Презентация к уроку My house
Оценка 4.9

Презентация к уроку My house

Оценка 4.9
Презентации учебные +1
английский язык
7 кл
Презентация к уроку My house
Презентация к уроку My house в 7 классе , использование и тренировка оборота there is\ there are

My house

My house

My house

Утверждение There is + a ( some)+ сущ

Утверждение There is + a ( some)+ сущ

There is + a ( some)+ сущ. в ед. ч. + место
There is a sofa in the house. There is some food in the fridge.

There are + сущ. во мн. ч. + место
There are three sofas in the room.

There is/There are

There is/There are Отрицание There is + not + сущ

There is/There are Отрицание There is + not + сущ

There is/There are

There is + not + сущ. в ед. ч. + место
There isn’t a bed in the bedroom. There isn’t any electricity in the room.

There are+not+сущ. во мн. ч.+место
There aren’t any chairs in the hall.

There is/There are Вопрос/ответ

There is/There are Вопрос/ответ

There is/There are

Is there + a +сущ. в ед. ч. + место?
Is there a bed in your room? + с неисчисл.сущ.
Is there any electricity?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Are there + сущ. во мн. ч. + место?
Are there any desks in your room? +
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

There ____ a cooker in the kitchen

There ____ a cooker in the kitchen

there is or there are

1. There ____ a cooker in the kitchen.

2. There ____ n’t windows in my room.

3. There ____ some food in the fridge.

4. There ____ a living room in the house.

5. There ____ two baths in the bathroom.


Describe the picture

Describe the picture

Describe the picture

Describe the picture

Describe the picture

Describe the picture

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