Применение новых технологий в профессии "Автомеханик"
Оценка 4.9
Исследовательские работы
английский язык
В современном мире технического прогресса, профессия автомеханика имеет широкую специализацию, и поэтому она очень популярна и очень востребована. С помощью специалистов диагностику проводить техобслуживание и ремонт автомобилей. Сегодня эта профессия является достаточно востребованной. Срок службы автомобильного транспорта может быть значительно увеличена, благодаря грамотной работе автомастер. Это значительно снижает риск возникновения ДТП и создает условия безопасности на дорогах для водителя. Автосервисы выполняют ремонт автомобилей, придерживаясь современных технологийРемонт автомобиля по современным технологиям значительно эффективнее, чем ремонт по привычной схеме. Кроме этого новейшие технологии позволят снизить стоимость ремонта.
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«The use of new technologies in the profession «Mechanic»
"A car is not luxury and not vehicle … The car is object of preliminary
treatment and maintenance operation"
In the present world of technological progress, the profession of the
mechanic has broad specialization and therefore it is very popular and very
demanded. By means of specialized diagnostics workers carry out servicing and
car repairs. To work as the mechanic it is necessary to possess certain skills:
endurance, physical force, good sight and correct coordination of movements.
Data on the first mechanics appeared approximately in the 18th century, in
the countries in which there was a transport capable to independent movement.
Since then, transport constantly was improved and changed. Repair and leaving
therefore there was a need for specially trained masters was necessary to any
mechanism. So there was a profession of the mechanic.
Today – this profession is rather demanded. Service life of motor transport
can be increased considerably, thanks to competent work of the automaster. It
considerably reduces risk of emergence of road accident and creates safety
conditions on roads for the driver.
Service stations repair cars according to modern technologies. Such as
"Nanoform", TrimFix, Dents Away and Chips Away provide an opportunity to
reduce the cost of auto repair.
Repair of cars with modern technology is more efficient than repair by the
usual scheme. In addition, the latest technology will reduce the cost of repairs.
Today we want to introduce one of the latest invention of the 3M Сompany.
The 3M company is a global leader and recognized expert in the field of electrical
3M company pays great attention to the development of hightech solutions
to accelerate car body repair. In 2017 it has introduced a new nonfrozen polishing
paste Perfectit III, developed and manufactured in Russia.
Оne of the main problems of polishing paste was the freezing of the pastе in
the cold season, because one of the main components of the polishing paste was
We want to present to you the experiment between the old polishing paste
and a new invention of the 3M company.
1.We have frozen compounds in industrial freezer at 15C. to show the
difference between the old and new product. Мы поставили пасту в холодильник
с температурой 15С, чтобы показать разницу между старым и новым
2. After several hours of freezing, we have temperature 8C in the bottles.
3. It affects the performance a lot. The old version of the product is totally
4. It is impossible to start product, we need some time to unfreeze it.
frozen. 5.Nonfreezing formulation we can start product immediately with any
customer time and money.
6. It means that the customer can use it any time and in winter. It saves the
7. What would happen with the frozen compounds after 1 hour at the room
8.There is definite change in the viscosity of old products after freezing.
With new formulation we dont see it.
9.From application stand point this change affect the increased sprinkling of
the compound during application and increased consumption of the product. It
generates additional cost for the end user.
10. The new product shows very low sprinkling with more controllable
consumption during application and with the same cut rate.
11.Most of our customers mentioned new product are performing with high
gloss which also help them to do job more efficient.
Применение новых технологий в профессии "Автомеханик"
Применение новых технологий в профессии "Автомеханик"
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