Презентация для студентов очно- заочной формы обучения медицинского колледжа по специальности "Фармация" по теме "Английский язык- язык международного значения""

  • pptx
  • 14.12.2024
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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Иностранный язык - язык международного значения

English is the Language of International Communication

План занятия:

1. Грамматический материал: Pronouns.
2. Работа с текстом «English is the Language of International Communication»:
3. Отработка речевых формул


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Именительный падеж

you – ты
he - он
she – она
it – оно,он, она (когда речь не о людях)
you - вы
they - они

Объектный падеж
Кого? Кому?

1. Grammar. Pronouns.

me – меня, мне
you – тебя, тебе
him – его, ему
her – ее, ей
it – его, ему, ее, ей
(когда речь не о людях)
us – нас, нам
you – вас, вам
them – иx, им

Притяжательный падеж (чей?)

My - мой
Your - твой
His - его
Her - ее
Its - его,ее
(когда речь не о людях)
Our - наш
Your - ваш
Their - их

Личные местоимение именительного падежа выполняют функцию подлежащего:
I (he, she, we, you, they) saw that film.
Личные местоимения в объектном падеже выполняют функцию дополнения. После предлогов личные местоимения используются только в формах объектного падежа.
He gave me an interesting book - Он дал мне интересную книгу.

Местоимение it заменяет существительные - названия несуществ, животных, а также существительное baby (младенц). Личное местоимение it в зависимости от рода соответствующего существительного переводится словами он, она, оно.
The pencil is on the table - Карандаш на столе
It is red - Он красный.

1) Заменить выделенные слова личными местоимениями:
1.The teacher________ is helping the students__________ to translate the article____________.
2. Mother___________ will send Mary to buy the tickets_____________.
3. A man__________ was kind to the boy___________.
4. My friend__________ is going to write a letter_________ to his sister_________ today.
5. This book________ is not interesting for children______________.
6. Helen__________ worked hard at history_____________.

2) Обвести необходимую форму личных местоимений:
1) I often see (they, them) in a bus.
2) She lives near (we, us).
3) (We, us) always walk to school together.
4) He teachers (we, us) English.
5) She sits near (I, me) during the lesson.
6) I always speak to (him, he) in english.
7) What is the matter with (he, him) today?
8) Не explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning
9) There are some letters for you and (I, me).
10) I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

Read and translate the text:
English is the Language of International Communication
I. Though there are almost three thousand languages in the world, English is the most universal. It is the official language in over forty countries. It is the most used language in international business, science and medicine. Approximately 400 million people speak English as a mother tongue (700 million speak Chinese, 100 million speak Russian and 100 million speak German).
The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, in the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in Canada, the South African Republic; as a second language it is used in the former British and USA colonies.
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Even in the countries where English is not the first language, a number of English words are used. Words from no other language, are borrowed more often than from English. Hundreds of word borrowed from English can now be found in other languages such as soda, hotel, golf, tennis, jeans, O.K, baseball, airport etc. Many words are used just as they are. Others are changed to make them more like in the native language, easier to say and remember.
English is everywhere. It is on signs, clothing, soft drinks and other goods around the world. In spite of the popularity of the English words and phrases, they are not always welcome. Some people think that the use of English words is dangerous for the purity of their native language. Some countries tried to eliminate English as their official language in order to save their native tongue.
Some people believe that English should be the international language. They believe that business would run more smoothly if everyone spoke the same language. Some language experts think that many languages are disappearing. In some parts of the world, only a few people are left who can speak their native language. In Ireland, for example, there are only a few areas where people speak Gaelic, the native Irish language.
Languages have changed and disappeared throughout the history. This change is inevitable. Because people have very strong feelings about the importance of their native language, we probably will not have English as a universal language in the near future. It is certain, however, that English words will continue to pop up everywhere, whether some people like it or not. It is also certain that English will be the language of business, diplomacy and international relations. Most educated people speak English fluently. Attempts to introduce an artificial international language like Esperanto have failed.

