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Программа элективного курса по изучению английского языка «I love English» предназначена для учащихся 7-х классов общеобразовательной школы, желающих изучать английский язык ,выходя за рамки учебной программы.
Данная программа является авторской и рассчитана на 8 занятий .
Программа « Я люблю английский» предназначен для учащихся седьмых классов основной школы, обеспечивает развитие всех четырех видов речевой деятельности (аудирования, чтения, устной речи, письма) через разнообразные коммуникативные задания, а также систематическое повторение и закрепление ключевых лексических единиц и грамматических структур. При этом работа по данной программе делает процесс обучения языку активным (активизируя знание активной лексики и грамматики в значимых ситуациях повседневной тематики).
Основной целью курса является:
1. развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в совокупности её составляющих: речевой, языковой и учебно-познавательной, а также развитие и воспитание потребности школьников пользоваться английским языком как средством общения, познания, самореализации и социальной адаптации;
2. развитие национального самосознания, стремления к взаимопониманию между людьми разных культур и сообществ.
Для достижения поставленных целей предполагается решение следующих задач:
1. культуроведческое обогащение учащихся средствами английского языка, и их социокультурное развитие;
2. формирование межкультурной компетенции учащихся с помощью реализации социокультурного компонента во внеучебной деятельности по английскому языку;
3. развитие навыков индивидуальной, парной и групповой работы при выполнении культуроведческой, познавательно-поисковой работы;
4. повышение мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
В основу данной серии в целом положен коммуникативный подход к обучению иностранному языку, предполагающий поэтапное формирование знания и развитие всех составляющих коммуникативной компетенции.
Ученик становится активным субъектом образовательного процесса, который приобретает деятельностную направленность, а это в свою очередь определяет и современные технологии обучения. Результатом такого процесса обучения должно стать формирование компетентного пользователя иностранного языка, готового осознанно и с желанием участвовать в диалоге и полилоге культур в современном развивающемся мире.
1. Основными отличительными характеристиками курса являются:
2. современные, в том числе компьютерные технологии;
3. интерактивность, вывод ученика за рамки учебника;
4. включенность родного языка и культуры;
5. система работы по формированию общеучебных умений, обобщенных способов учебной, познавательной, коммуникативной, практической деятельности;
6. освоение языка как средства познания мира;
7. возможности дифференцированного подхода к организации образовательного процесса;
8. воспитательная и развивающая ценность материалов, широкие возможности для социализации учащихся.
Урок №1
Тема: Different people – different hobbies
1. введение новой лексики
2. развитие грамматических навыков
3. активизация навыков устной речи
Ход урока:
1. Орг.момент + речевая разминка
What is the date? What does the word “hobby” mean? What does it mean to you? Have you got a hobby? What is it? Use the words below to make up a definition to the word “hobby”.
activity somebody an enjoys which in somebody’s time free doing |
Hobby is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
What hobbies can people have? Work in groups and list your ideas. Use the table below.
Hobbies for |
children |
Boys |
girls |
women |
men |
Параллельная работа с презентацией по теме «Хобби»
Введение новой лексики
Translate the words below and group them.
Intelligent –
Bright –
Clever –
Smart –
Gifted –
Talented –
Brainy –
Cunning –
Crafty –
Optimistic –
Pessimistic –
Extrovert –
Introvert –
Relaxed –
Sensible –
Down-to-earth –
Sensitive –
Sociable –
Quarrelsome –
Cruel –
Easy-going –
Impolite –
Ill-mannered –
Honest –
Trustworthy –
Reliable –
Sincere –
Envious -
Ability |
Attitudes towards life |
Attitudes towards other people |
Describe yourself, your friend, your family, your pet.
Развитие лексических навыков
Complete the sentences and use who + definition.
· A burglar is someone _____________________________________________________.
· An atheist is someone _____________________________________________________.
· An architect is someone ___________________________________________________.
· A teacher is someone _____________________________________________________.
· A student is someone _____________________________________________________.
Просмотр видео «Хобби»
Активизация речевых навыков
Speak about one of your relative’s hobbies. Use the clues below.
· I’d like to tell you about my…. hobby.
· He/she is a …
· If he/she has free time, he/she…
· His/her hobby is ……
· He/she often …..
· He/she has a big collection of…..
· I think that’s all. Any questions?
Урок №2
Тема: Appearance
1. ведение новой лексики
2. развитие лексических навыков
3. активизация навыков устной речи
Ход урока:
1. Орг.момент + речевая разминка
Today we will speak about appearance and character. What characteristics do you know? What parts of body do you remember?
2. Работа с презентацией “Body”
3. Введение лексики
Hair can be:
curly- кудрявые;
smooth - гладкие;
straight/wavy - прямые \волнистые;
In colour it can be:
red рыжие
grey/white седые
golden золотистые
ash-blond пепельные
silvery серебристые
dark/fair темные\светлые
chestnut каштановые
e.g. She was a black-haired girl.
NB! Слово hair употребляется только в единственном числе!
Ex: Her hair is so long. (Ее волосы такие длинные)
NB! Mind the word order of adjectives:
quality size age shape color origin made of type +noun
ex: beautiful long wavy brown hair
Face can be:
1. round круглое
2. long длинное
3. thin/chubby худое \ полнощекое
4. pale бледное
5. pretty/ugly хорошенькое, прелестное \уродливое
6. good-humoured добродушное
7. expressive выразительное
8. with hollow/rosy cheeks с впалыми/ румяными щеками
9. pale/florid бледный/цветущий
You look at the world around you with eyes which can be:
hazel светло-коричневые
brown карие
gray\grey серые
blue e.g. The girl was blue-eyed. голубые
almond миндалевидные
intelligent умные
with long/curving eyelashes с длинными/загнутыми ресницами
Your lips can be:
full полные
well-cut хорошо очерченные
Your figure and features can be:
regular/irregular правильные/неправильные
plump полный, пухлый
slender стройный, тонкий
well-built хорошо сложенный
skinny худой
to look like выглядеть
to resemble быть похожим
What does he look like? Как он выглядит?
Answer the questions:
What do you look like?
What is your figure/ eyes/ mouth/ face/hair like?
4. Развитие лексических навыков
Match the words from the right column with the descriptions in the left column.
plump, skinny, slender face
silky, smooth, curly hair colour
pale, good-humored, long figure
hazel, warm hair
chestnut, silvery, fair eyes
Просмотр видео по теме “Appearance”
Активизация навыков чтения
Read the following text and use it to describe the appearance of members of your family.
My father is tall. He has large hands and his feet are size 45. He has short, dark, curly hair and a small beard. His arms, legs and chest are hairy. He's a cheerful person and when he laughs, you can see even white teeth. He wears spectacles (glasses) and you can't see his eyes, but I know they are steel gray. He's 43. He usually wears jeans and checked shirts or sweaters. But for work he wears a suit and a tie and looks every inch a teacher.
My mother is a very different person. She's short and plumpish. She has small hands and feet. She has long, strong, fair hair. She has dimples and rosy cheeks. She has long eyelashes which she darkens with mascara. She likes pink nail-varnish, high-heeled shoes and fashionable clothes. Her favourite colours are red and light blue.
