Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №4 города Ялуторовска
урока английского языка
по теме «Мы за спорт»
(10 класс, УМК “New Millennium English”, авторы: О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая)
Учитель Павленко В.А.
Основная цель урока - обучение учащихся различным формам общения на иностранном языке
Цели: 1. Предъявление новой лексики по теме «Различные виды спорта».
2. Развитие умения воспринимать незнакомую лексику через контекст.
3. Развитие умения аудирования с пониманием основного содержания
услышанного и с извлечением необходимой информации.
4. Развитие умений и навыков говорения.
Основные задачи:
• выработка добросовестного отношения и интереса к учению;
• развитие познавательной активности гармоничной личности и культуры поведения;
• приобщение к спорту, здоровому образу жизни.
• развитие навыков взаимопонимания, умения работать в сотрудничестве
• выработка готовности к самостоятельной деятельности и решению проблем.
• развитие мышления, памяти, внимания, логики.
• усвоение определенных алгоритмов получения, переработки знаний и механизмов контроля и оценивания собственной деятельности;
• развитие умений сопоставления, обобщения объектов по их признакам;
• развитие образного мышления и выразительной речи;
• развитие активности и внимательности.
• готовность к самостоятельной деятельности и решению проблем.
• формирование комплексных умений, связанных с переработкой информации и с использованием имеющихся знаний в учебной и реальной деятельности,
• формирование умений и навыков по восприятию незнакомой лексики, аудированию и говорению
Материалы урока:
1. УМК «Английский язык нового тысячелетия» (О.Л. Гроза и др.) – учебник для 10 класса общеобразовательной школы, аудиодиск с записью материала для аудирования
2. демонстрационный раздаточный материал к уроку:
• карточки со словами, обозначающими виды спорта (diving, athletics, water polo, ski-jumping, gymnastics, wrestling, canoeing, swimming, high jump, weight-lifting, yachting, mountaineering) и карточки с их транскрипцией
• карточки со словарными словами урока (to acquire, to decrease, to allow, to overcome, to improve, to increase, fitness, weight, outlook)
• карточки со словами для выполнения лексического упражнения (acquire, allows, decrease, fitness, improves, increases, outlook, overcome, weight)
3. раздаточный материал для проверки умения аудирования
Формы работы на уроке: парная, фронтальная, индивидуальная, работа в мини-группах
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент и приветствие. (1 мин)
2. Разминка. (4 мин)
Цель задания – введение в тему урока, настрой на работу
Вид задания – ответы на вопросы
Форма проведения – парная работа, фронтальный опрос.
3. Фонетическая разминка. (4 мин)
Цель задания – отработка правильного произношения, повторение фонетических знаков
Вид задания – matching (установление соответствия),
Форма проведения – индивидуальная, повторение за учителем
4. Работа с лексическим материалом (15 мин)
Предъявление новой лексики по теме «спорт» через контекст, её отработка и первичное закрепление. Выполнение лексических упражнений в учебнике и с использованием наглядного демонстративного материала. Первичное выведение лексики в речь.
Цель задания – развитие умения воспринимать незнакомую лексику через контекст
Вид задания – самостоятельное изучение материала и выполнение предложенных упражнений, обсуждение итогов выполненной работы, самопроверка
Форма проведения – индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная
5. Работа с аудиоматериалом. (20 мин)
дотекстовый этап (5 мин)
Цель задания – введение в тематику, развитие навыков вероятностного прогнозирования, снятие объективных трудностей перед прослушиванием, установка на прослушивание.
Вид задания – задание на вероятностное прогнозирование, дискуссия
Форма проведения – индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная
этап прослушивания текста (7 мин)
Цель задания – развитие умения аудирования с пониманием основного содержания услышанного и с извлечением необходимой информации, контроль сформированности умений извлечения необходимой информации из текста.
Вид задания – multiply matching (установление множественных соответствий), заполнение таблицы
Форма проведения – индивидуальная
послетекстовый этап (8 мин)
Цель задания – развитие умений и навыков говорения, активация лексического материала в речи
Вид задания – обсуждение выполненной работы, самопроверка, обмен мнениями о роли спорта в жизни людей.
