиш кифоя. Оқибати нима бўлиши ҳақида гапирмаган маъқул.
Ижобий ҳолатларни башорат қилиш эса фойдали бўлиши мумкин. Ўқувчининг ижобий сифатлари, унинг оз бўлсада ютуқларига урғу бериш ва келажакда ота-оналарнинг ўз фарзандларига ёрдами билан яхши натижаларга эришиш мумкинлигига ишонч билдиринг.
Ота-оналар ҳам оддий одамлар эканлигини унутманг. Уларнинг эътиборсизлигидан ранжимаслик лозим. Кўп ҳолларда сизнинг талабларингиз ўқитувчиларнинг муаммоси (масалан, бирон-бир ўқув предметига бўлган муносабати, бирон-бир ўқитувчи ёки ўқувчига нисбатан қўпол муомаласи) бўлиши мумкин. Ҳамкорликка фақатгина ота-оналарни эмас балки ўқувчиларнинг ўзларини ҳам таклиф этинг. Бу билан уларга ҳам қандайдир масъулиятни юклаган бўласиз. Баъзида ўқувчилар ўзларида қандайдир ўзгаришларни катталарга нисбатан тезроқ англайдилар. Шу билан бирга агар ўқувчилар уларнинг хулқатворини ота-оналари ва ўқитувчилар биргаликда тузатишга ҳаракат қилаётганларини кўриб яхши томонга ўзгариш кераклигини тушунадилар.
Хулоса қилиб шуни айтиш лозимки, конструктив ёндашув асосида юқорида келтирилган вазифалар ва қоидалар ўз ўрнида қўлланилса, ўқитувчи ва ўқувчи ўртасида ўзаро ҳурмат шаклланади.
Фойдаланган адабиётлар:
1. Рашидов Ҳ.Ф. ва бошқалар. Дарс интизомига салбий муносабатдаги ўқувчиларга нисбатан конструктив таъсир этиш амалиёти. Ўслубий йўриқнома. -Т.: Қ.Ниёзий номидаги ЎзПФИТИ, 2013. – 83 б.
2. Ахмедова М.Т. Педагогик конфликтология. Ўқув қўлланма. -Т.: Низомий номидаги ТДПУ, 2017. – 320 б.
Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. – 2020. – Т. 7. – №. 9. – С. 2372-2380.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Н.А. Диққат етишмаслиги синдромли ва гиперактив болаларда эмоционал
соҳа коррекциясининг асосий методлари //Общество и инновatsiи. – 2021. –
Т. 2. – №.
10/S. – С. 548-554.
7. M.E.Axmedova, R.N.Melibayeva, N.A. Askarova Tibbiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalari va mahalla faoliyati tizimida ma’naviy-axloqiy va ijtimoiy muhitni takomillashtirish. Monografiya. TTA nashriyoti, 2021.
8. Бекмиров Т. Психологические особенности неврозов у подростков //Общество и инновatsiи. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 10/S. – С. 541-547.
10. Мелибаева Р. Н. Формирование самостоятельного и творческого мышления студентов в процессе поиска решения проблемной ситуatsiи //Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. – 2012. – №. 12.
11. Melibaeva R. N. Status and Prospects of Medical Psycho-Diagnostics in Uzbekistan //International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. – 2021. – Т. 8. – №. 12. – С. 555-565.
12. Melibayeva, R. N., Khashimova, M. K., Narmetova Yu, K., Komilova, M. O., & Bekmirov, T. R. (2020). Psychological mechanisms of development students' creative thinking. International journal of scientific & technology research, 9(03).
13. Нарметова Ю. К. Актуальные проблемы организatsiи психологической службы в клинических учреждениях //Человеческий фактор: Социальный психолог. – 2017. – №.
1. – С. 119-123.
14. Норметова Ю. Изучение социально-психологических подходов к проблемам здоровья и болезни //От истоков к современности. – 2015. – С. 304-306.
//Человеческий фактор: Социальный психолог. – 2017. – №. 1. – С. 119-123.
16. Нурматов А. Тиббий соҳа ходимлари касбий идентификасиясида бола тарбиясига психологик тавсиф. – 2021.
17. Nurmatov A. Psychological features of the formation of professional identification in medical staff. – 2021.
18. Khashimova, M. K., Mustafoeva, D. A., Kamilova, M. O., Saydullaev, A. N., & Mamazhanov, I. G. (2021). Integrated approach to moral education. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2987-2992.
19. Исканджанова Ф. К., Абдуллаева Д. ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ОБЩЕНИЯ В
20. Khashimova M. K. et al. Harmonization Of Gender Relations And Moral Development //Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT). – 2021. – Т. 12. – №. 4. – С. 77-82.
Assistant of the Department of Food Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute Email: aliyevafarizaxon@gmail.com
Abstract: This article describes the technology of production of soft drinks, fruit purees and fruit juices without synthetic, coloring elements and preservatives, based on the results of scientific research on the technology of production of soft drinks.
Key words: synthetic colorants, preservatives, Uzstandard Agency, soft drinks, fruit juices, fruit nectars, concentrated semi-finished products
Nowadays in Asia fruits, berries, field planting and vegetables are bringing up a lot. The meals and juices, which are prepared from these products, are very healthy. That’s why to produce juices from natural fruits and vegetables in Uzbekistan are better and more useful than to produce nonalcoholic drinks which are prepared from synthetic and chemical elements.
For that reason due to results of research, working with Soreign specialists of open joint-stock “MARVEL JUICE Co” which produces non-alcoholic drinks without synthetic, coloring elements and coservants
ex: in 2006 we developed technic conditions to produce juice and half-prepared
puree from natural fruits and berries. This half – prepared-puree products were
confirmed by Uzbekistan DSEN department, “Uzstandart” agency and open
joint-stock “MARVEL JUICE Co” and it was put on practice in Yangikorgan
district, Namangan on November 2006.
This TSh 64-15737976-25:2006 technic conditions are includes apricot, quince, cherry, pear, red currant, black currant, raspberry, peach, apple, persimmon, sweet cherry purees to add for juices, canned food, jam, candied fruit jelly and ethers.
To prepare fruity half-prepared-puree products, fruits are heated on 950 C and hot fruits go to scamper. To modernize producing technology there were placed 50d equipment of 3 types (10,20,30) length and to produce puree from apples, and there were carried out 4 practices:
1. control variation. 20sm length part of 950 C temperature heater, without additions.
2. variation. To 20sm length part of 950 C temperature heater add 50d pipe of 10sm length.
3. variation. To 20sm length part of 950 C temperature heater add 50d pipe to 10sm length.
4. variation. To 20sm length part of 950 C temperature heater add 50d pipe of 30sm length.
The results are shown in 1 chart.
In “MARVEL JUICE Co” to produce by TSh 64-15737976-25:2006 technic conditions the heater equipment are heated to 950 C then it cold to 600 C and hot fruits drive to scamper. To use 20sm length part of 950 C temperature heater and to take more puree there were placed 3-condition variation.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
12-15% of mass from taken
products are dry elements. In this method the fruitfulness of products
increased to 2-3% than active methods.
Also to simplify and expand producing non-alcoholic drinks from fruit-half finished products was studied new way of processing in laboratory conditions.
By used practice way passed fruit puree through 0,6mm grater machinery was put into collective container, and added for 1t puree 35 ml pectines and amiles ferments (pectines-decompose pectin, and amiles decompose starch ferments).
The fruit puree was kelp during 1,5 hour in 50-60 temperature in container. When by quality analysis definited that pectines and starch ferments in product contents had been broken up product was hold in ultra filter (UF) machinery on 6 bar pressure to limpid it. Then limpid product was got steam on 60 bar pressure and 850 C temperature thoroughly in evaporator and were got consentrated fruit juice contains 70% dry supplement. To produce non-alcoholic drinks (juice and nectars) in future this consentrated half-finished product was packed up in 205kg aseptic sacks.
Non passed through grater net 20-25% wasted were gathered into the container, on 1t waste 25 ml ekrims (pectines and amiles) and were kept in 50-600 C temperature during 30m. Made salvage product was passed through the grater machinery again. In result were got 3% of extra product.
If match differences between this way of producing non-alcoholic drinks with that one which is used in practice, first, capacity is decreased, in aseptic way of packing up used 375 aseptic sacks for 75.000kg puree and packed up 12990kg consentrated juice in 52 aseptic sacks.
In other words 323 aseptic sacks economized. In saving this product it requires less space and in transportation also spends less expense. It is obvious that this way is better than other.
With producing products in huge volume consumers will be protected from poor quality nonalcoholic drinks will be provided with ecological pure natural product during the whole year.
With producing qualitative ecological pure non-alcoholic drinks from natural products, will be reached huge positive results in defending consumers’ rights and healthy and it will be profitable from economic view.
Also discovering individual code numbers from chemical structure for exporting and importing products and through certificating it will be possible to defend country’s economy basing on science. The determination of this problem was proposed at first in world wide by uzbek professors I.R.Asqarov and T.T.Risqiev in 1997 and was included in international science chemistry classifier 02.00.22- “Certificate and classifycate products on chemistry content”, based on ways of this direction and discover individualized and perfected code numbers and certificating standards, and practice it will be important.
НАПИТКАХ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 11-3 (92). – С. 66-69.
2. Саттарова Б. Н., Аскаров И. Р., Джураев А. М. Некоторые вопросы классификации куриного мяса //Universum: химия и биология. – 2018. – №. 11 (53).
3. Nabievna S. B., Adxamjonovich A. A. The chemical composition and properties of chicken meat //Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 10. – С. 25-28.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
А. А., Аскаров И. Р., Саттарова Б. Н. Анализ синтетических красителей в
безалкогольных напитках методом капиллярного электрофореза //Вестник
Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. ВГ Шухова. –
2011. – №. 3.
5. Саттарова Б. Н. и др. Определение антиоксидантов в местном курином мясе на хромато-масс-спектрометре //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 5-5. – С. 6-8.
6. Саттарова Б. Н. и др. Влияние полученных биостимуляторов на повышение живой массы цыплят //Universum: химия и биология. – 2019. – №. 12 (66).
Methodical Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 56-58.
8. Холдаров Д. М., Шодиев Д. А., Райимбердиева Г. Г. Геохимия микроэлементов в элементарных ландшафтах пустынной зоны //Актуальные проблемы современной науки. – 2018. – №. 3. – С. 77-81.
9. Шодиев Д. А. У., Нажмитдинова Г. К. К. А. СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 3-2 (84). – С. 91-94.
10. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение //Universum:
технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32.
11. Ergashev A. A., Najmitdinova G. K. FEATURES OF DIFFERENTIATED TEACHING OF CHEMISTRY //Экономика и социум. – 2020. – №. 12-1. – С. 89-92.
12. Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D., Zulaykho A. USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE AMARANTH PLANT //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 5558.
13. Yuldasheva S. K. et al. The function of regulations quantity nuts afids with entomofags //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). – 2021. – Т. 10. – №. 3. – С. 393397.
РАСТЕНИЙ //Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире. – 2016. – №. 5-
2. – С. 29-33.
16. Абдукаримова Н. У. и др. РОЛЬ НАСЕКОМЫХ ПАРАЗИТОВ В БОРЬБЕ С ВРЕДИТЕЛЯМИ АГРОЦЕЗОНОВ ФЕРГАНСКОЙ ДОЛИНЫ //Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире. – 2016. – №. 5-2. – С. 10-13.
//Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University. – 2020. – Т. 2. – №. 4. – С. 85-92.
18. Yuldasheva S. K. et al. The function of regulations quantity nuts afids with entomofags //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). – 2021. – Т. 10. – №. 3. – С. 393397.
19. 18.Yuldasheva S. K. Characteristics of vertical regional distribution of sap in nature //ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. – 2020. – Т. 10. – №.
11. – С. 2135-2139.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
S. Q. The development cycles of nut aphid generation upper leaves in the
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SOCIETY. Theoretical & Applied Science, (5), 201-204.
23. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
"Экономика и социум" №11(90)2021,138-144
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29. Nazirjonovna, H. Z., & Abdumannobovich, N. M. (2020). Tax system on the territory of kyrgyzstan during the Kokand Khanate. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 209-212.
30. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274-277.
31. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
33. Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE PROVISION OF THE FUND
IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
Abstract: This article provides information on the importance and cultivation of stevia in the food industry.
Key words: stevia, chemical composition, agrotechnics, importance, useful properties.
The natural reserves of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni), native to the mountainous regions of the South American continent (Paraguay), are found at altitudes of 300 m above sea level. The plant is cultivated in Japan, USA, China, Thailand, Israel, Korea, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and other countries. More than 200 species of stevia grow in North America.
The chemical composition of the plant is unique, the leaves contain a sweet-tasting diterpenoid (stevioside) glycoside. Stevioside is 300 times sweeter than 0.4% sucrose solution and 150 times sweeter than 10% sugar solution. In addition, it contains flavonoids (quercetin, rutin), minerals - (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, chromium, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, cobalt), as well as vitamins (group B, A, C, E and . h.k.) are available.
plant has an effect on the body as a general strength and strengthening. In
ancient times, the Indians of Brazil and Paraguay used stevia as food, and
sometimes in the treatment of gastrointestinal and kidney diseases. In the
early twentieth century, French scientists identified stevioside and
rebaudioside substances in this plant.
In 2008, India had the highest number of people with diabetes (30 million). As demand for stevia raw materials increased due to this disease, farmers began to establish stevia plantations on large areas. India is also one of the countries with the best soil and climatic conditions for growing stevia. Today, the annual production of stevia plant in India is about 600 tons.
In folk medicine, substances derived from stevia are also used in diabetes. At the same time, the consumption of plant products (talc) kills pathogenic microbes and has a positive effect on the immune system.
It is also used in inflammation of the heart muscle, improving the condition of the skin and hair, removing cholesterol from the body. In addition, stevioside is widely used in the confectionery industry (Japan) in the preparation of soft drinks, sweets instead of sugar.
The stevia plant was discovered in 1931 by N.I. Introduced by Vavilov at the Nikita Botanical Garden. Later, scientists from research institutes of Tatarstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Egypt and Moldova developed air conditioning and developed basic agro-technological measures.
This plant was first localized in Uzbekistan in 1996 by scientists from the National University of Uzbekistan and Tashkent State Agrarian University.
