Презентация по теме : Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions
Оценка 4.6

Презентация по теме : Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

Оценка 4.6
Презентация по теме : Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

Презентация по теме : Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

Презентация по теме : Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

History of Christmas. For the

History of Christmas. For the

History of Christmas.

For the Russian people Christmas is the most important family holiday. It is celebrated according to ancient customs that have come down through the ages and are still observed today.
Christianity was introduced in 988 A.D. This day was a festival long before Christianity, because ancient people believed that this was the time when the Sun god started his journey back to Earth. The church accepted many ancient customs as part of the Christian holidays.

Traditions of Christmas

Traditions of Christmas

Traditions of Christmas

Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper) Kutia (boiled wheat mixed with poppy seeds and honey) is the most important food of the

Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper) Kutia (boiled wheat mixed with poppy seeds and honey) is the most important food of the

Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper)

Kutia (boiled wheat mixed with poppy seeds and honey) is the most important food of the Christmas Eve Supper and is also called God`s Food.

Colach(Christmas bread) is placed in the centre. This bread is braided into a ring and three such rings are placed one on top of the other, with a candle in the centre. The three rings symbolize the Trinity.

There are twelve courses in the supper in honor of twelve

There are twelve courses in the supper in honor of twelve

There are twelve courses in the supper in honor of twelve Christ`s Apostles. Meat and dairy products are not permitted.




Caroling-singing folk ritual songs

Caroling-singing folk ritual songs

Caroling-singing folk ritual songs.

Carols have come to us from ancient times. Our ancestors sang ritual Koliadky in honor of the Sun returning to summer in the feast which was called Kolo or Koliada.
There are two main groups of Christmas songs in Russia: Koliadky which are sung on the Christmas Eve and schedrivky (from the word meaning generous) which are sung during the feast of Epiphany.
The group of carolers is usually picturesque: one member is dressed as a goat, another carries a six-pointed star attached to a long stick, which symbolized the star of Bethlehem. They go from door to door singing carols for each member of the family. The hosts present carolers with apples, nuts, sweets and money.

Christmas cards Sending Christmas cards is another tradition

Christmas cards Sending Christmas cards is another tradition

Christmas cards

Sending Christmas cards is another tradition .People send Christmas cards to their relatives and friends and wish them a Merry Christmas
Christmas is a family holiday and people try to celebrate it with their families.

Презентация по теме : Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions

Презентация по теме : Christmas in Russia: customs and traditions
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