Qosimova Shaxnoza Isoqjonovna - Uzbekistan. Turakurgan, school № 3
Foreign language teaching technologies are in constant development. Information civilization dictates new standards, any new knowledge becomes outdated quickly. New approaches to learning are necessary for the formation of a successful language personality. As G.L. Saltovskaya noted in her article "Theoretical basis of new technologies of foreign language teaching", the main goal of modern linguistic didactics is the formation of a new type of linguistic personality. This is a person who is able and ready to carry out intercultural communication in different forms of speech-producing and socio-cultural activities in the conditions of active social interaction with representatives of other cultures [4, p. 195].
For the formation of a new type of linguistic personality, the teacher must organize the training in such way that students are aimed at an independent search for knowledge, a continuous desire to find and comprehend new things, to discover new elements in old ones, reveal and uncover implicit information, catch variety of the foreign language taught.
In addition, the ability of students to interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other during the training sessions is extremely important. It can be realized through pair and group work, through any kind of interpersonal interaction. The learning process is not just a dialogue between the teacher and the student, but a complex, systematic work that is so necessary for a person who enters into life in the modern world, who needs competitive people who are able to solve diverse problems. It is in this regard that the use of interactive methods is not just useful, but necessary in all ways.
In their article "Interactive technologies of training" K.E. Kazaryants and E. Kocharov emphasize that interactive learning is, first of all, a dialogue learning, the input of which is the interaction not only between the teacher and the student, but also among the students themselves. There are a number of features of interactive learning technologies that allow you to use them effectively in the foreign language learning process: the organization of the process of acquiring new experience and sharing existing; the possibility of maximum use of personal experience of each student; the use of social simulation (role-play) [1, pp. 153-154].
V.O. Nikishina in her article "Interactive methods of teaching a foreign language" notes that at any stage of foreign language teaching, it is equally important to master the system of language and speech norms of the language being studied, as well as to develop their ability to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to transmit relevant information, express thoughts in various speech situations.
The interactive nature of learning allows students to interact with each other, to involve a teacher in this process, who is to act as an organizer of the learning process. This strategy is called "student-centered approach", the correct application of which makes it possible to achieve the assimilation of educational material by 50-90%, depending on the interactive methods used [3, p. 3].
In her article "The use of an interactive whiteboard during foreign language lessons" E.S. Krasnozhonova says about the advantages of using interactive teaching methods, namely the use of an interactive whiteboard for teaching different types of language activities. So, when teaching grammar, you can use multicolor pencils, which help to highlight the main thing and draw attention to it (for example, when differentiating verb forms, when specifying the place of the auxiliary verb, etc.). When teaching vocabulary skills, the wide possibilities are provided by the dice image tool, or by the clone function, which helps to organize the speech situation and play it during the process of learning. When teaching listening, an interactive whiteboard can be very useful for showing flash animation with spoken text [2, p. 31].
While using interactive methods in the process of teaching a foreign language, you can quickly notice their effectiveness. Thus, for example, the method of sociogram is extremely effective to memorize large amounts of information. This method is based on the process of interacting students with each other, and then, students represent all their associations (reference words, illustrations) related to a particular topic on paper. Then, using these maps, students can easily build meaningful statements on a specific topic.
The use of business games in the process of learning a foreign language significantly increases the quality of mastering the skills of oral speech. Through the use of business games, it is possible to lose the typical speech situations without leaving the classroom. For example, distributed among students handout materials and case studies can make students act out the dialogues taking place in the hotel, airport, bank, shop, etc. Students are much interested in such kind of activities because they realize that using data dialogues are really applicable in real life.
The use of another method — "two section diary" — involves students deeply in the process of reading the text. Students should fullfil a notebook, the section "passage" with words, phrases, or sentences that cause them different associations, emotions. In another section — "reactions" — students are to record their thoughts and feelings in connection with the part of the text they read during the session. Then the results of the work are discussed.
The system of lessons within each method of teaching includes the three above mentioned stages of mastering and consolidating the material: challenge, understanding, reflection [3, p. 5].
Under the conditions of the requirements of new standards of teaching foreign languages in Uzbekistan, the teaching process should move to a fundamentally new stage. New development is necessary for the formation of a new type of linguistic personality. To achieve these goals, the learning process should be organized in such way that the child becomes the subject of the educational process, the person who is ready to learn lifelong. That is why a modern English lesson should be built in a completely new way. In this regard, the use of interactive methods in the teaching process has an undeniable advantage for both students and teachers.
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