Today, stevia plantations are expanding in the country. For example, in Surkhandarya region, Shurchi district, the experimental farm "Olloyorohun" stevia organizes and cultivates plantations on an area of 7 hectares.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
The processes of
cultivation and processing of stevia in our country have been studied. It is
used to propagate from seed, to grow seedlings by cuttings. The results of
practical work show that the stevioside content of stevia grown in the country
is much higher than the amount of stevioside in plants grown in some countries
of the world - 19.7% (16% in South Korea).
Stevia is adapted to subtropical, temperate climates, grows well at temperatures up to 24 ° C. Soils where stevia grows well are sandy (sandy) soils with normal humidity.
When planting and caring for a plant, choose a plot of land that is not dense for its normal development, has a good drainage system, is exposed to sunlight, is fertile, and has sufficient irrigation capacity. This is because this plant does not grow well in areas that are not well lit by the sun (shade) and in infertile soils. The area selected for planting seedlings is plowed to a depth of 2530 cm in the fall. At the same time, 100 tons of local fertilizers (manure) and 200 kg of phosphorus per hectare will be applied to the arable land. The soil is loosened twice so that the root system of the plant develops well.
In short, as noted above, the increase in the number of medicinal and spice plants in our country and the creation of cultural plantations will allow the pharmaceutical industry to meet the demand for medicinal plants to a certain extent. It is also free from weeds. The forgetfulness of the plant seed is low and it quickly loses its ability to forget. Therefore, the initial process of growing the plant begins in the greenhouse. The optimal time for sowing stevia seeds (in greenhouse conditions) is January. The plant is planted in a special place (floor) in greenhouses for growing seedlings. On top of sown seeds sprinkled sieve mixture (1 manure: 1 sand: 3 soil). In this case, the soil thickness should be 0.2–0.3 cm. When the air temperature reaches + 15 ° C, this is a good opportunity for the seeds to germinate. Therefore, in the cultivation of stevia, the seeds are first sown in special nurseries. When the temperature is maintained at +18 ... +25 ° C, young roots appear within a week. Stevia seedlings are released into the open field in late March and early April at a height of 15–20 cm. To get a leaf or seed crop, the row spacing is drawn in 2 rows. To get a leaf crop, seedlings spaced 70 cm apart
At intervals of 20 cm, row spacing is taken from 90 cm to get the seeds, and seedlings are planted at intervals of 25 cm. Plant nutrition begins in the second month of the growing season. Irrigation during the season (until October) is carried out depending on the condition of the plant. One of the peculiarities of the plant is that stevia stops growing at temperatures below 100C. This refers to its attitude towards the external environment and its partial adaptation (idoadaptation). The yield of stevia per hectare is up to 5-8 quintals in the first years and 18-20 quintals in the following years.
НАПИТКАХ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 11-3 (92). – С. 66-69.
2. Холдаров Д. М., Шодиев Д. А., Райимбердиева Г. Г. Геохимия микроэлементов в элементарных ландшафтах пустынной зоны //Актуальные проблемы современной науки. – 2018. – №. 3. – С. 77-81.
3. Шодиев Д. А. У., Нажмитдинова Г. К. К. А. СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. –
№. 3-2 (84). – С. 91-94.
4. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
5. Ergashev A. A., Najmitdinova G. K. FEATURES OF DIFFERENTIATED TEACHING OF CHEMISTRY //Экономика и социум. – 2020. – №. 12-1. – С. 89-92.
METHODS //Innovative Technologica:
Methodical Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 56-58.
7. Shodiev D., Haqiqatkhon D., Zulaykho A. USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE AMARANTH PLANT //ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 5558.
8. Yuldasheva S. K. et al. The function of regulations quantity nuts afids with entomofags //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). – 2021. – Т. 10. – №. 3. – С. 393397.
10. Саттарова Б. Н., Аскаров И. Р., Джураев А. М. Некоторые вопросы классификации куриного мяса //Universum: химия и биология. – 2018. – №. 11 (53).
11. Nabievna S. B., Adxamjonovich A. A. The chemical composition and properties of chicken meat //Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 10. – С. 25-28.
12. Намозов А. А., Аскаров И. Р., Саттарова Б. Н. Анализ синтетических красителей в безалкогольных напитках методом капиллярного электрофореза //Вестник Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. ВГ Шухова. – 2011. – №. 3.
13. Саттарова Б. Н. и др. Определение антиоксидантов в местном курином мясе на хромато-масс-спектрометре //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 5-5. – С. 6-8.
14. Саттарова Б. Н. и др. Влияние полученных биостимуляторов на повышение живой массы цыплят //Universum: химия и биология. – 2019. – №. 12 (66).
15. Саттарова Б. Н., Кодиров З. З., Хусанова Н. С. Синтез Литиевых Солей П-ФерроценилБензойной Кислоты И Их Применение Как Биостимуляторов При Выращивании Кур //Universum: химия и биология. – 2020. – №. 11-1 (77).
16. Саттарова Б. Н., Ибрагимов Л. А. ХИМИЧЕСКИЙ СОСТАВ И СВОЙСТВА КУРИНОГО МЯСА //Главный редактор: Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович, д-р техн. наук; Заместитель главного редактора: Ахмеднабиев Расул Магомедович, канд. техн. наук; Члены редакционной коллегии. – 2021. – С. 36.
17. Атамухамедова М. Р., Аминжанов А. А. Показатели физической работоспособности у молодых пловцов //Интернаука. – 2021. – №. 37-1. – С. 9-10.
37-1. – С. 19-21.
19. Rakhimzhanovna A. M., Adkhamzhanovich A. A., Avazkhanovich E. A. PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS IN YOUNG SWIMMERS //Innovative Technologica:
Methodical Research Journal. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 59-62.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
20. Атамухамедова М. Р., Саидова А. Я. ПИТАНИЕ ПРИ ЖЕЛЕЗОДЕФИЦИТНОЙ
СОСТОЯНИЕ. – 2020. – С. 267.
//Символ науки. – 2019. – №. 3. – С. 81-83.
//CHANGES. – Т. 10. – С. 10-2019.
23. Атамухамедова М. Р., Саидова А. Я. ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ СДВИГИ В ОРГАНИЗМЕ
2018. – С. 136.
ТЕНДЕНЦИИ. – 2019. – С. 265.
25. Atamukhamedova M. R., Yormatov G. S., Erkaev E. A. RELATIONS BETWEEN BASIC EXCHANGE AND SPRINT //Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University. – 2019. – Т. 1. – №. 10. – С. 304-308.
26. Атамухамедова М. Р., Аминжанов А. А. ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ
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29. Muhiddinovich, B. I. (2020). Negative impact of the tax system on political life-on the example of the history of the Kokand Khanate (1850–1865). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 790-795.
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36. Xatamova, Z. (2020). Expenditure of state funds replenished by taxes in the history of the kokand khanate. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 5(3), 274-277.
37. Хатамова, З. (2021, August). EXPENDITURE OF INCOME FROM TAXES AND LEVIES IN THE KOKAND KHANATE: https://doi. org/10.47100/conferences. v1i1. 1230. In RESEARCH SUPPORT CENTER CONFERENCES (No. 18.05)..
39. Xatamova Zumradxon Nazirjonovna. INFORMATION ON THE PROVISION OF THE FUND IN THE KOKAND KHAN. Look to the past. 2020, SI,pp.590-595
40. Makhmudova Azizakhon Nosirovna (2019) The role of Suleymanov Rustam Khamidovich in the study of urban development of ancient period in uzbekistan Проблемы современной науки и образования 12-2 (145)
41. Strategy of tourism development in Uzbekistan KD Sabirdjahnovna - Проблемы современной науки и образования, 2019.
М. Ш. Ахмадова
Тошкент тиббиёт академияси талабаси
Аннотация. Ушбу мақолада бугунги кунда соматик касалликларнинг келиб чиқишидаги омиллар муаммосини ўрганиш узоқ йиллар мобайнида тарихан шаклланган кортиковисцерал йўналиш ва психосоматик медицина доирасида олиб борилиши, психологик ва тиббий адабиётларда сурункали касалликлар келиб чиқиши хавфини оширувчи психосоциал омиллар, шунингдек, психосоматик касаллик билан касалланган беморларнинг психологик хусусиятларининг ўзига хослиги ёритиб берилган.
Калит сўзлар. Психологик хизмат, психологик ёрдам, психопрофилактика, психокоррекция, психосоматика, психотерапия, бемор, психолог, психотерапевт, психодиагностика.
Сўнги пайтларда психосоматик касалликларга кўплаб мақоллар ва тадқиқотлар бағишланган. Таъкидлаш лозимки, психосаматика бу – тиббиёт ва психология фанларидаги йўналиш бўлиб, касалликларнинг вужудга келишида психологик омиллар таъсирини ўрганади [4]. Ушбу фаннинг асосий қоидаси, психосоматик касаллик асосида эмоционал кечинмага жавобан аъзоларда патологик ва функционал ўзгаришлар кузатилади.
бўйича мухатахассис И.Г. Малкина-Пыхнинг келтиришича, «ХССТнинг маълумотларига
кўра докторларга мурожаат этадиган касалларнинг 38% дан 42 % гача бўлган сони
психосоматик касаллар тоифасига мансублирлар”. П.И. Сидоров ва И.А.
Новиковаларнинг таъкидлашича, ушбу рақамлар янада каттароқдир. Улар
меҳнатга лаёқати аҳолинниг 50-70 % психосоматик касалликлар
билан касалланганликлари ҳақида гапириб, қуйидагиларни
таъкидлайдилар: ошқозон ичак касалликлари, юрак-қон томир
касалликлари, сурункали ноодатий касалликлар, эндокрин бузилишлар ва ҳ.к
Бугунги кунда соматик касалликларнинг келиб чиқишидаги омиллар муаммосини ўрганиш узоқ йиллар мобайнида тарихан шаклланган кортико-висцерал йўналиш ва психосоматик медицина доирасида олиб борилди. Кортико-висцерал назарияга асосан, бир қатор соматик касалликларнинг юзага келиши соматик соҳанинг бирламчи функционал бузилишлари билан боғлиқ. Бу назария тарафдорлари томонидан ўтказилган тадқиқотлар психосоматик муаммоларнинг энг муҳим саволларига жавоб бермоқда, унга кўра соматик жароҳатнинг у ёки бу органда “жой” олишига марказий бошқарув бузилишлари сабаб бўлади. Бироқ бир қатор муаллифларнинг эътирофларига кўра, мазкур назария намояндалари касалликларнинг келиб чиқишида ижтимоий-психологик омилларга етарли эътибор бермаганлар [1,2,6].
Сурункали соматик касалликларнинг келиб чиқишида психосоматик ўзаро муносабатларни тадқиқ қилган олимлар тадқиқотлари узоқ йиллар мобайнида психосоматик медицина доирасида олиб борилди. Психик таъсир кўрсатувчи омилларнинг соматик орган ҳолатига таъсири механизмларини тушунтиришда З.Фрейд “органларнинг рамзий тили” терминини
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
киритган. Унинг фикрича, у ёки бу тана аъзосидаги нуқсон ассоциал интилишлар, фикрлар ва фантазиялар, қоидага кўра, сексуал майлларнинг бостирилиши билан боғлиқ.
Психосоматик йўналиш
намояндаларидан бири Ф.Александер [2] фикрига кўра, соматик касалликларнинг
ривожланишида учта омил етакчи роль ўйнайди:
1. Шахснинг индивидуал хусусиятлари, унинг фонида интрапсихик англанмаган низолар ётади;
2. Стресс вазиятларининг мавжудлиги;
3. Вегетатив нерв системасининг алоҳида бўлимлари шикастланишида конституционал мойилликнинг мавжудлиги.
Ф.Александер ўз назариясида психоген характерга эга бўлган соматик касалликнинг у ёки бу махсус сабабини таҳлил этади. Психоген характердаги соматик касалликларнинг конкрет формаларини тушунтиришда беморнинг эмоционал статуси тадқиқ этилган. Масалан, ичга ютилган ғазаб, бостирилган агрессия, шахсдаги агрессив тенденциялар гипертония касалиги, артритлар, мигрень, қандли диабетни келтириб чиқарар экан.
Психосоматик касалликлар, яъни келиб чиқишида психологик омиллар етакчи роль ўйнайдиган касалликлар қаторига юрак ишемик касаллиги ва миокард инфаркти, артериал гипертония ва ошқозон ҳамда 12 бармоқли ичак яраси хасталиклари, бронхиал астма ва қандли диабет, шунингдек, бир қатор касалликлар киритилган. Психосоматик йўналишда муҳим жиҳатлардан бири инсоннинг ички дунёсига киришга интилиш, унинг эмоционал ҳаётини ҳар томонлама ўрганиш, тиббий кўрикда, касалликларнинг даволаниши ва профилактикасида бемор шахси ролини таъкидлашдир [1,3,4,7].
Психологик ва тиббий адабиётларда сурункали касалликлар келиб чиқиши хавфини оширувчи психосоциал омиллар “стресс” ёки “психоэмоционал зўриқишлар” терминлари остида берилган. Бундай умумлаш одатда тўғри, чунки айнан сурункали ва ўткир психоэмоционал зўриқиш психосоматик ўзаро муносабатларнинг марказий бўғини ҳисобланади. У сурункали соматик касалликларни келтириб чиқарувчи нохуш психологик ва ижтимоий омилларни бир томондан, инсон организмидаги психофизиологик жараёнларни иккинчи томондан боғлайди.
Психосоциал зўриқиш термини остида одатда қондирилмаган ҳаётий эҳтиёжлар ва ҳаёт шароитлари билан боғлиқ негатив эмоционал ҳолатлар тушунилади. Нохуш эмоционал холатларга хавотирланиш, қониқмаслик ҳисси, эмоционал дискомфорт, депрессия, стресс ва бошқалар киради. Р. Конечний ва М.Боухал сурункали соматик касалликларнинг келиб чиқишида асосий эътиборни шахслараро муносабатлардаги низоларга қаратадилар: уларнинг фикрича, касалликнинг келиб чиқишида асосий эътиборни шахслараро муносабатлардаги низоларга қаратадилар: уларнинг фикрича, касалликларнинг келиб чиқишида 70% ҳолатлардан оилавий низолар, 20% хизмат доирасидаги муносабатларда юзага келадиган муаммолар ўрин эгаллайди, 10% ҳолатларда аралаш кўринишдаги шахслараро муносабатлардаги чигалликлар инсоннинг хасталикка чалинишига сабаб бўлади[6;10]. Н.Р.Салимованинг эътироф эътишича, юрак қон томир касалликларининг вужудга келишида 59% ҳолатларда нерв психик зўриқишлар сабаб бўлган. Шуниси эътиборга лойиқки, сурункали юрак хасталикларининг вужудга келишида асосан ишлаб чиқаришдаги низолар, касалликнинг асоратли кечишига ҳал қилинмаган оилавий низолар сабаб бўлган[9;11].
