Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)
Оценка 4.7

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)

Оценка 4.7
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)
Города Тул. обл., morozovala презент.pptx

The Towns of Tula Region «Мolochno-Dvorskaya secondary school»,

The Towns of Tula Region «Мolochno-Dvorskaya secondary school»,

The Towns of Tula Region

«Мolochno-Dvorskaya secondary school»,
Рlavsk district, Tula region, 2020

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)

Tula City Tula is situated in the central part of the

Tula City Tula is situated in the central part of the

Tula City

Tula is situated in the central part of the Russian Federation, in about 200 km from Moscow. Tula is the administrative center of Tul’skaya oblast ( Tula region). In 1146 Tula was mentioned in historical documents for the first time. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. The population of the city is about 500 thousand citizens. Total area is almost 150 square kilometers. Tula consists of 5 administrative districts: Central, Proletarskiy, Zarechenskiy, Privokzalniy and Sovetskiy.
The central district is situated not only in the heart of Tula, but also occupies its Sothern-eastern part, almost all historical monuments are located here. Proletarsiy is the most populated region of the city. Zarechenskiy district is situated in the North-western part of Tula. Privokzalniy district is city suburb, Moscow railway station is situated here. Sovetskiy disctict is located in the central part of Tula.
Tula is very famous for its sightseeing. This is one of the most ancient cities in central part of Russia. The heart of Tula is Kremlin. It is the only preserved masterpiece founded in the 16th century. Tula is also well known for its museums. The most popular of them are The Museum of Russian Samovar and the Museun of Tula’s Prianik (honey cake). There are also many ancient churches, among them Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral and Uspenskiy Cathedral, situated near the Kremlin. The most ancient church of Tula is Blagovesenskaya. Its exact date of foundation is unknown.
There are four big parks and several smaller public gardens in Tula. In 1987 the first Zoo was founded in Tula. One can get to Tula by railway or by bus. The transportation system involves 5 railways directions. Tula is situated at the highway from Moscow to Simpheropol, Crimea, and the highway from Kaluga to Riazan.

Tula history Tula is one of the oldest cities in

Tula history Tula is one of the oldest cities in

Tula history

Tula is one of the oldest cities in Russia. It was first mentioned as a fortress of the Ryazan Principality in 1146. Extremely important defensive value of Tula was related to its position on the southern edge of the state (constant threat of raids of the Crimean Tatars) and proximity to the Upper Oka (the border with Lithuania). This caused constant concern for strengthening Tula as a key defense point.
In 1503, Tula was annexed to the Grand Principality of Moscow. After it, a brick citadel (kremlin) was built. In 1552, the fortress of Tula withstood the siege of the troops lead by the Crimean Khan Devlet I Giray, who tried to prevent the march of the Moscow troops of Ivan the Terrible to Kazan.
By the middle of the 17th century, when the border of the Russian state moved to the south, Tula began to turn into a commercial and industrial center. In 1712, by decree of Peter I, construction of the first state arms factory in the Russian Empire began in Tula. The town became the center of weapons production and metal products.

Tula history During the World War

Tula history During the World War

Tula history

During the World War II of 1941–1945, the city was important in the production of armaments. Tula became the target of a German offensive to break Soviet resistance in the Moscow area between Friday, October 24 and December 5, 1941. One German general reached the South Western Outskirts of Tula on 29th-30th October 1941. The heavily fortified city held out, however, and Guderians Second Panzer Army was stopped near Tula. The city secured the southern flank   during the Battle of Moscow and the subsequent counter-offensive. Tula was awarded the title Hero City in 1976.

Tula history

Tula history

Tula history

Tula features Today, Tula is one of the major

Tula features Today, Tula is one of the major

Tula features

Today, Tula is one of the major Russian industrial and commercial centers. The leading industries are ferrous metallurgy, machine building and metalworking.
The coat of arms of Tula reflects the character of the city associated with the production of armaments. The main holiday is the City Day, held annually on the second Saturday of September.
The climate is temperate continental, characterized by warm summers and moderately cold winters. The average temperature in February is minus 7.3 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.4 degrees Celsius.
Tula is famous for its traditional Russian cookies made with honey and gingerbread - pryaniki. It is also a large production center of samovars. In Russia there is even a well-known proverb “You don’t take a samovar to Tula”.

