How motivate and be motivated
Gurinova Natalia Petrovna
w teachers’ professional development w become a pro w CO-technology w how to alter w teacher’s language
Each teacher comes through some stages in the making as a pro. We all know that nobody stays the same. Everybody is changing over the time. The question is how to make this development more efficient?
Here are some ideas about teachers’ professional development
Philosophical prompt
Learn from everyone but imitate nobody (Maxim Gorky)
A teacher should find himself, his own image. Each teacher is individual and unique otherwise we can’t speak about creativity. We should study masters but be ourselves.
The next idea can seem to be paradoxical but each teacher should be an actor a little. Play your own role, know the value of yourself.
Philosophical prompt
How long you will live so long you will learn. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
A teacher should become a pro in his subject. It is not so important what teacher he is – Maths, Physics or Foreign Language one. He should (may be must) know and be able more than his students. A teacher should clearly understand his mission and tasks, generally and particularly. Each contact with the students should be a brick in the building called education.
Getting knowledge together, share it and enjoy the process.
Philosophical prompt
To be a good teacher one should love what he teaches
and those whom he teaches.
(Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky )
A difficult task, isn’t it? How can it be carried out in practice? The answer is simple. You should see your students as partners. The key is a little prefix “CO” in everything you do with your students. COexistence, COlearning, COoperating, CO-solving and so on. These CO-processes will help the students make new discoveries, see the world from the other point of view. A teacher should be able to surprise and to be surprised, to understand and to be understood, to respect and to be respected. (The list can be endless!).
Philosophical prompt
Work! Work! I am happy when I work!
(Leo Tolstoy)
Every job has got a load of work. But in this sense the job of a teacher is unique. The chain of events is endless. When lessons are over teacher’s work doesn’t stop.
It is important not to lose interest in the job, not to burn out. If it happens a teacher can start doing negligent work. So where is the way out? To plan your day and allocate all the deals.
Philosophical prompt
If you can’t have the best make the best of what you have.
(A proverb)
School is a world with its own customs and traditions. It doesn’t mean that you should barely follow all of them. Make your own world due to you vision, skills and abilities. And remember that the main value of each school is its children!
Sometimes I ask myself a question why I should look for something new.
If you are a real pedagogue, sooner or later you will feel uncomfortable in your everyday routine. Crisis always comes before e new stage of professional development.
Sometimes the process of developing is depicted with the help of stairs coming up. If it is so then there is a question how high you can go up and if there is the last step.
What if we try to imagine the process of developing in the form of chain reaction? Then this process will be endless. It must be so!
Or for example, try to imagine it in the form of a pit. There is a riddle about pit. The more you take the bigger it gets. The analogy is obvious. The more you learn about teaching the more questions you have. And you try to find answers to them. The process of finding answers is the process of your developing as a teacher.
What does it mean to develop? Is it to go up, to go deep down or to broaden?
The answer is evident. TO ALTER! No, not from a short blonde to a tall brunette. You should have your own teaching style, your principles, own teaching credo. But you should position yourself differently every time. This is like one hundred courses from potato.
And very mighty weapon here will be your teaching repertoire.
Speak and I will see you (Socrates)
This quotation says very laconically that each word pronounced by a teacher bears emotional and motivating sense. What and how should a teacher say to students so that the speech could be encouraging and challenging? Camera doesn’t give clear snapshots in the fog and children’s consciousness will not save foggy impressions. That’s why it is so important to define ways, methods and conditions providing success when teacher gives comments, commands, makes introductory speeches at the lessons.
Here are some examples from my pedagogical language:
Learning situation |
Pedagogical sense |
Ways and expressions |
Giving information |
To provide definite understanding of the information given, to avoid its possible deformation and misunderstanding |
- Today we are going to make a little discovery - If you can see, see. If you can hear, hear. But the main thing try to understand. - Let’s check readiness for the lesson in… bananas (percents, numbers. Coke liters etc) - I think you will help me to make out in .. - Today we are going to look for unusual aspects in usual things….. |
Forming experience |
To acquire experience on the basis of the information in different activities. |
- Today everybody opens an account of ….important ides. - Today I will need your knowledge about… - Let’s cross the “t”s and put the dots about.. - Your knowledge and experience are getting the basis of your beliefs. Your beliefs let you make discoveries. |
Position-finding situation |
To form valuable orientations, aims and goals, motives in the terms of learning ‘ To correct position |
- Tell yourself – I will understand it TODAY - Let’s increase our educational income - Your knowledge is the basis of your future job, you life space. |
Emotional situation
To create feeling, anxiety, emotional atmosphere that are adequate to the information and subject experience of the students |
- Be yourself, don’t forget there is no other person like you on the earth. - Evaluate the beauty of the following idea… |
Drills |
To provide opportunity for individual students’ work at the lesson, for training skills and abilities basing on the material studied.
- I think you should dig deeper about the last idea - What you have said is rather important - The last idea was very successful - Send me a message about … - The solution of the problem is our powers. There is nothing stronger than human’s willpower. |
Creative situations |
To develop a situation of “uncertainty” to create the necessary prerequisites for creative option of problem solution
- Don’t imitate other, find yourself and be yourself - If you have a lemon make lemonade - Jealousness is ignorance, imitation is self-murder - Unconventional, original solutions are the sign of your individuality. |
To get information about efficiency of teaching process, accuracy of working with the students strategy and tactics. |
- Count ups not downs - Share your discoveries. This will enrich you and people beside you. |
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