Е.К.Агеенкова фикрича, сурункали соматик касалликларнинг юзага келишида психологик омиллар роли шу билан белгиланадики, организмнинг бутун тизими доимий стресс даражасида бўлади, бу эса ундан органик ва функционал қайта қуришни тақозо этади. Кучли даражадаги психосоматик ўзаро алоқадорликнинг сабаби диққат концентрациясини
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
организмнинг бутун
фаолиятида ушлаб туриш ва бунда ипохондриянинг юзага келишидир. Бундай
ҳолатларда психик соҳанинг организм вегетатив бўғинининг
фаолиятига кириб бориши осонлашади ва к унинг асосий бошқарувчисига
айланади [2;10;12].
Бугунги кунда соматик касалликларнинг барчасини психологик нуқтаи назардан кўриб чиқиш зарурати барча клиницист шифокорлар томонидан эътироф этилмоқда. Психосоматика эса В.Д.Тополянский ва М.В.Струковская фикрича, психика ва соматика ўртасидаги кўприк вазифасини бажарувчи методологияга айланиб улгурди. Инсон фақатгина руҳий ва жисмоний саломатлик уйғунлиги бўлгандагина соғлом ҳисобланади. Бунда дисгармония ички (биологик, ирсий) ва ташқи (психоген, ижтимоий) омиллар натижасида юзага келиши мумкин. Шунинг учун ҳам, Жаҳон соғлиқни сақлаш ташкилоти инсон саломатлигини унинг жисмоний, руҳий ва ижтимоий мукаммаллиги билан тушунтириши бежиз эмас[10].
Шундай қилиб, “психосоматик бузилишлар” деганда, организмнинг функционал тизимида содир бўлган долзарб ва узоқ муддатли ўзганишлар тушунилиб, авваламбор улар психоэмоционал омиллар билан боғлиқ.
Фойдаланилган адабиётлар:
Учредители: Теоретическая и прикладная наука. – 2021. – №. 9. – С. 527-529.
Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. – 2020. – Т. 7. – №. 9. – С. 2372-2380.
//Сборники конференций НИЦ Социосфера. – Vedecko vydavatelske centrum SociosferaCZ sro, 2016. – №. 7. – С. 42-43.
4. Бекмиров Т. Психологические особенности неврозов у подростков //Общество и инновации. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 10/S. – С. 541-547.
5. Melibayeva, R. N., Khashimova, M. K., Narmetova Yu, K., Komilova, M. O., & Bekmirov, T. R. (2020). Psychological mechanisms of development students' creative thinking. International journal of scientific & technology research, 9(03).
6. Melibayeva R. N. et al. Psychological mechanisms of development students' creative thinking //International journal of scientific & technology research. – 2020. – Т. 9. – №. 03. q
7. Нарметова Ю. К. Актуальные проблемы организации психологической службы в клинических учреждениях //Человеческий фактор: Социальный психолог. – 2017. – №. 1. – С. 119-123.
8. Нарметова Ю. К. Особенности психокоррекционной работы с беременными женщинами //Контактная информация организационного комитета конференции. –
2016. – С. 35.
9. Нарметова Ю. К. Социально-психологический механизм организации психологических услуг в медицинских учреждениях (на примере больных с онкологическими заболеваниями) //Школа будущего. – 2015. – №. 3. – С. 148-153.
10. Норметова Ю. Изучение социально-психологических подходов к проблемам здоровья и болезни //От истоков к современности. – 2015. – С. 304-306.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
CARDIOLOGY CLINICS //Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2016. – №. 7. – С. 28-31.
Y., Kuldosheva G., Bekmirov T. The Psychological Services Role in the
Psychodiagnostics and Psychocorrection of Psychosomatic Patients in the
Psychoemotional Situation //International Journal of Multicultural and
Multireligious Understanding. – 2021. – Т. 8. – №. 12. – С. 249-256.
Математика занимает одно из центральных мест в системе образования как важное средство интеллектуального развития, формирования общей культуры, решения общеобразовательных и воспитательных задач. Математические знания необходимы для изучения явлений природы, без них невозможно достижение успехов в развитии производства и науки. Знания о количественных отношениях и пространственные представления необходимы практически во всех сферах деятельности человека.
Роль математики в структуре содержания общего образования заключается в том, что она является опорным учебным предметом, обеспечивающим качественное изучение дисциплин естественно-научного цикла, позволяет развивать логическое и образное мышление учащихся, что является одной из важных задач гуманизации образования. Математика — один из элементов общечеловеческой культуры. Её идеи и методы оказывают большое влияние на методологию научного познания действительности. Завершённость, изящество математических формулировок, убедительная сила доказательств способствуют эстетическому воспитанию учащихся.
Наша система образования устроена так, что для многих школа дает единственную в жизни возможность "приобщиться к математической культуре, овладеть ценностями, заключенными в математике".
взглядов на математическое образование, усиление его общеобразовательной роли,
пополнение его содержания новыми современными идеями и методами неизбежно требуют
и изменение роли учителя. В настоящее время все более ощутимой становится
диспропорция между степенью наших познаний природы и пониманием человека, его
психики, процессов мышления. У. У. Сойер в книге "Прелюдия к
математике" пишет: "Можно научить учеников решать достаточно много
типов задач, но подлинное удовлетворение придет лишь тогда, когда мы сумеем
передать нашим воспитанникам не просто знания, а гибкость ума", которая
дала бы им возможность в дальнейшем не только самостоятельно решать, но и ставить
перед собой новые задачи.
Конечно, здесь существуют определенные границы, о которых нельзя забывать: многое определяется врожденными способностями, талантом. Однако, можно отметить целый набор факторов, зависящих от образования и воспитания. Это делает чрезвычайно важной правильную оценку огромных неиспользованных еще возможностей образования в целом и математического образования в частности.
В последние годы наметилась устойчивая тенденция проникновения математических методов в такие науки как история, филология, не говоря уже о лингвистике и психологии. Поэтому круг лиц, которые в своей последующей профессиональной деятельности возможно будут применять математику расширяется.
Мы можем выделить следующие проблемы которые возникают в связи с подготовкой и повышением квалификации учителя:
1. собственно математические проблемы (не владение тем или иным математическим материалом или методом);
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
2. проблемы переноса приобретенных в процессе изучения математики методов решения задач, способов мышления и т.п. на другие сферы и деятельности;
педагогические, так как при личностно-деятельностном подходе к образованию
ученик перестает быть объектом педагогического воздействия и становится
субъектом своего собственного образования.
Таким образом, первое, с чего надо начинать свою деятельность учителю математики - это формирование идеи, гипотезы, концепции своей собственной педагогической работы с конкретными учениками, учитывающей их возрастные интеллектуальные особенности и включающей в себя как механизм формирования мотивации совместной деятельности, так и конкретные способы, приемы и методы мышления и деятельности, которые учитель считает содержательным для себя и данных учащихся, а также тот математический материал, на котором возможно их формирование.
Для того, чтобы учитель был готов к такого рода деятельности, ему необходимо прежде всего свободное владение предметом. Это может быть достигнуто, если учитель имеет или имел опыт активной математической деятельности. Вот почему мы считаем важным выполнение студентами-математиками полноценной научно-исследовательской работы прежде всего в области математики. "… если учитель сам никогда не занимался творческой работой …, то как сможет он вдохновлять, руководить, помогать или даже просто регистрировать творческую активность своих учеников? Учитель, се математические знания которого приобретены чисто созерцательным путем, вряд ли сможет способствовать активному изучению предмета своими учениками".
В современных условиях нельзя требовать, чтобы учитель занимался исследовательской работой в области математики. Однако, можно предложить систему предметных семинаров, углубляющих какой-то раздел школьной математики до, может быть, соприкосновения с последними достижениями науки, причем работа в этих семинаров должна быть организована через процесс решения задач. В результате такой работы у учителя может быть набран материал для спецкурса, факультатива, или разработана методика руководства исследовательской деятельностью учащихся в данной области математики. Ученикаисследователя может воспитать только учитель-исследователь. В последствии к работе в таких семинаров можно привлекать студентов, аспирантов и учащихся. Таким образом, мы получаем вертикаль: ученый - учитель - студент - ученик
Мы считаем полезной совместную работу учителя и ученика над одной и той же темой. Результатом такой деятельности может стать опытно-экспериментальная работа учителя.
Основным результатом освоения курса станет положительная мотивация дальнейшего изучения математики. У учащихся начнёт накапливаться опыт исследовательской деятельности, приобретённый в результате работы в классе и подготовке итоговых работ, умение видеть процессы с математической точки зрения. Школьники освоят ряд предметных умений (способы и приёмы решения и составления задач) и общешкольных умений (работа в коллективе, ведение диалога, защита своей точки зрения и др.).
Учитель в своей деятельности отводит не последнее место подготовке к выпускным экзаменам, что, безусловно, повышает уровень математических знаний выпускников, но, с нашей точки зрения, ведет к опасному пути «натаскивания» учащихся на реализацию стандартного алгоритма решения задачи. Часто из процесса решения задачи выпадает очень важное звено — этап поиска оптимального решения. Нам кажется, что в первую очередь учитель должен преподавать математику как науку, которая учит ребенка мыслить самостоятельно, логично, системно, вырабатывает у него критичное отношение к своей и
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
чужой практической деятельности, позволяет ученику и на уроках и в самостоятельной работе делать свои, пусть маленькие, пусть наивные, но открытия.
подход к обучению математике учащихся предъявляет повышенные требования к
учителю. Воспитать личность может только личность. Ведь воспитать – значит
передать детям частицу себя, своего понимания предмета, своего отношения к
работе, своих знаний, умений и представлений, наконец, даже своих привычек в
общении с окружающими, своей манеры говорить и произносить те или иные слова.
Личностное влияние на легко ранимых, тонко и остро воспринимающих любую фальшь
детей велико. Велика и ответственность за результаты такого влияния. Учитель
должен не только сам профессионально владеть навыками и умениями решения задач,
даже очень громоздких и запутанных, методикой обучения, но ясно и четко видеть
пути развития математики в современном мире, представлять процесс получения
математических знаний в их историческом развитии. Он должен, прежде всего сам
иметь высокую математическую культуру, системное мышление, быть творческим,
ищущим человеком. Учитель должен уметь видеть и признавать свои ошибки, оценить
достоинства и недостатки того или иного предложенного учащимися метода решения
задачи. А значит, он должен видеть возможные другие пути решения и учить этому
своих учеников.
Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU “Pedagogika va psixologiya” fakulteti magistranti
Annotatsiya: Ushbumaqoladadunyodagi har qaysi davlat, har qaysi millat birinchi navbatda oʻzining intellektual salohiyati, yuksak maʼnaviyati bilan qudratliekanligi, sharq uyg‘onish davri mutafakkirlarining pedagogik ta’limotida yoshlarni intelektual salohiyatini tarbiyalash davr talabi asosida o’zbek pedagogikasi tarixi turli oqimlar, jarayonlar ta'sirida rivojlanib kelganligi, umuman olganda sharq uyg‘onish davri mutafakkirlarining pedagogik ta’limotida yoshlarni intelektual salohiyatini tarbiyalash masalalari yoritib berilgan.
Kalitso‘zlar:dunyo, munosabat, hurmat, shakllantirish, yoshlar, intelektual, salohiyat, tarbiyalash, insoniyat, tafakkur, buyuk, kashfiyot, yuksak maʼnaviyat, qudratli, millat, sharq uyg‘onish davri, mutafakkir, pedagogik ta’limot, oqim.
Dunyodagi har qaysi davlat, har qaysi millat birinchi navbatda oʻzining intellektual salohiyati, yuksak maʼnaviyati bilan qudratlidir. Bunday yengilmas kuch manbai esa, avvalo, insoniyat tafakkurining buyuk kashfiyoti – kitob va kutubxonalarda, – dedi Prezidentimiz.
intelektual salohiyatini tarbiyalashda Sharq Uyg‘onish davri mutafakkirlari
Imom Buxoriy, Beruniy, Xorazmiy, Ibn Sino, Jaloliddin Rumiy, Yunus Emro,
Alisher Navoiy kabilarning pedagogik ta’limoti merosi xalqlarimizning milliy
yuksalishiga katta hissa qoʻshgan. Qozizoda Rumiy Samarqandda mudarrislik
qilgan. Ali Qushchi hayotining soʻnggi yillarini Istanbulda
oʻtkazgan. Abdurauf Fitrat, Muhammadsharif Soʻfizoda, Said Ahroriy
kabi koʻplab jadid bobolarimiz Turkiyada tahsil olgan.
Bugungi kunda Istanbulda Abu Rayhon Beruniy nomidagi universitet bor. Turkiya kitob fondlarida Alisher Navoiy asarlarining 100 dan ortiq qoʻlyozmalari saqlanib kelinmoqda. Davlatimiz rahbari tomonidan yurtimizda zamonaviy maktablar, ilmiy-maʼrifiy markazlar tashkil etilayotganini taʼkidlaydi.
Samarqandda Imom Buxoriy, Surxondaryoda Imom Termiziy nomidagi xalqaro ilmiy-tadqiqot markazlari, shuningdek, hadis, kalom, aqiyda, tasavvuf, fiqh maktablari ochilgan. Toshkent shahrida koʻp asrlik maʼrifat xazinasini namoyon etadigan, fundamental tadqiqotlar olib boriladigan Islom sivilizatsiyasi markazi bunyod etilmoqda.
Bu yil ulugʻ allomalar Abduxoliq Gʻijduvoniy va Bahouddin Naqshband tavalludlariga bagʻishlangan tadbirlar oʻtkaziladi. Mahmudxoʻja Behbudiy tugʻilganining 145-yillik sanasi nishonlanadi. Shuningdek, joriy yilda Buxoro shahri "Islom madaniyati poytaxti", Xiva shahri "Turkiy dunyo madaniyati poytaxti" deb eʼlon qilingani munosabati bilan bir qator xalqaro anjumanlar tashkil etilishi rejalashtirilgan. Oʻzbekistonning kitob fondlarida 100 mingdan ziyod noyob qoʻlyozma asarlar saqlanayotgani, ularning aksariyati oʻz tadqiqotchilarini kutayotganini taʼkidladi, yurtboshimiz Sh.M. Mirziyoyev.