Approximately -примерно, tо bоггоw-заимствовать,
in spite of - He учитывая,
to eliminate – ликвидировать,
smoothly – гладко, плавно, ровно,
to pop up – появляться,
attempt – попытка,
artificial – искусственный,
to fail – отказываться.

Answer the questions:

1.Why do we need to learn foreign languages now?__________________________________________________

2.What are English-speaking countries?___________________________________________________________

3.What are the difficulties in learning foreign languages?______________________________________________

II. Remember the following words and word combinations. Translate them:
purity of language_________________________________________
international business_______________________________________
to be welcome _____________________________________________
throughout the history _______________________________________
to speak fluently_____________________________________________


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sagittis, velit nec convallis tincidunt, ipsum massa aliquet magna, ut sagittis nibh diam et ipsum. Fusce accumsan mollis maximus.

III. Choose the right sentences.
a. Today English is the language of the world.
b. People of only a few countries speak English
c. More then a half people of the world speak English.

a. A great number of words are borrowed from Chinese.
b. Borrowed from English words are not welcome.
c. It is certain that borrowed from English words must be
used everywhere.

a. English is the major international language only in science.
b. English will be the language not only of business, diplomacy and international relations but of literature, education and international tourism as well.
c. An artificial international language will be introduced
in our life.

IV. Compose sentences using these words.
1. necessary, person, is, every, good, to know, specialist, every, English, absolutely, for, educated, for.
2. learning, speakers, when, a, native, and, foreign, of, language, you, the, history, learn, culture, the.
3. main, efficient, as, foreign, are, information, the most, language, readed, and, means, of, exchange, information, people, the, planet, our, between.

1.Read and memorize the following words:

although – хоть, несмотря на то, что
to belong to – принадлежать
arrival - прибытие
Indo-European - индоевропейский
to include – включать, учитывать
antiquity - древний мир
Sanskrit - санскрит
to resemble - иметь сходство
a number of ways – во многом
particularly - особенно
similarity - сходство
accident - случайность
subfamily - подгруппа
to consist of - состоять из
related – родственный
relative – родственный, родственник
Dutch – голландский
extinct - вышедший из обихода
Gothic – готический II.

The History of the English Language
We may speak of English as having its beginning with the conquest and settlement of a large part of the island of Britain by the Germanic tribes from the European continent in the mid-fifth century, although the earliest written documents belong to the seventh century. Of course these people did not, upon their arrival in England, suddenly began to speak a new language. The history of English goes back much further. English is one of a family of languages called Indo-European. The languages of this family, which includes most of the modern European languages as well as such important languages of antiquity as Latin, Greek and Sanskrit, all resemble each other in a number of ways, particularly in vocabulary. One needs no training in the fine points of philology to see that the similarities between forms like the English,,father", German pater", Greek pater" and Sanskrit „pirt", all of which have the same meaning, are likely to be the result of an accident.
Within the Indo-European family of languages there are several subfamilies, consisting of languages especially closely related. English belongs to the Germanic branch of Indo-European and is a close relative of such languages as German, Dutch, the Scandinavian languages and the now extinct Gothic.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sagittis, velit nec convallis tincidunt, ipsum massa aliquet magna, ut sagittis nibh diam et ipsum. Fusce accumsan mollis maximus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sagittis, velit nec convallis tincidunt, ipsum massa aliquet magna, ut sagittis nibh diam et ipsum. Fusce accumsan mollis maximus.

II Answer the questions
1. When does English have its beginning?
2. What family does the English language belong to?
3. What languages does the Indo-European family include?
4. What languages do the subfamies of the Indo-European family consist of?
5. What branch of Indo-European does English belong to? 6. What languages is English a close relative of?

III. Complete the sentences, using the text, translate them.

1. We may speak of English as having its beginning with ....
2. The earliest written documents belong to...
3. The history of English goes back...
4. English belongs to....
5. Indo-European family of languages includes...
6. The modern European languages and such important languages of antiquity as
Latin, Greek and Sanskrit resemble each other in...
7. There are_______________________________________________________ within the Indo-European family of languages.
8. English belongs t_____________________________branch of...
9. English is a close relative of...

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