Pharmacology as a science

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Методическая разработка урока для медицинских колледжей и училищ на тему "Pharmacology as a science" для второго курса фармацевтических отделений
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Pharmacology as a science


Active Vocabulary:

Absorption [ab'sɔ:pfən] - поглощение, всасывание

Apply  - относиться, касаться

Aspect – вид

Be involved in – быть задействованным в чем-либо

Be responsible for something – быть ответственным за

Biochemical - биохимический

Biological effect – биологическое влияние

Hazard – ['hæzəd] риск, опасность

Hormone – ['homǝn) гормон (физиолог.)

Nursing ['nǝss)] -  уход

Offer a perspective предлагать перспективу

Outcome  - результат, последствие

Pharmaceutical – [, formǝ'sjutikl] -  Фармацевтический

Pharmaceutist [, farmǝ sju tist] - Фармацевт

Cell function – функция клетки

Cellular – клеточный

Chemical property – химическое свойство

Deal with  - иметь дело с

Discipline – дисциплина (отрасль знаний)

Dispense – [di'spens] готовить, распределять (о лекарствах)

Dissect  - анализировать

Distribution – [ distri'bju:fn] распространение, разделение

Drug action – [drag] действие лекарств

Embrace [im breis) охватывать, включать

Evoke вызывать

Excretion [ik'skrifn] - выделение

Explore – [ik'spla:] – исследовать, изучать

Pharmacologist-famə kələdzist фармаколог

Pharmacopoeia [faməkə pra] фармакопея

Pharmacy – 1) фармация, 2) аптека

Prevent – [pri vent] Избегать, предупреждать

Process-['prǝuses) процесс, состояние

Range from - классифицировать

Research [ri'sǝt) исследование, изучение

Solve решать

Therapeutic use [verǝ pjustik] терапевтическое исследование

Therapeutic value терапевтическая ценность

Treat – [trist) лечить

Treatment лечение, уход


II. Reading

Pharmacology the science of drug action on biological systems

If you are a highly motivated and curious student who is fascinated with the life sciences and enjoys problem solving-then explore pharmacology

In general terms, pharmacology is the science of drug action on biological systems. In its entirety, it embraces knowledge of the sources, chemical properties, biological effects and therapeutic uses of drugs. It is a science that is basic not only to medicine, but also to pharmacy, nursing, dentistry and veterinary medicine. Pharmacological studies range from those that determine the effects of chemical agents upon subcellular mechanisms, to those that deal with the potential hazards of pesticides and herbicides, to those that focus on the treatment and prevention of major diseases by drug therapy. Pharmacologists are also involved in molecular modeling of drugs and the use of drugs as tools to dissect aspects of cell function.

Integrating a depth of knowledge in many related scientific disciplines pharmacologists offer a unique perspective to solving drug-, hormone-, and chemical-related problems which impinge on human health. As they unlock the mysteries of drug actions, discover new therapies, and develop new medicinal products, they inevitably touch upon all our lives.

While remarkable progress has been made in developing new drugs and in understanding how they act, the challenges that remain are endless. New discoveries regarding fundamental life processes always raise new and intriguing questions that stimulate further research and evoke the need for fresh insight.


Pharmacology: its scope and subdivisions


Often confused with pharmacology, pharmacy is a separate discipline in the health sciences. It is the profession responsible for the preparation, dis pensing, and appropriate use of medication, and provides services to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes.

Pharmacology is the study of the effects of chemical agents of therapeutic value or with the potential toxicity on biological systems. It includes two closely associated areas: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Pharmacodynam ics is the study of the molecular, biochemical, and physiological effects of drugs on cellular systems and their mechanisms of action. Pharmacokinetics deals with the absorption, distribution, and excretion of drugs. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic aspects of action of chemical agents also apply to related areas of study, including toxicology and therapeutics.