Yuqorida keltirilgan bir qator fikrlarda ham intellektual salohiyatni shakllanirish masalasi barcha davrda ham muhim ijtimoiy vazifa sifatida kun tartibiga qo’yilgan. Xususan, zardushtiylik dinida
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
komillikning asosi ezgu fikr, ezgu so’z va ezgu amal (harakat)dan iborat ekanligi ta'kidlansa, islom ta'limoti g’oyalariga ko’ra yetuklikning bosh mezoni - ilmlilik, bilimli bo’lishdir.
Sharq mutafakkirlarining
asarlarida ham intellektual salohiyatli komil inson qiyofasining yoritilishiga
alohida ahamiyat berilgan. Xususan, Abu Nasr Forobiy komil insonni
shakllantirish va fozil jamoa (yetuk jamiyat) ni shakllantirish tarbiyaning bir
butun, yaxlit ikki yo’nalishi ekanligiga urg’u beradi. Allomaning fikricha,
fozil jamiyat komil inson sa'yi-harakati bilan barpo etilishi mumkin. Shu bois
mamlakatni boshqaruvchi shaxs o’zida eng oliy insoniy fazilatlarni mujassam eta
olishi zarur, deb hisoblaydi. «Aql ma’nolari tog’risidagi» risolasida Abu Nasr
Forobiy rahbar shaxs qiyofasida namoyon bo’lishi lozim bo’lgan o’n ikki
fazilatni keltirib o’tadi. Bizning fikrimizcha, mazkur fazilatlar har bir
zamonaviy shaxsda o’z aksini topa olishi kerak, zero, ular inson hayotini
mo’'tadil kechishi hamda muayyan kasbiy faoliyatlarni tashkil etishda
muvaffaqiyatlarga erishishni kafolatlaydi.
Abu Rayhon Beruniy ham komillikning asosini intellektual salohiyat, ilmli bo’lishda deb hisoblaydi va barcha illatlarning asosiy sababi ilmsizlikdir, deya urg’u beradi. Allomaning fikricha, axloqiylik, to’g’rilik, odillik, tadbirkorlik, o’zini vazmin tutish, kamtarlik, insof, ehtiyotkorlik, shuningdek, adolatli va vijdonli bo’lish komil inson qiyofasida aks etishi zarur bo’lgan eng asosiy sifatlardir. Abu Ali ibn Sino ham kamolotga erishishning birinchi mezon sifatida bilimli bo’lishni alohida qayd etadi. Bilimli insonning adolatli bo’lishi esa uning yanada yuksalishini ta'minlaydi, deya baholab alloma, adolatni ruhiy lazzat (ruhiy xotirjamlik)ning muhim ko’rsatkichi ekanligini uqtiradi.
Alisher Navoiy asarlarida intellektual salohiyat, komil inson muammosi markaziy o’rinni egallaydi va o’z orzusidagi intellektual salohiyatli komil inson shaxsini asarlarining qahramonlari timsolida gavdalantirishga urinadi. Mutafakkir qarashlarida komil inson quyidagi sifatlarga ega bo’lishi borasidagi g’oya ilgari suriladi: aqlli, axloqli, bilimli, ijodkor,qobiliyatli, dono, kamtar, insonparvar, saqovatli, sabr-qanoatli, adolatli, muruvvatli, sog’lom, jismonan baquvvat, mard va jasur.7
Abdulla Avloniy intellektual salohiyatli komil insonni tarbiyalash borasidagi qarashlari bilan Sharq mutafakkirlarining fikrlarini boyitar ekan, intellektual salohiyatli komil inson qiyofasida, yana shuningdek, vatanparvarlik, hamda intizomlilik sifatlari ham namoyon bo’lishi kerak, deb hisoblaydi. Alloma millat taqdirining jonkuyari sifatida milliy til taraqqiyoti jamiyat ma'naviy rivojini ta'minlovchi asosiy omil, deya baholaydi.
Sharq mutafakkirlari jamoaning shaxs kamolotini ta'minlashdagi o’rni va roliga alohida e'tibor berganlar. Xususan, Abu Ali ibn Sino ijtimoiy muhitning shaxsni shakllantirishdagi rolini yuqori baholaydi. Tashqi muhit va odamlar insonning borliq, unda kechayotgan o’zgarishlar, jarayonlar mohiyatini anglashgagina emas, balki uning xulqida yaxshi va yomon sifatlarning shakllanishiga ham sezilarli ta'sir etishi, shu bois bolalarni tarbiyalashda u mansub bo’lgan mikromuhit xususiyatini inobatga olishni ta'kidlaydi. Bolani yomon ta'sirlardan saqlash zarurligini uqtiradi.
Buyuk ajdodlarimizning ishlari va jasoratlari tarixiy xotiramizni jonlantirib, yangi fuqarolik ongini shakllantirmoqda. Axloqiy tarbiya va ibrat manbaiga aylanmoqda». Sharq xalqlari ko’p asrlarga borib taqaluvchi madaniyatga ega ekanligi hammaga ayon. Ana shu madaniy yodgorliklar inson qo’li, aqli, mahorat va malakasi o’tmishdan qabul qilib olgan hayotiy tajribasi natijasidagina milliy hamda umuminsoniy qadriyatlarga, san’at va adabiyot asarlariga aylangan demak, madaniyat o’zo’zidan paydo bo’lib qolmay, ko’p darajada ta’lim va tarbiya mevasi sifatida shakllangan. XI asrda Xorazmda ilm-fan taraqqiy etadi. Xorazm shohi Ma’mun II o’z saroyiga zabardast olimlarni taklif etadi. U tashkil etgan ―Bayt-ul-hikmaǁ - Donishmandlar uyi tarixda ―Ma’mun akademiyasiǁ deb nom qoldirgan. Bu akademiyaning rivoj topishida Abu Rayhon Beruniy, Abu Ali ibn Sino, tarixchi Miskavayx, riyoziyotchi Abu Nasr ibn Iroq, faylasuf Abu Sahl al-Masixiy, tabib 4 Abulxayr Xammor kabi olimlar ilmiy ijod bilan shug’ullanganlar. Movarounnahr va Xurosonda IX asrlarga kelib ma’naviy ko’tarilish Sharq Renessansi – Uyg’onish davrining boshlanishga olib keldi. Movarounnahrda ilm-fan va ma’rifat sohasida o’z xizmatlari bilan dunyoga mashhur bo’lgan
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
faylasuf va munajjim,
matematika, fizika, tibbiyot, tarix, til va adabiyot, pedagogika sohasida ilmiy
merosi bilan nom qoldirgan Muhammad Muso al-Xorazmiy, Abu Nasr Forobiy, Ahmad
alFarg’oniy, Abu Rayhon Beruniy, Abu Ali ibn Sino kabi qomusiy olimlar faoliyat
olib bordilar. Qomusiy olimlar o’z ilmiy merosida ta’limiy-axloqiy asarlar
yaratishga ham katta e’tibor berib, bu asarlarda ilgari surilgan g’oyalar
insonning ham aqliy, ham axloqiy, estetik va jismoniy jihatdan kamol topishida,
pedagogik fikr taraqqiyotida katta ahamiyatga ega bo’ldi.
Xulosa qilib shuni aytish joizki, sharq uyg’onish davrida sof pedagogik asarlar ham yaratilib, ta’lim-tarbiyada inson takomilining xususiy va umumiy metodlari haqida o’lmas ta’limoti bilan nom qoldirgan tarbiyashunos olimlar ham maydonga chiqdi. Yuqorida tilga olingan mutafakkirlar va ularning o’lmas ma’naviy-madaniy merosi yosh avlodni intellektual salohiyatli ya’ni yuksak axloqli, mehnatsevarlik, ilmga chanqoqlik, sof vijdonlilik, ota-onaga va Vatanga muhabbat ruhida tarbiyalash jarayonida muhim ahamiyatga egadir.
Ta'lim-tarbiya, insoniy munosabatlarning falsafiy asoslari tasavvuf ilmida ochib bеriladi. Shu jumladan Islom olamining muqaddas kitobi «Qur'oni Karim»da ham komillikning bеshta tamoyili komillikka erishish uchun talab etiladi.
1. Mehnatim muhabbatim.
2. Ma'rifatim sarmoyam.
3. Dinim aqlim.
4. Ilmim qurolim.
5. Sabru qanoat libosim.
IX-XV asrlar Markaziy Osiyo ma’naviy madaniyati rivojida muhim davr hisoblanadi. Shu bois faylasuf, tarixchi, pedagog, matematik olimlar bu davr madaniy-ma’rifiy merosi haqida qator ilmiy tadqiqot ishlari olib borganlar.
Pedagog – olimlarning Sharq mutafakkirlari ijodida ta’lim-tarbiya, shaxs ma’naviy kamoloti masalalariga bag’ishlangan ilmiy tadqiqotlarning pedagogika fani rivojida muhim o’rni bor. Lekin ular allomalar merosida olg’a surilgan ta’lim-tarbiya masalalarini yoritishda milliylik tamoyilidan kelib chiqqan holda yondashmadilar.
Aslida Markaziy Osiyo allomalarining ta’lim-tarbiyaga oid qarashlarida ma’naviy qadriyatlarga bo’lgan e’tibor asosiy o’rinda turadiki, bu bevosita inson kamolotini shakllantirishga omil bo’la oladigan hodisadir.
Sharq Renessansi deb nom olgan IX-XV asr Markaziy Osiyo ma’naviy madaniyatining eng yuksaklikka ko’tarilgan, boy davri bo’lib, bu davrda ilm-fanning ikki yo’nalishi (birinchisi) inson uchun tabiiy fanlardirki, u aql ko’zi bilan egallanadi, (ikkinchisi) bu fanlar inson tomonidan (boshqa) kishilardan taqlid qilib o’rganiladi, ular asosida shariat qonunlari yotadi. Bu fanlarning asosini Qur’onda va Sunnada bo’lga Alloh va uning elchisining oldindan belgilab bergan yo’lyo’riqlari tashkil etadi.1
Sharq mutafakkirlarining ma’naviy madaniyat sohasiga qo’shgan ulushlari nihoyatda boy bo’lib, mazmunan qadriyatlarning barcha yo’nalishlarini qamrab olganligi bilan xarakterlanadi. Ular: aqliy madaniyatni shakllantirish bilan bog’langa qadriyatlar; ma’naviy-ruhiy qadriyatlar; ijtimoiy-siyosiy qadriyatlar; badiiy-nafis qadriyatlar; diniy qadriyatlar tarzida o’z ifodasini topgan.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Forobiy pedagogik
qarashlarini, ta’lim-tarbiya haqidagi ta’limotini o’rganishda inson xislatlari
to’g’risidagi falsafiy fikrlari nihoyat muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Forobiy
o’zining falsafiy qarashlarida odamning tuzilishini, ruhiyatini, madaniy va
ma’naviy olamini o’rganishga ahamiyat beradi. Uning ta’limotida, inson barcha
boshqa jismlarda bo’lmagan qobiliyat va kuchga, ruhiy quvvatga, aql va so’zlash
qobiliyatiga egaligi bu kuch uni tabiatdagi boshqa jismlardan ajratib turishi
va uning ustidan hokim bo’lish imkoniyatini berganligi namoyon bo’ladi.
Forobiy bu dunyoqarashida narsa-hodisalarni bilish, inson aqlini bilim bilan boyitish uni ilmli, ma’rifatli qilish uchun xizmat qiluvchi ruhiy jarayonlarga alohida e’tibor beradi. U o’zining ”Baxtsaodatga erishuv haqida”, ”Fanlarning tasnifi”, ”Falsafani o’rganishdan oldin nimani bilish kerakligi to’g’risida”, ”Ilmlar va san’atlar fazilati” kabi koplab risolalarida insonning ma’naviy rivojlanishi ilm-ma’rifatga bog’liqligini ta’kidlaydi.
Фойдаланилган адабиётлар
1. Ахмедова М. Т. Педагогик компетентлик //Т.: ТДПУ. – 2016.
Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. – 2020. – Т. 7. – №. 9. – С. 2372-2380.
4. Ахмедова М.Т. Педагогик конфликтология. Ўқув қўлланма. -Т.: Низомий номидаги ТДПУ, 2017. – 320 б.
ЧИҚАРУВЧИ ОМИЛ СИФАТИДА." Сборники конференций НИЦ Социосфера. No. 22.
Vedecko vydavatelske centrum Sociosfera-CZ sro, 2016.
6. Аскарова, Н. А., М. Д. Файзиева, and Т. Т. Мамаджонова. "ЎСПИРИНЛИК ДАВРИДА
СИФАТИДА." Сборники конференций НИЦ Социосфера. No. 18. Vedecko vydavatelske centrum Sociosfera-CZ sro, 2016.
8. M.E.Axmedova, R.N.Melibayeva, N.A. Askarova Tibbiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalari va mahalla faoliyati tizimida ma’naviy-axloqiy va ijtimoiy muhitni takomillashtirish. Monografiya. TTA nashriyoti, 2021.
IMPORTANT FACTOR //Интернаука. – 2019. – №. 44-2. – С. 61-62.
10. Мелибаева Р. Н. Формирование самостоятельного и творческого мышления студентов в процессе поиска решения проблемной ситуации //Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. – 2012. – №. 12.
11. Melibayeva, R. N., Khashimova, M. K., Narmetova Yu, K., Komilova, M. O., & Bekmirov, T. R. (2020). Psychological mechanisms of development students' creative thinking. International journal of scientific & technology research, 9(03).
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
12. Норметова Ю. Изучение социально-психологических подходов к проблемам здоровья и болезни //От истоков к современности. – 2015. – С. 304-306.
//ХАБАРШЫСЫ. – С. 57.
А. Тиббий соҳа ходимлари касбий идентификасиясида бола тарбиясига
психологик тавсиф. – 2021.
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada axborotning globallashuvi natijasida internet orqali kirib kelayotgan ma’naviy tahdidlar, yoshlar ma’naviyatiga tahdid solayotgan illatlar, ularning inson va jamiyat xavfsizligiga ta’siri, shuningdek, illatlarni bartaraf etish kamolot omili ekanligi yoritib berilgan.