Give Russian equivalents to the following.
almond hazel eyes
turned up nose
pointed chin
short, dark, curly hair
wavy shoulder-length hair
good-humored round face
darken eyelashes with mascara
skinny figure
a man with a long moustache
charming smile
wrinkled face
expressive features
silvery hair
to have a long face
Write a similar story about your relative/friend.
Тема: Appearance. Part 2.
1. ведение новой лексики, закрепление изученных ЛЕ
2. развитие лексических навыков
3. повторение грамматики (Present Simple, Present Continuous)
Ход урока:
1. Орг.момент + речевая разминка
Today we will speak about appearance; you will learn how to describe people. What characteristics do you know?
2. Развитие грамматических навыков.
Put the verb into correct form
1. In the morning my mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast for us.
2. I (have/ am having) a car and I usually (drive/ driving) to work.
3. Dick (leaves/ is leaving) home at 7.30 in the morning. He (goes/ is going) to his office by bus.
4. In the evening we (watch/ are watching) TV.
5. Look at Mike. He (does/ is doing) his lessons.
6. The weather is fine. The sun (shines/ is shining) and it (doesn’t/ isn’t raining).
7. It often (rains/ is raining) in autumn.
8. Kitty (likes/ is liking) ice-cream
9. My friend (lives/ is living) in London.
2. Введение новой лексики
Height (рост) He is tall. He is short. He is normal height.
Build (строение) She is skinny. (negative)
She is underweight. (negative)
She is thin. (negative)
She is slim. (positive)
She is slender. (positive)
She is fat. (negative)
She is overweight. (negative)
She is plump. (neutral)
She is stocky. (neutral)
She is bonny. (positive)
Type of complexion (цвет кожи) He is asian. He has light-brown skin.
She is black. She has dark skin.
He is white. He has fair skin.
She is white. She has lightly tanned skin.
She is white. She has very pale skin.
Now remember all the words about how people look like, let’s do some descriptions.
Работа с презентацией “Describe people”
Просмотр видео “Describing people. Update”
split personality противоречивый характер
to be a man of character быть человеком с сильным характером
to judge by appearance судить по внешности
to keep up appearances соблюдать приличия
What is your attitude towards life? Let’s talk about your character.
Attitudes towards life:ambitious честолюбивый
brave храбрый
caring заботливый
cautious осторожный, осмотрительный
cheerful бодрый, веселый
down-to-earth практичный, приземленный
flexible уступчивый
generous щедрый
sensible разумный
sensitive чувствительный
secretive скрытный
talkative разговорчивый
shy робкий, застенчивый
wasteful расточительный
Урок №3
Тема: Character
1. ведение новой лексики, закрепление изученных ЛЕ
2. развитие лексических навыков
3. повторение грамматики (предлоги)
Ход урока:
1. Орг.момент + речевая разминка
Today we will speak about character; you will learn how to describe people. What characteristics do you remember?
2. Введение новой лексики
Relations with other people:
easy-going energetic frank helpful honest sincere sociable trustworthy
willing to help |
добродушный, веселый энергичный откровенный полезный честный искренний общительный надежный, заслуживающий доверия всегда готовый помочь |
3. Развитие навыков чтения и работы с текстом
Jack is popular with his fellow-students and most of his teachers. He works hard in his classroom, but sometimes he can be noisy. He is not deliberately disruptive, but he does find it difficult to sit still for long periods. He is full of energy. He is late for his classes more often than most students but he is always willing to help teachers and students.
Jack is generally good-tempered, but he has been in two fights since he left school. He is quite happy at school and doesn't seem to have any strong opinions about how things could be changed. He gets on well with his parents although he frequently quarrels with his younger sisters.
Len is a very intelligent boy. He is not very good at games, in fact he shows little interest in sport in general. He reads book after book, plays chess well and is very good at Physics. He is a friendly person but perhaps does not make friends as easily as some of the other students.
Whatever he gives his mind on, he does with great determination. His parents are very proud of him. He lives in a flat on a housing estate near the University. He is not very talkative, but when he does speak, the other students tend to listen to him.
Maggie thinks there are many things wrong with the University. She has ideas about changing the rules; for instance, she rebels against doing homework and believes that being punished by detention is wrong.
Some of her teachers think she is a troublemaker. Some of her groupmates think she is loud and bossy; others think she is a very lively person. Maggie's mother is a councilor so she is accustomed to hearing her parents talk about important matters. She is intelligent, full of energy and seems to have opinions about everything.
1. Decide a) who of these students you would like to make friends with b) who might be the best group representative. Give your arguments. What do you like/dislike about these people?
2. Find the English equivalents for the following from the text.
Пользоваться популярностью среди одногруппников .
Намеренно нарушать дисциплину .
Опаздывать на занятия .
Хорошо ладить с кем-либо .
Жаловаться на непунктуальность .
Обвинять в дерзости.
Страстно увлекаться спортом .
Постоянно нарушать дисциплину .
4. Развитие навыков устной речи
Describe your friends. The others will try to guess who you are describing
5. Развитие грамматических навыков
Put in prepositions if necessary.
1. What kind ____ music do you like to listen __?
2. Do you speak ___any foreign language?
3. We arrived at the station ____ time.
4. They have arranged to go to the theatre ___ 5 p.m.
5. In Oxford I stayed ___ my friend’s family.
6. It happened ____ April.
7. We are a close family and we get ____ well with each other.
Урок №4
Тема: British English and American English
1. ведение новой лексики, закрепление изученных ЛЕ
2. развитие лексических навыков
3. повторение грамматики (Present Perfect)
Ход урока:
1. Орг.момент + речевая разминка
Are there big differences in the way people speak your language?
Are there some words that are only used in certain places?
What differences in pronunciation are there?
Do you know any words from American English?
Can you tell the difference between British and American English?
Add some more words that your teacher knows.
UK English rucksack queue petrol trousers dustbin shop chemist garden
lift cooker cinema underground postbox jam crisps chips biscuits sweets holiday autumn
USA English backpack line gas pants trashcan store drugstore yard (a garden in US English tends to specifically refer to a vegetable garden) elevator stove movie theatre subway mailbox jelly chips French fries cookies candy vacation fall
Some more differences:
US English uses ‘-or’, where UK English uses ‘-our’.
Color colour Neighbor neighbour
US English uses ‘-er’, where UK English uses ‘-re’.
Center centre Theater theatre
American English and British English sometimes use different prepositions.
AE: It’s twenty of six. It’s five after nine.
BE: It’s twenty to six. It’s five past nine.
American English doesn’t use the Present perfect as much as British English.
AE: I think I broke my leg.
BE: I think I’ve broken my leg.
‘r’ is often not pronounced in British English. It is always pronounced in American English.
AE: car /ka:r/ hard /ha:rd/
BE: car /ka:/ hard /ha:d/
Развитие навыков чтения
Read what people say about language differences:
ü Well, I don’t think British and American English are so different. (UK)
ü They sound different, but most of the words are the same. There aren’t any real communication problems. (USA)
ü I was talking on the phone to someone over there and he said he would give me a ring later. I thought, is he mad? A ring? What for? Anyway, he meant he was going to call me later! (USA)
ü The accent’s different, that’s all really. Oh, and some words. (UK)
ü I was in London once and asked somebody where the nearest drugstore was. They didn’t know what I was talking about! They say chemist or something. (USA)
ü They say cookies, we say biscuits. They say jelly and we say jam. It’s just words like that. (UK)
Read the sentences. Where does each person come from – Britain or America?
