В данной работе дается описание своего села. Описание подготовлено для участия в создании интерактивной карты России. О своей малой родине, о традициях, о достопримечательностях, о людях, живущих на этой земле рассказывают ребята. У каждого в сердце есть уголок Родины, о котором хочется рассказать всем.Описание своей малой родины
My village.doc
Our home village
Boundless steppes, continental climate, frosty, snowy winters, hot summer, dry
winds, enduring people… It’s our village Zolotari located in Pallasovka district,
Volgograd region. It was founded by a rich landowner Lukiyan Zolotaryov in
1807. Our village is one of the nicest places in the world. There are 12 different
nationalities in Zolotari. We live together in accord and friendship. Our people are
very hardworking and hospitable. Our school is situated in the village’s centre. It
is named after Igor Madenov, the Hero of Russia. Igor defended his family, his
friends, his Motherland. He was killed in Chechnia. Igor gave his life to save his
friends. We have a Memory Meeting devoted to Madenov Igor on February, 6 (his
birthday) and on October, 19 (his death day). We help Madenova Natalia
Alexeevna, Igor’s mother. There is the Hero’s Alley in our school garden. There is
a school museum where we collect interesting information about the history of our
village and school, traditions of Russian and Kazakh. We take care of veterans. We
are grateful for those people who paid for victory with their blood and their lives.
We often make trips to the lake Elton. It is about one hundred kilometers from our
village. “Elton” means “the Gold Lake”. Elton is a real wonder and a monument of
Nature, a geographic “pearl” of Europe. Mud, mineral water and rapa (salt) of this
lake help to treat some diseases. There is a wellknown health resort “Elton” here.
Clean and fresh air of boundless steppes creates a unique microclimate. How
beautiful steppe in spring! You can listen to sky lark’s singing and watch cranes,
breathe steppe’s air and enjoy the beauty of sunset on the lake! We like our region
with its severe climate, but unique nature. Welcome to Zolotari and Elton!
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