The pharmacological sciences can be further subdivided into:

Behavioral pharmacology

Cardiovascular pharmacology

Biochemical and Cellular pharmacology


Clinical pharmacology

Endocrine pharmacology


Molecular pharmacology


Veterinary pharmacology


III. Chapter Review


3.1. Check your vocabulary


• Use the words below to complete sentences.


a)     Therapy

b)    Chemicals

c)     Dispensing

d)    Nursery

e)     aspects

f)      Drug



1. Pharmacology is the science of _________________ аction on biological systems.

2. Pharmacological studies deal with _______________ dentistry and veterinary medicine.

4. Drug __________ focuses on treatment and prevention of many diseases.

5. Pharmacologists try to solve problems concerning drugs, hormones and ______

6. The aim of pharmacology is preparation, _________________and the use  of different remedies.

7. Pharmacology is divided into 2 ______________  pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.


3.2. Write your vocabulary


• Write sentences using each vocabulary word below.


1)    Cell function

2)    Discipline

3)    Human health

4)    Research

5)    Pharmacy

6)    Value

7)    To provide

8)    Chemical agent

9)    To include

10)To apply




4.1. Check your knowledge.


True or False.  Define whether each statement is true or false. Correct false statements.


1.     Pharmacology is not only the science of drug action but it also studies the effects of drugs on human body systems.

2.     The work of pharmacologists is to prevent many diseases.

3.     Pharmacologists find out ways of usage drugs, hormones and chemicals.

4.     Only pharmacologists develop new medicinal products.

5.     Nowadays humans are witnesses of big drug industry.

6.     New discoveries help to find the answers for many questions concerning drugs and their usage.

7.     Pharmacy deals with usage of effective remedies.

8.     There are 2 chapters of pharmacology – pharmacodynamics and phar- macokinetics.

9.     Pharmacodynamics studies the absorption of drugs and their influence on systems.

10. One can't explore the world of pharmacology in medical establishments.



1.     Quiz

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1.     What properties of drugs does pharmacology study?

2.     Why is this science basic not only to medicine?

3.     What mechanisms become the hazardous reasons?

4.     Pharmacologists are involved in molecular modeling of drugs, aren't they?


5.     What problems impinge on human health?

6.     Do pharmacologists or therapeutists understand the mechanism of drugs influence?

7.     What is pharmacy?

8.     What is pharmacokynetics?

9.     What are the subdivisions of pharmacology?

10. Are you interested in pharmacology? Why?


2.     Completion

Write the word or words that best complete each statement.


1.     Pharmacology is closely ____________With such sciences as therapy, anatomy, physiology, psychology.

2.     This science helps to determine ___________for treatment of various diseases.

3.     The drugs are also treated as ______________to dissect aspect of cell functioning.

4.     Due to pharmacy, doctors can__________ optimal therapeutic results.

5.     The effects of drugs on ____________ systems can be different.


4.2. Check your understanding

1.     Multiple Choice


On a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the answer that best completes each statement.

1.     How can one define the term pharmacology?

a)     Health study

b)    Aspect

c)     Science

d)    Profession


2.     Pharmacology is the science of on biological systems.

a)     Drug usage

b)    Drug action

c)     Drug abuse

d)    Drug preparation


3.     Pharmacologists develop a new

a)     Perspective

b)    Drug therapy

c)     Chemical agents

d)    Medicinal products



4. Pharmacy means not only a chemist but also it can be viewed


A) a way of life

B) health

C) a discipline

D) a science


5. Pharmacology is closely connected with.

A) biology

B) chemistry

C) medicine

D) physics


6. The pharmacologists study.

A) the usage of drugs

B) the effects of chemical agents on subcellular mechanisms

C) new drugs and remedies

     D) therapeutic value of medicine


7. Pharmacodynamics deals with

A) mechanisms of drug actions

B) biochemical effects of drugs on cellular systems

C) molecular and physiological effects of drugs on cellular systems

D) manner of drug absorption


8. There are pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic action of chemical agents.

A) methods

B) ways

C) aspects

D) kinds


9. The pharmacological sciences are divided according to the

     A) principle of treatment

B) area of research

C) effects of drug

D) use of medicine


10. The study is also concerned with

A) veterinary pharmacology

B) therapeutics

C) toxicology

D) chemotherapy