Форма проведения – парная, фронтальная, работа в мини-группах
6. Объяснение домашнего задания. Завершение урока. (1мин)
Конспект урока.
I. Introduction.
T: Good morning, boys.
Ps: Good morning.
T: How are you?
Ps: Fine, thanks and what about you?
T: Just fine. I’m glad to see you.
Ps: So are we.
T: Sit down, please. Today we are going to speak about sport and discuss the role of sport in the life of people.
II. Warning-up. (Ex. 1, p. 88.)
T: Look at the pictures on p. 88 and discuss the following questions in pairs, please:
1. What do these pictures have in common?
2. What is the man's purpose?
3. What is the monkey's purpose?
4. Which one is a sport and why?
Учащиеся рассматривают фотографии с изображением человека и обезьяны, которые карабкаются вверх, и обсуждают в парах возможные варианты ответов
T: Ok, so what do these pictures have in common?
P1: Both pictures show how somebody is climbing something. Both the monkey and the man are doing some physical exercises.
T: Do they have the same purpose?
P2: No, the purpose of the man is to have fun while the monkey just wants to get food.
T: So which of them does a sport and how can you explain it?
P3: The man does, because he does this activity just for pleasure, not because he has to do it.
T: How can you define “sport”?
P4: To my mind, sport is an activity needing physical effort and skill and usually undertaken for pleasure or fun.
III. Phonetic activities. (Ex. 2(A), p. 88.)
T: Now let’s revise the names of sports. Look at the transcription of some kinds of sport. Can you guess what they are? Match the words with their transcription.
На доске расположены карточки – транскрипция слов, обозначающих виды спорта, учащимся раздаются карточки с названиями этих видов спорта, и они соединяют их в пары.
T: Let’s read the words together:
diving water polo ski-jumping gymnastics
wrestling canoeing swimming high jump
weight-lifting athletics mountaineering yachting
Учащиеся повторяют слова за учителем, отрабатывая произношение
IV. Lexical activities.
T: Can you name different kinds of sport? Look at Ex. 2(A), p. 88. From the list below choose the name of the sports in the picture. Do it in pairs, please.
Учащиеся в парах сопоставляют картинки с названиями видов спорта.
T: Ready? Now let’s check your answers. What is number 1?
Ps: Downhill skiing.
Учащиеся отвечают с места. Проверяются все 6 номеров. (2 = diving; 3 = yachting;4 = canoeing; 5 = weight lifting; 6 = mountaineering)
T: Now let’s revise what we do with sport. Look at Ex. 2(B), p. 88. The differences between the collocations are very important for comprehension and active use. Study the rules individually. If it’s necessary, we’ll discuss them.
Учащиеся самостоятельно изучают материал в учебнике:
a) to play a sport (when we speak about games in which one tries to win against another person or team).
b) to do a sport (when we speak about a sport that is not a team sport).
c) to be into a sport (informal) (when we speak about being interested or absorbed in sport).
d) to go V-ing (is used when we speak about sport activity which is not done professionally).
e) to V (is used when we speak about sport, which is done professionally / competitively.)
Some sport verbs are used only without play / do / go
T: Ok, let’s see how well you understand the material. Look at Ex. 2(C), p. 89. and choose the most suitable expressions from the ones in brackets. Do this activity individually and then check your answers in pairs, please.
Учащиеся самостоятельно выполняют упражнение в учебнике, после чего сверяют ответы друг с другом:
T: Any problems with this work? Let’s read the sentences as they should be. If you don’t agree, give your own variant.
Учащиеся с места читают предложения
P1: a) I (swim /go swimming / do swimming) once a week.
P2: b) In Russia a lot of children (play /do / go) hockey.
P3: c) Не is a professional. Не (goes skiing / skies / does skiing) four hours a day.
P4: d) I want to be fit. That is why I (go / do / play) aerobics in our fitness club.
P5: e) Jack is really (into/ playing/doing) football. He plays himself and has a good, collection of football stars photos.
