Проект "Что полезнее-английский бекон с яйцом или русская каша?"
Оценка 4.6

Проект "Что полезнее-английский бекон с яйцом или русская каша?"

Оценка 4.6
Проект "Что полезнее-английский бекон  с яйцом или русская каша?"
Лаборатория науч поиска ,работа Архиповой Анны.docx


Дистанционный межмуниципальный учебно-исследовательский форум «Лаборатория научного поиска»посвященный Году культурного наследия народов России.






                                 «Авторский учебно –исследовательский проект»





          Тема: «Что полезнее: Британский бекон  с яйцом или Русская каша?»






                                                              Муниципальное общеобразовательное


                                                        «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1»

                                                                г. Ртищево Саратовской области.





                                                      Выполнила: Архипова Анна, 9 класс.

                                                     Руководитель: Марочкина Наталья Александровна,

                                                     учитель английского языка высшей квалификационой















                                                          Ртищево, 2022




I. Introduction

II. The main part

1. Healthy breakfast for a modern schoolboy

 2. Traditional British breakfast

3. Traditional Russian breakfast

 III. Practical part

IV. Conclusion

 V. Literature








 The proverb "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy" is familiar to each of us. But have you ever wondered why it attaches such importance to breakfast? For our body, breakfast is the first meal after an 8-12 hour break. Even when we sleep, our body continues to work, which means it consumes energy. That's why we need to have breakfast in the morning to replenish our own energy resources. The topic of the work: "What is healthier for breakfast: English bacon and eggs or Russian porridge?" I chose this topic because I am very interested in the culture and traditions of Great Britain. In English lessons, we often compare different aspects of the culture of Great Britain and Russia. We also advocate a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle.The relevance of the topic is determined by the importance of breakfast for the health of schoolchildren.


The relevance of the topic is determined by the importance of breakfast for the health of schoolchildren.

The purpose of the work: to study the traditional British and Russian breakfast, and to identify the most useful breakfast for a student.

 The main purpose  defined  some specific research tasks:

1. compare the British breakfast with the Russian;

 2. Analyze both breakfasts from the point of view of benefits for the student;

3. Expand and deepen knowledge about the food traditions of the native country and the country of the language being studied;

4. To conduct a survey of students of my class in order to identify knowledge on the topic under study, to find out what modern schoolchildren eat breakfast with. Subject of research: the benefits of British and Russian breakfast.

 Hypothesis: Breakfast in the UK and Russia are the same and you can not have breakfast in the morning at all.



















                                  II. Healthy breakfast for a modern schoolboy.

People often do not understand the importance of proper nutrition, not to mention the need to have breakfast in the morning. This is a big omission. The food we should consume for breakfast should be not only nutritious, but also delicious. An important value for a proper breakfast is the mode of eating. The human body requires breakfast at the time it is used to.

 Properly cooked breakfast is the key to a successful day, mood, health, ability to work, cheerfulness and well-being. A competent selection of breakfast dishes and their correct combination can fully satisfy the needs of the human body in vitamins, calories, carbohydrates, proteins and mineral salts. The set of products and dishes served for breakfast is different for each person and should meet the needs of a person depending on his profession, age and gender.

 Before breakfast, it is useful to drink a glass of fruit or vegetable juice, but do not overdo it, because because fresh juice can have a completely unexpected reaction of the body. To preserve vitamins (especially vitamin B) and good taste, it is better to prepare juices immediately before serving. Such juices in large quantities contain vitamins, mineral salts and organic acids necessary for a person.

Studies of scientists have shown that those who have breakfast, metabolism occurs 3-4% more intensively than the average. And those who systematically skip breakfast are 4-5% slower. It is even estimated that non-breakfast takers can easily gain 4-7 kg in weight in a year. And imagine if such a "non-breakfast" turns into the norm and lasts for years…

 Breakfast is especially important for a child. After all, the child's body is very actively growing and developing and therefore needs a constant supply of "building materials" - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals. Irregular meals, including the lack of breakfast, can negatively affect the physical and mental development of a teenager and   lead to a variety of functional disorders.

 Usually, a person compensates for missing breakfast with various "snacks", often eats dry. Such nutrition can only satisfy hunger and cannot provide the body with the substances necessary for full development and vital activity.

A full breakfast helps to improve academic performance. In the course of a number of studies conducted among school students, it was revealed that children who regularly eat breakfast, better assimilate educational material, and, as a result, get higher grades. After a balanced and full breakfast, the results of math tests, reading speed and, very importantly, reading comprehension improved.