Can you tell me where the nearest chemist is? (Britain)
Do you have a trashcan here? (United States)
Is there a subway near here? (United States)
I live in a block of flats. (Britain)
It’s quarter of three. (United States)
Take the lift. It’s quicker the walking. (Britain)
Развитие лексических навыков
Decide weather speaking people are British or American?
1. Mother to son in the car:’ I just went to the shops and bought all this food. Could you open the boot for me, please?’(British English)
2. Please line up on the right – hand side for movie tickets. (American English; The word ‘movie’ is also used in Britain now.)
3. Jim: ‘Which way do you want to go to Grandma’s?’
Tracy: ‘Let’s just take the highway; it’s faster. ’(American English)
4. Anna: ‘Where did you go for your holidays?’
Susan: ‘We went to Greece. It was fab. ’(British English)
5. Tom: ‘I’d like a large portion of chips with that fish, please. ’(British English; ‘fish and chips’ is a typical dish in Britain. What the rest of the world refer to as ‘chips’ (crisps in the UK) is commonly served in bags.)
6. Clerk in fast - food restaurant: ‘Do you want a bag of chops with that sandwich?’ (American English)
Просмотр видео «British English vs American English»
Урок № 5
Тема: Traditional English meal
1. ведение новой лексики, закрепление изученных ЛЕ
2. знакомство с английской кухней
3. повторение грамматики (Present Perfect)
Ход урока:
1. Орг. момент + речевая разминка
What’s the date?
Have you had breakfast yet?
What have you had?
What is your favourite food? Is it healthy?
2. Введение новой лексики по теме «Еда».
Let’s learn and remember some new products.
Работа с презентациями «Food», “Vegetables”, “Berries” (на выбор)
3. Развитие речевых навыков
What do you like to eat? What is healthy food? Name unhealthy food.
How often do you eat vegetables/fruits?
Can you cook? Do you know any traditional Russian dishes? What are they?
4. Работа с текстом
British Cuisine
Some people criticize English food. They say it’s unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it’s chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables.
The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven’t had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious?
If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say “Fish and chips” then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn’t lend itself to such preparations. English cooking is found at home so it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with reasonable prices.
In most cities in Britain you’ll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you’ll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek… Cynics will say that this is because English have no “cuisine” themselves, but this is not quite the true.
English breakfast
All people in the world have breakfast, and most people eat and drink the same things for breakfast. They may eat different things for all the other meals in the day, but at breakfast time, most people have the same things to eat and drink – Tea or Coffee, Bread and butter, Fruit.
Some people eat meat for breakfast. English people usually eat meat at breakfast time, because England is a cold country. It is bad to eat meat for breakfast in hot country. It is bad to eat too much meat; if you eat meat for breakfast, you eat meat three times a day; and that is bad in a hot country. It is also bad to eat meat and drink tea at the same time, for tea makes meat hard so that the stomach cannot deal with it
The best breakfast is Tea or Coffee, bread and Butter, fruit. That is the usual breakfast of most people in the world.
Tasks to the text:
Complete the sentences:
If you ask foreigners to name typically English dishes, they will probably say…
People criticize English food because it’s …
English cooking is found at home so it is difficult to …
Cynics will say that this is because English have no “cuisine” themselves, but …
English people usually eat meat at breakfast time, because…
Find English equivalents for:
-кухня (национальные блюда)
- мука
- соус
- рыба с картошкой
- чересчур переваренные овощи
- баранина в вине
- травы, специи
5. Работа с видео “English breakfast”, “Scotch eggs”,
While watching the video you should write all the products, that you’ll hear, and the process of cooking.
Check the results
Урок № 6
Тема: Famous people. Characteristics.
1. ведение новой лексики, закрепление изученных ЛЕ
2. активизация грамматических навыков (степени сравнения прилагательных), знакомство со структурой as…as
3. развитие орфографических навыков
Ход урока:
1. Орг. момент + речевая разминка
What does the word “famous” mean?
Who is a famous person? What job does he/she have?
What characteristics should he/she have?
2. Активизация изученной лексики
Find 12 adjectives:
D |
B |
E |
A |
U |
T |
I |
F |
U |
L |
H |
A |
O |
H |
R |
I |
C |
H |
G |
V |
S |
A |
T |
A |
L |
A |
N |
T |
E |
D |
S |
U |
N |
T |
S |
X |
C |
V |
H |
N |
J |
M |
C |
D |
R |
F |
A |
M |
O |
U |
S |
H |
A |
C |
S |
A |
E |
D |
C |
V |
G |
F |
J |
R |
E |
O |
C |
L |
E |
V |
E |
R |
U |
K |
T |
S |
M |
T |
H |
G |
Y |
U |
J |
N |
O |
A |
S |
E |
I |
A |
R |
T |
U |
N |
N |
E |
S |
F |
H |
V |
Z |
E |
G |
I |
B |
Y |
Q |
D |
U |
J |
E |
F |
A |
Y |
J |
F |
D |
X |
F |
L |
U |
I |
N |
T |
E |
L |
L |
I |
G |
E |
N |
T |
Look at the pictures, describe any person’s appearance, try to guess his/her character
Translate the sentences.
Some people say she is one of the most beautiful ladies in the world. |
Он один из самых красивых актеров в кино. |
He’s one of Russia’s most successful athletes. |
Ты знаешь, о ком мы говорим! |
He’s one of Russia’s most talented opera singers. |
3. Активизация грамматических навыков
Complete the sentences and use a comparative form.
· This actor is not very tall. I thought he is _____________________.
· This film isn’t very funny. I expected it to be _______________________.
· I think she is (talented) _____________________________than that actress.
· It is so noisy here. Let’s go somewhere ____________________________.
· This car is (fast) _______________________ than that car.
Compare things/ people using (not) as…as.
Oksana Fedorova |
Beautiful |
Claudia Schiffer |
Lexus |
Expensive |
Lada |
Jim Kerry |
Funny |
Ben stiller |
Britney |
Famous |
Madonna |
Complete the sentences and use superlative.
· This actor is very funny. He is the ____________________ actor in the world.
· This singer is very successful. She is the ________________________________ in America.
· It’s a very famous film director. He is the ________________________________ film director in Hollywood.
· She is a very rich woman. She is one of the _____________________ women in the world.
4. Развитие навыков устной речи
Play a game. Think of a famous person. Describe him/ her to the class but don’t tell the name. Let everybody guess who it is.
Урок № 7
Тема: The future of the Earth. What can I do?
1.ведение новой лексики, закрепление изученных ЛЕ
2. активизация грамматических навыков
3. развитие чувства любви к природе, желания охранять и защищать ее
Ход урока:
1. Орг. момент + речевая разминка
Is our town clean? Why not?
Do we breathe fresh air? Do we drink clean water?
Is it noisy living in the city? Is it stressful? Why do your parents want you to spend summer out of the town?
What will our planet look like in 10 years time? In 50 years time?