P6: f) In her teens my mother (swam /went swimming /did swimming) and her best result was bronze in a national championship.
T: Ok, I see everything is clear and we’re coming to a more difficult assignment. Look at the words which are connected with the role of sport in the life of people. Which of them are familiar to you?
На доске расположены карточки со словарными словами урока.
Ps: to allow, to overcome, to improve, to increase, fitness, weight
T: If you know the verb “to increase”, it won’t be a problem to guess the meaning of its opposite one – “to decrease”. So you’ve got only two new words – the verb “to acquire” and the noun “outlook”. The exercise 2(D), p. 89 will help you to cope with this problem. In pairs match the sentences in A and the definitions in В which correspond to the words in bold and try to paraphrase these sentences.
A |
В |
1) Many parents do not allow their children to do dangerous sports 2) The number of football fans has increased dramatically in the last two years 3) A serious sportsman, he is proud of his level of fitness 4) Tennis has helped me to acquire quick reaction 5) As a result of doing downhill skiing I overcame my fear of high speed 6) The usual weight of a baby at birth is just about three kilograms 7) The weather is horrible! I only hope it improves by Saturday and we'll go yachting 8) He's got a very positive outlook on life and the world 9) In the last two years the percentage of those who are not into sports has decreased from 53 to 41 |
a) gain, to come to possess b) make better c) your general attitude to life d) make or become larger e) how heavy something or somebody is f) make or become less g) let somebody do something h) state of being healthy and strong i) fight successfully against something |
Учащиеся в парах выполняют задание
T: Ready? Let’s listen to your ideas.
P1: Many parents do not let their children do dangerous sports
P2: The number of football fans has become larger in the last two years
P3: A serious sportsman, he is proud of his level of health and strength
P4: Tennis has helped me to gain quick reaction
P5: As a result of doing downhill skiing I fought successfully against my fear of high speed
P6: Three kilograms shows how heavy a baby at birth is.
P7: The weather is horrible! I only hope it becomes better by Saturday and we'll go yachting
P8: He's got a very positive attitude to life on life and the world
P9: In the last two years the percentage of those who are not into sports has become less from 53 to 41
T: Very good. Now let’s see how these words can help us describe the role of sport in our life.
Look at the sentences at the blackboard and fill in the gaps.
На доске написаны предложения. Учащимся раздаются карточки со словами, которые они помещают в пропуски. Когда работа выполнена, каждый зачитывает своё предложение классу.
1. Sport …allows…… a person to make friends with a number of people.
2. Sport helps people to …overcome… their fears.
3. Sport …decreases… our weight.
4. Sport helps people to …acquire… self-confidence.
5. Sport …improves… our outlook.
6. Sport is a good way to lose …weight …
7. Sport …increases… fitness.
8. People who are into sport have got a positive …outlook… on life.
9. Sport gives people an opportunity to be proud of their level of …fitness…
T: Thank you. How else can you use these words?
P1: Sport teaches people to overcome difficulties.
P2: Sport allows people to become healthy and strong.
P3: Sport improves our agility.
P4: Sport increases our endurance.
P5: Sport allows people to acquire a very positive outlook on life and the world.
T: Good of you. Now we’re going to listen to the opinion of different people.
V. Listening.
1. Pre-listening activity.
T: Before listening look through the list of people in the chart in Ex. 3(A), p. 89. Do you think their attitude to sports is positive, negative or both? Look through the statements in Ex. 3(D), p. 90. They can help you to make your choice. Who do you think these ideas may belong to? Tick the right box in the chart and compare your ideas with your neighbor.
Sportsmen |
positive |
negative |
1) Fred, an amateur cyclist |
2) Jack, a disabled basketball player |
3) Tanya, an ex-downhill skier |
4) Frank, a disabled mountain biker |
5) Ivan Yarygin, Olympic Champion on freestyle wrestling |
a) Sport allows you to make friends with a number of people.
b) Sport increases fitness.
c) Sport decreases your weight.
d) Sport improves your outlook.
e) Sport gives an increased sense of individuality.
f) It gives you real pleasure.
g) Sport gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence.
h) Sport can be unfair.
i) You learn a lot about life.
j) It helps you to overcome difficulties.