What is a full breakfast? The following products should be included in the breakfast menu: * Cereal-based products - for example, cereals, baked goods, ready-made breakfasts. All of them are sources of carbohydrates (which means they are able to provide the body with energy), contain vitamins,as well as iron and fiber. * Milk and dairy products. They provide the body with proteins, vitamins, minerals, primarily calcium. This is especially important with intense physical and mental stress experienced by a modern schoolboy. * Vegetables and fruits. They are sources of vitamins and minerals. Breakfast can include a significant part of their daily diet. * Meat, fish, chicken, eggs. They serve as a source of animal protein, iron and vitamins. All these products can be used for breakfast, but in small quantities. * For breakfast, a student can be offered cocoa, tea, juice. The use of a sufficient amount of water is necessary for normal water-salt metabolism, which ensures the effective functioning of the body.

                                                         Traditional British breakfast.

A famous phrase from a popular TV series: "Oatmeal, sir!" really has nothing to do with a traditional English breakfast. Residents of the United Kingdom consider the traditional breakfast to be their most important national symbol. According to the survey conducted on the symbols of Great Britain, it is in the first place, ahead of the royal family, the English pub and sophisticated English humor, which are also recognized as symbols of the national identity of the British.

Ÿ  A traditional English breakfast consists of a strict set of products that has not changed for centuries. This is a national historical tradition, it is the basis of British cooking, which is not particularly diverse, but it is saturated with a large number of calories. Historically, a simple and hearty breakfast was prepared in the families of British workers who, having had a hearty meal in the morning, were engaged in hard physical labor all day. And they had no opportunity to take any food until the evening. The purpose of a dense and high-calorie breakfast was to ensure fullness throughout the day in the cold climate of the UK. Years have passed, living and working conditions have changed, the daily calorie consumption has changed, but the tradition of a hearty and hearty breakfast still lives.

Ÿ  .

A traditional English breakfast consists of fried sausages, which have nothing in common with the sausages we are used to, two strips of fried fat bacon, fried eggs, fresh or canned tomatoes, fried mushrooms, beans in tomato sauce, toasted toast spread with a thick layer of butter. All products are placed on a large plate and have a contrasting color scheme. In the middle is a bright yellow frosting with a white border, and red tomatoes, almost black sausages and bacon, pink beans and golden toast are around it. Tea with milk, coffee or orange juice is served as a drink to such a hearty variety. After such a hearty meal, you will not want to think about food for a very long time, and traditionally the British drink classic tea only at five o'clock in the evening. This breakfast is called Brunch or Full English in the UK, and currently residents of the country eat it only on weekends. But for numerous tourists, a full classic breakfast is available  in hotels (Bed&Breakfast) daily. High-calorie, heavy food that can satisfy hunger for the whole day, not everyone will like it. With such food, despite the fact that it is very tasty and satisfying, you should be careful. It should not be abused by people who are not engaged in physical labor. But no matter how they adhere to traditions in foggy Albion, the British are still Europeans, modern and educated. And more and more British citizens are switching to healthier, in their opinion, food - whole grain cereals, organic yogurt, decaffeinated barley coffee. But scramble eggs, porridge (thick oatmeal porridge), toast with orange marmalade and, of course, tea with milk continue to occupy an important place in ordinary  British family.



                                              Traditional Russian breakfast.

 Neither breakfast nor its preparation in Russia usually takes much time. In Russia, it is generally not customary to eat a lot in the morning. A typical breakfast includes an omelette, sandwiches, cornflakes or something like that. But, of course, there are traditional Russian dishes here too. For example, cheesecakes. Cheesecakes are made from dough containing a large amount of cottage cheese in a frying pan. They are served on the table with sour cream and sugar. Blini and blinchiki are other morning meals. Pancakes are almost the same as English pancakes. In Russia, they are served with butter and sugar, and sometimes with honey. Pancakes are very thin pancakes. They are, of course, prepared from a different dough. The thinner the pancake, the tastier it is. In addition, there are pancakes with stuffing. There are many different fillings. For example, pancakes with cottage cheese, meat, jam. If you find yourself in Russia during Maslenitsa, then you can try different types of pancakes, since on this holiday pancakes are considered the main and obligatory  dish. Try pancakes with caviar here – the most luxurious version of this dish. Russians in general love caviar very much and serve it on the table on many holidays.