2. Введение новой лексики, развитие лексических навыков
Save the Earth
Look at the words and try to explain the meaning of the following:
• A power station/factory
• Factory waste
• Acid rain
• Polluted clouds
• Air, water pollution
3. Translate the phrases into Russian:
• Cars burn petrol –
• Power stations emit toxic fumes –
• This pollution is gathered in clouds –
• This pollution lands on trees –
• It poisons trees –
• Solar power –
3. Работа с клипом, текстом песни “Earth song” (песня Земли)
Tasks to the song :
Find Russian equivalents
crying Earth
What have we done to the world (Что необычного в этом предложении?)
children dead from war
we've drifted far
the bleeding Earth
forest trails
What is the main sense of the song?
Does M.Jackson care about our planet?
Everybody thinks he/she can’t do anything about the Earth. Is he/she right?
What can you do without support?
Write 5 actions, I’ll give you 3 minutes.
Check the results.
Maybe everything is not so bad, let’s try to imagine our future life from the positive point of view.
4. Обучение работе с текстом
Here is what pessimists say • Our planet will be invaded by aliens. Those who become their slaves. survive will • There will be a nuclear war and our planet will become uninhabitable. • Atmospheric pollution will be so awful that people will have to live in underground cities. • People will be replaced by robots. There will be more unemployed. Life will be harder. • There will be more criminals. Terrorist groups will be more powerful. It will be dangerous to go out. People will be killed by remote control. • Our simple pleasures will become a thing of the past. We'll take food in the form of capsules, tablets and pills. |
Here is what optimists say • People will be able to travel in space. They will be able to spend their holidays on other planets. • We'll be stronger and healthier. Scientists will invent anti-ageing pills and people will live much longer than now. • Air pollution will be stopped. Special underground pipes will carry smoke and fumes from factories to air-cleaning plants. • Robots will do all the dangerous and dirty jobs. Our working hours will be shorter and our holidays will be longer. • There will be no more wars, no more criminals. The world will become more democratic. • Our daily life will become easier. Everything will be automated. We'll shop, pay our bills and even cook with the help of computers. |
The Earth is our home. What sort of home it is depends on how we treat it, just as
the houses we live in depend on how we take care of them.
Do you like to fish or swim? Do you like to walk through the woods? Do you like
to breathe fresh air? Or to watch birds and hear them sing?
If you do, we'll have to treat our Earth home in a different way. Why?
Because we are making lakes and rivers too dirty for fish to live in or for people to
swim in.
And what do you think of the future?
Урок № 8
Тема: Trip to Great Britain.
1.ведение новой лексики, закрепление изученных ЛЕ
2. введение страноведческой информации
3. знакомство с обычаями и традициями страны, историческими фактами.
4. повторение Present Perfect
Ход урока:
1. Орг. момент + речевая разминка
Have you ever been abroad?
Where would you like to spend your vacations? Where would you live?
What 4 countries does Great Britain consist of?
What is the climate in this country?
Does it have a president? If not, what political system does it have?
2. Введение страноведческой информации, активизация полученных знаний. Работа с презентацией “A trip to London”
3. Обучение работе с текстом
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the
British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and
Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244,000
square kilometres.
The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales,
Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and
Belfast. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and
does not include Northern Ireland. But in everyday speech "Great Britain" is used
to mean the United Kingdom. The capital of the UK is London.
The British Isles are separated from the continent by the North Sea and the
English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic
Ocean and the Irish Sea.
Shakespeare called Britain a "precious stone set in the silver sea" because of
its natural beauty. It has a varied countryside where you can find mountains,
plains, valleys and sandy beaches.
There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn
is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream
influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round.
The UK is one of the world's smaller countries. Its population is over 58
million. About 80% of the population live in cities.
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the
world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft
and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is
The UK is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen.
In practice, the Queen exists, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected
government with the Prime Minister at the head.
The United [jirnaitid] Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ['no:dan] Ireland ['aialand]
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
the British Isles [ailz] Британские острова
Edinburgh ['edinbara] Эдинбург
Cardiff ['ka:dif] Кардифф
Belfast [,bel'fa:st] Белфаст
the North Sea Северное море
the English Channel [tjaenl] Английский канал (приня-
тое в Великобритании название пролива Ла-Манш)
the Atlantic Ocean [a,tlaentik 'aujn] Атлантический океан
the Irish ['aiarij] Sea Ирландское море
Shakespeare ['Jeikspia] Шекспир
the Severn ['seven] Северн
the Thames [temz] Темза
Gulf Stream Гольфстрим
to be situated ['sitjueitid] быть расположенным
to consist [kan'sist] of состоять из
total area [,tautl 'earia] общая площадь
kilometre ['kila,mi:ta] километр
to include [in'klu:d] включать
to mean [mi:n] (meant) означать
to separate ['separeit] разделять
to wash омывать
precious ['prejas] драгоценный
varied [vearid] разнообразный, меняющийся
plain ['plain] равнина
valley ['vaeli] долина
sandy beach ['bi:tj] песчаный пляж
deep глубокий
to influence ['influans] влиять
climate ['klaimit] климат
mild [maild] мягкий, умеренный
the whole year round круглый год
population [popjuleijn] население
highly developed [divelapt] высокоразвитый
producer [pra'dju:sa] производитель
exporter [ik'spo:ta] экспортер
machinery [ma'Jhnari] машинное оборудование
electronics [/elik'traniks] электроника
textile ['tekstail] текстиль
aircraft ['eakraift] самолеты
navigation [.naevi'geijn] судоходство
equipment [i'kwipmant] оборудование
chief [tfl:f] главный, основной
shipbuilding кораблестроение
constitutional monarchy [.konsti'tjujanl 'monaki]
конституционная монархия
in law [b:] по закону
the head of state глава государства
queen [kwi:n] королева
in practice ['praktis] фактически, на практике
to rule [ru:l] править
to elect [ilekt] выбирать
government ['gwanmant] правительство
Prime Minister премьер-министр
at the head во главе
parliament ['paMamant] парламент
1. The UK is an island state, isn't it? Where is it situated?
2. What countries is the UK made of? What are their capitals?
3. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent?
4. Who called Britain a "precious stone set in the silver sea"?
5. The surface of the British Isles varies very much, doesn't it?
6. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?
7. Why is the climate of the British Isles mild?
8. Is the UK a large country?
9. What's the UK's population?
10. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. What does it produce and export?
11. The UK is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean?
Britain is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the head of state is the
Queen. But in reality she has very little power. She has to put her signature on
new laws, even if she doesn't like them. Every autumn she opens Parliament, but the speech she makes from the throne, is written by the Prime Minister.
" The Queen is a symbol of Britain's long history and tradition and her most
important function is ceremonial.
• She represents Britain when she meets other heads of state.
• Once a week she has a meeting with the Prime Minister.
• As head of the Commonwealth, she meets and entertains prime ministers of the
member states.
• Every year she speaks on TV on Christmas day.
• She opens new hospitals, bridges and museums.
• After disasters, she sends messages to the families of the victims.
4. Просмотр видео «Great Britain»
Раздаточный материал для учителя
Урок №1
activity somebody an enjoys which in somebody’s time free doing
Hobby is _____________________________________________________________________
Hobbies for |
children |
Boys |
girls |
women |
men |
Translate the words below and group them.