Учащиеся в парах обсуждают свои идеи. Затем учитель проверяет результаты обсуждений
T: Ok... What do you think about Fred?
P1: We both think Fred has got a positive attitude to sports because amateur sport is fun and pleasure,
it increases fitness, improves outlook.
T: Does anybody agree with the boys? Is there anything to add?
Ps: Yes we agree.
P2: We can also say that cycling is a good way to travel and see the world. So it allows to make
friends with a number of people and learn a lot about life.
T: Thanks. What are your ideas about Jack?
P3: I think Jack is for sport because sport allows disabled people to increase fitness and to overcome difficulties - their disability but my friend is not sure that it’s possible.
T: Any other ideas?
P4: He can have a negative attitude to sports because he can’t afford to do it as healthy people do. So Jack may think that sport can be unfair.
P5: I don’t think it’s true. He plays basketball so he can do it! Moreover, it’s a chance to acquire self-confidence.
T: Thanks for your suggestions while listening we’ll see who was right. What about Tanya?
P6: We both think Tanya has got a positive attitude. Downhill skiing is an extreme sport and it teaches people to overcome their fears, helps to acquire quick reaction and improves agility. It also gives an increased sense of individuality.
T: Sounds interesting. What can you say about Frank?
P7: He can have the same ideas as Jack because they are both disabled sportsmen.
T: Ok, and at last – Ivan.
P8: Ivan is an Olympic Champion so sport is everything for him, it has made him famous. We are sure it allows him to make friends with a number of people, learn a lot about life. He likes it a lot.
2. While-Listening.
T: Ok, let’s listen to these five people and check your guesses. We’re going to listen to the text twice. When you listen the first time, don’t panic. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, so just try to get the general idea, listen for key words and phrases. While listening make notes in the textbook. If you miss some information write a question mark to remind you to listen to especially carefully the second time. After the second listening complete the table I’m giving out. Don’t forget to put down your surname on the paper. The first column is for the name of the speaker. The second column is for the ideas these people express. Just put the letter of the proper statement in the correct box. Similar statements can be made by more than one speaker.
Учащиеся слушают запись и заполняют таблицу на листочках, которые раздаёт учитель:
Class_____ Pupil ________________
Sportsmen |
ideas |
1) Fred, an amateur cyclist |
2) Jack, a disabled basketball player |
3) Tanya, an ex-downhill skier |
4) Frank, a disabled mountain biker |
5) Ivan Yarygin, Olympic Champion on freestyle wrestling |
1) Fred Tomasino, an amateur cyclist.
Racking has allowed me to meet and make friends with a number of enthusiasts of varying skill, age, and backgrounds. I have ridden in spectacularly scenic areas that I would not otherwise have explored. I've developed a deeper appreciation of our beautiful planet. My fitness has increased, my weight has decreased. Racing has me an increased sense of individuality.
2) Jack, a handicapped basketball player.
Basketball has made me forget about my problems, I'm doing what other people are doing and it gives me a great pleasure. I've got a chance to acquire self-confidence as I don't feel disabled any more. I'm looking into the future with optimism.
3) Tanya, an ex-downhill skier.
... em, for me sport means a lot ... I spent my best years in sport and I have the best memories of those times, ... and my best friends .... But, ehm ... I also remember that sport can be quite intrusive and unfair. Your coaches are not very interested in what you feel or what you are -they need results and they don't care about anything else. If you have any problems - they forget about you. And sport is real hard .... You train, and train, and train. It takes all your time, so that you have no time for the disco, or a visit to the theatre, or anything else ... though when you get used to this routine, you start liking it, it's your life and you learn a lot about life.
4) Frank Posey, a handicapped mountain biker.
I am a handicapped mountain biker. I've lost my left arm just below the elbow. I hold my handlebar with a prostheses. I took up biking to get back in shape. At first I had trouble handling my old touring bike, so I purchased a mountain bike. I soon became addicted and prefer riding to driving a car. Mountain biking has been a great experience. It's building both my arms. I've been able to overcome my difficulties. Other benefits include weight control. I don't drink alcohol any more to relax, and at 36 I feel like 20.
