План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе. Тема урока: Мы изучаем английский язык.
Оценка 4.9

План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе. Тема урока: Мы изучаем английский язык.

Оценка 4.9
План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе.    Тема урока:      Мы изучаем английский язык.
Урок 9.doc



План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе.




Тема урока:      Мы изучаем английский язык.   



Тип урока:        урок совершенствования умений и навыков устной речи.



Вид урока:        урок – конференция.



Цель урока:       развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в ходе

                                  общения с  зарубежными студентами.



Задачи урока:      1. Создать условия для формирования потребности

                                учащихся пользоваться  иностранным языком как     

                                средством коммуникации;


                               2. Способствовать формированию готовности учащихся

                                   вступать в иноязычное общение;


                               3.Развитие умения построения умозаключений, интеграции

                                  имеющихся сведений, умения аргументировать свою

                                 точку зрения.




Технологии урока:     информационно – коммуникативные технологии,

                                       технология дискуссии на основе обмена мнениями.






Оборудование:          высказывания великих людей о важности владения

                                     иностранными языками, портрет Эммы Ватсон.






Предварительная подготовка к уроку


         До проведения конференции учитель вместе с учениками


разрабатывают план проведения конференции, определяют то, о чем ученики


хотели бы рассказать своим зарубежным гостям и о чем хотели бы их


расспросить; совместно с учениками готовит вопросы для дискуссионного





Ход урока.


        I.Greetings. Pupils greet and get acquainted with the students from Holland


and  Germany.



        II. Teacher: We’re happy to meet our foreign guests here in our school. I’m


really glad that my students have got a chance to speak English to you. The


 English language makes the world understandable and makes it possible to know


each other better. Let’s enjoy speaking English and try to find out  why English has


become the global language and what  you think about the best way to learn it.


        III. So, let’s start. Everyone who learns English faces a lot of difficulties.


Let’s get warmed up. Use the words in the box to answer the questions.


consonant  culture  functional language  grammar  intonation  pronunciation situational language  spelling  stress  vocabulary  vowel



1.     A foreigner asks for ‘fire’ instead of ‘a light’ for a cigarette. What kind of


     mistake is he making?


2.     A foreigner is asked ‘How long are you here for?’ She replies ‘Since April’.


          (the correct reply would be ‘Till November’). What kind of mistake is this?


3.     A foreigner tries to buy paper and is given pepper. What is the problem




4.     The verb record is pronounced differently from the noun record. Do you


      know what the main difference is?


5.     These two sentences don’t sound the same if you hear them. What makes the 



                          That’s Mrs Lewis.


                           That’s Mrs Lewis?


6.     If you don’t know whether to write necesary, necessary, neccesary or


      neccessary, you have a problem with what?


7.     A foreigner is asked ‘How are you?’ and replies with a long description of 


     her health problems. She needs to learn more about – what?


8.     A foreigner knows a lot of grammar and vocabulary, but doesn’t know how


     to apologise, complain, interrupt politely, give warnings or change the


     subject. What does she need lessons in?



IV.Pupil I. We know English is widely spread all over the world but I’ve learnt


 recently  the British are very bad at learning foreign languages. According to a


recent survey, only one person in ten can communicate in a language other than


 English. What are the reasons for that?


       Pupil II. One reason is that English has become a ‘world’ language. A lot


of people on our planet speak English. So the British can travel to other


countries and speak to people without having to learn another language.


Another reason is that a  foreign language is no longer a compulsory


examination at British schools. As you probably know, British children start


learning a foreign language( usually French or Spanish) at the age of eleven,


when they move from primary to secondary school. When they are 14, they


 have to choose which subjects they will study for their GCSE exams, which


 they take  when they are 16. As a result, the number of teens who study a


foreign language after the age of 14 has fallen dramatically. Most British


teenagers say that learning languages isn’t important. They think that they will


 never need to speak a foreign language, and that all foreigners speak English 




     Pupil III. I think if young people don’t study a foreign language, they’ll


 never understand much about other countries or other cultures. Learning 


foreign languages can be very interesting and there are a lot of practical


advantages. For example, when you visit a foreign country you are isolated


if you don’t know the language. Some people think that it’s enough to be


able to order a cup of coffee or a glass of mineral water. But there are many


 situations when you need to explain something important. Imagine that you are


ill and you need a doctor, or maybe you’ve lost your passport or money. If you


don’t know the language you cannot explain anything.



     Pupil IV. I know that learning foreign languages in Britain is really a


problem. I’m sure our guests have also seen the films about Harry Porter and


know the name of Emma Watson, the actress who played Hermione Granger in


the Harry Porter films. She is a very clever young girl and is very good at


learning foreign languages. She speaks German, French and Italian, but she had


to go abroad to learn them.


V.               Pupil V.  It’s great that we don’t need to go abroad to learn English.  


We can do it here in Saint Petersburg. But I think it’s high time to ask our


 guests about the way they learn it. We would like you to answer our questions,





        Pupils’ questions:


1. What do you think is the most important thing to learn in English?


2. Can you think of something in English that is not important to learn?


3 .How important is it to speak correctly?


4. What is the most interesting aspect of English, for you?


5. What is the most boring aspect of English, for you?


6. What do you think is the best way to learn pronunciation?


7. What do you think is the best way to learn grammar?


8.     What do you think is the best way to learn vocabulary?


      9. Can you think of one thing in English that you dislike (for example a word, a


         sound or a grammatical rule), and one that you like?


10. Do you think your language is easy or difficult for foreigners to learn?





VI.            Teacher.Time passes so quickly. I've got two more questions for our



1.     What is the most important job of a language teacher?


2.     Would you like to be a language teacher? 


Maybe our guests have some questions to the pupils (the students from


Holland and Germany ask their questions).



VII.        Sum up. The pupils thank the students for the discussion and make a 


                   conclusion – English is necessary to learn for many reasons.







































План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе

План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе

Предварительная подготовка к уроку

Предварительная подготовка к уроку

A foreigner tries to buy paper and is given pepper

A foreigner tries to buy paper and is given pepper

Another reason is that a foreign language is no longer a compulsory examination at

Another reason is that a foreign language is no longer a compulsory examination at

Harry Porter films. She is a very clever young girl and is very good at learning foreign languages

Harry Porter films. She is a very clever young girl and is very good at learning foreign languages

What is the most important job of a language teacher? 2

What is the most important job of a language teacher? 2

План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе. Тема урока: Мы изучаем английский язык.

План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе.    Тема урока:      Мы изучаем английский язык.
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