Tula places of interest There are more than 300 objects of cultural heritage on the territory of

Tula places of interest There are more than 300 objects of cultural heritage on the territory of

Tula places of interest

There are more than 300 objects of cultural heritage on the territory of Tula - monuments of architecture and urban planning, history, works of monumental art, archaeological monuments.
Tula Kremlin is one of the main local attractions, it is the oldest building in the city (1514-1520). There are two cathedrals on the territory of the Kremlin: Assumption Cathedral, built in Baroque style in 1766, and the Epiphany Cathedral, built in the memory of those killed in the Patriotic War of 1812 in 1855-1862. Today, the latter is occupied by the State Museum of Weapons.
Most of the places of worship of Tula are presented by Orthodox churches of different architectural styles. The oldest church of Tula is the Annunciation Church, the only local architectural monument of the 17th century (Blagoveshchenskaya Street, 4). The most striking example of Russian classicism in Tula is the All Saints Cathedral (1776-1800) (Tolstoy Street, 79). Russian pseudo Gothic is presented by Catholic church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, a monument of architecture of the 19th century (Tolstoy Street, 85).
There are a lot of different monuments in Tula dedicated to great historical figures and events, Tula craftsmen and soldiers. The largest park is the Central Park of Culture and Rest named after P.P.Belousov - a natural monument of regional significance and object of national heritage (143 hectares).

COAT OF ARMS OF TULA REGION In accordance with heraldic norms and historical traditions, official interpretations of the main elements of the coat of arms…

COAT OF ARMS OF TULA REGION In accordance with heraldic norms and historical traditions, official interpretations of the main elements of the coat of arms…


In accordance with heraldic norms and historical traditions, official interpretations of the main elements of the coat of arms have been established
-scarlet color of the shield - bravery, courage, fearlessness, military valor, military craft
-a sword in the belt, superimposed on the crossed blades of swords, turned with the edge down, is intended for defense, not for attack
-gold hammers symbolize excellence,gold is a symbol of wealth and stability
-silver is purity of thoughts.

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)

Flag of the Tula region

Flag of the Tula region

Flag of the Tula region

Flag of the Tula region The flag of the

Flag of the Tula region The flag of the

Flag of the Tula region

The flag of the Tula region is a rectangular cloth of scarlet (red) color with a width to length ratio of 2: 3, in the center of which are the figures of the coat of arms of the Tula region: a white sword blade located horizontally with the tip to the shaft, laid on top of two similar blades crossed in a diagonal cross ; the blades are accompanied above and below by vertically placed yellow hammers.

Coats of arms of the cities of the

Coats of arms of the cities of the

Coats of arms of the cities of the Tula region

  The coats of arms of the cities of the Tula province were drawn up by the king of arms Shcherbatov and approved on March 8, 1778, and for each of the four coats of arms: Tula, Aleksin, Belev and Chern, it was added that "this coat of arms was already made in the heraldry."
Гербы городов Тульской губернии были составлены герольдмейстером Щербатовым и утверждены 8 марта 1778 года, причем в отношении каждого из четырех гербов: Тулы, Алексина, Белева и Черни, - было добавлено, что "сей герб находился уже прежде сделанным в герольдии".




Tula "In a scarlet field, horizontally laid on two silver sword blades, lying like the

Tula "In a scarlet field, horizontally laid on two silver sword blades, lying like the


"In a scarlet field, horizontally laid on two silver sword blades, lying like the St.Andrew's cross, ends down, a silver rifle barrel; above and below, one gold hammer: all this is shown by the notes worthy and useful weapons factory located in this city. was already previously made in the Herald. “
The creation of the Tula coat of arms is attributed to the heraldist Francis Santi. Back in 1776, the same coat of arms was granted to the Tula Infantry Regiment




Aleksin The historical coat of arms of the city of

Aleksin The historical coat of arms of the city of


The historical coat of arms of the city of Aleksin, approved on March 8, 1778, was taken as the basis for the coat of arms of the city of Aleksin and the Aleksinsky district, the original description of which reads: "In the scarlet (red) field there are two golden clubs of Hercules, laid crosswise, with thick ends up." red is a symbol of courage, dedication, heroism, just fight and life. Gold is a symbol of strength, greatness, wealth, intelligence and generosity.