5) Ivan Yarygin, Olympic Champion in freestyle wrestling.
Sport has become a part of my life, to be more exact, not a part, but the main concern of my whole life. My way to the top was difficult and thorny. But I don't have any regrets. Thanks to sport my outlook on life has improved.
3. Post-listening activity.
T: Well, boys, your time is up, give in your papers and discuss in pairs how successful you were.
Учащиеся сдают листки с ответами и в парах обсуждают свой выбор.
T: Let’s sum up what you know about the attitude of these people to sports, what arguments they use and if you agree with them or not. What can you say about the first speaker?
P1: Fred’s attitude is positive because sport allows him to make friends with a number of people, increases his fitness and decreases his weight. And I absolutely agree with him.
T: Is there anything else?
P2: Yes, doing sport he travels a lot and it gives him an increased sense of individuality and helps to learn a lot about life. I think he is right.
T: Thanks for your help. Now, what about Jack?
P3: His attitude is also positive. He says that sport increases his fitness, helps him to overcome difficulties and improves his outlook. It gives him real pleasure and a chance to acquire self-confidence. I agree with it.
T: Very good. What can you say about Tanya?
P4: Her attitude is both positive and negative. On the one hand, she says that Sport allowed her to make friends with a number of people and learn a lot about life. On the other hand, she says that Sport can be unfair. She used to be a professional sportswoman so she can be right.
T: Ok, what about Frank?
P5: He likes sport because sport increases fitness and helps him to overcome difficulties. And I agree with him.
T: That’s nice. And now the last one – Ivan Yarygin.
P6: Sport has become a part of his life He’s got a positive attitude and says that sport improved his outlook. I agree with this idea.
T: Thank you. Are satisfied with for your work?
Ps: Yes, it was easy. / Yes, but I didn’t get everything. / No, they speak too fast it’s difficult to understand.
T: Do you understand your mistakes?
Ps: Yes, we do.
T: Good. I’ll check your papers and tell you the results as soon as possible. Now let’s do Ex. 3(D), p. 90. Look at the pictures. What does sport give to each of these people? Use the expressions from ex. 3(C), p. 90. For example: Sport allows even disabled people to make friends with a number of people or sport increases fitness of old people. Work in a group of 4, please.
Учащиеся обсуждают картинки в малых группах.
T: Ok, boys, our time is up. Your homework for the next lesson is Ex.6, p. 91. You can choose the task you like better.
· Produce a leaflet "Sport in our city / town". Write about the attitude of the citizens to sport and about the kinds of sport most popular in your city / town.
· Write a paragraph "Why is it good / bad to do sports?"
· Write a paragraph beginning like this "For me sport is ...".
· Write about your personal experience in sport. What sports have you done? Are you doing any sport now? Has it changed you or your life? How?
Our lesson is over and good bye!
Ps: Good bye!
Описание проверочных работ учащихся по теме урока.
В ходе урока проводились задания по текущему контролю.
Объект контроля — аудирование с извлечением запрашиваемой информации.
Вид задания — multiply matching (установление множественных соответствий)
Форма проведения — индивидуальная
Во время прослушивания текста учащиеся заполняют таблицу, в которой первый столбик содержит вопрос на понимание основного содержания услышанного, а второй – задание на извлечение необходимой информации:
Class_____ Pupil ________________
Sportsmen |
ideas |
1) Fred, an amateur cyclist |
2) Jack, a disabled basketball player |
3) Tanya, an ex-downhill skier |
4) Frank, a disabled mountain biker |
5) Ivan Yarygin, Olympic Champion on freestyle wrestling |
Sportsmen |
ideas |
1) Fred, an amateur cyclist |
a), b), c), e), i) |
2) Jack, a disabled basketball player |
b),d) , f), g), j) |
3) Tanya, an ex-downhill skier |
a), h), i) |
4) Frank, a disabled mountain biker |
b), j) |
5) Ivan Yarygin, Olympic Champion on freestyle wrestling |
d) |
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