sad happy hungry thirsty angry late stupid big small grasious great good bad little short hot cold smile worse better feel emotion okey so so holiday high roof route rich rug strange strong dolphin dog dragon distance direct region districtliterature of word
2018Date: 17.05.2018
Form: 10
The theme: 2B. World literature
I. The aims of the Lesson:
A)Educational: to revise information about Uzbek and world literature
C)Sociocultural: to raise awareness of world literature and literary works
B)Developing: to develop pupils speaking, listening, reading and writing skills
II. The type of the lesson: formulating KAS.
III. The Method of the Lesson : grammar translation, CLT, direct method
IV. The Equipment of the Lesson : English 10, Teacher’s book, cards, pictures,
V. The Way of teaching: inductive
VI. Interaction: working in groups, pairs, individual, whole class
VII. Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about
World literature, and poems, variety of genres. Works of famous world poets
VIII. Competencies:
Linguistic competence: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about
World literature, and poems, variety of genres. Works of famous world poets
Sociolinguistic competence: to raise awareness about Uzbek literature and poems
and poets
Pragmatic competence: to enable pupils to find and use learned materials in
different situations
IX. The procedure of the lesson:
a) Organizational moment:
Map of the lesson:
Parts of the Lesson
Organizational moment
Giving new information
Giving home task
V. The Procedure of the lesson:
1.Organizational moment: greeting, duty’s information, warm up: for
warming up puils should say poems of Uzbek and word literature in English and Uzbek
Abdulhamid Chulpon
BEAUTY (Go’zal)
I look at sky at night in darks,
And ask you from the brightest
That star inclining head remarks:“I always dream of her afar.
In my dream she pretty thus
Finer than the Moon and us!”
I sight straightly to moonrise,
From the moon to ask I start.
It says: “I met in dream – so nice,
With a beauty that in white.
Wrapping up with white so pretty,
More the sun and me, such
Erkin Vohidov
Though the teapot is a proud
Be modest, simple, not to set
But it always bows to cup.
Thus why be such cocky, bold,
What for wanted hubris – sharp?
In the step of pride, no up!
So the people kiss in good,
From the forehead of the cup.
Pupils: Good morning, dear teacher!
Teacher: Good morning, dear pupils.
Pupils: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!
We are glad to see you!
Teacher: I’m glad to see you too! Sit down, please. How are you today?
Pupils: We are OK. And you?
Teacher: I am great, thank you. Are you ready for the lesson?
Pupils: Yes we are
Teacher: Ok, if you are ready, let’s know today’s day and date. Who can
say me the day?
Pupil: I can say the day. Today is Wednesday.
Teacher: Who can say me the date?
Pupil : I can say the date. Today is the 17th of May
Teacher: Who can say me the year?
Pupil : I can say the year. It’s 2018
Teacher: Thank you. Who can say the name of this year?
Pupils: We can say. 2018 year is a year of Active entrepreneurship,
innovation ideas and technology support
Teacher: I want to know who is absent today and who is on duty today?
Pupil: I am on duty today. All are present today.
Teacher: Ok. Our motto is:
Pupils: It’s never late to learn
2. Revising previous lesson:
Teacher: Thank you, dear pupils, let’s revise our previous lesson. What
was your home task for today?
Pupil: Our home task was to learn by heart poems of Uzbek and World
literature members
Teacher: Did you learn by heart?
Pupil: Yes, we did.Pupil:
I love you more than my soul, oh, my dear,
I love you more than all number, oh, my dear,
Loving anything cannot be more than that
I love you much more than that, oh, my dear.
A poor is said to be not happy in a strange land
People are said not to treat him friendly and kindly
Should there grows a red rose in the cage
Is said not to make a company like a prickle for a nightingale
Questions for cards for revising previous lesson.
How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
2. What was his wife’s name?
3. Why did Shakespeare go to London?
4. What was the name of the fi rst theatre he worked in?
5. What was he famous for?
3. Giving new information:
454. Consolidating.
Before consolidating activities class should be divided into to
Activity 1 .Read and complete the following sentences using the
appropriate form of the adjective.
Objective: to revise grammar knowledge of pupils
1A, 2C, 3C, 4A, 5B
Answer key:
Activity 2 a. Read and match the adjectives with their definitions.
Objectives: to practise writing and readingAnswer key:1e, 2f, 3g, 4d,5a, 6b, 7c
Activity 2 a. Look, listen and find the words which are fit to the
Objective: to practise listening
keys :
Read aloud the definitions of the given CROSSWORD’s words
1 F R I G H T E N I N G
2 M E M O R A B L E
S O A K I N G3 B E A U T I
4 N E R V O U S
5 E X P E N S I V E
Activity for relaxing:
(Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997))
Life is an opportunity, benefi t
from it.
Life is a beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it
Life is a promise, fulfi ll it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not
destroy it.
Life is life, fi ght for it!!!
Activity 5. Compete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use
Present Simple or Past Simple.
Objective : to practise writing by revising grammarAnswer key:
1. died
2. visit
3. did not live / moved
4. loved / become
5. are
Activity 6. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Use
Past simple or Past continuous.
The fi rst Globe Theatre __ burned __ (burn) to the ground in 1613.
Actors 1) _________________ (perform) the play Henry VII at the time.
They 2) _____________________ (use) a real cannon on the stage when
suddenly a fire 3) _____________________ (start) in the roof.
The fire 4) ___________________ (move) quickly through the wooden
building and 5) ___________________ (destroy) it completely.
A year later they 6) _________________ (open) the Glebe theatre again.
Answer keys:
1. were performing
2. were using
3. started
4. moved
5. destroyed
6. opened
5. Marking
6. Giving home task.
Activity 7,8 on page 169.