                                                           II. The practical part.

 In the course of the study, through a questionnaire of students, they determined their awareness of the traditional breakfasts of their native country and the country of the language being studied, found out which breakfast they consider more useful and what they themselves have breakfast in the morning. The questionnaire was attended by students of the 9th "A" class. They were asked to answer the questions of a questionnaire developed by us on the basis of the studied literature. Survey results:

1. Out of 100% of respondents (15 people), the majority have breakfast in the morning – 89%, and only 11% do not have breakfast.

2. The main drink consumed for breakfast can be safely called tea – 52% - 12 children drink it in the morning. The rest either do not drink breakfast, or drink milk or cocoa. 3. The products consumed for breakfast by our classmates were listed completely different: cereals, pancakes, muesli, yogurt, fruit, croissants, buns, and yet we identified the main dish – 43% of respondents prefer to have breakfast with sandwiches.

4. It turned out that none of the students knew anything about the traditional breakfast of the English.

5. 89% of students believe that the Russian breakfast is healthier than the traditional English breakfast, as it is less fatty and high-calorie, and also more in line with the ideal of a healthy breakfast for a student.










 According to research, schoolchildren who have a full breakfast are better at showing themselves in the educational process. They solve problems faster and cope with difficulties. But children who refuse to eat in the morning have more problems with concentration on tasks, with self-esteem and even with immunity. Breakfast is the key to a good mood. Therefore, do not forget that this meal should be not only nutritious, but also delicious. And of course, it is better to cook breakfast at home, rather than buy ready-made "stars" and "rings" containing harmful fats, starch, emulsifiers and dyes. It is obvious that buns, pies, crackers also do not meet the needs of a growing organism and are categorically not suitable for breakfast. The fascination with such "fast food" products can lead to metabolic disorders. Since the brain requires constant "feeding" for its work, the student's breakfast must necessarily include carbohydrates, mainly complex ones. They are found in cereals, bread, pasta.


Equally important in a child's diet are proteins, which are a source of "building material" for the human body, and fats that supply us with energy. It is very important that the student's food contains all these components in sufficient quantity – only then will his diet be complete. While studying the composition of traditional English and Russian breakfast, we came to the conclusion that the traditional British breakfast is the hardest for the child's body, since it contains a lot of fatty and fried food. Russian breakfast, which includes cereals and dairy products, is more suitable for a schoolboy. A daily breakfast that contains cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, lean meat or fish will allow us to grow healthy and strong, will help us get in the morning a charge of strength, vigor and good mood necessary for successful studies! Our hypothesis was not confirmed, the breakfasts in the UK and Russia turned out to be different in their composition, and we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to have breakfast in the morning.
















List of literature

 1. Dave Morgan A Brief History of the British People. Leipzig 2001

 2. T. N. Himulina In the UK it is accepted as follows. Leningrad. Enlightenment 1995.

 3. Martynov S.M. The child's health is in your hands. / S.M. Martynov M.: Enlightenment, 1991.- p.72-75, p.223


4.  www.vsevocrug.ru

5.   www.kuking.ru

6.   www.langhouse.com













































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Дистанционный межмуниципальный учебно-исследовательский форум «Лаборатория научного поиска» посвященный

Дистанционный межмуниципальный учебно-исследовательский форум «Лаборатория научного поиска» посвященный

Соntents: I. Introduction

Соntents: I. Introduction

Introduction . The proverb "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy" is familiar to each of us

Introduction . The proverb "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy" is familiar to each of us

II. Healthy breakfast for a modern schoolboy

II. Healthy breakfast for a modern schoolboy

All these products can be used for breakfast, but in small quantities

All these products can be used for breakfast, but in small quantities

Ÿ .

Ÿ .

A traditional English breakfast consists of fried sausages, which have nothing in common with the sausages we are used to, two strips of fried fat…

A traditional English breakfast consists of fried sausages, which have nothing in common with the sausages we are used to, two strips of fried fat…

A" class. They were asked to answer the questions of a questionnaire developed by us on the basis of the studied literature

A" class. They were asked to answer the questions of a questionnaire developed by us on the basis of the studied literature

Conclusion. According to research, schoolchildren who have a full breakfast are better at showing themselves in the educational process

Conclusion. According to research, schoolchildren who have a full breakfast are better at showing themselves in the educational process

Проект "Что полезнее-английский бекон с яйцом или русская каша?"

Проект "Что полезнее-английский бекон  с яйцом или русская каша?"

List of literature 1. Dave

List of literature 1. Dave



Проект "Что полезнее-английский бекон с яйцом или русская каша?"

Проект "Что полезнее-английский бекон  с яйцом или русская каша?"
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