Intelligent – Bright – Clever – Smart –Gifted – Talented – Brainy – Cunning – Crafty – Optimistic – Pessimistic – Extrovert – Introvert – Relaxed – Sensible – Down-to-earth –
Sensitive – Sociable – Quarrelsome – Cruel – Easy-going – Impolite – Ill-mannered –
Honest – Trustworthy – Reliable – Sincere – Envious –
Ability |
Attitudes towards life |
Attitudes towards other people |
Complete the sentences and use who + definition.
· A burglar is someone _____________________________________________________.
· An atheist is someone _____________________________________________________.
· An architect is someone ___________________________________________________.
· A teacher is someone _____________________________________________________.
· A student is someone _____________________________________________________.
Урок №2
Hair can be:
curly- кудрявые;
smooth - гладкие;
straight/wavy - прямые \волнистые;
In colour it can be:
red рыжие
grey/white седые
golden золотистые
ash-blond пепельные
silvery серебристые
dark/fair темные\светлые
chestnut каштановые
e.g. She was a black-haired girl.
NB! Слово hair употребляется только в единственном числе!
Ex: Her hair is so long. (Ее волосы такие длинные)
NB! Mind the word order of adjectives:
quality size age shape color origin made of type +noun
ex: beautiful long wavy brown hair
Face can be:
1. round круглое
2. long длинное
3. thin/chubby худое \ полнощекое
4. pale бледное
5. pretty/ugly хорошенькое, прелестное \уродливое
6. good-humoured добродушное
7. expressive выразительное
8. with hollow/rosy cheeks с впалыми/ румяными щеками
9. pale/florid бледный/цветущий
You look at the world around you with eyes which can be:
hazel светло-коричневые
brown карие
gray\grey серые
blue e.g. The girl was blue-eyed. голубые
almond миндалевидные
intelligent умные
with long/curving eyelashes с длинными/загнутыми ресницами
Your lips can be:
full полные
well-cut хорошо очерченные
Your figure and features can be:
regular/irregular правильные/неправильные
plump полный, пухлый
slender стройный, тонкий
well-built хорошо сложенный
skinny худой
to look like выглядеть
to resemble быть похожим
What does he look like? Как он выглядит?
Match the words from the right column with the descriptions in the left column.
plump, skinny, slender face
silky, smooth, curly hair colour
pale, good-humored, long figure
hazel, warm hair
chestnut, silvery, fair eyes
Read the following text and use it to describe the appearance of members of your family.
My father is tall. He has large hands and his feet are size 45. He has short, dark, curly hair and a small beard. His arms, legs and chest are hairy. He's a cheerful person and when he laughs, you can see even white teeth. He wears spectacles (glasses) and you can't see his eyes, but I know they are steel gray. He's 43. He usually wears jeans and checked shirts or sweaters. But for work he wears a suit and a tie and looks every inch a teacher.
My mother is a very different person. She's short and plumpish. She has small hands and feet. She has long, strong, fair hair. She has dimples and rosy cheeks. She has long eyelashes which she darkens with mascara. She likes pink nail-varnish, high-heeled shoes and fashionable clothes. Her favourite colours are red and light blue.
Give Russian equivalents to the following.
almond hazel eyes
turned up nose
pointed chin
short, dark, curly hair
wavy shoulder-length hair
good-humored round face
darken eyelashes with mascara
skinny figure
a man with a long moustache
charming smile
wrinkled face
expressive features
silvery hair
to have a long face
Height (рост)
He is tall. He is short. He is normal height.
He is very tall. He is quite short. He is relatively normal height.
Build (строение)
She is skinny. (negative) She is underweight. (negative) She is thin. (negative) She is slim. (positive) She is slender. (positive)
She is fat. (negative) She is overweight. (negative) She is plump. (neutral)
She is stocky. (neutral) She is bonny. (positive)
Type of complexion (цвет кожи)
He is asian. He has light-brown skin.
She is black. She has dark skin.
He is white. He has fair skin.
She is white. She has lightly tanned skin.
She is white. She has very pale skin.
moustache beard chin
forehead nostrils
Put the verb into correct form
10. In the morning my mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast for us.
11. I (have/ am having) a car and I usually (drive/ driving) to work.
12. Dick (leaves/ is leaving) home at 7.30 in the morning. He (goes/ is going) to his office by bus.
13. In the evening we (watch/ are watching) TV.
14. Look at Mike. He (does/ is doing) his lessons.
15. The weather is fine. The sun (shines/ is shining) and it (doesn’t/ isn’t raining).
16. It often (rains/ is raining) in autumn.
17. Kitty (likes/ is liking) ice-cream
18. My friend (lives/ is living) in London.
split personality противоречивый характер
to be a man of character быть человеком с сильным характером
to judge by appearance судить по внешности
to keep up appearances соблюдать приличия
Attitudes towards life:
ambitious честолюбивый
brave храбрый
caring заботливый
cautious осторожный, осмотрительный
cheerful бодрый, веселый
down-to-earth практичный, приземленный
flexible уступчивый
generous щедрый
sensible разумный
sensitive чувствительный
secretive скрытный
talkative разговорчивый
shy робкий, застенчивый
wasteful расточительный
Урок № 3
Relations with other people:
easy-going energetic frank helpful honest sincere sociable trustworthy
willing to help |
добродушный, веселый энергичный откровенный полезный честный искренний общительный надежный, заслуживающий доверия всегда готовый помочь |
Jack is popular with his fellow-students and most of his teachers. He works hard in his classroom, but sometimes he can be noisy. He is not deliberately disruptive, but he does find it difficult to sit still for long periods. He is full of energy. He is late for his classes more often than most students but he is always willing to help teachers and students.
Jack is generally good-tempered, but he has been in two fights since he left school. He is quite happy at school and doesn't seem to have any strong opinions about how things could be changed. He gets on well with his parents although he frequently quarrels with his younger sisters.
Len is a very intelligent boy. He is not very good at games, in fact he shows little interest in sport in general. He reads book after book, plays chess well and is very good at Physics. He is a friendly person but perhaps does not make friends as easily as some of the other students.
Whatever he gives his mind on, he does with great determination. His parents are very proud of him. He lives in a flat on a housing estate near the University. He is not very talkative, but when he does speak, the other students tend to listen to him.
Maggie thinks there are many things wrong with the University. She has ideas about changing the rules; for instance, she rebels against doing homework and believes that being punished by detention is wrong.
Some of her teachers think she is a troublemaker. Some of her groupmates think she is loud and bossy; others think she is a very lively person. Maggie's mother is a councilor so she is accustomed to hearing her parents talk about important matters. She is intelligent, full of energy and seems to have opinions about everything.
1. Decide a) who of these students you would like to make friends with b) who might be the best group representative. Give your arguments. What do you like/dislike about these people?
2. Find the English equivalents for the following from the text.
Пользоваться популярностью среди одногруппников .
Намеренно нарушать дисциплину .
Опаздывать на занятия .
Хорошо ладить с кем-либо .
Жаловаться на непунктуальность .
Обвинять в дерзости.
Страстно увлекаться спортом .
Постоянно нарушать дисциплину .
Put in prepositions if necessary.