Kalitso‘zlar: globallashuv, tahdid, illat, kashandalik, alkogolizm, egoizm, turmush tarzi.
Globallashuv jarayonini barcha jabhalarda bo‘lgani kabi, axborot soxasida ham ko‘rishimiz mumkin. Axborotning globallashuvi, uni tarqatish vositalarining takomillashib borayotkanligi, tezkor va oson ma’lumot tarqatish imkoniyati axborot xuruji, axborot tahdidini kuchayib borishiga sabab bo‘lyapti. Bejizga XXI asr axborot asri deb ta’riflanmaydi. Hozir deyarli barcha maqsadlarni axborot tarqatish orqali amalga oshirish imkoniyati mavjud.
yoshlarimiz ma’naviyatiga internet tarmog`i tahdid solmoqda. Chunki, internetda
tarqatilayotgan axborotni nazorat qilish imkonsiz.Har kim istagan ma’lumotini
tarqatmoqda. Ayniqsa, dezinformatsiya ya’ni, haqiqatdan yiroq axborot tarqatib,
yoshlar dunyoqarashini o`z maqsadi yo`lida boshqarishga urunishlar kuchayishi,
internetda uy qurib olgan jinoiy guruhlar, ekstremistik tashkilotlar,
mafkuraviy markazlarni urf-odatlarimiz, milliy qadriyatlarimizga zid bo`lgan
axborotlarni urchitishi, yoshlarimizda illatlarni paydo bo`lishiga, buzg`unchi
g`oya va mafkuralar ta’siriga tushib qolishiga sabab bo`lmoqda. Bu esa o‘z
navbatida jamoatchilikni tashvishga solib, yoshlarning mafkuraviy xavfsizligini
ta’minlash masalasini muhim ustuvor vazifa sifatida kun tartibiga qo‘ymoqda.
“O‘zbek tilining izohli lug‘ati” kitobida illatga – tandagi dard, kasallik, xastalik, – jismoniy yoki ruhiy kamchillik, nuqson, ayb – deb izoh berilgan.
Abdulla Avloniy o‘zining “Turkiy guliston yoxud axloq” asarida yomon xulqlarga (illatlarga) “Insonlarni saodatga abadiyatdan mahrum qiladurgan, janobi haq qoshida va xalq nazarida mazmun, hayoti jovidonimiz uchun masmum bo‘lgan axloqi zamimalar”, deb ta’rif beradi.
Bugugngi kunda jamiyatimizning yosh qatlamida illatlarni ko`payayotganligi, tobora axloqiy buzuqlik ta’siriga tushib qolish xavfi kuchayayotganligi judayam alamli.
Axloqiy buzuqlik bu- insonning axloqiy dunyosida illatlarning kuchayishi, fazilatlaring kamayishi yoki yo`qolib borishi natijasida yemirilishning vujudga kelishi.
Axloqiy buzuqlikning ko‘rinishlari:
kashandalik; alkogolizm;
ayollarning erkakcha so‘kinishi; individualism
pornografiyani targ‘ib qilish, tomosha qilish va tarqatish; starizm
kattalarga behurmatlik; ikkiyuzlamachilik erkaklarning ayollarcha o‘ziga oro berishi kabilar kiradi.
Yuqorida sanalgan illatlarni ayrimlariga e’tibor qaratsak. Ayni damda kashandalik, alkogalizmga ruju qo`yganlar tez-tez uchrab turibdi.Avvallari ahyon ahyonda uchraydigan bu illat, tobora ko`payib bormoqda.
Individualizm illati bo‘lgan kishi o‘z manfaatlarini o‘zgalarnikidan ustun qo‘yadi, faqat o‘zi uchun yashash odatini o‘zlashtiradi. Individualizm g‘oyasi Yevropa madaniy an’analarini ko‘z-ko‘z qilib targ‘ib etish bilan g‘oyani joriy qilishga faqat o‘zi uchun yashashni afzal bilish lozim.
Egotsentrizm bu insonni “men”ligini ustuvor qo‘yishdan iboratdir. Buning eng qo`rqinchli jihati shundaki, unday odam o‘zini doimo haq deb biladi, o‘zgalarga nisbatan bepisand qarash, o‘z xattiharakatlarini mutlaqo to‘g‘ri deb bilish egotsentrizmning asosiy belgisidir.
Xulosa o`rnida shuni aytish mumkinki, bunday
illatlarni yoshlarimizda paydo bo`layotgani ularni tobora ma’naviy hastalanib
borishiga xizmat qilmoqda. Hozirda alohida yakka shaxslarda shakllanayotgan
illatlar, ertaga butun bir jamiyatning illatiga aylanib qolmaydi deb kim
kafolat beradi? Arzimasdek tuyulgan kichik illatlar ertaga butun bir jamiyatni
hastalashi hatto mafkuraviy xavfsizligini susaytirishi mumkin. Barkamol avlodni
kamol toptirish, ularni ma’naviy kamolotini yuksaltirish omillaridan biri bu
illatlardan forig‘ bo‘lib borish yo‘lidir. Xalqimiz milliy mentalitetiga zid
bo`lgan, qadriyatlarimizni oyoqosti qilishlariga, yoshlarimizni ongini egallab
boshqarishlariga aslo yo`l qo`yib bo`lmaydi. Bunga qarshi chora-tadbirlarni
ishlab chiqish, yoshlarimizni o`zimizga xos milliy qadriyatlarimiz assosida
tarbiyalashimiz zarur. Buning uchun ularning qalbi va vujudidan illatlarni
bartaraf etib, fazilatlarni ko`paytirib borishimiz lozim.
1. O`zbek tilining izohli lug`ati. T.: “O`zbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi” Davlat ilmiy nashriyoti 2006.
2. Saida, K. (2020). Features of manifestation of ideological threats in the process of globalization. ACADEMICIA: AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL,
10(12), 1428-1433.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
Tashkent Padiatric Medical Institute
Abstract: In recent years, an assumption has been made about the connection of various choreiformhyperkinesis, tics, myoclonus, and neurosis-like obsessive states in children with βhemolytic streptococcus group A (BHSA). Currently, early diagnosis of a number of autoimmune diseases, including those caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus group A and the development of differential diagnostic criteria for PANDAS syndrome, as well as the choice of treatment tactics and the prevention of complications in this pathology, is very relevant.
PANDAS syndrome, in contrast to minor chorea, is characterized by local, easily stopped tics, with debut disease from 5 years to 12 years. The developed differential diagnostic criteria and the algorithm for the diagnosis of PANDAS syndrome will allow timely diagnosis and application of the necessary treatment tactics. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infection (PANDAS syndrome)), suggests a link between group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infections (BGSA).
Key words: PANDAS syndrome, children, streptococcal infection, review.
Objective: To study the subsequent occurrence or exacerbation of neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or tic disorder.
Research methods: Conducted a meta-analysis and a systematic review, including prospective studies of exacerbations of neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with BGSGA infections in children with PANDAS syndrome. We conducted a study at the Medicas Clinic and before March 7, 2021 and we used patient analysis data.
The results obtained: The review included 3 studies with 41 cases with PANDAS and 64 control group children with OCD or chronic tic disorder. PANDAS cases had a slightly increased HR of 2.33 [95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.63-8.70, p=0.21, I2= 28.3%] for exacerbations of neuropsychiatric symptoms in conditions of temporary proximity to BGSGA infections and the absence of an increased risk of BGSGA. Infections (HR = 0.99 95% CI: 0.56-1.73 P=0.97 I2= 45%) compared with children of the control group. However, PANDAS cases had an increased risk of neuropsychiatric disease exacerbations in general with an HR of 1.54 (95% CI: 1.12 - 2.11 P = 0.008, I2= = 0%) compared with children of the control group.
Conclusions: The results did not show reliable evidence of higher temporarily associated BGSGA infections and exacerbations of neuropsychiatric symptoms in children with PANDAS. The included studies were small and limited to low rates of BGGS and exacerbations. Future studies with large population sizes and routine assessments are needed to thoroughly examine the PANDAS hypothesis.
1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 4lh ed.
— Washington (DC): American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
M.L. Sydenham's chorea: MRI and proton spectroscopy / M. Castillo, L. Kwock, A.
Arbelaez // Neuroradiology. — 1999. — Vol. 41. — P. 943—945.
3. Church, A.J. et al. Anti-basal ganglia antibodies in acute and persistent Sydenham's chorea // Neurology. — 2002 (2 of 2). — P. 227—231.
4. Dale, R.C. Autoimmunity and the basal ganglia: new insights into old diseases // J. Med. — 2003. — Vol. 96. — P. 183—191.
5. Еареп, V. Adult-Onset tic disorders / V. Eapen, A.J. Lees et al. // Movement Disorders. — 2002. — Vol. 17, № 4. — P. 735—740. - 35)
6. Fedoseeva, I. The content of noradrenaline in blood serum in children with tic disorders / I. Fedoseeva, T. Poponnikova, L. Galaganova // Europran Jornel of Neurology. – 2010. – Vol. 17, suppl. 3. – P. 520.
7. Fernandez-Alvarez E. Transient movement disorders in children / J. Neurol. — 1998. — Vol. 245. — P. 1—5.
8. Harvey S., Singer Serial Immune Markers Do Not Correlate With Clinical Exacerbations in Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections // Pediatrics. – 2008. – vol.121(1). – P.198-1205.
9. Jancovic, J. Tics and Tourette's Syndrome / In: [E. Tolosa, W.C.Coller, O.S.Gershanik (Eds)] Differential Diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. — Butterworth- Heinemann,1998. — P. 99—107.
10. Kofman O. Paroxysmal sneezing. Can Med Assос J 1964;91(11):618.
11. Kurlan, R. Handbook of Tourette's Syndrome and Related Tic and Behavioral Disorders (Neurological Disease and Therapy). — 2005. — P. 325—329.
12. Macerollo A., Martino D. Pediatric аutoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS): an evolving concept. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (NY). 2013.
13. Murphy M.L., Pichichero M.E. Prospective identification and treatment of children with pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with group A streptococcal infection (PANDAS). Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002;156(4):356–61.
14. Perlmutter S.J., Leitman S.F., Garvey M.A. et al. Therapeutic plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin for obsessive- compulsive disorder and tic disorders in childhood. Lancet 1999;354(9185):1153–8.
15. Pringsheim, Т., Davenport W.J. , Lang A. // Tics Current Opinion in Neurology. — 2003. — Vol.16. — P. 523—527.
16. Rampello L. Tic disorders: from pathophysiology to treatment / L. Rampello, A.. Alvano, G.
Battaglia et al. // J. Neurol. — 2006.— Vol. 253, —P. 1—
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
The Republic of Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya region, Denov District 27-Primary Teacher of the school
Abstract: this article discusses the importance of using modern technologies, innovative techniques, Multimedia in increasing the effectiveness of beginner education today
Key words: multimedia, multimedia tools, educational process, information technology, educational objectives, mobile phone.
Education is a collaborative activity of the teacher and students, in the process of which the development of the individual, his / her knowledge and upbringing are also carried out. In the lessons, the teacher communicates his knowledge, skills and abilities to the students through the training, while the students acquire the ability to use it as a result of the assimilation of the latter. In the process of learning, students use different forms of assimilation, that is, they rely on specific discrepancies in the perception, processing and application of the assimilated information.
Any new form of Education requires the formation of psychological and pedagogical bases, without which the achievements and effectiveness of the educational process can not be said. One of the main features of multimedia education is that it can serve to provide a continuous education system along with increasing the interest and knowledge efficiency of the learner. Suppose that in all subjects of a science in a multimedia educational material to study them more complex, hypermurojaat is directed to another multimedia program in which the educator will be successful in acquiring the necessary knowledge to himself with the help of time. To do this, of course, the national base and quality of multimedia learning materials must be at the required level. To date, electronic textbooks and manuals have been created in many disciplines in the Republic and are being effectively used in the educational process.
Even from mobile phone devices that are currently developing rapidly, multimedia can perform tasks such as viewing, hearing and testing topshirish. Some manufactured types of these devices running on the Android operating system can also perform computer-level tasks.
The introduction of computer-based technologies involved in the adoption and processing of information and the creation of new information has been the subject of the emergence of new information technologies. Now it is impossible to imagine a modern specialist without his computer literacy, because modern production and other processes require him to use new information technologies at this or that level.
Multimedia technology (multi – multi, media environment) allows you to use several ways of presenting information at the same time: text, graphics, animation, video and sound.
The most important feature of multimedia technology is its ability to influence the user in the performance of the interphysical – information environment. In recent years, many multimedia software products have been created and are being created: encyclopedias, instructional programs, computer presentations, etc.
On the basis of Multimedia tools, it is possible to save up to 30% of the time in obtaining knowledge, while the acquired knowledge is stored in memory for a long time. If students receive
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
on the basis of vision (video), the storage of information in memory will
increase by 2530%. In addition, when teaching materials are given in the form
of audio, video, and graphics in the form of incarnations, the use of materials
in memory increases by 75%. To this we have once again made sure dressing in
the process of learning foreign languages based on multimedia tools.
Teaching students on the basis of Multimedia tools has the following advantages:
a) the deeper the materials given, and the more perfect there is an opportunity to master;
b) the enthusiasm for close communication with new areas of Education will increase even more:
c) as a result of the reduction in educational time, achieve the opportunity to save time;
d) the acquired knowledge is retained in the memory of the person for a certain period of time and is able to apply it in practice when necessary.
Unlike other forms of data presentation, a multimedia presentation includes several tens of thousands of pages of text, thousands of images and images, audio and video recordings that last for several hours, animation, and three-dimensional graphics, although the cost of reproduction is low and the duration of storage is low.
One of the most effective ways to achieve the goal of the lesson in the use of multimedia:
Direction of education: students' acceptance of instructional materials, understanding of relationships and relationships in learning facilities.
Developing direction: the ability to develop students 'cognitive interest, generalize, analyze, compare, activate students' creative activities.
Educational aspect: to educate the scientific world, to organize independent and group work accurately, to educate the sense of partnership, to provide mutual assistance.
Multimedia technologies can be used in:
1. Describe a new topic. The subject of the lesson is presented in slides, in which the main points of the analyzed question are summarized.
2. They accompanied the teacher's explanation of the information.You can use specially created multimedia reports for special lessons, which include short text, basic formulas, schemes, drawings, videofragments. In the process of explaining a new topic, it uses multimedia presentations.
