Данный план урока по английскому языку на тему "Our world" для 1 класса. Наш мир это наше достояние. Мы должны оберегать и сохранять нашу природу. Это и является неотемлемой часть нашего воспитания к детям. Дети быстро воспринимают жизнь такой какой она им кажется. Поэтому лучшее воспитание это очень необходимо.
Our world 1 grade.docx
Тексерілді: Даирбекова К.
Form: 1 Date: 11.10.16
Theme: Біздің әлем! Ұлыбритания, Ресей мен Қазақстан мектептері.
Aims: 1.
3. to understand the concept of land, air and sea means of transport.
Equipment: bus, flag of the countries.
To learn about means of transport in the UK., Russia and Kazakhstan.
To explore other subject areas.
Plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
II. Talk the theme:
Today we talk about yourself.
III. Explain the new theme:
Children, open your book.
Listen, point and repeat. (Track 41 CD1)
Look at the board and listen the video about other countries.
Great Britain Kazakhstan Russia
England Astana Moscow
IV. Training:
Let’s do training.
Work with someone you don’t know. Find as much information as possible.
What is a capital of
What is a capital of Russia?
What is a capital of Great
Introduce the person to the class.
It is …(Astana, Moscow, England)
Repeat the last words: rubber, pen, pencil, book, etc. (Numbers)
V. Generalization of the lesson:
What did we do today?
What is a capital of …?
VI. Homework: to learn new words and repeat the names of countries.
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