Belev The coat of arms of the city of

Belev The coat of arms of the city of


The coat of arms of the city of Belev was created by Francis Santi at the beginning of the 18th century based on information sent about Belev from the provincial chancellery. The report reported a large fire that had happened shortly before the information about the city was sent, the fire destroyed "many courtyards of the Posatsk people", and also "the whole chopped castle burned down." Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "In a blue field, a sheaf of barley standing, from which a flame comes out."

Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "In a silver field, scattered nine branches of the grass, called the

Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "In a silver field, scattered nine branches of the grass, called the

  Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "In a silver field, scattered nine branches of the grass, called the Mother of God, to indicate the name of this city."





Venev Approved on March 8, 1778

Venev Approved on March 8, 1778


Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "Eight perpendicular stripes of green, intertwined with silver, and silver through one to half of the shield extending, and the other half are the same stripes, but the opposite position with the upper ones; in the middle there is a golden grain measure, indicating this cities".

Epifan. Approved on March 8, 1778

Epifan. Approved on March 8, 1778


Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "A shield, a field of silver with black ground below, from which three hemp epics grow, showing that the circumferences of this city abound in hemp.“

Efremov Approved on March 8, 1778

Efremov Approved on March 8, 1778


Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "In the green field there are three silver plowshares showing the exercise of the people of this country in agriculture."

Krapivna. Approved on March 8, 1778

Krapivna. Approved on March 8, 1778


Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "In a golden field, six nettle branches laid out by a star, named after this city.»

Novomoskovsk Approved on March 24, 1999

Novomoskovsk Approved on March 24, 1999


Approved on March 24, 1999. Description of the coat of arms: "In the top there is a golden hammer on top of two silver pickaxes crosswise, below, lying on three green hills, gold amphorae indirectly overturned towards each other, from which silver streams are poured crosswise. The shield may be surrounded by a ribbon of the Order of Labor Of the Red Banner ". Two jugs symbolize the sources of the Don River.

Novomoskovsk Утвержден 24 марта 1999 г

Novomoskovsk Утвержден 24 марта 1999 г


Утвержден 24 марта 1999 г. Описание герба: "В червлении вверху - золотой молот поверх двух серебряных кирок накрест, внизу - лежащие на трех зеленых холмах косвенно опрокинутые навстречу друг другу золотые амфоры, из которых изливаются серебряные струи накрест. Щит может окружаться лентой ордена Трудового Красного Знамени".
Два кувшина  символизируют истоки реки Дон.

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Города Тульской области" (региональный компонент)

Odoev Approved on March 10, 1777

Odoev Approved on March 10, 1777


Approved on March 10, 1777. Description of the coat of arms: "Since this city belonged to the regions of Chernigov, then the very coat of arms of Chernigov belongs to it, as if I will inherit the eldest tribe of these princes, that is, in a scarlet field, a black one-headed eagle holding a golden cross in its right claws, diagonally laid, with a difference from the Chernihiv coat of arms by the position at the top of the golden title ".




Chekalin (Likhvin) Approved on

Chekalin (Likhvin) Approved on

Chekalin (Likhvin)

Approved on March 10, 1777. Description of the coat of arms: "It was a Tatar custom to give evil that signifies names to those cities that defended strongly against them and inflicted great harm on them, from which the name of this city originated, so: in the scarlet field, signifying bloodshed, it is signified coat of arms: a standing ermine lion with a golden tongue and claws, facing to the right; in his right paw he holds a swung golden sword, and in his left a silver shield with a black cross, showing the nobility and courage of its then inhabitants and that "this defense was unfortunate for them».

Chekalin (Likhvin)

Chekalin (Likhvin)

Chekalin (Likhvin)

Chern Approved on March 8, 1778

Chern Approved on March 8, 1778


Approved on March 8, 1778. Description of the coat of arms: "The river Chernaya flows in a silver field, this color proves its depth, and on both sides of it there is a green sheaf of grass.”

Tula region Flag of Donskoy Coat of

Tula region Flag of Donskoy Coat of

Tula region

Flag of Donskoy

Coat of Arms of Kimovsk

Tula region Flag of Suvorov Belyov

Tula region Flag of Suvorov Belyov

Tula region

Flag of Suvorov


Tula region map

Tula region map

Tula region map

Tula region

Tula region

Tula region

Small towns of Tula region

Small towns of Tula region

Small towns of Tula region

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