The training focuses on the new knowledge izlash, understanding and processing activities of the child today. In this case, the teacher is the organizer of the educational process, the head of the independent activities of the students, providing them with the necessary support and assistance.
The use of Computer Test increases the effectiveness of the learning process, faulting the cognitive activities of schoolchildren. Test questions can be issued on cards, filled in special blanks or written on a notebook.
The practical side of Multimedia tools provides the ground for the implementation of such an important task as the use of them in the educational process and the creation of a database and animated presentations for the educational process in the future.
Multimedia is a rapidly developing modern information technology. Its distinctive features integrate different types of Information, traditional (text, tables, decorations, etc.), original (speech, music, excerpts from video, TV series, animation, etc.) in one software product.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
and retraining of personnel on the basis of Multimedia tools is one of the
current issues. This method of teaching in developed countries is currently being
implemented in the areas of Education. Even every family has become
disillusioned, entertained without multimedia means.
Extensive use of modern computer technology in the process of teaching and retraining of students, the perfection of future mature and highly qualified specialists. On the basis of distance style, the teaching of students is one of the most developing areas of the present day and is a system of teaching students with the teacher at a certain distance.
The fact that the teacher and the student are located in a particular classroom requires that the teacher organize the teaching work on the basis of tools such as computers, sputnik communication, cable television in the course of the lesson.
The rapid development of modern computer technologies, especially the development of channels of information acquisition, is making specific historical changes to the telecommunications industry. Combining all the educational institutions and companies involved in business in our country on the basis of distance learning style will bring the learning process and commercial work to a higher level.
To create a multimedia product suitable for the purpose of science taught by the teacher and the scope of the issues to be seen. To do this, it is necessary for science teachers to improve their skills in multimedia technology in various courses, as well as to study in detail the capabilities of computers, to know the tools for displaying additional images and the capabilities of the interactive whiteboard
1. Dilova N.G. (2021). Bspolьzovanie interaktivnыx metodov v shkolnom obuchenii. Vestnik integrativnoy psixologii. № 21, S. 51-54.
2. Rasulova Z.D. (2020). Pedagogical peculiarities of developing socio-perceptive competence in learners. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences. 8:1, pp. 30-34.
3. Bent B.Andresen and Katja van den Brink. Multimedia in Education.UNESCO Institute for Information Technologis in Education. 2013.ISBN 978-5-7777-0556-3 4. Sanjaya Mishra,
Ramesh C. Sharma. Interactive multimedia in education and training. ISBN 1-59140-393-6.
Published in the United States of America by Idea Group Publishing. 2005
Abstract: An approach is a way of looking at teaching and learning. Underlying any language teaching approach is a theoretical view of what language is, and of how it can be learnt. An approach gives rise to methods, the way of teaching something, which use classroom activities or techniques to help learners learn.There is a difference between approach and method. An approach is a way of dealing with something or somebody. A method is the process used or the steps taken to deal with an issue or a person.
Key words: deductive, inductive, approach, method, classroom activities in teaching grammar.
In the case of grammar teaching there two main approaches. These are deductive approach and inductive approach Deductive instruction is generally referred to as the traditional teaching approach, in which the teacher is the authority, the lecturer and the source of information while students are passive receipent. Inductive instruction emerged from inductive reasoning, cognitive development and constructivist epistemology. The deductive approach of teaching grammar refers to the style of teaching students by introducing the grammatical rules first, and then applying them by the students.
means that a teacher works from the more general to the more specific in a
deductive approach called informally a "top down" approach. In the
deductive approach a grammatical rule is first presented explicitly by the
teacher and examples applying the rule will follow. Next the students practice
the rule with various kinds of exercises, for example drills and translation
into and out of the target language. That is to say, that it moves from general
to more specific information.[42] In order to understand the teaching of
grammar, the most useful and effective methods are the inductive and deductive
approaches. Both approaches can be basically differentiated through the lesson
procedures, learner roles, teacher roles and usage of meta-language in the
teaching process. Inductive teaching is based on the bottom-up theory which
accepts the view that language learners tend to focus on parts rather than the
The deductive approach is also often compared with other more traditional methods of grammar teaching. It aims at teaching various grammatical rules one at a time through presentation and explanation by the teacher. Moreover, it is seen to facilitate the learners’ acquisition by making learners notice structures that they might not otherwise have noticed.[43]
Deductive teaching is a traditional approach in which information about target language and rules are driven at the beginning of the class and continued with examples. The principles of this approach are generally used in the classes where the main target is to teach grammar structures. For instance, these principles are convenient for the classes that grammar transtlation method is applied
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
[44] In an inductive approach
learners are provided with samples which include the target grammar that they
will learn. Then learners work on the examples and try to discover the rules
themselves. When students obtain the grammar rules and they practice the language
by creating their own examples.
Applying deductive or inductive approach while teaching grammar depends on student variety in the classroom. All learners are different and they learn in different ways [1, 1250] For instance their needs, ages, backgrounds and levels are the factors that are taken into consideration by the teacher for choosing suitable teaching strategy.
Adult learners are tend to deal with the rules when they use target language since their mentality is able to think abstract items. Deductive teaching is more appropriate for adult learners and meet their expectations as they give more importance to rules when they use the language so presentation of grammar rules firstly is more useful for them. On the other hand young learners are successful in exploring grammar structures from the examples rather than learning them deductively since they are more likely to learn by doing because grammar rules are complex and abstract for them. [45]
The inductive approach refers to the style of introducing language context containing the target rules where students can induce such rules through the context and practical examples [2, 38]. In other words, the sequence in this approach goes from creating a situation and giving examples to the generalization where students should discover such generalization by themselves or with the teacher's help, with an inductive approach, teachers show their students a series of examples and non-examples, then guide them toward noticing a pattern and coming up with the generalization or concept rule.
The inductive approach, in its turn, moves from specific to general. The learners are first shown many examples that contain a certain grammatical structure in different contexts and they have to work out the rules by themselves. Next the learners apply the rules with various exercises and in different contexts to learn how they actually work in real language use. [46]
In the past grammar, teaching was seen as the fundamental goal in foreign language classrooms. It was taught to produce correct sententes both written and orally. It was presented directly in text books so that the learners obtained the rules of language first. This type of teaching approach is called deductive teaching which was applied mostly in grammar translation method. However, grammar teaching approaches have been largely changed from deductive to inductive, because when pupils are taught in a deductive approach their attention is directed to grammar the rules rather than understanding the language. In an inductive teaching, learners are taught grammar rules as well. However, the aim is allow students to discover the rules themselves from the provided examples.
Regarding this, deductive teaching is more suitable for adult learners and meets their expectations as they give more priority to rules when they use the language so the presentation of grammar rules first is more useful for them. On the other hand, young learners pay more attention to exploring
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
grammatical structures from the examples rather than learning them deductively since they are more likely to learn by doing because grammar rules are complex and abstract for them “. 6
is partly the study of what forms (or structures) are possible in a language.
Thus, grammar is a description of the rules that govern how a language’s
sentences are formed”. Grammar by saying “The grammar of a language is what
happens to words when they become plural or negative, or what word order is
used when we make questions or join two claueses to make one sentence.” 7
The term inductive is most useful when a child learns its first language through exposure to the language in use. The inductive method should be used when teaching relatively simple grammatical structures because the method is too difficult. Neither of the techniques was found to be more practical with simple grammatical structures, but the deductive approach is said to be more successful when teaching more complicated structures. 8 All in all, a deductive approach to teaching grammar items is teacher-centred. The teacher offers rules first and then examples and practice materials. An inductive approach, on the other hand, focuses on the student ‘noticing’ the grammatical rule him or herself without being made explicitly aware of it.
1. Erkinovna, Y. F. Negative Politeness. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(6), 1249-1255. https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/344146-negative-politeness-c55f7abc.pdf.
2. Yuldasheva Feruza Erkinovna. (2021). POLITENESS MARKERS IN SPOKENLANGUAGE. Euro-Asia Conferences, 37–40. Retrieved from http://papers.euroasiaconference.com/index.php/eac/article/view/528.
3. Brown, H. D. (1994) Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall Regents 31, 77-90.
4. Decoo, W. 1996. The induction-deduction opposition: Ambiguities and complexities of the didactic reality. IRAL – International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 34(2), 95-118.
5. Ellis, R. (1999). Input-based approaches to teaching grammar: A review of classroom oriented research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 19, 64-80..
6. Ellis, R. (1999). Input-based approaches to teaching grammar: A review of classroom oriented research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 19, 64-80.
7. Erikson, L. (2014). The effectiveness of modified inductive versus deductive teaching. Engelska: UMEA University 22, 110-120.
8. Harmer, J. (1987) Teaching and Learning Grammar. London: Longman 18, 88-115.
6 Brown, H. D. (1994) Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.
Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall Regents 31, 77-90
7 Harmer, J. (1987) Teaching and Learning Grammar. London: Longman 19, 60-72
8 Erikson, L. (2014). The effectiveness of modified inductive versus deductive teaching. Engelska: UMEA
University. 11, 38-50
Abstract: In the modern world, especially after the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, the harmonious correspondence between the state and religion is a constant problem. This problem has not yet been solved in countries with Christian traditions, especially in countries with Muslim roots, where culture and national mentality have been imbued with religion for centuries. In these places, it is difficult to find a balance between modernity and respect for the religious freedom of the collective and the individual rights of people to respect this religious freedom.
Key words: simply tolerance, universal brotherhood, requirements.
An additional problem is countries with a Muslim majority, with long-standing Islamic traditions, but in which large minorities of other religions also live. There, too, the state should consistently harmonize relations between different faiths and cults, without harming anyone and supporting the people's faith in justice. The answer to these difficult questions is simply tolerance, understood as a fundamental principle of the spiritual life of society, a principle that, despite the fact that it has been stated in theory in many speeches, is not always fully implemented in practice.
respect and tolerance are especially important in the political and social
processes currently taking place in the Central Asian region. This is the case
in Uzbekistan, where representatives of 16 religions and more than 130 ethnic
groups live together, partly due to the fact that the Great Silk Road passed
through the territory of modern Uzbekistan, which stimulated the process of
mutual enrichment and the influence of various cultures and religions. For many
centuries, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism have peacefully coexisted
here. Thus, this process has deep historical roots in Uzbekistan. Moreover,
tolerance is one of the basic principles of its modern national ideology, the
foundation that the state has been implementing since the first days of its
The ideas of tolerance and peaceful coexistence have long and stable traditions in the thinking of Uzbekistan. These ideas of friendship and cooperation between peoples were developed in their works by internationally recognized Jadid enlighteners from Central Asia, such as Ahmad Donish, Avaz Utar, Furkat, Mukimi, Hamza, Aini, Behbudi, Fitrat and others. Furkat advocated the study of European science and technology, cooperation with other nations and the study of their cultures and spiritual traditions. Fitrat, in turn, wrote: "There is no doubt that although people profess a different religion, live in different countries and belong to different tribes and ethnic groups, they are all children of the same human race." In other words, they are brothers. And if this is the case, then they should all love and respect each other's dignity and should bring to life the era of universal brotherhood. When they manage to create a universal brotherhood, then the era of happiness of world life, universal happiness will come.
Freedom of religion, guaranteed by national legislation, has created all the necessary conditions to meet the religious needs of citizens as members of various national and ethnic groups, which are currently practiced by almost all Christian denominations, as well as Buddhism, Baha'ism, Judaism and the teachings of Krishna. In accordance with Uzbek law, there are no restrictions on the number of religious organizations and their duration.
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representatives of many nations and nationalities live in friendship and
harmony in Uzbekistan. The Government has created all conditions for the
preservation and development of national traditions and cultures of the peoples
living here. A striking example was the establishment in 1992, in accordance
with a government decree, of the Republican International Cultural Center,
which contributes to the improvement of interethnic relations, provides
assistance in the work of national cultural centers, and encourages public
initiatives aimed at affirming the principles of tolerance.
It can also be noted that today more than 100 thousand citizens of Uzbekistan during the years of independence have performed Hajj to holy places and even more - umrah (small hajj). Every year, more than 200 representatives of other religious communities make pilgrimages to their shrines In addition, today the system of religious education includes the Tashkent Islamic Institute, a number of madrasahs, Orthodox and Protestant seminaries and others.
Great attention is paid in the republic to the revival and development of Islamic culture, the study and promotion of the rich scientific and cultural heritage of the ancestors of the Uzbek people, the restoration of and the improvement of Islamic shrines, architectural monuments, which became one of the main directions of state policy in the years of independence. The result of such increased attention was the restoration of a large number of holy places revered by Muslims, including the memorial complexes "Imam Bukhari", "Shahi-Zinda" in Samarkand, "Bahauddin Nakshbandi" in Bukhara, "Hazrati Imam" in Tashkent and many others, which have become influential centers of spiritual and ethical education.
All religions have ideological and system-value commonalities: As for differences, they are good prerequisites for the complementarily of religions. Consequently, the difference of religions creates serious prerequisites for the complementarily and enrichment of various religious and confessional groups of society in the ideological-system-value plan. Differences do not necessarily imply incompatibility. Differences and incompatibility are completely different phenomena and concepts, and different religions and confessions can be quite compatible, coexist peacefully and effectively in one society.
In the state plane, the commonality between different religious and confessional groups is brought to the fore in cases when these groups at the same time belong to different nationalities. Citizenship and belonging to the same society are emphasized.
The idea is explained and brought to various religious and confessional groups that they face the same problems and challenges (social, economic, environmental, political, etc.), have common interests and requirements and, consequently, common tasks, which is an equally important prerequisite for ensuring public solidarity and suppressing discord and disasters in societies on religious and confessional grounds, a guarantee of stability and security of civil society.
1. Kuznetsova S.I. Central Asia: ten years of independence // Abstract collection. Ser. "States of Central Asia and Transcaucasia" Center for Scientific and Informational Research of Global and Regional Problems. Department of Asia and Africa. Moscow, 2001.
2. Kurylev K.P., Kurbanov R.M., Makenova A.B., Khotivrishvili A.A. Migration flows from Central Asia to the countries of the European Union // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: International Relations. 2018. vol. 18, No. 2. pp. 315-327.
3. Kurylev K.P., Savicheva E.M. Commonwealth of Independent States // Educational and methodical manual for students of the fields of training "International relations", "Political Science", "History" / Moscow, 2013. (3rd edition, revised and expanded).