1. What kind ____ music do you like to listen __?
2. Do you speak ___any foreign language?
3. We arrived at the station ____ time.
4. They have arranged to go to the theatre ___ 5 p.m.
5. In Oxford I stayed ___ my friend’s family.
6. It happened ____ April.
7. We are a close family and we get ____ well with each other.
Урок №4
UK English rucksack queue petrol trousers dustbin shop chemist garden
lift cooker cinema underground postbox jam crisps chips biscuits sweets holiday autumn
USA English backpack line gas pants trashcan store drugstore yard (a garden in US English tends to specifically refer to a vegetable garden) elevator stove movie theatre subway mailbox jelly chips French fries cookies candy vacation fall
Read what people say about language differences:
ü Well, I don’t think British and American English are so different. (UK)
ü They sound different, but most of the words are the same. There aren’t any real communication problems. (USA)
ü I was talking on the phone to someone over there and he said he would give me a ring later. I thought, is he mad? A ring? What for? Anyway, he meant he was going to call me later! (USA)
ü The accent’s different, that’s all really. Oh, and some words. (UK)
ü I was in London once and asked somebody where the nearest drugstore was. They didn’t know what I was talking about! They say chemist or something. (USA)
ü They say cookies, we say biscuits. They say jelly and we say jam. It’s just words like that. (UK)
Read the sentences. Where does each person come from – Britain or America?
Can you tell me where the nearest chemist is?
Do you have a trashcan here?
Is there a subway near here?
I live in a block of flats.
It’s quarter of three.
Take the lift. It’s quicker the walking.
Decide weather speaking people are British or American?
1. Mother to son in the car:’ I just went to the shops and bought all this food. Could you open the boot for me, please?’
2. Please line up on the right – hand side for movie tickets.
3. Jim: ‘Which way do you want to go to Grandma’s?’
Tracy: ‘Let’s just take the highway; it’s faster. ’
4. Anna: ‘Where did you go for your holidays?’
Susan: ‘We went to Greece. It was fab. ’
5. Tom: ‘I’d like a large portion of chips with that fish, please. ’
6. Clerk in fast - food restaurant: ‘Do you want a bag of chops with that sandwich?’
Урок № 5
British Cuisine
Some people criticize English food. They say it’s unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it’s chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables.
The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven’t had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious?
If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say “Fish and chips” then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn’t lend itself to such preparations. English cooking is found at home so it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with reasonable prices.
In most cities in Britain you’ll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you’ll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek… Cynics will say that this is because English have no “cuisine” themselves, but this is not quite the true.
English breakfast
All people in the world have breakfast, and most people eat and drink the same things for breakfast. They may eat different things for all the other meals in the day, but at breakfast time, most people have the same things to eat and drink – Tea or Coffee, Bread and butter, Fruit.
Some people eat meat for breakfast. English people usually eat meat at breakfast time, because England is a cold country. It is bad to eat meat for breakfast in hot country. It is bad to eat too much meat; if you eat meat for breakfast, you eat meat three times a day; and that is bad in a hot country. It is also bad to eat meat and drink tea at the same time, for tea makes meat hard so that the stomach cannot deal with it
The best breakfast is Tea or Coffee, bread and Butter, fruit. That is the usual breakfast of most people in the world.
Tasks to the text:
Complete the sentences:
If you ask foreigners to name typically English dishes, they will probably say…
People criticize English food because it’s …
English cooking is found at home so it is difficult to …
Cynics will say that this is because English have no “cuisine” themselves, but …
English people usually eat meat at breakfast time, because…
Find English equivalents for:
-кухня (национальные блюда)
- мука
- соус
- рыба с картошкой
- чересчур переваренные овощи
- баранина в вине
- травы, специи
Урок № 6
Find 12 adjectives:
D |
B |
E |
A |
U |
T |
I |
F |
U |
L |
H |
A |
O |
H |
R |
I |
C |
H |
G |
V |
S |
A |
T |
A |
L |
A |
N |
T |
E |
D |
S |
U |
N |
T |
S |
X |
C |
V |
H |
N |
J |
M |
C |
D |
R |
F |
A |
M |
O |
U |
S |
H |
A |
C |
S |
A |
E |
D |
C |
V |
G |
F |
J |
R |
E |
O |
C |
L |
E |
V |
E |
R |
U |
K |
T |
S |
M |
T |
H |
G |
Y |
U |
J |
N |
O |
A |
S |
E |
I |
A |
R |
T |
U |
N |
N |
E |
S |
F |
H |
V |
Z |
E |
G |
I |
B |
Y |
Q |
D |
U |
J |
E |
F |
A |
Y |
J |
F |
D |
X |
F |
L |
U |
I |
N |
T |
E |
L |
L |
I |
G |
E |
N |
T |
Some people say she is one of the most beautiful ladies in the world. |
Он один из самых красивых актеров в кино. |
He’s one of Russia’s most successful athletes. |
Ты знаешь, о ком мы говорим! |
He’s one of Russia’s most talented opera singers. |
Complete the sentences and use a comparative form.
· This actor is not very tall. I thought he is _____________________.
· This film isn’t very funny. I expected it to be _______________________.
· I think she is (talented) _____________________________than that actress.
· It is so noisy here. Let’s go somewhere ____________________________.
· This car is (fast) _______________________ than that car.
Compare things/ people using (not) as…as.
Oksana Fedorova |
Beautiful |
Claudia Schiffer |
Lexus |
Expensive |
Lada |
Jim Kerry |
Funny |
Ben stiller |
Britney |
Famous |
Madonna |
Complete the sentences and use superlative.
· This actor is very funny. He is the ____________________ actor in the world.
· This singer is very successful. She is the ________________________________ in America.
· It’s a very famous film director. He is the ________________________________ film director in Hollywood.
· She is a very rich woman. She is one of the _____________________ women in the world.
Урок № 7
Look at the words and try to explain the meaning of the following:
• A power station/factory
• Factory waste
• Acid rain (acid - кислота)
• Polluted clouds
• Air, water pollution
Translate the phrases into Russian:
• Cars burn petrol – (petrol - бензин)
• Power stations emit toxic fumes –
• This pollution is gathered in clouds – (gather - собираться)
• This pollution lands on trees – (land - оседать)
• It poisons trees –
• Solar power –
Find Russian equivalents (Jackson’s “Earth song’)
crying Earth
What have we done to the world (Что необычного в этом предложении?)
children dead from war
we've drifted far
the bleeding Earth
forest trails
Here is what pessimists say • Our planet will be invaded by aliens. Those who become their slaves. survive will • There will be a nuclear war and our planet will become uninhabitable. • Atmospheric pollution will be so awful that people will have to live in underground cities. • People will be replaced by robots. There will be more unemployed. Life will be harder. • There will be more criminals. Terrorist groups will be more powerful. It will be dangerous to go out. People will be killed by remote control. • Our simple pleasures will become a thing of the past. We'll take food in the form of capsules, tablets and pills. |
Here is what optimists say • People will be able to travel in space. They will be able to spend their holidays on other planets. • We'll be stronger and healthier. Scientists will invent anti-ageing pills and people will live much longer than now. • Air pollution will be stopped. Special underground pipes will carry smoke and fumes from factories to air-cleaning plants. • Robots will do all the dangerous and dirty jobs. Our working hours will be shorter and our holidays will be longer. • There will be no more wars, no more criminals. The world will become more democratic. • Our daily life will become easier. Everything will be automated. We'll shop, pay our bills and even cook with the help of computers. |
The Earth is our home. What sort of home it is depends on how we treat it, just as
the houses we live in depend on how we take care of them.
