Short plan № 24
Long-term plan: Unit 2 “Helping and heroes” |
Gymnasium № 41 |
Date: 01.10-05.10 |
Teacher’s name: Akhmedova |
Grade: 6 “A” |
Present: |
Absent: |
Grade: 6 “B” |
Present: |
Absent: |
Grade: 6 “V” |
Present: |
Absent: |
Grade: 6 “G” |
Theme of the lesson: Describing peoples’ appearance |
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to | understand a longer sequence of supported classroom instructions use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics write with some support about personal feelings and opinions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics |
Lesson objectives |
To describe people’s appearance and character |
Success criteria |
ü Fills the table using word of appearance’s describing ü Reads the describing of people and writes the appropriate numbers ü Describes the person |
Value links |
Respect, Support, Trust, academic honesty |
Cross curricular links |
History, Literature |
ICT skills |
Learners use dictionaries if necessary, no ICT skills are focused on this lesson |
Previous learning |
Learners know words related to the topic |
Planned timings |
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) |
Resources |
3 min
8 min
12 min
15 min
2 min |
1.Warm up (W, D) SB: Ex.5, p. 19 The teacher offers the students to read the words exercise 5 on page 19 and determine the topic of the lesson. -What do you think we will talk about today? - Yes, you are right; we will describe the appearance of a person.
2. Activity 1 (I, f) SB: Ex. 6, p.19 in copy books - Read the words in Exercise 6 on page 19. Draw a table in your note book, fill in the table using the words describing the appearance. Students draw and fill the table, then read the words aloud.
3. Activity 2. Reading (P, f) in copy book Students glue a card in the notebook with the task. Then they in pairs read the text and write the appropriative number in the card with the task. Then strong students say the right answer, the others students check.
4. Activity 3 Writing (G, f) Students work in groups. Students take a card and write sentences on half of the sheets, using information about a person and describe his appearance, write age, nationality, hobbies. Then 1 student from each group reads the sentence aloud. The sheets are hung on a demonstrative wall.
Home task: WB: Ex. 7, p.13 in copy books, work in vocabularies p.130
5. Reflection -What was interesting for you? -What was difficult for you?
Students’ textbooks
Students’ textbooks, notebooks
Sheets with text for each pair, task for each student
Cards with task for each group, a half of sheet for each group |
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