Презентация на тему "Монологическое высказывание"
Оценка 5

Презентация на тему "Монологическое высказывание"

Оценка 5
Презентация на тему "Монологическое высказывание"

Монологическое высказывание

Монологическое высказывание

Монологическое высказывание

Describe the photo. Say : What does the picture show? (What is the place/the time/the weather in the picture?)

Describe the photo. Say : What does the picture show? (What is the place/the time/the weather in the picture?)

Describe the photo. Say:
What does the picture show? (What is the place/the time/the weather in the picture?)
Who/what is in the centre (in the foreground/in the background)? Describe him/her/them
What is he/she doing?
What are the person’s (people’s) feelings? Why do you think so?
Say if you like the activity presented in the picture. Explain why/why not.
What do you usually do in similar situations? (What would you do in a similar situation?)

Describe the photo. Say also : what social networking sites you know and why people usually use them; what the drawbacks of using sites are;…

Describe the photo. Say also : what social networking sites you know and why people usually use them; what the drawbacks of using sites are;…

Describe the photo. Say also:
what social networking sites you know and why people usually use them;
what the drawbacks of using sites are;
what sites you prefer using and why

You are going to give a talk about social networking sites. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also: How new electronic gadgets have changed our life; how we can use them

Describe the photo. Say also: How new electronic gadgets have changed our life; how we can use them

Describe the photo. Say also:
How new electronic gadgets have changed our life; how we can use them
What drawbacks of using modern gadgets there are
What the most useful gadget is in your opinion, and why

You are going to give a talk about electronic gadgets. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also: What the most serious environmental problems are;

Describe the photo. Say also: What the most serious environmental problems are;

Describe the photo. Say also:
What the most serious environmental problems are;
Why they are dangerous;
What you and your classmates can do to help protect the environment

You are going to give a talk about environmental problems. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also: What kind of books you enjoy, and why;

Describe the photo. Say also: What kind of books you enjoy, and why;

Describe the photo. Say also:
What kind of books you enjoy, and why;
Why you read books; how often and where you read ;
What book you have read recently, and what it was about

You are going to give a talk about books and reading. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also :

Describe the photo. Say also :

Describe the photo. Say also:
Why you use the Internet;
What sites are the most popular, why;
How often you surf the Net;
Why it is sometimes dangerous

You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also: What you do to keep fit and healthy;

Describe the photo. Say also: What you do to keep fit and healthy;

Describe the photo. Say also:
What you do to keep fit and healthy;
What kind of food are good for you;
What health problems people sometimes have;
What doctors advise to do and what else can help when you are not well

You are going to give a talk about health problems. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also: Why people sometimes fall out;

Describe the photo. Say also: Why people sometimes fall out;

Describe the photo. Say also:
Why people sometimes fall out;
Who helps you in difficult situations;
Which situations or people annoy you most, why

You are going to give a talk about people’s relations. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also:

Describe the photo. Say also:

Describe the photo. Say also:
What places of natural beauty we have in Russia;
Where they are and what is special / interesting / unusual about them;
Which of them you have visited and what you saw there;
How you can get there and where you can stay

You are going to give a talk about places of natural beauty. You will have to start in 2 minutes

You are going to give a talk about learning

You are going to give a talk about learning

You are going to give a talk about learning English. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also:
How long you have been learning English;
Why most Russian students learn English at school;
What you use English out of the classroom for.

You are going to give a talk about sport

You are going to give a talk about sport

You are going to give a talk about sport. You will have to start in 2 minutes

Describe the photo. Say also:
Why people do sports;
What sports are popular with teenagers;
Whether you do sports, why doing sports is important

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