Do you like to fish or swim? Do you like to walk through the woods? Do you like
to breathe fresh air? Or to watch birds and hear them sing?
If you do, we'll have to treat our Earth home in a different way. Why?
Because we are making lakes and rivers too dirty for fish to live in or for people to
swim in.
Урок № 8
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the
British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and
Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244,000
square kilometres.
The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales,
Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and
Belfast. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and
does not include Northern Ireland. But in everyday speech "Great Britain" is used
to mean the United Kingdom. The capital of the UK is London.
The British Isles are separated from the continent by the North Sea and the
English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic
Ocean and the Irish Sea.
Shakespeare called Britain a "precious stone set in the silver sea" because of
its natural beauty. It has a varied countryside where you can find mountains,
plains, valleys and sandy beaches.
There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn
is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream
influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round.
The UK is one of the world's smaller countries. Its population is over 58
million. About 80% of the population live in cities.
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the
world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft
and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is
The UK is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen.
In practice, the Queen exists, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected
government with the Prime Minister at the head.
The United [jirnaitid] Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ['no:dan] Ireland ['aialand]
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
the British Isles [ailz] Британские острова
Edinburgh ['edinbara] Эдинбург
Cardiff ['ka:dif] Кардифф
Belfast [,bel'fa:st] Белфаст
the North Sea Северное море
the English Channel [tjaenl] Английский канал (приня-
тое в Великобритании название пролива Ла-Манш)
the Atlantic Ocean [a,tlaentik 'aujn] Атлантический океан
the Irish ['aiarij] Sea Ирландское море
Shakespeare ['Jeikspia] Шекспир
the Severn ['seven] Северн
the Thames [temz] Темза
Gulf Stream Гольфстрим
to be situated ['sitjueitid] быть расположенным
to consist [kan'sist] of состоять из
total area [,tautl 'earia] общая площадь
kilometre ['kila,mi:ta] километр
to include [in'klu:d] включать
to mean [mi:n] (meant) означать
to separate ['separeit] разделять
to wash омывать
precious ['prejas] драгоценный
varied [vearid] разнообразный, меняющийся
plain ['plain] равнина
valley ['vaeli] долина
sandy beach ['bi:tj] песчаный пляж
deep глубокий
to influence ['influans] влиять
climate ['klaimit] климат
mild [maild] мягкий, умеренный
the whole year round круглый год
population [popjuleijn] население
highly developed [divelapt] высокоразвитый
producer [pra'dju:sa] производитель
exporter [ik'spo:ta] экспортер
machinery [ma'Jhnari] машинное оборудование
electronics [/elik'traniks] электроника
textile ['tekstail] текстиль
aircraft ['eakraift] самолеты
navigation [.naevi'geijn] судоходство
equipment [i'kwipmant] оборудование
chief [tfl:f] главный, основной
shipbuilding кораблестроение
constitutional monarchy [.konsti'tjujanl 'monaki]
конституционная монархия
in law [b:] по закону
the head of state глава государства
queen [kwi:n] королева
in practice ['praktis] фактически, на практике
to rule [ru:l] править
to elect [ilekt] выбирать
government ['gwanmant] правительство
Prime Minister премьер-министр
at the head во главе
parliament ['paMamant] парламент
1. The UK is an island state, isn't it? Where is it situated?
2. What countries is the UK made of? What are their capitals?
3. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent?
4. Who called Britain a "precious stone set in the silver sea"?
5. The surface of the British Isles varies very much, doesn't it?
6. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?
7. Why is the climate of the British Isles mild?
8. Is the UK a large country?
9. What's the UK's population?
10. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. What does it produce and export?
11. The UK is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean?
Britain is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the head of state is the
Queen. But in reality she has very little power. She has to put her signature on
new laws, even if she doesn't like them. Every autumn she opens Parliament, but the
speech she makes from the throne, is written by the Prime Minister.
" The Queen is a symbol of Britain's long history and tradition and her most
important function is ceremonial.
• She represents Britain when she meets other heads of state.
• Once a week she has a meeting with the Prime Minister.
• As head of the Commonwealth, she meets and entertains prime ministers of the
member states.
• Every year she speaks on TV on Christmas day.
• She opens new hospitals, bridges and museums.
• After disasters, she sends messages to the families of the victims.
На уроках предпочтительно использовать скороговорки для развития фонетических навыков учащихся.
Речевые разминки
A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.
Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.
The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!
Betty Better bought some butter. "But," she said, "this butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better."
So she bought a bit of better butter and made her bitter batter better.
One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue.
Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
There was a young fisher named Fisher who fished for a fish in a fissure.
The fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in; now they're fishing the fissure for Fischer.
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
Great gray goats
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
What noise annoys an oyster most?
A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.
Clowns grow glowing crowns.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.
The soldier's shoulder surely hurts!
There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.
Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets.
She sees seas slapping shores.
Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.
The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
Six stick shifts stuck shut.
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk (thought) the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
Swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan!
The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.
If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.
A twister of twists once twisted a twist.
and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist.
now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist,
would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists.
Which witch wished which wicked wish?
One-One was a racehorse; Two-Two was one, too.
When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.
Whenever the weather is cold.
Whenever the weather is hot.
We'll whether the weather,
whatever the weather,
whether we like it or not.
На уроках возможно использование страноведческой информации. Например, каждый урок учащиеся получают по одному «интересному факту об англичанах»
«Интересные факты об англичанах»
Англичане не любят, когда их расспрашивают, сколько они зарабатывают, сколько стоит их дом, сколько денег они потратили, к примеру, отдыхая на Канарах, или сколько стоит роскошное платье, надетое на корпоративную вечеринку. Задавать вопросы подобного рода считается верхом бестактности и некультурия и расценивается как попытка внедрения в приватную жизнь англичанина, которая чрезмерно завуалирована для посторонних глаз. Но при удобной, дружеской, располагающей беседе, если англичанин посчитает нужным, он и сам расскажет о своих достижениях, акцентируя внимание, как ему однажды посчастливилось купить на распродаже добротную, но неимоверно дешевую вещицу за сущие пенсы.
Англичане ненавидят делать что-либо в последний момент, заранее бронируя своё будущее на два года вперед. Спонтанность, присущая славянскому народу, им абсолютно чужда, все должно быть известно и забронировано заранее, без стресса и ненужной проволоки. Начиная с декабря, англичане расписывают свой календарь на следующий год по датам, отмечая дни рождения родных и близких, годовщины свадеб, особые события, заранее бронируя театральные, ресторанные и другие вылазки. А, намереваясь отправиться в отпуск, они резервируют его за два года вперед, проплачивая на все сто процентов, предусматривают маршруты, экскурсии, расписывая их по часам, страхуют и перестраховывают себя на все случаи жизни, чтобы не возникло непредвиденных ситуаций, повлекших за собой дополнительные расходы. От этого они чувствуют себя защищенными и умиротворенными.
Англичане не любят давать деньги взаймы или брать в долг. Они считают, что для этого существуют банки, кредитные учреждения, а также магазины, специализирующиеся на продаже товаров в кредит, где вся ответственность за неуплату долга лежит на заемщике. У подобных взаимоотношений между англичанами есть свои плюсы – невозможность потерять друга, если он не смог отдать долг в оговоренные сроки, и совесть англичанина остается всегда кристально чиста, если у друга нет денег, потому что это его личные проблемы.