4. Malysheva D.B. Post-Soviet Central Asia and Afghanistan as a sphere of intersection of interests of large Asian states // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series:
International Relations. 2018. vol. 18, No. 2. pp. 259-272.
International Islamic Acadimy, Master student
Abstract: This article deals with the issue of strategic management, a definition of strategic management is developed from commonalities of past definitions and a selected overview of approaches to operationalizing strategic management is presented.
Key words: Strategic Management, Planning, Strategic Planning, Organization, Strategic Management Process.
Management as a term and concept is not new. It has been used for the first
time in 1970, and it means that the strategists staff more or less thought of
strategic programs and then try to sell them to decision makers. In 1990, a
strategic planning and management of view is very different. Goodstein, Nolan,
and Pfeiffer strategic planning definition takes us away from the idea that
strategic planning is the work of the staff and focus us more on a process that
requires organization and senior leaders to determine strategic direction. The
concept of strategic management builds on this definition, strategic planning,
recognizing that despite the "planning" is the introduction of
strategic management, it is not enough if it is followed by the publication and
implementation of the plan and evaluate the plan in action. Strategic
management is a systems approach to identify and make the necessary changes and
measure the performance of the organization as it moves toward its vision,
Strategic Management been introduced as a key factor to enable competitive
advantages. So, the purpose of this section is continuing to analyze the role
of director of strategic competitive advantages enabled. In order to clarify
the meaning of strategic management.
Definition of Strategic Management: The strategic management can be defined as the art and science of the formulation, implementing and evaluating multifunction decisions that will enable the organization to achieve its goals. As this definition suggests, it focuses on the strategic management of the integration of management information, marketing, finance and science / accounting, production / operations, research and development systems, and the achievement of organizational success. It is used term strategic management in the present text tandem with the term strategic planning. And often it uses the latter term in the business world, while often used in the past in academia. Sometimes the term is used to indicate Strategic Management Strategy for the formulation, implementation and evaluation, strategic planning, referring only to the formulation of strategy. Some definitions are included by many of the writer, Johansen well (1986) Strategic management is defined as an administrative process to develop and maintain a strong link between the objectives of the organization and environmental opportunities and factors, Alvesson, Wilmot focused (1996) strategic management and competitive position of organizations with respect to opportunities the obvious limitations posed by (change) work contexts. From the standpoint of management, the concept of the successful strategic management terms of mobilizing factors in ways to promote the leadership of the coordination of the organization the environment and / or weaken the position of competitors, and also the turban, McLean and Wetherbe, defined the
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management is a method of mapping organization's future operations strategy.
For so long it was associated with long- term planning. Today, strategic
management, are complementary activities include three long-term planning, and
the management response, innovation and Faulkner and Campbell, definition of
strategic management is about plan how to achieve objectives of the company,
the adjust the orientation of the ways to benefit from the changing
circumstances. The analysis of these definitions to identify common factors
relating to strategic management, which turned out to be the meaning of
strategic management have changed with the passage of time. For example,
strategic management activities from being changed just planning activity over
the long term for being proactive or reactive activity, which is trying to
strike a balance between properties of competitive environment. Consequently,
the strategic management the task has become more complex over the last decade.
In order to identify trends and changes necessary to meet the competitors of the competitive environment. In the future, to predict the competitive environment is important to understand the changes in time, also supports this argument when he says, understanding of the rate of change in the environment, and it is as important as understanding what is happening changes, and look at an important time for competition, to be too late or too early with a competitive strategy that may affect your advantage. Is given time means to predict that the trends which may change over time, making it a vital factor prediction regarding the dynamics of this strategy as a result of the use of strategic management as an instrument to affect the competition results, should continue to predict the future competitive environment. Identify the competitive environment an important strategic management since it makes it possible to determine an appropriate competitive environment factors, and they allow us to cope with environmental uncertainty. This is due to the fact that competitive environment is an important factor with respect to the strategic management.
In order to face competition strategic managers develop competitive strategies that could improve or maintain a competitive advantage. But the associated competitive strategies of a competitive environment. After being exposed to the environment, It's time to identify how to compete in that environment. Competing theories, and thus affect the selection and assessment of integration and competitiveness factors in competitive strategy. Given that competitive strategies is one of the relevant factors for strategic management.
Competitive factors that determine adequate factors and selection of competencies and capabilities that suit a particular competitive environment competitive. Identifying important competitive factors in formulating strategies. It also helps the managers focus on assets that can promote business benefits, the estimate when it is necessary for changing factors that do not add benefits.
Changing response management-related activities to keep up with competitors' actions on the competitive landscape. The need to manage change clear during the nineties, not only because of changes in the competitive environment, but also due to changes in information technology. This is also a challenge in the example The Flames (2003), he questioned the unity of economists information and the consult Anderson 350 top managers from around the world on the subject of corporate change. Even though the half of their business has changed radically in the past five years, They predict radical changes by 2010. Only 3 per cent had their own techniques to withstand the demands made by, for example, moving quickly, knowledge-based small business. Quoted by nearly 40 per cent of lying skills human resources management and communication relationships and building they lack in their organizations. And it claimed that only 4 percent that they were very good ready to make changes in the next decade. The results of this study that the trade union managers are not willing to make changes in the competitive environment. Therefore, the capacity to prepare the organization to responding to changes in the future, a great challenge, Thera strategic managers in the future.
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scanning refers to the process of collection, audit and providing information
for strategic purposes. It also helps in the analysis of internal and external
factors affecting the organization. After the implementation of the
environmental analysis process, it should be evaluated on an ongoing basis and
seek to improve management.
Strategy Formulation is the process of determining the best course of action to accomplish organizational goals and achieve the organizational purpose therefore. After a survey of the environment, managers formulation for companies and businessmen and career strategies.
Strategy implementation of a strategic action strategy as intended or put the organization chosen strategy into practice. This includes implementation of the organization structure design strategy, allocate resources, and the development of decision-making process, and human resources management.
Strategic appraisal is the last steps of the strategic management process. Rating key strategic activities are: Assess the external and internal factors that are root of the current strategies, and performance measurement, and take remedial / corrective action. Rating make sure that the organizational strategy, as well as that of implementation that meets organizational goals.
Strategic management process and methodology used to determine the objectives of the organization, developing policies and plans to achieve these goals, and allocate necessary to implement the policies and plans of resources. In other words, Management strategy, and can be considered as a combination of strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation (David, 2005; Haim e. n., 2005; Mohammed g H. and. Alim, 2005). Based on the chart we saw the management theory discussed earlier, it can be noted that the strategic management theories stems primarily from the point of view of a systems approach, contingency approach and information technology. In light of this background, after David (2005), Mohamed Kh. H. (2005), and the joint strategic management theories noticed viable is profit maximization theory is based on the competition, and the theory, and human resources along with the existing theory, agency theory based on resources and survive on the basis of the theory and the theory of emergency. Theory of profit and expand based on competition, which is based on the idea that the main objective of business organization is to maximize profits over the long term and develop sustainable competitive advantage competitiveness of foreign competitors in the market. On the other hand, the resources theory stems from the principle that the competitive advantage of the company lies in the source of internal resources, rather than put it in the external environment. Rather than simply assess and environmental the opportunities and threats in the field of business management, competitive advantage depends on the capabilities and resources of this kind, which the company owns Barney (1995) unique. The company expects the perspective of certain types of resource companies owned and controlled by the potential resources, and promised to create a competitive advantage and superior performance of the company at the end of (Ainuddin et al., 2007). However, the current theory of the survival of the idea that the organization needed to adapt to competitive environment in order to survive centers. This is according to the theory of human resources, which stresses the importance the human factor in the human resources development strategy is different. In addition, the importance of the theory and the agency confirms the underlying the relationship between shareholders and owners, agents or managers in ensure the success of organizations. Finally, the contingency theory draws the idea that there is no one way or better way to manage organizations. Organizations should then based on the evolution of the situation and suffering management strategy. In short, during the process of strategy the formulation, implementation and evaluation, and the main theories of strategic management applied in the organization tools to help them manage the administrative decision and move towards a strategic decision. The best way to portray these theories of strategic management. Therefore, in this research, along with the viewpoint of
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and approaches to emergency situations and key theories and other strategic
management mentioned above, based on the resources or view company's
competitive advantage theory, in particular, will be the main basis of the
theory of applying the mainstay of the variables and relationships This was
followed for consideration. This is due to that our research will focus
especially on the interior features for the organization in to achieve a
competitive advantage. Although there is some minimum elements external
dimension under consideration, and these elements rooted primarily in the
organization; (Charles & Gareth, 2011, David J. 2009, David F. 2011, Raquel
Strategic management of the company plays an important role in achieving prosperity and competitiveness. The strategy reflects the fundamental ideas on which way the objectives of the company will be achieved. Definition of a good strategy is not easy. Formulation of the strategy and related objectives is a difficult process as well as the process of implementation of the strategic objectives into the business plan. Companies without strategic management can`t be competitive in long – term and without appropriate strategy is strategic development unsuccessful.
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6. David, F. R., Strategic management concepts and cases 13th edition (2011).
7. Fons T. and Piet H. C. , 100+ Management Models_ How to understand and apply the world's most powerful business tools-Infinite Ideas Limited (2014).
8. Giacomo d. L.-Strategy and Organization of Corporate Banking- Springer (2005).
9. Jeffrey P D. , (10 minute guides._ Management series (Indianapolis, Ind.), v. 4) 10 minute guide. _ Project management-Macmillan (2000).
10. Johannes W., Strategic Management in banking and controlling, Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London (2014).
11. Raquel F., A framework for the strategic management of information technology, SE-581 83 Linkö ping, Sweden Linkö ping (2006).
12. William G. Strategic Banking Manual. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), (1998).
Abstract: Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini davlat tomonidan boshqarish ham davlat tashkilotlari uchun, ham xalqaro tashkilotlar uchun, ham xususiy tashkilotlar uchun ishonchli va foydali bo‘ladi. Shu bilan birga investitsiyalar oqimiga sezilarli ta’sir qilishi mumkin. Bozor ishtirokchilarini faoliyatini tartibga soladi va ularning vijdonsizlik, firibgarlik va jinoiy tashkilotlardan himoya qiladi.
Kalit so‘zlar: resident, norezident, spekulyativ, emitent, investor, qimmatli qog‘oz, kapital, sarmoyador.
Bugungi kunda yurtimizda qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini tartibga solish muhim masalalardan biriga aylanmoqda. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori to‘g‘risidagi nizom uning barcha ishtirokchilarini qamrab oladi: emitentlar, investorlar, kasb-hunar fondlari, bozor infratuzilmasi tashkilotlari. Bozor ishtirokchilarini tartibga solish tashqi va ichki bo‘lishi mumkin. Ichki tartibga solish ushbu tashkilotning o‘z normativ hujjatlari bilan ushbu tashkilotning faoliyatining o‘z huquqiy hujjatlari, ustav, qoidalar va boshqa ichki norma hujjatlari, uning bo‘linishi va xodimlari faoliyatini belgilaydi. Tashqi tartibga solish ushbu tashkilotning davlat, boshqa tashkilotlar, xalqaro shartnomalar, xalqaro shartnomalarga bo‘ysunadi.
Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori to‘g‘risidagi nizom tartibga solish
funktsiyalarini bajarishga vakolatli organlar yoki tashkilotlar tomonidan
amalga oshiriladi. Ushbu pozitsiyalardan farqlash:
1. Vakolatli funksiyalarni amalga oshirishni o‘z ichiga olgan davlat idoralari tomonidan amalga oshiriladigan bozorni davlat tomonidan tartibga solish;
2. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori professional ishtirokchilari tomonidan tartibga solish yoki o‘z-o‘zini boshqarish;
3. Bu jarayon hozirda ikkitasida rivojlanmoqda. Bir tomondan, davlat o‘z funktsiyalarining bir qismini, bozorni qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorida professional yoki tanlangan professional tashkilotlarning vakolatli tashkilotlar tomonidan tartibga solishi mumkin.
4. Boshqa tomondan, ular o‘zlarini ular tomonidan yaratilgan tashkilot ushbu tashkilotning barcha ishtirokchilariga ma’lum bir me’yoriy huquqlarga ega bo‘lishi mumkin; . jamoatchilik fikrini davlat tomonidan tartibga solish;
5. Oxir oqibat, umuman jamiyatning kengligi qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozoridagi har qanday harakatlarga reaktsiya - bu davlat yoki bozor mutaxassislarining muayyan me'yoriy harakatlarini boshlaydigan ildiz sababidir;
6. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini tartibga solish quyidagi maqsadlarga ega;
7. Bozorda buyurtma berish, barcha bozor ishtirokchilari uchun normal sharoitlar yaratish;
8. Bozor ishtirokchilarini vijdonsizlik va firibgarlikdan himoya qilish, jinoiy tashkilotlardan;
9. Ta’minot va takliflarga asoslangan qimmatli qog‘ozlar bo‘yicha qimmatbaho narxlarni ta'minlash jarayonini ta'minlash;
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10. Har doim tadbirkorlikni rag‘batlantirish va har bir xavf etarli darajada taqdirlanadigan samarali bozorni yaratish.
Jamiyat rivojlanishining ushbu bosqichida inson faoliyati
tartibga solinishi kerak, bu qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori emas. “Qimmatli
qog‘ozlar bozori to‘g‘risida” gi qonun davlat idoralari va qimmatli qog‘ozlar
bozorida faoliyat yuritayotgan maxsus tashkilotlar tomonidan faoliyatni
tartibga solishni ko‘zda tutadi. Avvaliga, qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini
tartibga solish tizimi - normativ bozor infratuzilmasi deb ataladigan
infratuzilmani o‘z ichiga oladi: davlatni tartibga soluvchi organlar;
o‘z-o‘zini tartibga soluvchi tashkilotlar; xususiyliklar bozorining
qonun normalari; bozorning etik, urf-odatlari; qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori
to‘g‘risidagi nizom bu barcha ishtirokchilar va ular o‘rtasidagi ushbu
harakatlar uchun kompaniya tomonidan vakolatli tashkilotlar tomonidan
faoliyatni tartibga solish. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini tartibga solish barcha
turdagi faoliyat va ular bo‘yicha barcha turdagi faoliyat turlarini qamrab
oladi, ularda tartibga solish funktsiyalarini bajarish uchun vakolatli organlar
yoki tashkilotlar tomonidan amalga oshiriladi.
Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini tartibga solishning aniq maqsadlari har doim hozirgi iqtisodiy va byudjet siyosati, iqtisodiy o‘sish holati va boshqa bir qator omillar bilan belgilanadi. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini tartibga solish jarayoni quyidagilarni o‘z ichiga oladi:
1. Bozorning normativ doirasini yaratish;
2. Kasbiy bozor ishtirokchilarini tanlash;
3. Barcha bozor ishtirokchilariga bozor faoliyatining normalari va qoidalarining bajarilishini nazorat qilish;
4. Normalar va qoidalarni bekor qilish uchun sanktsiyalar tizimi.
Ø emitent va investor o‘rtasidagi munosabatlarni bir tomondan, bir tomondan, professional bozor ishtirokchilari ishtirokidagi munosabatlarni tartibga solishda yondashuvlarni ajratish;
Ø bu birinchi navbatda tartibga solishni talab qiladigan qimmatli qog‘ozlarni ajratish;
Ø bozor ishtirokchilari o‘rtasidagi raqobatni ta'minlash;
Ø qoidalar tuzish;
Ø O‘zbekiston tizimini tartibga solishning uzluksizligini va jahon bozor tajribasini hisobga olishning uzluksizligini ta'minlash.
Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorining xususiyati shundaki, uning huquqi to‘g‘risidagi qadriyatlari davlat va huquqni muhofaza qilish tizimi tomonidan nazarda tutilgan me'yoriy-huquqiy bazani ajratishda mavjud emas. Shunday qilib, davlat milliy manfaatlarni ta'minlash uchun ular duch keladigan vazifalarga muvofiq doimiy ravishda o‘zgartiriladigan tizimni shakllantirish funktsiyasini bajaradi. Davlat bozorni tartibga solish tizimini yaratadi va uning faoliyatini ta'minlaydi. Davlatning tizimni shakllantirish funktsiyasining asosiy elementlaridan biri sifatida huquqni muhofaza qilish tizimining rivojlanishi davlat siyosatining ustuvor yo‘nalishi bo‘ladi. Davlat qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorida eng yirik qarz oluvchi sifatida ishtirok etadi va uning miqdoriy va sifatli xususiyatlariga bevosita ta'sir qiladi. Davlat qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorida bir qator muhim funktsiyalarni amalga oshiradi, ular orasida quyidagi asosiy:
1. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini rivojlantirish, ushbu dasturning bajarilishini kuzatish va tartibga solish bo‘yicha dastur va strategiyani ishlab chiqish, strategiyani amalga oshirish uchun qonun hujjatlarini ishlab chiqish;
2. Turli standartlarni o‘rnatish, bozor jarayonidagi ishtirokchilarga qo‘yiladigan talablarni belgilash;
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Xavfsizlik buyruqlarining bajarilishini nazorat qilish,
bozorning moliyaviy xavfsizligi va barqarorligini nazorat qilish;
4. Bozor holati to‘g‘risida istisno investorlarning barchasini xabardor qilish;
5. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorida davlat sug‘urta tizimlarini shakllantirish;
6. Davlat qimmatli qog‘ozlariga haddan tashqari investitsiyalarni boshqarish va oldini olish;
Bugungi kunga qadar qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini davlat tomonidan tartibga solishning ikkita modeli ma'lum, chunki davlat bozorda normativ jarayonga faol ravishda nazorat qilinadi va tartibga solish jarayoniga faol ravishda nazorat qiladi va faqat kichik bir qism o‘zini tartibga solish tashkilotlariga etkaziladi. Ikkinchi model birinchi birinchi navbatda - tartibga solishdagi davlatning roli minimal va asosiy nisbatlar bozor ishtirokchilariga tegishli. Dunyoning aksariyat mamlakatlarida davlat ushbu ikki ekstremal model o‘rtasidagi yo‘l bo‘ylab ketmoqda. Ushbu sohadagi asosiy muammolar bu tartibga solish haqiqati emas, balki aniq usullar va uni amalga oshirish kerak bo‘lgan shakllarda. Bundan tashqari, bizning davlatimiz asosiy aktsiyador ekanligini hisobga olib, qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini ijtimoiy (mustaqil) monitoring mexanizmi bo‘lishi kerak. Xulosa. O‘zbekistonning qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori yangi hodisa emas, garchi sezilarli tafovut mamlakatni yangi sharoitlarga kiritdi va ushbu vaziyatda o‘tgan tajribadan foydalanish sezilarli darajada murakkablashtirildi. Ammo izlanishlar shuni ko‘rsatadiki, davlat organlari qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini tartibga solishda muhim "raqamlar" bo‘lgan va shuning uchun men ushbu modeldan zamonaviy amaliyotning ketishini samarasiz deb hisoblayman. Zamonaviy qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorining shakllanishi butun dunyo miqyosida, moliyaviy piramidalar, ammo bunday omillar tufayli aholining huquqiy savodxonligi pastligi sababli davlatning keskin o‘tishi bilan bog‘liq bozor munosabatlarining yo‘nalishlari va boshqalar juda ko‘p moliyaviy piramidalarning paydo bo‘lishiga olib keldi va ularning g‘ayritabiiy aholiga investitsiyalari shakli sifatida qimmatli qog‘ozlarga bog‘landi.
Ushbu holat quyidagi sabablarga ko‘ra ishlab chiqilgan:
Ø qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini zaif ravishda tartibga solish (normativ-huquqiy baza, korruptsiya darajasi yuqori darajada, qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorida qoidabuzarliklarning zaifligi, qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorini rivojlantirishning zaifligi, davlat siyosatining asosiy qo‘llanmasi sifatida ushbu sohada siyosiy beqarorlik);
Ø bozorning beqarorligini keltirib chiqarishni talab qiladigan bozorning yopilishi;
Ø ularning aksariyati bo‘lgan bozorda ko‘plab norezidentlar strategik emas, balki bozorda spekulyativ ishtirokchilar.
Ushbu muammolar, birinchi navbatda, bugungi kunda hukumatning qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozoriga bo‘lgan ishonchini tiklashga, eng muhimi, qimmatli qog‘ozlarga moliyaviy mablag‘larni jalb qilish uchun ishonchli sharoitlarni yaratishga imkon beradi. Bu qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozorida huquqbuzarliklar uchun javobgarlik uchun javobgarlikni kuchaytirish, shuningdek, boshqa imtiyozlar va boshqa imtiyozlarni belgilash orqali amalga oshirilishi mumkin. Agar davlat idoralari mamlakatda chinakam kuchga aylanmasa, mamlakatimiz hayotning barcha sohalarida yanada rivojlanishiga umid qilishi mumkin. Shunday bo‘lsa-da, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi katta salohiyatga ega mamlakat va u dunyodagi o‘rnini egallashi kerak.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxati
1. Ostaxov M. Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori va uning ishtirokchilari. - M., 2006 yil.
2. “Rossiya fond bozoriga kirish” // UCH. POS. Ed. Zolotarev V.S., Kuznetsov N.G., Kravtova N.I. va boshqalar, Rostov-On, 2005 bilan. 5-7.
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
3. ISHININ SHB "Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori: tahlil, xorijiy tajriba," Voronej, 2006 bilan. 13-15.
Nikiforova V.D., Astrayskaya V.Yu. Davlat va munitsipal qimmatli
qog‘ozlar. - SPB .: Butrus, 2008.
5. "Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori" // uchi. POS. Ed. Kollikov
V.I., Torkanovskiy V.S., Baklanov S.A., Sankt-Peterburg, 2007 80-97
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
27-school teacher of Russian language in Denov district, Surkhandarya region
Abstract: in this article, students are also introduced to the lessons of the Russian language with creativity, methods of formation of creative abilities, a map of the creative lesson.
Kalit so‘zlar: creativity, creativity, creative ability, Modern School, motivation, intellectual exercise, reflection.
One of the efforts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in reforming the educational sphere-it requires the pedagogical personnel to work in harmony with the modern requirements, to have in-depth knowledge, pedagogical skills, skills and culture to educate a comprehensively developed individual. This in itself led to the notion of "creativeness" in pedagogical science, studying the legalities of educational and educational work. Especially in general education schools, there is a social order in which the teacher develops the creativity of the staff, in this regard it is required to carry out scientific pedagogical research. Alternatively, the presence of different opinions in the scientific understanding of the issue of creativeness, the absence of a holistic conclusion is another manifestation of the relevance of the topic of our article.
As a result of wide-ranging reforms to improve the quality of general education in our country, the introduction of advanced pedagogical and information technologies into the educational process, the effectiveness of quality educational services in primary education has been increased, and opportunities for the development of social skills in students have been expanded in rapidly changing global conditions.
In the strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, tasks such as “further improvement of the system of continuous education, support and creation of conditions for realization of the creative and social potential of the younger generation” were defined. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the components and factors of the development of creativeness in primary schoolchildren, to improve didactic maintenance of creative activity.
Today, the main task of education is the development of students ' creative thinking, the development of self-awareness, the analysis and evaluation of information, self-awareness, selfaffirmation and the formation of skills and abilities of creative self-awareness.
The development of creative abilities is one way to motivate the students in the process of teaching. We live in an era of scientific and technological revolution, and in all its manifestations, life becomes more diverse and complex; it is not the usual standard actions from a person, but the mobility of thinking, the rapid orientation, the creative approach to solving big and small problems. A person with a creative mind is easier not only to change the profession, but also to conduct it with any work and achieve high work efficiency.
"All possible ways should be liked by the hot desire for knowledge and doctrine in children. If the teacher develops interest and creative approach to teaching in children, the student will burn out of
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
impatience to learn without fear of any work." I think that at school the process of forming the qualities of a creative person begins. And it is very important to properly organize this process.
the present stage, one of the main tasks of education is not only to acquire
knowledge, skills and skills of a particular system, but also to develop
creative thinking. In the era of computerization, it is necessary not only to
act on some samples from the younger generation, but also to use a creative
approach to solve various problems.
By demonstrating knowledge in themselves, students develop, seek, acquire knowledge, compare, group, classify freedom in activities. However, different preparations of children do not allow everyone to determine their hidden abilities. Didactic, role-playing games are required, in which children's mental abilities are especially developed, their creativity and imagination develop.
We live in an age of discoveries, socio-economic and political changes, therefore, every person requires to come out of the situation and act in a creative way. The development of a creative personality in children is one of the important tasks of a modern school.
The original purpose of Modern School Education focuses on the development of a person's personalitytirishga, which is directly related to the development of his creative and creative thinking. It should be said that the need for evristik creative methods arose at the beginning of the development of the methodology. He created a classification of creative teaching methods, which is an effective tool that will help the modern school teacher to carry out the educational process in accordance with the educational goals and objectives.
To date, the study of the Russian language in secondary school is generally based on traditional teaching methods, therefore there is a need for the existing methodological foundations of the learning process and modern technical trends based on the developmenttirishga of the personality of the individual.
To identify the concept of "creativeness" in psychology. The uniqueness and originality of a person is closely related to the problem of creativity. The development of human creativity as a subject of scientific research has its own characteristics: in the general concept, the concept of "creativeness" and its derivatives, such as creative abilities, potential, unique abilities and abilities, are identified. At the same time, there is a risk of avoiding the scientific foundations of the nature of creativity. As a result, it is necessary to study and analyze the structure and content of the concept of "creativeness" from a psychological and pedagogical point of view.
The interest of the student comes to hand in the educational process, creative thinking thus becomes a means of mutual understanding, which gives this effect even in the context of the previously established educational goals. In order to increase the motivation and interest of the student in the school, new forms of education should be put in place, taking into account the creative potential and enthusiasm of all the students. This can help students who are not particularly interested in the educational process, and they will be able to tell their opinion, open their potential. Like other skills, creative thinking can be developed through a practical and focused approach. It seems to some teachers that the development of the creative thinking of the student is divided into other disciplines evazi in the curriculum. In fact, students can think creatively in all subjects. Creative thinking is of particular importance in that it is developed through approaches that support research and invention rather than blindly memorizing during the course aimed at giving knowledge.
Creativeness is the ability to respond to the need for new approaches. It is meaningful to add something new to life. The new adaptation usually increases more flexibility and growth and survival opportunities. In modern science, the concept of "creativity" is interpreted as a multidimensional and multifaceted connotation. In a broad sense, this is an independent phenomenon, it is a single holistic system, operates in all spheres of human life: the creative
Interdisciplinary Conference of
Young Scholars in Social Sciences
process, the creative product is the result of the creative process and the individuality of the creative type of person.
creative lesson is represented by an information card. The information map of
the creative lesson is represented by blocks
1. Motivation. In the organizational part of the lesson when introducing complex materials in the lessons of the Russian language, get acquainted with unexpected events and lead to the process of the lesson.
2. Important part. Tirishga focus on developing creative imaginations and imaginations of students. Keep the children interestedtirib, continue the lessonstirib, focus my attention on a new topic.
3. Eliminate mental stress. In this part, creative games are used to match the subject to eliminate the fatigue of the students.
4. Puzzle. The puzzles that are related to the subject are given. In the process of doing these puzzles, students will want to solve problems, work independently.
5. Intellectual exercises. This is also done just like the bashkotan. Motivation to motivate creative activity in students Awakens.
6. Reflection. In this part, the teacher summarizes the brief results of the lesson and communicates with the students verbally, reveals his thoughts about the lesson
"If ..."method. For example, in the world, a student is invited to explain or draw a picture of what will happen if something has changed in his home or school. In it the reader: a) the power of thinking increases in the Student up to 10 times;
b) the end of the words that begin will disappear;
c) different shapes appear in the imaginary plane;
d) begins to change the place of all things.
In the performance of such tasks, students not only develop their imagination, but also better understand the structure of the real world, the relationship with everything that is in it, the foundations of various sciences. The visual style of painting restores such a state of the pupil, when understanding and understanding of the object under study is combined, its holistic, inseparable appearance appears.
In place of the conclusion, it can be said that the presence of creative interests of schoolchildren contributes to the improvement of their activity in the lessons, the quality of knowledge, the formation of positive causes of Education, an active life position, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process. All of the above will lead to the need for the formation and development of students ' research skills.
We must contribute to the formation of children's creative abilities, their worldview and beliefs in the lessons of the Russian language, that is, to the upbringing of a highly moral person. The main purpose of this education can be achieved only when interest in knowledge arises in the process of Education. Shular through the reader can be the main subject of activity.
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