Англичане не любят невыполнения обязательств. Если англичанин зарекся что-нибудь сделать, то он расшибется в лепешку, но выполнит обещанное, в противном случае, англичанин ничего не обещает и соответственно ничего не исполняет.
Англичане не любят невоспитанных, грубых людей, которые не употребляют через каждое второе слово «спасибо и пожалуйста». В диалоге должно присутствовать, как минимум, семь вежливых слов, а то и больше, в процессе разговора обязательно необходимо спросить: «Как жизнь, как дела, как настроение?» тремя словами «How are you?» или «Are you right?». При этом необязательно выслушивать последующий ответ на подобный вопрос, а также во время разговора уместно осведомиться о здоровье англичанина и его семьи, а в заключении разговора добавить непременное «Bye! Bye!».
Англичане не любят оставлять недоеденную еду на потом, сохраняя её в холодильнике. Все остатки со стола сразу же выкидываются в мусорное ведро. Попытка сохранения и разогревания вчерашней еды воспринимается в штыки и расценивается как отрава. У англичан не принято кушать вчерашние продукты, зато покупать готовую еду в супермаркете с напичканными консервантами и разогревать дома – это в порядке вещей.
Англичане не любят рыбью икру, вернее, они ничего в ней не понимают, называя её «рыбьими яйцами». При виде неё они сильно морщатся, воротят носы, пристально вглядываясь в круглые полупрозрачные шарики. Упросить англичанина попробовать на вкус деликатесные икринки представляет небывалую проблему. А если вам все-таки это удалось, и пара икринок попала в рот англичанина, то в ответ вы услышите море недовольства о том, как горько или солено. Ни в одном супермаркете страны вы не найдете баночки с красной или черной икрой, её можно купить только в частных магазинчиках, открытых русскими иммигрантами, или в Лондонских деликатесных дорогих магазинах с заморскими товарами.
Англичане не любят и ничего не понимают в говяжьем языке, тогда как в России язык считается самым изысканным и нежнейшим мясом. Опять-таки ни в одном супермаркете страны вы не найдете в продаже свежий говяжий язык, только его подобие, сделанное в виде колбасы. Мой совет – ни за что не покупайте этот отвратительный суррогат, даже отдаленно не напоминающий отварной говяжий язык. Это же надо так умудриться испортить великолепный вкус аппетитного мяса! Купить говяжий язык можно только по заказу у мясников, торгующих на местных крохотных рыночках. При этом они будут удивленно расспрашивать вас: «А что вы намереваетесь делать с этим языком?», ожидая услышать в ответ, что вы специально купили говяжий язык для своей собачки. И будут омерзительно корчиться, если услышат, что вы собираетесь его сначала отварить, а потом съесть сами.
Англия – страна с богатым наследием и увлекательным стилем жизни. Здесь находится крупнейший в мире финансовый центр и множество интересных достопримечательностей. В этой статье вы узнаете некоторые факты об Англии.
Англия – самая крупная по площади и уровню населения страна из всех стран, входящих в состав Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Она находится на северо-западе Континентальной Европы. Англия занимает две трети южной части острова Великобритания.
На севере Англия граничит с Шотландией, а на западе – с Уэльсом. Название страны происходит от названия германского племени англов, которые обосновались на её территории в течение 5 и 6 веков нашей эры.
Англия отличается умеренным климатом. Дожди здесь идут круглый год. Однако температура меняется в зависимости от времени года. Она редко опускается ниже – 5 ° С и поднимается выше +30 ° С. Погода здесь мягкая и
влажная благодаря преобладающим ветрам, дующим с Атлантического океана, который находится на юго-западе Англии.
По уровню экономики Англия занимает второе место в Европе и пятое место во всем мире. Кроме того, экономика Англии является крупнейшей из всех четырех стран, образующих Соединенное Королевство. На территории Лондона базируется не менее ста из пятисот крупнейших корпораций Европы.
Главные сектора английской индустрии – химическая, космическая и военная промышленность, а также фармацевтическая продукция и производство аппаратных средств. Лондон, столица Англии, импортирует такую продукцию, как чай, нерафинированный сахар, древесина, масло, мясо и различные металлы. Туризм является шестой по размеру отраслью во всем Соединенном
Королевстве. Эпицентром туризма считается город Лондон. В области туризма работает около 6 - 7 % от общего числа населения.
Англия экспортирует промышленные изделия и говядину, которая является ведущим экспортируемым товаром. За год Англия вывозит до 25 тысяч тонн говядины в такие страны, как Италия, Греция, Нидерланды, Испания, Бельгия и Франция.
За последние несколько десятилетий произошел здоровый рост в сфере услуг и некоторое снижение в области обрабатывающей промышленности. Англия также является родиной Лондонской фондовой биржи. Лондонская фондовая
биржа – самая крупная фондовая биржа в Европе и главная фондовая биржа в Соединенном Королевстве. Официальная денежная единица Англии - фунт стерлингов.
Англия - одна из самых густонаселенных стран мира. На её территории проживает почти в три раза больше жителей, чем в Австралии и Калифорнии. Численность её населения всего в три раза меньше, чем численность населения Японии. Однако площадь Англии в семьдесят четыре раза меньше, чем Соединенных Штатов Америки, в три раза меньше, чем Японии, и в пятьдесят девять раз меньше Австралии.
Англичане любят свой чай. Они потребляют больше чая на душу населения, чем любая другая страна мира. Уровень потребления чая в Англии больше чем в три раза превосходит Японию и в двадцать два раза превосходит Америку или Францию.
В Англии сосредоточено множество культурных и других достопримечательностей. Именно она была хозяйкой первых в мире Олимпийских Игр современности, а не Афины, как это обычно считается.
Первая Олимпиада состоялась в 1850 году в городе Мач Венлок (Much Wenlock), лежащем в графстве Шропшир (Shropshire). А Олимпийские Игры в Афинах пошли в 1896 году, почти полвека спустя.
В Англии проходит крупнейший в мире книжный фестиваль, который организуется в маленькой деревеньке Хей-он-Уай (Hay-on-Wye), на границе Англии и Уэльса. Англия - страна высокого общества и плотного ужина с чаем, а также высокого уровня интеллекта, образования и культуры. Поэтому, очевидно, что предметы, имеющие отношение к знаниям, например, книги, находятся именно в Англии. Старейшая и крупнейшая библиотека, где хранятся книги, прикованные цепями к полкам, расположена в английском Херефордском Соборе (Hereford Cathedral). В этом же соборе находится наилучшим образом сохранившаяся средневековая карта мира Mappa Mundi.
Первым зданием, которое превзошло по высоте Большую Пирамиду Гиза, стал Кафедральный Собор Линкольна (Lincoln Cathedral), построенный в 1280 году. До 1884 года он считался самой высокой постройкой на земле, хотя в 1549 году он был разрушен.
Виндзорский замок (Windsor castle) - самая старая в мире королевская резиденция, которая по-прежнему используется по своему назначению. Он также является крупнейшим замком. Самый старый в мире общественный зоопарк был открыт в Лондоне в 1828 году.
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С вами с 2009 года.